

OM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

AUM som somaya namah



Professor Chandra

चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner

सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice

सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere

tha = disk of moon

ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations

निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator

resides in


Barni - Varni

Yamuna - Yamya

Yameza -Krsna

needs to carry valuable burdens

shelters assets * safeguards the treasuries * ensures contractual trust * protects natural resources * holds precious goods

emotional patterning delivered into the Earth consciousness grid

conferred by the guardian races of

of Apis the Bee - Musca Borealis * within Arietis


Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Nakshatra ofShukra



Shelfmark 267. Illustration of Elepha from a medieval Bestiary,

preserved in the vast Bodleian Library collection at Oxford

  1. Chandra in Aśvini - Dasra
  2. Chandra in Bharani - Yamya
  3. Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades
  4. Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran
  5. Chandra in Mrigashira - Invaka
  6. Chandra in Arudra - Orion
  7. Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya
  8. Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya
  9. Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga
  10. Chandra in Magha - Regulus
  11. Chandra in Purva-phalguni
  12. Chandra in Uttara-phalguni
  13. Chandra in Hasta - Savitra
  14. Chandra in Chitra - Spica
  15. Chandra in Svati - Arcturus
  16. Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā
  17. Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra
  18. Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares
  19. Chandra in Mūla - Vichruta
  20. Chandra in Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah
  21. Chandra in Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva
  22. Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Hari
  23. Chandra in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus
  24. Chandra in Sadachbia - Varuna
  25. Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus
  26. Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda
  27. Chandra in Revatī - Pashu

Intra-compatible nakshatra trine ruled by musical, artistic, sensual harmonizing, treasure-collecting, deal-making, bargaining Shukra

Comfortable rhythms [Chandra] from balancing, alliance, bargaining, sensitive agreements, negotiation, deal-making, contracts, unions, diplomacy, pleasures , accumulated wealth, luxury, sweet taste

See also: Chandra in nakshatra of Shukra

Each of the Shukra-ruled nakshatra of Chandra is emotionally compatible with other negotiating, trading, balancing, designing, shukra-ruled arrangers

  • [Chandra in Bharani - Yamya] needs to carry valuable burdens * Shelters assets * safeguards the treasuries * ensures contractual trust * protects natural resources * holds precious goods

  • [Chandra-Pūrvaphalgunī- Yoni] soothed by sparkling luxury * protectors of musical entertainments * calmed by creative performance * needs brilliant beauty

  • [Chandra in Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah] calmed by valued beliefs * protectors of inspirational beauty * soothed by divine music * needs philosophical harmony

Bharani = Yamuna

[13-20 until 26-39 [Chandra-Mesha]

  • all 4 pada of Bharani nakshatra lie within [Chandra-Mesha]

  • ruled by suave, sweets-seeking Shukra

[13:20-16:39 [Chandra-Mesha]

[dramatic-creative Bharani-1]

[navamsha-Chandra-Simha] intuitively sensitive to entertaining political display

[16:40-19:59 [Chandra-Mesha]

[assisting-analyzing Bharani-2]

[navamsha-Chandra in Kanya] intuitively sensitive helping complaining calculating ministering


[20:00 - 23:19 [Chandra-Mesha]

[arranging-trading Bharani-3]

[navamsha-Chandra-Tula] intuitively sensitive to gracious diplomacy [Pushkara Navamsha]

[23:20 - 26:39 [Chandra-Mesha]

[healing-transformational Bharani-4]

[navamsha-Vṛścika Chandra] intuitively sensitive to transformative secrecy



  • esoteric educator artist Harish Johari

  • Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh

  • industrialist financier Lakshmi Narayan Mittal


Bharani-Chandra degree range = 13:20 [Chandra-Mesha] until 26:40 [Chandra-Mesha]

Who bears and carries

pleasure of saturation * working to death

The Chandra-Bharani mother

Eye on the Money

Most Bharani-Chandra folk are involved in the world of finance, banking, investment, capitalization, values acquisition, storage, containment, anima husbandry, or conservation of the precious resources of nature.

Not every Bharani-Chandra nativity is able to stash a material treasury, although nearly all feel that they need (Chandra need) to collect and carry a hoard.

Under certain Jyotisha circumstances, aBharani-Chandra may be bearing-and-carrying a load of highly valuable knowledge, such as important stories or historic poems or songs. It may be their bodily mouth or voice which harbors the carried value, rather than the hungry mouth of the treasure-chest.

