

OM hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah

ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं वाग्देव्यै सरस्वत्यै नमः ॥

Learning Pathway 5

children & games


विद्यास्थान vidyā-sthāna = scholarly-station

मन्त्रभव mantra-bhava = basis of songs of praise

पुत्रभव putra-bhava = birth of children

सन्तानदाय santāna-dāya = portion of children

बुद्धिदाय buddhi-dāya = portion of intelligence

सुतस्थान suta-sthāna = station-of-sons

सुत suta = son, child, pressed-out, brought forth

the fifth house

nati - intellegentia - ludum

creativity, celebrity, children



the learning classroom of vidyasthāna-5 = ruled by Professor Surya

vidya-pati-5 in 12 bhava

the literati

the glitterati

the politerati

The Fame of Politics

The Politics of Fame

the ‘glossy posse'



Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha

Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga


Henry-VIII with Charles-V + Pope-Leon-X. c 1520


"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity.

The creative mind plays with the objects it loves."

QUOTATION from ~~Memories Dreams Reflections 1875-1961 Carl Jung

QUOTATION from Albert Einstein,

from Living Philosophies, New York: Simon Schuster, 1931, pp. 3-7

"My political ideal is democracy.

Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized.

It is an irony of fate that I myself have been the recipient of excessive admiration and reverence from my fellow-beings, through no fault, and no merit, of my own.

The cause of this may well be the desire, unattainable for many, to understand the few ideas to which I have with my feeble powers attained through ceaseless struggle.

I am quite aware that for any organization to reach its goals, one man must do the thinking and directing and generally bear the responsibility. But the led must not be coerced, they must be able to choose their leader.

In my opinion, an autocratic system of coercion soon degenerates; force attracts men of low morality...

The really valuable thing in the pageant of human life seems to me not the political state, but the creative, sentient individual, the personality; it alone creates the noble and the sublime, while the herd as such remains dull in thought and dull in feeling. ...

"This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of herd life, the military system, which I abhor...

This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism -- how passionately I hate them! "

[end quote]

" Success is not to be measured by how much financial wealth is possessed,

but whether you are able to create at will what you need."

~~Autobiography of a Yogi 1893-1952 Swami Yogananda

QUOTATION from B. V. Raman

Autobiography of a vedic astrologer , p.95

" ...if the fifth house is subject to favorable combinations or aspects,

the son will become prominent

and the native himself would either secure authority by dint of effori

or secure mantra siddhi ."

[end quote]

  1. bhava-1
  2. bhava-2
  3. bhava-3
  4. bhava-4
  5. bhava-5
  6. bhava-6
  7. bhava-7
  8. bhava-8
  9. bhava-9
  10. bhava-10
  11. bhava-11
  12. bhava-12

Vimshottari Periods of the Rulers of Bhava-1-to-12

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

~~ Maya Angelou

BPL Comment

Q: what is the difference between bhava-3 vs. 3rd-from-3 = bhava-5?

A: bhava-3 = technician, while bhava-5 = politician.

If there are active graha in both 3 and 5, one may be both a skilled detailed process manager [3] and also an entertaining creative game-player [5]

5-celebrity, intelligence, children, games, politics, drama

  • 5- entertainment, politics, drama, genius, games, romantic idealism, speculative finance, children, poety, creativity.
  • 5-children, artistic performance, entitlements, bright light, intelligence

Creativity * Children * Celebrity * Royalty * Romance * Genius * Games * Uniqueness * Entertainments * Drama * Intelligence * Ideals

The Great Thoughi

brilliant, glamorous, romantic, radiant, solipsistic, self-referential, flamboyant, privileged, celebrated personalities

egocentric personalities often found in worlds of politics and entertainment

prizes for artistic performance, drama, literary genius

egoic-mind awards for brightness, entitlement, glamour (distinguish from bhava-11 awards for work accomplished)

5-intelligence, scholarship [vidya] creativity, celebrity, children, gambling, financial speculation, center-of-attention roles

Creativity, authorship, autocracy; children of body, mind, and spirit:

politics, theatre and drama; politics, performance art; self-expression,

romantic love,

Divine Intelligence ,

celebrity, literature, brilliance, good luck; spontaneous genius;

gambling, speculation, charismatic winning of competitions and campaigns

dvadamsha = table of 12 sub-portions of bhava-5

vidya-pati-5 in 12 sthāna

BPHS = Putra Bhava

Bhava -5 = angles to 12 sthāna

Putra Santana Suta Bhava

[Sparkling Splendid Surya] main page



vidya-pati-5 in the 12 domains

dvadamsha of Putra Bhava

Tony Benneti

(theatrical singer popular performer, when he was age 84)

" If you are creative, you get busier as you get older."

QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso
  • How to Expand Love: Widening the Circle of Loving Relationships

  • translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins. p.82

" Those training in great love should forsake self-centeredness and engage in the Buddha's practice, the root of which is compassion.

You may be thinking, Love is indeed very profound, but I do not have the skill to practice it; I will focus my efforts on practices aimed at getting myself out of cyclic existence instead.

  • On one hand, this is true, because you should choose a path of development appropriate to your ability.
  • On the other hand, there is great advantage in attempting the highest degree of love you can.

Even if you cannot actually implement the practices of love and compassion, merely hearing about them establishes powerful predispositions for future success.

This can be amplified by planting prayer-wishes aspiring to altruism.

  • Do not be discouraged; it is difficult to absorb such a profound perspective.
  • Be courageous and think of your future potential.

It is particularly important to do the best you can."

light, delightful,

brilliant, bright,

glimmer, glitter, glow, glory, glamour,

sparkle, spark, splendor, spotlight,

spectacle, speculation, spectacular

royal, regal, righteous, reich, rich, right,


magnus, magnificent,

celestial, celebrations, celebrity

king, queen, clown, court, courtier, courtly love


jewels and ornaments - romance and royalty - celebrity and children - games and gambling - amusements and entertainments - fortune and luck

Learning Style - Learning Disabilities -

Independent Thinking

Original Thought


unique individual intelligence

Creative arts and fine literature

Divine Intelligence * Prestige - Muse - Speculation * Politics * Fame

Theatre * center-stage roles * Celebrations - Festivals - Amusement - Divine Light * self-Expression * Solipsism * self-centeredness

Sruti - Smriti

wealth from speculation - Stock Market -

Admiration - Adulation - Applause - Approval - Acclaim - Authorship - Authenticity - Adventure

egoic-mind validation


Maharaja Serfoji II of Tanjavur and his son Shivaji II.

Tanjavur, tamil Nadu, India . Mid-19th century. Wood, lime plaster, water-base paint, gold leaf, glass.

Source: Peabody Essex Museum

++ 5 politics, drama, self-central roles, genius, sparkle, entitlement , idealism, gambling

5 creative intelligence, is seen via

  • 5th house from kundali indriya-lagna and Vidyapthi-5

  • 5th from Chandra and its Lord

  • 5th from procreative karaka Jupiter and its Lord

  • lord of Vidyapthi-5's navamsha house

QUOTATION Rajatarangini , 8.335

" The ruler of Lanka (Ravana), the conqueror of the worlds, got defeat from the animals (the monkeys).

The best of the kings, the Kuru king (Duryodhana), suffered a kick at the head.

At the end, everybody in common with everyone else suffers humiliation, which takes away his respect.

Who then is he, who under the influence of conceit, thinks that he is great?"

QUOTATION V. S. Apte, Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary , p. 1029


  • sons * children

  • putraki, putriki * daughter

  • a child, animal's young

  • anything little or small

Vocabulary for Suta bhava

QUOTATION ~~ Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • impelled, urged

  • allowed, authorized

  • pressed out, extracted; born, engendered

  • the expressed Soma. Juice, aSoma libation

  • begotten, brought forth; a daughter, ason, child, offspring

  • the 5th astrological house

  • the plant Alhagi Maurorum

  • one that has, brought forth (young); a woman who has given birth to a child

  • quicksilver

  • the sun

QUOTATION from Pt Narasimha Rao

" Let us take the 5th house as another example.

It shows intelligence, following, devotion etc.

The 5th house in D-20, the chart of religious activities, shows one's devotion (bhakti) in religious activities.

A5 in D-20 shows the things based on which the world forms an impression about one's devotion.

  • The mantras one recites, the poojas and the temple discourses one performs control the impression of the world about one's devotion in religious matters.

So A5 shows them.

The 5th house in D-10, the chart of career, shows the following one has.

  • The world forms an impression about one's following based on the power wielded by one.

  • A political leader in a position of power is assumed to have a lot of following.

  • So A5 can show the trappings of power enjoyed by one.

  • It can also show awards.

In D-24, the chart of learning, the 5th house may show intelligence.

  • A5 in D-24 shows the things based on which the world forms an impression about one's intelligence in learning.

  • These impressions are usually formed based on one's performances in examinations, one's scores in tests and one's academic distinctions.

  • So that is what A5 in D-24 shows."

BPHS Sarga 11: 6

"The learned should deduce from Putra Bhava

  • amulets, sacred spells,

  • learning, knowledge,

  • sons,

  • royalty (or authority),

  • fall of position etc."

Phaladeepika, ch1, shloka-11-12

"A royal emblem, minister,

  • tax or toll,

  • Atma (self-culture)

  • wisdom, knowledge of the future (foresight)

  • Prana(life),

  • progeny,

  • belly,

  • Sruti (Vedic learning)

  • and Smriti (customary traditional knowledge depending on memory and transferred by word of mouth)

are represented by the 5th house."

Madhya Parashari, sarga-9, shloka 5

Sons [children], intellect, mantraa,

faith in God, heart, and maternal uncles

be deduced from the fifth house.

BPHS Sarga-11, shloka-1-3

Should Putra's lord be in Ari, randhra, or Vyaya Bhava,

there will be no offspring.

BPHS Sarga-11, shloka-6

" If Dhana's lord is in Putra Bhava the native will be wealthy.

Not only the native, but also his sons, will be intent on earning wealth."

BPHS Sarga-15

" Should Putra's lord be in his own bhava, or in own Navamsha or in exaltation ,

the native will be endowed with comforts

related to lands, conveyances, houses, etc., and musical instruments."

" The children born to woman are her qualifications

and these are to be judged from the fifth houses from her Janma Lagna, ātmakāraka , Jupiter and the Sun."

~ Jaimini Sutram, sarga-4, shloka-1

How and where does the native express one's experience of creative intelligence, royal entitlement, theatrical genius, and brilliance in games?

vidya-pati-5 = an agent of romance, poetry, entertainments, and delight.

Putra bhava is a svabhava- of Surya, the king. vidya-pati-5 activities tend toward self-centered expression of personal uniqueness, including

  • stage performance,
  • political demonstrations and campaigns,
  • idealized experiences of "falling in love" ,
  • speculative gambling "I know I'm a winner" rolls of the dice,

vidya-pati-5 expresses confidence -

whether true confidence (faith in the divine) or a rather more mundane confidence in the personal egoic-mind assertions of self-righteous entitlement.

If vidya-pati-5 is a dominating graha

  • for example, empowered Mangala as vidya-pati-5 becomes an active romancer, creator, procreator, and gambler within matters of the occupied bhava.

