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Amsha - Bhava

Varieties of Lagna

Rashi Lagna

Graha Occupying bhava-1

see also: Vyayapa - ruler of 12th-from-lagnesha = the distant lands that one may visit

Rahu yuti radical lagnesha

Ketu yuti radical lagnesha

lagnesha-1 Lagnesha in the 12 Domains



Lagna Lord


Ascendant Lord

Ruler of the Indriya-lagan

Planetary Ruler of the Rising Sign

Planetary lord of


Agent of Alignment

personality and purpose

Planetary lord of the kundali indriya-lagna

~~ BPHS Sarga-12

Effects of Tanu bhava

" Fame, wealth, abundant pleasures, and comforts of the body will be acquired

if Lagna lord is in a movable rashi and be drishtied by a benefic graha."

Social Identity Markers in the Lagnesha

Psycho-socially, the lagnesha helps answer the question "Who am I? How do I see myself in my primary social context?"

Who, in my preconception of my social Self, am I really?

First, examine the position of lagnesha in D-1.

Bhava residence of Lagnesha = show the type of environments where one prefers to express one's destinyr.

~~ BPHS, sarga-40, sl. 13

"An exchange of Rashi between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lord will make the native associated with the king in a great manner."

Lagnesha = planetary ruler of the D-1 radical lagna = helps to establish

  • profile, preferences, environments, social attributes and flesh-body appearance

  • in which department of social life will the individual personality feel vitally energized and validated?

  • how does one see oneself, profile oneself, identify oneself with external behaviors, pursuits, and characteristics of a particular social operation?
  • to which physical, naatural environments is one naturally attuned?
  • in doing which activities one may feel oneself most useful, belonging, and appropriate?
  • which are the physical behaviors and environments where the native can perform strongly for social recognition (whether or not one is happy there)?

Lagna - line * ascendant * rising line

Radical Lagna = line of the earth's horizon at the time of birth

Most frequent use of the term Lagnesha = the planet which rules the rashi which is positioned on the radical lagna.

However, lagnesha can refer to the planetary ruler of any line including the line of Chandra's degree or any lagna in any diagram * varga.

  • The horizon line marks the point (in rashi, in Nakshatra, or by degree, depending on precision desired) of the zodiac which was facing due East at the moment of the native 's first breath.

Agency of lagnesha Shani'sThe primary agency-expression of lagnesha is The earthen body as an integrated whole.

This fleshbody body acquires characteristics of the bhava in which the lagnesha resides. The personality and social behaviors also express the characteristics of the rashi and the bhava, including features such as drishti and samchara temporary effects upon that residence bhava.

the whole personality is composed of many coordinated sets of attributes = social attributes, physical attributes, emotional attributes. Only a small portion of these attributes is visible in the physical formr.

Environment determined by bhava of Lagnesha

The spirit-in-a-fleshbody has a predisposition to seek a particular earthly environment. Generally, there are ways in which the individual self-identifies through participation in particular undertakings, ventures, traditions, and departments of society.

When considered as part of a total social-physical profile that includes various karaka, kendra rulers and attributes of Chandra, the lagnesha offers a reliable guide to self-chosen social roles and the environments which contain those roles.

Happiness: emotional vs. social-behavioral

Chandra and angles to Chandra will profile one' psycho- emotional condition.

  • Chandra shows the character of one's inner world of feelings and intuitive perception.

  • Regardless of what happens in the outside world, the native with a peaceful and balanced Chandra situation will be relatively happy.

Lagnesha profiles how the individual will fare socially in the outside world , how others view one and treat one, whether one has found a "good fit" with the external social environment. This fit which is the match between expectations and outcomes tends to contributes significantly toward happiness and self-satisfaction at the active, outward, social-physical level.

Lagnesha = ruler of indriya-lagna, ruler of indriya-lagna

Graha occupying the lagna/ligne/line

  • = attributes which society assigns to the native 's identity.

Graha occupying the lagna indicate the force of social "pigeon-holing" social profiling = a strong social pressure upon the native to dramatize affinity with a particular social role or behavior.

Nativity exhibits a distinctively strongly developed affinity for a recognized social role or specialty.

Chandra = passive identity (except for Karkata for which Chandra is the lagnesha)

Chandra * Moon and lagnesha * ascendant ruler are the two most foundational profile elements.

  • Lagnesha = active, physical orientation toward a particular type of activity social environment.

  • Chandra = passive, fundamental emotional character and environments where the native feels naturally comfortable.

