![]() |
Rashi - Samchara - Bhava - Graha Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga the earlier part of the Lion contributions coming to Earth from the star-civilizations of Zosma and Chertan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_Leonis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theta_Leonis classroom of Professor Sweet Shukra curriculum of musical drama and romantic games Purvaphalguni Nakshatra: Planetary Ruler [Sweetly Suave Shukra]
Orchidae Vata
Kapha |
OM shum shukraya namah OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah OM bhagayah namah Thurkathi naasini thoobaprakaasini jeya pooramthevi sahaayakrube| Purva-phalguni √ फल् phal fruitful, bursting + √ गुण् gun generate, multiply पूर्वफल्गुनी pūrva-phalgunī पूर्व purva earlier + फल्गुनी phal-gunī = full, producing, many kinds of fruit purvarjuni - purve-phalguni - phalgunyasha - prakphalguni - phalgunika pubba - pooram √ यु yu join, mix Yoni योनि yoni [m]-- योनी yonī [f] = womb, uterus, vulva, source of life, origin, cause Yonidevata योनिदेवता yoni-devatā = having Yoni as its divine patron √ रज् raj = shine, glitter √ रञ्ज् ranj = be colored, be healthy Arjuni अर्जुनी arjunī = white, clear color of dawn, lightning, milk, silver [argent] √ अय् ay = go Aya अय aya = going forward, fortune [name for any type of 11th-amsha]
Sarasvati - from lotussculpture.com |
The Eleventh Nakshatra (new system)
Purvaphalguni Nakshatra Celestial Location ~~ Roebuck, The Circle of Stars
other names for Zosma:
other names for al-Kharatan - Chertan
Regional Names for Purva-phal-guni
prApti - advent, occurrence, reach , range , extent, arrival, the power (of the wind) to enter or penetrate everywhere, the power of obtaining everything (one of the 8 superhuman faculties),saving , rescue or deliverance from, obtaining , meeting with, finding, discovery, determination
vriddhi - growth , increase , augmentation, rise, advancement, extension, welfare, prosperity, success, fortune, happiness; swelling or rising (of the sea or of the waters), waxing (of the moon); gain, profit from lending money, usury, interest (11th nakshatra)
Parthian - Pahlavi
The animal symbol of Purva-Phalguni is the Female Ratus |
from the Persian-Egyptian viewpoint https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_stars
ref: Davis, G. A. (1945). The so-called royal stars of Persia. Popular Astronomy, Vol. 53, p. 149. archived in https://adsabs.harvard.edu According to Davis, there is no textual justification for including Regulus within the scope of the watcher of the southern sky. Rather, the entire constellation of Haft-Aurang is this Southern Quadrant Watcher from the historical Chinese viewpoint quote from wikipedia WRT theta-Leonis as one of the Four Watchers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theta_Leonis " In Chinese, 太微右垣 (Tài Wēi Yòu Yuán), meaning Right Wall of Supreme Palace Enclosure, refers to an asterism consisting of Theta Leonis, beta Virginis, sigma Leonis, iota Leonis and Delta Leonis. Consequently, theta Leonis itself is known as 太微右垣四 (Tài Wēi Zuǒ Yuán sì, English: the Fourth Star of Right Wall of Supreme Palace Enclosure.),[16] representing 西次相 (Xīcìxiāng), meaning The Second Western Minister. #35199;次相 (Xīcìxiāng), spelled Tsze Seang by R.H. Allen, means " the Second Minister of State" " |
Sacred tree for Purvaphalguni nakshatra see nakshatra gardens at: www.vedicvanas.com/nakshatravana.html
Butea Monosperma tree "Flame of the Forest" sacred to Purvaphalguni nakshatra Favorite tree of Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore |
Butea Monosperma tree = sacred to Purvaphalguni nakshatra this one lives in West Bengal |
PURVAPHALGUNI ATTRIBUTES Purvaphalguni Nakshatra Body Part
BPHS Auspicious events Purvaphalguni Nakshatra
Purvaphalguni Nakshatra Symbol
Purvaphalguni Nakshatra gana - group
Purvaphalguni Nakshatra Tibetan Tradition
Psycho-socially compatible with Purva-phalguni = Nakshatra of Shukra materialistic, accumulating, sensual Shukra folk share a great fondness for beauty, design, music, scents, pleasure and treasure.
Nakshatra of Shani materialistic, structuring, status-oriented, rule of law. Shani people are systems people. Shukra folk may form an elegant, status-acquisitive, architectural pair with hierarchical, structural Shani. Nakshatra of Budha mercantile, conversational, collaborative, shopkeeper Budha may form a happy pairing with financially capable, treasure-keeper Shukra. Professor Budha may indicate the salesperson, the explainer, the planner while the Shukra partner is more concerned with beauty, fine arts, music, and wealth acquisition.