If vidya-pati-5 is not over-powering,

  • the vidya-pati-5 occupied bhava- becomes a venue of entertainments and amusements, joy from creativity, and central roles in theatre or educating adolescents [5]

  • the activities of the bhava in which the vidya-pati resides may express one's intelligence, choice-making certainty, and fatherly features without arrogance or dominating traits

Lord of domain-5 residence in the 12 bhava

agency =

Divine Intelligence, poetry, romantic idealism, children, brilliance, gamesmanship, showboating, sowing off, fame, glamour, royalty, celebrity, entitlements, centrality, bright lights, ego, performance arts, politics, literary genius, theatre, creativity, fashion, self-expression, independence, scholarship, ingenuity, selfishness, autocracy, autonomy, self-reflexivity, self-reference, self-evident truth, entertainment, amusement, gambling, games, gambits, speculative investment, good luck, confidence

Matters of the bhava- occupied by vidya-pati-5 may produce acts of genius or self-will .

An instinct toward creative expression including both procreative (making fleshly children) and spiritually creative (making performance art and literature) inhabits the bhava.

One may feel blessed and fortunate to possess the intelligence necessary to express one's higher will .

  • bhava-5 is a joyful bhava-, surging with brilliant excitement of games and challenges to the strategic political intelligence.

  • It is a bhava- of Vishnu, the Sun - a bhava- of Divine Love and human romance.

  • Importantly, bhava-5 does not control marriage and romances, as well as the passionate love of one's miraculous children, are not to be confused with the balanced, wealth-building partnership of marriage.

The vidya-pati-5 is by nature positive and confident.

  • A deranged vidya-pati-5 can be over-confident, boastful, and arrogant.

  • vidya-pati-5 does have a tendency toward"politicking" , always trying to get attention, and adolescent"showing off" .

  • However presuming that vidya-pati-5 is reasonably well disposed, the lord of putra bhava brings happiness wherever He goes.

Das comment WRT //The lord of the 5 has at least one beneficial placement attribute.//

" Your children may become very wealthy and fortunate. You will be very powerful, do well and will be a friend of highly paced people. You are intelligent and educated. You will have many people who listen to your advice."

Das commentary WRT "The lord of the 5

  • conjoins the lord of the 6

  • ...conjoins the lord of the 12

  • ...conjoins the lord of the 8


  • is ... aspected by a benefic,


  • is not ...conjoins a benefic."

" A variation of "Daridra" Yoga is present in your chart. At times you will experience some poverty or financial difficulties. This is a common and general combination that many people have, and it accounts for the general type of troubles that come and go in most of our lives."

Das commentary WRT // The lord of the 5 has at least one beneficial placement attribute. //

" Your children may become very wealthy and fortunate.

You will be very powerful, do well and will be a friend of highly placed people.

You are intelligent and educated.

You will have many people who listen to your advice."

Royal Behaviors and Higher Knowledge

The royal court provides best opportunities for creative learning [Surya] that is not constrained by the fears of the common people [Shani] .

  • Advanced knowledge, high scholarship, academic patronage, graduate education in arts and letters, wisdom and intelligence, are counted in the portfolio of putra bhava.

Autocratic expressions of the royal court's charismaticauthority include

  • entrepreneurial instinct and a management style which honors individual genius

  • rule by divine right [Surya], not rule by the State [Shani] or by any law inherent in the human or material world, except as the royal figure embodies the state. Entitlement to rule flows from the divine through the courageous heart of the King (or Queen).

  • natural kindness (the core truth of an authentic king) toward subjects as a parent feels toward one's child

Courtship and Romance

As the sthāna of divine love (not marriage duties, only poetic love!) Surya's svabhava signifies primarily the deepest loves of all: infinite love of God and unconditional love of one's children.

Thus putra profiles the wellsprings of creativity, which flow forth in spiritual practice, literature, poetry, arts, cultivated exquisitry of life at court, and romance.

  • bhava-5 represents romantic (not necessarily sexual) love relationships outside of marriage, including romance before marriage , and after marriage. Romantic relationships are distinguished by their lack of a contract (7) that would specify obligations and rights within a marriage.

