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see also: muhurta |
गण्डान्त gaṇḍānta Gandanta rikta-sandhi = rough patches Positions for Chandra and Lagna Rules quoted from page 171 , Light on Relationships : The Synastry of Indian Astrology by Hart Defouw, Robert E. Svoboda |
DEFINITIONS === गण्डान्त gaṇḍānta गण्ड्. gaṇḍ
अन्त anta
गण्डिका gaṇḍikā
dhatu [word-root] from Apte Sanskrit Dictionary
गण्डान्त gaṇḍānta Recommended Attitude toward Gandanta - a choppy section Imagine that one is drifting down a beautiful river in a comfortable secure boat. One becomes accustomed to the hum and purl of the river currents. Sometimes faster, or slower, but overall one feels soothed by the reliable flowing rhythms of the water. Yet, this lovely river must empty into the ocean! As the boat encounters the incoming marine tides, the water gets choppy! The sweet little boat may be tossed and heaved by the conflicting currents that physicists call "interference patterns". It seems that movement is no long flowing swiftly forward, but rather shaking and shuddering from side-to-side, as the ocean waves collide with the riverine impulse, spreading disruption and upset. But then, the little boat learns to navigate through the shore waves, and soon enough one is floating along on the ocean channels. Carefully intentional Response to Turbulence Turbulence occurs in the liminal zones where Jala-rashi mixes with Agni-rashi
Clear Mentality and Spacious Perception Additionally, within these turbulent zones, Babbling Budha' s conversational explaining turns to Ketu' s Silent Witness. There are mental-health dimensions here, in regard to the defensive feelings of others as they apprehend one's mentality.
Awareness of Emptiness In particular, Ketu provides awareness of emptiness.
Remarkable Potentials Within the gandanta zones,
Benefits of Attention to Communication Skills The gandanta sections of the preincarnationally-planned life-pathway do demand special attention to the unique psycho-mental mixture that operates in these special zones. However, gandanta zones are not inherently harmful
units of measure Solar
गण्डान्त gaṇḍānta Dividing Time For the purpose of slicing up time, the portions of the ecliptic [rashi, naakshatra, pada] can be divided with a variety of divisors. For example, divide into sixteenths.
Or, divide into sixtieths. One unit of measure that can be used to define a gandanta zone is a ghatika. घटिकायन्त्र ghatika-yantra = clock [usually a water-clock]
Exegesis by BPl BPHS अथ गण्डान्त जात शान्त्यउपाय: [Delhi, Ranjan Pub., 1995 edition, p. 1026-1028] Chapter-92 [in this edition] specifies different gandanta birth conditions and the traditional Shanti-Upaya for each condition. Remember that BPHS is not written by a single author or even a coherent group of authors. BPHS is a compilation of many partial manuscripts - some only the merest fragments -- that were recovered during a wide search by a particular committee. The committee was attempting to collect the widest possible array of Jyotisha-shastra commentaries. The scriptures were stored in a gazillion places all over the Land of Bharata and in the diaspora. They have been copied and re-copied manually for centuries. With the usual liabilities of hand-copying, there are copyist-errors in which a single wrong letter or missing letter can produce a deceptive word-meaning. Regional rituals - particularly, heritage recipes for upaya - are often added to the original astrological topic. And so on. As a result, some of the BPHS compendium is actual Jyotisha-shastra. Yet, some of this compilation = superstitious fearful cultural barnacle which got mixed in with the authentic vidya during Kali Yuga. As Yeshua said, it is necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff. ******************** Shloka-1
Shloka-3 describes Nakshatra-Gandanta नक्षत्र गण्डान्त
Shloka-4 describes Lagna-Gandanta लग्न गण्डान्त measured by half-ghatika अर्ध गण्डान्त
Shloka-5 declares that the zone of अभुक्त मूल [abhukta-Mūla] [comprises the area of a Great Obstacle महाविघ्न [maha-vighna]
Shloka-6-8 describes the ritual remedial Upaya to be performed by the pujari. |
Other authorities measure gandanta differently,
for example, while some might measure gandanta precisely and narrowly as 1/16th of a nakshatra pada, which is about 0.2 degrees on either side, for a total hot-zone of 0.4 degrees, gandanta is often generalized as 1/16th of a nakshatra = approximately 0.8 degrees [50 arc-minutes] on either side of the boundary = a total hot-zone of about 1.6 degrees.