Psycho-socially neutral with Purva-phalguni = Nakshatra of Brihaspati Guru values beliefs and Guru neautrally accepts value of commodities too Nakshatra of Mangala - Kuja can be aggressive but Kuja importantly provides mating energy for making matches Psycho-socially uneasy with Bharani - Yamuna whether highly exciting [Rahu] or deeply observing [Ketu] the fascinating yet disruptive nodal styles conflict with Shukra's balance-seeking, matching, gracious, negotiating, equable style Most catalytic (challenging) nakshatra for Bharani - YamunaNakshatra of Surya The solo, self-reflexive style of Earthen Sun conflicts with smoothing Shukra's partnering, two-party style Nakshatra of Chandra Soma's parenting, caretaking style conflicts with Shukra's attraction-repulsion, equal-partners style |
Shakti of Purvaphalguni Nakshatra QUOTATION from Dennis Harness The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology "11. Purva Phalguni: The Fruit of the Tree (Leo 13 20'to 26 40') This creative nakshatra is ruled by the planet Venus denoting brilliant skills in the fine arts and a love of pleasure. The sensual singer Madonna has both her Ascendant and Moon residing here.
Purva Phalguni Career Interests
Purva Phalguni is formed by two stars, Leonis and Zosma which are found at the rear flank of the Lion." |
BPL opines about Purva-phala-guni Nakshatra [Shukra rules Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī indriya-lagna] [relationships
Drama, fashion, Entertainment, politics Purva-phaluni being Shukra-ruled is a splendid located for Feminine Nativities, particularly those whose social identity is mate, spouse, or partner. The native is a charming genius [Simha] of relationships [Shukra] . Often a pleasant singer [Shukra]. Being located entirely within Surya-ruled Simha rashi, the cast of Purvaphalguni contains primarily dramatic actors, those working in the entertainment industry such as fashioners, costumers, stylists, and set designers, and those associated with politics. Normally Purvaphalguni are the partners [Shukra] of politicians rather than the politician; However, it is possible for Purvaphalguni personalities to also hold the political role as a specialist in the making of bargains, deals, and agreements [Shukra]. Typical areas media industry, ensemble work, meetings, schedules, siblings, correspondence, event-planning , presentations, cohort, teams, business, corporate department, travel itineraries, tour group, writing, publications, photography , scripts, song-writing, short presentations and productions, slogans and jingles, announcements, newspaper, evangelism , cinema, advertising, marketing Traits of Purva-phala-guni
Puzzle-pieces, information provided
Entrapment potentials
Shukra controlling a portion of Surya's rashi = conflict, usually self-medicated |
QUOTATION from Valerie Roebuck, The Circle of the Stars, p. 07 " Best, Juiciest Portion" " Fulfillment, cleansing, good luck, well-being, and amorous pleasure ." |
Shakti of the Purvaphalguni Nakshatra commentary by Pdt.David Frawley, Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra www.vedanet.com " Bhaga desired, "May I partake of the best portion of the Gods ." One who makes the appropriate offering to Bhaga, to the Phalgunis,
Those born under Purva Phalguni seek the best portion for themselves.
Vocabulary for Purva-phalguni
Rising Nakshatra Feminine Nativity Yoni - Bhagadaivata - Prakphalguni - Arjuni BPL COMMENTARY For Purvaphalguni - Yoni - births of a feminine valence, the condition of sweetly musical, artistic, harmony-seeking, negotiating, balancing, arranging, designing, matching, pairing, sensually pleasuring akarshana-karaka Bright Beautiful Bhrigu may considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the Shukra-ruled paradigm of Vutavabana, feminine figures such as sisters, aunts, and wives, along with partnerships, contracts, bargains, sensual pleasures, lovers, artistic beauty, luxurious scents, treasuries, financial arrangements, and music, may be especially influential. Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Zosma. Their purpose is to dramatize, glamorize, and politicize the grand theatrical values of creative life. Diplomatic charm [Sweetly Suave Shukra] -ruled Purvaphalguni ladies are often the diva type. Yoni-born are found in the sparkling bright worlds of political diplomacy, romantic idealism, entertainment, speculative finance, performance arts, and fashion design. Women born into a nakshatra of Shukra are often blessed by a special aptitude for music, beauty, treasuries, ornaments, design arts, and financial affairs. Yoni-born are happiest when playing musical instruments, dancing on the theatrical stage, or performing a richly costumed dramatic role for an appreciative audience, delighted by spectacle and applause, they glitter and radiate at parties, creative events, political campaigns, and games. Depending upon the placements of dhanakaraka Shukra and dhana=pati Budha, the Purvarjuni-born may also display financial intelligence, deal-brokering ability, and glamour in romantic relationships. Queenly and self-referential, they require equity in marriage and business contracts. Honesty is deeply important to them. Yet, due to Shukra's bargaining nature, the insult of disloyalty may be balanced by financial compensation. Like all sweet-seeking Shukra-governed births, bhagadaivata-born must take care to avoid the misuse of drugs and alcohol. Political and creative success depends upon the charisma of lagnesha Surya. Financial success depends upon the dual-dhanakaraka Shukra and Budha. Themes of theatrical celebrity, lavish musical entertainments, arts and fashion, and financial agreements may contextualize Pubba's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra-Purvaphalguni.
POTUS-pair-22-24 Needlework 1864-1947 Frances Folsom Cleveland after remarriage, serving as national president of the Needlework Guild in 1933. (Wells College) |
from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 95 " ... an oval face, whose features are well proportioned
Very hospitable and sociable, she likes to meet people
She likes to sew or embroider
She also is keenly interested in occult subjects
She is scrupulous in her obligations
[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939] |
Feminine Public-Figure Examples Pūrvaphalgunī svamsha (astral baseline)
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-1] = [Simha] [DOUBLE SIMHA] [demonstrating, displaying, creative, artistic, glittering, showy, ceremonial, brightly intelligent, confident, narcissistic, splendidly dramatic, gaming, romantic, political, entitled.] [Urisha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = treasures, pleasures, wines, music, visual arts, beauty, luxury, face-eyes-mouth, finance, capitalization, evaluation, assessment, pricing, hoarding, genetics, breeding, cattle, memory, knowledge, speech-song, tradition, ornaments, storage, food.]
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-2] = [Kanya] [Logistical, analytical, strategic, calculating, ministering, helpful, tactical, assisting, medicating, arguing, complaining, litigious, human services, seva, scandal.] [Mithuna 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = mercantile, process-product manufacturing, sales, scripted, administrative, project-managing, media-messaging, announcing, writing-publishing, information delivery, radio, television, cinema, internet, advertising, data processing, ensemble production, manual skills, teamwork]
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-3] = [Tula] [Pushkara pada] [negotiating, brokering, adjusting, equity, attorney, advocacy, accommodating, graciously arranging, pleasant, diplomatic, deal-making, trust-building, dithering, compromising, contractual, balancing, fair-deals, trade.] [Karkata 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = tribal, ethno-national, agricultural, customary, fluctuating, border-defense, wall-builder, farmer, sustains a way-of-life, marine, protective, caretaking, ritualized. rhythmic/algorithmic, stays in the ancient ruts, building, property-owning, transport ]
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-4] = [Vrischika] [transformative, identity-changing, mysterious, eruptive, shocking, penetrating, recycling, secret-keeping, revolutionary, healing, disguising, discovering, hidden-power.] [Simha10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = political, theatrical, entitled, ceremonial, creative, idealistic, flamboyant, games, genius, romance, artistic performance, fashion-style, solar-energy, central attention-getter, glittering radiance, demonstrating, bright display]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples Pūrvaphalgunī Svamsha
Rising Nakshatra Masculine Nativity Yoni - Bhagadaivata - Prakphalguni - Arjuni BPL COMMENTARY For Purvaphalguni - Yoni - births of a masculine valence, the condition of sweetly musical, artistic, harmony-seeking, negotiating, balancing, arranging, designing, matching, pairing, sensually pleasuring akarshana-karaka Bright Beautiful Bhrigu may considerably affect the outcome. Due to the definitive influence of kalatra-karaka Shukra, gentlemen born into the realms of Bharani - Yamya, Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī, or Pūrvāṣāḍhā may find that their worldview is greatly shaped by the character of the feminine companions. For those born into the Shukra-ruled paradigm of Vutavabana, feminine figures such as sisters, aunts, and wives, along with partnerships, contracts, bargains, sensual pleasures, lovers, artistic beauty, luxurious scents, treasuries, financial arrangements, and music , may be especially influential. Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Zosma. Their purpose is to dramatize, glamorize, and politicize the grand theatrical values of creative life. Diplomatic charm [Sweetly Suave Shukra] -ruled Purvaphalguni gentlemen are often found in the sparkling bright worlds of politics , romantic idealism, entertainment, speculative finance, and spectator sports. Yoni-born chaps often display a thick mane of leonine hair and a charming sense of humor. They are happiest when enjoying a choreographed sport, playing music, dancing with agility and grace, or performing a richly costumed dramatic role for an appreciative audience, delighted by spectacle and applause, they glitter and smile at parties, political campaigns, gambling and games.. Depending upon the placements of dhanakaraka Shukra and dhana=pati Budha, the Purvarjuni-born may also excel in financial showmanship, bargaining toward a political or commercial agreement, and the high drama of romantic relationships. Like all Shukra-governed births, bhagadaivata-born must take care to avoid the misuse of drugs and alcohol. Political success depends upon the charisma of lagnesha Surya. Financial success depends upon the dual-dhanakaraka Shukra and Budha. Themes of political celebrity, lavish musical entertainments, arts and fashion, and financial agreements may contextualize Pubba's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra-Purvaphalguni.