  • In general, bhava-5 can encompass all love relationships that have no legal or moral contract.


  • Extra-marital affairs conducted during the course of a legal marriage (including carnal relations or adultery) are more generally read from bhava-12, 6th-from-7th, the house of privacy, escape, and bed pleasures. Naturally, vyaya bhava is also the house of animosity toward the spouse.

Other aspects of courtly life are included in the portfolio of bhava-5. E.g., parties and celebratory social gatherings, opportunities to express one's intelligence and wit, brilliant performances, ambassadors and ministers, various forms of amusements, (where the Muse is present), speculation, games and competitions of all kinds.

www.etymonline.com = English etymology of "king"

  • O.E. cyning , from P.Gmc. * kuninggaz

  • (cf. Du. koning, o.H.G. kuning, o.N. konungr, dan. konge, Ger. könig).

  • Possibly related to O.E. cynn family, race ; (see kin) making a king originally a "leader of the people"

or from a related root suggesting "noble birth," making a king originally "one who descended from noble birth."

the sociological and ideological implications make this a topic of much debate.

  • Finnish kuningas "king," Lith. kunigas "clergyman" are loans from Gmc.

  • O.C.S. kunegu "prince" (Rus. knyaz, boh. knez),

  • In O.E., used for names of chiefs of Anglian and Saxon tribes or clans, then of the states they founded. '

  • Also extended to British and Danish chiefs they fought.

Mantra, tantra, Siddhi, and Sacred Arts

  • As 10th-from-8th, putra bhava confers occult knowledge, intuitive perceptions, and professional recognition in occult societies.

  • Meena Chandra here provides mantra siddhi.


Puer, puerile

Puer Aeternus


] Skt] child [Eng]

  • Putra bhava's significations include the full scope of one's relationship to children , including -- if there are difficult planets in or dhristi (" focus ") to putra bhava -- miscarriages and therapeutic abortions .

  • Putra sthāna especially concerns the first conception, first full-term pregnancy, first live birth of a child, and the oldest living child. (These may be four different beings.)

Finding one's children in the chart -

count the emotional relationship with each child from Chandra lagna:

count the material relationship with each child (physical body, finance etc) from kundali indriya-lagna

For a fuller profile of each child, also count children

  • from Saptamsha lagna

  • and from the position of the graha which is radix vidya-pati-5 as that graha is located within D-7.

Bhaga = Luck

During Vimshottari dasha period s of graha which occupy bhava-5, some type of"luck" or surprising, delightful, enchanting fortune is expected.

" Luck"arrives in the form that is dictated by the natural characteristics of the graha as well as the graha's temporal bhava lordship.

For example,

(malefic) Ketu-Meena/5 will provide good luck and broader access to knowledge from dhanapati-2 + vidya-pati-5 Prosperous Guru, but the circumstances will involve some type of Ketu-style disconnection and abandonment.

  • Ketu forces surrender. One will need to leave a familiar environment, abandon a course of study due to dissatisfaction, or accept the social marginalization of a low-performing child.

  • Having accepted the disconnection in a sort of apathetic way, one may move into a much more intelligent environment, enter a much more suitable and engaging course of study, or find that the difficult low-performing child does very well in a new, educationally specialized, non-conformist school.

  • Ketu will reside some distance from His mahadasha pati or bhukti-pati and also Ketu's lord will rule some houses measured from Chandra lagna. Consider these factors also, especially the relationship to Chandra which will reveal the emotional conditions framing the obtainment of a"lucky break" .

(benefic) Guru-Tula -5 may provide good luck from yuvati-pati-7 +karmesha-10 Compassionate Leader Guru. However, the circumstances will involve some type of large-scale responsibility which may seem a bit overwhelming at first.

  • One will need to quickly broaden one's scope of responsibility in order to provide counseling advice and leadership for others in order to generate an orderly environment in some organization. It does not seem like luck right away. It seems like engorgement. There is so much to do!

