- Bhava
- Graha
- Karaka
[ātmakāraka comfortable routines,
ethnicity, ethno-religion,
parenting, homeland,
[ātmakāraka relationships,
negotiation, equity, justice,
[ātmakāraka governance, law,
social order,
disciplined action,
scarcity, hierarchical constraint,
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Jaimini Sutram =
Chapter 1
ātmakāraka = atakarak
The ātmakāraka gives benefic or malefic results
depending on his disposition like debility or
association with benefics or malefics.
12. After the ātmakāraka the planet that has advanced to the highest degree |
becomes Amatyakaraka.
1. From the sign occupied by the ātmakāraka in Navamsha,
determine the results given by the various planets.
If the ātmakāraka is in Aries Navamsha
the native can be subject to the fears or bites from rats,
cats and the like.
If the ātmakāraka is in Taurus Navamsha
he will have fear or happiness from the quadrupeds.
If the ātmakāraka is in the Virgo Navamsha ,
the native suffers from fire and other things attributed to Gemini.
When the ātmakāraka is in Libra Navamsha ,
the native will be in trade and commerce.
10. when the ātmakāraka is in the Navamsha of Sagittarius ,
the native is subject to accidents by falling from a conveyance or from a high place.
When the ātmakāraka is in the Navamsha of Capricorn ,
the native has troubles from aquatic animals,
birds, Graha,
skin ailments,
wounds or tumors.
When the ātmakāraka is in Aquarius Navamsha ,
the native will have work related to tanks, lakes, gardens,
rest houses for pilgrims and the like.
When the ātmakāraka is in Pisces Navamsha ,
the native will do righteous things and will attain final liberation or emancipation (Moksha).
The planets in the
and Apoklimas
from the ātmakāraka
have declining strength.
If the Sun and Rahu are in the second from ātmakāraka in Navamsha ,
the native dies by snake-bite.
If Saturn is present in the second house
- and is with Jupiter
- or aspected by Jupiter
- The child is fit to be consigned to the waters at Adam's Bridge near Ramesvaram.
If this Saturn is associated with Jupiter is the trinal signs (1, 5, 9) from the ātmakāraka ,
[BPL comment: Adam's Bridge is better known as Rama's Bridge,
which is the land-link between Shri Lanka and the
subcontinent mainland |
If from the lords of the first and seventh houses from the ātmakāraka ,
the fifth house has Jupiter, Venus,
or the Moon,
the native has political or governmental power or authority.
If malefics occupy the third and the Lords of Lagna and the seventh,
or the sixth house from the ātmakāraka
the native becomes a commander in the army.
If the lords of the third and sixth houses from Janma Lagna and
ātmakāraka aspect the latter,
if the planets in those houses aspect these,
and if the fifth lord aspects these ,
the native is highly intelligent and wise.
If Venus and the Moon are in the fourth from ātmakāraka ,
and the native will have all the emblems of royalty.
If the Navamsha occupied by the ātmakāraka has only a malefic association ,
the native is not born legitimately.
If the ātmakāraka is himself a malefic,
the native is not to be treated as illegitimate.
Chapter 2
If the lords of the second and the eighth from Lagna are strong and occupy
- Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10)
- Panaphara (2, 5, 8,11) and
- Apoklima (3, 6, 9, 12),
They cause respectively
- long,
- middle
- and short lives.
In the same way we have to consider the lords of the second and the eighth house from the ātmakāraka also.
When the ātmakāraka is in the ninth from the seventh of Janma Lagna,
the meaning conveyed by the previous Sutra has to be interpreted differently.
When the eighth houses from Lagna and the seventh have the ātmakāraka or when they are with the ātmakāraka ,
then the terms of longevity mentioned in Sutra 19 should be reduced.
The same reduction applies when |
The ātmakāraka is between malefics or when malefics are in his trine (houses 5 and 9 from him).
The same reduction of a Kakshya arises
if the ātmakāraka is a malefic,
is debilitated,
is not in his exaltation sign,
and is with malefic.
27. Even if Jupiter is the ātmakāraka ,
the reduction or addition of a Kakshya is to be determined as per the Sutras 2.1.23 to 2.1.26.
The period of (the Dasha) of a sign is reduced |
(a) when Saturn becomes the ātmakāraka or joins the ātmakāraka ; (b) When Saturn is in the second or twelfth from Lagna or the seventh; (c) when Saturn is in a trine from Lagna or the seventh; (d) when Saturn is in the second or twelfth from ātmakāraka or from the seventh from him.
The lord of the eighth from the ātmakāraka
is called Mahesvara.
