

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

  1. 7th from Chandra-1
  2. 7th from Chandra-2
  3. 7th from Chandra-3
  4. 7th from Chandra-4
  5. 7th from Chandra-5
  6. 7th from Chandra-6
  7. 7th from Chandra-7
  8. 7th from Chandra-8
  9. 7th from Chandra-9
  10. 7th from Chandra-10
  11. 7th from Chandra-11
  12. 7th from Chandra-12



AUM som somaya namah

AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah

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7th-from Chandra

emotional equity

  1. Surya in 7th-from-Chandra
  2. Mangala in 7th-from-Chandra
  3. Budha in 7th-from-Chandra
  4. Guru in 7th-from-Chandra
  5. Shukra in 7th-from-Chandra
  6. Shani in 7th-from-Chandra
  7. Rahu in 7th-from-Chandra
  8. Ketu in 7th-from-Chandra


Pharaoh Menkaura and Queen Khamerernebty II

2490–2472 BCE * Museum of Fine Arts, boston [USA]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_of_ancient_Egypt#/media/File:King_Menkaura_[Mycerinus] _and_queen.jpg

“Never before have relationships been as problematic and conflict ridden as they are now.

As you may continue to pursue the goal of salvation through a relationship, you will be disillusioned again and again.

But if you accept that the relationship is here to make you conscious instead of happy, then the relationship will offer you salvation, and you will be aligning yourself with the higher consciousness that wants to be born into this world.”

~~ A New Earth 1948- philosopher Eckhart Tolle

" Understanding of the self only arises in relationship, in watching yourself in relationship to people, ideas, and things; to trees, the earth, and the world around you and within you.

Relationship is the mirror in which the self is revealed.

Without self-knowledge there is no basis for right thought and action."

Jayakar, Krishnamurti p. 142

Marriage sequence

Spousal Profile: Characteristics and Qualities

[7th-from-Chandra] provides some clues about the type of subconscious expectations which One may bring into The marriage sequence of the current lifetime, based on past-life agreement with the designated Lifepartners[s] .

7th-from-Chandra shows the emotionally therapeutic engagement between the partners. The spouse becomes a mirror, which reveals aspects of one's own behavior that one could not otherwise see.

The bhava which = 7th-from-Chandra may have numerous characteristics such as the basic purpose of the bhava, the qualities of its ruler and occupants, drishti upon the sthāna, etc.

The characteristics of the core partnership can also be noticed in business partners and others with whom one forms important alliances and agreements.

For a second marriage, read the characteristics of the union from 2nd-from-Soma.

For a third lifepartnership , read the characteristics of the union from 9th-from-Soma.

Fourth marriage, read the characteristics of the union from 4th-from-Soma.

And so on, counting by intervals of eight bhava, starting from the bhava representing the previous marriage.

  • 5th marriage = 11th-from
  • 6th marriage = 6th-from
  • 7th marriage = 1st-from
  • and so on
RULERS of 7th-from-Chandra

indicate shared activities, sha red focus, social purpose of the union

relationships, contracts, advocacy, fairness, legal judgments, lawcourts, appeals, representation, equity, diplomacy, bargaining, haggling, partners, negotiation, go-between, dealing-making, mediation, middleman, meddling

Ruler of 7th-from-Chandra-5-Vrischika = Rahu-yuti-Shukra-nīcha-3

  • POTUS-pair-32 Learn by Living 1884-1962 Eleanor Roosevelt [Rahu-yuti-Shukra-nīcha] For the duration of their decades-long shared governance career, ER coordinated letters, newspaper articles, and diplomatic announcements [3] with her husband POTUS-32 Fireside Chats 1882-1945 Franklin D Roosevelt

  1. [Chandra in classroom-1]
  2. [Chandra in classroom-2]
  3. [Chandra in classroom-3]
  4. [Chandra in classroom-4] -- [dikbala]
  5. [Chandra in classroom-5]
  6. [Chandra in classroom-6]
  7. [Chandra in classroom-7]
  8. [Chandra in classroom-8]
  9. [Chandra in classroom-9]
  10. [Chandra in classroom-10]
  11. [Chandra in classroom-11]
  12. [Chandra in classroom-12]

  1. [Chandra-Mesha]
  2. [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg]
  3. [Chandra-Mithuna]
  4. [Chandra-Karkata]
  5. [Chandra-Simha]
  6. [Chandra-Kanya]
  7. [Chandra-Tula]
  8. [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]
  9. [Chandra-Dhanus]
  10. [Chandra-Makara-Draco]
  11. [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha]
  12. [Chandra-Meena]

When does an interpersonal relationship become a marriage?

A sexual relationship becomes a marriage when

  • [1] a formal vow is spoken, forming a recognized bond of duty, or
  • [2] a shared child is born, forming a recognized bond of duty

Marriage is not romance.

Despite the marketing imagery, marriage has little to do with falling in love, with adoration, or charisma. Marriage is a legal, social, and moral obligation which requires the parties to adhere to the terms of a fixed, socially approved contract.

Marriage is a duty-based arrangement.

For romance and games, see bhava-5, 5th-from-Chandra, and Surya.

For the delights of children, see bhava-5, 5th-from-Chandra, saptamsha, and Guru

For marriage, see bhava-7, 7th-from-Chandra, navamsha, and Shukra.

For sexuality, see Mangala.

For extramarital affairs, see bhava-8 and Rāhu.

psycho-emotional relationships based on ancient memory of:

  • marriage and partnership, promises

  • sexual relationships

  • Advising, consulting, and peer relationships - physician, attorney

  • Agreements, negotiations, andpower to reach agreement in the law courts

  • scales and balances, exchanges and contracts

  • physical body's external sexual pleasure organs

For masculine-feminine partnerships, the 7th-from angle resembles Shukra thus is a fairly easy placement for the feminine harmonizing energy. However, the 7th-from angle is less suitable for Ravi-like male self-centered energy. Therefore, the situation is different for male vs female perspectives, and it is different between the first lifepartnership vs second lifepartnership for the female.

From the viewpoint of the husbandly-companion

  • Shukra in 7th from Chandra = 7th-from characteristics in the emotional relationship to the wife[s]


pitrikaraka Surya in 7th-from-Chandra


The partner is often a center-stage personality, requiring attention and applause. Selfishness to the point of narcissism and a propensity for romantic drama may be attributes of the spouse.

  • Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford married Clara Bryant in 1888. [Pushya-Surya-yuti-Budha-Pushya] occupy HF's 7th-from-Chandra.
  • As the Ford treasuries swelled, CB became a nationally recognized philanthropist focused [Surya] on mother-and-child welfare and childhood schooling [Karkata-4] .
  • She worked through the local churches [Karkara, ethno-rituals]. Henry had a tendency to put his foot in his mouth [his Ketu-2-Urisha] , but she helped him to build and protect his reputation [Chandra-10-Makara]

since Surya is the enemy of yuvati-karaka Shukra, the lifepartner may affect the native adversely, due to their self-referential romantic behaviors or narcissistic inability to put another's welfare before one's own

  • de Mundi Systemate 1643-1727 Isaac Newton [Budha-yuti-Surya] -Dhanus in 7th-from-Chandra-5.. Newton was a gay man who never married. He had one well-known multi-year relationship with a beautiful, dramatic young Dutch scientist who -- in a gambit to gain attention -- played romantic games with Newton's heart. Newton's blond paramour became flamboyantly involved with another European scientist, and in classic Surya style enflamed the competition between the suitors to increase flattery upon himself. Angry and heartbroken, after years of trysts and sharing pledges by-letter, Newton

    exited the relationship. If he took another partner at a later time, the public never knew.

  • King of Pop 1958-2009 Thriller Michael J. Jackson [Magha-Surya-yuti-Budha-Magha] [9, celebrity] Lifepartnership-1 with fellow stage-performing singer, Lisa Marie Presley [famous daughter of Elvis Presley = Surya-Simha-9] The couple belonged to the same Hollywood entertainers community [9 = 11-from-11] They enjoyed a personal friendship before wedding. However, Self-referential Surya can signal willful independence. After only a few months of wedded life, LMP made the decision [Surya]to extricate herself from MJJ's complex behavioral issues.

The lifepartner may be a person of highly developed or dominant willpower, independent to a fault and capable of individual actions.


Knowledge of Higher Worlds 1861-1925 Rudolf Steiner [Chandra-Simha] -- [Chandra in Pūrvaphalgunī] -- [Chandra-8] + [ Pūrvaphalgunī-Somana-yuti-Shani-Pūrvaphalgunī = niṣṭhurabhāṣi yoga]

  • Wedding 1-of-2 in 1899 [his age 37] with his landlord and financial supporter, Anna Eunike. She was possessed of a treasury of family funds [Surya-2] which she used to financially support RS and his publishing endeavors. By observer's accounts, Eunicke was a woman of independent mind and means. Her individuality and self-support capabilities may have encouraged a distaste for those political intrigues of the Theosophical Society which dominated RS life. Following a 12-year marriage without offspring, Eunike and Steiner divorced.

Typically, the life partner is a brightly sparkling, aristocratic [in attitude if not in social station] personality, radiating confidence and drama

Lifepartner may be charismatic and entitled [Surya]


UK-Duchess of York 1959- Sarah Ferguson [Chandra-Meena] -- [Chandra- Andromeda] -- [Chandra-4] [Andromeda-Somana-yuti-Ketu-Andromeda]

[Surya-yuti-Rahu Kanya in 7th-from-Chandra]

partner = 10, social visibility, iconic figures]

partner = regal dharmesha Surya-10]

  • SF married Andrew Mountbatten-Windsor. Rahu indicates over-reaching in matters of Kanya = exploitation, young girls. Both SF's dad [Surya] and her ex-husband Andrew had career-ending sex-scandals involving under-age girls [Kanya]. Despite being stripped of certain titles, andrew retained most of his royal privileges [Rahu].


POTUS-pair-05 La belle Americaine 1768-1830 Elizabeth Kortright Monroe [diplomatic-brokering Pūrvāṣāḍhā-3] + [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Chandra-yuti-Rahu-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [6, service, assistance, ministry]

  • EKM wed James Monroe in Feb-1786. EKM's Surya-Shukra-Shani-Ketu in Mithuna-12 suggests a complex, mainly invisible environment containing an entitled, self-central, talkative lifepartner. JM was an educated, handsome, wealthy attorney. He held highest political office as Governor of Virginia and 2-term USA-POTUS. His primary portfolio was foreign policy [12] JM praised EKM's contribution to their public-service partnership [Surya+Shukra]. Yet sadly, as EKM's health deteriorated [her Chandra-6] he withdrew into his increasingly complicated and demanding writing-and-discussing works [Mithuna-12].

Mangala in 7th-from-Chandra - Chandra-Mangala yoga


Combination particularly beneficial for material wealth and a dynamically moving partnership pattern.

The restless, competitive life-mate may need a lifestyle of nearly constant movement in pursuit of the mate's own particular quest for championship.

Lifemate = a winner, an athlete, anoble competitor, atireless promoter. The mate may champion a theme, an idea, amessage, aproduct, or other variety of outward expression.

There is a range of opinion as to whether this placement constitutes Kuja Dosha. Particularly when Mangala-12, Mangala-1, and Mangala-4 there is a critical need for range and space since the spouse is a competitive person and from the position of 7th-from-Chandra Mangala may been perceived to attack the Chandra emotions.

Generally, the couple will need SPACE.

  • Prodigals 1920-2007 writer-illustrator Ruth Bell Graham [Mangala in ministering-logistical Chitra-2] [Kuja-1 produces Kuja Dosha] RBG married televangelist Billy Graham in 1943, after they had both graduated from Wheaton College in Illinois. When Rev. Graham's Hollywood-style radio-television preaching career gained traction -- newly funded by William Randolph Hearst - the couple began a pattern of long separations. During the core decades of the marriage, BG undertook increasingly long-term world tours, while RGB single-handedly ran the household and raised their five children. [Kuja-Kanya-1].

Tendency for the marriage to contain more male-oriented environment. Spouse often prefers socializing with more masculine martial or sportingtypes.

A second marriage may experience friction [6] between the mate's personal preferences [2nd-from-Chandra] versus the Mangala work-forward-drive that becomes positioned in 6th-from-2nd-from-Chandra, for the second alliance.

  • While serving 12 Congressional terms [24 years] in mid-century USA, the second husband of POTUS-pair-38 Addiction Recovery 1918-2011 Betty Bloomer Ford was a known political workaholic. Mangala-Simha-10 public leadership roles in politics-drama occupies 6th-from-2nd-from-Chandra. BBF's autobiographies complained that balancing their home-and-family life [Chandra] was increasingly difficult as Gerald Ford acquired more power in Congress, due to her husband's pattern of working on weekends.

Chandra-4 and the mate may persist compatibly in the relationship depending on other factors particularly the rashi of Kuja and other graha-yuti-Mangala that may temper the somewhat combative and dominating nature of muscular-moving Mangala.

Public-figure example of compounding factors - Kuja-Kanya drishti into Ketu-1 lagna, into Chandra-4 security, and 5-entertainment genius.

  • How Will I Know 1963-2012 singer-cinema-fashion Whitney Houston = Kanya-Mangala-10 . WH married a well-known [10] fellow entertainment singer, who competed with her for creative dominance [Mangala] . In addition, he contested her sexual identity [Kuja] and unleashed a pattern of devastating physical battery. They both continued their public dramatic performance careers while the abuse personally debilitated WH.

Physical space is a premium requirement for longevity in the partnership; otherwise the mate may feel caged and attack the native or vica-versa.

  • Syriana 1961- drama-activist George Clooney Two-year marriage-1 with the actor Talia Balsam. Unsustainability is increased due to [Mangala-Karkata] [nicha]

    8] ++ Mangala-1 in Kanya svamsha. GC has commented that he felt unbearable pressure in the marriage, and he developed a severe illness [Kanya svamsha] from trying to compensate. Other challenging condition including wedding during Sade-Sati ++ lifetime tension of Kuja-Shani mutual exchange ++ niṣṭhurabhāṣi yoga. While speaking respectfully at all times about spouse-1 [Shani-2] GC responded to the immediate survival threat by exiting the union.

Therefore arrangements which offer regular travel for the spouses, regular physical exercise for the mate, and plenty of physical space for the mate are the most helpful in this sort of relationship.

  • Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods [secretive-explosive Maitra-4] [vargottamsha] [Anuradha-Shukra-yuti-Chandra-Anuradha-nīcha] [3, media-messaging, commerce] +TW married a photographic model who famously clobbered him [Mangala] with a golf club during a vigorous marital dispute. Her muscular ability was attuned to his + [Chandra-Shukra-3 parivartamsha Mangala-9]

Budha in 7th-from-Chandra


Budha in 7th-from-Chandra poses a challenging duality , due to the legendary apples-and-oranges incompatibility between emotionalized Chandra vs. Mentalized Budha

Chandra and Budha are often unresolvably misaligned to each other.

At the level of electro-magnetic forces which shape existence, high-frequency transmitter Budha historically dislikes Chandra's low-frequency ancient push-and-pull entitlements.

  • Chandra pre-dates Budha, and Chandra has more power due to Chandra's localization and the nature of Soma's low-tone pulse. Which upstart-Budha resents.

Typically, akey relationship mismatch is the maturity gap . Chandra steadfastly holds the parenting role while a resentful Budha insists that business and manual craft are more important than security of homelife.

  • Fijación Oral 1977- singer Shakira Mebarak [Soma- Punarvasu-3] chose a man born in a distant land, ten years her junior [her Budha-12] to be the father of her children. Youthful Budha rules SM Chandra-Mithuna, communicative manual-skills Budha rules 6-9, and Budha intakes a fertile drishti from Guru-4 parenting. [Guru in bhava-4] [Kṛttikā-Guru-yuti-Ketu-Aśvini] suggests that while the father is expected to be an anchored parent [4] the behavior of this parent may be ambivalent or unreliable [Ketu]

Early in life alliances [which favor teenage Budha] may be easier to manage than later-life partnerships.

  • Chandra matures through parenting, grandparenting, feeding, maintenance of customary patterns, and caring for the environment.
  • Budha remains a mentalized chatterbox, tuned to mercantile activity and delivery of superficial information.

From Chandra's naturally rhythmic, earth-attuned viewpoint, the reliable turnover of the generations grants a gradual but inexorable sense of maturation.

From talkative Budha's perspective, emotional deepening through rich life experiences is not relevant. Chandra learns that Budha is simply not matched to patterns of seasonal flow. Budha

The result if often that, as the years stream by, the Budha-partner seems immature.

The Chandra native may feel [Soma] that the Budha partner is an unreliable parent, an insensitive schoolteacher, or an uncommited defender of the couple's Way of Life.

Professor Budha is delivering instructionin the relationship-focused classroom 7th-from-Chandra. Budha provides one, single descriptive element within a broader profile of a core security-stability relationship. Often Budha has companion Graha which must be evaluated along with incoming drishti, rashi, and prevailing Vimshottari Dasha periods..



Adolescent Characteristics of Spouse

The salient issue in marriage is often immaturity of the mate, whether physical, social, or psychological.

Sensitive Somana

Parental Moon represents the phase of Earth's psychic development during which families, tribes, ethnicities, and races were established, chandra's view of time is moody, cyclical, and undulating. Chandra's ancient family-based behavior is largely unchanging within the tidal polarity.

Blustering Budha

represents the adolescent experience of high mentalization that is often lacking a secure emotional foundation.

  • Like a fresh green sprout pushing into the world, the Kumara is often wholly involved in the articulation of His own message.
  • Beholden to no one, teenage Kumara asserts that His behavior is self-explanatory .

Although others may perceive young Budha's self-declaring narratives as repetitive [or trite] , for Budha the Word is all-defining.

  • Due to His characteristic impatience, lack of experience, and immaturity, Budha may speak uncaringly. He may seem incapable of comprehending of the emotional experience of others.

According to legend, quickly communicating, adolescent Shri Budha expresses contempt and disregard toward his reflective , culturally older, more emotionally stable parent Shri Chandra.