Natural 6th-from-lagnesha

indicates challenges posed by bhava location of lagnesha

lagnesha ruler of bhava-1 occupies bhava-1

one's identity is aligned with the lively, innovative movement of physical vitality, personality integrity, bodily appearance

6th-from-lagnesha = bhava-6 suggesting that illness, poverty, litigation, war, injustice, conflict, handicap, pollution, accusation, plus all of the other indicators of bhava-6 may become consistently adversarial to the smooth expression of the personal identity.

Naturally, any graha located in bhava-6 serve to increase the challenges of injustice, animosity and exploitation (6th angle) by the agents of 6.


lagnesha ruler of bhava-1 occupies bhava-8

one's identity is aligned with the mysteries of secrets, hidden assets, cycle of birth-and-death, classified information, and undisclosed knowledge

6th-from-lagnesha = bhava-1 suggesting that matters of The earthen body appearance, vitality, musculature, and identity, plus all of the other indicators of bhava-1 may become consistently adversarial to the smooth expression of the personal identity. Naturally, any graha located in bhava-1 serve to increase the challenges of injustice, animosity and exploitation (6th angle) by the agents of 1.

lagnesha ruler of bhava-1 occupies bhava-9

one's identity is aligned with the paradigm of belief, emerging via global weltanschauung, universities, philosophy, theory, first principles, conceptual discourse, professorship

6th-from-lagnesha = bhava-2 suggesting that matters of family-of-origin, accumulations of treasury, family genetics, language and historical knowledge lineages, matters of truth and voice, face, teeth, hair and eyes, plus all of the other indicators of bhava-2 may become consistently adversarial to the smooth expression of the personal identity.

Naturally, any graha located in bhava-2 serve to increase the challenges of injustice, animosity and exploitation (6th angle) by the agents of 2.

  • Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie= lagnesha Chandra-9. Her biography expresses the challenges of bhava-2 genetics. Ms. Jolie has produced a public narrative detailing her genetic challenges and medical (6) treatments, since her family line (2) carries the gene sequence known to generate fatal breast cancer. No graha occupy 2, and dhanesha-Surya-yuti-Ketu, suggesting a willingness [Surya] to cut [Ketu]. She chose the medical option of a prophylactic double mastectomy.

Example lagnesha in bhava-10 public iconic symbolic roles, highest visibility, leadership duties, familiar-face * lagnesha

one's identity is aligned with the rigidity of hierarchy, rank, social position

6th-from-lagnesha = bhava-3 suggesting that matters of siblings, cousins, cohort, co-workers, commerce, meetings, management, announcements, public relations " spin" and communication, plus all of the other indicators of bhava-3 may become consistently adversarial to the smooth expression of the personal identity.

Naturally, any graha located in bhava-3 serve to increase the challenges of injustice, animosity and exploitation (6th angle) by the agents of 3

  • Mad Monk 1869-1916 Romanov Grigori Rasputin lagnesha [Chandra-Mesha] The natural stress point for the public identity is bhava-3 Kanya, uninhabited. Budha-yuti-Ketu suggests that the /news/ about Rasputin mainly framed him as a crazy holy man [Ketu]

  • General Electric 1847-1931 Thomas Edison [Shani-Kumbha] [Shani-10] [Shani-yuti-Surya] [Shani-yuti-Shukra] The natural stress point for the public identity is bhava-3 Karkata. Reports about TE usually profiled him as a hard-working [Shani] scientist who was adding great convenience to modern homes [Karkata]. [Mūla Chandra] encouraged the public to believe that TE had special powers.

  • USA-Sen-Mass 1932-2009 Teddy Kennedy [Shani-Makara] lifelong federal legislative career. The natural stress point for the public identity-10 is bhava-3 Mithuna. TK got plenty of bad press over the years due to his personal life. Yet, Budha is well-placed, and the listing ship of his public life was ultimately righted by his overall legislative legacy.

  • UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles of Wales lagnesha [Chandra-Mesha] The natural stress point for the public identity is bhava-3 Kanya, and Shukra-Kanya [nīcha] in bhava-3 suggests a narrative of polarizing catalysis with women.

lagnesha ruler of bhava-1 occupies bhava-11

one's identity is aligned with the connectivity of social networks, economic systems, friendships, elder sibling

6th-from-lagnesha = bhava-4 suggesting that matters of the parents, the childhood home, the folkways, patriotism, comfortable established local habits and rhythms of life, land boundaries, roots, owned-stewarded properties, farming and fishing, plus all of the other indicators of bhava-4 become consistently adversarial to the smooth expression of the personal identity. Naturally, any graha located in bhava-4 serve to increase the challenges of injustice, animosity and exploitation (6th angle) by the agents of 4

