
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga - Bala

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra

Nine Mahadasha Periods of the 120-year Vimshottari Dasha Calendar

  1. BPHS Ketu Mahadasha = 7 years
  2. BPHS Shukra Mahadasha = 20 years
  3. BPHS Surya Mahadasha = 6 years
  4. BPHS Chandra Mahadasha = 10 years
  5. BPHS Mangala Mahadasha = 7 years
  6. BPHS Rahu Mahadasha = 18 years
  7. BPHS Guru Mahadasha = 16 years
  8. BPHS Shani Mahadasha = 19 years
  9. BPHS Budha Mahadasha = 17 years

BP Lama Jyotishavidya

modern commentary

  1. BP Lama Ketu Mahadasha
  2. BP Lama Shukra Mahadasha
  3. BP Lama Surya Mahadasha
  4. BP Lama Chandra Mahadasha
  5. BP Lama Mangala Mahadasha
  6. BP Lama Rahu Mahadasha
  7. BP Lama Guru Mahadasha
  8. BP Lama Shani Mahadasha
  9. BP Lama Budha Mahadasha


OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah

ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्


Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

the great collection of Parashari time-science

Chapter 59

विम्शोत्तरि दशा

Vimshottari Dasha

Effects of

the Nine Antara Dasha

within the

महादशा Mahadasha of



duration seven years

ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्


Ketu Mahadasha

Chapter 59: Dasha Effects

अथ केत्वन्तर्दशाफलाध्याय: || ५९ ||

next, thoughts about the fruits of the Ketva Antardasha



[begin quote]

Now I will tell you about the Dasha of Ketu,

  • who is a headless trunk (Kabandha) amongst all the Graha.

45-47. *** 72-77.

If Ketu is

there will be during his Dasha

  • cordial relations with the king,

  • desired headship of a country, or village,
  • comforts of conveyances,
  • happiness from children,
  • gain from foreign countries,
  • happiness from wife
  • And acquisition of cattle.


If Ketu is

there will be in his Dasha

  • Acquisition of a kingdom,

  • good relations with friends
  • And opportunities for the acquisition of elephants.


At the commencement of the Ketu Dasha there will be


During the middle portion of the Dasha there will be

  • possibilities of fearfulness


And in the last part there will be

  • sufferings from ailments and journeys to distant places.


If Ketu is

  • in Dhana,

  • Randhra,
  • Or Vyaya,
  • Or receives a Drishti from a malefic,

there will be [during His dasha]

  • imprisonment,

  • destruction of kinsmen and residential premises
  • anxieties,
  • company of menials
  • and diseases.


Ketu bhukti

Sarga 59: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Ketu


1-2 1/2.

if Ketu is

  • in a Kendra, or Trikona,

Or, if Ketu is

  • related to Dharma's, Karma's, or Bandhu's Lord.

Effects, like
  • happiness from wife and children,
  • recognition from the king,
  • but mental agony,

  • gain of land, village etc.
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Ketu in his own Dasha,



if Ketu is

  • Heart disease,
  • defamation,
  • destruction of financial wealth and cattle,
  • distress to wife and children,
  • instability of mind etc.
will be the results,



if Ketu is

  • related to Dhana 's, or Yuvati's Lord

  • or, if Ketu is in Dhana, or Yuvati.

there will be

  • danger from diseases,
  • great distress
  • and separation from kinsmen.
Remedial measures The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects, ishe remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are
  • performance of Durga Saptashati Japa
  • And Mrityunjaya Japa.


Sarga 59: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Ketu

Shukra bhukti


7-9 1/2.

if Shukra is

Or, if Shukra is

  • associated with Karma's Lord in a Kendra, or Trikona

Effects, like
  • beneficence from the king,
  • fortune ,
  • gain of clothes etc.,
  • recovery of lost kingdom,
  • comforts of conveyances etc.,
  • visits to sacred shrines a
  • And gain of lands and villages by the beneficence of the king,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Shukra in the Dasha of Ketu,


if in such position he is

  • associated with Dharma's Lord also
  • there will be dawn of fortune



if Shukra is

  • in a Kendra, trikona,

  • Or in the 3rd, or 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Sound health,
  • well-being in the family
  • And gains of good food and conveyances etc.
will be the results.



if Shukra is

  • in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.

there will be

  • quarrels without any cause,
  • loss of wealth ,
  • distress to cattle,


If Shukra is

Or, if Shukra is

there will be

  • quarrels with kinsmen,
  • headaches,
  • eye troubles,
  • heart disease,
  • loss of wealth
  • and distress to cattle and wife.



if Shukra is

  • Physical distress

  • and mental agony

will be caused.

Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are
  • performance of Durga Path

  • And giving a tawny-coloured cow, or female buffalo in charity.[End quote] www.heifer.org


Sarga 59: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Ketu

Surya bhukti



if Surya is

the effects, like

  • gains of wealth ,
  • beneficence of the king,
  • performance of pious deeds
  • And fulfillment of all ambitions,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Surya in the MahaDasha of Ketu.


18-19 1/2.

if Surya is

  • Danger from the king,
  • separation from parents,
  • journeys to foreign lands,
  • distress from thieves,
  • snakes and poison,
  • punishment by government,
  • Antagonism with the friends,
  • sorrows,
  • danger from fever etc.
will be the results,


20-21. If Surya is

  • in a Kendra, trikona,

  • in the 2nd, or 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

there will be

  • physical fitness,
  • gain of wealth ,
  • Or the birth of a son,
  • success in performance of pious deeds,
  • headship of a small village etc.,



if Surya is

  • associated with evil Graha in the 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha

  • Obstacles in availability of food,
  • fears
  • and loss of wealth and cattle
will be the results, .


There will be
  • distress at the commencement of the Antara Dasha

  • with some mitigation at its end.



[Karkata indriya-lagna and Kumbha indriya-lagna only]

there will be

  • fear of premature death.

Remedial Measures

The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain comforts by the beneficence of Surya is

  • to give a cow and gold in charity.


Sarga 59: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Ketu

Chandra bhukti



  • if Chandra is in her exaltation, in her own Rashi,

  • in a Kendra, trikona,

  • in Labha, or in Dhana.

Effects, like
  • recognition from the king,
  • enthusiasm,
  • well-being,
  • enjoyments,
  • Acquisition of a house, lands etc.,
  • Abnormal gains of food, clothes, conveyances, cattle etc.,
  • success in business,
  • construction of reservoirs etc.
  • And happiness to wife and children,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Chandra in the Dasha of Ketu,


  • if Chandra is waxing.

  • The beneficial results will be realized fully,



if Chandra is

  • Unhappiness and mental agony,
  • Obstacles in ventures,
  • separation from parents,
  • losses in business, destruction of cattle etc.
will be caused.



if Chandra is

  • in a Kendra, trikona,

  • Or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha

  • AND if Chandra is endowed with strength.

There will be

  • The acquisition of a cow, or cows,

  • land, agricultural lands,
  • meeting kinsmen and the achievement of success through them,
  • increase in cows milk and curd,


Timing of events

There will be

  • Auspicious results

at the commencement of the Antara Dasha,

  • cordial relations with the king

in the middle portion of the Antara Dasha

  • And danger from the king, foreign journey, or journeys to distant places

at its end.



if Chandra is

  • in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.

  • loss of wealth ,
  • Anxiety,

  • enmity with kinsmen
  • And distress to brother,

will be the results,


If Chandra is

[Mithuna lagna, Dhanus indriya-lagna, and Makara indriya-lagna only]
there will be
  • fear of premature death.

Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above effects are
  • recitation of Mantras of Chandra

  • And giving in charity things, connected with Chandra. [End quote] www.heifer.org


Sarga 59: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Ketu

Mangala bhukti



if Mangala is

if Mangala is

  • associated with, or, receives a Drishti from benefics.

Effects, like
  • Acquisition of land, village etc.,

  • increase in wealth and cattle,
  • laying out of a new garden,
  • gain of wealth by the beneficence of the king,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Mangala in the Dasha of Ketu.


If Mangala is

  • related to Dharma's, or Karma's Lord,

there will definitely be

  • gain of land
  • and enjoyment.



if Mangala is

  • in a Kendra, trikona,

  • Or in the 3rd, or 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

there will be

  • recognition from the king,
  • great popularity and reputation
  • and happiness from children and friends,



if Mangala is

  • in the 8th, 12th, or 2nd from the Lord of the Dasha.

there will be

  • fear of death/disaster during a foreign journey
  • diabetes,
  • unnecessary troubles,
  • danger from thieves and the king
  • and quarrels,

In the above circumstances
  • amidst evil effects

there will be some auspicious effects also.



if Mangala is

  • High fever,
  • danger from poison,
  • distress to wife,
  • mental agony
  • And fear of premature death
will be the results,

Remedial Measures

By the beneficence of Mangala there will be enjoyment and gain of property, if, as a remedial measure,
  • A bull is given in charity. [End quote] www.heifer.org


Sarga 59: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Ketu

Rahu bhukti


if Rahu is

  • in his exaltation, his own, in a friends Rashi,

  • Or in a Kendra, or Trikona, or in Labha,
  • Or Sahaja, or Dhana.
Effects, like
  • increase of financial wealth and gain of wealth , grains, cattle, lands, village from a Yavana king,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Ketu,


Timing of Events

there will be

  • some trouble at the commencement of the Dasha,
but all will be well later.



if Rahu is

  • Frequent urination,
  • weakness in the body,
  • cold fever,
  • danger from thieves,
  • intermittent fever,
  • Opprobrium,
  • quarrels,
  • diabetes,
  • pain in stomach
will be the results,


if Rahu is

  • in Dhana, or in Yuvati

there will be

  • distress and danger

Remedial Measures

The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is
  • Durga Saptashati Path.