Depending on His rashi, Budha may demonstrate Oppositional-Defiant argumentativeness toward elder Chandra, whom He perceives as a parental authority figure. The marriage may feel one-sided, with the native managing household, parenting, vehicles, and schooling. Meanwhile, the Budha-mate studies, chats, writes, communicates with the cohort, or operates a business -- none of which contributes to the daily routine of meals, cleaning, seasonal festivals, caring for elderly, or providing security.

Peter Pan * Never Grows Up

One may feel that the partner, However, witty, is emotionally immature and prone toward logical argument rather than peer cooperative action. There is often an imbalance of responsibilities where the native [Chandra] performs the lion's share of the parenting duties whereas the Budha partner is a perpetual student, adolescent in attitude, and unreliable in performing household maintenance.

  • de Mundi Systemate 1643-1727 Isaac Newton [Chandra-5] + [Surya-yuti-Budha] -11 * Newton's primary love relationship was conducted with a youthful blond Dutch scientist. The young beauty's artful letters of correspondence land occasional tryst visits led Newton to expect a committed partnership. However, the junior partner proved all charming talk and no faithful behavior. After the devastating realization that his lover lacked the maturity to maintain a committed peer liaison, Newton

    ceased romantic relationships. Surya adds flamboyance and theatrical confidence to the Kumara's adolescent traits.

  • Layla 1945- guitarist Eric Clapton [believing Arcturus-1]



Broadcasting Budha = transmitter-receiver.

He possesses a relatively minimal agenda that is unique to Himself. Rather, His assignment is to communicate the curricular instructions of the other Professors with articulate, descriptive accuracy. The pair are usually mentally compatible. They tend to think and converse in a similar way and be interested in similar subjects.

Results of Budha in classroom 7th-from-Chandra naturally must depend on the effects of any graha yuti-Budha. Budha is impressionable and youthful, quickly adapting His vocabulary and grammar to the message of the moment, therefore results also depend upon Parashari drishti received from other graha into Budha, the usual characteristics of Budha's bhava, and the agenda of Budha's planetary ruler.


Qualities of analytical, instructional, descriptive, documenting, explanatory mentalism, mercurial communications, gesturing, chattiness, and coupling are characteristic of Budha. The primary partnership often displays qualities of sibling-ensemble alignment; the pair are part of a cohort of a similarly communicating entourage. They share both a message and a format for message delivery.

Budha's rashi can provide additional characterization of the mental sharing inherent in the relationship.

  • POTUS-31-pair Girl Scouts 1874-1944 author Lou Henry Hoover and her husband Herbert Hoover were intellectual equals. Among their many Kumara-style shared interests, this married couple co-wrote and co-translated numerous scientific books. LHH [Budha-Kumbha + Budha in bhava-9] in 7th-from-Chandra suggests a mentally compatible sibling-affinity bond. Their shared mental interests provided engaging topics upon which to converse. They lived in a misogynistic customs of the era, when public opinion would generally deny that a wife could match her husband's mental abilities. Yet, Herbert Hoover made no secret of the fact that his wife was his daily adviser and writing partner.

Documentation, management, administration, cohort

Generally, the mate-partner exhibits some Budha-type behaviors such as shop-keeping, writing, calculations, planning, analysis, or communications. \

Partners need not be marital spouses; partners can also be emotionally trusted peers who share mutually-agreed activities with the native.

  • POTUS-29 Teapot Dome 1865-1923 Warren G. Harding [Surya-yuti-Kuja + [Budha-yuti-Shani]


    Budha-4 parivartamsha Shukra-3-nīcha] *****

  • Flossie Harding was the daughter of a newspaperman and herself an accomplished businesswoman. The complexity of their relationship is demonstrated via Budha-Surya-Mangala-Shani in 7th-from-CHandra. Flossie's management of WGH's career began with her skillful provisioning of journalistic articles that favored her husband, delivered to regional newspapers always hungry for copy. It ended with her instructing [Budha] his secretaries to burn all of his personal and professional papers immediately after his untimely death. As a result of Flossie's management style, very little documentation survives from Harding's presidency and many questions about his personal life remain unanswered.

Despite a persistent communicative element within the relationships, if the graha in 7th-from-Chandra are uncomfortable, then the relationship itself may suffer from the characteristics disabilities of the afflicted graha.

DEALS, tRADES, alliance building, negotiations, and other types of hustle

Naturally, 7th-from-Chandra reveals much more about one's bargaining, exchanging behavior than simply the marriage scenario. 7th-from-Chandra has implications for business dealings, lawyering, and every kind of brokerage.

[Budha-Dhanus] -- [Budha in bhava-2] -- [Budha-yuti-Guru] -- [Budha-yuti-Shukra] -- [Budha-yuti-Surya] = all occupy Pūrvāṣāḍhā-navamsha within Dhanus 7th-from-Chandra-Mithuna

  • POTUS-pair-16 Illinois 1818-1882 Mary Todd Lincoln * far ahead of her time, mary Lincoln was an outspoken abolitionist and opponent of the southern states' right to succession that threatened to split the USA. MTL's dad was a speculator and middleman. MTL understood brokerage. She hosted countless political discussions and was involved in the [often unethical] deal-making for Whitehouse political-office appointments.

Guru in 7th-from-Chandra

POTUS-pair-16 Illinois 1818-1882 Mary Todd Lincoln [Guru-yuti-Shukra + [Budha-yuti-Surya]


POTUS-pair-34 Military Families 1896-1979 Mamie Doud Eisenhower [1, personality, appearance]

UK-Queen 1926-2022 Elizabeth-2 [uchcha-Kuja-yuti-Guru [nichha]


Telepathy 1880-1949 esoterica Alice Bailey [6]

On Golden Pond 1937- drama-fitness Jane Seymour Fonda [nīcha-Guru-4 parivartamsha Shani-6]

Entertaining 1941- housekeeping Martha Kostyra Stewart [Shani-yuti-Guru]

Lights Out 1968-2023 singer Lisa Marie Presley + [Budha-yuti-Mangala] [9, father, beliefs, sangha]

"O" 1954- multimedia Oprah Winfrey

Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Melinda French Gates

Zorro 1969- drama-commerce Catherine Zeta Jones [Chandra = householder-protector Pūrvābhādra-4] [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Budha-Hasta-super-uchcha] [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Guru-Hasta]


Institutes 1509-1564 John Calvin [Guru-yuti-Rahu] [12, seclusion, outsider]

POTUS-09 Tecumseh 1773-1841 William Henry Harrison - Surya-yuti-Guru

POTUS-11 Manifest Destiny 1795-1849 James Knox Polk [nicha-Guru-yuti-Ketu]


My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla - Guru-yuti-Rahu

Memories Dreams Reflections 1875-1961 Carl Jung [9, theory]

Waste Land 1888-1965 publisher T. S. Eliot [Chandra-12 in analytical-complaining Mriga-2]

Jyeṣṭha-Kuja-yuti-Guru-Anuradha] [6, argumentation, complaint, ailment]

Hour of Decision 1918-2018 Rev. Billy Graham

Among the Believers 1932-2018 culturalist V.S. Naipaul + Guru-yuti-Ketu + Surya-yuti-Budha

Brihaspati is a preacher-teacher. The Devaguru possesses a prominently generous, charitable, inclusive, wide-scope, doctrinal, theoretical, theological, philosophical agenda that is unique to Himself among all of the graha. Professor Guruva's assignment is to spread the principles of compassionate understanding by expanding the scope of awareness.

Brihas-pati is broad-minded and inclusive, and He is generally concerned with matters of higher teaching such as sacred doctrine, theoretical science, and humanistic philosophy.

Presuming that Guru is not nichha and not overly compromised by a damaged ruler or unsavory drishti, the lifepartner displays jovial qualities of benevolence, goodwill, inclusiveness, liberality, and fertility.

When Guru occupies 7th-from-Chandra, the pair are usually doctrinally compatible. in the sense that they share a similar ideological framework for understanding the world around them. They tend to hold similar beliefs, often a common catechism, and have a comparably equivalent scope of wisdom. They see approximately the same-sized portion of the worlds.

Results of Guru in classroom 7th-from-Chandra naturally must depend on the bhava ruled by Guru, in addition to the effects of any graha yuti-Guru.

Guru's results also depend upon Parashari drishti received from other graha into Guru, the usual characteristics of Guru's bhava, and the agenda of Devaguru's planetary ruler. Depending on the specific characteristics of Guru, the mate may have either dominant or muted behaviors of the agency of guidance such as preaching and teaching.

Guru in 7th-from-Chandra is one of the profile elements that can contribute to a prognosis for multiple lifemates. However, all of the mates are likely to benefit the native. They all demonstrate the broader Guru behaviors of globalism and philosophical viewpoint.

in a wifely nativity, Guru in 7th from Chandra = 7th-from characteristics in the emotional relationship to the first husband

  • Telepathy 1880-1949 esoterica Alice Bailey AAB's first husband was an ordained Anglican priest with mental health issues leading to domestic violence. Second husband was a gracious businessman and theosophy teacher. Guru-Meena in 7th from Chandra-12

  • UK-Queen 1926-2022 Elizabeth-2 [uchcha-Kuja-yuti-Guru [nichha]

    1] The husband situation is very complex, because [Kuja-1 parivartamsha Shani-11] and the [nīcha-Guru in 7th-from-Chandra-7] is boosted by [uchcha-Kuja]. However, under dignified restraint by Shani, the implication of multiple partners remains. Chandra-7 generally prefers a parenting mate.

