

Glyph_Shani.png Glyph_Rahu.png

OM sham shanaishcharaye namah

AUM eim hreem rahuve namah


Angle-Yoga to the 12 sthāna


Vriddhi-sthāna * Labha-daya

community, economy, marketplace, network

connectivity, distributive systems

elder siblings, friendship linkage,


body parts (1)

  • blood circulation

  • left ear

  • calves, Ankles

  • subtle electrical networks within the physicalized embodiment systems, e.g. nadi and chi * prana circuitry:

  • blood circulation

  • human-body nerve network, interior and exterior grids

  • skin

The medical skills which manipulate these networks, e.g. acupuncture and Ayurvedic massage


  • resources (2) produced by leadership and symbolic figurehead positions (10)

  • original family kuṭumba (2) of the boss (10)

  • wealth treasuries (2) of the government (10)

  • resources (2) produced by public reputation and decorum (10)

  • resources (2) produced by imposing law-and-order (10)

  • resources (2) produced by executive decisions, being the boss, accepting responsibility (10)

  • resources (2) produced by legislation and regulation (10)

  • Tanu sthānabanking activities (2) of governments (10)

  • resources (2) produced by bureaucracies, theocracies, democracies, plutocracies, and all other forms of government (10)

  • resources (2) produced by the father's family (10th = 2nd from 9th)

  • resources (2) produced by the spouse's fixed properties (10th = 4th from 7th)

  • resources (2) produced by the mother's contractual obligations (10 = 7th from 4th)

  • Tanu sthāna commercial business of the father-guru-professor-guide (10 = 3rd from 9th)

  • publishing (3) of scholarship (9)

  • commercial business of the house of * worth-ship * worship -- exempli gratia, hundi

  • banking activities of the church-synagogue-mandir-temple-mosque (10 = 3rd from 9th)

  • the bosses' family, the financial well-being of the government (citizens of treasury-possessing countries have much more marketplace opportunity)

    Death of professional focus, death of prestigious position, and development of values of social leadership on a more egalitarian basis.

  • As the native circulates in the marketplace of commodities and ideas, he loses his authoritative position and becomes a peer.

  • His professional supremacy is shared now by others of similar background and accomplishment, who are organized into mutual benefit associations which share the leadership burden thus relieving the native of a heavy workload but also relieving his egoic-mind membrane of pride of place.

  • Money earned through profession and public service, and also gains from people in power.

Professional bhava-10 does not need to be dignified for the income bhava-11 to be strong.

  • There are plenty of notorious criminal professions which pay extremely well, in addition to politicians and captains of industry who are richly rewarded for criminal activities disguised as work in the public interest. The robber barons and rentier class of USA's early 20th century stand as classic examples of great wealth acquired despite notable ethical error. History yields abundant examples of the curious fact that great profit may be earned entirely in the absence of either public respect or moral principle.

  • If both karma-bhava and labha bhava are dignified, high levels of financial well-being and prestige are to be expected regardless of ethical quality. However, afavorable 10th bhava tends to strengthen authentic leadership; that is, However, misguided their decisions, the native owning a strong bhava-10 normally has a parental instinct to lead and protect the people.


Faith Community or"Brotherhood of Religion"

writing and discussions (3) about religion (9)

brothers or teammates of pujari and priest

publication of wisdom writings

  • 3rd-from-9th labha bhava shows the communicants of one's belief system. Unlike your birth siblings, these folks are your close friends and associates because you chose each other consciously based on Affinity of faith and ritual.

  • Labha bhava = income, gains, and the marketplace. The best business is transacted with those we trust. As the USA Dollar bill testifies, the power of the free market can be summed up in one phrase:"In God We Trust" .

  • The stronger are conditions in labha bhava , the more trustworthy and high-quality are the friends, and the more elevated the belief system that brings together those with common goals. Also, concurrently, the better one's income and the stronger one's faith community.

  • Religious faith itself = 9th bhava , dharma bhava . If the 9th = strong while 11th = weak, the person can have wonderful faith but will suffer limited peer support for living faithfully. Conversely, aweak 9th with strong 11th may show weak personal faith compensated by a strong, naurturing community.

  • A crippled labha bhava may indicate the person has very few genuinely trustworthy peers. This native expects to go it alone. Negative but empowered planets in 11 show low-brow personal goals and marketplace associates of low moral quality. For example, adrug dealer may know a great many people and earn a big profit, but the graha which provide this profit are likely to be empowered papagraha .

  • Several challenging graha in 11 may provide profit by planets in 11 give profit by questionable methods or signify "frenemies " who assist in economic gains but cause harm to the collective-supporting features of the social network. Mafiosi; prostitution, weapons, drug and thievery gangs; protection rackets; mercenary militia, other bands of miscreants, is indicated by strong-acting but socially harmful graha in labha-sthāna.