गण्डान्त gaṇḍānta one of many designations related to sandhi = juncture, transition-zone, or cusp. In language, sandhi refers to adaptive bridging, ellision, or merging of sounds at syllable boundary zones. gaṇḍānta areas = six rashi cuspsthat form the borders |
gaṇḍānta zones
Chandra lagna or kundali indriya-lagna is considered to be a weakened when lagna occupies a gaṇḍānta border-zone The final 0.8 degrees of the final pada of the jala-rashi [water signs]
The initial 0.8 degrees of the first pada of the agni-rashi [fire signs]
Budha activates the 4th pada (final 3-min + 20sec portion) of Aśleṣa - Naga, Jyeṣṭha - Antares, and Revatī - Pushan.
Old-timer Chandra is friendly toward nosy young inquistor Budha. According to lore, Budha is the offspring of Professor Chandra. However, young Budha resents old Chandra. According to lore, bantering Budha's true but illegitimate father is actually Shri Chandra.
For example, a weakened gandanta-zone Revati Chandra, where Chandra receives drishti of [uchcha-Budha] in yuvati bhava, can give a relentlessly verbal-analytical spouse who accurately but painfully dissects all the personality weaknesses of the native . A weakened Chandra cannot self-defend. But such extremes are rare. Normally, gandanta is a minor factorin evaluating the Moon or lagna.
Jyeṣṭha pada-4 = a weakened lunar zone. Chandra Vṛścika = nīcha AND Chandra occupies the nakshatra of His adversarial son Budha Any lagna can be weakened if it occurs at the end of Aśleṣa, Jyestha, or Revati, if its lagnesha is not strong. |
... Exhibiting patterns of reinterpretation of cultural narratives [Budha], by means of either
A devoted mother, who will "do anything" within her power in order to help her child, is normally part of the routine-challenging Gandanta mechanism. However, complications to Chandra-Jyeṣṭha can harm the mother's effects.
= Meena navamsha]
26:40 until 30:00 Karkata EXAMPLE Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi [visionary-charitable Aśleṣa-4] [ātmakāraka] 9-ideology-belief]
EXAMPLE On Golden Pond 1937- drama-fitness Jane Seymour Fonda [visionary-charitable Aśleṣa-4] [ātmakāraka]-- [Chandra in classroom-8 self-reinvention, upheaval]
EXAMPLE Silly Love Songs 1942- Beatle Paul McCartney [visionary-charitable Aśleṣa-4] ātmakāraka ] [Aśleṣā-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Pushya-nīcha] [Chandra-8 self-reinvention, upheaval, rebirth]
-4= Meena navamsha]
26:40 until 30:00 Vrischika EXAMPLE USA-Congress 1943- Newt Gingrich [fantasizing-charitable Jyeṣṭha-4] [1, personality, embodiment]
EXAMPLE POTUS-45-47 Play to Win 1946- Beauty Pageants Donald Trump [fantasizing-guiding Jyeṣṭha-4] [nīcha-Jyeṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Ketu-Jyeṣṭha] [5, gambling, politics, pageantry, entertainment]
EXAMPLE - Chandra = 29:28 Jyestha Friends 1969- drama-fashion Jennifer Aniston[imaginative-charitable Jyeṣṭha-4] [nīcha-Jyeṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Viśākha] Nothing in Mūla-1.