  • 14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso lagnesha Surya-11 + [Budha-yuti-Ketu] . His Holiness exemplifies the stresses and strains of dealing with conflicts, crimes, and injustice in the homeland.

lagnesha ruler of bhava-1 occupies bhava-12

one's identity is aligned with the quietude of meditation, clairsentient guidance, research, privacy, reflective and contemplative thought, enclosures, sanctuary, hermitage, sleep

6th-from-lagnesha = bhava-5 suggesting that matters of children, unique creativity, games, fashion and style, politics, drama, celebrity, plus all of the other indicators of bhava-5 may become consistently adversarial to the smooth expression of the personal identity.

Naturally, any graha located in bhava-5 serve to increase the challenges of injustice, animosity and exploitation (6th angle) by the agents of 5

Conflict between lagnesha VS graha-in-lagna

If strong graha in lagna send a contradictory message to the self-concept per lagnesha, expect internal conflict and struggle for effective self-definition .

one may feel socially rejected or personally confused by turns.

  • If the two conflicting messages can be resolved over time (Generally, they can, as these unique natives are often cross-cultural and have dual or triple professional competencies ) a wonderful personality with extraordinary gifts for managing social conflict may indeed emerge.

  • Time is the key for this arrangement -- especially if Shani is involved.

Environment-5 lagnesha Surya-Dhanus

Genius, brilliance, radiance, confidence, drama, ceremony, fame

  • Autobiography of a Yogi 1893-1952 Swami Yogananda * icon of expression of Divine Intelligence (5) published (5 = 3rd-from-3rd) the famed Autobiography of a Yogi and became a celebrity (5) guru in a land of celebrities (sunny Los Angeles) by preaching a message of Self-Realization (5).

Environment-8 lagnesha Surya-Meena

Trauma-Healing, transformation, identity-change, secrecy, hidden matters, discovery, recovery

[Karkata - Kadaga]

lagnesha = Chandra

parents, root-culture, foundational teachers, ritual worship, emotion, intuition, shelter, rhythms, routines



For the Karkata - Kadaga nativity, Professor Chandra serves as the life-defining lagnesha.

Karkata natives have a predisposition to follow the established patterns. They prefer to be guided along the pathways of their parents [Chandra]. They need [Chandra] to respect the scaffolding of the foundational schoolteachers. They need to repeat the reliable, rhythmic cultural conditions of their childhood. They are guardian protectors of the folkways, who provide shelter, nourishment, and boundaries.

Karkata natives are guided by a deeply emotional inner voice; however, the message of that voice is profoundly influenced by cohabiting graha which may co-reside or cast defining drishti into reflective, absorptive Chandra.

Example lagnesha in Environment-bhava-3 writing, publications, announcements, reporting, touring

Example lagnesha in Environment-bhava-8 revolutionary change, transformation of identity, catastrophic upheaval, conditions of liberation from the Earthen-body * lagnesha Kumbha Shukra-yuti-Chandra

Example lagnesha in Environment- bhava-10 public iconic symbolic roles, highest visibility, leadership duties, familiar-face * lagnesha Mesha Chandra-yuti-Rahu

  • UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles-3 [Chandra-yuti-Rahu] * born into a widely recognized, prominent family [Chandra] lawfully, regularly (10) followed the prescriptive duty roster (10) of his parents. Without veering from the established obligations, Chandra-yuti-Rahu nevertheless added some challenge to the rigid protocols of 10. Leadership, patterns of social visibility at public events, iconic personality.

[Mesha - Aja] ++ Vṛścika - Thriketta

lagnesha = Kuja = sexual and athletic power, movement, innovation, pursuit, discovery

Environment-3 Mesha indriya-lagna = lagnesha

Environment-5 Mesha indriya-lagna = lagnesha

Mangala-Urisha + Rahu

Environment-5 Vṛścika - Thriketta lagna

  • Second Sex 1908-1986 social theory Simone de Beauvoir= Mangala-Meena -5 [Somana-yuti-Kuja] dynamic production of literary works in philosophy. A celebrity intellectual figure, sdB role-modeled the character of confident academic genius to generations of university humanist women. Her famed romance (5) with the philosopher Jean Paul Sartre was a creative fire always burning. A bold dramatist, sdB refused to allow her creative love-life to be dampened by bourgeois marriage.

  • Ms. Magazine 1934- women's rights Gloria Steinem - Mangala-Meena -5 [Surya-yuti-Mangala] . Similar to Simone de Beauvoir , GS exemplified a highly romantic [Surya] literary-political lifestyle unencumbered by the contractual burden of marriage (except for a union which endured for only 3 years, ending in widowhood). GS represented the personal-as-political awakening in feminist activism, and remains a celebrated (5) figure in American feminist narrative..

Environment-7 Mesha indriya-lagna = law-courts, settlements, bargaining, reciprocity, negotiations, advocacy, representation, partnerships

  • POTUS-25 Gold Standard 1843-1901 William McKinley= Mangala-Tula -7* WM's career was built in multi-decade partnership with iron-and-steel magnate Mark Hanna. This powerful pair served each others' interests. WM promoted the growth of the steel cartels in Congress, while businessman Hanna did the public-relations spinning and the funding.

Vṛścika indriya-lagna = Environment 8

discoveries, mysteries, non-disclosure, sudden upheaval, danger, revolution, identity change

skilled in courtly intrigue, keeper of confidences, double agent

  • USA Black Power 1925-1965 Nation of Islam Malcolm X * Kuja-8 parivartamsha Budha-6 * preacher of hate and violence, several name-changes, made a sudden turnaround declaring peace-is-possible, just before assassination

Vṛścika indriya-lagna = Environment-9

lagnesha Mangala-Karkata [nīcha] * global humanism, ideology, championship, drama of 5th-from-5th

Example lagnesha in Environment- bhava-10 public iconic symbolic roles, highest visibility, leadership duties, familiar-face

Environment-10 Vṛścika - Thriketta lagna = Mangala-Simha-10 rules 1 + 6

Ruler of 6-service, medication, clinical treatment - occupies public roles-10

  • POTUS-pair-38 Addiction Recovery 1918-2011 Betty Bloomer Ford. Eventually BBF out-shone [Simha] her presidential husband's distinguished career. BBF organized the famed Betty Ford Clinic. Celebrity figures flocked to her clinic [Simha]. As the glitterati demonstrated their dynamic self-propelled choices [Mangala-Simha-10] BBF earned national praise for placing her reputation in jeopardy in order to create a medical path for others.

Environment-11 lagnesha Hasta=Mangala-Kanya yuti karmesha-10 Surya-Chitra

  • UK-PM Path to Power 1925-2013 Margaret Thatcher massive social systems, economics, distribution grids, voluntary associations, fundraising

[Mithuna - Dvamdva] and [Kanya - Parthya]

lagnesha = Budha

= conversation, messaging, analysis, logic, handcraft

[Mithuna - Dvamdva]

Environment-7 partnership = lagnesha Budha-Dhanus + bhratru-pati-3 Surya

  • Lord of the Rings 1892-1973 linguist J.R.R. Tolkien * declared throughout his life an unending love + identification with marriage (7) + delight in the persona of his beloved wife, Edith. The couple met in their early teens. They waited through JRRT's WW-1 war service. Unlike many of his killed friends, JRRT survived the war. They celebrated by getting married. bhratru-pati-3 in bhava-7 suggests that Edith Tolkien was a helpful agent of support to JRRT's writing,. Edith organized his correspondence and performed secretarial tasks (3) . She managed (3) the household in ways to support his writing. He loved her for it.

[Kanya - Parthya]

Example lagnesha Budha occupies 5-celebrity entitlements, romantic idealism, creativity

  • Standard Oil 1874-1960 philanthropy John D. Rockefeller + [Shani-yuti-Budha] + [Surya-yuti-Shukra] . JDR used the assets developed via speculative financing (venture capitalism) to fund idealistic charitable projects around the world. Budha occupies 8th-from-Chandra , signaling his need to transform his identity (8) while maintaining his spectacular entitlements (5). At the age of 36, in 1910, JDR left the lucrative family business to embark on a lifetime of flamboyant, celebrated charitable giving;

[Dhanus - Haya] ++ [Meena - Antya]

lagnesha = Guru

= belief, optimism, multiplicity, humanism, charity

Example lagnesha in bhava-4

Dhanus indriya-lagna

Example lagnesha in Environment- bhava-10 public iconic symbolic roles, highest visibility, leadership duties, familiar-face

lagnesha Guru-Dhanus + Rahu + Budha

  • 49th Nizari Ismaili Imam, agha Khan-4 Karim al-Husseini * respected world leader (10) of a doctrinal sect (Dhanus). Has been a recognized, iconic-symbolic figure for the lifetime.

Example lagnesha in Environment 2-family of Origin, face, voice, hair, language, finance, food, drink , values, Second Marriage

[nicha-Guru-Makara] [Guru in bhava-2] [Shravana-nicha-Guru-yuti-Chandra-Shravana] [Shravana-nicha-Guru-yuti-Shani-Vaishva]

  • Syriana 1961- drama-activist George Clooney . HNWI due to capitalization (2) and real-estate [Guru rules uchcha-Shukra-4]. Celebrated second marriage after Shani matures.

[Urisha-Vrishabha] and [Tula - Vanika]

  • lagnesha = Shukra = grace, balance, adjustability, diplomacy


Environment-1 physical appearance, attributes of personality, identity

Environment-2 Shukra Vṛścika

Environment-4 lagnesha Shukra-Makara

Environment-3 lagnesha Shukra-Dhanus

Tula - Vanik

Lagnesha in Engvironment-5 Shukra-Kanya = politics, drama, center-stage roles

Environment-8 secrecy, occult, non-disclosure Shukra-Urisha

Example lagnesha in Environment- bhava-10 public iconic symbolic roles, highest visibility, leadership duties, familiar-face * lagnesha

Makara-Draco and Kumbha - Ghata

  • lagnesha = Shani = structure, lawfulness, maturity, sobriety

[Kumbha - Ghata]

lagnesha Shani in Environment bhava-2 lineage knowledge, treasuries, language

  • de Mundi Systemate 1643-1727 Isaac Newton was an extraordinarily complex person. Lagnesha Shani-yuti-Ketu-2 and Shani-2 parivartamsha Guru-1 among other striking features of the nativity. His overarching destiny was as a provisioner of knowledge treasuries (2) to the developing civilizations of the European west. However, asecondary offering was that in 1696 Newton obtained the sought-after financial role of Warden of the Mint during his Budha-Shani bhukti , and thus he became a provisioner of the coin of the realm into material treasuries.

Makara - Draco

lagnesha Shani in Environment bhava-8

  • Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford = Significant undisclosed activity, deeply secretive, hidden wartime affiliations, rigidly lawful tax-sheltered assets

Example lagnesha in Environment- bhava-10 public iconic symbolic roles, highest visibility, leadership duties, familiar-face * lagnesha Shani

[Shani-10] [svabhava] [uchcha] [Śaśaka Yoga] [lagnesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

Example lagnesha in bhava-11 community connections, marketplace goals

  • POTUS-pair-39 Caregiving 1927-2023 Rosalynn Smith Carter Respected and effective Community activist, working in support of mentally ill populations

Example lagnesha in Environment-12

[Shani-Dhanus] [lagnesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

Physical Body = End Result of a Long Generative Process

Lagnesha also provides some information about the fleshbody and its presentation. However, to more completely judge the physical appearance, chandra must also be assessed. Most perception of another's appearance is an emotional response to astral patterns in the aura. Not only judgments such as " beautiful" are emotional but even beliefs about whether a person is tall or short are mainly emotional.

The earthen body is a direct expression of the astral bodies, the causal bodies, and the spiritual bodies which underlie and interpenetrate the physical form.

As the past-life information encoded in the subtle particulate matter of the finer bodies percolates into the physical form , the earthen body receives its past-life-driven mandate to look and act in ways that carry out its ancient destiny.

Physical Appearance and Social validation

Radical lagna = the sign which was ascending on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth.

kundali indriya-lagna determines the appearance of The earthen body and gross personality traits. Physical appearance and behaviors dictate to a considerable extent how the individual will be treated by others.

Lagnesha tells us about the individual's physical constitution, which in turn tells us how that individual is likely to be perceived by society.

After looking for the bhava and rashi significations, find the navamsha-lord-of-lagnesha to answer the more intimate question of how the native truly sees oneself.

The self-view may be in conflict with public opinion , but it will help the consulting Jyotiṣika know how to advice the native on ways to live more happily and authentically.

  • E.g., if lagnesha occupies a navamsha of Budha, and Budha is exalted and well placed radically , the self-concept matches traits of highly articulate and serving society intelligently as an "explainer of things ".

One may or may not actually be recognized as either articulate or useful. There could be pre-incarnationally planned blocks in radix which prevent public validation. But one's subconscious dharma expectations (D-9) which are the accumulation of awareness built up from parallel lives , tells one to pursue this belief in their higher self as one's real self..

  • If lagnesha occupies a navamsha of Shani, and Shani occupies a kendra in radix, the self-dharma, or highest vision of oneself, is focused squarely on the material plane.

Even when Shani is exalted, His concern is with the practical application of social justice. Shani is not a theoretician. Shani is about work, practice, work.

Did I mention practice?

Such a person will seek social validation for the worth of their person through material accomplishments and financial well-being.

Such a person is also rather unlikely to consult a Jyotisha, since they do not generally require spiritual information to complete their dharmic view of"how it is ". However, you might see a lagnesha like this as a relative of a more spiritually inclined person.

  • E.g., if lagnesha occupies a navamsha of Kuja, and Kuja occupies a kendra in radix, the native 's self-dharma, or highest vision of himself, is focused in physical activity. This person is usually an athlete or at minimum well-coordinated physically.

One is naturally aggressive (or passive-aggressive); and strongly invested in being a busy, ambitious person. One enjoys the sporting challenge of contentious, conflicted, or quarrelsome environments This type of lagnesha is also unlikely to seek the Jyotiṣika's sage advice, but may enter appear in the Jyotisha consultation as the male relative of a tamer client.

If the lagnesha is strongly empowered - such as, uttama or [mūlatrikoṇa] or svakshetra- and/or receiving drishti of functional benefics - the person will be born into favorable circumstances.

One will be physically strong and attractive, with past-life-acquired permission to have good self-esteem that is recognized by his parents, educators, and moral authorities in his culture.

One 's area of highest praise may be known according to the sign and house of the exalted lagnesha.

On the other end of the scale, if the lagnesha is strongly disempowered - such as, naichha and/or receiving drishti of functional or natural challenger papagraha one may be born into less comfortable family circumstances.

One may feel somewhat or perhaps extremely stigmatized, with limited past-life permission to receive social validation for their appearance, abilities, or conduct.

[nīcha] lagnesha

nichha graha = fallen planets = weakness = dysfunctionality of the planet's powers. The graha might be quite powerful in effect but this effect is not well-received in the native 's living environment.

For example,

  • [nīcha] Mangala is often accused of being sneaky, dishonest, exploitive, manipulative or passive aggressive. These are derogatory terms in modern social relations, and indeed [nīcha] Mangala can disturb the harmony of many less-conscious kinship [Karkata] relationships. Yet [nīcha] Mangala's notorious dysfunction can be converted to a high function behavior when ported out to a more suitable environment where squeezing, subversion, manipulation, and indirect emotional confrontations can be more valued. [nīcha] Mangala often finds a warm welcome in certain varieties of psychotherapy, intervention therapies, and military applications such as guerilla warfare where sneaky style of attack becomes a premium value.

Also nichha activates 5 + rules-10 Mangala-Karkata becomes a Yogakaraka. Although the native 's personal life may suffer some effects of hypocrisy or dishonesty, great contributions of literary or political arts (5) and social governance (10) can also be produced by these natives.

In a past-life setting, the native once deprived another of resources, took more than one's proper due, or misused the empowerment of which one is now deprived by the malfunctioning planet.

Before birth, one selects the timing of one's first breath to ensure that one will have the proper planetary rays in place in order to pay back whichever akashic-memory debts one feels strong enough to undertake.

Fallen planets show not so much an arduous positive task one is obliged to perform; that is the role of Shani.

Nor do they show the bondage of obsession; that is Rahu.

Fallen planets indicate an expected capability which never manifests properly .

The normal resources of the planet are twisted, retarded, disoriented, or confused.

In that planet's area of expertise, society will expect its members to do, perceive, or cooperate in a culturally predetermined way.

Fallen planets indicate that the individual will fall short of social expectation, be considered unsuccessful, and feel marginalized in that performance area.

If the lagnesha occupies its nichhamza and is not rescued through some type of [nīcha-bhanga] or healing parivartamsha, one may identify strongly with a socially marginalized status.

One's social challenge may be known according to the position of the nichha lagnesha.

Vimshottari dasha periods of the lagnesha

  • Period of the lagna lord increases validation for the flesh-body and the social traits of the lagnesha (both the easy parts and the difficult parts).

  • Period of an exalted lagnesha are likely to bring bodily excellence, performance success, and social accolades.

  • Period of a fallen lagnesha will also bring bodily strength and focus. But the nature of that strength will be characteristically stigmatized or only contingently accepte d by society.

Lagnesha in career

Lagnesha is also influential in career choices because lagnesha is an indicator of social standing and natural ability to function in the environments which match the rashi, bhava, and drishti characteristics of the lagnesha.

svakshetra Shukra in bhava-1 lagnesha for Tula-lagna

Shukra is additionally strengthened by accompanying dharma-ati Budha and Mangala lord of dhana for direct and confrontational speech.

Lagnesha shows broad environmental orientation, body type, musculature etc. which create natural suitability to develop certain career areas.

In determining career, also consider:

  • karma-sthāna * 10th-house * in radical kundali

  • the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking; 10th-from-Chandra

  • karmesha-10 plus ruler of the dashamamsha -10

  • [Sparkling Splendid Surya] karaka of center stage + In the modern information economy Budha is also a significant career indicator.

[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] shows the dominant patterns in the astral bodies which create daily emotion.

Emotional patterns -selfish or compassionate, absorbing or generating - also contribute to suitability for particular forms of service.


[if] " The Ascendant lord, Venus or Jupiter are located in a Kendra, [this] will bless your overall life to some degree.

  • To have at least one good angular placement is of advantage for material life in general.
  • If all three planets are in Kendra, then the Yoga would have an accordingly more strong and powerful effect.

Fortune, wealth and other material blessings would be almost guaranteed throughout life."

Surya yuti radical lagnesha
  1. [Surya-yuti-Chandra]

  2. [Surya-yuti-Kuja]

  3. [Surya-yuti-Budha]

  4. [Surya-yuti-Guru]

  5. [Surya-yuti-Shukra]

  6. [Surya yuti Shani]

Increases the level of self-reference, brilliance of the aura, and gaming or gambling intelligence as evidenced in the personality integrity. May add a ruby glow to the appearance.

[Surya yuti Shani]

  • Opus Dei 1902-1975 St. Josemaria Escriva [Surya yuti Shani] -lagnesha + Chandra. Shani-12 Parivartamsha Guru-1 Father Escriva was famed for the disciplined charisma (Surya-Shani) which characterized his brilliant political outreach [Surya] to the security-seeking [Chandra] and hierarchy-respecting [Shani] Roman-Rite community.



Chandra yuti radical lagnesha
  1. [Somana-yuti-Kuja]

  2. [Somana-yuti-Budha]

  3. [Somana-yuti-Guru]

  4. Somana-yuti-Shukra
  5. [Somana-yuti-Shani]

  6. [Somana-yuti-Surya]


[Somana-yuti-Kuja] creates a powerful Chandra-Mangala yoga for the Karkata indriya-lagna or for the Mesha-or-Vṛścika indriya-lagna

  • Opus Dei 1902-1975 St. Josemaria Escriva - Somana-yuti-Shani-lagnesha + Surya. Father Escriva was famed for the emotional discipline (Chandra-Shani) which characterized his religious devotions.


  • POTUS-31 Challenge to Liberty 1874-1964 Herbert Hoover * Karkata lagnesha Budha-yuti-Chandra + Surya-yuti-Mangala. Hoover built a highly successful business [Budha] career in minerals mining (Kuja plumbing the depths). He was also an accomplished program administrator [Budha]. However, the complex of graha near his Chandra were all to some degree afflicted by the strangling, refuse-to-release patterns of Aśleṣa. He lacked negotiation skills (Shani-7), had polarizing catalysis to apply the critical thinking skills of Budha when his own beliefs were under attack, and savaged (nichha Kuja) other with different views. These emotional disabilities ultimately damaged his presidency.

Mangala yuti radical lagnesha
  1. [Kuja-yuti-Surya]

  2. [Kuja-yuti-Chandra]

  3. [Kuja-yuti-Budha\

  4. [Kuja-yuti-Guru]

  5. [Kuja-yuti-Shukra]

  6. [Kuja-yuti-Shani]

Sound and Fury 1897-1962 novelist William Faulkner [Kuja-yuti-Budha] -lagnesha + [Surya-yuti-Guru]

Budha yuti radical lagnesha
  1. [Budha-yuti-Surya]

  2. [Budha-yuti-Chandra]

  3. [Budha-yuti-Mangala]

  4. [Budha-yuti-Guru]

  5. [Budha-yuti-Shukra]

  6. [Budha-yuti-Shani]


Guru yuti radical lagnesha
  1. [Guru-yuti-Surya]

  2. Guru-yuti-Chandra
  3. Guru-yuti-Mangala
  4. Guru-yuti-Budha
  5. Guru-yuti-Shukra
  6. Guru-yuti-Shani

Italy-Dictator 1883-1945 Fascist Benito Mussolini - Guru-yuti-Shukra- lagnesha

POTUS-36 Great Society 1908-1973 Lyndon Baines Johnson - Guru-yuti-Mangala-Mangala + [Surya-yuti-Chandra]

Sound and Fury 1897-1962 novelist William Faulkner [Guru-yuti-Budha] -lagnesha + [Surya-yuti-Mangala]

Shukra yuti radical lagnesha
  1. [Shukra-yuti-Surya]

  2. [Shukra-yuti-Chandra]

  3. [Shukra-yuti-Mangala]

  4. [Shukra-yuti-Budha]

  5. Shukra-yuti-Guru
  6. [Shukra-yuti-Shani]

Often handsome in appearance, with balanced facial features and a pleasing comportment of the physique. In a general way, combination of lagnesha with Shukra increases the social-material significations of Shukra including capital assets , storage, sensual pleasures, partnerships, diplomacy, agreeability, and activities of equalization or balance.


