

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Nakshatra of Shukra

  1. Chandra in Aśvini - Dasra
  2. Chandra in Bharani - Yamya
  3. Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades
  4. Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran
  5. Chandra in Mrigashira - Invaka
  6. Chandra in Arudra - Orion
  7. Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya
  8. Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya
  9. Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga
  10. Chandra in Magha - Regulus
  11. Chandra in Purva-phalguni
  12. Chandra in Uttara-phalguni
  13. Chandra in Hasta - Savitra
  14. Chandra in Chitra - Spica
  15. Chandra in Svati - Arcturus
  16. Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā
  17. Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra
  18. Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares
  19. Chandra in Mūla - Vichruta
  20. Chandra in Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah
  21. Chandra in Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva
  22. Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Hari
  23. Chandra in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus
  24. Chandra in Sadachbia - Varuna
  25. Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus
  26. Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda
  27. Chandra in Revatī - Pashu


OM bhagayah namah


OM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

AUM som somaya namah



Professor Chandra

चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner

सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice

सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere

tha = disk of moon

ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations

निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator

resides in



पूर्व purva earlier + फल्गुनी phal-gunī

= full, producing, many kinds of fruit

योनी yonī [f]

= womb, uterus, vulva, source of life, origin, cause


= white, clear color of dawn, lightning, milk, silver

Only the Best


electro-magnetic emotional patterning delivered into the Earth consciousness grid

conferred by the races of

Zosma and Chertan


Butea Monosperma

Sacred to Purvaphalguni Nakshatra



Greek-style woman-feline sphynx with wings, circa 1910





[dramatic-creative Pūrvaphalgunī-1]

[navamsha-Chandra-Simha] intuitively sensitive to idealistic, entertaining political display



PADA-2 [analytical-helping Pūrvaphalgunī-2]

[navamsha Chandra-Kanya] intuitively sensitive ministry criticizing complaining feelings


[brokering-arranging Pūrvaphalgunī-3]

[navamsha Chandra-Tula] intuitively sensitive diplomatic arranging trading adjusting graceful sweet bargaining

[Pushkarya navamsha] political arrangements


[transformative-exploratory Pūrvaphalgunī-4]

[navamsha Chandra-Vṛścika] intuitively sensitive exploration secretive transformative revelatory feelings


Intra-compatible nakshatra trine ruled by musical, artistic, sensual harmonizing, deal-making, bargaining Shukran

Comfortable rhythms [Chandra] from balancing, alliance, bargaining, sensitive agreements, negotiation, deal-making, contracts, unions, diplomacy, pleasures , wealth, luxury, sweet taste

See also:

Chandra in nakshatra of Shukran

of the Shukra-ruled nakshatra of Chandra is emotionally compatible with other negotiating, trading, balancing, designing, shukra-ruled arrangers

  • [Chandra in Bharani - Yamya] needs to carry valuable burdens * Shelters assets * safeguards the treasuries * ensures contractual trust * protects natural resources * holds precious goods

  • [Chandra-Pūrvaphalgunī- Yoni] soothed by sparkling luxury * protectors of musical entertainments * calmed by creative performance * needs brilliant beauty

  • [Chandra in Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah] calmed by valued beliefs * protectors of inspirational beauty * soothed by divine music * needs philosophical harmony

Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī

Somana Purvaphalguni = "Best Pink Portion"


  • Wants [Chandra] to enjoy the best in life.

After a powerful early start marked by burst upon the scene attractiveness and glamour, tends toward reduced momentum in the mid-career.

Excellent support for the relationship-building element of political careers as well as the musical and artistic elements of entertainment or fashion careers.

May give a huge early burst of success due to creative genius or political charisma. Yet without strong support from other graha, later creative efforts may fall below expectations or flame out. On the foundation of earlier successes, typically, apattern of coasting on previous accomplishments, into a less remarkable middle and later phase.

However, all nakshatra of Shukra can grant beneficial relationships skills, and the native is usually well-liked throughout life.


POTUS-pair-18 Civil War 1826-1902 Julia Dent Grant [clandestine-insulated Pūrvaphalgunī-4] [ātmakāraka] [Yoni-Somana-yuti-Guru-Yoni] [12, backchannel power, behind-the-scenes]

  • JDG was an exceptionally popular First Lady, admired for her entertaining skills and her Whitehouse parties featuring talented artists and musicians. Julia played the piano and sang gaily, along with her war-weary guests. [also, Uttaraphalgunī-indriya-lagna]

Having been invested with trust and appreciation [Shukra] during the earlier half, continues to produce some political and entertainment charisma

[Surya] despite the lower energy of the later half.

The Purvaphalguni Chandra personality is usually able to sustain their natural charm and continue to practice creatively or politically at a reduced momentum during the second half of the career, albeit at a lower flame.