  • Guru is happy in the svabhava of His friend Surya. Unless the temporal lord is inimical, expansion of career and partnership responsibilities (7 and 10) can bring the native into the center of attention in a very positive fashion. Guru does limit the number of children (typically only one) but the child can bring amusement to the native . This is a very nice period during which presuming one can keep up with the workload of 7 (advising, contracts, legal negotiations) and 10 (regulations, bureaucratic functions, top-down orderliness) one receives much applause and feels expansive creativity in most departments of life.

  • The only caveat is to remember that Shani always follows Guru!

Odd types of luck

  • Maraka graha or dushthamsha pati in putra bhava

  • Maraka in 5 brings death first with luck immediately following. Although it might not be obvious, shell-death sometimes paints a broad stroke of fortune . After the flesh-death, there is a manifestation of amusement, relaxation, charisma, and center-stage applause.


When the fifth lord is positively disposed, one may have good luck in games of chance. Compulsive gamblers may be seen with Rahu-Ketu in putra or dharma bhava, or Rahu-Ketu with ruler of bhava- 5 .

  • Mysterious inner patterns of lotteries, stock markets, mutual funds, pyramid schemes, and other large pooled monies which are controlled by people outside of one's family, are seen primarily in the mysterious 8th house.

  • By contrast, the conservative banking-storage behavior of dhana bhava is not playful, but rather serious about maintaining the family's traditional values - especially the family's long-held wealth.

  • As 4th-from-2nd putra bhava provides a"home for the native 's wealth - that is, typically, an investment container or"bank" .

However, one's personal profits or losses from"playing" these funds are determined by putra bhava and its attributes.

Advice for the day:

If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle:

" Take two aspirin" and "Keep away from children"

The astrological picture of *genius * as expressed through children, artistic talent, creativity, or speculation (gambling) is expanded by noting:

  • 5th-from-5th = Dharma bhava

  • rashi (D-1) planets in Simha (Leo)

  • D-1 5th lord within navamsha

  • Sun within navamsha

  • D-1 5th lord within saptamsha (D-7, the 7th harmonic varga)

  • 5th-amsha within D-7

Counting by Conceptions rather than live births

A word to the wise:

  • When searching for the role of a particular child in the parent's chart, it sometimes works better to count conceptions rather than live children. If a highly energetic, potentially hyperactive planet like Mars occupies putra bhava, there may have been a number of partial pregnancies. The first live child could have been the fourth or fifth conception -- or more. This counting is tricky because physicians say 20% or more of natural pregnancies result in natural miscarriage before the end of the first trimester.

  • Those early bail-outs might or might not be significant in the mother's chart, depending on her emotional response to the fetal deaths. You will need intuition! If there have been therapeutic abortions, and the mother makes an inquiry about one of her children, that mother will need to be honest with her astrologer in order to find the right bhava for the particular child in question.Unlike natural or therapeutic abortions however, children lost after the first trimester such as stillbirths always have a pronounced traumatic effect on the mother and Therefore, they certainly / count / .

Sometimes the mother consciously connects with the spirit of a failed pregnancy and sometimes she does not.

  • Sometimes the spirit attempting to incarnate in the failed pregnancy must go out, regroup, and try again. In this situation, if initial failed pregnancies were all attempts by the same original spirit, the first live child may continue to match the profile of mother's putra bhava. He just had to try several times to correctly match her childbirth energy.

  • If several different spirits were trying to get a body, but mom was not ready, and thus none of them succeeded, it might be helpful to find the successful birth by counting previous conceptions and not previous births.

  • If putra bhava does not seem to fit the role and personality of her first child as you know that child and the dashas don't match up, you might get a more accurate profile of the child by counting children based on conceptions rather than live births.

Each house lord residing in putra bhava will strongly mark the fate and character of the childrenr.

Creativity, performance Arts , Amusements

Putra bhava is the svabhava ofthe Sun, karaka for Self.