  • Lights Out 1968-2023 singer Lisa Marie Presley ; Guru-Simha-9 in 7th-from-Chandra-Kumbha-3. Four marriages, four divorces. All of her husbands were entertainers [Simha] in musical performance roles similar to her dad, Elvis Presley [9] .

  • UK-Princess Royal 1950- equestrienne Anne Windsor Laurence [secretive-disguising Pūrvaphalgunī-4] + [Yoni-Budha-yuti-Shani-Yoni]

    Chandra-10 parivartamsha Surya-9] = two marriages. Kumbha-Guru in 7th-from-Chandra suggests multiple lifepartners.

  • Zorro 1969- drama-commerce Catherine Zeta Jones [Chandra = householder-protector Pūrvābhādra-4] [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Budha-Hasta-super-uchcha] [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Guru-Hasta] devoted to lifepartner, dramatist and businessman, Michael Douglas . Guru + Budha + Surya suggest eventuality of three husbands.

  • Entertaining 1941- housekeeping Martha Kostyra Stewart [Shani-yuti-Guru]

  • POTUS-pair-34 Military Families 1896-1979 Mamie Doud Eisenhower * husband Dwight D. Eisenhower was a teacher of military history and science [during a lifetime military career, he did not enter direct combat] . Her Guru-Simha-1 shows that DDE would develop into a politician, and Mamie's physical appearance would be key to his public success.

Tolerant, expansive, inclusive Guru in 7th-from-Chandra is often an indicator of multiple emotionally-attached alliances.

It is important to be able to distinguish between publically legitimated marriages which are sanctified by the state's authority [Shani] versus the emotionally defined and motivated connections to other partners that may develop in addition to the legal marriage contract.

  • Memories Dreams Reflections 1875-1961 Carl Jung Guru-9 occupies 7th-from Chandra. Professor Guru sends permissive drishti into, and Guru is ruled by, the matching, pairing Mithuna-Shukra-yuti-Budha in 5 = creative literature, speculation. Jung formed a series of secondary intimate alliances [Shukra] with feminine students [Budha] . Under his tutelage, these brightly intelligent apprentice ladies soon became his professional colleagues and skilled practitioners of Jung's talk-based [Mithuna] therapeutic method [Mithuna] . Shukra-Purnavasu [lifepartner-1] = gracious, flexible, and communicative. Despite his multiple sexual alliances, cGJ's formal marriage [Shukra] to Emma Jung produced five children and many books. The original marriage contract endured until Emma's death at Jung's age-80.

Guru-Meena or Guru-Dhanus in 7th-from-Chandra often shows a mate who takes the social role of philosopher, theorist, ideologue, pandit, proselyte, bishop, kohen, kahuna, presbyter, priest.

  • Telepathy 1880-1949 esoterica Alice Bailey * husband-1 = Anglican Priest. She met her first husband while serving as a Christian missionary in UK soldier's hospitals in India . Her Guru in bhava-6 * Shows the priestly training. He was said to have been a brilliant theology student and a capable liturgist, but he suffered from severe mental illness and being so handicapped [6] did not provide financially for their family [6, poverty] . Brihaspati is a particularly growth-challenging graha for the Tula nativity.

Bond between female and her first husband is very stable, with husband-1 quite committed to enduring partnership and female in appreciation and satisfaction with that commitment.

Material conditions which derive from the bhava-lordships and other qualities of Guru may or may not be growth-challenging, but emotionally the bond with the first husband is appreciable.

  • POTUS-pair-34 Military Families 1896-1979 Mamie Doud Eisenhower - Guru-Simha occupies 7th-from-Chandra-Kumbha-7. Mamie was a natural socialite [Kumbha]. As the manager of their two-person career, she built a gridwork of associations based in her absent husband's persona.

This position is not a guarantee of life-long marriage, and in fact ceteris paribus Guru in 7th from Chandra is an indicator of multiple partners similar to Guru residing in yuvati bhava-7.

However, even in situations of divorce or separation, one's trusting friendship with the first partner will offer a lifetime support.

For a wifely-companion chart, Guru in 7th from Chandra indicates that helpful goodwill between the spouses assists in co-parenting after divorce

Shukra in 7th-from-Chandra


Shukra occupies 7th-from-Chandra

Although Chandra has no enemies, shukra does have enemies.

Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu's agenda focuses on the development of polarity and partnership, and thus Shukra harbors animosity toward Chandra's non-partnering portfolio.

Comforting Chandra emphasizes parenting, caretaking, nourishment and sheltering. Chandra relationships are nourishing and protective, but not equal, and cannot become truly equal

Lifepartner values beauty, finance, equity, balance

Soothing Somana ensures that one's parents are not one's equal partners. Parents are protectors not equals. Mother-father are a special, honored, privileged set of providersof care and shelter.

The opposition creates a tension in the marriage between parenting protective unequal affections versus the attraction * akarshana * of equals. One of the partners focuses on parenting, maintaining safety, home-steading and the other partner is concerned with attractiveness, negotiations, bargaining, and terms of agreement.

In the case of Shani-yuti-Shukra in 7th-from-Chandra, the power of social-institutional lawfulness and duty are greatly emphasized within the marriage contract.

One tends to marry a beautiful, gracious, and harmony-seeking spouse, but at the same time this lovely lifepartner may be burdened [Shani weight] with a heavy schedule of social obligations and public responsibilities.

  • POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford ] Rohiṇī-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Rohiṇī]

    10] . President Ford enjoyed an enduring two-person career based in lifelong public support [5] from aesthetic advisor and dancer, Betty Bloomer Ford

  • POTUS-pair-05 La belle Americaine 1768-1830 Elizabeth Kortright Monroe married the attorney, deal-broker, match-maker, alliance-crafter POTUS-5 James Monroe. Her 7th-from-Chandra-Dhanus-6 contains Surya + Shukra + Shani + Ketu. JM became a prominent European diplomat, writer of key foreign policy documents [Mithuna] and crafter of numerous treaties [Shukra trust]


Shani in 7th-from-Chandra


Shani in 7th-from-Chandra suggests a long delay in finalizing the marriage agreement, or a marriage partner who is often living separately, and also a marriage to one elder to oneselfeither by chronological age or by social seniority [such as a person with a more respected professional rank] .

Spouse may be born into a lower social station. However, the spouse's relative social rank could be highly dignified even under modest conditions, depending on Shani's characteristics. For example, uchcha-Shani may indicate a lifepartner who shoulders lawful duties in balanced hierarchies, structured social justice, or imposition of class-equity rules.

  • Pucci Prints 1914-1992 fashion Emilio Pucci [Shani-Mithuna] -- [Shani in bhava-2]

    durokaraka-Shani = delay] . EP married ony once, his age 45, with Baronessa Cristina Nannini di Casabianca. She carried an old social rank [Shani] but she was also commercially-oriented [Mithuna] . Her sober pragmatic contribution was said to have kept Pucci solvent.

  • General Electric 1935-2020 CEO Jack Welch lived separately from lifepartner-1-of-3 during most of their 28-year marriage, purportedly due to his business responsibilities. Shani-11 in 7th-from-Chandra-Simha-5. Shani rules 10-11 conferring a heavy workload in corporate governance and economics. However, anīcha-Shukra suggests other activities as well.

The life-partner may carry unusually heavy responsibilities from their own background which the native then acquires as a feature of the marriage.

  • POTUS-29 Teapot Dome 1865-1923 Warren G. Harding [Surya-yuti-Kuja + [Budha-yuti-Shani]

    3] married Flossie Kling, who was five years his senior. She had a young son from her first marriage for whom Harding accepted parental responsibility.

  • USA-Congress 1943- Newt Gingrich [Chandra in friendly-profitable nīcha-Jyeṣṭha-3] - [5, politics, showmanship, gambling] [Shani-yuti-Budha] on his 19th birthday, NG married his high-school math teacher. She was 26, seven years his senior. [SHani]

Alliances tend to be long-lasting, hard-working, often burdenson - but solidly lawful.

Judgments [Shani] about the marriage, whether social or financial, tend to be strictly in accordance with the prevailing conventions of the time. [conventional Shani]

In the USA, most states legally interpret assets held by the parties before the marriage to belong to the individuals. However, assets acquired during the time of the contractual alliance are generally adjudged to be shared marital property. Since mid-20th century, the conventional approach has been to split the marital assets equally.

Orthodox Public Marital Behavior - regardless of inner despair

Material effort is paramount

  • Basic Instinct 1944- drama-commerce Michael Douglas. In their divorce proceedings following a 23-year alliance, the court found that MKD's first wife had quietly but steadily materially contributed to their total joint entreasurement. When their contractual union was legally dissolved in year-2000, the judge split their HNWI assets almost equally.

Occasionally Shani durokaraka may help to negatemarriage completely.

Shani may prioritize The System above the marriage.

