
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

  1. bhava-1
  2. bhava-2
  3. bhava-3
  4. bhava-4
  5. bhava-5
  6. bhava-6
  7. bhava-7
  8. bhava-8
  9. bhava-9
  10. bhava-10
  11. bhava-11
  12. bhava-12

√ भू bhu = become

भाव bhāva

= becoming, being, existing, occurring, status, condition, beingness

भावन bhāvana = causing, effecting, producing

भविल bhavila = house

भुवन bhuvana = residence, abode, earth, place-of-being

√ स्था sthā= stand, stay, station, establish, stead

स्थान sthāna

= staying, standing abiding, being-in

√दो do = divide, cut

दाय dāya

= division, portion, place, site

दम dama = domicile, house

√ छा cha = cut-up, divide

छत्त्वर chattvara = house , place

क्षेत्र kshetra

= landed property, field, house, place, country

the born-place

the staying-place

shelter - shell - house - nest - domus

vastha = veshman

daya = gaya = kaya = laya

mana = pura = ayana = vita

the 12 birth-houses of a jyotiṣavidya kundali

// from womb to tomb //

see also

QUOTATION from Brihat Jataka, sarga-1 shloka-15

Varahamihira says

  • " The nature of the twelve houses commencing with Lagna or the rising sign is thus described:

  1. Lagna or the first house governs body
  2. Second house governs relatives
  3. Third house governs brothers
  4. Fourth house governs friends
  5. Fifth house governs sons
  6. Sixth house governs enemies
  7. Seventh house governs wives
  8. Eighth house governs death or terminus vitae
  9. Ninth house governs auspicious qualities and the general state of the moral conditions
  10. Tenth house governs profession, honors, and dignity
  11. Eleventh house governs income and finance
  12. Twelfth house indicates expenditure.

The sixth, tenth, eleventh, and the third bhava = Upachaya = "improving"

bhava-1 BPHS Bhava-1 lagnadhipati in 12 domains


tanu bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-1 yoga of bhava-1 from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman

bhava-2 * family history

BPHS Bhava-2 dhanapati-2 in 12 domains Chandra in bhava-2 dhana bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-2 yoga of bhava-2 from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman
bhava-3 BPHS Bhava-3 bhratru-pati-3 in 12 domains Chandra in bhava-3 sahaja bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-3 yoga of bhava-3 from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman
bhava-4 BPHS Bhava-4 bandesha-4 in 12 domains Chandra in bhava-4 [dikbala] bandhu bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-4 yoga of bhava-4 from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman
bhava-5 BPHS Bhava-5 vidya-pati-5 in 12 domains Chandra-bhava-5 putra bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-5 yoga of bhava-5 from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman
bhava-6 BPHS Bhava-6 rogesha-6 in 12 domains Chandra-bhava-6 roga bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-6 yoga of bhava-6 from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman
bhava-7 BPHS Bhava-7 yuvati-pati-7 in 12 domains Chandra-bhava-7 yuvati bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-7 yoga of bhava-7 from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman

death conditions

8th-from transformation


BPHS Bhava-8 randhresha-8 in 12 domains Chandra-bhava-8 randhra bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-8 yoga of bhava-8 from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman
bhava-9 BPHS Bhava-9 Dharmesha-9 in 12 domains Chandra-bhava-9 dharma bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-9 yoga of bhava-9 from300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman
bhava-10 BPHS Bhava-10 karmesha-10 in 12 domains Chandra-bhava-10 karma-bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-10 yoga of bhava-10 from300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman


BPHS Bhava-11 Vriddhi-pati-11 in 12 domains Chandra-bhava-11 labha bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-11 yoga of bhava-11 from300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman

vyayapa = 12th from lagnesha

BPHS Bhava-12 ruler-of-12 in 12 domains Chandra-bhava-12 vyaya bhava angles to 12 sthāna dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-12 yoga of bhava-12 from300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman