
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga - Bala

see also:

Modern interpretation of Mangala Mahadasha written by BP Lama


  1. BPHS Ketu Mahadasha = 7 years
  2. BPHS Shukra Mahadasha = 20 years
  3. BPHS Surya Mahadasha = 6 years
  4. BPHS Chandra Mahadasha = 10 years
  5. BPHS Mangala Mahadasha = 7 years
  6. BPHS Rahu Mahadasha = 18 years
  7. BPHS Guru Mahadasha = 16 years
  8. BPHS Shani Mahadasha = 19 years
  9. BPHS Budha Mahadasha = 17 years



OM kram krim kraum sah bhoomaya namaha

ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्


Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

the great compilation of found fragments

of Parashari time-science

Chapter 54

विम्शोत्तरि दशा

Vimshottari Dasha

Effects of

the Nine Antara Dasha

within the

महादशा Mahadasha of



Duration = 7 years

Kuja mahadasha

  • Nine Antara-dasha = Bhukti = sub-dasha

  1. Kuja mahadasha + Mangala bhukti

  2. Kuja mahadasha + Shani bhukti

  3. Kuja mahadasha + Shukra bhukti

  4. Kuja mahadasha + Rahu bhukti

  5. Kuja mahadasha + Budha bhukti

  6. Kuja mahadasha + Surya bhukti

  7. Kuja mahadasha + Guru bhukti

  8. Kuja mahadasha + Ketu bhukti

  9. Kuja mahadasha + Chandra bhukti

Chapter 47: Effects of Dashas -Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra



  • If Mangala is in his exaltation,

  • in his mūlatrikoṇa,

  • in his own Rashi

  • in Kendra,

  • in Labha, or Dhana Bhava with strength,

  • in a benefic Amsha (Navamsha)

  • And is associated with a benefic,

ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्

there will be during his Dasha

  • acquisition of kingdom (attainment of a high administrative, or political position in Government,

  • gain of wealth and land,

  • recognition by Government),

  • gain of wealth from foreign countries

  • and acquisition of conveyances and ornaments.

there will also be

  • happiness and good relations with co-borns.

  • If Mangala with strength is placed in a Kendra,

  • Or in Sahaja,

there will be

  • gain of wealth through valour, victory over enemies, happiness from wife and children.

here will, however, be a possibility of

  • some unfavourable effects

at the end of the Dasha.


  • If Mangala is in his debilitation Rashi ,

  • weak,

  • in an inauspicious Bhava,

  • Or is associated with,

  • Or receives a Drishti from malefics,

there will be in his Dasha

  • loss of wealth ,

  • distress

  • and similar unfavourable effects

Mangala bhukti

Chapter 54: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Mangala

1-2 1/2.

  • if he is in a Kendra,

  • in Putra, in Dharma, in Labha, in Sahaja, or in Dhana,

  • Or be associated with the Lord of Lagna.

Effects, like

  • gains of wealth by the beneficence of the king,

  • beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi,

  • recovery of a lost kingdom and of financial wealth ,

  • birth of a son,

will arise in the Antara Dasha of Mangala in his own Dasha


  • if Mangala is in his exaltation,

  • in his own Rashi

  • Or in his own Navamsha

  • And is endowed with strength.

  • Fulfillment of ambitions by the beneficence of the king

  • and acquisition of a house, land, cow, buffalo etc.

will be the effects.

5-5 1/2.

  • if Mangala is in Randhra, or Vyaya,

  • Or is associated with, or receives a Drishti from malefics.

  • Urinary troubles,

  • wounds,

  • danger from snakes and the king

will be the results


There will be

  • mental agony and body pains

Remedial Measures

Lord Shiva will give relief by restoring health and providing gains of wealth and happiness, if the person concerned

Rahu bhukti

Chapter 54: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Mangala

9-10 1/2.

  • if Rahu is in his mūlatrikoṇa ,

  • in his exaltation Rashi,

  • in a Kendra,

  • in Labha, putra, or Dharma

  • And is associated with benefics.

Effects, like

  • recognition from government,

  • gain of house, land etc.,

  • happiness from son,

  • extraordinary profits in business,

  • bathing in holy rivers, like Ganges

  • and foreign journeys,

will be the auspicious effects in the Antara Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Mangala.


  • if Rahu is in Randhra, or Vyaya,

  • Or receives a Drishti from, or is associated with malefics.

  • Danger from snakes,

  • wounds,

  • destruction of cattle,

  • danger from animals,

  • diseases, due to imbalance of bile and wind,

  • imprisonment etc.

will be the results.

there will be

  • loss of wealth , if Rahu is in Dhana

  • and great danger of premature death, if he is in Yuvati

Remedial Measures

The remedial measure to be adopted to obtain relief from the above evil effects are

  • Naga Puja,

  • offering food to Brahmins

  • And Mrityunjaya Japa.

They will help in the prolongation of longevity.

Guru bhukti

Chapter 54: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Mangala


  • if Guru is in Dharma, or Putra, in a Kendra,

  • Or in Labha, or in Dhana,

  • Or, if Guru is in his exalted,

  • Or own Navamsha.

Effects, like

  • good reputation and renown,

  • honors by government,

  • increase in wealth and grains,

  • happiness at home,

  • gain of property,

  • appiness from wife and children etc.

will be realized in the Antara Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Mangala.

17-19 1/2.

  • if Guru is in a Kendra, in a Trikona, or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha,

  • Or, if Guru is associated with the Lord of Dharma, Karma, or Bandhu, or Lagna,

  • Or, if Guru is in a benefic Navamsha etc.

  • Acquisition of a house, land, well-being, gain of property,

  • sound health,

  • good reputation,

  • gains of cattle,

  • success in business,

  • happiness to wife and children,

  • reverence from government,

  • gain of wealth etc.

will be beneficial effects.


  • if Guru is in Ari, Randhra, or Vyaya,

  • Or, if Guru is in his debilitation Rashi ,

  • Or, if Guru is associated with, or receives a Drishti from malefics,

  • Or, if Guru is otherwise weak.

  • Danger from thieves,

  • snakes,

  • wrath of the king,

  • bilious diseases,

  • oppression by goblins (Prot),

  • loss of servants and co-borns,

will be evil effects,

  • if Guru is the Lord of Dhana.

There will be

  • suffering from fever,

  • or danger of premature death.

Remedial Measures

The remedial measure to be adopted to combat the above evil effects is

  • recitation of Shiva Sahasranam.

Shani bhukti

Chapter 54: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Mangala


if Shani is

  • in a Kendra, in a Trikona,

  • in his mūlatrikoṇa , in his exalted,

  • Or his own Navamsha,

  • Or, if Shani is associated with the Lord of Lagna,

  • Or, if Shani is associated with benefics.

Effects, like

  • recognition from the king,

  • increase in reputation,

  • gain of wealth and grains,

  • happiness from children and grandchildren,

  • increase in the number of cows etc.

will be experienced in the Antaradasha of Shani in the Dasha of Mangala,

Results will generally fructify on Saturdays in the month of Shani.

26-26 1/2. If Shani is

  • Danger from Yavana kings (foreign dignitaries),

  • loss of wealth ,

  • imprisonment,

  • possibility of affliction with diseases,

  • loss in agricultural production

will result.

27-29 1/2. l if Shani is

and is associated with malefics

Effects, like

  • great danger,

  • loss of life,

  • wrath of king,

  • mental agony,

  • danger from thieves and fire,

  • punishment by the king,

  • loss of co-borns,

  • dissensions amongst members of the family,

  • loss of cattle,

  • fear of death,

  • distress to wife and children,

  • imprisonment etc.

will be felt.