The lifemate may be effectively married to a social duty, agovernance task, or to some obligation to maintain the institutional order. Shani delays but He does not deny. Usually, here is a marriage at some point in the lifespan.

However, the conditions of the relationship may be less welcoming and the mate may present structural [Shani] reasons why it is a strain for them to fulfill their duties.

Depending upon Shani's bhava, the lifepartner's duty roster may be burdensome albeit respected.

  • POTUS-pair-05 La belle Americaine 1768-1830 Elizabeth Kortright Monroe married POTUS-5 James Monroe. As a diplomat, governor, and plantation-supervisor, JM carried a heavy burden of governance responsibility throughout life. JM was ten years elder to EKM.

In order for Shani to become an agent of marriage-denial, there must be other agents in the nativity that would employ Shani's legitimizing and austerity-promoting behaviors to secure a celibate status.

  • 14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso [Shani-Kumbha] -- [Shani in Bhava-7] His Holiness was ordained in early life as a celibate Gelugpa lama. Thus free of family concerns, he was able to dedicate himself to the preservation and maintenance [Shani] of Tibetan culture in exile. In addition to residing in 7th-from-Chandra, shani also occupies a high state of dignity dikbala in Kumbha-7 showing a community [Kumbha] leadership duty roster while Ketu-yuti-Budha activates Svamsha indicating detachment from psycho-emotional partnerships.

  • Dialogue 1347-1380 St. Catherine of Siena [Shani-yuti-Ketu]. A celibate nun in an era when unmarried women were often viciously harmed, she was able to devote herself to the construction of a religious order for women. The order still exists today, 700 years after she structured it [Shani durokaraka] . For Saint Catherine, yuvatipati [Chandra-yuti-Rahu] occupies bhava-8, signaling a fascinating [Rahu] version of widowhood.

The mother's experience of marriage may be exceptionally anti-innovative, conservative, and inflexible as indicated by rigid Shani in 7th-from- matrikaraka -Chandra. The parents generally hold an expectation that the native will conduct the type of marriage alliance which maintains the social order.

Much depends upon the bhava occupied by Chandra and Shani as well as any yuti-graha. Also Shani's significations of age, seniority, and responsibility are increased when Shani occupies Makara or Kumbha, or when Chandra-Makara enjoys parivartamsha with Shani-Karkata.

Shani may be socially structured and respectable but, especially with age, less participatory and more rigid

  • POTUS-17 Reconstruction 1808-1875 Andrew Johnson Although they were often separated for months or years, AJ's lifepartner Eliza McCardle had a steady impact = Shani-11 drishti into 1-5-8 ++ Shani-11 rules populist Kumbha, 10th-from-Chandra. The daughter of a shoemaker. Eliza shared AJ's working-class viewpoint [Shani].

  • Due to tuberculosis, Eliza had physical limitations [Shani-Ketu in Kanya navamsha] During most of their married life, AJ lived in legislative cities where he worked; while she remained on their rural slave plantation. During AJ's POTUS term, Eliza did move into the Whitehouse, but came out of her bedroom only twice, briefly. They were married for 50 years and died a few months apart.

From the viewpoint of the wifely-companion

Shani resides in 7th from Chandra = 7th-from characteristics in the emotional relationship to the second husband

7th-from-Chandra = mutual aspeci

Chandra accepts Shani's weaker 7th-angle graha-drishti

  • Beholden to the attorneys, partners and advisers

Either by their presence or by their absence

The Partner [7] and the emotional, empathetic Self [Chandra] become the primary instructional agents in a lawful, pre-incarnationally planned struggle to transform emotional ignorance into emotional wisdom.

Until Shani matures at age 36, Vimshottari bhukti of Shani may be particularly growth-challenging within emotional relationships.

One may experience polarization [7] between public accomplishment [Shani] and private satisfaction [Chandra].

Emotional marriage obligationwhich presents a significant learning curve for the incarnation may reveal itself as the Akashic memory patterning of bargaining and negotiating with a difficult, intractable, or authoritarian partner.

  • 14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso and his practice-partner = the Chinese government oppressors

First marriage may be very demanding due to the public responsibilities and/or rigidly controlling personality of the spouse. It may be easier to forego marriage entirely and rather develop a highly disciplined relationship to the ishta-devata .

If marriage is undertaken, shani in the 7th-from angle acquires a variety of directional weight [dikbala] which supports patience and endurance especially if the partner is elder or senior in professional dignity.

  • France-Emperor 1769-1821 Wars Napoleon Bonaparte [visionary-globalist Uttarāṣāḍha-4]

    Shani-9 parivartamsha Chandra-3] ++ Shani-ruled [Chandra in classroom-3] mutual drishti with [Shani-yuti-Budha]


    3 managing, teamwork, cohort]

  • Lifepartnership-1-of-2 with courtier Josephine, a widow six yrs NB's elder. [Shani] Although Napoleon sent her volumes of letters from his distant military campaigns, the pair endured multi-year separations. Both partners enjoyed affairs-du-coeur. Yet the union lasted 13 years. Shani pressed substantial financial, political, governance, and economic duties upon the partnership.

  • POTUS-31 Challenge to Liberty 1874-1964 Herbert Hoover

  • HH married Lou Henry Hoover . Lou had considerable ability to handle responsibilities. She served as a national official of the Girl Scouts, was the leader of several corporations [privately owned by her family members] and was clearly the organizing force behind Hoover's publishing and investment career. A staunch and steadfast Shani-Makara occupies Hoover's radical 7th-from-Chandra-Pushya. Mrs. Hoover was born 6 months elder to her husband.

Shani confers endurance and public dignity

  • Out on a Limb 1934- drama-esoterica Shirley MacLaine [dramatic-creative Pūrvaphalgunī-1] [1, exemplifying personality, kinetic embodiment, vitality]

    7th-from-Chandra contains [Kumbha-Shani-yuti-Shukra]. SM cohabited with her financier-producer husband for only three years. Yet,the couple maintained their legal union for 29 years [Shani return cycle]. When her daughter was a toddler, her husband and child moved to Japan. However, SM stayed in California to pursue her brilliant drama-and-dance career.

    [Shani long separations]. SM writes that she maintained the ruse in order to preserve her emotional independence [Soma-Simha] enjoy public respect, and avoid unwanted suitors.

  • Unfortunately, Shani rules 6th-from-Chandra [6 grifting, theft]. SM discovered that her steady, loyal husband had been embezzling [6] millions from her accounts. Rahu-Shani bhukti finally imposed a bitter legal divorce.

It may take the better part of a lifetime to understand one's own emotional needs and expectations within a partnership, and to acquire the requisite emotional maturity to function as an equal partner in respect to another person's emotional expectations.

Shani resistance, blockage, non-participation.

  • POTUS-30 Price of Freedom 1872-1933 Calvin Coolidge [Shani-Dhanus]

    9 = strictly minimalistic faith, beliefs, patronage, understanding] Shani occupies 7th-from Chandra in secretive-nondisclosing Mriga-4, while JCC is an exceptionally complex person emotionally due to [Punarvasu-Surya-yuti-Chandra-Mriga] [Punarvasu-Surya-yuti-Kuja-Arudra] [Punarvasu-Surya-yuti-Shukra-Arudra] + + [Chandra-3 parivartamsha Budha-4] JCC married Grace Anna Goodhue, a professional deaf-school teacher. Within their intimate relationship, GGC was judgemental toward JCC's mental distractions [Mithuna]. Yet reflecting JCC's own Shukra-Mithuna, his wife GGC was described as a pleasantly social conversationalist who gently preferred straightforward talk.

  • GGC's marital character was marked by the frugal and withholding virtues of her native Vermont. JCC's Shani-Apah intakes parashari drishti of four talking-gesturing Mithuna-3 graha. Commentators wrote that Grace's reserved but effective communication skills were indeed the key to JCC's political success [his Shani karmesha]. Nevertheless, Grace publicly expressed her dislike for the frivolity of politics. GGC did not opine upon matters of policy, and the couple did not share decisions about their two-person career. In a game of mutual withholding [Shani] JCC specifically did not consult his wife on his career decisions. Reciprocity became obligation [Shani]. After JCC's death, Grace Coolidge quipped that she had only learned of JCC's decision not to run for a second POTUS term when a newspaper journalist told her about it.

  • India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi. [Shani-1 parivartamsha Chandra-7] IG met her husband, feroz Khan Ghandy, in Britain when they were Oxford students. At IG's age 25, they married in India during her Rahu-Shani bhukti [Shani rules her Makara svamsha] The pair produced two handsome sons. Although they spoke affectionately and respectfully of each other, the pair effectively separated [Shani] . They continued to collaborate on official matters of governance [Shani]. When FG died 18 years after the wedding, they had been living apart for much of the marriage. [Shani]

Reciprocal aspect of Shani-and-Soma . Shani casts His 7th-drishti upon Chandra.

Shani enforces law-and-order upon the emotional needs [Soma] . Depending on drishti to Chandra, the mother may be conservative and somewhat fearful [Shani] which can overemphasize the need for stability and social achievement.

  • POTUS-17 Reconstruction 1808-1875 Andrew Johnson [Anuradha-Shani-11]

  • Eliza McCardle.was a woman of few words [Shani]. Eliza normally did not accompany AJ on political business, nor did she entertain. During AJ's three-year Whitehouse stint, tuberculosis-bedridden Eliza came out of her bedroom only twice. Having maintained a 53-year marriage characterized by distance, diligence, dignity, and discipline, Eliza died a few months after Andrew. Shani specializes in the endurance of limitation.

Respect-Enabling Mother protects the child's social dignity


Sherlock Holmes 1859-1930 occultist Arthur Conan Doyle [Chandra-8 parivartamsha Shani-2-Pushya]

  • C-D's socially proper mother Chandra-8 had herself endured a long awful marriage to a violent, ill, and addicted husband. When C-D's lifepartner-1 lay dying of lingering terminal tuberculosis for 10 long years [Shani-2 long delay for 2nd-marriage] it was mom who enabled C-D's decade long [Shani] secret extramarital affair.

  • Behind the opacity of his literary mask, c-D was framed as a paragon of social decorum [Chandra-Makara]. He several times ran for political office in UK [Chandra in Surya-ruled Uttarashadha]. No one found out [except mom]. He was psychically [Vaisva] nourished by the dangerous affair as a socially undiscovered source of well-being, and it fueled his literary success. Mom made sure of that.

Implications of durakaraka Shani's rulerships: Shani ensures chronicity and persistence.

  • POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford [Rohiṇī-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Rohiṇī] [10, governance] GRF married the dancer and aesthetic advisor, Betty Bloomer Ford . Rulers of 3-6-7-10 occupy Urisha-10 = 7th-from-Chandra-Vrischika-4. Shani rogesha = the marriage suffered a long-lasting challenge via Mrs. Ford's injuries and addictions, along with bulimia. Shukra rules 12th-from-Chandra, suggesting that Mr. Ford ignored his wife's suffering until it had escalated. BFF's own Shukra-Chandra-4 parivartamsha Shani-9 shows her eventual triumph via resilience. Although GRF's name has faded into obscurity, Betty Ford's legacy continues to be recognized [Shukra-10]

  • Basic Instinct 1944- drama-commerce Michael Douglas= marriage 1-of-2 to a long-suffering spouse. Wife-1 Diandra Luker lived quietly while working as a photographer's model and film producer [Mithuna] . MKD's enduring [Shani in bhava-2] produced a legal contract which endured for 23 years, naotwithstanding his famed drug toxicity and infidelities. Their divorce judgment recognized that her substantial efforts [Shani] had financially structured and maintained [Shani] the marital estate, resulting in a 45-million-dollar settlement in her favorr.


[Shukra-yuti-Shani]-Makara in 7th-from-9th-from-Chandra = imposes lawful order upon entertainments.

Avant-gardiste 1933- Beatle-pair Yoko Ono [secretive-revelatory nīcha-Maitra-4] [vargottamsha] [5, creative arts, children, display]

  • Yoko Ono provided essential counsel and financial advice within her third lifepartnership with Beatle John Lennon. Raised in a banking family, YO skillfully organized her husband's musical royalty contracts [7th-amsha] . Her legal [Shani] advocacy [Shukra] facilitated their luxury lifestyle - and JL's USA green card.

Rahu in 7th-from-Chandra

can only occur in nativities containing Chandra-yuti-Ketu



When Professor Rahu delivers His curriculum in classroom 7th-from-Chandra, His lessons focus on the experience of bonding with a fascinating mate. The partner, and the pattern of partnership where there are multiple partners, is characterized by the mate's tendency to be over-reaching, extraordinary, rule-challenging, often mesmerizing, ambitious, and risk-encouraging.

One tends to marry an aspiring fabulous exceptional person. Often a social climber, seeker of privilege, amesmerizing mate.

Shani is the rule-maker and Rahu is the rule-breaker. Although Rahuvan is not inherently prone to crime or danger, nevertheless it is Rahu's nature to be always looking for routes toward privilege and success that are not constrained by social conventions and customs.

Risk-rewarding Rahu's character is distinctively instrumentalist, opportunistic, and expedient. Therefore, the lifemate may share with the native pronounced qualities of risk-taking and unconventional approach, including a disregard for normalized social behaviors in marriage. Rahu partners often hail from a different race, class, religion, gene pool, or social background than the native. The native and the partner often share the excitement of adventure and unusual means of achieving social importance.

The native is often emotionally apathetic or suffers sensitivity regarding abandonment, due to one's own Chandra-yuti-Ketu.

As always, rahu's bhava and its ruler are definitive.

  • UK-Princess of Wales 1961-1997 Diana Spencer [Chandra-yuti-Ketu in kumbha-4] while the royal pair [Kuja-yuti-Rahu-Singha] inhabit public-visibility-10. This pattern suggests an exceptionally expedient, high-profile union with a powerfully active, entitled mate. Simha indicates royalty and celebrity.

The Rahu-7 mate often hails from a distinctively different social-ethnic-national-economic-doctrinal background. The bhava occupied by Rahu is critically important for predicting the impact of this Mix-Master, aspiring-to-ascend mate upon the fortunes of the native.

Rahu- in 7th-from-Chandra is not always proof of a brief marriage. Truely, rahu personalities are clever opportunists. Yet marriage is a rule-based legal contract. Therefore, the Rahu-mate may be expediently using the marriage for purpose of obtaining increased public visibility or enhancing the public reputation.

Importantly, additional graha which might join the Chandra-yuti-Ketu pair, and any additional graha which might share a rashi with Professor Rahu, can significantly alter the predicted outcomes. The two bhava on the Rahu-Ketu axis are also important predictors.

Professor Ketu having taken up a position of teaching in the classroom of 7th-from-Chandra, professor Ketu-the-Disperser is not inherently an indicator of divorce, unless there are numerous additional supportingfactors pointing in the direction of a legal split of the union.

  • Russ 1870-1924 Bolshevik Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin [Rahu-12, socially invisible partners] VUL married an ambitious colleague, but the alliance breached the bounds of exclusivity due to private affairs on both sides. VUL's love for one of his extramarital partners was deep, enduring for 10 years until her death from disease. However, this lover would not marry him. VUL's legal marriage to Comrade Krupskaya continued until VUL's death. Both partners believed that their public reputation was morally important toward maintaining the legitimacy of their revolutionary government. Rahu in 7th-from-Chandra = illusory, instrumental partnerships.

Rather, the signification may be a perception of the ineffability of the character of the spouse, who may seem disconnected or disoriented in some way. It may be that the spouse is a frequent traveller who is rarely engaged in the union. Perhaps the spouse chooses to enter meditative seclusion.

Although the native is largely detached from the drama of the spouse's life, there is never a dull moment in these relationships. The challenges tend to focus upon cultural and religious differences between the partners.

  • Moonies 1920-2012 Rev. Sun Myung Moon was first married in 1945. His wife Sun-kil Choi was a passionate [Rahu] believer in Christian doctrine which was then an exotic foreign faith [Rahu]. While married to his first wife, rev. Moon developed his first group of churches and composed the foundational scripture of his ministry "The Divine Principle" . Kuja-yuti-Rahu

Rahu-Ketu share the rashi axis of Chandra = Emotional volatility, psychic intensity. Emotionally scattered, the feelings may not be successfully connected to each other

If Rahu occupies 7th from Chandra then automatically Chandra-yuti-Ketu.

Chandra-yuti-Ketu suggests that the mother is dispersed, disregarding, distanced, not available. It might be her work schedule, her religious or marital commitments, her social life, or her medical issues, but whatever the reason this mother is not fully available to deliver unconditional love to the child.

Rahu in 7th-from-Chandra indicates a mother who is more fascinated by and engaged with her partners, particularly the husband [s] , whom the mother perceives as crucial launching pads for her personal self-elevation and gain of privilege.

The native too may attempt to marry up in some fashion. Husbandly-companions may become fascinated by rather exotic, typically very beautiful., women; Feminine Nativities by men who seem to radiate extraordinary privilege and power.

Chandra afflicted by Ketu produces emotionally detached witness behavior. One may be a keen observer of human life, but the emotional attitude is not sentimental.

In both personal and professional relationships, chandra-Ketu can often successfully utilize the emotionally disconnected witness function. This yoga enables one to operate quietly but successfully in bizarre, lawless, or inhumane environments.

The Rahu mate expresses public face of the partnership. Rahu's material ambition generally attracts an interesting, risk-positive, self-promoting mate who understands that the partnership is the best platform upon which to launch the mate's own quest for higher privilege.

Unless there are compensating graha in the same bhava with the Chandra-Ketu pair, one with Rahu in 7th-from-Soma may have been traumatized in some unremembered [Ketu] fashion and as an adult can seem unfamiliar with basic compassion.

When pressed for involuntary, instinctive human emotional response, chandra +Ketu often has nothing to say.

There are many exceptions caused by favorable graha yuti Ketu-Soma

The Rahu mate assumes role of emotional advocate, attorney, representative who acts with ambitious demonstrative energy on behalf of the native.

