
Bhava - Amsha



OM sham shanaishcharaye namah


challenge to remedy social imbalances

see also: 6th-from-Chandra

social-material imbalances-seeking-a-remedy

ministry of service = or = misery of servitude

6th-amsha tends to be perceived as socially [Shani] unbalanced (6) unjust, unfair, mismatched, or exploitative

From the perspective of the social order and its rules, these matters which may be apprehended as chronically dissatisfied, disavowed, conflicted, adversarial and self-critical according to the rashi-bhava-drishti impacting this bhava

Strong graha here may indicate a ministry of service supporting those in socially awkward, biased, or unfair situations.

6th-from-Shani by Rashi
  1. Shani-Mesha


  2. [Shani-Urisha]
  3. [Shani-Mithuna]
  4. [Shani-Karkata]
  5. [Shani-Simha]
  6. [Shani-Kanya]
  7. [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]
  8. [Shani-Vṛścika]
  9. [Shani-Dhanus]
  10. [Shani-Makara-Draco] --- [svakshetra]
  11. [Shani-Kumbha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 0-20 deg]
  12. [Shani-Meena]

When Shani-Mesha then Vimshottari Periods of Budha offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Mesha = Kanya ruled by Budha.

When Shani-Urisha - Vimshottari Periods of Shukra offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Vrishabha = Tula ruled by Shukra

When Shani-Mithuna - Vimshottari Periods of Mangala offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Mithuna = Vṛścika ruled by Mangala

When Shani-Karkata - Vimshottari Periods of Guru offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Karkata = Dhanus ruled by Brihaspati

When Shani-Simha - Vimshottari Periods of Shani offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Simha = Makara ruled by Shani

When Shani-Kanya - Vimshottari Periods of Shani offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Kanya = Kumbha ruled by Shani

When Shani-Tula - Vimshottari Periods of Guru offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Tula = Meena ruled by Brihaspati

When Shani in Vṛścika - Vimshottari Periods of Mangala offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Vṛścika = Arya ruled by Mangala

When Shani-Dhanus - Vimshottari Periods of Shukra offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Dhanus = Urisha ruled by Shukra

When Shani-Makara-Draco - Vimshottari Periods of Budha offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Makara = Mithuna ruled by Budha.

When Shani-Kumbha - Vimshottari Periods of Chandra offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Kumbha = Karkata ruled by Chandra

When Shani-Meena - Vimshottari Periods of Surya offer a growth-challenge to remedy social-material imbalances because rogesha-6 from Meena = Simha ruled by Surya

SHANI BY BHAVA = General Observations

6th-from Shani

agents of polarizing catalysis = conflict with government, law

Whichever bhava = 6th-from-Shani = a Stress zone

stressors may include:

= chronic = imbalance-seeking-a-remedy and arguments = vulgar and lawless enemies, rough conditions due to overwork, exploitation, poverty, disease-discomfort, chronic sickness, servitude, imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, "punishment energy"

Sustained oppression of servitude or slavery . Need to work without a contract (6); underpaid; exploited with no legal recourse.

Obligation to accept long-term, unresolvable problematic conditions while steadily working in a toxic, adversarial, resource-deprived, class-oppressed environment.

Intimidation and loss of social or civil rights (loss of social contract) via social discrimination. Disagreements in marriage and broken contracts in business.

See also: the notorious Shani Ashtamsha = Shani transit the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra

The bhava which = 6th from Shani is problematic for this same reason.,

Shani in bhava-1

6th-from-Shani = ripu bhava -6 = health remediation, medicines, litigation, accusations, conflicts

India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi]Shani-1 parivartamsha Chandra-7]

Entertaining 1941- housekeeping Martha Kostyra Stewart [Shani-yuti-Guru]

drama-commerce 1978- Katie Holmes yuti Rahu

= = =

Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore [rhythmic-customary Magha-4]

Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi

Germany-dictator 1889-1945 Nazi Adolf Hitler (contains Guru-Chandra-Ketu)

Way of Zen 1915-1973 radio philosopher Alan Watts = contains Shukra

Green Mile 1947- horror-fiction Stephen King - [nīcha-Mangala-yuti-Shani]

6th-from-Shani = bhava-6

Social-material Stress zones = may include:

enemies, disease-discomfort, pollution, enslavement, addictions, exploitation, litigation, militarization

racial hatred, distrust, despair of injustice

  • India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi [6th-from-Shani] contains [Shukra-yuti-Rahu] in [Mūla-6] ING's extraordinary scale of conflict and corruption, enormous risk, and adventurous negotiation with adversaries. Always dealing with the lawlessness of sectarian violence. Assassination during Shani-Rahu bhukti.

divorce, and unfair legal settlements

may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence;

Shani in bhava-2

Earth Changes 1877-1945 Edgar Cayce

UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles-3

6th-from-Shani in bhava-2 = jaya bhava-7 = Alliance, covenant, promise

Social-material Stress zones = may include:

the marriage yoke, legal contract, and negotiated alliances

may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social responsibilities (7 = 10th-from-10th) property claims and contracts (7 = 4th-from-4th) and issues surrounding the fulfillment of terms of legal agreements

Alternatively, the stressors may be important ministerial, medical or military arguments which oblige [Shani] the native to accept fixed conditions [Shani] of chronic spousal illness, uncooperative hostile mate, or unyielding adversarial arrangement.

Preincarnationally planned, obligatory, repeating difficulty in managing matters of contractual promise, vow, commitment, legal settlements, marriage union, partnership equity

-- Yet, balanced understanding and public respect (7 = 10th from 10th) gained from these challenges, if undertaken consciously

Shani in bhava-3

6th-from-Shani = randhra bhava

UK-Princess of Wales 1961-1997 Diana Spencer + [nīcha] Guru

Hugging Saint 1953- Ammachi of Kerala

= = = Sound and Fury 1897-1962 novelist William Faulkner [dramatizing-ceremonial Anuradha-1]

Apple Computer 1955-2011 Steve Jobs [collaborative-instructional Viśākha-3]

Top Gun 1962 cinema producer Tom Cruise [8th also contains Surya]

6th-from-Shani = bhava-8

Social-material Stress zones = may include

in-laws = mate's family = hidden assets of the partner

Shani-3 Generally, indicates mental depression

hidden behaviors, conditions of dematerialization, widowhood, secret knowledge, hidden wealth and clandestine liaisons may become expressions of deeply embedded social conflict

shock and upheaval via natural and social disasters

secret relationships (8) with fearful potential for social punishment (6th from Shani) if they are revealed

Shani in bhava-4

6th-from-Shani= dharma bhava

Second Sex 1908-1986 social theory Simone de Beauvoir

Ms. Magazine 1934- women's rights Gloria Steinem [Shani-yuti-Budha]

Starry Messenger 1564-1642 Galileo Galilei [uchcha- Guru-yuti-Shani]

Navamani Malai 1879-1950 Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi of Arunachala

[Shani-4 parivartamsha Guru-3]

300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B.V. Raman + Chandra

6th-from-Shani = bhava-9

Social-material Stress zones = may include:

Consequences of expressing adversarial opinions toward orthodoxies

stiffens and hardens the Spirit of the Law, tending to place the punitive social authority in the hands of those who legislate on the basis of the letter of the law. Over-engineering of policy and laws which are intended to protect. Cautious and conservative in matters which defend the boundaries of the Old Ways, thus alienating and generating conflict with the higher philosophies and Doctrines. Adversarial toward patriarchal Ideology; combats Rigid Beliefs. Letter of the Law. Judgmental and Punitive professors contribute to the difficulty of obtaining licenses and diploma (However, not blockage, rather a test of endurance and the diploma sought is received via persistence). Chronic illness or poverty of the father.

Broadly, conflict with the authority of the father and overall patriarchal entitlements. Often accused, by self or by others, of falling-short in the tasks of fatherhood.

The father, guru, professors, preachers, universities, sacred doctrine, and philosophies of divinity may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence .

Conflict regarding religious preaching, catechism and indoctrination, and animosity toward the orthodox interpretations of the sacred teachings of the pitri.

  • POTUS-35 Profiles in Courage 1917-1963 John F. Kennedy - Rahu-8 = broke the 200-year American taboo against electing a Roman-Rite adherent president

Shani in bhava-5

6th-from-Shani = karma-bhava

El Castilo Interior 1515-1582 St. Teresa de Avila

Total Surrender 1910-1997 Mother Teresa of Kolkata [Somana-yuti-Shani]

= = =

Russ 1870-1924 Bolshevik Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin [evaluating-collecting Mūla-2]

UK-PM Global Alliance 1953- Tony Blair [Chitra]

Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates [managing-teamworking Viśākha-3] + [ātmakāraka] [nīcha-Svati-Surya-yuti-Shukra-Viśākha ]

