relationships (7) with distant lands (12)

only search B.P. Lama Jyotishavidya



Medicine Buddha


OM hrim krom aim grhanathaya budhaya svaha

Angle-Yoga to the 12 sthāna



disproportion, disparity, disenfranchisement,

disagreement, dispute, disease-discomfort,

dysfunction, disjunction,

distaste, distrusi

medicine, military, professional ministries of service

QUOTATION from Chögyam Trungpa, 'Sacred Outlook' in The Heart of the Buddha : Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path , p 134-135
"In meditation, by assuming a dignified and upright posture and identifying with the outgoing breath , we begin to make friends with ourselves in a fundamental sense.

When thoughts arise, they are not treated as enemies, but they are included in the practice and labeled simply as thinking."

One begins to see how confusion, speed, and aggression are generated by ignoring the peacefulness of one's being."

Although known as the / maha-dusth-amsha /, ripu Bhava is not / all bad /

Some of the functions of bhava-6 are quite favorable.

  • 5th-from-2nd= working (6) while it often feels like servitude, generates (5th-from) resource-savings (2)

  • 5th-from-2nd= intelligent (5) theatrical expression (5) of memorized historical knowledge (2) in logical argumentation (6) can result in self-mastery via subordination of the chaotic mind (mind is a good servant but a poor master)

  • 9th-from-10th = service to others gives leadership wisdom

Growth-challenging implications of Ripu bhava

  • 6th-from-1st (body imbalance)

  • 8th-from-11th (disruption of goals)

  • 12th-from-7th (disagreements)

QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso, The Path to Tranquility

" Encountering sufferings will definitely contribute to the elevation of one's spiritual practice,

provided you are able to transform the calamity and misfortune into the path."


bhava-6 = identification with environments of illness, animosity, poverty, servitude, exploitation, medicine, military, all types of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy

arguments, accusations, complaints, employer-employee relationships,"human-resources ", workplace, labor atory, clinics

  • Underclass * especially Rahu *

    Exploitation, servitude

  • Work and the workplace

  • Working trades, trade unions

  • tasks 'tarea', school-homework,

relationships (7) that are 'naturally' power-imbalanced (master-slave etc.)

  • Servants,

  • employees

  • prostitutes,

  • slaves

  • Animals especially service animals

  • manual labor

  • Pets, Livestock,

  • working animals, domesticated animals

exploiters, victims , prostitutes + 'johns', animosity, unfaithfulnessfood-lodging attending to guests, hospitality industry, conflict, complaints, accusations, disagreement, dispute, divorce, criminals, criminalization / crime, criminal attorneys, litigation, conflict, Victims and the Victim-Mind (Budha = narrative) Jails (not prisons) accidents, imbalance, injurypollution, toxicity, illness-addiction, physicians, pharmacists, medicine, medical science, medical treatments, medical workers


Usury - Loans - Loan Interest - Mortgages

Bankruptcy miserliness, acrimony, fear of poverty due to mental slavery

Agents of bhava-6 are identified with conditions and environments that can be characterized as either a state of imbalance or a ministry of service:

Mothers' relatives, victims of all species, slaves, servants, Employees, conflict-management professionals, Enemies, accusers, Litigators, defense Attorneys, criminals, military Officers, Usurers, medical workers, physicians and Pharmacists, drug users and Drug provisioners, the Poor, the Sick, the Needy and the Exploited

The primary agents represented by bhava-6 and its ruler include:

  • those with whom one is in conflict (out-of-balance)

  • those who live in a state of chronic imbalance (poor, sick, self-doubting, or jealous)

  • professionals who serve the disempowered

Q: What person or object in this world enacts the pre-incarnationally planned agenda of bhava-6 and its lord?

A: Servants, enemies, money-lenders, physicians, police, and agents associated with conditions of"animosity, debt, disease" will carry out the instructions of bhava-6 and its lord. and

bhava-6 rules the Learning Pathway activities of argumentation, dispute, and disagreement. 1st-from any house gives psychological identity, material appearance, and vitality.

bhava-6 and its lord indicate the argumentative behaviors with which the native is most intimately identified. Ari bhava and rogesha-6 show the phenomena (dharma) of making arguments and experiencing a resulting condition of internal imbalance.

Under supervision of mentalized Budha, the nature of blaming and argument is inherently adversarial. Arguments require opposed voices, and Opposed voices when personalized with lower emotion can easily become a fight between two enemies.

Ministries of Service, professional Service Education

bhava-6 is the house of the doctor and the patient, the police and the criminal, the money-lenders and the poor. At higher levels of education in the service professions, logical arguments about the material causes of animosity, debt, and disease can be free of jealousy and reactive emotion. Service education, if free of lower emotions, can lead to effective problem-solving in areas of social conflict, economic development, and health-care. However, note that education regarding social ills is indicated by 4th-from-9th which is the all-good dharma bhava!

Unfortunately the baseline behavior of bhava-6 is a chronic litany of deep and repetitive blaming of some purported Other for one's own ills.

Logical debate pits the 'pro' against the 'con'. Argument-makers can be agents of social justice (defense attorneys, physicians, ministers and advocates for victims) or agents of crime and exploitation.

Professor Budha is flexible, naeutral, and quick-moving. Typically, the split-minded psychic environment of Roga Bhava contains both the attachment to imbalance and the instinct to begin to correct it.

The argument can be largely unconscious and internalized in a self-identification 'victim script'. Or, the argument can be conscious and externalized in a professional service practice.

If conditions in bhava-6 are beneficial (ideally, an exalted malefic tenant or ruler) then one may serve others with dignity and compassion.

Should conditions be less supportive, one may suffer frenetic internal argumentation which instructs one to serve only oneself. This inner narrative invokes subconscious memories of scarcity, exploitation, and war. It may claim that the only way to get power, wealth, or pleasure is to take it from someone else. One may suffer toxic self-criticism, expressed as fear and hatred toward others, and diseases caused by jealousy.

Periods of rogesha-6 and tenants of Ripu bhava may show the external effects of the mental conflict as a body out of balance, bodies in physical conflict, but also Seva, medicines, and clinical treatments.


Budha - 6

Shukra - 2

Surya - 5

children's treasuries

wealth of first child

voice and face of the first child

bhava-5 putrasthāna = children, politics, celebrity, royalty, games, gambling, speculative finance, fashion, brilliance, theatre, center-stage roles, charisma, and creative genius.

2nd-from = conservation of financial wealth , acquisitive behaviors, storage and collections, moveable containers, banks and banking, historical and linguistic knowledge, hoards and gatherings, speech, face, and family history.

2nd-from-5th gives the children's hoarded wealth, the children's values, the children's speech and face.

Wealth of first child

bhava-5 represents the first child. Second house profiles wealth. Therefore, the 2nd-from-5th house, ripu-sthāna, shows The financial wealth of the first child/

  • Treasuries of 2nd child would be 2nd-from-7th, or Randhra bhava.

  • Treasuries of 3rd child would be 2nd-from-9th, or Karmaa bhava.

  • etc.

Follow this pattern to see wealth of all one's children and grandchildrenr.

bhava-6 = the historical values (2) expressed by one's children (5)

speech and song (2) of the children, especially the first child

  • if papagraha in 6, may be a rudely spoken child

the quality of children's hoards (2)

children's facial features (2) including eyes, hair, teeth, tongue, jaw.

Idiomatic language (2) habits cultivated by the children, their language facility, and The financial wealth -conserving (2) powers evinced by one's own creative intelligence (5).

Conservation of financial wealth (2) that is generated through speculative, creative, political, or gaming behaviors (5).

(Gain of profit = 11th-from-5th = bhava-3 = self-made treasury . Ability to conserve the earned profit from creative endeavors = bhava-6.)

Wealth hoarded from literary publications, winning of contests and elections, publication of games and amusements. The speech qualities expressed by the native during political campaigns, during theatrical performances, when talking to or about one's children.

Tangible Wealth produced by 6 = 2nd hoard from 5th luck

  • ccumulated wealth of children (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by acts of genius (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by use of Divine Intelligence (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by romatic lovers and matters of the Heart (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by literary + performance arts (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by gambling + games (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by charisma + charm (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by theatre (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by politics (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by celebrations + celebrity (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by royalty and regalia (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by ornaments + fashion (5)

  • accumulated wealth produced by the partner's elder sibling (5)


  • property and vehicle sales

  • skilled crafts and trades

  • service workers in the home

bhava-4 rules shelter, protection, owned-stewarded property , boundaries, fencing, and cultural 'roots'. 3rd-from any house gives mental process, manual skill, and communications.

3rd-from-4th = messaging about boundaries (us-vs-them) , talk about protecting (our) property, and meetings with others from one's own same folkways root. These boundary-defending talks generate mistrust, exploitation or belittlement of neighbors and can become the precursor to war (6).

Purchase/sales of vehicles

Fourth house profiles vehicles. The 3rd-from-any-house shows sale, purchase, exchange, conversation about, or negotiations concerning, matters of that house.

So, logically, 3rd-from-4th which is Ari Bhava, indicates buying and selling of vehicles with all the negotiation that naturally involves.

Mother's siblings and cousins = especially the mother's brothers.

Parochial assumptions (4) and communications stimulus-response patterns that were formed in the home culture.

Discussions about property and vehicles. Sales (3rd-from) of property and vehicles. Animosity and defensiveness inherent in talk about defending boundaries and protecting cultural roots.

Critical discussions and writings about one's cultural roots, sales, advertising, and marketing of vehicles and properties (3rd from bandhu bhava), including all the skilled trades which sustain and repair buildings and vehicles through either manual or verbal interaction with the property.

Mortgage brokers, real estate agent, estate management, automobile sales and maintenance, home construction and repair, sellers of fencing and protective mechanisms such as alarms and guard systems, human guards, servants and employees who manually work and verbally talk in the home.

Tangible Wealth produced by 6 = 3rd craft from 4th roots

  • reports about the parents especially mother (4)

  • reports about patriotism, birth-land (4)

  • reports about folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms police, boundaries (4)

  • reports about houses, lands + vehicles (4)

  • reports about farming (4)

  • reports about fixed properties, limits, fences (4)

  • reports about the folkways traditions (4)

  • reports about schools, diploma + licenses (4)

  • reports about cultural roots (4)

  • reports about garden spirits (4)

  • reports about sale of food-drink, naatural resources, cattle (4)

  • reports about things underground (4)


Saint Luke the Syrian Physician

Saint Luke, legendary writer of the Christian Gospel of Luke

Luke is often mentioned as the "proletarian gospel" since more than the other three canonical Christian gospels, Luke deals with the life realities of people who are poor, sick, or socially disenfranchised .

Scholars presently opine that Luke was a Greek-literate Syrian disciple of Christ who wrote for a non-Jewish audience.

Luke is believed to have been a physician. In traditional Christianity, Luke is the patron saint of medical doctors and nurses, surgeons and pharmacists, and all types of health care workers.

Luke evangelizes to the socially marginalized: tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes, the poor, women and"gentiles " (commoners).


  • stability and security for the siblings and the team-mates

  • mother's relatives especially her siblings

bhava-3 rules siblings and team-mates, manual skills, commercial business, and self-made treasury . 4th-from any house gives property, stability, deeds and titles, and cultural indoctrination.

4th-from-3rd gives properties of the siblings, licensing and entitlement to perform commercial duties, education based on manual crafts.

Buildings such as homes and shelters built by one's own hands. Properties acquired through self-made financial well-being .