  • Pope-264 John-Paul-II 1920-2005 Karol Wojtyla [Rahu in bhava-11] occupies 7th-from-Chandra. KW rose to the top rank of his worldwide religious hierarchy, ever-maintaining the public role of a celibate priest. Yet, he maintained a lifelong relationship with a female Polish psychiatrist-sexologist named Wanda. Many felt that Wanda permitted Lolek to express his parental instincts [Chandra]. Lolek and Wanda corresponded frequently by telephone and letter; they vacationed together in a family style. Some observers compared them to the famed medieval couple Heloise and Abelard, but Wanda appeared to play the role of his feminine informant and familiar sister . KW's devotion to the figure of Mary the Mother was legendary. Indeed.he insisted that Our Lady of Fatima saved his life when he was nearly killed by an assassin's bullets on the feast day of Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima in Oct-1981. Apparently his relationship with the feminine figure Wanda was non-negotiable, and KW was unconcerned about breaking taboos Somana-yuti-Ketu .

The first life-partnership is often a high-contrast relationship with one high-drama mate [the Rahu mate] and one low-engagement mate [the native] .

The social outcome of any legal union [marriage or business contract] depends on a number of factors, not the least of which is any graha yuti Rahu. Also of top predictive importance is the condition of bhava-7 counted from lagnar.

Chandra-yuti-Ketu = emotionally withdrawn and passive by character. One is more comfortable [Chandra] in the disengaged Witness role.

  • Agreement-crafting style ranges from neutral to passive-aggressive."Whatever you want to do, honey."

  • Chandra-yuti-Ketu tends to attract mates who have an ambitious life agenda.

The mate indicated by Rahu in 7th-from-Soma tends toward hyper-engagement in the relationship, because the union becomes a highly expedient platform to facilitate the mate's own quest for privilege.

As a result the Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-7-mate tends to have a more vivid, charismatic personality when compared to the native.

The Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-7-mate assumes the public face of the relationship. Meanwhile, chandra-yuti-Ketu may seem dissatisfied, withholding affection, and uncommitted to the present union while unable to generate alternatives.

Chandra-yuti-Ketu tends to accept default conditions. Chandra-yuti-Ketu is rarely the instigator of a separation. In divorce-permitting cultures, it will be the Rahu-partner who officially files for divorce.

WRTinterpersonal unions, chandra-yuti-Ketu is better suited to the"living together" model that does not require a legal contract. If there is legal contract such as a business partnership or a state-certified marriage, one's passive emotional attitude may permit a personal and professional toy persist for decades without significant engagement.

Chandra-yuti-Ketu generally appreciates and accepts the agenda of the Rahu mate. The downside: when and if, for their own opportunistic Rahu-reasons, this mate decides to abandon the partnership, chandra-yuti-Ketu is powerless to prevent it.

In such an event, chandra-yuti-Ketu tends to accepts the mate's Rahu-urgent decision as "inevitable" [Ketu]. Chandra-yuti-Ketu is rarely pro-active in agreement maintenance behaviors. When a break-up threatens in personal or professional partnership, chandra-yuti-Ketu does not try to prevent it.

Additional graha yuti Rahu may signal complicated behavioral excesses. E.g., rahu + multiplier Guru in 7th-from-Soma indicates more than one mate. [Rahu + Guru in bhava-7 radix indicates multiple life-mates also.]

  • Yet, in general, rahu in 7th-from-Soma tends to be more significantly invested in the relationship than the native.

  • One experiences the deepest challenge to cultural norms through the possessive behavior of The Other who expresses a desire to possess one, psycho-emotionally.

  • Man with Rahu in 7th-from-Chandra is attracted to exotic, dramatic and desirous women. Male may be at the emotional mercy of Feminine Nativities.

The first marriage, for either gender, is often emotionally impulsive or characterized by opportunistic motivation.

  • Moneyball 1963- drama-commerce Brad Pitt [disguising-rejuvenating Pūrvāṣāḍhā-4] + + [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Somana-yuti-Surya-Mūla][Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Somana-yuti-Budha-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Somana-yuti-Shukra-Vaishva] [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Somana-yuti-Ketu-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [5, theatre, celebrity] a highly complex group of graha with Chandra indicate a complex emotional constitution. Rahu-11 in 7th-from-Chandra signals gainfulness, friendship, over-reaching ambition shared with first spouse.

  • Banker to the Poor 1940- microcredit Muhammad Yunus= hailed from modest circumstances of his impoverished birthland of Bangla-desha. His first marriage was to a Russian émigré graduate student earning her doctorate in literature at a USA university. Rahu suggests a first marriage to partner of exotic racial, religious, or cultural background [exotic relative to the native] . In his autobiography, professor Yunus recounts how he delayed and resisted the marriage requests of his girlfriend, knowing that he intended to return to Bangladesh where she would be forced to live in very unfamiliar and perhaps hostile circumstances. However, in a moment of impulse, he suddenly said yes. The couple and their child stayed together for seven years, with a legal divorce in the 9th year of the union.

Caution to Chandra-Ketu natives seeking legal marriage in a period of Rahu. Consider waiting to make a sensible decision, until the "high tide" of Rahu period has subsided.

7th-from-Chandra is a maraka position; spouse may be one's partner in death

Chandra-yuti-Ketu typically indicates an emotionally disengaged personality . One prefers to assume the emotional stance of the Witness [Ketu]. One responds to energized situations with whatever protocols of behavior may arise from other graha. For example, mangala would determine one's habitual response to physical aggression while Professor Shani would mandate one's normal emotional response to social-legal structures.

One element which is typically missing from the emotional repertoire is any pronounced emotional need to draw security from an outside source, such as a partner. The native is emotionally dispersed, somewhat ungrounded via the typical roots through family and place of settlement, and often clairsentient.

Chandra-yuti-Ketu folk are not always beholden to the social mandate to secure their partnerships via the vow of marriage promise. One may also [depending on graha involved] enjoy numerous partnerships with flamboyant or highly expeditious partners.

  • My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla had Chandra-yuti-Ketu yuti Mangala, which created a significant Kuja Dosha for Tesla. had no known human intimate partnerships. However, he was dramatically involved in a number of high-profile business partners. Notable among these difficult alliances was his confrontational and accusing relationship with his one-time collaborator and soon enemy, General Electric 1847-1931 Thomas Edison.


Still crazy, after all these years

Ketu in 7th-from-Chandra

applies to all nativities featuring




distancing disregard disinterest witness-perspective toward contracts, marriages, relationships, equity, balance, fair terms of agreements

collapse, surrender, disorientation in matters of legal contracts, marriage alliance, terms of agreement, peer relationships.

Either quickly or slowly, this marriage disintegrates from disinterest.

Rahu-yuti-Chandra indicates magnified, amplified, ambitious emotional neediness, suggesting that one may be a central focus of nourishment in the partnership.

  • The partner represented by Ketu in 7th from Chandra may be somewhat drifting or abandoned.

Betrayal of the marriage promise is not necessarily forecast. The primary implication of Ketu is disinterest, disengagement, or disorientation of the partner. Depending upon Ketu's ruler, bhava, and incoming drishti, one's own attitude may range from distant enabling to ongoing regret to open contempt.

  • POTUS-14-pair 1806-1863 Temperance Jane Appleton Pierce [dominating-champion Mūla-1] + [Guru-yuti-Rahu]


  • At her age 28, JAP married the promising young lawyer, Franklin Pierce. Although JAP claimed to hate politics, her new husband was elected to the USA House of Representatives before their wedding. JAP was not interested in the constant talking [Ketu-Mithuna] and intrigue [8] of W-DC life. Anuradha-born, she dutifully performed most of the necessary entertaining, as FP ascended into the USA-Senate and won POTUS-14. Yet, her partner's world seemed permanently occulted [8]. Known as The Shadow of the Whitehouse, JAP rarely hostessed parties or appeared at salons.

  • However, typical of Chandra-Rahu-Guru, JAP prioritized her own righteous causes [Dhanus Rahu-Guru + Chandra Mūla-4]. She was a respected activist leader of the Women's Temperance Movement, which was seeking to ban all liquor in the USA. Franklin Pierce an alcoholic. It was said that she both enabled him and held him in contempt for his weakness. [Mula]

However, if the culture permits remarriage, and other factors point to multiple spouses, the emotional passion of Rahu-yuti-Chandra can be a factor in ambitious or starkly instrumental [Rahu] marriage arrangements which can be expediently abandoned [Ketu] when their purpose has been served..

  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-VIII Tudor 6 marriages Chandra Jyeṣṭha = regulator of alliances

  • Devdas 1973- drama-fashion Aishwarya Rai [Arudra-Shani-yuti-Ketu-Arudra] [11, fanclubs] mutual-drishti with [Apah- Chandra-yuti-Rahu-Mūla ] [Mūla-Shukra-yuti-Rahu-Mūla ] AR entered an exceptionally complex high-profile marriage with a fellow dramatist and scion of a multi-generational celebrity drama-politics dynasty. Despite every detail of her marriage and family life having been dissected in the Bharati tabloid press [Mithuna] she has ignored or avoided most of the pressure [Ketu].