After a powerful early start characterized by a willingness to "bear the burden" of sustained competition, tends toward reduced momentum in the mid-career.

Excellent support for the relationship-building element of political careers as well as the musical and artistic elements of entertainment or fashion careers.

May give a huge early burst of success . Yet without strong support from other graha, later efforts may fall below expectations or // flame out //

On the foundation of earlier successes, typically, apattern of "coasting" on previous accomplishments, into a less remarkable middle and later phase.

However, all nakshatra of Shukra can grant good relationships skills, and the native is usually well-liked throughout life.

Having been invested with trust and appreciation [Shukra] during the earlier half, continues to produce some competitive effort [Mangala] despite the lower energy of the later halfr.

Shukra-ruled [Chandra-Bharani] Yama tends to produce singers, experts of face-and-eyes, treasurers, financiers and preservers of worth. They are able to remember, store and produce goods of historical value, including stories and songs. They have earned a reputation for carrying heavy payloads and working to death.

= Womb = Death

Yamuna is the twin sister of Lord Yama = deadly labors , working to death

load-bearing, the often-fatal burden in the womb

slowly, steadily, financially successful - in general

/sturdy and handsome/ (sometimes just sturdy)

intuitive orientation toward beauty, values, wealth, equity, partnership

excellent for those concerned with economics = always an "Eye on the cintamani * mani * money "

  • England-Queen 1533-1603 Armada Elizabeth-1-Tudor [calculating-strategic Bharani-2] [6, warfare, betrayal] having inherited the financial mess lthat was left by her grossly overspending father, ET carefully restored the nearly bankrupt English treasury

  • Moonies 1920-2012 Rev. Sun Myung Moon [political-displaying Bharani-1]

    Somana-yuti-Ketu] [3, commercial business]

  • Das Kapital 1818-1883 economics Karl Marx [calculating-complaining Bharani-2] + [uchcha-Surya-yuti-Rahu]

    3 writing, publishing, data]

  • Franc-Pres 1977- financier Emmanuel Macron [secretive-disguising Bharani-4] ++[Bharani-Chandra-10 parivartamsha Aśleṣa-Kuja-1-nīcha] [10, commanding position]

  • multi-industrial baron Lakshmi Narayan Mittal

emotionally, chandra in Bharani needs to " carry a burden of gathered wealth-values"

  • needs to gather, pull, carry, and drag heavy valuable things

the units of value in the wealth-collection may consist of

food, spices, perfumes, oils, wines, speech, lyrics, melodies, poems, objects of beauty, jewels, precious metals, coin of the realm, knowledge of languages, knowledge of history, or other treasures

women may serve via multiple child-bearing pregnancies

  • Florence Nightingale

  • Earth Changes 1877-1945 Edgar Cayce hospital

  • needs to acquire emotional value through alliances and partnerships [Shukra]

  • Often carries the majority of the load in their partnerships, whether financially socially or emotionally

Bharani -Chandra = willing and indeed emotionally obliged to carry The heavier weight in partnership

will do more work than others in the family, fields, factory, or office

may seem rather sacrificial or even (when neurotic) martyred in that behavior; Yet, they actively seek respect and acknowledgement for their weight-bearing and may feel satisfied when recognized for their service

a spouse who acknowledges Bharani -Chandra's load-bearing efforts will be much appreciated. In fact, the key to marriage happiness [Shukra] with this native is emotional responsiveness to their

emotional need to gain the respect of elders and peers

respect is gained via carrying a burden of responsibility in a quiet but influential, values-accumulating fashion


emotionally oriented to those who carry the burden Labor and sympathetic to workers

  • Das Kapital 1818-1883 economics Karl Marx + [uchcha-Surya-yuti-Rahu]

    3] = workers' squalid conditions, workers' revolution * [rogesha-Chandra-yuti-Rahu]

  • Florence Nightingale = hospitals for the suffering wounded troops, common foot-soldiers

emotionally oriented to the values of the elders such as steadiness, acquisitiveness, and values-conservation.

Like all the Shukra-ruled nakshatra Chandra placements, bharani -Chandra is a wealth accumulator [Shukra] and will usually be the primary or sole earner in one's family in order to carry a maximized wealth-acquisition burden. Very likely has a non-earning or minimally-earning spouse.