  • Schooling in hand-crafts. Schooling provided to the (younger) siblings. Folkways values which emphasize mental processes, cultural indoctrination in skilled crafts using hand tools (including writing implements).

Work practices that carry out cultural "roots " through group discussion, small-group communications, administrative processes. Ari bhava, the house of logical argumentation, is Budha's natural home.

4th = schooling; 4th-from-3rd = schooling to acquire customs of the commercial world (3). Workplace training, on-the-job training, education for service workers = 6.

Houses of the siblings, vehicles of the siblings.


bhava-6 = intelligence from the core values, good luck in expanding the family

the bhagya 5th-from angle brings riches, intelligence, entitlements, and entertainments

it is an angle of delight, applause, and glamour

from the basis of bhava-2 which contains treasuries of valuable goods and conserved knowledge and the lineage history of the family line, bhava-6 shows the enrichment results:

Logical argument reinforces memorized knowledge

Accusations Whodunit

the ability to remember details of a story and on a larger scale great historic truths (2) can be parlayed into successful litigation and convincing accusations of criminal blame

great placement for crime writers

lifetime servants of the family who are in some ways similar to children

animal herds and other wealth based in the family's historic storage collections

fortune from speculative capital investments (5th-from-2nd).

bhava-2 rules financial well-being and treasuries of knowledge; face, speech, and family history. 5th-from any house gives creativity and intelligence.

5th-from-2nd gives speculative and risk-positive handling of the accumulated values (capital), such as savings accounts and collections.


5th-from-2nd = previous children of the second spouse (5th-from-2nd, step-children, servants);


5th-from-2nd = gambling and speculative finance with exploitive results

  • poverty caysed by gambling away (5) the savings (2)

  • crimes of usury = speculative (5) interest rates applied to money (2) loans (6) - if get-rich-quick amplifier Rahu occupies 6, speculative interest may become truly exorbitant

Dramatization of the Lower Emotions

Performance art drawing from historical traditions in art, music, and poetry, can be great success when

  • theme of the drama = exploitation, jealousy, addiction, disloyalty, greed

  • the great majority of theatrical works = repeating imbalance patterns of human relationship

bhava-6 denizens are itinerant, un-contracted, ultimately self-governing (9th-from-10th) and free.

These significations are not always negative. Results may be positive or negative as the lordship and tenants of Ari bhava would dictate. Profit from making loans from the saved wealth of one's family, although risky, if realized, may be wealth-creating.

The treatment of step-children determines whether they become friends or enemies. Traveling artists and actors, un-contracted servants such as roving tinsmiths and fortune-tellers, may enjoy their life quite nicely.


Logical analysis, argumentation and debate can serve as superior vehicles for the theatrical expression and intelligent performance of memorized knowledge.

  • The litany of victim's complaints which so typifies the interior narrative of bhava-6 can just as easily be framed as a litany of instructions for taming the at-birth chaos of the mind.

As it is said, the mind is a wonderful servant and a terrible master.

  • In bhava-6, gaining mastery over the mind is a positive utilization of old master-slave behaviors which assert subconsciously that one party receives more respect, more control, and more resource than the other.

In the case of mind control, one is indeed applying tight constrictions to the inner servant, the monkey-mind, and results of patient self-mastery are said to produce the Pearl of Great Price.

QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso, Stages of Meditation p 22

" [In listening to teachings one] of the defects is to listen in a way that is like a container with holes.

This means that even though we are listening to the teachings, we do not retain their contents. In this case we lack mindfulness and memory.

  • Practice of Dharma means that we should be able to benefit from what we have heard.

  • It is not a pastime, like listening to a story.

The teachings give us guidance on how to live meaningful lives and how to develop proper attitudes. So in order to benefit from the teachings, we must retain them with mindfulness .

In all kinds of learning processes, listening, reading, etc., we must pay full attention and should endeavor to remember their contents.

  • When our interest is halfhearted, we only remember half the points, and we retain them for only a short time.

  • We should reflect and think about whatever we have heard, over and over again.