QUOTATION Pūrvaphalgunī from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 83 " A physical rather than a mental type.
He must guard against impulsiveness since he is apt to to act without sufficient thought
He is very active physically and will be proficient at various sports
These people seem never to rest and are constantly in motion.
[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939] |
Masculine Public-Figure Examples = Pūrvaphalgunī indriya-lagna
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-1] = [Simha] = [DOUBLE SIMHA] [demonstrating, displaying, creative, artistic, glittering, showy, ceremonial, brightly intelligent, confident, narcissistic, splendidly dramatic, gaming, romantic, political, entitled.] [Urisha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = treasures, pleasures, wines, music, visual arts, beauty, luxury, face-eyes-mouth, finance, capitalization, evaluation, assessment, pricing, hoarding, genetics, breeding, cattle, memory, knowledge, speech-song, tradition, ornaments, storage, food.]
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-2] = [Kanya] [Logistical, analytical, strategic, calculating, ministering, helpful, tactical, assisting, medicating, arguing, complaining, litigious, human services, seva. ] [Mithuna 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = mercantile, process-product manufacturing, sales, scripted, administrative, project-managing, media-messaging, announcing, writing-publishing, information delivery, radio, television, cinema, internet, advertising, data processing, ensemble production, manual skills, teamwork]
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-3] = [Tula] [Pushkara pada] [negotiating, brokering, adjusting, equity, attorney, advocacy, accommodating, graciously arranging, pleasant, diplomatic, deal-making, trust-building, dithering, compromising, contractual, balancing, fair-deals, trade.] [Karkata 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = tribal, ethno-national, agricultural, customary, fluctuating, border-defense, wall-builder, farmer, sustains a way-of-life, marine, protective, caretaking, ritualized. rhythmic/algorithmic, stays in the ancient ruts, building, property-owning, transport ] [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-4] = [Vrischika] [transformative, identity-changing, mysterious, eruptive, shocking, penetrating, recycling, secret-keeping, revolutionary, healing, disguising, discovering, hidden-power.] [Simha10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = political, theatrical, entitled, ceremonial, creative, idealistic, flamboyant, games, genius, romance, artistic performance, fashion-style, solar-energy, central attention-getter, glittering radiance, demonstrating, bright display]
Masculine Public-Figure Examples Pūrvaphalgunī Svamsha
Punica granatum |
General Description Purvaphalguni characteristics QUOTATION from Das / Behari 1. Physical features:
2. Character and general events:
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: You choose not to be a slave to anyone. Because of this quality, it is quite often noticed that
There is a drawback in you that cannot be a 'yes master'
You are not in a position to derive much benefit from your superiors. You want to be sincere in all the work you undertake. Neither can you be a party to any illegal activities
You may have several hidden enemies.
However, you are able to subdue such enemies
You enjoy power. You give preference to position and authority rather than money. You pursue a righteous path of progress
Even though you are able and intelligent
It does not mean though that you will not rise in life. In the employment field, you will frequently change your job,
You will attain the requisite position only after your 45th year of age. While you do not want other's money
In other words, borrowers may not return the money to you. In spite of all the adverse positions mentioned above
In the business field you can shine well. 4. Family life: Your married life will be happy
You will lead a life away from your birthplace and other family members. 5. Health:
[end quote] |
Description of the Pada
four quarters of
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-1] Simha Svamsha DOUBLE SIMHa [vargottamsha] super-pada for political-dramatic romantic entitlements This indriya-lagna is eligible to use śatābdikā dasha also, may be eligible to use द्वदशोत्तरि dvadaśottari dasha BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Vrishabha - Urisha] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shukra-profiled careers in valuation, finance and banking, storage and containment, conservation of natural values, capitalization, contracts, equity, partnership, peerage, artistic beauty, music, voice-face-hair, speech-song, story-telling, history, genetics, animal breeders, physicians of the eyes, jaw, mouth, teeth, tongue, throat, dentistry, luxury goods, delicacies and sweets, fine foods, wines and liqueurs, flowers and perfumes, fine textiles, beautiful decorations, ornaments, and pleasures. Partnership [Kumbha - Ghata] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of pragmatic nature, maturity, seniority. Affinity for massive systems, social participation, economic distribution, community networks. Heightened awareness of dimensional time, work ethic, and scientific perspective. D-1 Shani indicates the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shani in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Yoni]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Yoni]
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-1] QUOTATION Commentary from Das / Behari " You are courageous.