Publisher 1960-1999 attorney JFK-Jr

6th-from-Shani = karma-bhava-10

Social-material Stress zones = may include

Stress from rigid public expectations WRT high-visibility leadership roles. Prejudice or bigotry (6) of the public.

the career-profession and public reputation may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence;

  • UK-PM Global Alliance 1953- Tony Blair works with the centuries-old embedded land-ownership conflicts of the middle east


Shani in bhava-6

6th-from-Shani = labha bhava

6th-from-Shani = bhava-11 = Social-material Stress zones = may include:

Chronic ailments and injustices in the social community , goal-oriented activism, betrayal by friends, rewards for work accomplished,

the friendship network and marketplace earnings may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence;

Frequent, chronic conflict in matters of social participation movements, distributive "rights" empowerments for commoners, interactions with economies and large-scale groupwork

Shani in bhava-7 [dikbala]

6th-from-Shani = vyaya bhava

Friends 1969- drama-fashion Jennifer Aniston + [uchcha- Shukra-yuti-Rahu]

= = =

Hour of Decision 1918-2018 Rev. Billy Graham [oratorical-historical Magha-2]

Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass [optimistic-preaching Uttarāṣāḍha-1] [ātmakāraka]

India-PM 1944-1991 Rajivaratna Gandhi

Genesis 1951- songwriter drummer Phil Collins [imaginative fantasizing Shani-Aryaman-4]

Wikileaks 1971- Julian Assange = Chandra-12

6th-from-Shani = bhava-12 = Social-material Stress zones may include

Chronic arguments in the bedroom, repeating blockage and rigidity in private prayer; difficulty and resistance toward guidance from the ancestors and clairsentient imagery

fear blockage or public conventional-thinking resistance to imagination, dreams, daydreams, visions

may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence;

private prayer, unconscious, subconscious, bridge between astral-material

private 'bedroom' relationships, relationship that are adversarial to marriage (12 = 6th from 7th) and clandestine meetings may generate moral, financial, or mental conflict.

Shani in bhava-8

6th-from-Shani = tanu bhava

Knowledge of Higher Worlds 1861-1925 Rudolf Steiner [Somana-yuti-Shani]

Shani-8 parivartamsha Surya-2]

Israel-PM 1898-1978 Our Strength Golda Meir [ideological-optimistic Jyeṣṭha-1]

POTUS-41 All the Best 1924-2018 George H.W. Bush [bargaining-brokering Chitra-3] [navamsha-Shani-Tula-uchcha] [vargottamsha]

POTUS-pair-35 editor 1929-1994 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis [originating-inventive Mūla-1] [navamsha Shani-Mesha-nīcha ]

Ring of Fire 1932-2003 rockabilly Johnny Cash [imaginative-abstract ̄ṣāḍha-4]

Nepal 1945-2001 The Last Hindu King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev [Shani-yuti-Rahu]

6th-from-Shani = bhava-1 personality, integrity, appearance

Social-material Stress zones

Shani occupies Bhava-8

stress-zone = the conventional, body-based social identity, maintaining the musculature, requirement to move the body through dense Earth-space, the fleshly body-appearance and social-physical attribute package

One may be never satisfied (6) with The earthen body appearance. No matter the glory of individual graha in the indriya-lagna. One may be tall or short, handsome or modest, athletic or slothful of movement... no matter. 6th-from-Shani receives a signal from the reptile brain suggesting dissatisfaction and fear.

Vimshottari Dasha Periods of Shani may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence particularly regarding concepts definitions and beliefs about birth, death, and rebirth; identity and appearance

Alternatively, shani bhukti and periods of the lagnesha may contain important medical or military arguments, including arguments about life, death, rebirth, life, death rebirth, emergencies, disasters.

Whenever Professor Shani's classroom occupies bhava-8, the native is forced to deal with significant conflict in the personal identity, and there is considerable resistance to rebirth.

Shani in bhava-9

6th-from-Shani = dhana bhava= face, genetics, traditions, finance, death

UK Queen 1819-1901 Empress Victoria-1 [calculating-analyzing Uttarabhādra-2] + [Kuja-yuti-Rahu] ++ [Shani-9 parivartamsha Guru-7-nīcha]

Two Women 1934- luxury eyeframes Sophia Loren [calculating-strategic Dhaniṣṭha-2] [ātmakāraka] + [Śrāvaṇa-Rahu-yuti-Shani-Shravista]

= = =

POTUS-30 Price of Freedom 1872-1933 Calvin Coolidge [secretive-emerging Pūrvāṣāḍhā-4] ātmakāraka]

Heartbreak Hotel 1935-1977 Graceland Elvis Presley [Shani-yuti-Chandra]

= = =

6th-from-Shani = marana-sthāna bhava-2

6th-from-Shani = dhana bhava= face, voice, teeth, jaw, eyes, family genetics, banking, values-fulfillment, language, song, speech, beauty + death

  • UK Queen 1819-1901 Empress Victoria-1 [calculating-analyzing Uttarabhādra-2] + [Kuja-yuti-Rahu]

    Shani-9 parivartamsha Guru-7-nīcha] After the sudden death of her mother followed nine months later by the shocking deathof her beloved husband, QV entered a multi-year siege of profound grief.

Social-material Stress zones

Chronic fear-based resistance and public blockage to speech, face, hair, voice, eyes, stored valuable items and conserved knowledge , and the second lifepartnership

may verbally express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence via the act of speaking the truth

[2] Family lineage, face-teeth-hair-eyes, speech-song

Shani in bhava-10

6th-from-Shani = sahaja bhava

General Electric 1847-1931 Thomas Edison + + [Surya-yuti-Shukra]

Raja Yoga 1863-1902 Swami Vivekananda

[oratorical-heritage Hasta-2] [Shani-yuti-Chandra]

Shani-10 parivartamsha Budha-2]

Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Physics Albert Einstein + [nīcha-bhanga] Budha-yuti-Surya + [uchcha] Shukra-yuti-Shani [Shani-10 parivartamsha Guru-9]

France-Pres 1890-1970 Mémoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle [Shani-Simha]

POTUS-37 Watergate 1913-1994 Richard Nixon [Shani-10-parivartamsha-Shukra-7]

Iran-Shah 1919-1980 Aryamehr Mohamed Reza Pahlavi + Mangala-yuti-Shukra

UK Duke 1982- William

6th-from-Shani = bhava-3

Social-material Stress zones = may include

Publication, messaging, evangelism, management, handlers, siblings, ensemble, cohort, retinue, explanation, description, instruction

Chronic problematicity due to mismatches with Mental narrative explaining and publishing , journalism (press reports), siblings, announcements, media-message and team communications

If Sahajabhava contains a graha that empowers the declarations and pronouncements, effects can become vociferous.

  • France-Pres 1890-1970 Mémoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle [uchcha-Kuja-yuti-Guru-nīcha -bhanga] occupies 6th-from-Shani-Simha-10 ++ provocative Kuja-3 [publications-announcements] Then Kuja-3 casts drishti back into legitimacy-governance, shani-10.
  • CdG was a notoriously conflicted leader. Hailing from a professional military family, cdG fought in WW-1 and WW-2. He continued to resist political endowments still lingering in France, from the days of the Ancien Regime. [Shani Simha resists unique empowerment]
  • CdG treated aristocratic entitlements with contempt, whether their special license was rooted in leftist radicalism or old superiority narratives.
  • Shani provided the stamina to rule. Despite every kind of clerical animosity [3].Shani-Simha-10 holding a 6-8 relationship to uchcha-Mangala-3 made Cdg writings contradictory and his leadership proclamations [3 inconsistent and unbalanced.
  • However, cdG's odd public statements matched the inner conflicts of his odd nation. He was re-elected to top leadership -- three times!

may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence;

obstacles, repeating efforts, delays, impediments in areas of sales, marketing, advertising, product information, messaging, communication of details, newspaper television radio and print-medium delivery

Shri-Shani initiated [akashic memory patterning] related issues with managers, corporate and institutional departments = especially sales or promotion departments; resistance or dysfunctional behavior from the cohort, polarizing catalysis with a sibling

There is some tendency to feel harassed by the journalistic press [3]

  • UK Duke 1982- William has been tabloid fodder since the day of his birth. Even his most mundane reality is publicized.

