
Varga - Amsha

द्रेष्काण dreṣkāṇa

दृकाण dṛkāṇa drikāṇa / दृक्काण dṛkkāṇa

from δέκανος = d�kanos

= division of one rashi into three sections of ten-degrees each = Drekkana



Drekans - Drekamsam - Dreshkona - Dreshkhana - - Drekkana

Dreshkan kundali


1/3 Portion

1/3 of a rashi = 10-deg-00-min

Third Divisional Chart


Narada Muni

Caveat Emptor

* * Accuracy of divisional charts depends entirely on accuracy of birth time

Varga charts can supply a useful adjunct perspective upon the significations of the graha.

However, if accurate birth time is not available, divisional charts are misleading, and should be ignored. .



the D-3 varga = dreshkhamsha

= a graphic representation of the placement of each radix graha into one of the 36 Drekkana = Table of 36 decanates


BPHS Sarga 6, Shloka-7 -8

  • Dreshkamsha.

" One third of a Rashi is called Dreshkamsha.

These are totally 36, counted from Mesha,

  • repeating thrice at the rate of 12 per round.

The 1st, 5th and the 9th Rashi from a Rashi

  • are its three Dreshkhamsha

and are, respectively, lorded by

  1. Narada,

  2. Agasthya

  3. Durvasha."

Sanskrit Vocabulary for DRIK

  • Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon


  • the third part of a sign of the zodiac or a demi-god presiding over it

[end quote]


Narada Muni - Rishi Narada

Agasthya.jpg durvasha_muni.jpg

Agasthya Muni - Rishi Agasthya

Durvasha Muni - Rishi Durvasya

Quotations From: David Frawley. the Astrology of the Seers, p. 186:

" In this harmonic

  • the first 1/3 or ten degrees 00deg 00'-10 deg 00' of any sign ruled by itself.

  • The middle 1/3,10 degrees 00'-20 degrees 00', is ruled by the subsequent sign of the same element.

  • The last 1/3, 20 degrees 00'-30 degrees 00', is ruled by the final sign of the same element.

For example,

the first 1/3 of Sagittarius is in the harmonic third of Sagittarius,

  • the second 1/3 in the harmonic third of Aries,

  • and the last 1/3 in the harmonic third of Leo.

Hence, if Saturn is located in a birth chart at 15 degrees 20' Sagittarius,

  • it would be in the harmonic third of Aries.

Western astrology has long used the decanate but usually calculates it differently.

  • It makes the first third of a sign that of the Cardinal sign of the element,

  • the second that of the Fixed sign

  • and the last that of the Mutable sign.

  • Hence, it sees the first third of Sagittarius as Aries, the second as Leo and the third as Sagittarius."

D-3 Dreshkhamsha [drekkana] = mirror-image of bhava-3 and its ruler

  • sibling-cousins,
  • use of the hands,
  • mentality,
  • communication skills,
  • commerce, task management.

Confirmation of the characteristics of those sections of the Learning Pathway which require business activity + frequent interaction with a cohort.

Look in D-3 for mirroring of the outcomes of the D-1 vikrama-pati.

Field of Psychic Expectation for Matters of

  • Siblings and Cousins

  • collaborators and team-mates

  • thought-group, cohort, entourage, ensemble performance group

  • Fruits (11) of Mental Skill (3)

  1. To determine the prognosis for siblings, cousins, commercial success regarding competitors (not enemies), communication patterns, look first (of course) to all the effects upon Bhratru bhava itself. Bhratru bhava defines one's function on teams, in meetings, in conversations, in small groups.

  2. The house which defines and energizes siblings/competitors/courage sits in 3/11 angle to the kundali indriya-lagna . Tanu Bhava = physical body, appearance, social stigma based on your appearance, vitality, musculature, identity.

  3. Clearly, achieving good siblings and worthy competitors is one of the central goals of taking birth in a particular class of physical body.

  4. Then look to the condition of bhava-1 in the radix. Will tanu bhava generate the community support (11) and personal courage (3) necessary to realize its goals? Can it generate charismatic attractiveness, vitality necessary for competition, enthusiasm for life and strong personal identity?

  5. Outcome depends on the relationship between the 3/11 houses, their rulers and their occupants .

  6. Once the radix 3/11 relationship is established, look for confirmation of the fruits of the 1st house in the third divisional chart: D-3/Drekkana. Drekkana reveals fine detail of how the results of taking a particular class and composition of physical body will manifest in physical, electro-magnetic emotional, and mental communication patterns.

  7. The central result of having a body being the development of coordinated physical, mental, social, and emotional communication patterns, we gain from Drekkana (presuming an accurate birth time) a confirming level of detail regarding siblings/competitors/small group process. D-3 shows small-group collective thought patterns and this view can help the Jyotiṣika evaluate the native 's mental health.

Gracious and abundant planets in drekkana indicate successful spiritual work in creatively developing one's self and others.

If one has tapped into divine identity as it manifests in small-group process, one will likely be empowered by strong and supportive siblings, close neighbors, and team-mates.

  • Conflicted planets in drekkana indicate unresolved psychic difficulty in the native 's subconscious, which will manifest in this life in the intimate mirror of relationships to siblings and team-mates.

The uplifting news is, as always: if unconsciously-continued patterns arise into consciousness, akashic-memory pattern is transformed into wisdom and negative implications of the astrological charts may be reversed.

Predictions that can be partially confirmed via analysis of Dreshkhamsha D-3

helpfulness of siblings to the native, fate of siblings themselves

D-3 is a key to longevity prediction, because the lord of the 22nd dreshkhamsha is associated with physical death

Lord of the 22nd dreshkhamsha is easily seen = graha ruling the 8th rashi from D-3 lagna = lord of the 8th Dreshkona

There are also predictive uses for the Sarpa dreshkhamsha and the Phasha dreshkhamsha

  • " Sarpa" Dreshkona = serpent decanates = 1st and 2nd decanate of Karkata 1st and 2nd decanate of Vṛścika2nd and 3rd decanate of Meena

Disambiguation Drekkana vs Drekkana:

BPL linguistic note: the D-3 varga now commonly called 'drekkana' was probably originally called the 'dreshkhamsha', but may have changed over time, by Analogy, to match the Greek term dekka (10, decanate) .

the proper dek kana or table of decanates merged also probably by analogy into 'drekkana'. This process of gradual merging of similar sounds by analogy happens in all languages .


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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

"and now my friends,

all that is true,

all that is noble,

all that is just and pure,

all that is loveable and gracious,

whatever is excellent and admirable -

fill all your thoughts with these things."

~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8