The most basic form of self-expression is procreativity, producing and/or raising children that resemble one physically, psychically, morally, or intellectually. The alternative or next level is creativity in the arts. Putra bhava contains the profile of the full range of self-expression through the literary, fine, plastic, and performance arts.

  • A strong putra bhava reveals talent in all aspects of dance and theater.

  • Literary self-expression, authorship, and fame through writings occur when positive planets such as Jupiter or Mercury are powerful in putra bhava.

However, the principle of bhavat bhavam , naegative effects of a strong karaka in its own house , says that too much creative power in the dramatic or fine arts will usually deny or reduce children.

  • Karaka for putra bhava = Brihaspati, the expansion planet.

  • The more auspicious and unimpeded one's 5th-house Jupiter, the more one's creativity will incline toward arts of high civilization, and the less toward producing fleshly children.

Major performance artists will tend very much toward childlessness or a single child, unless they can arrange surrogate parents like housekeepers or nannies to actually raise their children.

  • Similarly great authors, screenwriters, play-writes, and other literary achievers tend very much toward a childless life. Ditto often, for master teachers (since great educators are by definition great actors) in all fields.

Childlessness is most simply known through an unproductive position of the 5th lord.


Suta bhava signifies "intelligence" .

One definition of 'intellect' is 'the faculty by which humans can assess thoughts'.

  • Not generate that steady stream of conversational interactive repetitive thoughts which occurs in bhava-3 and under auspices of Budha.

  • Rather, 'assess' thoughts. bhava-5 reveals one's capacity to understand, evaluate, reflect, enliven, and enlighten thoughts which can be called creativity .

Rashi, graha, and drishti upon bhava-5 will define the scope of creative intelligencer.

Intelligence vs. Education = bhava-5 vs. bhava-4

bhava-4 = the socialization level of education.

bhava-5 = individual intelligence.

  • If bhava-4 gains strength while bhava-5 is weak, the native could be highly socialized, having completed college and even graduate school in a technical subject, without having the least drop of personal creativity. The mass of patriotic guardian types are very much like this. They are solid citizens, property owners who love and care for the land, and desire security above all.

  • If bhava-5 should surpass bhava-4, the native might have very little stability of upbringing or formal education. And yet, bBe wildly successful in publishing, industrial design, or performance arts. The typical celebrity of stage and screen is indeed undereducated formally. However, as a class, they a charismatic intelligence in theatrical expression.

Many of the world figures featured in these Jyotisha pages will indeed have distinctive qualities in bhava-5; this self-selection is the result of their already having become famous!

  • For students it may be valuable to take a look at the bhava-4 qualities (stability, security, citizenship, roots, socializing education) of the average good person in your circle of friends and family.

  • It is quite common (and commendable) in the West for natives to enjoy 16-to-20 years of formal education (bhava-4), but these many years of coursework do not produce any greater or lesser intelligence than the native enjoyed at birth.

  • The highly-educated individual is not any more creative; one is has accumulated knowledge in the form of property, which creates the professional security and entitlement of the knowledge-worker classes.

A strong bhava-5 gives the power not simply to own information as a form of property (bhava-4) but it gives the native the capacity to create new understandings, new

meanings, and new expressions of the culture as it moves forward into higher levels of civilization.

Clearly bhava-5 generates children, who create precisely this forward movement into new ways of living. bhava-5 grants a speculative intelligence, an ability to see knowledge in the abstract and reason with it philosophically, as an abstraction or"idea" rather than as a fixed quantity of information bound into a cultural tradition.

The specific graha in bhava-5 and the vidya-pati-5 will show the nature of the intelligence.

  • [Surya in bhava-5] -- [svabhava] = a radiant style of intelligence; likes performance art including theatre and politics

  • [Chandra in bhava-5] = an intuitive style of intelligence, and often psychically gifted

  • Kuja in bhava-5= competitive, dynamic intelligence. Brilliant battle plans. Damages children.