When the ātmakāraka is exalted or is in his own house,
then note who is stronger among the lords of the eighth and twelfth from ātmakāraka .
The stronger one will then be Mahesvara.
When the ātmakāraka is with Rahu or Ketu,
or when Rahu or Ketu is in the eighth from ātmakāraka ,
then find out the lord of the eighth from ātmakāraka .
He then becomes Mahesvara.
The lord of the eighth from ātmakāraka and the one occupying the eighth
also claim to be Brahma.
57. From the ātmakāraka or Janma Lagna
Take the lords of the third, eighth and twelfth houses.
The strongest among these brings about death.
11. Now Jaimini speaks about Karaka Kendra Dasha.
The signs that are in
panaphara and Apoklima
from the ātmakāraka ,
have each a duration of nine years.
When the ātmakāraka is in an odd sign,
the Dashas proceed as 1, 4, 7, 10, 2, 5, 8, 11, 3, 6, 9, 12.
If ātmakāraka is in an even sign,
the sequence follows the signs from the beginning one in this manner: 1, 10, 7, 4, 12, 9, 6, 3, 11, 8, 5 and 2.
These figures are given in the normal way of counting.
Each sign has a duration of nine years,
as the Sutra 2.4.13 explains.
13. Find whether Lagna or its seventh is stronger.
If the stronger one is an odd sign,
the counting is clock-wise.
Otherwise it is anti-clockwise.
From the stronger of these two,
count up to the sign where the ātmakāraka is situated.
The years equivalent to the larger number are the years for Karaka Dasha. When there are other planets with the ātmakāraka ,
they too will have the same number of years.
In the same way we have to fix the years for the other planets also.
When the ātmakāraka is in a Vishama pada sign ,
the sequence of the sub-periods is in the clock-wise manner.
If he is in a Sama pada sign the sequence is anti-clockwise.
When the ātmakāraka is an even sign ,
the sequence of the sub-periods is anti-clockwise.
33. According to some authors,
that as we count clock-wise or anti-clockwise with reference to the sign occupied by the ātmakāraka ,
we have to count in the same manner also from the sign occupied by Saturn.
Chapter 3 = Royal births,
conditions of dematerialization,
and Illness
If Venus,
mars and Ketu are jointly or separately placed with the ātmakāraka ,
in the second and in the fourth
the native becomes a king or ruler.
When the Moon and Venus are associated with the sign of the ātmakāraka and with the fourth house
there is a Rajayoga.
If the lord of the Lagna and the ātmakāraka are exalted in the Navamsha,
or if an exalted planet aspects them
the native is a king or comes from a noble family.
The native coming from a royal or noble family |
is explained in Sutras 26 and 27.
When there is Amalefic conjunction with or aspect on kārakāmsha Lagna and Janma Lagna:
One may argue that the native does not come from a noble (or royal) family.
Even then it should be noted that this denial is applicable if the ātmakāraka is subject to malefic influences.
The possession of royal emblems or of royalty |
is to be determined from the ātmakāraka ,
from Janma Lagna,
and from the fifth house.
When The seventh from the ātmakāraka has Saturn ,
death comes in the first part of the Kakshya.
If Ketu is in the seventh from ātmakāraka ,
death is in the third part of the concerned Kakshya.
One set is the third from Lagna and ātmakāraka .
The second set is the eleventh from these. Each set has two factors.
If the two factors are in cardinal signs (Chara),
there is long life. If they are in fixed signs,
they give medium life.
If they are in common signs,
there is short life.
This method of determining longevity |
should be applied to the third houses and the eleventh houses from the ātmakāraka , Lagna,
and the Moon.
If Saturn is with the ātmakāraka or the Moon,
or if he is in Lagna ,
one Kakshya gets reduced.
One Kakshya gets reduced |
if Saturn is in the twelfth,
fourth or sixth from ātmakāraka , Lagna,
or the Moon.
When malefics or the Rudra occupy the eighth house from the Moon and Lagna,
or the eighth from the ātmakāraka and his seventh,
the native dies in the period of the Dvara Rashi.
When the eighth house from Lagna or the ātmakāraka ,
and the third houses from the Navamshas of Arudha and Dara pada are afflicted by malefics
the native has an unnatural death.
The conjunction of Rahu and the Moon in the third or eighth from Lagna or ātmakāraka ,
brings about death as per the nature of the signs involved.
When the eighth from the Lagna or ātmakāraka is aspected by Scorpionis or Leo,
death arises from mice and other such creatures.
If Saturn is in the second from the ātmakāraka
the native dies by consuming poison and the like.
If the eighth or the second house from the ātmakāraka has the conjunction or aspect of Mercury,
death is from vomiting,
dysentery and the like.
