tadyatha om gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Psychic "Punishment Energy" Attachment to in validation , intimidation, alienation, belittlement, rejection, fear, and harm |
Everyone has their own quantity and quality of punishment energy. |
It's the first, most obvious energy field that a psychic reader*healer encounters when attempting to read an aura.
Ill people - especially addicts - usually have a lot of it. People having polarizing catalysis at work, polarizing catalysis at home, polarizing catalysis in the marriage, overweight and undervalued, overworked and underpaid. Oh, yeah. LOTS of it. |
Agents of Punishment Energy |
Graha and amsha with primary agency of hesitant, fearful "punishment energy" in the Jyotishavidya nativity
Agents of Permission Energy Graha and amsha with primary agency of confident"permission energy" in the Jyotishavidya nativity
Moving out Eradication of Punishment Energy |
Moving punishment energy out of one's space is a priority for health, but the person must want to/be ready to do it.
Essential: permission energy held in storage,
to be injected immediately when the punishment energy is released
Preserves groundedness Elevates the consciousness Increases compassion for those who are still stuck in punishment |
If the native is too much invested in the anger * frustration * invalidation cycle, subconscious desperate clinging will prevent release.
Often, such a sophisticated and elaborate network of egoic-mind responses to the punishment energy has developed over time, that the person's entire identity seems to depend on staying connected to the punishers (who dole out the guilt and grief). |
Getting Un-Stuck:
The punishers, and how they dominate the field of consciousness How to move the punishers out of one's own space, into *their* next step When they and their negative ideas leave your space, be sure to have you and your positive ideas READy READY to replace the old-and-false with the new-and-true |
The elaborate egoic-mind protective mechanism for surviving the punishments so dominates the field of awareness that one is unable to see the possibility of breaking away from the punishers. Their reality - their necessity - is unquestioned; the survival instinct rules; all resources go into developing more and better egoic-mind responses to the pain. But at some point the karma of bondage to ignorance reduces through compassionate actions, and as a result the field of awareness will slightly expand. An objective view emerges. The connection between the punishment energy, its agents, and the patterned egoic-mind responses it invokes becomes fairly obvious, and the person is motivated to break the chain. Or, as the psychics say, one tires of"being the result of someone else's energy"and wants to create a more self-directed path. This is what stuck energy is all about. Being "stuck" means
Luckily, it's easy to fix. A few heartfelt moments spent in deep, intentional meditation will usually bring along the replacement permission energy! |
from Pema Chodron. When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, page 41 "Hope and fear come from feeling that we lack something; they come from a sense of poverty. We can't simply relax with ourselves. We hold onto hope, and hope robs us of the present moment . We feel that someone else knows what's going on, but that there's something missing in us, and Therefore, something is lacking in our world. Rather than letting our negativity get the better of us, we could acknowledge that right now we feel like a piece of shit and not be squeamish about taking a good look. That's the compassionate thing to do. That's the brave thing to do. We can't just jump over ourselves as if we were not there. It's better to take a straight look at all our hopes and fears. Then some kind of confidence in our basic sanity arises." |
" Yes " on small changes, self-management, and developing spiritual strength. " No" on tolerance for exploitation or injustice. QUOTATION from H.H. Dalai Lama XIV with d. Howard C. Cutler, m.D. (1998, 2004). The Art of Happiness at Work Q: Do you have any thoughts about how a person could go about increasing their feeling of autonomy or freedom at work? H.H."... it will completely depend on the person's individual circumstances , what position they are in. Let's take the example of a prisoner. Now of course it is best not to be in prison, but even in that situation, where a person may be deprived of freedom, he or she may discover small choices that they are able to make . And even if somebody is in prison, with very rigid rules, they can undertake some spiritual practices to try to lessen their mental frustrations, try to get some peace of mind. So they can work on internal development ... if people can do this under the extreme conditions of prison, in the workplace people may try to discover small things, small choices that they can make in how to go about their work. And of course, somebody may work on an assembly line with little variation in how to do their tasks, but they still have other kinds of choices in terms of their Attitudes , how they interact with their co-workers, whether they utilize certain inner qualities or spiritual strengths to change their attitude at work even though the nature of the work may be difficult. Isn't it? So, perhaps that would helpr. of course, when you are talking about rigid rules and lack of freedom, that doesn't mean that you are required to blindly follow and accept everything others tell you. In instances where the worker might be exploited , where the employer thinks of nothing but profit and pays a small salary and demands a lot of overtime, or where one may be asked to do things that are not appropriate or are unethical, one should not simply think,"Well, this is my karma ,"and take no action. Here it is not enough to think,"I should just be content." Misplaced Tolerance If there is injustice , then I think inaction is the wrong response . The Buddhist texts mention what is called"misplaced tolerance ," or /misplaced forbearance./ So ... Misplaced patience or forbearance refers to the sense of endurance that some individuals have when they are subject to a very destructive, naegative activity. That is a misplaced forbearance and endurance. Similarly, in the work environment, if there is a lot of injustice and exploitation, then to passively tolerate it is the wrong response. The appropriate response really is to actively resist it , to try to change this environment rather than accept it. One should take some action ... perhaps one could speak with the boss, with the management, and try to change these things. One needs to actively resist exploitation . And in some cases, one may simply need to quit and to look for other work." |
The practical selfishness of clean living
QUOTATION from Dzong-ka-ba and Tenzing Gyatso. Yoga Tantra: Paths to Magical Feats . Jeffrey Hopkins (Trans. and Ed.). " Sometimes people mistakenly look on vows and pledges as if these were a type of punishment, but this is not at all the case. For example, just as we follow certain methods of eating and drinking to improve our health and certainly not to punish ourselves, so the rules the Shakyamuni Buddha formulated are for controlling counter-productive ill-deeds and ultimately for overcoming afflictive emotions, because these are self-ruinous.
Realizing from his own experience that suffering stems from one's own afflictive emotions as well as actions contaminated with them, he sets forth styles of behavior to reduce the problem for our own profit , certainly not to give us a hard time.
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"And now my friends,
all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |