Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
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AUM som somaya namah AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah 5th-from- Chandra emotional intelligence eldest child children in general Graha or lagna that are located in 5th-from-Chandra
Emotional cooperation Vimshottari period of the ruler of 5th-from-Chandra is likely to contain a good deal of emotional creativity and pro-creativity. The nature of the expectations is positive and self-directed. If there are graha in occupation of 5th-from-Chandra, or the ruler of 5th-from-Chandra = exceptionally empowered, the situation can become much more emotionally intelligent. 5-gamesmanship, genius, center-stage performance, creativity, gambling, self-referential certainty, brilliant speculation, elections, options, cardiac-spine 5-politics, idealism, entitlement, display, celebrity, authorship, intellect, gambling-games, entertainment, children, genius, showmanship, creativity, splendor 5-celebrity, genius, entitlements, display, intelligence, brightness, politics 5-politics, drama, center-stage roles, artistic performance, entitlements 5- entertainment, dramatic arts, romantic idealism, celebrity, sparkle, entitlement 5-politics, children, creative performance, gambling-games, romance, financial speculation, drama, center-stage roles, entertainments psycho-emotional relationship based on ancient memory of
For masculine-feminine partnerships, the 5th-from angle resembles Surya thus is a fairly easy placement for male self-centered energy. However, the 5th-from angle is less suitable for the feminine harmonizing Shukra, who favors a 2nd or 7th angle. Therefore, the situation is different for masculine vs. feminine perspectives. |
CHILDREN EXAMPLE [Chandra in visionary-charitable Aśleṣa-4] [ātmakāraka] -- [Chandra-yuti-Mangala-nīcha ] [8, rejuvenation]
EXAMPLE POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford After completing law-school and military service, GRF was swiftly elected USA-Congressman from Michigan. - Guru-5-Dhanus also rules political, displaying 5th-from-Chandra -- but 5th-from-Chandra contains a Rahu twist
5th-from-Chandra contains Rahu-Meena-8
Sparkling Surya resides in [5th-from-Chandra] [Surya-Mesha] -- [uchcha]
[Surya-Vanika] [nīcha]
Surya = comfortable in the center of attention Emotionally based interest in politics, drama, celebrity, games, romantic idealism, creative art, entertainments.
Depending on other graha in 5th-from-Chandra, there may be a preference to decline the option to produce fleshly children in favor of producing children of the creative intelligence. EXAMPLE Iran-Shahani 1932-2001 Soraya Esfandiari Bakhtiari [optimistic-ideological Arudra-1] + [Arudra-Surya-yuti-Budha-Arudra] + [Arudra-Surya-yuti-Shukra-Arudra]
Yet, if children occur, the eldest child prefer Surya-oriented lifestyles, is strongly associated with the father, and may have self-centered qualities.
When Surya has unsavory duties, such as being a dushtamshapati, then despite wonderful prospects for career in entertainment, politics, and drama, one may nevertheless experience some sorrow.
Muscular Mangala resides in 5th from Chandra
Kuja occupies
5th from Chandra
innovative creativity Activates the sentimental, emotional drive to energize
romance, gaming,
artistic performance,
celebrated roles,
and entitlements. Generally quite political.
Often a dramatic person with sexual vitality and an emotionally energized thrust to occupy the center of attention. Supports successful ventures in politics, theatre, fashion, celebrity roles, personal uniqueness, entertainment, games-gambling, and creative initiatives. Exceptional example showing emotionally-driven creativity
Chandra activates 5th-from-Chandra Remarkably auspicious placement for spiritual guidance and poetic creativity = 9th-from-svakshetra Intuition, clairsentience, meditative awareness, and divinatory perceptions are opened. Often a world-wanderer. Comfortable in the company of philosophers and priests. Shelters many travellers. When Chandra activates 5th-from-Chandra, asimultaneous Chandra-Mangala yoga can produce significant treasury. Meena-Chandra is more likely to donate excess assets toward the welfare of religious concerns such as ashrama, monasteries, and temples than to keep cintamani * mani * money in one's own pockets. Enjoys treasury but does not much collect assets unless some other graha makes acquisitiveness. |
Bantering Budha resides in5th from Chandra
Budha occupies the fortunate, entertaining, gambling,
5th-from-Chandra. All the children
but particularly the eldest are likely to be talkative, explanatory,
communicative messengers
Budha occupies emotionally-driven genius 5th from Chandra = narrative, explanatory, descriptive, diagramming, gesturing, messaging, commercial, collaborative, sibling-cohort-oriented creativity
Generous Guru resides in 5th from Chandra
Guru occupies emotionally-driven genius 5th from Chandra = diverse, multiple-source, wisely abundant, doctrinal, theoretical creativity From the perspective of the wifely-companion = husband Dhava-karaka Guru in 5th-from Chandra. Husband's behavior often follows a pattern of romantic, poetic, creative and procreative. Since Guru's drishti into Chandra indicates abundance and fertility, typically, there are Childrenfrom the marriage. Feminine-figure feels emotionally appreciative toward husband-1-figure and his intelligence, even if material circumstances of the marriage are growth-challenging. 5th-from characteristics in the emotional relationship to the first husband. The 1st spouse likes children, gambling and games including speculative finance, romantic idealism, theatre, and politics. Often, the spouse needs center-stage attention; regal entitlements; applause, praise.
