

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala


emotional energy

feeling competitive

engine of emotion; emotionally motivated

feelings + action

actively energized intuition

These descriptions also apply to Chandra in mutual aspect (opposition)

strongest results during Mangala Mahadasha and Chandra Mahadasha

Glyph_Chandra.jpg glyph_mangala.jpg

OM shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah

OM kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah

चन्द्र candra Chandra


मङ्गल maṅgala Mangala

Mens - Mind - Moon = Monday

Nanna - Anna - Di-ana - Inanna

Sin - Sinai - Selene - Serena - Luna

Aah - Iah


Mars Ars Ares Aries Arian Ori Orion

Simud- Bahram

Gugulanna- Nergal


Tiw - Tyr = Tiwesdæg [Old Norse] - Tuesday


Portrait of Lucina Brembati

by Lorenzo Lotto - c. 1523, Italia

from the collection of Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, Italia

Moon_ blood1.PNGemotionally effusive+ kinetically sexualized

Mangala affects e-motions

The Need for Speed * cars, guns, engines, dynamic movement, aggressive force

Emotional connection to Brothers * Kuja bhratrikaraka

  • invigorated feelings
  • energized intuition
  • dynamic nurturance
  • affection [Chandra] for weapons [Kuja]

    masculine force joins parental care

Chandra-Mangala yoga often indicates an engineering, sporting, athletic personality with an emotional need to engage in energetic and potentially aggressive forward muscular or mechanical action

  • Egypt-Sudan King 1920-1965 Faruq al-Awwal= Chandra-yuti-Kuja-yuti-Rahu. His Majesty was a competitive [Kuja] race-car driver with a lifelong passion [Rahu] for high-speed automobiles (Chandra vehicles)

  • Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods + [Mangala-9 parivartamsha Shukra-3 = mutual drishti ] + [Anuradha-Shukra-yuti-Chandra-Anuradha-nīcha] [Chandra vriddhi-pati, earnings] TW = an aficionado of expensive, exclusive, high-powered military weapons. [Kuja]

Emotional connection to Brothers- Kuja bhratrikaraka

  • Japan-Emperor1901-1989 Showa Hirohito - Somana-yuti-Kuja (10) was very close to his brother Chichibu. The two were moved around numerous times during their aristocratic childhood (on the fosterage system) and they were moved together.

Generally handsome in a sensitive [Chandra] competitive [Kuja] style

  • Superman 1952-2004 tetraplegia Christopher Reeve [Jyeṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Jyeṣṭha ] CR chiseled muscular physique was considered as an exemplary masculine beauty aesthetic. Even after his tragic equestrian accident and crippling tetraplegia, reeve's physical body remained a brilliant center of public attention due to his lecture tours and ability to dramatize his extreme situation . Chandra karmesha = public recognition.


  • POTUS-32 Fireside Chats 1882-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt [Chandra in Arudra] -- [Chandra in classroom-10] -- [Chandra-yuti-Mangala] ([10 social reputation, governance] FDR's motherSara Delano was a high-visibility socialite. She received a substantial financial legacy from her aged husband, who died when FDR was 18. [Chandra rules 11-revenues] Until FDR was 59 (he died age 62) Sara controlled the money. She prioritized the family's social reputation [10] and she acted aggressively [Mangala] on damage control, when FDR's pattern of extramarital affairs [8] began to emerge [Kuja randhresha]. According to Eleanor Roosevelt's memoires, sara Delano interfered in every aspect of their marriage. Needing money and respect to propel his political career, fDR generally accepted her invasions. AER did not.


Chandra indicates emotional character and comfort-zone.

Soma particularly needs safe surroundings, physical protection, emotional nurturing, and social belongingness provided by a family with ethnic roots.

When Mangala bonds with Chandra, afinancial dhanayoga is formed that motivates the native to pursue their security [Chandra] via energetic dynamic competition[Mangala].

When Chandra-Mangala yoga is the result of Mangala's 4th, 7th, or 8th drishti upon Chandra,

the source of financial wealth = associated with Chandra's bhavar.

[nīcha] Mangala

[Old Pathways Karkata] mutual aspect yuti Makara Chandra

= mixed results.

Excellent for financial productivity. Yet, often of a materialistic and manipulatively competitive nature.

One needs emotionally to rise to the top ranks of corporate wealth and recognition, but chooses an underhanded method of doing so, Usually, via exploiting the talent and energy of another. Common position in the nativities of wives of materially successful men.