The nature of death will be explained |
with reference to the sixth and second houses from the Navamsha sign occupied by the ātmakāraka ; and the reference is to the zodiacal signs mentioned by letters.
When the Kaulakas of the Trimsamsa of the ātmakāraka are afflicted,
the results are diseases and the like.
If the ātmakāraka is in the first Kaulaka,
there will be ailments concerning the forehead.
If the ātmakāraka is in the second Kaulaka and is afflicted,
the ailment is related to the hair.
If the ātmakāraka is in the afflicted third Kaulaka
the complaints involve blood.
If the ātmakāraka is in the afflicted fourth Kaulaka,
there are diseases of the eye.
When Saturn and Gulika are together in the Kaulaka falling in the second part and if it refers to the six signs behind the ātmakāraka ,
the ailments refer to the mouth, gullet,
naeck and the like.
If the Sun is in the Navamsha sign of the seventh from the ātmakāraka ,
the native dies because of the choking of the excretory system.
When the eighth from the Navamsha sign of the seventh from ātmakāraka is Aquarius,
the native will be struck by hail or lightening.
When the eleventh from the Navamsha sign of the seventh from Janma Lagna falls in Aquarius,
the native is waylaid on his way by a group of enemies.
If the ātmakāraka is placed in an odd sign or in a Vishama pada sign and if the twelfth from the Navamsha sign of the seventh is Aquarius,
the native will be killed by his enemies.
The nature of death |
is to be judged from the eighth from Lagna,
from the third house from the ātmakāraka ,
from the Navamsha sign of the sixth,
and from the sixth from
kārakāmsha .
If the ātmakāraka is in any one of the places mentioned in the previous sutra,
the native falls down from a high position.
If the eighth from Lagna,
the third from ātmakāraka ,
the sixth of Navamsha,
or the sixth of kārakāmsha is Sagittarius,
he is conscious at the time of his death.
Death of the native is to be determined |
from the third house of a cardinal Lagna or from a cardinal sign occupied by the ātmakāraka .
If the Lagna or the ātmakāraka is in a fixed sign,
death is to be determined from the second house.
If it is a common sign,
we have to consider the fourth sign.
Conception is also possible |
If the Sun is in the sign of the ātmakāraka ,
or in the third or ninth from that sign.
The Dvadasamsa of the ātmakāraka or of the lord of Adhana Lagna
determines the nature of the sperm.
blue and other colors of the child |
are to be determined by the lord of the Navamsha in which the ātmakāraka is placed.
56. All these defects or merits will take place |
during the periods of the second signs from the Adhana Lagna and from the periods of the second signs from the ātmakāraka of the Adhana Lagna.
Chapter 4 - Children
If the fifth house referred to in Sutra 52 is aspected by or associated with the Moon and Rahu,
then the child will be definitely subjected to sorrow.
If the Moon and Rahu are together in ninth from the ātmakāraka or Lagna,
the child will assume the nature of the destroyer of every thing.
11. In the above combination for twins there is a danger of miscarriage of the fetuses
if the lord of the sign occupied by the ātmakāraka is strong.
If the eighth signs from Lagna and the ātmakāraka are strong,
the delivery takes place one month earlier than it is due.
If the second houses from Adhana Lagna and the ātmakāraka are strong,
the delivery is in the tenth month and it is a safe delivery.
Then determines the Pranas that have elapsed after sunrise |
by adding the longitude of the ātmakāraka (in minutes) to the longitude of the Adhana Lagna.
Deduct the longitude of the ātmakāraka from the longitude of the Hora Lagna.
The result will be longitude of the lagna at birth.
The ascendant at birth |
can be the fourth from the Adhana Lagna or from the ātmakāraka of this Lagna.
If the Moon is in the third from Lagna,
ātmakāraka or Varnada Lagna in the Navamsha,
she becomes a widow early in life.
If the Trimsamsa of the ātmakāraka falls in the sign of his debilitation,
then also the Adhana chart shows the birth of a deformed child.
If the ātmakāraka is Aquarius,
cancer and the like in the Adhana chart,
the child will have the features of these signs.
The children born to woman are her qualifications
and these are to be judged from the fifth houses from her Janma Lagna,
ātmakāraka , Jupiter and the Sun.
if the lord of the sign occupied by the ātmakāraka and Mars are in Pisces in the Navamsha chart.
There will be the birth of a child |
if the ātmakāraka or the Moon is in Scorpionis or Cancer in the Navamsha chart of Adhana.
There is a possibility for conception |
The ātmakāraka and the lord of the Lagna
are also the significators of children.