
Varga - Amsha

सप्त sapta = seven

सप्तांश saptāṃśa


= seventh fraction, seventh distribution

स्वरांश svarāṃśa


= seventh portion, seventh division


Saptans - Saptasam

putra-putriki varga

the one-seventh portion

1/7 of a rashi = 4-deg-17.5-min

Seventh Divisional Chart

Fruitfulness of Partnership including Children


Creative Outcomes from Mutuality, from Reciprocal Alliances

Caveat Emptor

Accuracy of divisional charts depends entirely on accuracy of birth time

Varga charts can supply a useful adjunct perspective upon the significations of the graha.

However, if accurate birth time is not available, divisional charts are misleading, and should be ignored.



KANGRA, c. 1820

Faintly inscribed in Nagari on the reverse

Gouache on paper heightened with gold

Sanskrit Vocabulary

  • ~~ Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


BPHS Sarga 6, shloka-10-11.

  • Saptamsha = one seventh of a Rashi

" The Saptamsha counting commences from the same Rashi in the case of an odd Rashi.

It is from the seventh Rashi thereof, while an even Rashi is considered.

The names of the seven divisions in odd Rashi are:

  1. Kshaara (Ksheera)
  2. Dadhi
  3. Ghritha
  4. Ikshu
  5. Rasa
  6. Madhya
  7. Suddha Jala.

These designations are reversed for an even Rashi."

D-7 = Saptamsha = alliances, trusts, promises, agreements.

Traditionally, d-7 is consulted for additional evidence regarding the production of children considered as the fruits of marriage.

Confirmation of the characteristics of those sections of the Learning Pathway which require fair bargains + yoked partnerships.

Look in D-7 for confirmation of the outcomes of the D-1 yuvati-patir.

Graha which gain special significance in D-7

In D-7, inspect Jaimini darakaraka

Darakaraka is the graha which holds the 7th highest degree position in the radical kundali. Traditionally, the 7th-angle indicates alliance, agreement, pairing, exchanging, matching, mating.

In D-7, inspect Brihaspati, because He is the general karaka for fruits, expansion, output, and abundance of all varieties of experience.

in a wifely nativity, Guru dhava-karaka represents the husbandly-companion.

There is no anatomical identity rule for determining the character of the husband-person. Professor Guru signifies the social role of the generous expander which includes the functions of the sperm-donor but also encompasses many other varieties of well-being through abundancer.

In D-7 and also in D-12, inspect the ruler of the Jaimini Vyaya-arudha * Vyaya-pada * Gauna-pada (in Jaimini tradition A-12 is called Upa-pada)

Vyaya-arudha is the Arudha lagna of Vyaya bhava-12. The Vyaya-arudha is a significator of the bedroom (12) component of the marriage experience. As most married persons will testify, conditions in the bedroom are the foundation of procreative potential.

Field of Psychic Expectation for Matters of Children and creative intelligence

Fruits (11) of the Yoke (7) * gains from yuvati = products of partnership and alliances *

Ayurvedic medical prescriptions based on assessment of the seven human-body chakra (wheels)

  1. The traditional fruit of marriage = children. From Saptamsha is gained (presuming an accurate birth time) a confirming level of detail regarding children.

  2. To determine the prognosis for Children, look first to all the effects upon putra bhava-5

  3. Check the status of child-karaka Guru check dharma-bhava 5th-from-5th Check 5th-from-Guru Check 5th-from-Chandra

  4. Now, check the D-7 = Saptamsha.

  5. The bhava which defines and energizes children sits in 3/11 angle to the children-bhava: it is yuvati bhava, the 7th bhava of marriage. It is considered that the relationship between the two parents (bhava-7) is the basis (lagna) from which the prospects for children should be measured. Thus children, afruit (11) of marriage, are seen from D-7.

  6. Examine kalatra bhava (7) in the radix. Will the radix 7th bhava generate the community support (11th-from-7th = putra-putriki) and personal courage (3rd-from-7th = dharma) necessary to realize its goals?

  7. Once the rulers of bhava-5 and bhava-9 are confirmed positive for children, look for confirmation of the "fruits" of the 7th bhava within the seventh divisional chart: D-7 . Saptamsha reveals finer detail of how the outcomes of the marriage agreement may manifest.


QUOTATION From: David Frawley. The Astrology of the Seers. (2000). p. 186

" Each sign is divided into seven equal parts of 04 degrees 17' 09" .

The first 1/7 of odd signs is governed by the sign itself,

  • with the rest following the signs in order through the zodiac.

For even signs, the first 1/7 corresponds to the sign seventh from it,

  • and the rest follow in order from that.


  • the first seventh of Aries of an odd sign is Aries the second. Taurus the third and so on to Libra.
  • The first seventh of Taurus (an even sign) would be Scorpio, the sign seventh from it.
  • The second seventh division would be Sagittarius the third, capricorn
  • and so on to Taurus as its last seventh.

In this way we are merely going through the signs in order.

The following are the harmonic 1/7 divisions of the sign:

1. 00 degrees 0' 0" to 04 degrees 17' 09"

2. 04 degrees 17' 09" to 08 degrees 34' 16"

3. 08 degrees 34'17" to 12 degrees 51'26"

4. 12 degrees 51'26" to 17 degrees 08'34"

5. 17 degrees 08'34" to 21 degrees 25'43"

6. 21 degree 25'43" to 25 degrees 42'52"

7. 25 degrees 42'52" to 30 degrees 00'00"

Thus if the Moon is located at 25 degrees 10' Taurus,

  • it would be in the sixth division,
  • which would be Aries (sixth from Scorpio)."

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