Excellent placement for the"power behind the throne" or the"two person career" in which one partner goads and emotionally manipulates the other into climbing the ranks toward material dominance.

It does succeed but the emotional price is high and the implicit Kuja Dosha often produces an angry divorce splitting a large financial estate.

  • Mangala-Aśleṣa is exceptionally needy, surreptitious and emotionally invasive in method but the treasury from business partnership shall certainly be produced.

  • if either Chandra or Kuja = lord of a wealth bhava (1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11) there is a wider opportunity for acquisition and display of valuable goods

However, this yoga can be emotionally problematic : Gives an eruptive emotional temper and some tendency toward impulsive actions.

the native seeks emotional identity validation through competitive success,

  • Often in an environment or an industry which emphasizes a lively, athletic, muscular body Appearance or the ability to discover secrets.

Brings wealth via hard work and emotionally attuned business sense.

Chandra yuti Kuja in all houses except dusthamsha

[6, 8, 12] = physical body is blessed with athletic competitive dynamic musculature and charged with emotional vitality.

= A marvelous combination of the fashion model-actor combination career often found in top ranking celebrity figures.

CULTURE WARS [Chandra-yuti-Mangala]

  • POTUS-32 Fireside Chats 1882-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt [Chandra in Arudra] -- [Chandra in classroom-10] -- [Chandra-yuti-Mangala] ([10 social reputation, governance] . FDR had an elite [10] legal education befitting his birth into the leadership class [10].

  • Yet, the combined rulers of 3 + 8 + 11, working from karmasthana, would not have allowed him to enjoy a quietly profitable commercial-legal practice like so many of his peers.

  • FDR was born to lead at a time of enormous cultural transformation [8] in the Euro-American world. He had the exceptionally difficult task to protect [Chandra] the foundational security of the Anglo-American culture, while allowing the massive destruction [Kuja randhresha] of millions of lives in blood-warfare [Kuja rules Guru-expanded nīcha-Shani-8]

  • At a psychic level, fDR was intensely involved in the ultimate decision-making regarding which -- if any -- of the folk cultures would survive, en route to the New Age. Although it was assertively proposed that German culture would supply the foundation for the New Order, fDR was able to thwart that conformist rule led by Adolf Hitler . Consequently and at terrible cost, the Euro-American cultural model was used.

QUOTATION from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B. V. Raman , 10th edition, delhi, 1991

" Definition.

If Mars conjoins the Moon, this yoga is formed.

  • Earnings through unscrupulous means, aseller of women,

  • treating mother harshly and doing mischief to her and other relatives

  • Remarks: The results given above are those ascribed by ancient writers.

With due respect to the Ancient masters in the science I have to observe thai

Chandra Mangala Yoga acts as a powerful factor in establishing one's financial worth.

The earnings will generally be through such occupations as toddy contract, beer shop, bar, etc.

One has to cater to the baser needs of men,

but when the Moon and Mars are well disposed, the earnings will be through other approved means.

The yoga is said to arise by the association of Mars and the Moon

but I feel that the yoga will also be formed if the Moon and Mars are in mutual aspect.

  • Take the Moon in Taurus and Mars in Scorpionis.

  • Take the Moon in Cancer and Mars in Capricorn.

  • These are excellent positions.

The combination can be productive of good if it occurs in the 2nd, 9th, 10th or 11th house."

QUOTATION from Esoteric Astrology 1925-2005 Jyotiṣika Bepin Behari

WRT Chandra-Mangala-yoga

" ... disobedient to his mother, liar and of wicked deeds.

Fond of music, brave, victory over enemies and gain through business.

One will be dealer in hammers, plow and other rough instruments, women, spurious drinks and earthen jars.

  • If Mars be significator and Moon is well dignified, makes the native very changeable and bold and enterprising, not easily disconcerted.

  • Generally marries some one much above his own status; one becomes much addicted to women, yet seldom suffers by them.

If Moon be ill dignified, the native becomes vulgar, base and mean, changeable and silly, of shallow abilities drunken, poor and dissipated. Wanders.

  • If woman, will become prostitute.

  • Will end his days in abroad or away from house.

If Moon be significator, and Mars be dignified, the native is bold, rash and unruly, of no great abilities but will be courageous and enterprising, good warrior, surgeon, chemist or physician. Fond of traveling and exploring foreign countries, fortunate and may die there.

  • If Mars be ill dignified, one will be violent furious, malignant, treacherous, cruel, murderer, robber, rebel or traitor, who seldom lives long.

  • Scar on eye or face. Irritable and angry temperament, events arising out of your past anger with friends, people and family.

Conflicts with others and emotional. Do not be arrogant under the grab of self confidence."




Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-1 = dhana-yoga

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti [Chandra-Urisha] [uchcha]

[Mangala-Mithuna] yuti [Chandra in Mithuna]

[Mangala-Karkata] [nīcha] yuti [Chandra in Karkata]

[Mangala-Simha] yuti [Simha Chandra]

[Mangala-Kanya] yuti [Chandra in Kanya]

[Mangala-Tula] yuti [Chandra-Tula]

[Mangala-Vṛścika] yuti [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]

comforted by mystery * sensitive to trauma-healing * needs healing discovery

[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus]

comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided

[Mangala-Makara] -- [uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco]

comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha]

comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

[Mangala-Meena] yuti [Chandra-Meena]

comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

bhava- 1 physical shell, external case

Chandra-Mangala are especially welcome in the rashi group of Mesha-Karkata-Simha-Vṛścika-Dhanus-Meena.

financial well-being via the personal appearance and charisma.

Wealth via annamaykosha, manner of dress, complexion, style of behavior, comportment, iconic personality, athletic prowess, competitive instincts, sexual ambitions combined with a nurturing parental sensitive quality.

The lagnesha should be well placed to derive full benefits. For Mesha, Karkata, and Vṛścika, wealth and health benefits of the highest order.

Vṛścika struggles somewhat emotionally due to [nīcha] Chandra but with the dignity gained by Somana's residence in lagna + the competitive instincts of Mangala the forward drive is unstoppable.

Vṛścika Learning Pathway may indicate a profoundly gifted healer who needs guidance to control and direct the gift.

  • "O" 1954- multimedia Oprah Winfrey + [nīcha-Maitra-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Viśākha ] [1, unique appearance, exemplifying personality, embodied identity] = confessional journalism; discovery and revealing of private fantasy, fears, and needs of the public, opening the dream world into public discourse.

Kuja-1 creates Kuja Doshain contractual relationships such as marriage and business partnership. Yet, chandra-Mangala yoga in bhava-1 gives some financial benefit in nearly any rashi.

  • Treasury generated via The earthen body appearance, heroic athletic wins, military adventures, dancer, ice-skater, fashion-model, other expressions of physically dynamic sports culture.

  • Special dignity and added income for business in physical body work such as sports professions, dancer or model, massage, and sexual activities.

  • A sexualized personality, also emotionally sensitive, socially very popular but emotionally volatile in private relationships.

In Kanya, details


Chandra + Mangala in bhava-2

[Mangala-Mesha + [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] + Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna+ Chandra in Mithuna


[nīcha] + Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha + Simha Chandra

Mangala-Kanya + Chandra in Kanya

  • financier Joseph Kennedy, s. (b. 1888)

Mangala-Tula + Chandra-Tula

[Mangala-Vṛścika + [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]

[Mangala-Dhanus + [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided

[Mangala-Makara] [uchcha] + [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha + [Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

Mangala-Meena + [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

bhava- 2= face, eyes, voice, mouth, hair, historical knowledge, financial accumulation

asset accrual. storage , acquisition of treasuries of values, including knowledge of languages and history

Chandra-Mangala yoga in bhava 1, 2, 5, 9, or 11 = indicates financial wealth, productive income, material manifesting circumstances.

Chandra-Mangala are especially welcome in the rashi group of Mesha-Karkata-Simha-Vṛścika-Dhanus-Meena.

Treasuries generated

via hoards of food or seeds

via collections of valuable goods

via herds of animals

via knowledge of languages and history

via speech, song, face.

In a strong rashi and well supported by drishti, may indicate the lifetime accumulation of tremendous collections of items of measurable cultural value. In the modern age, this is basically cash money.

However, the specific quality of the cherished value-item will depend on the culture - in past times the hoards contained fighting shields and swords, or seeds and ploughs, or ritual statuary stuffed with printed prayers.

The content of financial well-being treasuries depends a great deal on the period of history in which the incarnation occurs. However, modern exponents of Chandra-Mangala yoga will generally exhibit richest-man-in-the-country levels of financial wealth storage.

Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit here in nearly any rashi.

Special dignity and added income for wealth via in record-keeping, historic preservation and historical materials, musician, dramatic speech performance, face and hair, storage and banking.

Case details:

Chandra-yuti-Mangala in Mula in bhava-2 for an Anuradha radical lagna

Chandra dharmesha suggests theory and teaching; Mangala lagnesha also rules animosity and fighting of 6

One may have a distinctive Mula communication style in both speech and writing.

With all the contrariness of Mula, the values-conserving, tale-telling, history-recounting behaviors of bhava-2 express such that

complex matters can be explained with extraordinary simplicity and transparency, whereas the ordinary matters of daily life are made complex and opaque.

Language codes and code-switching * twists-and-turns of Chandra-yuti-Mangala in Mula in bhava-2

Obscure and outdated words may be a special preference for communicating stories about family, treasuries, and values. One may use words in uncommon application, substituting words from the lexicons of other languages. Mula may push ahead in older, defunct definitions of words from distant historical periods, in ways that are irrelevant to the current discourse context.

Code-switching = the behavior of mixing words from two-or-more language lexica, or the behavior of using a word in an antique, outdated meaning within a specialized discourse environment. This behavior can be a fun language skill-game for those who have fluency in multiple languages or for those who control the specialized terminology of a professional discipline.

However, this game has accepted rules, and its most important rule is the beginning signal. The signal notifies the participants that the oncoming discourse will feature words either derived from the lexicons of other languages or words that are carrying a specific abnormal definition due to the special context.

Contrary Mula begins by assuming that the abnormal is normal. Mula starts the discourse without the polite warning that code-switching will ensue. The listeners or audience of the written text are befuddled and the native is perversely pleased at their inability to match common, socially expected usage with Mūla's peculiar, unexpected, contextually inappropriate semantics.

On the other hand, when the definitions of mathematical, scientific, or other highly specialized theoretical concepts are under discussion, the [Mūla] 2 pair of Chandra-Mangala may astound all listeners or readers with its stunning ability to transform [Mūla] an obscure, opaque, non-transparent term of rarified discourse into simple, normal language. Instantly and powerfully, mula can produce an accessible, pedestrian interpretation of highly abstract concepts. Mūla's language magic can clear confusion and open new vistas of empowerment to those who need these language terms as tools of technological achievement. Often the magic works best with symbolic language such as mathematical symbols and scientific formula, but Mula may also create a sudden transparency with spoken language and (less often) textual prose.

Mula Conundruam

one may find oneself unpopular, even held in contempt, by the co-workers or family members who need a reliable agreed vocabulary with shared popular historically appropriate definitions. The [Mūla] 2 Chandra-Mangala native may be accused of lying, denying, or misrepresenting simple facts, and the accusation may be accurate.

On the other hand, students of the theoretical sciences, particularly mathematics, may find the native to be a much appreciated teacher and precious guide who skillfully translates these apprentice scholars through the vast terrain of conceptual thought.

Madhya Parashari ch4: 13. "If the Dhana Bhava the 2nd house is occupied by both Mars and Moon, they destroy wealth."

Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava- 3

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti Chandra-Mesha

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna yuti Chandra in Mithuna


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

[Mangala-Singha] yuti Simha Chandra

[Mangala-Kanya] yuti Chandra in Kanya

[Mangala-Tula] yuti Chandra-Tula

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided

Mangala-Makara-Draco [uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [ Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

  • Socialite 1963- beauty pageants Marla Maples Trump= Mangala 12 drishti into Chandra-3

  • Lights Out 1968-2023 singer Lisa Marie Presley - Kuja-Budha-Chandra together in commercial-3

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

Chandra-Mangala are especially welcome in the rashi group of Mesha-Karkata-Simha-Vṛścika-Dhanus-Meena.

Wealth generated via commerce, business, media-message, evangelism

communications industry, publications and announcements, planning and writing, advertising marketing and public relations, internet, photos, movies, video-audio production, books, newspapers, magazines ...

Virtually any audio-visual communications medium will yield a successful business enterprise. For specific style and content of media type, note the rashi and incoming drishti.

  • Friends 1969- drama-fashion Jennifer Aniston * decades of photo-imagery success via magazine, media-message, fashion modeling, cinematic productions

One may be successfully competitive in commercial business but rather reactive emotionally.

One's team-mates need to be quite accommodating of the volatility."Changes the Mind" frequently.

Supports emotional content in communication, melodramatic writing, short-term travels, and customer service in environments that change rapidly. Attracted to high-stress environments."Stress Monkey" .

Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-4

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna yuti Chandra in Mithuna


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha yuti [Chandra-Simha] comforted by creative display * settled into dramatic rhythms * needs attention

Mangala-Kanya yuti [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

Mangala-Tula yuti [Chandra-Tula] comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided


[uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

  • fashion model Cindy Crawford

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

bhava- 4 - home, homeland, boundaries, fencing, defense, protection, rhythms, folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms, habits, parents, schooling, home-shelter, transport-shell, nourishment, foundations, things below ground, roots, burial, end of things

Chandra-Mangala are especially welcome in the rashi group of Mesha-Karkata-Simha-Vṛścika-Dhanus-Meena.

Wealth generated via bhava controlled by Chandra. Real estate, fenced properties, vehicles, education, sources of financial wealth from bhava-4.

Les benevolent for the mother's health, may involve endocrine disease or other emotional illness for her. Emotional volatility and dramatic outbursts in the home.

Energizes the emotional engagement with engines, vehicles of transport, lands and properties

[Mangala in bhava-4] = Kuja Doshadue to Kuja's harshest 4th aspect, compounded by involvement of emotionally reactive Moon.

Helps financially if Kuja = dhanapati-2+ dharmesha-9 + karmesha-10 , or vriddhi-pati-11 .

Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-5

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna yuti Chandra in Mithuna


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha yuti Simha Chandra

Mangala-Kanya yuti [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

Mangala-Tula yuti [Chandra-Tula] comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided


[uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

bhava- 5 - wealth-via-winnings , autonomy, uniqueness, ingenuity, games, entertainments, royalty, politics, celebrity, creative genius, children

Chandra-Mangala yoga in bhava 1, 2, 5, 9, or 11 = very profitable financially.

Chandra-Mangala are especially welcome in the rashi group of Mesha-Karkata-Simha-Vṛścika-Dhanus-Meena.

Wealth generated via theatre, children, speculative investment, politics, celebrity, performance art, literary art, gamesmanship, personal brilliance, genius.

Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit under most circumstances.

Special dignity and added income from business in literature, performance art, speculation, and services for children.

If Chandra or Kuja occupy unfriendly rashi, mangala in 5 may lead to the mistreatment of children. Abortions, therapeutic or natural are also associated with Kuja

[injury], although Chandra also in 5 will help to ensure successful pregnancies perhaps interspersed with difficulties.


Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-6

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna yuti [Chandra-Mithuna] comforted by messaging * settled into rhythmic communications * needs mentality


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha yuti [Chandra-Simha] comforted by creative display * settled into dramatic rhythms * needs attention

Mangala-Kanya yuti [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

Mangala-Tula yuti [Chandra-Tula] comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided


[uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

bhava- 6 - ministries of service,

medicine, military, legal defense, accusatory litigation, divorce, disagreement, imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, exploitation, servitude, slavery, criminalization / crime, illness, poverty, debt, war

Wealth generated via drugs, medical clinics, exploitation, service industry, divorce attorney, military industry.

May be profitable, but in 6 = harmful to the mother's relatives (3rd-from-4th) and harm also to neighbors of the early childhood home (3rd-from-4th).

Anger may be displaced upon servants.

Good for sales of medicine, food and alcohol, hotel services. Profits from animals, servants, lower-class persons and their habits. Can produce benefits from exploitive relationships, prostitution, human-trafficking, illegal drugs, or weapons-warfare.

Excellent for the financial wealth of police, pastoral ministers, divorce attorneys, environmentalist defenders, or social workers who deal skillfully but proactively with emotional volatility among the lower classes, the dispossessed, or exploited.

Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-7

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna yuti Chandra in Mithuna


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha yuti Chandra-Simha

Mangala-Kanya yuti [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

Mangala-Tula yuti [Chandra-Tula] comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided


[uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

bhava- 7 - negotiation, vow, promise, trust

bargain, balancing, arrangement, alliance, union, marriage, contract, deal, match, partnership, pairing, peerage * paréage, parity, equity, equality, justice

Wealth generated via agreements, legal decisions, and alliances,

  • UK-Queen 1926-2022 Elizabeth-2 , naotable alliances. In particular, wealth via 4th-from-4th, real property ownership-stewardship contracts. Her Majesty's spectacular wealth arises largely from her possession of vast, expensive landed properties including residences (4) upon which by legal contract (7) with the State she pays no tax.

Profitable, but some emotional volatility in marriage and contractual relationships due to Mangala in 7th-from-Chandra (a dose of Kuja Dosha).

Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit through making agreements which have to be re-negotiated frequently.

Beneficial placement for arranger of legal settlements, broker, match-maker, contract attorney or negotiator.

Special dignity and added income from business in making contracts and agreements, marriage broker, partnerships, and alliances, weighing and balancing.

Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-8

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

[Mangala-Mithuna] yuti Chandra in Mithuna


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha yuti Chandra-Simha

Mangala-Kanya yuti [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

Mangala-Tula yuti [Chandra-Tula] comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided


[uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection
  • Lights Out 1968-2023 singer Lisa Marie Presley + Budha (3, commercial business, touring)

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

comforted by challenge to discover mysteries, emergencies, secrets

bhava- 8 - hidden resources, transformation via widowhood

mystery, tantra, captivating secrets, discovery, healing, hidden environments, rebirth, re-invention, sudden changes, emergency, surgery, invasion, upheaval, hidden forces, the rejuvenating cycle of death and rebirth

Assets generated via inheritance, via secret hoards, or via discovery of hidden resources

  • POTUS-36 Great Society 1908-1973 Lyndon Baines Johnson Although this fact was hidden from the popular electorate, while he lived was counted among the richest men in the USA. LBJ's material wealth was developed secretly via highly diversified financial portfolio = Chandra-Mangala yoga + Guru + Surya-yuti-Budha. Mangala rogesha-6 produced highest loot from the profits of war . Johnson's expansion of the Vietnam War promoted his investment in military communication technology and services. The wealth remained secret Shukra-yuti-Rahu in bhava-8 because his radio and television properties were registered in his wife's name [Shukra].

  • General Electric 1847-1931 Thomas Edison - new identity for the old energy, repackaging. Edison Chandra-Kuja- [Mūla] 8 ruled by Guru-Vrishabha-1. Edison generated tremendous treasury via the skill of uncovering the research work of other inventors and quickly explaining the commercial significance of their ideas in the required legal document-format of a US-Patent . Mangala activates 7 legal contracts. After tinkering with prototype inventions of others, he repackaged (8, transformation of identity) the new assemblage. He then legally claimed the patent rights to the resulting reborn invention. By this mechanism, Edison legally (7) claimed the patents on literally thousands of discoveries. Most people believed the mask of Edison the Inventor . However, most of the inventing was in actuality re-packaging and reassembling of existing prototypes that he read about in scientific publications.

Good for mining and harvesting of many types of hidden-assets, especially underwater.

Probably too volatile to remain long in marriage. One may discover that the spouse's contribution to the joint funds of marriage has been destroyed.

Unrecognized subconscious need for (in more conscious folk, an intuitive attachment to) sudden, forced identity changes.

Excellent support for the financial wealth prospects of a professional who can deal skillfully with catastrophic upheavals and emergencies, including sudden deaths, natural disasters and complications of childbirth.

Generally a challenging placement for the Mother

  • General Electric 1847-1931 Thomas Edison had a Chandra-Mangala yoga in bhava-8 that produced a range of effects, from extraordinary hidden assets to a crazy mother. Randhresha-8 = Guru ruler of 1-6 making his mom a strong personality influence but a volatile one. Edison's mother was mentally ill with episodes of physically violent [Mangala] psychosis throughout her life, and the condition intensified as she got older. Her behavior escalated to the point where, after their children were adults, her husband (Edison's father) abandoned his wife to protect his own safety. Correspondence shows that Edison loved his mother dearly, but Edison sided compassionately with his deserting father in full recognition of the circumstances.

  • General Electric 1847-1931 Thomas Edison had a Chandra-Mangala yoga in bhava-8 that produced a range of effects, from extraordinary wealth to a crazy mother. randhresha-8 matri-karaka

    [Mūla] Chandra yuti ruler-of-12 Mula Mangala. Edison's mother was mentally ill with episodes of physically violent [Mangala] psychosis throughout her life, intensifying as she got older. Her behavior escalated to the point where, after their children were adults, her husband (Edison's father) abandoned his wife to protect his own safety. Correspondence shows that Edison loved his mother dearly, but Edison sided compassionately with his deserting father in full recognition of the circumstances. Edison also fully supported his widowed, elderly father's immediate remarriage to father's 16-year old housekeeper.

Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-9

[Mangala in bhava-9] *

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

  • artist-teacher-entrepreneur Harish Johari

  • Sans attendre 1968- chanteuse compositrice Celine Dion + [Aśvini-Kuja-yuti-Chandra-Aśvini] [9, public guidance, patronage, life-principles]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti [Chandra-Urisha] [uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna yuti Chandra in Mithuna


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha yuti Chandra-Simha

Mangala-Kanya yuti [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

  • Harry Potter 1965- magical-fiction J.K. Rowling + [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Chitra] [9, weltanschauung, philosophical understanding, ideology]

Mangala-Tula yuti Chandra-Tula

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided


[uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

comforted by dynamic patronage and pursuit of principled belief

bhava- 9 - wealth-via-knowings, via theory, doctrine *wisdom, high priest, professor, father, papa-pope, university, world travel, sacred teachings, dogma, theory

Chandra-Mangala yoga in bhava 1, 2, 5, 9, or 11 = very profitable financially

  • Sans attendre 1968- chanteuse compositrice Celine Dion + [Aśvini-Kuja-yuti-Chandra-Aśvini] [9, public guidance, patronage, life-principles]

Abundance via universities, temples, global travel, religious and philosophical enterprises

Chandra-Mangala are especially welcome in the rashi group of Mesha-Karkata-Simha-Vṛścika-Dhanus-Meena.

Wealth generated via wisdom teachings, belief in intuitively guided action via children, and via deep faith . Also via inclusive, humanistic behaviors and via university practice in philosophy and religion.

Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit here in nearly any rashi. Special dignity and added income from business in universities, temples of knowledge, ambassadorial missions, spiritual teachings and temple discourses, all guru activities.

  • Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie sources of abundance include her father's personality, global travel, children and grandchildren, wisdom teachings

Generally Chandra-Mangala pair in bhava-9 is rather difficult for the relationship with the father, due to the karako-bhavo-nashto component of Kuja-9. The father may be high achieving in a military or athletic profession or a sexual "stud" seeking dominance of women.

One may feel [Chandra] that the father [Kuja] has been unkind, tactless, manhandling, or riding roughshod over the mother (Somana).

If may be necessary to do battle [Kuja] against a patriarchal sacred doctrine (9) which condones male muscularity at the expense of feminine intuition.

  • Nevertheless a wealth-making combination, whatever the emotional price to be paid. The intuition of Chandra does successfully partner with the penetrating, productive action of Mangala -- and the result in bhava 1-2-5-9 or 11 = typically treasury stemming from the unique creativity of the Chandra-Kuja pairing.



Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-10

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna yuti [Chandra-Mithuna] comforted by messaging * settled into rhythmic communications * needs mentality


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha yuti Chandra-Simha

[Mangala-Kanya] yuti [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

Mangala-Tula yuti [Chandra-Tula] comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


Mangala-Dhanus yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided


[uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

  • theoretical mathematician John Forbes Nash

bhava- 10 * leadership, public visibility, iconic roles, public appearances, governance, social ordering, regulatory duties, top position, elite privilege, responsibilities

Quite profitable financially. However 10 = 12th-from-11th does tend to dissolve the income;

Typically, the native expends so much energy in leadership duties that one is rarely able to do the necessary self-interested networking that is necessary to enjoy large gains from marketplace (11) operations.

  • Wealth generated via rank and position, via government service and via handling heavy responsibilities of social leadership.

  • Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit here in nearly any rashi. Special dignity and added income from business in public service, government and institutional leadership, iconic public positions, director of organizations. Does the best work at the helm of very large hierarchies.



Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-11

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna yuti [Chandra-Mithuna] comforted by messaging * settled into rhythmic communications * needs mentality


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha yuti Chandra-Simha

Mangala-Kanya yuti [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

Mangala-Tula yuti [Chandra-Tula] comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided


[uchcha] yuti Chandra-Makara-Draco

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

bhava- 11 - wealth-via-earnings, community, economy, network s, friendship, voluntary associations, distributive and associative systems, profit, gain, goals

Chandra-Mangala yoga in bhava 1, 2, 5, 9, or 11 = often very profitable economically.

Chandra-Kuja-11 = Energized emotions in the networked environments of the 11th bhava may produce achievements via

social networks of friendly and gainful association,electronic device networks

economic participation

friends who support each other in attaining goals and objectives

communities, mass movements and progressive social activism

Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit here in nearly any rashi. Special dignity and added income for business in marketplace activities, buy-sell, community development, interconnections between linked networks of association.

one knows a breathtaking number of people, many of them financially influential. The methods may not always be ethical, but financial success is assured.