Needs to collect and preserve -- Often found in Nature Conservation, environmentalist land management, other preservationist activities; also banking and art collections

alternatively may have a vivid and direct ability to deal with Death (Yamuna another name for Bharani is the 'twin sister of Death' = the sister of Yama)

need to collect things: money, land, or souls of the dead

Often born as a non-eldest child within the family, chandra-Bharani needs to get the attention of the parents and the approval of the siblings/peers. May be a ' parent-pleaser' .

  • Cogito-Ergo-Sum 1596-1650 logic Rene Descartes born in 1596, was the third and final child of his parents. His mother died in Rene's infancy, and Rene consistently followed the wishes of his father regarding each step of his education, career, and financial investment.

One emotionally interprets most life experience as carrying a burden.

Bharani-Chandra = psychically grounded via the tasks of collecting natural resources [Shukra] including ancient historical knowledge.

Natural resources can include all of earth's beauty and nourishment, affluence, knowledge of languages and history, collections of valuable items, and timing of physical death (all matters of Shukra)

knowledge of earth history

acquisition of natural resources, economics = wealth systems

images displaying values, art

  • graphic artist of psychic architecture Harish Johari

languages, face-mouth

Chandra-Bharani is emotionally identified with the task of carrying collected or historic wealth (the burden).

Materially minded, steady, and conservative folk who enjoy a Shukra -acquisitive intuition on matters of storage and hoarding of treasuries

  • If Kuja is strong, the Bharani -Chandra native will aggressively pursue Acquisitions .

  • Materially productive.

Capable of bearing significant personal and family responsibility.

  • Feeling of persistent heaviness in life = many obligations and duties.

  • Feels pressured, burdened and oppressed.

  • But The burden must be carried; the workmust go on.

Can be emotionally repressed, or may become the agent who oppresses others, or one who uncomplainingly serves the oppressed -- often all three.

Typically, abear-and-carrier of conservative values, one who harkens toward olden days of more simple and more physically " solid" values.

  • More comfortable to bear the burden of the past (Yama); untrusting of an uncertain future.

Deep intuitive understanding of embedded, internalized Oppression . Comprehends or apprehends the brilliant results that may follow a sustained commitment to bear and carry.

  • Accepts heavy responsibilities.

  • Takes the lion's share of responsibility for one's relationship, family, organization, naation-state, or one's entire society.

Das commentary WRT '' Moon is under star 2-Bharani, and Moon is aspected by Jupiter //
"You will be liked by your employer and may be head of a unit under your employer or government.

You will be wealthy and enjoy good health."

Prenatal maternal narrative of Shukra and Born into Shukra Mahadasha
From Mesha-Chandra lagna, shukra activates the dhana bhava and the yuvati bhava. The parents are often financially comfortable at the time of the native 's birth or at least they are working and have no serious worries

Bharani natives are born into a narrative of pleasure-and-treasure-accumulation [Shukra] - valuable goods and conserved knowledge - and they keep that script close to their electro-magnetic emotional hearts throughout life.

The mother would have been especially concerned with matters of family-of-origin (2) wealth acquisition (2) aesthetic values and feminine attractiveness via beauty as well as her marriage (7) and the terms of her contract with her husband (7) as well as other contracts such as employment or professional advising relationships. She would be aware of counseling others (7) and mirroring others (7) and sensitive to the condition of her teeth, hair, eyes, jaw, mouth, and voice (2). All of these concerns remain part of the native 's psychic narrative.

Learning Pathway = Chandra-yuti-Ketu

If Ketu is yuti Chandra in a nakshatra of Shukra, the earthen body may slowly lose the hair, teeth, sight, voice.

The Learning Pathway may require the experience of emotional separation or abandonment [Ketu] in relationship during bhukti of Ketuva. The mother is pleasant but distant.

If Chandra is yuti Shukra the native the mother indulges the Purvaphalguni child in sweets and treats; which spoils the child for life. Being spoiled does not harm the career and may in fact enhance it, as one will work hard for the luxuries. However, the entitlement to sweet treats becomes unshakable when Chandra + Shukra, especially in a nakshatra of Shukra.

Becomes financially privileged through fleshly [Mesha] effort

Bharani is rarely showy or ostentatious. Flashy "Conspicuous consumption" is not this native's style, unless the nativity contains in addition more showcase graha, in Simha or the Phalguni-pair.