Shani in bhava-11

6th-from-Shani = bandhu bhava

King of England Henry VIII = 11th also contains Surya-yuti-Guru

General Electric 1935-2020 CEO Jack Welch [governing-regulatory Shatataraka-2]

POTUS-43 Decision Points 1946- George W. Bush [political-gaming Pushya-1] + [Budha-yuti-Shukra]

POTUS-42 My Life 1946- Bill Clinton [logical-helping Pushya-2] [Budha-yuti-Shani]

Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods [calculating-logistical Pushya-2]

= = =

UK-Queen 1926-2022 Elizabeth-2

Golden Girls 1934-2010 drama Rue McClanahan + [Shukra-yuti-Rahu]

Contempt 1934- animal-activist Brigitte Bardot [Shani-yuti-Rahu]

UK-Queen 1947- Camilla Rosemary Shand [optimistic-dogmatic Aśleṣa-1] [Aśleṣa-Shani-yuti-Surya-Puna]

6th-from-Shani-11 = bhava-4

Social-material Stress zones

  • the childhood home
  • parents
  • homeland patriotism
  • early schooling
  • environmentalism
  • national defense

may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence

Shani in bhava-12

6th-from-Shani = putra bhava-5

Opus Dei 1902-1975 St. Josemaria Escriva [Shani-12 parivartamsha Guru-1]

POTUS-35 Profiles in Courage 1917-1963 John F. Kennedy - Rahu-5

Tantra 1931-1990 professor Osho Rajneesh + [Chandra-yuti-Budha + [Shukra-yuti-Mangala]

Calif-Gov 1947- Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger [Shani = ideological-optimistic Aśleṣa-1] + [asta-Aśleṣa-Shani-yuti-Surya-Pushya] + [asta- Aśleṣa-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Pushya]

France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy [team-working Viśākha-3]

= = =

POTUS-pair-32 Learn by Living 1884-1962 Eleanor Roosevelt

Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie = 5 contains Rahu

6th-from-Shani = bhava-5

Social-material Stress zones

may include

  • Theatrical performance,
  • political glamour, high fashion, individuality, uniqueness, genius, children
  • Romantic love, celebrity , creativity,
  • gambling, games, gambits, speculation,
  • politics, entertainments,
  • literary genius,
  • artistic performance, fame,
  • well-being of one's children

Most extreme case = Shani's enemies Surya or Rahu occupy 6th-from-Shani

  • POTUS-35 Profiles in Courage 1917-1963 John F. Kennedy - Rahu-5 = Flamboyant, luxurious, humanistic Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Rahuoccupies the adversarial-to-activates 6th-from-Shani = extreme jealousy and animosity from his political adversaries, resulting in assassination

Polarizing catalysis from politics, politicians, and center-stage roles. Due to imbalance-seeking-a-remedy in the field of entertainment and games (5) may be growth-challenging during Vimshottari periods of Shani to radiate charismatically and turn on the charm.

  • He was trained to undertake a career in military leadership ([uchcha] Mangala-5) Yet, cdG faced a constant resistance from the old, entitled, change-resistant political regime

  • 6th-from-Simha- Shani in bhava-12 = [uchcha] Mangala-yuti-Guru-[nīcha] 5 politics +++ Shani-Simha occupies the emotionally contentious, disagreeable 6th-from-Chandra

Depending on whether any graha inhabit 6th-from-Shani, this bhava may express or evoke deeply embedded conflict regarding social conventions, expectations of conformity to a mainstream standard of behavior, pressure toward uniformity, or punishment for expressions of unapproved individual intelligence;

  • Calif-Gov 1947- Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger [ideological-optimistic Aśleṣa-1] + [asta-Aśleṣa-Shani-yuti-Surya-Pushya] + [asta- Aśleṣa-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Pushya] ++ 6th-from-Shan-12 = Chandra-5-Mūla. Surya+Shani occupy 6/8 angle from AS political Chandra-5, showing the perpetual discord between AS own politics vs. the rigid nationalism of his Nazi policeman father. Dad was said to have been punitive [6] toward AS and toward AS mother.

alternatively, may contain important marital, medical or military arguments

Preincarnationally planned, obligatory, repeating difficulty in managing matters of children, politics, entertainments, and celebrity status -- Yet, intelligence gained from these challenges, if undertaken consciously

Unfashionable, unmatched to the IDEAL


chronically dissatisfied and self-critical WRT the dream-like, symbolic images which surround and perplex oneself

PDCC has stated

  • "I wish my face wasn't so round... I wish I had made different choices... I wish I had learned to read musical notation ...."

  • 1975-2020, PDCC = elite, top-selling artist in the western pop music industry. Following a celebrated, five-decade songwriting-and-performance career, PDCC [typical Meena-born] can claim major assets, including legions of devoted fans, flowing royalties from his ever-popular ballads, and numerous beautiful and talented children.

  • No matter - 6th-from-Shani is dissatisfied material achievements that fail to meet perceived social community- and symbolic, imagistic marketplace goals


Male Magnolia Warbler