  • Esoteric Astrology 1925-2005 Jyotiṣika Bepin Behari

  • POTUS-11 Manifest Destiny 1795-1849 James Knox Polk [arranging-trading Pushya-3] + [Pushya-Somana-yuti-Rahu-Punarvasu] [3, committeework, documentation, procedure] JKP was married only once to the capable Sarah Childress Polk. A sober Shani-2 personality, Polk sired no children and had little social life beyond what Sarah supplied. Ketu-yuti-Guru in 7th-from-Chandra suggests a potential for multiple liaisons, but Polk's character is described as work-bound in the extreme . He died at 53 leaving Sarah a widow for the next 42 years.

  • Shani of Iran 1941-1979 M. Reza Pahlavi Three marriages Chandra-Anuradha = regulator of alliances

  • CNN buffalo lands 1938- Ted Turner Three marriages, numerous unions Chandra Chitra = architect Tvashtri of communication networks, pursuer of jewels

Professor Ketu teaching in the classroom of 7th-from-Chandra tends to provide lessons on the particulate, dispersed, anti-form nature of the reality behind the reality.

Collapsing Ketu indicates frequent absences and lapses of mutual alignment.

Ketu-7 may signal profound apathy toward the emotional bondage of contractual alliance. Even when affiancement or marriage negotiations do occur, the follow-through may lacking.

  • Twilight of the Idols 1844-1900 Ubermensch Friedrich Nietzsche FWN did not marry during his lifetime. He declared undying love and offered marriage to young philosophy student, Lou Salome. Yet, in the same discourse, FWN declared that he mainly wanted a disciple, an adherent to his philosophy, for whom FWN might serve as a mentor. [Ketu-9 patronage]

These lessons are in reality multiple opportunities for accepting of gifts of understanding.

Despite the indoctrinations of various belief systems and their vendors, human life has no inherent meaning or cohesion. Meaning is supplied by the individual mind.

Whatever meaning is perceived is being projected and applied by the unfoldment of the memories of the native. Professor Ketu makes this dharma abundantly clear by providing partners [particularly the first avowed life partner] who drift, shift, migrate, and nebulize.

Most typically, Ketu is not malicious but rather apathetic. The fascinating, passionately sentimental [Chandra-yuti-Rahu] native may link to a partner with distancing behaviors, astudied neutrality, disinterest, or one who abandons the relationship. Naturally, much depends on any additional graha yuti-Ketu.

  • POTUS-pair-05 La belle Americaine 1768-1830 Elizabeth Kortright Monroe married the attorney, deal-broker, match-maker, alliance-crafter POTUS-5 James Monroe. JM served the new USA-government in top regulatory roles such as diplomat, governor, and chief executive. EKM had [Ketu+Surya+Shani+Shukra]

    12] in 7th-from-Chandra. EKM and JM conducted a classic two-person career, with EKM doing the skilled and elegant entertaining.

  • However, near her Rahu-Return in her mid-30's, EKM developed a seizure disorder. In the 1790's, her epilepsy was seen as a curse [Mūla-Rahu-6]. EKM lost the ability to entertain without fear of being struck by paralysis, shaking, or a convulsion. Slowly but surely, JM distanced himself [Ketu] from the gossip. EKM's defended herself with a haughty, disdainful stance [Rahu]. Their adult daughters assumed the social-hostess role, and JM buried himself [12] in his endlessly demanding presidential work. [Shani]

Graha yuti Ketu or graha yuti Rahu can significantly alter the outcome. Also, the two bhava anchoring the Rahu-Ketu axis are important predictors.

Spouse tends toward dissipated identity, but this nebulous social identity of the partner may nevertheless play a role in one's total social profile.

Having taken up a position of teaching in the classroom of 7th-from-Chandra, professor Ketu is not particularly an indicator of divorce, unless there are numerous additional supportingfactors pointing in the direction of a legal split of the union. Rather, the signification may be a perception of the ineffability of the character of the spouse, who may seem disconnected or disoriented in some way. It may be that the spouse is a frequent traveller who is rarely engaged in the union. Perhaps the spouse chooses to enter meditative seclusion.

  • Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi 's wife Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia was widely acknowledged to be a gracious person. Nevertheless, she had to compete for her husband's attention against his many doctrinal, ideological, guidance-role concerns [his Somana-yuti-Rahu-9] . They endured multiple long-term relationship breaks lasting years, and while she undertook his cause with capable administration, they worked separately. She predeceased him.

Most likely the strongly emotionalized and often charismatic personality of Chandra-yuti-Rahu yoga has grown accustomed [Chandra] to taking risks [Rahu]. Due to their fascinating [Rahu] demeanor, chandra-yuti-Rahu nativities may also have become accustomed to a habit of receiving the soothing attentions of others. Yet, the Ketu-identified mate tends to disorient and disconnect.

One tends to be a vibrant person with exciting, ambitious levels of life-engagement. The spouse tends to be more retiring. Depending on features of Ketu, the retiring behaviors may extend to being disinterested or dissolved. There may develop a narrative of abandonment in primary relationships.

  • POTUS-01 American Revolution 1732-1799 George Washington was a powerfully charismatic man. GW was very tall, broadly built, intelligent, and handsome [uchcha] Shukra-yuti-Shani-1. GW was implicitly trusted by the men under his military command. Despite mutiny and treason his armies remained viable in desperate circumstances including fearsome discomfort from winter cold and damp, starvation, and disease. GW was unanimously chosen by his elite peers to lead the newborn United States of America.

  • However, George was not lucky in love. Shukra-1= the growth-challenging bhratru-pati-3 + randhresha-8 for his Meena indriya-lagna . Under pressure from her father, the love of George's life married another suitor. George carried a torch for this woman for the remainder of his life. Abandoned [Ketu] by his great love, George married a financially privileged widow-with-children plantation owner named Martha Dandridge Custis.
  • George and Martha were steady friends and business partners. He accepted the role of step-father to her young children, but he was not often home [Ketu-4] . Martha preferred to stay at home [wife 7th-from-Chandra-10, home-based partner] . She oversaw George's plantations as well as her own. [Ketu-4 home base, agriculture, roots of the place of settlement] .
  • Martha stayed near her slave-labor plantations and tended to the ongoing commercial task of selling her tobacco crops [7th-from-Chandra = Mithuna sales] . George travelled frequently throughout the colonies for military, commercial, and governance duties.


Gaja-kesari Yoga

QUOTATION from B.V. Raman, three Hundred Important Combinations.

" Definition.

If Jupiter is in a kendra from the Moon the combination goes under the name Gaja Kesarir.


  • Many relations,
  • polite and generous,
  • builder of villages and towns or magistrate over them
  • will have a lasting reputation even long after death.


Here as well as elsewhere, great difference in the enjoyment of results should be pronounced.

The original writers say that the person born in this yoga will build villages and towns. A literal interpretation of the results leads one nowhere. They have to be adapted to suit modern conditions and climes.

One born in this yoga may become a member of Municipality and engineer or if the yoga is really powerful, amayor. The results ascribed to a yoga are subject to qualification or modification according as the yoga-karakas are strong or weak.

There are magistrates from the village to the district with different powers. From a builder of a small shrine or choultry to the builder of a large and rich temple there is much difference.

Combinations are given but the results of the same conjunction will vary with the strength of the planets, bhavas and the constellations."

Q: I am trying to decide which of my relationships are marriages and which are only romances, for purpose of predicting my next marriage. Is it accurate to say that when using the seventh from Chandra as a definition of the marriage lifepartner, that only ceremonially avowed husbands-and-wives are considered to be married?

How can I distinguish a loving romantic partnership [which does not count] from whatever is considered to be a marriage [which does count] .

Since my Chandra occupies bhava-5, iam quite concerned about my second marriage!

A: Namaste,

Marriage can be defined as either avowed by speaking of the promise [or claim] in presence of a witness * or * via birth of child[ren] .

The witness of the avowal may be a person. But also the witness may be a sacred fire or other representative of the eternal divine.

Even in cultures which permit marriage by kidnapping, the capturing thief must shout “I hereby take you for my wife!” The marriage claim does not have to be a vow in mutual agreement. The observing official could be the spirit of the wind or some miserable creature of the lower astral as in the case of marriage by rape or by enslavement.

Even if no vow was ever spoken, if a child was born into the union, that union is avowed via the birth of the child.

However, the longer-term live-in sexualized romances so common now in the modern world, even when deeply emotionally sincere, if unavowed by declaration, by covenant, or by childbirth. are not counted via 7th-from-Chandra nor via yuvathisthāna. Romances may be vitally important for spiritual and social maturation and they may have many other wonderful and cherished values, Yet, they are counted via 5th-from-Chandra

[similar to counting children] or from lagna of vidyasthāna.

If you are concerned about second marriage for nativity with Chandra-5, it might help to consider that most of the worrisome features of that angle are compensated when the lifepartner-2 has a ministry of service, such as medical, military, or care of the suffering. So long as the beloved spouse is serving others who are in misery, the misery requirement of bhava-6 is satisfied by their ministry work, and usually the marriage harmony is quite nice.


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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

May all beings venerate life as a state of deep spiritual intimacy.

" Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous;

love is never boastful or conceited;

it is never rude or selfish;

it does not take offense, and is not resentful.

Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth;

it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.

Love does not come to an end."

~~ 1st Epistle to the Corinthians 13: 4-8 [Jerusalem Bible]