The Bharani native typically displays an intentionally modest lifestyle and appearance which does not broadcast the considerable wealth one has indeed accrued

At the same time, one feels [Chandra] a need to maintain a competitive physique [Mangala] and wear attractive clothing [Shukra].

The fleshly well-being and appearance is important to the native, and similar to the other Shukra-ruled Nakshatra one make an effort to maintain an attractive appearance.

When Bharani Moon is not impeded by other factors one often enjoys a physically fit and well-dressed presentation well into their later decades

If Chandra-yuti-Shani or Chandra-yuti-Ketu, amore depressed countenance and inattention to the appearance can result. Yet, the native will retain an aura of sturdiness .

  • Earth Changes 1877-1945 Edgar Cayce -Shani drishti to Chandra

If Chandra-yuti-Rahu, the appearance of"fascinating familiarity" can be much amplified.


Tendency toward envy of others who"have it easier" .

  • Others also may express envy toward the native, criticizing the one's steady progress toward success in acquiring and carrying the burden of material wealth.

  • the native 's true feelings may hide behind the somber (yama) work ethic and one is emotionally suited to the type of career which allows work to continue until death, such as university professor, attorney in private practice, physician etc.

May attract jealous women. One's work will also bear sweet fruits of treasuries and rewarding work-related relationships (Shukra-Kuja).

Can be a compulsive workaholic or can feel that one is working oneself to dematerialization .


The Bharani moon indicates jealousy. The mother may be jealous of the affection in which the child is held by the father, and may in this state of jealousy develop a toxic effect within herself which eventually reaches a child born under the auspice Bharani-Chandra.

It is wise to be cautious of the mother's motivation and act judiciously.

Mother feels a need for relationships which deliver physical, sensual validation and she may place the needs of her lover above those of her children, when a choice must be made.

  • Mama is a sexual creature who prioritizes her role as provider of harmony in the marriage bed.
  • the native will be comfortable within relationships with individualistic, self-directed, somewhat adolescent personalities.
  • Parenting style attends to the interests of adult sexual partnership before responding to the concerns of children.

Feels a deep sense of security and belonging

When carrying a burden , whether physical, emotional, psychological, social, financial, mental, or spiritual. (, any type of burden whether material or conceptual.)

Bharani Chandra wants to establish the deepest electro-magnetic emotional bond with one who works alongside or shares the weight .

This collaborator may be the co-parent, the co-executive, the co-leader, or the cooperating carrier in any setting.

  • Deep emotional need to carry work burdens and feel respected for one's work .

Spiritual director of this section of the Learning Pathway

  • Yama the controller

Trauma profile

  • Fear of death

  • fear of leaving a secure environment

  • fear of losing the anchor of heaviness provided by one's defining responsibilities or burdens

Navamsha Chandra occupies D-9 Bharani

psychic mirroring function of intimate relationships


In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Bharani behavior.

Under emotional stress within relationships, one with navamsha Chandra in Bharani can experience deep anxiety reactions manifested as compulsive self-emburdening and taking on more and more work duties.

In stressful environments, the native needs to acquire ballast weight. When faced with professional, moral, financial, or electro-magnetic emotional responsibilities that total up to more than one can handle, this native tends to Overextend their responsibilities even further.

Catastrophic breakage can result

  • Former presidential candidate Sen-NC John Edwards responded to the severe family stress of his wife's terminal but lingering cancer by taking on another intimate relationship and fathering an illicit child= Bharani Moon in action. He was emotionally stressed to the limit and so instinctively took on more, to the point of devastating career-and-family collapse.

The partner is highly and perhaps excessively responsible, with a tendency to try to carry more than their bodies or spirits can reasonably bear.

The pair are typically hard workers.

Even when things are going well, the partner puts work and public responsibility ahead of personal pleasure or family well-being. Ironically, the partner, who was chosen by the native for qualities of work ethic and dedication to material stability, may become emotionally unavailable to the native due to their deep commitment to outside work.

Partner needs mental and physical space to do their work, plan the work of others, and worry about workplace matters. Partner is well-respected socially, but emotionally distracted by their own need to be praised for material accomplishments, social stability, and hard work.


Piyoni Peony


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The information on barbarapijan.com, including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!