You will have a good spouse and duty-bound children." [end quote] |
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-1] QUOTATION for Masculine Nativities ONLY - Description of the Four Pada(quarters) of Purvaphalguni - from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 108 . " An expert in trade ,
Becomes wealthy in the latter part of life.
[end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-1] Nakshatra Divisions of Simha Svamsha [Magha svamsha] 00:00 until 13:21] Affinity for ceremonial roles, auric splendor, gold, and fire. May be surrounded by political people, and offer bright entertainments, yet prefers to withdraw from the fray. May appear haughty, high-priestly, or above-it-all. Ghostly, inchoate, observer. Attention disperses then re-appears. A fixed meditative practice can ground Ketu's nebulous emptiness into radiant spiritual witness. May subtly glow with intelligent humor, or radiate a quiet ephemeral sparkle. Urisha career regal, liturgical spectator within the public realms of banking, sensual pleasures, delicious foods, political expression of traditional values, fine textiles, music, cosmetics and beautification, ornaments, scents, oils, wines. Finance, jewels and precious objects, storage, valuation, historical knowledge, speech-and-song. May acquire luxurious treasuries. Check graha in Urisha 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali ++ Ketu in kundali, along with Ketu's ruler.
[Pūrvaphalgunī svamsha] [13:21 until 26:39] DOUBLE YONI + DOUBLE-SHUKRA for career = Brighu rules 10th-navamsha + nakshatra-pati Affinity for splendid designs, pleasures, and treasures. Creative use of political monies. Attracted to the bright sparkle of gracious display. May be immensely talented in dance-music, creative arts, theatrical show. Enjoys costume, adornments, and most of all romantic relationships. Must have luxury and fame. Charming, lovely, adored - yet often affixed to the mirror. Urisha career = entitled, idealistic, attractive entertainer within the public realms of banking, finance, sensual pleasures, delicious foods, political expression of traditional values, fine textiles, music, cosmetics and beautification, ornaments, scents, oils, wines. Collector of jewels and precious objects, storage, valuation, historical knowledge, speech-and-song. May acquire luxurious treasuries. Check graha in Urisha 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali.
[ Uttaraphalguni svamsha] 26:39 until 29:59 ] DOUBLE SURYA Affinity for brightly creative, regally entitled, glittering diva-style. Commanding center-stage roles in politics, brilliant ceremony, flamboyant drama. Intelligent, independent, autocratic, entitled, charismatic, decisive. Confidently, magnificently outshines all others. May be blinded by one's own light. Celebrated entertainer, auric deity, or divinely appointed monarch. Urisha career = radiant center of power and attention within the public realms of banking, finance, sensual pleasures, delicious foods, political expression of traditional values, fine textiles, music, cosmetics and beautification, ornaments, scents, oils, wines. Collector of jewels and precious objects, storage, valuation, historical knowledge, speech-and-song. May acquire luxurious treasuries. Check graha in Urisha 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.
BPL COMMENTARY [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-1]
political, dramatic, creative, entertaining Personality shows many of the typical Leya traits of glittering intelligence, enjoyment of center-stage roles, interest in showmanship and drama, and natural self-reflexive creativity. [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-1] can be found in politics and entertainment. Urisha familiar reputation 10th-navamsha Vrishabha-10 may be professionally engaged with banking and finance, treasury, acquisition and collection, historical knowledge, visual arts, illustration, ornaments and luxury fashion, eyes-hair-face, mouth-teeth, beautification, flowers, perfumes and aromatic oils, sensual pleasures, song and music, facial beauty, eyesight, sweets and liquors, dairy foods and cattle. Shukra-ruled Pūrvaphalgunī = musically, artistically, sensually, and financially oriented. The first pada of Pūrvaphalgunī often brings these luxurious natural traits high into public visibility. As Shil Pandey notes, the genius of Apah often has an earthy, populist quality. Graha in Urisha Navamsha Any graha located in Urisha 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. Respected responsible social roles may be subject to revaluation and reassessment because Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu indicates the acquisition of historical, musical, visual, financial, and aesthetic value. When there are graha in Urisha-10th-navamsha, the career of Yoni-pada-1 may become super-charged in inspirational music. Also professions in political finance and lush amusements, drama, beauty, and opulent display. EXAMPLES
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-2] Svamsha = Kanya navamsha may be eligible to use द्वदशोत्तरि dvadaśottari dasha BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Mithuna - Dvamdva] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Budha-profiled careers in business administration, shop-keeping, tasks, meetings, correspondence, instructional delivery, handcraft, manual arts and tool use, conversation, committee-work, team-building, communication, event management, song-writing, commerce, painting, writing, documentation, description, illustration, publishing, evangelism, announcements, messaging, cinema, scripting, programming codes, information technology, signaling, gesture, matching, mating, coupling, doubling, duplication, doppelganger, polarities, mirroring, twinning Partnership [Meena - Antya] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of philosophical nature, propensity to teach-and-preach, affinity for distant worlds + private enclosure, concern with inner-vision + imagination, ability to receive interior guidance + preference for contemplative living. D-1 Guru can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Brihaspatii in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Kanya]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Kanya]
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-2] QUOTATION Das / Behari " You may possess a lot of anger.
You may experience dental and stomach problems." [end quote] |
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-2] QUOTATION for Masculine Nativities ONLY - Description of the Four Pada (quarters) of Purvaphalguni .by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 108 . " Very polite;
[end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-2] Nakshatra Divisions of Kanya Svamsha [ Uttaraphalguni svamsha] 00:00 until 09:59] Affinity for political portfolio within aggrieved or unbalanced environments. Empowered ministerial roles in war, military, medicine, crime, poverty, litigation, toxicity, mistreatments, abuse. Helper, aide, assistant. Mentalized, tactical, argumentative, analytical. Although prefering second-in-command, lieutenant, prime-minister, power-behind-the-throne, Aryaman can indeed assume visible authority -- yet remains in service to a higher command. May be blinded by one's own light. Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation confident, entitled, logical strategist within the public realms of mercantile management, sales-and-marketing, touring itinerary, communications, publicity, information delivery, media-messaging [radio, cinema, television, internet] manufacturing, transaction, documentation, writing-publication, announcements. Check graha in Mithuna 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.
[ Hasta svamsha] 10:00 until 23:20] Affinity for paced, comfortable, predictable, householder roles. Parent, safety officer, schoolteacher, caretaker, gardener, environmentalist. Guards the customary boundaries on land and waters. Feeds and shelters. Stewards the old Way-of-Life. Local police. Emotionally supportive, delivers nourishing aid. Calming ministries of service. Concerned with security, cultural foundations, ancestral habits, safety of the settlement. Although usually placid and content, Hasta gets defensive when its routine is disturbed. Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation ethno-rhythmic, sensitive helper within the public realms of mercantile management, sales-and-marketing, touring itinerary, communications, publicity, information delivery, media-messaging [radio, cinema, television, internet] manufacturing, transaction, documentation, writing-publication, announcements. . Check graha in Mithuna 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Chandra in kundali
[ Chitra svamsha] 23:20 until 29:59] Affinity for fashioning, tool-crafting, design arts, couture, surgery, draftsmanship, drawing-and-painting, sculpture, architecture, musical instruments, mechanical design, sexual pursuit, helpful repairs, calculated movement. Incisively critical, physically proactive, weaponizing. Skilled use of sharp invasive implements such as lasers, guns, drills, scissors, knives, needles, scalpel, writing-stylus, sword. Physically, verbally, and psychically penetrating energy. Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation kinetic, forward-pushing, logical engineer within the public realms of mercantile management, sales-and-marketing, touring itinerary, communications, publicity, information delivery, media-messaging [radio, cinema, television, internet] manufacturing, transaction, documentation, writing-publication, announcements. . Check graha in Mithuna 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali.
BPL COMMENTARY [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-2]
Pūrvaphalgunī- pada-2 shows many of the typical Kanya - Parthya traits of service-ministry and orientation to health care, unbalanced arrangements, and mitigation of pollution (cleaning). The Pūrvaphalgunī- pada-2 nativity is typically professional engaged with matters of commercial transactional communicative Mithuna - Dvamdva such as
Any graha located in Mithuna 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The definition of the public career may be subject to re-describing and re-explaining because Professor Budha indicates chattering. Articulatory busy Budha activates both Kanya Svamsha and Mithuna 10th navamsha, while Brilliant Surya activates the radical rashi-lagna and Shukra activates the radical nakshatra-agna. One is often multi-talented in the intersecting worlds of publicity, verbal-gestural performance, cooperative-committee discussions, drama, arts, music, and commerce. Due to the Shukra influence, it is an easier placement generally for women, especially those talented in the realms of business, beauty, and music. |
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-3] Tula Svamsha [Pushkara Navamsha] [may beeligible to use द्वदशोत्तरि dvadaśottari dasha BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Karkata - Kadaga] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Chandra-profiled careers in homemaking, parenting, caretaking, nursing, school-teaching, naurturing arts, farming and gardening, home-construction, property management, real-estate, interior decor, pathways of transportation, policing and border patrol, defensive skills, protection of ethnic root rhythms, customary rituals, fishing, shipping, oceanography, marine professions. Partnership [Mesha - Aja] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of competitive nature, athletic tendencies, pursuit of dominance, quest for championship, physical vigor, pioneering attitude, innovative skills, preference for direct action , and heroic perspective. D-1 Mangala can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Kuja-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Tula] Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Tula]
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-3] QUOTATION from Das / Behari " You shoulder many responsibilities.
Theft may take place in your house,
[end quote] |
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-3] QUOTATION For Masculine Nativities ONLY - Description of the Four Pada (quarters) of Purvaphalguni Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 108 . " Fond of violent exercise, usually a boxer or fighter. Respects family traditions
In the closing years of life, however,
[end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-3] Nakshatra Divisions of Tula Svamsha [Chitra svamsha] 00:00 until 06:40] Affinity for fashion modeling, fine-arts painting, garment design, architecture, structural engineering, energy design, metal-sculpture. Gracious sexual pursuit, animating relationships, color-balancing instruments, competitive brokered relationships, vigorous contract negotiations.. Suave yet sharp movement, expert dancer or musician. Landscaping, shapes farms-gardens with waterworks, precise application of sharp cutting tools for aesthetic result, beautification surgery. Karkata career = competitively arranging middleman within the public realms of real-estate, schooling, agriculture, water-channels, flow, ancient ways-of-life, boundary protection, defense. caretaking, parenting, policing, security, shipping, vehicles-transport, environmental protection. Seasonal rituals, tribal rhythms, customary routines, folkways, houses of worship. Also hormonal pulse of dance music, esp if entrancing Rahu-Karkata.. Check graha in Karkata 10th-navamsha ++ Chandra in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali. [ Svati svamsha] 06:40 until 19:59] Affinity for unorthodox equity-establishment via race-class mixing, unprecedented social justice, unusually fair treatment of outsiders, taboo-challenging match-making, over-reaching brokerage. May expediently cross ethno-cultural barriers. Fabulous deal-maker, arranger of risky alliances, exciting financial contracts. Extravagant liaisons. Karkata career = ambitiously balancing diplomat within the public realms of real-estate, schooling, agriculture, water-channels, flow, ancient ways-of-life, boundary protection, defense. caretaking, parenting, policing, security, shipping, vehicles-transport, environmental protection. Seasonal rituals, tribal rhythms, customary routines, folkways, houses of worship. Also hormonal pulse of dance music, esp if entrancing Rahu-Karkata. Check graha in Karkata 10th-navamsha ++ Chandra in kundali ++ Rāhu in kundali. [Viśākha svamsha] 20:00 until 29:59] Affinity for growth and expansion, with some impolite shocks. Favors negotiated, large-scale improvement. Spreads philosophically principled understanding. Visionary and charitable. Believes in social justice, but long-term worldview may tolerate short-term injustice. Can be a military-defense officer, or a parental guide.
Karkata career = broad-overview multiple-treaty arranger within the public realms of real-estate, schooling, agriculture, water-channels, flow, ancient ways-of-life, boundary protection, defense. caretaking, parenting, policing, security, shipping, vehicles-transport, environmental protection. Seasonal rituals, tribal rhythms, customary routines, folkways, houses of worship. Also hormonal pulse of dance music, esp if entrancing Rahu-Karkata. Check graha in Karkata 10th-navamsha ++ Chandra in kundali ++ Guru in kundali.
BPL COMMENTARY [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-3]
[Tula - Vanika] = Svamsha Personality shows many of the typical Tula - Vanika traits of bargaining, trade, negotiation, match-making, deal-making, concern with the terms of the contractual agreement, and seeking of alliancer. [Karkata - Kadaga] familiar reputation 10th-navamsha May be professional engaged with matters of Karkata such as rhythms and routines of a settled people, folk customs, local environments, protective and nurturing behaviors, caretaking, parenting, guardianship, stewardship, nourishment, stabilization , groundskeeping, homekeeping, gardening, farming, fishing, ocean tides, estuaries, cultivation, protection of land and property, patriotism , safety, policing, homemaking, naursing, early childhood teaching, sheltering, defending, temple rituals , seasonal festivals, comforts. real-estate, building, pathways of transportation, infrastructural security of the settlement. Graha in Karkata navamsha Any graha located in patriotic Karkata - Kadaga 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The definition of the public career may fluctuate because Professor Chandra indicates Ebb and Flow. |
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-4] Vṛścika= Svamsha may be eligible to use द्वदशोत्तरि dvadaśottari dasha BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Simha - Leya] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Surya-profiled careers in politics, creative performance, entitled roles, drama, entertainments and amusements, gambling and games, speculative finance, adventure, center-of-attention, royalty, fashion and glamour, theatre, glitter and sparkle, sun-worship, bright displays, artistic genius, individuality, poetry, romantic idealism, celebrity, fame. Partnership Vrishabha-stauri = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of acquisitiveness, harmonizing nature, sweets-seeking tendencies, luxury lifestyle, gracious arrangements, adjustability, collecting skills, partnership orientation, and diplomatic perspective. D-1 Shukra can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shukra-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Vrischika]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Vrischika]
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-4] QUOTATION from Das / Behari " You will accomplish work by various devices and techniques.
You will help others become financially stable. However, you may not derive any monetary benefits,
[Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-4] QUOTATION for Masculine Nativities ONLY - Description of the Four Pada (quarters) of Purvaphalguni - Shil-Ponde.(1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 108 . Same as pada-3. " Fond of violent exercise, usually a boxer or fighter. Respects family traditions
In the closing years of life, however,
[end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-4] Nakshatra Divisions of Vṛścika svamsha [Viśākha svamsha] 00:00 until 03:19] Affinity for active root-splitting guided growth. Optimistic expansion via shakti/shock. Can be a military general, or philosophical guidance figure. Generous but forward-pushing to the point of invasiveness. Permission to produce large-scale change both personally and socially. Not afraid to destroy lives or livelihoods. Believes in spiritual emergence through trauma.
Simha career = energetic principled growth-pusher within the public realms of Politics, human drama, celebrity entitlement, creativity, gambling. May be autocratic, showman/conman, ceremonial, displays of paternalistic confidence. Check graha in Simha 10th-navamsha ++ Surya in kundali ++ Guru in kundali
[ Anuradha svamsha] 03:20 until 16:39] Affinity for maintenance of social order in times of danger, disaster, or threat. Responsible for regulation of perilous environments. Disguised as normal, yet - when required - may rise to action using lawful force. Often in military, paramilitary brotherhood, insurance underwriting, risk management, explosives control, poison control, ordnance, weapons, firefighter, emergency medical response. Public safety protocol officer. Compliance officer. Battlefield triage. Simha career = secretive crisis regulators within the public realms of politics, human drama, celebrity entitlement, creativity, gambling. May be autocratic, showman/conman, ceremonial, displays of paternalistic confidence. Check graha in Simha 10th-navamsha ++ Surya in kundali ++ Shani in kundali [Jyeṣṭha svamsha] 16:40 until 29:59] Affinity for provocative, dangerous, or camouflaged communications. Verbosity with instigation to urgent action. May weaponize information. Writing-publishing, announcements, investigative journalism, mercantile-marketing, cinema scripts, conversations, interviews, commercial management. Shrewdly exposes propaganda, reveals camouflaged threat, opinionated, and sharply logical within their bias. Simha career =energetic bright confident messaging within the public realms of Politics, human drama, celebrity entitlement, creativity, gambling. May be autocratic, showman/conman, ceremonial, displays of paternalistic confidence.Check graha in Simha 10th-navamsha ++ Surya in kundali ++ Budha in kundali
BPL COMMENTARY [Pūrvaphalgunī -pada-4]
The Pūrvaphalgunī- pada-4 nativity shows many of the typical Vṛścika - Thriketta traits of pursuit of hidden empowerments, sharp focus on the mysterious and confidential, drive to control, manipulative or intrusive nature, explosions and implosions, and energetic penetration of secrets. Pūrvaphalgunī- pada-4 = typically professional engaged with matters of Simha such as politics and political elections, theatre, literary creativity, performance arts, celebrity, royal entitlements, pageantry, poetry, ceremony, spectacular entertainments, ceremonial dance, children, romantic idealism, courtly love, games , gambling, expressions of genius , applause, brilliant confidence, solar power, bright lights, Divine Intelligence, self-knowledge, ego, individuality, independence, non-conformity, exceptionalism, uniqueness, center of attention, brilliant red things. Any graha located in glittering Simha - Leya 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The public career may be brightly visible because Professor Ravi indicates self-referential radiance. There is potential for the development of a splendid healer and brilliant symbol of intelligent transformation. But there is an equal potential for the development of an aggressively manipulative, applause-seeking, power-crazed political dictator. |
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