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AUM kem ketave namah OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah AUM som somaya namah
Chandra चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere ठ tha = disk of moon ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator occupies
comforted by witnessed emptiness
Sankara thesika saantha poorana annamoolathevi sahaayakrube|
Nirṛti https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirṛti emotional patterning delivered into the Earth consciousness grid conferred by the races of The Cat's Eyes = Lesath (al-Ascha) and Shaula https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upsilon_Scorpii https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_Scorpii |
See also: Chandra in a nakshatra of Ketu
Nakshatra Trine of Ketu = the witness,
disregard of edges and limits,
Ketu-ruled Chandra = emotionally dispersed, detached, and scattered to edge of their energy field Each of the Ketu-ruled nakshatra of Chandra = emotionally compatible with the other impermanent, surrendering, wandering, Ketu-ruled Observers
[Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided
[00-00 until 03-19 Chandra-Dhanus] [inventive-pioneering Mūla-1] [navamsha [Chandra-Mesha] intuitively sensitive pursuing competitive champion
[03-20 until 06-39 Chandra-Dhanus] [oratorical-heritage Mūla-2] [navamsha Chandra-Urisha-uchcha] intuitively sensitive evaluating, storytelling, remembering historical truth
[06-40 until 09-59 [collaborative-communicative Mūla-3] [navamsha Chandra in Mithuna] intuitively sensitive detailed explanatory description
[10-00 until 13-19 Chandra-Dhanus] [ethno-rhythmic Mūla-4] [navamsha Karkata Chandra] intuitively sensitive pulsing, rhythmic, ritualized folkways-defense
Galactic Roots * Comfort Zone Capitulation = surrendering one's head (decapitated Ketu). ruled by collapsing Ketu * the Root of the Galaxy From Chandra-Dhanus indriya-lagna, sober serious structured hierarchical Shani activates
may be ideologically "tone deaf" due to disregard for doctrinal beliefs
[Mūla] Chandra expresses themes of annihilation, total destruction-and-rebirth, vacuum effect, nothing ness, ability to sacrifice everything, disorientation, and the most profound anti-materialism which can produce the most profound spiritual liberation. The key with Mula is (no surprise) ... consciousness. To make predictions about total-risk Mula, it is essential to identify whether the experience of vacuuming-out the debris of the past is happening on an interior spiritual level (radical inner transformation) or on an exterior, social-material level (political revolution, mass-death weapons, Chandra in Mūla often has boundary issues. The ways in which one may experience any Ketu-ruled nakshatra can range from the meaningless to the sublime, depending on the level of consciousness. Inwardly, there is a sense of evacuation which may be deeply peaceful. emotionally vacuous -- // nothing matters //
comfortable with massive collapse no concern for consequences (can be highly liberating, or can result in a prison sentence) often deeply attuned to faith convictions centered on a single moment of total transformation seeks solace in credenda of total rebirth via perfect sacrifice holds to worldview which dissolves, ignores, or destroys the past intuitive capacity for extreme preaching in search of that instantly dissolving experience, may move from sangha to sangha, congregation to congregation, faith-community to faith-community philosophical ideological inspiration protects the radical (Mula root) ethno-nationalist [Chandra] ideology (Dhanus beliefs) often a politician, or preacher who politicizes from the pulpit comfortable with risk on a global scale [Dhanus] [soothed by apocalyptic liberation = total destruction and total rebirth in a single, violent moment (violent means breaking ) seeks shelter among the total-risk believers Ketu-conscious-contentment of the headless collapsing Ketu = Observer of Cosmic Fires, resides in the Galactic Core
manifestation of expansive, optimistic Professor Guru + surrendering, apathetic, collapsing Professor Ketu = chidrakaraka = splitter, separator, beheader radical Chandra occupies Mula = Galactic Root * dissolved boundaries, chaos, multiple simultaneous possibilities
All comments below must be adjusted to accommodate the role of Professor Guru in the nativity. As the great natural abundance-giver subhagraha, awell-placed Brihaspati lord of Dhanus can provide such a great basis of True Faith in life that even the vicissitudes of ignoring-human-limits Mula can be compensated.
Emotionally, mula is a difficult slice of the circle of stars, due primarily to characteristic patterns of reckless self-deception. Vichruta-Soma offers its own unique life challenges including the emotional hollowness often experienced by those born into the Ketu-ruled nakshatra (Aśvini, magha, [Mūla] Vichruta). Despite holding grandly humanistic beliefs [Guru], [Mūla] Chandra suggests that incompleteness and dissatisfaction - Ketu, a-Laxmi * may characterize one's experience of living in the material world. Tendency toward moral and philosophical Nihilism. There can be a peacefully transformative spiritually awakening expression, or a violently destructive ground-zero expression.
Since Ketu obliterates the moral clarity of customary, habitual Chandra, one may lack a moral compass.
Prone toward a cycle of enthusiastic over-expansion [Guru] followed by emotionally apathetic separating, sacrificial contraction [Ketu] Mother is Typically, adisrespecter or disregarder of Emotional Boundaries [Mūla] Chandra takes on large humanistic projects [Dhanus] in philosophy and religious education
characteristic emotional pattern = a huge surge of embracing optimism [Guru] followed by disconnected apathy [Ketu] [Mūla] Chandra may lack faith in oneself, while the drive to establish a root-connection to honored faith traditions is very strong The core convictions start out extremely strong but as a rule Mula takes on too much too fast If a Ketu-ruled Chandra = yuti-Ketu the emotional fragmentation may facilitate a burn out or bail out result
Extreme example of widespread annihilation (zero-ing out)
Hitler's Ketu-ruled [Mūla] Chandra-6 + svakshetra Guru provides a tremendous expansion of the power of belief [Dhanus] applied to narratives of blaming and accusation (6) + Ketu-6 = emotional detachment, apathy, dehumanization, disregard for consequences. For Hitler with Chandra-6 in both D-1 and in D-9, chronic illnesses during his lifetime would have created a perpetual weariness along with a constitutional weakness toward erratic ideological arguments. In practice, [Mūla] Chandra functions like a papagraha . Like most papagraha, the Mula Chandra may produce more beneficial results in the upachaya bhava = 3, 6, 10, and 11 -- at least in terms of public life. [Mūla] Chandra is never helpful for private life, however, as Mula contributes to restlessness and scattering of focus in family decisions. [Mūla] Chandra's parenting style is contradictory with a stated aim of family security but voluntary behaviors which introduce dissociation and loss. The keynote of [Mūla] Chandra is often "avoidable loss " - loss which was caused by the [Mūla] Chandra's individual choices and not by greater natural forces. After catastrophic loss self-caused, mula looks back with calm acceptance finding the disaster "inevitable" while many in Mūla's environment would label the damage "avoidable" . and also Mula Chandra provides surprising insights for Urisha indriya-lagna in bhava-8, the svabhava of Vṛścika co-ruled by Ketur. Amorality * dissolves the walls-boundaries-limits * alaxmi Adhering rather to the broader galactic standards, mula folk are generally not bound by conventional moral or philosophical limitations (Guru-yuti-Ketu) . Mula tends to perceive both human alliances and cosmic phenomena as only briefly existent, discrete and only distantly and temporarily related to each other. Emotionally, mula is unbound . One feels free to expand in any direction that opens upon the horizon. The cause-and-effect relationship of actions-to-consequences has relatively little meaning for Mula. This is especially notable in matters of ethical responsibility, which Mula generally does not recognize. For example, from my files: a Mula father who states uncategorically (Mula = uncategorical, unlimited, unconstrained) that he feels [Chandra] it quite natural for his children to experiment with drug addiction, drop out of school, have teenage pregnancies, be homeless runaways etc.
A Mula wife who feels [Chandra] that her sporadic [Ketu] extramarital affairs should not affect the loyalty and longevity of her marriage. According to her, whatever random [Ketu] romantic opportunity [Guru] might arise can be indulged without consequences, since the two things - marriage and Affairs du Coeur - are not connected. A Mula pastor who feels [Chandra] that dipping into his church's financial accounts for purposes of personal luxury spending should not affect the spiritual integrity of his preaching. According to him, whatever occasional petty theft he might undertake, his personal indiscretion is not related to the philosophy he speaks from the pulpit (dissociative Ketu). Annihilating Risk Mula hears Professor Guru's deep-faith message within the personality context of Ketu's apathetic lack of limits Escape Mula Chandra may escape the safe natural limits byoverestimating (optimistic Guru!) one's available strength:
one may try to walk on water, rush into burning buildings, and otherwise do super-human things -- usually with severe consequences Iterations of Extreme Religiosity A Conflict of Convictions: Celebration + Despair
traumatized Ketu believes that"nothing matters " . All existence is ephemeral. Arising of material forms is arbitrary and meaningless. All relationships end in abandonment and despair. All life turns to death.
Mula wants to be deeply pious and faithful. There is a profound, lifelong conviction that deep, simple core religious power does permeate all of the diverse planes of experience . Yet, directionless Ketu veers from the expansive, pro-development mainstream approach to faith-based, religiously guided life practice. Dissociative Ketu sees no purpose in developing or maintaining specific life forms. After a magnificently religious start, Ketu abandons the project.
For Mula, it should be expected that several iterations of the cycle of great inspiration followed by exhaustion and despair will occur during the life of [Mūla] Chandra . Mahadasha of Chandra may be particularly acute. Mula reiterates the cycle until all possible sources of inspiration have expired. Inspire and Abandon Mula feels [Chandra] worshipfully inspired by all things Guru
Thus Mula embarks in great emotional enthusiasm of belief toward projects of marriage, children, teaching, preaching, and blessings of wisdom. For Mula, the problem occurs when Ketu feels inclined to abandon the very projects which one so fervently and faithfully embraced! Ketu's destruction is not willy-nilly in Mula, but rather Ketu tends to abandon these specific commitments
Endeavors of life which are not specifically associated with Guru are normally not damaged by the Alaxmi effect of Mular. Mula which lies entirely within Dhanus, the rashi of religious liturgy , has a particular affinity for extreme religious austerities.
In youth, too much too fast is usually the Mula rule with quick immersion e.g. a baptism or initiation rebirth followed by a slide into apathy and then movement into another iteration of immersion-conviction-commitment-apathy-despair.
After middle age, the Mula personality settles more socially but the persistent affliction of disappointment in the large-scale incapacities of human civilization tends to remain. mūla] Chandra may find oneself walking through T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland of largely meaningless religious practice or ideological activism based on convictions that one has long since failed to cherish. Rahu in 9 or Rahu-Dhanus + Mula Chandra: [Mūla] Chandra may continue under false pretenses to attend in one's baptismal church or hereditary temple after dipping into a life-changing baptism or receipt of a life-changing mantra, long after the promised life-change has reverted to its Ketu-ized empty core..
One may remain engaged in planet-saving environmental activism long after one's core conviction that humans can or will really do anything to change a massive scale planetary process may have long since expired. Mula may be reasonably productive, especially after the cataclysmic religious embrace-devaluation cycles of youth have weakened, but the issue for them is not meaning in the outside world: it is a lack of meaning in their corer. Mula forms the gateway to the galactic Sun, whose wisdom-forces are not gentle. Remembering former incarnations outside Earth which provided a more godly body-vehicle, the Mula native does not easily accept the small range of behaviors which human bodies find as their"comfort zone" . Rather, mula tends to push the human body-mind far past its natural capacity. Ketu's detachment combined with Guru's optimism creates Mūla's tendency to violate human-body boundaries for sleep/wake, food/toxins, heat/cold, and pleasure/pain." Alaxmi" gives "bad luck" or reversals of fortune, labeling Mula as the most volatile and dangerous of the Nakshatra . [Mūla] Chandra is often externally successful, with a cheerful social personality [Guru] and can-do attitude at work. Chandra-Mūla is an inspiring and capable manager in the world. Emotionally However, one remains an almost desperate seeker of truth - and that desperation to find Root Meaning can lead [Mūla] Chandra to acts of excess and risk. Normal life and conventional relationships leave one unsatisfied. No-limits Mula can be reckless . The psychological assessment"reckless disregard for consequences " often attends the Mula native.
[Mūla] Soma especially reckless with matters of emotional health and well-being. The [Mūla] Soma native may engage in unsupportable riskwhich threatens the stability of one's physical health, the basis of social security invested in one's marriage and family, one's dwelling place, or even one's national security. Emotionally, mula profiles a betrayer who feels that they have been betrayed. EXAMPLE Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 drama-song Judy Garland [ethno-rhythmic Mūla-4]
Subject to self-destructive electro-magnetic initiating thoughts , tinged by a longing for something impossibly distant. This Earth life is not easy. Mula gives fierce upheavals and catastrophic changes in the physical, emotional, and social environment. Generally, there are multiple occurrences of traumatic and apparently unprovoked upheavals such as accidents, revolutions, sudden onset of illness, and sudden changes of social status. Frequent"rage at the machine" -- embittered, feeling trapped and betrayed by an unjust, unpredictable world. Feminine Nativities in particular are prone to extramarital affairs, in which they often feel betrayed despite being themselves the betrayer. Mula endures these tests to prove something essential.