Shani yuti radical lagnesha
  1. [Shani-yuti-Surya]

  2. [Shani-yuti-Chandra]

  3. [Shani-yuti-Mangala]

  4. [Shani-yuti-Budha]

  5. [Shani-yuti-Guru]

  6. [Shani-yuti-Shukra]

Increases the traits of Shani that may be displayed in the physical appearance or the social personality. Increases the elements of lawfulness, respect for the social order, and reduces the concern with individual celebrity or uniqueness [Shani].
Rahu yuti radical lagnesha Rahu-izes the personality and increases the amount of thrilling excitement, exotic energy, social mobility ambition, or craving for privilege that emanates from the social-attribute-complex.

Ketu + radical lagnesha

Lagnesha Surya

Lagnesha Chandra

  • POTUS-45 Play to Win 1946- Beauty Pageants Donald Trump (5)

Lagnesha Mangala

Lagnesha Budha

Lagnesha Guru

Lagnesha Shukra

Lagnesha Shani

Apathy or disregard toward one's own role in society;

eccentric personality who seeks retreai

Disinterest toward the spiritual-physical connection

or disconnection from The earthen body appearance

attention = scattered

widely dispersed physical activities.

May be an extraordinary spiritual figure

Generally, indicates widowhood or prefers to not marry


Never married

If Ketu + lagnesha + other graha, consider the other graha.

  • My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla displayed a dashing figure in his younger adulthood, naattily dressed with every small detail of costume done to extreme perfection (a foreshadowing of later OCD). Although he ate (sparingly) at the luxury restaurant of his residential hotel, as confirmed celibate he absolutely always dined alone at a private table and would brook no companion. His lagnesha Mangala-yuti-Ketu pairing is joined by the settled, comfort-seeking, grounding agent bandesha-4 Chandra. Yet, the Ketu-lagnesha-cluster occurs in bhava-6 portending both great service to mankind (6) and the eventual onset of mental illness (6).

Generally one may be uncertain of one's physical appearance .

  • POTUS-45 Play to Win 1946- Beauty Pageants Donald Trump [Chandra-yuti-Ketu]-[nīcha] 5. Aśleṣa lagna. Mr. Trump's appearance is distinguished by his uniquely peculiar [Ketu] hairstyle.

Physically flighty or disconnected from the natural pattern of polarization of the muscular body.

May neglects basic grooming, chooses odd garments in which to clothe physical form, and has an unusual appearance.

Flesh-form appears a bit scattered, or haggard, or greyish, more dispersed than natural. Ketu-1 + lagnesha may have less interest or discipline regarding maintenance of The earthen body vitality. Can be particularly psychically sensitive or standoffish, somewhat lacking social connective interest. Rather unengaged to learn customary habits of decorum and dress

Circumstances of birth are peculiar in some way. May indicate a multiple birth or some peculiarity of the birth process.

If Shukra is involved with Ketu + lagnesha , potential for some type of eccentric hair or facial grooming (or lack of it) which makes an otherwise attractive person look odd. Such manifestation as infelicitous hair dye, awkward or unflattering spectacles, clashing patterns in the clothing textiles,

One may feel socially disenchanted and as a result rather insecure. One does not quite know which social role is appropriate to the conditions of one's birth.

Flitting like a chameleon through various marginally satisfying roles, enjoying certain aspects of many different social environments but securely fitting in nowhere. One moves from pursuit to pursuit, environment to environment, looking for social validation but finding little of lasting value.

Always dissatisfied with one's personality integrity.

A longing for the imagined satisfaction of completed union with a fixed social definition.

Resignation to a separating, psychologically distanced relationship with one's "persona" in society.

Not clear quite who one is. A deep and ineffable, sense of loss for the individual identity, which seems to have been taken away by circumstances beyond one's control. A person whom one does not trust may be defining one's deepest identity.

For material success, the lagnesha and Shani (material grounding) should be strong. Then one will find safe harbor in some organization, ideology, or set of social practices which can provide self-definition.

In one's deep inner awareness, however, the fragility and temporary nature of the bodily manifestation = known, and attachment to a fixed social identity = remain rather weak.


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