  • In this way, the knowledge will stay in our mind for a long time.

Another technique for remembering instructions is debate as it is practiced in the traditional debating schools."

Wealth produced by 6 = 5th charisma (charm) from 2nd hoard

  • charisma of historical memory (2)

  • charisma of knowledge (2)

  • charisma of the family of origin (2)

  • charisma of face, eyes, hair, voice, mouth (2)

  • charisma of speech, song, language (2)

  • charisma of recording, preserving (2)

  • charisma of collections, containments, libraries, treasuries (2)

  • charisma of gathering, saving, storage (2)

  • charisma of silo, storage, warehouse, bank, tank (2)

  • charisma of precious food-drink (2)

  • charisma of conserved values (2)

  • charisma of moving herds of cattle (2)

  • charisma of the father's enemies (2)

  • charisma of the mother's elder sibling (2)


bhava-6 = animosity within and against The earthen body , imbalance disturbing the body's integrity

bhava-1= flesh-body and the world of material appearances.

6th-from = imbalance, disloyalty, exploitation, and argumentative dispute..

6th-from-1st =

  • inner disagreement, disputes,argumentation, and conflict within The earthen body

  • disappointment and conflict expressed via illness, injury, and pain

Ari Bhava and rogesha-6 = nerve pain, muscle pain, other conditions of fleshly imbalance -- However, the mind is not necessarily harmed unless there is association with Chandra.

One may feel bereft of appreciation or harmonious relationship to the world of material appearances. Animosity toward one's own body. Disfigurement, injury, embarrassing appearance, external evidence of internal imbalance.


alliances (7) among the ancestors (12)

contracts (7) with those in distant lands (12) -- , import-export businesses

vyaya bhava rules foreign lands, private affairs, and disintegration of identity. 7th-from any house gives partnership and terms of agreement.

7th-from-12th = Alliances in foreign lands, imaginary or fantasized relationships, and relationships with sequestered or confined persons and environments.

bhava-6 = "import-export" business, due to its location as 7th (partnerships) from 12th (exotic lands).

Mental illness

Roga bhava includes mental illness, due partly to signification of imaginary relationships, belief that one can know what another person is thinking (delusion, paranoia, jealousy).

Agreements (usually employment contracts) with Enclosures

bhava-6 defines the contractual or agreement-based relationship to sanctuaries, ashrams, hospitals, monasteries, prisons. Strength in bhava-6 indicates that the native will have balanced and beneficial relationships with these otherwise imprisoning or enclosing environments - exempli gratia, medical, military, or social service professionals.


secret (8) networks (11)destruction + rebirth (8) = death of friendship (11)

bhava-11 activates complex, naetworked systems such as the marketplace and large groups of voluntary association. 8th-from any house gives secrecy and sudden changes. 8th-from-11th gives disruptive change to networking behaviors, aloss of free association, and transformation of the pathways toward goals and achievements.

bhava-6 rules jail (external restriction) and sickness (internal restriction) on free movement in the marketplace of friends and ideas.

The most difficult implications of Ripu bhava are indeed the role of bhava-6 =

  • 6th-from-1st (body imbalance)

  • 8th-from-11th (disruption of free association)

  • 12th-from-7th (disagreements)

Circumstances of the Death of the friends

Friends are labha bhava, the 11th rashi house. As 8th-from-11th, ari bhava profiles the destruction of friends. Often when a friendship is destroyed, an enemy is created. Ari is certainly the house of enemies!

  • When the 6th lord becomes bhukti-pati, be especially sensitive to triggers which could damage one's most important friendships.

  • With conscious awareness, the destructive implications of the 6th lord for friendships can be largely avoided.

  • Sometimes the destruction or recycling of friends includes their physical death - but for physical death we prefer to first see the 2nd-from and 7th-from a house. Actual death of friends may be more closely predicted by period of 2nd-from-11th or Vyaya Bhava.


wisdom (9) of accepting responsibility (10)

  • social work, human services ministry

bhava-10 rules lawfully ordered social organizations such as state governments, and their leaders. 9th-from any house gives fortune through philosophical knowledge and religious belief. 9th-from-10th gives wisdom and sage guidance about how to operate within conventional, hierarchical, ruled-ordered groups.

bhava-6 = deepest humility. It is always the case that the most modest and humble servants of humanity are its greatest leaders, and that true leadership must be understood as a ministry of service.

Even if the scope of moral leadership is limited to one's own family, application of eternal wisdom (such as the Golden Rule) (9th-from) to the task of governing others (10) will eliminate most conflicts.

If the native functions successfully within the moral and legal rule structure of one's own society, one will have few problem-sets socially (e.g., avoid jail, war, conflicts.)

Empowerment or victimization [being eaten]

Should bhava-6 be fortunate, the native will serve in one's power-roles (parenting, policing, executive) with spiritual awareness. Should bhava-6 be less auspicious, the absence of religious understanding may corrupt the native 's ability to handle imbalanced power roles, leading to abuses.

QUOTATION M.K. Gandhi (1869 - 1948) Non-Violence in Peace and War, vol. 1, sarga-256 (1942)

" Mental violence has no potency and injures only the person whose thoughts are violent. =

  • It is otherwise with mental non-violence.

It has potency which the world does not yet know."

Benevolence produced by 6 = 9th wisdom from 10th law

  • empowerment from leadership roles (10)

  • empowerment from holding government office (10)

  • empowerment from public responsibilities (10)

  • empowerment from orderly structures (10)

  • empowerment from laws + regulations (10)

  • empowerment from institutions and bureaucracies (10)

  • empowerment from being a public figure, icon (10)

  • empowerment from father's 2nd wife (10)

  • empowerment from the language of priests (10)

  • empowerment from university collections, libraries, banking (10)


bhava-6 = dignified social leadership (10) roles based (1) in

  • wisdom (9),

  • humanistic philosophy of life (9)

  • university scholarship (9)

  • religious and moral teachings (9)

  • world travel experience (9) (one road = 1000 schools)

professional results of advanced wisdom having established itself in the personality =

the"service professions "

  • medicine

  • law

  • ministry

  • teaching

Professions (10th) based in humanistic beliefs and philosophical wisdom:

  • visiting nurses (vs. hospital nurses = 12)

  • health professionals of all kinds

  • clinical medicine,

  • nursing profession

  • ambulatory health clinics (vs. emergency room = 8)

  • non-residential treatment of patient (vs. hospital = 12)

bhava-9 rules the divine-human relationship, holy temples of wisdom, and philosophical beliefs.

10th-from = leadership, reputation, dignity, public visibility, positions at the top of the social hierarchy.

10th-from = responsibility for making decisions which affect others placed below oneself in the hierarchy, those in one's "downstream"

10th-from-9th = leadership and decision-making roles in the service professions

" The only reliable sign of spiritual progress is increased ability to serve."

When bhava-6 is strengthened by tenants and supportive drishti, periods of rogesha-6 or graha in Ari Bhava may emphasize one's responsibility to uphold, direct and represent organizations such as universities, houses of worship, and religious training centers. (If Surya or Guru are involved, the ethical dimension of the responsibilities is heightened.)

bhava-6 also indicates to some extent the nature of one's own father's public career responsibilities, and the nature of the public reputation or dignity of one's own religious belief system.