30-32. if Shani is

  • in a Kendra, in the 11th, or in the 5th from the Lord of the Dasha.

There will be

  • journeys to foreign lands,

  • loss of reputation,

  • violent actions,

  • loss from sale of agricultural lands,

  • loss of position, agony,

  • defeat in battle,

  • urinary troubles etc.,

33-35. if Shani is

  • in the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha

  • and associated with malefics.

Effects, like

  • death,

  • danger from the king and thieves,

  • rheumatism, pains,

  • danger from the enemy and members of the family,

will be experienced.

Remedy for Ill Effects of Shani

There will be relief from the evil effects by the beneficence of Lord Shiva,

  • if Mrityunjaya is performed in the prescribed manner.

Budha bhukti

Chapter 54: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Mangala

36-37 1/2.

  • if Budha is in a Kendra,

  • or in a Trikona from Lagna.

Budha_glyph.jpg Effects, like

  • association with pious and holy persons,

  • performance of Ajaya Japa,

  • charities,

  • observance of religious rites,

  • gain of reputation,

  • inclination towards diplomacy,

  • availability of sweetish preparations,

  • acquisition of conveyances,

  • clothes and cattle etc.,

  • conferment of authority in the king's retinue,

  • success in agricultural projects etc.,

will be experienced in the Antara Dasha of Budha in the Dasha of Mangala,.


if Budha is

  • Diseases of heart,

  • imprisonment,

  • loss of kinsmen,

  • distress to wife and children,

  • destruction of financial wealth and cattle etc.

will result.

40-40 1/2.

if Budha be

  • associated with the Lord of the Dasha.

There will be

  • journeys to foreign lands,

  • increase in the number of enemies,

  • affliction with many kind of ailments,

  • antagonism with the king, quarrels with kinsmen etc.,

41-43 1/2.

if Budha is

  • in a Kendra, or Trikona from the Lord of the Dasha,

or, if Budha is

  • Fulfillment of all ambitions,

  • gain of wealth and grains,

  • recognition by the king,

  • acquisition of a kingdom,

  • gain of clothes and ornaments,

  • attachment to many kind of musical instruments,

  • attainment of the position of a Commander of an Army,

  • discussions on Shastras and Puranas,

  • gain of riches to wife and children

  • and beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi

will be the very auspicious results.

44-45 1/2.

if Budha is

  • in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from Mangala,

  • or is associated with malefics.

Effects, like

  • defamation,

  • sinful thinking,

  • harsh speech,

  • danger from thieves,

  • fire and the king,

  • quarrels without reason,

  • fear of attacks by thieves and dacoits (armed robber bands) during travels,

will be derived.


if he is

There will be

  • a possibility of critical illness in the Antara Dasha of Budha

Remedial Measures

Remedial measures to obtain relief from these evil effects are

Ketu bhukti

Chapter 54: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Mangala

48-49 1/2.

if Ketu is

Or, if Ketu is

  • associated with, or receives a Drishti from benefics.

  • Beneficence of the king,

  • gain of wealth ,

  • little gains of land

at the commencement of the Dasha

and substantially later,

  • birth of a son,

  • conferment of authority by government,

  • gain of cattle etc.

will be the results in the Antara Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Mangala,

50-51 1/2.

  • if Ketu is a Yoga Karaka

  • and is endowed with strength.

(Ketu assumes the role of a Yoga Karaka, if he is yuti with a Yoga Karaka Graha).

  • Birth of a son,

  • increase in reputation,

  • beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi,

  • gains of wealth from employees,

  • attainment of the position of a Commander of an Army,

  • friendship with the king, performance of oblations,

  • gains of clothes and ornaments etc.

will be the beneficial effects.


if Ketu is

  • in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.

Effects, like

  • quarrels,

  • tooth trouble,

  • distress from thieves and tigers,

  • fever, dysentery,

  • leprosy and distress to wife and children etc.

will be experienced.