Shukra resides in 5th from Chandra
Shukra occupies emotionally-driven creative performance genius 5th from Chandra = musical, relationship-oriented, harmony-seeking, values-focused and wealth-accumulating entertainments Shukra, from the perspective of the husbandly-companion kalatra-karaka Shukra in 5th-from Chandra = 5th-from characteristics in the emotional relationship to the wife[s] . The wife needs much attention. She may be a brilliant genius and/or have an idealistic or dramatic "high maintenance" personality.
Exceptions include Shukra-yuti-Ketu which generally signals a disinterest in the marriage partner or sidelining of the wifely-companion.
Shani resides in 5th from Chandra EXAMPLE
Shani occupies emotionally-driven genius 5th from Chandra = restricted, retarded, delayed, structured, status-seeking, disciplined, austere, elegant, limited creativity that responded first and foremost to the requirements of the social order Stressed and pressured by celebrity. Children become a heavy responsibility, and children may be agents of social disapprobation.
Although one's personal children may be an albatross, one may nevertheless serve masses of young people in a socially systemic fashion.
May signal a postponing delay [but not denial] in the birth of children
Beholden to politicians, gamblers, speculators, royalty, children, romantic lovers The most favorable angle of public-private tension, at which the person achieves wisdom about one's fundamental emotional needs AND one's social obligations as a human citizen. One is usually able to establish a balance between inner and outer viewpoints. Overall a charismatic position which produces an increase in consciousness of the structure of divine intelligence, albeit through some struggles in the attempt to gain political approval [5] and complexities in the role of creativity and pro-creativity in the pursuit of approval. May signal a delay in the arrival of children, or reduce the number of children, or indicate a source of pre-incarnationally planned stress regarding children. One may be separated via duty from the children - or from the fun, or the games, or the celebrities. Shani typically indicates a resource-scarcity struggle in raising the children which is most commonly a shortage of Time, but could also manifest as a shortage of attention or other blockage of the mechanisms of connection such as prevention of communication. Either by their presence or by their absence,
One may be separated from the children by social duties [Shani] or face charges of negligence toward them. Feels emotional pressure to achieve social approval through celebrity performance, displays of genius, or political authority. Children become heavy responsibility, but the results of accepting this burden are morally and spiritually uplifting, but usually this benefit is recognized only in the second half of life. One must work hard to protect and nurture the children . One may find oneself in perpetual negotiation of the conflictbetween one's individual creative-intelligence relationship with one's children, versus professional and material responsibilities. Yet, the results of staying with this conflict and working through each individual step of the process are indeed favorable over the longer termr. Shani in 5th-from Chandra = 5th-from characteristics in the emotional relationship to the second husband. The 2nd spouse likes children , games, theatre, and politics. Often, the spouse needs to be engaged in creative arts, or to receive center-stage attention, applause.
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RAHU resides in 5th from Chandra politics, entertainment, creativity, children, fashion, courtly life, celebrity, games, genius
Rahu occupies emotionally-driven genius 5th from Chandra = extraordinary, ambitious, taboo-challenging creativity Sudden and dramatic emotional changes causes by eruption of ambitious or privilege-seeking desires in one's own children, one's lovers, or one's theatrical personality. Children Unorthodox, fascinating, mixed-culture patterns in the relationship to offspring Often a very charming individual who delights in holding the center of attention.
Disruption through Celebrity: one is changed and changes others via growth-challenge to cultural norms "on stage" , as the recipient of copious public attention and admiration
Emotional disruption caused by feeding upon the chaos of politics, literary creativity, salience or fame in performance arts.
Volatile, roller-coaster experience in romance and courtly love. tendency to fall in love [romance, 5] in socially dramatic, barrier-bending, taboo-twisting circumstances
highly expedient, creative connection to politics, often based in the ambitions of the parents [Chandra] political foundation.
Primary agents of personal and social disruption in life are one's children, one's romantic lovers, and one's own genius. Disruption through Celebrity: one is changed and changes others via growth-challenge to cultural norms "on stage" , as the recipient of copious public attention and admiration Emotional disruption caused by feeding upon the chaos of politics, literary creativity, salience or fame in performance arts. |
KETU resides in 5th from Chandra
Ketu occupies emotionally-driven genius 5th from Chandra = absent, dispersed, disoriented, disregarding, wandering, pilgrimage-seeking creativity Unlimited Ketu occupies the creative 5th-from-Chandra. Can be a signal of preference to not produce biological children but rather generate a higher creativity. Much depends upon Ketu's bhava and upon Ketu's planetary ruler. If one chooses to welcome children, then often the eldest child is eccentric in character, perhaps apathetic about public life, or chooses an unconventional lifestyle. Much depends upon Ketu's bhava and upon Ketu's planetary ruler.
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