Dignity of one's belief system:

Positive factors in bhava-6 suggests that one's belief system is accepted and upheld in one's own culture, whereas difficulties in bhava-6 may suggest that one's religion suffers indignities in the land of one's residence.


bhava-6 = gain of hidden assets

11th = fruits, results, outcome

bhava-8 = catastrophic changes and hidden information.

the normal outcome of sudden, forced changes (trauma) = disease, injury, sickness, imbalance (6)

other negative outcomes include Marketplace (11) dealings in secret, taboo, confidential, unlabeled, undiagnosed-unknowable, or mysterious (8) persons and things. The outcome of dealing in secret or taboo materials may result in various types of pollution, both physical and moral, such as toxic conditions, disease and injury, prostitution, slavery, human trafficking, illegal drugs etc.

on the positive side, 11th-from-8th can produce fruits of secret knowledge such as how to compound poisons (8) into medicines (6) and how to start from a basis of traumatized being (8) and produce a clinical environment (6) where rehabilitation and recovery can begin.

6th = all specialties of flesh-medicine, pharmacy-druggist, litigation attorneys, police-military, social workers. These conflict-handlers earn from the emergencies, disasters, and trauma of 8 .

Illegal (6) Gains from hidden or confidential sources (8) . bhava-6 rules medical skills training which is a gain of secret or tantric knowledge of proper use of poison as medicine.

Bhava-6 also rules crime which is the result of getting trapped in the economy of secret dealings (8) or the misuse of hidden knowledge. Nature of the graha involved will indicate good or bad results.

QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso. The Dalai Lama's Book of Love and Compassion. (2002).

" If you harbor negative feelings towards others, and yet expect them to be friendly to you, you are being illogical.

  • If you want the atmosphere around you to be more friendly, you must first create the basis for that.

  • Whether the response of others is positive or negative, you must first create the ground of friendliness.

If others still respond to you negatively after this, then you have the right to act accordingly."

Wealth produced by 6 = 11th results-of from 8th weird, catastrophic, sudden changes

  • results of sudden, shocking changes (8)

  • results of disasters, emergencies (8)

  • results of surgery (8)

  • results of hidden life-force (8)

  • results of recycling (8)

  • results of upheavals (8)

  • results of discovery (8)

  • results of diving, drilling, mining (8)

  • results of spouse's wealth (8)

  • results of in-laws (8)

  • results of secret liaisons (8)

  • results of hidden things (8)

12th-from-7th * divorce

= dis + vers = turning against

Dissolution (12) of Harmony (7)

  • loss (12) of equity (7) within relationships

  • dissolution (12) of alliance (7)

  • erosion (12)of trust (7)

  • end (12)of contract (7)

  • War - Hatred - Ethnic conflict

  • Blaming, accusations, disputes

  • Police and Military

  • violent conflict

  • marital (7) disharmony

  • Marital (7) Viol ation of Trust

  • Betrayal - Traitor - Broken Alliance - Crime

    dissolution of faith, infidelity, defy, perfidy; false accusations, sycophancy, slander, calumny

    spouse takes long journey s, foreign residence of spouse

bhava-7 activates alliances and contracts. 12th-from any house gives long journeys away, and breaking apart. 12th-from-yuvatisthana gives dissolution and loss of the basis for harmonious agreement.

Most of the negative reputation of Ripu Bhava comes from its role as 12th-from-6th = loss of equality and agreement.

  • Loss of marriage agreement

  • loss of balance in The earthen body = 'dis-ease'.

  • loss of balance in the social body (polity) = exploitation and conflict.

The domain of"argument" creates a handicapped perception of victimhood, which creates inability to locate points of agreement.

Ari Bhava contains all the relationships in this world which are 'naturally' power-imbalanced , including animal-to-human, master-slave, employer-employee, physician-to-patient, prostitute-to-pimp, guard-to-prisoner.

Ari bhava represents the dominant-to-subordinate imbalance in all situations: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Partner's long residence in foreign lands and other drains upon the marriage vitality

  • 12th-from-7th-from-Chandra indicates the extent of the spouse's engagement with matters of foreign lands.

  • If 12th-from-7th-from-Chandra is a heavily occupied or otherwise empowered bhava, the spouse may be greatly involved with foreign cultures, perhaps foreign-born and retaining deep ties to the homeland, or otherwise emotionally less present in the marriage due to energy invested in matters far distant from the present marriage.