Material Girl 1958- dance song cinema Madonna [theatrical-displaying Yoni-1] [vargottamsha][Pūrvaphalgunī-Somana-yuti-Budha-Magha] [Chandra-3 parivartamsha Surya-2] [3, publication, production, events]

  • M sustained artistic creativity due to [Purvaphalguni Chandra parivartamsha exchange with ātmakāraka Surya] (while [Surya occupies both D-9 lagna and D-10 lagna]. This remarkable combination allows constant regeneration of the theatrical performance [Surya] from the emotional response to life [Chandra].


POTUS-36 Great Society 1908-1973 Lyndon Baines Johnson [brokering-bargaining Pūrvaphalgunī-3] + [Yoni-Somana-yuti-Surya-Magha] [Yoni-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Magha] [Yoni-Somana-yuti-Budha-Yoni] [Yoni-Somana-yuti-Guru-Magha] [10, organizational leadership]

  • Sustained upward political trajectory due to the remarkable plethora of graha accompanying Chandra dharmesha-9 , including the lords of 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 = Surya + [Guru-yuti-Budha] + Mangala.

Emotional need for relationships in which one holds political or creative authority.

"Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others."

Pūrvaphalgunī- Chandra may naturally assume a pleasantly glamorous center-stage ritual role. They feel most comfortable in whatever area of expertise has been developed by Surya. Calmed and validated by theatrical Pomp and Circumstance.

Needs ceremonial recognition of their bright glittering genius. Most comfortable and feeling settled when blessed with a gracious and luxurious lifestyle.

Pūrvaphalgunī- Chandra suffers from a certain degree of inner conflict about the nature of love and relationships.

One is trying to work out an unstable treaty between the two adversaries = self-centered Surya + relationship-oriented Shukra.

Emotional need for loving partnerships [Shukra] but also an equal need to be a celebrity figure who is often in the dramatic center of attention.

  • Surya creates brilliance, enthusiasm, self-reflexivity, political instincts, and drama

  • Shukra pursues the path of sensual pleasure, diplomacy, peer relationships, negotiations, and acquisition of financial well-being


  • Mother feel sa need for relationships which deliver theatrical-political validation and she basks in the attention of her audience, including the children, the spouse and his cronies.

  • Chandra-Purvaphalguni = comfortable within relationships with stage performers, politicians, and self-dramatizing personalities.

  • Parenting style meets the native 's need for center-stage recognition before attending to the concerns of children.


California Bobcat

Drama of inter-human relationships

glittering emotional center of interest

Yoni occupies in the center-stage hot zone of Simha where the limelight is always turned on, surya the rashi-pati and Shukra the nakshatra-pati have to duke it out

The result is usually abundant relationship drama (Shukra-Surya).

  • Purva-phalguni Chandra is rarely satisfied with a single partnership since no one single person can provide the amount of praise and attention that this native emotionally requires.

The result may manifest as a series of romantic partnerships which fascinate the public and provide plenty of material for literary dramatization.

Literary Genius

The zodiacal span from Purva-phalguni Chandra through Uttara-phalguni Chandra denotes many famous writers.

Purvaphalguni Chandra particularly denotes writers who are able to dramatize "lights and delights ".

If the significations of celebrated writing are well disposed = Budha, bhava-3, and bhava-5 = then Purvaphalguni Chandra may possess a natural ability to apprehend and communicate the sensual-material [Shukra] empowerments [Surya].

These empowerments are rendered via royal birth, magical intelligence (tantra) personal charisma, or a light-centric view of the universe.

Emotional Negotiator: Self [Surya] vs Other [Shukra] =

A difficult but interesting placement. Shukra tries to balance two persons but Surya tries to put all the attention upon one person.

Similar in emotionally driven wealth-acquiring and harmony-seeking behaviors to the other two Shukra-ruled nakshatra Bharani - Yamya and Pūrvāṣāḍhā.

  • Bharani - Yamya negotiates Mangala-Shukra, which is not overly difficult due to the neutral relationship between Kuja and Shukra.

  • Pūrvāṣāḍhā negotiates Guru-Shukra, which can indeed be problematic due to the adversarial pairing of two competing benefics.

  • Uniquely, the Purvaphalguni native seeks an awkward path toward emotional wholeness and belonging [Chandra]: validation [Shukra] via praise for exceptional individual brilliance [Surya].

Dramatic Theater, and Celebrity Politics

Intelligent drama of Surya combines with Shukra's beauty and grace. Purvaphalguni Chandra is a natural fit for careers in theatre and politics.

Public speaking and mingling with the rich-and-famous are two favorite activities of these charismatic personalities.

Purvaphalguni does need the attention emotionally - there is a deep hunger for applause. However, the native is typically gifted with the natural ability to attract what one needs from the public; and public life with its one-to-many relationships is often quite satisfying.

  • A lack of satisfaction is more often felt in private life with one-to-one relationships, where Shukra's cool equality between partners does not provide the emotional"rush" of momentary deification sought by the Surya-ruled nakshatra placements.

self-centered + peer-interactive

Surya and Shukra = mortal enemies. These two adversaries constantly compete for control of one 's core sense of well-being.

Shukra claims the path of Love-as-Pleasure-with-Other, while Surya demands Love-as-Sole-Channel-of-Divine-Power.

Thus the ideal arrangement delivers both

  • one-to-one intimate partnerships - often several of these

  • plus a steady dose of the essential one-to-many relationships that a theatrical stage performer develops with the proletarian audience, fanclubs, readership, followers, supporters, electorate, etc.

Although other graha must be considered in making recommendations, often the best lifestyle involves a core intimate union such as a marriage, combined with occasional or frequent appearances in the brilliant sparkling spotlight.

  • UK-Princess Royal 1950- equestrienne Anne Windsor Laurence [secretive-disguising Pūrvaphalgunī-4] + [Yoni-Budha-yuti-Shani-Yoni] [Chandra-10 parivartamsha Surya-9] Lagnesha Kuja-12 shows that AL is a private, even reclusive personality. However Chandra-Shani-Budha in Simha-10 prove her daunting responsibilities for public ceremonial display. AL attends hundreds of showcase events each year, representing the British royal family [Simha]. Holding the public eye, often on camera, and as the singular visual focus of the audience attention, receiving appreciative congratulatory applause.


Nelumno Nucifera blooming in Adelaide, australia

Ways to get validation via center of attention

The Purvaphalguni native who may lack a career in performance arts, fashion, or politics will find some other way to receive their center-stage emotional nourishment.

They often drive flashy cars - usually larger or more specialized or more expensive than required by their lifestyle. Women are prone to plunging necklines and males to super-sporty clothes.

Purvaphalguni women tend to prefer male-dominated environments where the female presence will stimulate male competition and she will receive more attention.

For example, afemale professional may enjoy working in the male-dominated engineering field, or of course in politics. Husbandly-companions enjoy motorcycles, actresses, extreme sports, and parties.


Active beings, both socially and physically. The native is sensual, sociable, and committed to both the path of power and the path of enjoyment in human life

  • Desire for attention often generates Multiple romantic relationships

Extraordinary personal entitlement


Like all three of the Shukra-ruled nakshatra, purvaphalguni gives Bhagadaivata or"luck of the demons ".

  • A love of powerful company and celebrity glamour is their hallmark.

  • Can be slightly handicapped by a laziness, often traced to the comforts of the family estate.

  • Connoisseurs of every pleasure , with persistently high entitlement to partake of life's "best offerings ". Huge love of human beings, their animalistic contradictions and their true divinity.

Purvaphalguni Chandra, while a party-lover and sensually inclined always, will not descend into mindless indulgence. Surya = karaka for Intelligence. Native is typically more than capable mentally but the intelligence is focused upon obtainment of nurturing within relationships and social validation via personal power and glory.

  • Deep emotional need feel special, privileged and refined.

Spiritual director of this section of the Learning Pathway

Trauma pattern:

  • fear of isolation, abandonment, rejection

Prenatal maternal narrative of Shukra and Born into Shukra Mahadasha

Strong planetary animosities

  • Shukra and Surya are fierce mutual enemies.

  • Shukra treats Chandra as an enemy.

  • Chandra has no enemies.

From Simha-Chandra lagna, shukra activates the sahaja bhava (3) and the karma-bhava (10). The parents are often significantly involved in business activities at the time of the prenatal epoch and the native 's birth.

Purvaphalguni natives are born into a narrative of pleasure-and-treasure-accumulation [Shukra]. Preferring the pleasures of collected valuable goods and conserved knowledge, they keep the script of cherished wealth close to their emotional hearts throughout life. The script is diversified by the application of Shukra's sensual talents to the tasks of commercial business (3) and public leadership (10). The native is often called into public life most frequently in the business of politics and entertainment.

The mother would have been especially concerned with matters of siblings and playmates (3) capitalization of treasury into self-owned business (3) group dynamics such as communication with her neighbors and immediate friends (3) and professional service (10) or public reputation and respect through leadership in her local context (10) . Public recognition would have been important to her. Due to Shukra's influence she would have been thinking about her own attractiveness, dramatic liveliness, and beauty. All of these concerns remain part of the native 's psychic narrative throughout life.

If Ketu yuti Chandra within a nakshatra of Shukra,

one may slowly lose the hair, teeth, sight, or voice. There may be separation or abandonment in relationship during bhukti of Ketuva.

If Chandra yuti Shukra, one's mother indulges the Purvaphalguni child in sweets and treats, which spoils the child for life. Being spoiled does not harm the career and may in fact enhance it, as one will work hard for the luxury treats. However, the entitlement to sweet pleasures becomes unshakable when Chandra + Shukra, especially in a nakshatra of Shukra.

Navamsha Somana occupies D-9 Purvaphalguni

psychic mirroring function of intimate relationships


In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Purvaphalguni behavior.




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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!