If Ketu is

  • in Dhana, or in Yuvati,

there will be

  • diseases,

  • disgrace,

  • agony

  • and loss of wealth .

Shukra bhukti

Chapter 54: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Mangala

55-56 1/2. if Shukra is

  • in a Kendra to Lagna,

  • if Shukra is in his exaltation,

  • Or in his own Rashi

Or, if Shukra is

Effects, like

  • acquisition of a kingdom,

  • great enjoyment and comfort of luxuries,

  • gain of elephants, horses, clothes etc.,

will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Shukra in the Dasha of Mangala.

If Shukra is

there will be

  • happiness to wife and children,

  • opulence and glory

  • and increased fortune .


  • if Shukra is in the 5th, the 9th, the 11th, or the 2nd from the Lord of the Dasha.

  • Gain of property,

  • celebrations on the birth of a son,

  • gain of wealth from the employer,

  • acquisition of a house,

  • land, villages etc.

  • by the beneficence of the sovereign,

will be the results.

  • Timing of events

In the last part of the Dasha there will be

  • functions of songs and dances

  • and bathing in holy water.

If Shukra is

  • connected with, or related to the Lord of Karma,

there will be

  • construction of wells,

  • reservoirs etc.

  • and performance of religious, charitable and pious deeds.


if Shukra be

  • in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha,

  • Or be associated with malefics.

there will be

  • sorrows,

  • physical distress,

  • loss of wealth ,

  • danger from thieves and the king,

  • dissensions in the family,

  • distress to wife and children

  • and destruction of cattle


If Shukra be

there will be

  • pains in the body

in his Antara Dasha.

Remedial Measures

For regaining good health the remedial measure to be adopted is

Surya bhukti

Chapter 54: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Mangala


if Surya is

  • in his exaltation, in his own Rashi

  • Or, if Surya is in a Kendra, in a Trikona,

  • Or in Labha along with Karma's Lord and with Labha's Lord.

Effects, like

  • acquisition of conveyances,

  • gain of reputation,

  • birth of a son,

  • growth of financial wealth ,

  • amicable atmosphere in the family,

  • sound health,

  • potency,

  • recognition by the king,

  • extraordinary profits in business and audience with the king etc.

will be experienced in the Antara Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Mangala

67-67 1/2.

if Surya is

  • in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha,

Or, if Surya is

  • associated with malefics.

  • Distress to the body,

  • agony,

  • failure in ventures,

  • possibilities of suffering from troubles in the forehead,

  • fever, dysentery etc.

will be the effects.


if Surya be

there will be

  • attacks of fever,

  • danger from snakes and poison

  • and distress to son

Remedial Measures

The remedial measure to gain good health and wealth is

  • To perform * worth-ship * worship of Surya

  • in the prescribed manner.

Chandra bhukti

Chapter 54: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Mangala


if Chandra is

  • Acquisition of more kingdom,

  • gain of perfumes, clothes,

  • construction of reservoirs,

  • shelters for cows etc.,

  • celebrations of auspicious functions, like marriage etc.,

  • happiness to wife and children,

  • good relations with parents,

  • acquisition of property by the beneficence of the sovereign,

  • success in the desired projects

will be the effects in the Antara Dasha of Chandra in the Dasha of Mangala.

Waxing and waning Chandra

The good effects will be realized in full, if Chandra is waxing.

  • Waning Chandra will reduce the impact of the effects to some extent.


if Chandra is

Or, if Chandra is

The effects, like

  • death, distress to wife and children,

  • loss of lands, wealth and cattle and danger of a war etc.

will be experienced.

if Chandra is

  • there will be the possibility of premature death,

  • distress to the body

  • and mental agony

Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to be adopted to obtain relief from the above evil effects, are

  • recitation of Mantras of the Goddess Durga and the Goddess Lakshmi."

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" During a growth period, you need more amusement, more grounding, and more chocolate ."

~~John Fulton, Asclepion Healing