  • If 12th-from-7th-from-lagna is similarly strong, the spouse is so profoundly engaged in spousal imagination, meditative retreat, or involvement in distant places, that very little vitality may be available for the present marriage relationship.

Partner's hospitalization, long convalescence, extended meditation retreat, imprisonment, partner's bedrooam

The partner's psychic perceptions, dreams, and imagination;

In the process of dissolution, one may claim that the spouse is "crazy" ,"imagining things ","hallucinating" . These are emotionally-driven claims which should be evaluated from the position of Chandra. When the ruler of the 6th-from-Chandra is a natural challenger papagraha, the partner's imagination may become a pre-incarnationally planned problem-set for the native .

  1. Mesha Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of story-teller Budha

  2. Vrishabha Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of pleasure-seeker Shukra

  3. Mithuna Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of competition-seeker Mangala

  4. Karkata Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of wisdom-seeker Guru

  5. Simha Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of order-seeker Shani

  6. Kanya Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of order-seeker Shani

  7. Tula-Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of wisdom-seeker Guru

  8. Vṛścika Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of competition-seeker Kuja

  9. Dhanus Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of pleasure-seeker Shukra

  10. Makara Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of story-teller Budha

  11. Kumbha Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of shelter-seeker Chandra

  12. Meena Chandra = The partner's imagination = check the condition of attention-seeker Surya

QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso, and d. Howard C. Cutler, m.D. The Art of Happiness at Work (1998, 2004).

" d. Cutler

  • " of the reasons I brought up the topic of challenge at work," I said to the Dalai Lama,"is because it relates to a concept that seems to come up frequently these days in psychological literature, the concept of flow. -

  • This concept is increasingly mentioned in articles on human happiness, and this state can commonly occur at work.... while engaged in activity, there's a feeling of effortlessness, asense of total control over what one is doing....

  • Although flow can occur in any activity, some investigators have found that Americans experience more flow at work than they do in their leisure time."

The Dalai Lama:

" You really like this flow, Howard!" the Dalai Lama exclaimed with an amused chuckle." matter how nice that state may be, idon't think it is the most important source of satisfaction, fulfillment, or happiness....

For one thing, you can't be in that state at all times.... So through this flow, even if you get some temporary kind of happiness, it will not be an ongoing thing.

  • I think this flow state is not reliable or sustainable, and I think it's much more important to develop other sources of satisfaction through one's work that are brought about by training one's mind, shaping one's outlook and attitude, integrating basic human values in the workplace.

For example, dealing with one's destructive emotions while at work, reducing anger, jealousy, greed, and so on, and practicing relating to others with kindness, compassion, tolerance, these are much more important and stable sources of satisfaction than simply trying to create flow as much as possible."

d. Cutler: ...

to the Dalai Lama, true happiness is associated with a sense of meaning, and arises on the basis of deliberately cultivating certain attitudes and outlooks.

  • True happiness may take longer to generate, and requires some effort, but it is this lasting happiness that can sustain us even under the most trying conditions of everyday life."

* flow is defined here as [people] being so completely absorbed in their work that they lose track of time." [end quote]

" I have simply stopped arguing with reality."

~~ Byron Katie

" How do I know the wind should blow?

It's blowing.

How do I know this is the highest order?

It's happening.

Arguing with 'what is' is like teaching a cat to bark.

It's not very fulfilling.

I am my friend and no longer confused.

The way I know that reality is good is that,

when I argue the point, iexperience tension, fear and frustration.

I lose - not sometimes, but 100% of the time.

It just doesn't feel natural inside: no balance, no connection.

I want reality to change?

Hopeless. Let me change my thinking.

Some of us mentally argue with 'what is.'

Others of us attempt to control and change 'what is,'

and then tell ourselves and others

that we actually had something to do with any apparent change that took place.

This leaves no connection or room for God in my life.

In the peaceful experience of no opposition to God,

I remain aware of my nature:

  • clear, vibrant,

  • a friend, alistener." [end quote]


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