  • Genuine criminals may have a damaged Surya (karaka of ability to channel divine intelligence) and damaged Shani (natural regulator of 11, network s) plus damage to Vriddhi-pati-11 along with an empowered bhava-6.

  • bhava-6 = thieves; bhava-11 = thieves-of-thieves, network s of thieves who extract profit from the labor of others.

Communicating about matters of religion, social ethics, best ways to deal with people who are different than us, how to negotiate with spirits, matters of the priesthood including maintenance of temples, fundraising, funding for rituals; also the self-made-wealth of religion is invested in the marketplace.


  • step (8)-mother (4)

  • stability (4) following emergencies (8)

  • home (4) rebuilt (8) after a catastrophe

  • schooling (4) in management of confidential or hidden assets (8) [e.g.,"investment banking" ]

  • Shelter (4) for mystics, healers, therapists, and tantriki (8) of all species (provided by the sahangham, 11).

  • One's own confidential or secret affairs (8) which are sheltered (4) by one's friends (11).

  • Legacies, inheritances, and unexpected windfalls (8) secured and stabilized (4) in the marketplace (11).


  • children (5) from the first partner (7) = usually a major goal (11) of marriage

  • game winnings (5) of partnership (7)

  • Romance (5) supplemental to Marriage (7)

    Romance (5) in addition to or following upon marriage (7) extramarital love affairs.

  • romantic, loving, self-expressive, poetic, child-friendly, creative brilliance (5) that can grow upon the stable platform of committed alliances (7).

  • Depending on condition of labha bhava and yuvati bhava , Extramarital romantic affairs of the spouse (7) may be indicated in labha bhava .

  • Extramarital affairs would occur only if yuvati bhava showed weakness or excess, and if unsettling conditions applied in labha bhava .

  • One's own romantic poetry and idealized loves, if any, are seen through one's putra bhava, the fifth rashi bhava .

  • Is the first spouse is enjoying an extramarital affair? Check 11th bhava , 11th lord, 11th navamsha, dasha-bhukti, and transits to labha bhava and all of these items also from Chandra lagna.

  • As 5th-from-7th , labha bhava also signifies the first spouse's children from previous marriage - especially the first spouse's oldest child.

For Vṛścika lagna +randhresha-8 +Vriddhi-pati-11 Budha is an especially strong indictor of spousal extramarital affairs. Lord of randhra bhava may be responsible for termination of the first marriage whether through death of the spouse or simply saturation/ death of the agreement.

Simultaneously during a bhukti of youthful, mentalized Budha, the Vṛścika native may haveLearning Pathway experience the breakdown of a fossilized marriage and the possible development of extramarital affairs - but only if Budha's condition warrants such behavior.

Similarly for Urisha indriya-lagna, the permissive, entitled randhresha-8 +vriddhi-pati-11 Guru performs the same role. Guru likes to have it all!


adversarial to indebtedness

accuses the enemies

medical treatment for disease

successful legal arguments about pollution, divorce, crime

Bhava-11 is in many ways corrective to bhava-6. While bhava-11 is not itself a grantor of wisdom - indeed being a svabhava of Shani, 11 represents orderly work - nevertheless it negates some negatives which results in some positive outcomes in matters of economic gain (negating effects of debt-6) and friendship (negating the effects of animosity-6).

Dissolution-of-Debt = Gain

  • 6 = dissolution of agreements, promises, pledges

  • 6 = debts and servitude

  • 6th-from-6th = dissolution of the debt bond = gains

  • Borrow money (6) to make cintamani * mani * money (11).

  • Labor in servitude (6) provides eventual economic gain (11).

  • What doesn't kill you (6) will make you stronger (11).

Loans-from-Loans + Labor-from-Labor = economic profit

  • loaned (6) capital and service labor (6) generates a product in the workplace. Disenfranchised (6) laborers (servants, employees) create a product but they are not directly involved in creating business profits. The owner of the means of production must labor again (6th from 6th) to shape, transport, or otherwise convert the original labor so that it can become a commodity in the market (11)

  • Achievement of goals based on indebtedness, long labor in servitude or exploitation, and in conditions of social conflict (6) -- in other words, goals for which one has paid in suffering -- are marked by periods of vriddhi-pati-11 .

  • 11 is neither a trine nor a kendra. Positive results in 11 = hard-won

  • The karaka for 6 which are Kuja, budha, and Shani also show the amount of 'blood, sweat, and tears' (respectively) involved in achieving many of life's most important material goals.


  • 11 = friends

  • the stronger is bhava-11, the more one's friends may go to combat (6) against one's enemies

  • debt of one's servants or employees (6) naturally are= gains for oneself, because the employee's debts oblige the servant to remain in one's employ

  • Debts (6) of one's enemies (6) reside in the 11th bhava of profits - naturally! What is bad for one's enemies is nearly always good for the native ..