Prenatal maternal narrative of Ketu and Born intoKetu Mahadasha | Detached and apathetic Ketu is naturally adversarial to the attached and sympathetic Moon.
The mother may have been feeling ambivalent [Ketu] about her pregnancy with this child,
or simply distracted by conditions of separation or loss in her own life.
Perhaps her own mother was dying or there was some other abandonment script playing for the Mom.
Whether male or female, the Child will be distinguished throughout life by an emotional Mula ritual-priest behavior , in which one bonds to another person by performing the ritual duties of the role , but does not feel much emotional engagement when doing so. It may be easier for the Mula native to bond with belief systems and less easy to bond with human beings. Despite correct external performance, one is minute-to-minute implicitly aware of imminent separation from the emotional root - Nirriti * and this awareness prevents deeper investment in emotional bonding. The personality allows considerable religious and philosophical development [Guru] but the emotional roots are stunted at birth. Little overt recognition of any element of emotional need or lasting attachment beyond need of a socially recognized expression for one's ideological or philosophical convictions. One will marry, parent, earn, study etc. in order to satisfy the ritual expectations of the temple order but one is acutely aware of the arbitrary nature of these roles. Thus being a spouse or being a teacher or being a leader of an empire are all within the purview of Mula. However, it is Mūla's awareness of one's impending severance from the role which characterizes the decisions one might take while enacting the role.
This is the interior psychic replay of the Ketu narrative which repeats the saga of the myth of Rahu-Ketu. In the myth, Ketu knows that Rahu will misbehave and Therefore, acertain beheading or detachment from the directing intelligence of the being is inevitable and further it is imminent. This personality may become successful in outer material undertakings due to other planetary support, but inside emotionally one is forever detached from deeper expectations of conjoinment or continuity. (Should Ketu be yuti with Chandra in the nativity, the depth of detachment is very profound.) |
Narrative of Lifestyle Change: Conversion,
fanaticism, Exhaustion
One may immerse oneself profoundly in the ritual beliefs and practices of a singular faith tradition - only to catapult out of this one, exhausted from the extreme engagement, into another equally demanding set of austerities. There are likely to be several iterations of religious or ideological conversion within [Mūla] Chandra's life experience. for example,
Blind Faith Guidance The Witness Ketu = "chidrakaraka" (splitter, separator) reckless disregard for consequences |
[Guru-yuti-Ketu] = a highly peculiar and generally unfortunate combination. [Mūla] Chandra may agree to take on large projects and deep commitments (e.g. a job or a marriage) yet produce little or no follow-through. This is one of the reasons why Mula women are hard to get married. Their apathy about the follow-through is believed to imply that the married Mula woman will have no issue, or will have issue only after a long delay. Mūla's internal religious teacher [Guru] speaks with a voice which counsels unlimited expansion under guidance of Blind Faith This cosmic intuition, which is at its Root the voice of the magnificent galactic Sun , is for Mula combined with Ketu's fundamental apathy toward material outcomes. Plans consider the beginning, middle, and end results of a process. Ketu is constitutionally unable to utilize and fundamentally disinterested in any even remotely resembling a Plan. Ketu has an agenda to disconnect from outdated attachments and remove obstacles to spiritual union. Professor Ketu sees the interplay of all planes of existence. For this reason, Ketu is not attached to any fixed results on any particular plane. In human life, Ketu can be enormously frustrating because the Cauda Draconis is not in any way attached or committed to producing or maintaining results on the material plane.
Thus sudden, unplanned, unfocused, reckless, aborted, 'abuktha', going nowhere, no results The remarkable and not infrequently self-deceptive mixture of Guru's faith and Ketu's apathy can result in devil-may-care actions that look or sound positive at the beginning. Mula are famous for their cheerfully optimistic habit of saying"yes " However, due to the second voice of Ketu the first burst of expansion of entitlements may be followed by a second burst of abandonment [Ketu] or aimless wandering.
Self-knowing Mula natives However, simply hold their ground, enduring whatever outside fluctuations occur in the confidence that after every catastrophe, mula becomes stronger. Self-destructive impulse extends to the destruction of the primary vehicle of self-continuation, which is one's children. Mula destroys or damages reproductive fertility , often through catastrophic means such as fever of raging infection, accident, or surgery. If other graha protect enough to make children possible, the first child at least is damaged in some way, and all the children exhibit self-destructive behaviors. The best life settings for one involve vigorous physical activity and working professionally in high-stakes, high-conflict environments. Excellent politicians who naturally instill faith in their followers, and can get people to do things for them with charismatic charm during their initial burst of enthusiasm for an idea. When the physical scope is too limited, [Mūla] Chandra 's catastrophe-seeking intuition will find social or emotional upheavals to replace the physical emergency. |
Emotional distancing |
Like all the Ketu-ruled Chandra nakshatra, magha often longs for the company of one unattainable, distant, or uncaring.
A very extreme (and frightening) example
Marriage and the
psychic mirroring function o f intimate relationships |
[Mūla] Chandra may agree
[Shukra] to take on large
[Guru] projects and deep commitments (e.g. a holy vow,
ajob or a marriage) yet produce little or no follow-through.
Indeed Ketu = the chidrakaraka (splitter) and all three of Ketu's nakshatra are for this reason somewhat less auspicious for conventional money-and-pleasure oriented alliances. For spiritually intentional alliances, two partners can be matched on the basis of their shared Ketu Moons (matched among Aśvini, magha, or Mula) and excellent results can be obtained.
Aśvini, magha, mula will all characteristically face a lack of deep and lasting connection with Other. If the partner is too materialistic or otherwise unaccommodating to the Aśvini, magha, or Mula spiritual-detachment directive, mula can experience frustration in the limited viewpoint of the spouse (partner not seeing all planes, but Ketu sees all planes). Frustration with spousal fixation on specific forms may follow an exponential trajectory which eventually becomes unbearable to Ketu the Witness. Mūla's pattern can lead to abandonment [Ketu] triggered by despair. On the other hand, aspouse who has their own Ketu-ruled Moon really does understand, and the Mula native can share a lifetime of rather detached but still happy education and travel in the company of such a spouse. Marriages involving Aśvini + Magha + Mula are easier when childless, but ironically Ketu natives are unable to know this in advance.
Generally, masculaine-valence Mula born are well-suited to bachelor mode, perhaps after producing a few children in an early marriage.
Young marriage may be entered with exorbitant expectations and the wedding may be a wild celebration of blissful high truth. Yet, by middle age the depressing reality of human psychological resistance to merging with the divine can feel so burdensome to Mūla-born that they may pull out of even a long-established alliance in a state of exhausted despair. |
Feminine Nativities Only = Ketu-ruled Moon |
the female Mula native = "partner-optional" Although companionship may be appreciated and Mula may cheerful marry with positive expectation (so long as partner also enjoys a Rahu-Ketu ruled Chandra)
Spiritual director of this section of the Learning Pathway |
Trauma profile: |
Trauma profile = fear of annihilation
This behavior is not critical self-blaming but rather a subconscious tendency to place oneself in harm's way , inviting risk, promiscuity, and exposure to catastrophe. |
Navamsha Chandra-occupies D-9 Mula psychic mirroring function of intimate relationships EXAMPLES
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses one's own unacknowledged Mula behavior.
The spouse appears to become provocatively reckless , trying to incite an eruption of sudden reactivity in the partnerr. They like politics, and can attract a political mate with an interest in catastrophic risk [Mūla] [Mūla] Chandra expresses themes of annihilation, total destruction-and-rebirth, vacuum effect, nothing ness, ability to sacrifice everything, disorientation, and the most profound anti-materialism which can produce the most profound spiritual liberation. The ways in which one may experience any Ketu-ruled nakshatra can range from the meaningless to the sublime, depending on the level of consciousness. Inwardly, there is a sense of evacuation which may be deeply peaceful. [Mūla] Chandra may experience the partner as an agent of dishonesty, violence, reckless disregard for consequences, Or betrayal. If Mula Moon is well placed, the partner may also be an agent of extraordinary, shocking, life-changing truth. If with Rāhu or otherwise amplified, the partner becomes an agent of extreme emotional volatility, manifesting unpredictable or reckless behavior. The partner provokes arguments, breaks laws, and catalyzes social disruption. Even when things are going well, the partner needs plenty of volatile change in their life , ideally effected by constant international travel, and intense physical activity such as dance or sport. |
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