Chandra yuti Mangala in bhava-12

[Mangala-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]

[Mangala-Urisha] yuti Chandra-Urisha

[uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

Mangala-Mithuna yuti [Chandra-Mithuna] comforted by messaging * settled into rhythmic communications * needs mentality


[nīcha] yuti Chandra in Karkata

Mangala-Simha yuti Chandra-Simha

Mangala-Kanya yuti Chandra-Kanya

Mangala-Tula yuti [Chandra-Tula] comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade

Mangala-Vṛścika yuti Chandra-Vṛścika


[Mangala-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided


[uchcha] yuti Chandra-Makara-Draco

[Mangala-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection

Mangala-Meena yuti [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

bhava- 12 * Spirit guides, clairsentience, dream-world, private prayer, clandestine environments, sanctuary, hermitage, cloister, bedroom, hospital-hostel-hospice-hotel, monastery, dormitory, prison, camp, refuge, refugee

Kuja Dosha = Mangala drishti to BOTH 7th from Chandra AND 7th from the Earthen-body birthing indriya-lagna

Relatively weak placement for vitality of financial wealth generation through Chandra-Mangala yoga.

Volatility and animosity in marriage due to sexual-proactive Mangala joined with emotionally impulsive Chandra in Vyaya bhava = 6th-from-7th = "enemies of marriage" .

Wealth generated via international relationships, private bedroom alliances, dormitories and monasteries, engagement with sanctuaries, imagination and fantasy realms, u nder the table activities.

private libraries, research laboratories,

sanctuary space, psychotherapy, privatization, private concerns, privy council,

works of the imagination, cloisters, closets, enclosures, dormitories ,

spiritual guidance, fantasies, private imagination, sleeping and dreams.

Dangerous but profitable travels in foreign lands. Danger of drowning. Possibility of disturbing dreams.

Chandra-Mangala yoga assists collections of treasury .

  • If the combination occurs in bhava-1, bhava-2, bhava-3, bhava-5, bhava-9, or bhava-11 = remarkable wealth may be forthcoming in the current incarnation regardless of the circumstances of birth.

Strongest in rashi of Mangala or Chandra: Mesha, Karkata, Vṛścika

Chandra-Mangala yoga can occur in any bhava, with the strength of Kuja being the greatest predictor of treasury.

However, bhava 1-2-5-9-11 = the strongest placements to indicate empowerment of affluence via self-generated income.

In bhava-3, chandra yuti Kuja may produce wealth via a businesswoman mother.

See also: extraordinary empowering parivartamsha of [nīcha] Chandra yuti nichha Mangala

Chandra yuti Kuja = impulsive emotionally, enjoys one's body-in-movement , stays fit or is at least quite conscious of one's appearance.

Women with this yoga tend to have an abundance of yang energy, which is to say they are ambitious, competitive, sexual, physically oriented, and enjoy public contests.

Generally very successful in the outer society. Emotionally motivated.

The Mother is active physically and she may be involved in the rejuvenating cycle of death and rebirth

  • Silly Love Songs 1942- Beatle Paul McCartney [Chandra-Mangala-Aśleṣa in ]8, transformative power, rejuvenation, evolutionary change, childbirth] JPM's mom was a nurse-midwife This pairing evokes the emotional, maternal, pushing-out and squeezing-contracting nature of [Mangala-Karkata] [nīcha] yuti [Chandra in Karkata] Mom died of embolism following breast cancer when PJM was a young teenager, age 14.

Better leaders than followers. Contribute value and are well rewarded materially for their work . In bhava 2, 5, 9, and 11 Chandra-Mangala yoga builds significant affluence .

However, one may not be so happy in private relationships, where one suffers the effects of selfishness and impatience.

Much depends on the rashi and bhava involved. Excellent material results in Makara, mesha, and Vṛścika where the native achieves a high position and wealth through productive, energized, disciplined efforts.

In rashi of Shani, will be attracted to large organizations.

In rashi of Kuja, success through competition, metals, and heat.

When in Karkata, may be too emotionally volatile to be productive and in fact becomes a disruptive force. Physical exercise is essential for happiness .

Ideally this native can be involved, at least casually, in a competitive sport.



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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" The night is nearly over; the day is almost here.

So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light."

~~Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans 13:12