  • Similarly illness (6) and animosity (6) which befall one's enemies and are naturally gainful for oneself, are reckoned from bhava-11.

  • To determine the outcome of warfare against one's genuine enemies, consult bhava-11.

  • A strong labha bhava nearly always provides win over enemies. Although enemies may prevail during periods of rogesha-6 , they will be defeated by enemies of the enemies during the period of vriddhi-pati-11 , if Vriddhi-pati-11 is stronger than [rogesha] .


Fourth Child

  • As 3rd-from-3rd-from-3rd-from-5th , Labha sthāna = fourth child.

  • Bhukti of Vriddhi-pati-11 from lagna or Vriddhi-pati-11 from Moon, may bring a fourth child into your life if Guru + vriddhi-pati-11 , and conditions in labhasthāna itself are strong.

The children's spouses

  • spouse of the eldest child = Labha bhava represents the general condition of all children's spouses,

  • but particularly the spouse of the first child, who is karmically an agent of particular gainfulness when 11 is strong.

Bhukti of Vriddhi-pati-11 activates importance of spouse of oldest child in one's life.

grand-children from one's own second child, especially the eldest grandchild from the second child.

8th-from-4th - next step transformation of life foundations

strong profile of mother's death circumstances = the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra

bhava-11 characteristics can indicate the general longevity of the biomother * 8th-from-4th

Circumstances of grieved the decease of mother (not the timing)

8th from any bhava indicates end-of-cycle and rebirth.

8th-from indicates next step circumstances which provide the setting for ending a relationship, project, or event.

  • .

E.g., timing of death of the first spouse is indicated via 2nd-from-7th, but 8th-from-7th or dhana bhava indicates circumstances of expiration of first marriage by showing the second marriage.

Similarly, 2nd-from-pitribhava shows timing of decease of father , whereas 8th-from-9th or bandhu bhava shows circumstances of death of the father.

timing of mother's death is seen in putra bhava, 2nd-from-matribhava-4 .

However, as 8th-from-4th, labhabhava-11 indicates circumstances of the death of the mother, which often includes the scheduled entry of a bonus-mom / stepmother.

If labha bhava is well-supported, mother may enjoy a peaceful dematerialization in supportive company, and a smooth transition to the astral plane.

If there is to be a bonus-mom / stepmother, that stepmother and her effect on the child is also profiled in labha bhava.

hidden wealth of the parents - if 11 is strong, an inheritance may be gainful for self


wisdom (9) derived from conversations and narrative texts (3)

wisdom (9) derived from published messages, including films and songs (3)

Friendship, fellowship

  • fortune develops from your small-group process, including meetings, administration of projects, sibling interactions, and regulation of your mental habits.

  • 11th bhava is the immediate elder sibling, who acts like a 'father' (9) to the younger siblings (3).

  • 'Siblings' include all children in neighborhood/extended family and, as adults, sibling groups include our corporate workmates and teammate peers.

  • The blessings of 11th bhava marketplace profits are based in the small-group associations of bhava-3


  • The social rank of the family history= naturally one's social rank determines the qualities of the social network

  • 11th bhava gains are the result of leadership in the marketplace

  • profits through good association is the development of values (2) through public service (10)


social connections via the fleshly genetic appearance

  • computer and electronic device networks, as an extension of the physical-embodiment nerve network

communication media networks which feature images of one's appearance or social identity

Gains, profits and Income

Elder siblings, advisors

Marketplace Associations, which connect people of various interest groups under a code of shared units of exchange.

The"currency" or current unit of exchange will vary from society to society, but whatever values a society chooses, the participants in the network must agree to the current currency :)


Retreat-from-Retreat = Accomplishment of Goals

  • On the simplest level, the abandonment (12) of abandonment (12) = engagement and re-vitalization of any project

  • On a slightly more sophisticated level, the most powerful energy is this material world is actually not-of-this-world.

  • That is: anything goal that one can imagine (12) one can indeed achieve on the material plane (11).

  • Imagination is the FOUNDATION of material reality

It is essential to imagine the goal-achievement process in exquisite detail

  • An elaborate mediation upon the hopes, wishes, dreams, expectations (including blockage from negative expectations) will show the most direct path toward realization of material goals

  • Engagement of spirit guides particularly lineage ancestors (12) in any goal-realization project

  • loss of contact (12th) with ancestor guides and spirits

  • Release from prison or concentration camp

  • discharge from hospital

  • dissolution of privacy

  • loss of bedroom pleasures

  • Too busy to meditate

  • lack of long-term foreign travel (one is far too busy making connections in the local or regional marketplace)

  • Vimshottari period of Vriddhi-pati-11 shows timing of loss of sanctuary

  • leaving one's monastery or dormitory

  • finishing a tour of duty in a foreign land


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