Sarga 59: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Ketu

Guru bhukti



if Guru is

Effects, like
  • increase in wealth and grains,
  • beneficence of the king,
  • enthusiasm,
  • gain of conveyances etc.,
  • celebration, like birth of a son at home,
  • performance of pious deeds,
  • Yagyas,
  • conquest of the enemy
  • And enjoyments,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Ketu,



if Guru is

  • Danger from thieves,
  • snakes and wounds,
  • destruction of financial wealth ,
  • separation from wife and children,
  • physical distress etc.
will be the results,


  • though some good effects may be felt

At the commencement of the Antara Dasha,

  • there will be only adverse results later.


57-58 1/2.

if Guru is

  • associated with a benefic in a Kendra, trikona,

  • in the 3rd, or 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

there will be

  • gains of many varieties of garments, ornaments by the beneficence of the king,
  • foreign journeys,
  • taking care of kinsmen,
  • Availability of decent food,



if Guru is

  • Fear of premature death

will be caused.

Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are

  • Mrityunjaya Japa

  • And recitation of Shiva Sahasranama.


Sarga 59: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Ketu

Shani bhukti


61-62 1/2.

if Shani is

  • deprived of strength and dignity.

Effects, like
  • distress to oneself and one's kinsmen,
  • Agony,
  • increase in cattle wealth,
  • loss of wealth , as a result of imposition of fines by government,
  • resignation from the existing post,
  • journeys to foreign lands
  • And danger of thieves during travelling,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Shani in the Dasha of Ketu,


if Shani is

There will be

  • loss of wealth and lethargy,



if Shani is

Or, if Shani is

  • in an auspicious Navamsha,

Or is

  • associated with a benefic in a Kendra, trikona, or in Sahaja.

(Translators note: According to Brihat Jataka, shani-Tula, meena, dhanau, makara and Kumbha in Lagna gives Raja Yoga ).

  • Success in all ventures,
  • happiness from the employer,
  • comforts during journeys,
  • increase in happiness and property in ones own village,
  • Audience with the king etc.
will be the results,



if Shani is

  • associated with a malefic, in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.

there will be

  • physical distress
  • Agony,
  • Obstacles in ventures,
  • lethargy,
  • defamation,
  • death of parents,


if Shani is

may be expected

Remedy for Ill Effects of Shani

The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects

  • performance of Havan with sesame seeds (" Til" )

  • And giving a black cow and female buffalo in charity.[End quote] www.heifer.org


Sarga 59: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Ketu

Budha bhukti



if Budha is

Budha_glyph.jpg Effects, like
  • Acquisition of a kingdom,

  • enjoyments,
  • charities,
  • gain of wealth and land,
  • birth of a son,
  • celebration of religious functions and functions, like marriage suddenly,
  • well-being in the family,
  • gain of clothes, ornaments etc.,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Budha in the Dasha of Ketu.


72. If Budha is

there will be

  • Association with men of learning,

  • dawn of fortune
  • And listening to religious discourses.


73-74 1/2. If Budha is

  • associated with Shani, or Mangala,

  • Or associated with Rahu in Ari, Randhra, or Vyaya
  • Antagonism with government officials,

  • residing in other people's houses,
  • destruction of financial wealth , clothes, conveyances and cattle
will be the results.


timing of Events

there will be

  • some beneficial effects at the commencement of the Dasha,
  • still better results in the middle,
  • but inauspicious at the end.


75-76. If Budha is

  • in a Kendra, trikona,

  • Or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

there will be

  • good health, happiness from one's son,
  • Opulence and glory,
  • Availability of good food and clothes
  • And abnormal profits in business,


77-79 Timing of Events

if Budha is

  • weak in the 6th,

  • 8th,
  • or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Distress, unhappiness and troubles to wife and children
  • And danger from the king
may be expected at the commencement of the Antara Dasha,

there will, however, be

  • visits to sacred places
in the middle of the Dasha.


if Budha is

will be caused.

Remedial Measures

The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is
  • recitation of Vishnu Sahasranama


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Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth

The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!