[visionary-charitable Revatī-Pashu -4 = Meena navamsha] EXAMPLE Starry Messenger 1564-1642 Galileo Galilei [visionary-conceptual Revatī-4] [vargottamsha] -- [ātmakāraka] [uchcha-Pegasus-Shukra-yuti-Chandra-Revatī] Chandra parivartamsha yoga with Guru ++ uchcha-Guru drishti into Chandra-12.
EXAMPLE Ave Maria 1935-2007 tenor Luciano Pavarotti [imaginative-charitable Revatī-4] ātmakāraka] -- [vargottamsha] Chandra intakes Parashari drishti from Surya and Guru. Nothing in Aśvini-4.
EXAMPLES of GANDANTA CHANDRA in NAKSHATRA OF KETU pada-1 ... Exhibiting patterns of either moral looseness or moral strictness,
EXAMPLE POTUS-29 Teapot Dome 1865-1923 Warren G. Harding [Chandra Aśvini-1] 3d-4m Mesha] [vargottamsha] Revatī-4 contains Ketu-bhava-8
EXAMPLE POTUS-27 Dollar Diplomacy 1857-1930 William Howard Taft CHANDRA in [Chandra Magha-1] 1d-56m Simha] [Magha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Magha] = both in Magha-1 but nothing in Aśleṣā-4.
These three portions are all ruled by weird, dispersing, earth-alienated, psychic Ketu.
Guides fromAśvini and Magha andMūla = assist humanity greatly, despite their eccentric nebulizing style. Mula indicates smooth operators. Mula born are philosophy-talking wanderers Overall, Mūla guides have little commitment to humanistic continuity despite their doctrinal bluster. Mūla are dedicated to evacuation of unnecessary debris, and elimination at the Root. Mula points the way through the psychic pipeline to our galactic sun. At present levels of Dvapara-Yuga consciousness, the psychic information which comes to us over the Mula bandwidth is socially and materially disorienting to most folks.
Although the first 3:20 = Mula pada-1 = exploding with Mangala championship warrior energy [Mula-pada-1 = Mesha navamsha] Nevertheless for stability-seeking Chandra or coherence-seeking indriya-lagna. Mula-pada-1 can have annihilating, eradicating doctrinal-ideological belief patterns that encourages sudden dematerialization. Potentially spiritually liberating, via pervasive elimination of barriers [limen = border; elimination = boundary destruction]. But also inherently ungrounded. EXAMPLE indriya-lagna Mula pada-1
EXAMPLE Chandra in Mūla pada-1
Hidden weakness Chandra and indriya-Lagna but also the individual Graha in gandanta may give a weird twist to the affairs of the bhava within their rashi and navamsha during their periods of planetary lordship.
Throughout the life, a considerable masking of this hidden weakness via denial or skillful rational management -- until the gandanta planet's period pushes the weakness through the denial barrier and into the surface consciousness. |
Traditional beliefs about harmful
gandanta placements and dangerous gandanta
time-intervals are usually based in ritual
superstition. These old
cultural habits tend to lack data-based evidence.
Nakshatra Gandanta are believe to harm (rikta) oneself, one's own parents, and one's brothers Rashi Gandanta are believed to harm the family overall Tithi Gandanta broadly harms the parents. Tithi gandanta = final pada = final two ghatika of
Beware the cultural prejudice of times gone by
At this transitional time in human history, there is still a great deal of misogynistic cultural baggage attached to Jyestha positions in feminine nativities. This fear-based superstition is left-over from the tamasic sludge of Kali Yuga. Any graha in Jyestha – and especially Budha – becomes “outspoken” because pro-active Mangala rules the rashi and proclaiming Budha rules Kita nakshatra. Therefore traditionally Jyestha graha are considered damaging for women but strengthening for men. There' s no data evidence of this being true, except as a cultural belief. In fact, most prediction commentaries are re-hashings of cultural belief, not based on much evidence at all. Gender is a cultural construct. When culture changes, as it is doing now at the dawn of the Kumbha Yuga, the ideal traits of gendered identities may change also. |
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"And now my friends,
all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |
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