  • Budha in bhava-5= focus on details and craft; expression in writing and messaging media, performance, and all other media. Sexual genius.

  • Guru in bhava-5 brings extraordinary broad optimism into the intelligence, ahuge speculative faith which makes a wonderful coach and preacher.

  • Shukra in bhava-5= design, design, design. Material beauty intelligence that envisions and makes attractive. Beautiful children.

  • Shani in bhava-5 restrains the creative intelligence and sets limits on personal speculation; tends to punish the native for taking creative risks. Children are a burden.

  • Rahu in bhava-5 Gives wild risk-taking and barrier-bending, taboo-twisting intelligence, high romance, and exotic ideas.

  • Ketu in bhava-5 Gives a reflective and detached philosophical intelligence, which may seek no public output although it is very deep and valuable. Early separation from children.

Creative capabilities developed through education

bhava-4 properly rules education: that basic socialization which allows us all to get along. bhava-4 contains the entire portfolio of home, mother, emotional security, and social security. A good basic socialization, usually accomplished by the mother and very predominantly female early-education teachers, teaches children how to treat others properly.

After the fundamental moral education is accomplished in bandhu bhava, the native is equipped to set out upon the world stage.

  • If bhava-5 = auspicious, his education will provide a springboard for recognized social accomplishment.

  • Lasting fame, wealth from speculation, celebrity, authorship, literary and theatrical accomplishments are -- for most people in most civilizations -- the result of skills training, preparation, focused parental guidance, and the confidence which comes from an emotionally secure childhood.

  • Upon that foundation, can be laid the egoic-mind glory of a strong putra bhava.

Tula indriya-lagnais known to create famous statesmen, because Shani the graha of discipline and practice, rules both bhava-4 and bhava-5. When [Yogakaraka] Shani is dignified for Tula-lagna, sustained creative ability in large-scale governance arises from the blessed combination of strong family foundations giving emotional security, plus strong personal intelligence giving genius.

  • Although not as powerful in effect, sun-Moon will rule bhava-5 and bhava-4 for Mesha indriya-lagna .

  • Prediction of exceptional leadership abilities is reduced for Mesha indriya-lagna because both Surya and Chandra must be highly dignified to get maximum results.

Authority expressions

bhava-5 creative fathering

vs. bhava-10 punitive fathering

" ... Autor father, from O.Fr. auctor, from L. auctor ..."enlarger, founder,"

lit."One who causes to grow ," ... from augere to increase (see augment)."


Celebrity through authority, as well as through notoriety, especially as gained through publication or through politics, is seen in putra bhava representing speculative creativity and fame.

bhava-5 version of 'authority' is not to be confused with the 'authority-figure' leadership roles of bhava-10.

In bhava-5, svabhava of brilliant Ravi, the native enjoys 'authorship', through publications of authoritative scholarship (which is then celebrated as an expression of divine intelligence) or by writing or performing works of high civilization, such as marvelous dances, theatrical plays, or musical compositions. This type of authority derives from the sacred sense of father as in Holy Father, the source of divine intelligence.

In bhava-10 = svabhava of dark and punitive Shani, authority is more of the social-control variety. karma-bhava represents the authority to impose laws, to maintain order, to enforce conformity, to make executive decisions which affect large groups of people who are organized into hierarchical ranks.

Naturally, shani promotes a very different type of inpersonal, institutionalized "authority" , deriving from the human sense of / father / as the maintainer of order in the home.

Ideally, surya represents the creative force of divine light which causes intelligence to radiate from the humanized, densified human embodiment.

Residing at a mutually hostile 6-8 geometry, surya's authorship in the fatherly role may come into an angle of permanent loggerheads with Shani's authority in the anti-creative, law-and-order sense of father, 'autor' in bhava-10.


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" "In all your designs you will succeed, and light will shine on your path.""

~~The Book of Job - Iyov, 22:28