
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Chandra Main Page

Sade-Sati by Chandra Rashi

Karkata-Chandra qualities of the life-partner

Chandra-Karkata matched with 12 radical lagna

  1. [Chandra in classroom-1]
  2. [Chandra in classroom-2]
  3. [Chandra in classroom-3]
  4. [Chandra in classroom-4] -- [dikbala]
  5. [Chandra in classroom-5]
  6. [Chandra in classroom-6]
  7. [Chandra in classroom-7]
  8. [Chandra in classroom-8]
  9. [Chandra in classroom-9]
  10. [Chandra in classroom-10]
  11. [Chandra in classroom-11]
  12. [Chandra in classroom-12]

  1. [Chandra-Mesha]
  2. [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg]
  3. [Chandra-Mithuna]
  4. [Chandra-Karkata]
  5. [Chandra-Simha]
  6. [Chandra-Kanya]
  7. [Chandra-Tula]
  8. [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]
  9. [Chandra-Dhanus]
  10. [Chandra-Makara-Draco]
  11. [Chandra-Kumbha]
  12. [Chandra-Meena]

AUM som somaya namah



चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner

Professor Chandra

सोम so-ma= moon, soma-sacrifice

सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere

tha = disk of moon

शशिन् shashin = moon, containing a hare

ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations

आत्ममय ātma-maya = my own self-essence

जलमित्र jala-mitra = friend of waters

निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator

resides in




Mens - Mind - Moon = Monday

Nanna - Anna - Di-ana - Inanna

Sin - Sinai - Selene - Serena - Luna

Aah - Iah



Khepra (beetle) - Kraft - Crab

The Caretaker

comforted by culturally familiar, rhythmic, customary, habitual, undulating, maternal, soothing routines





Rhododendron springtime blossoms


Janma rashi = Karkata

[Chandra in classroom-1] --- [svakshetra]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra high visibility, customary social position, familiar leadership, routinely recognized duties are performed in the competitive, dominating, supremacist, athletic, inventive style of Mesha-10]


[comforted by embodiment of sheltered nourishment] [emotionally bound to homeland identity] [needs to follow the pre-verbal pulse of the ancient agricultural rhythms]

[physically feels the flow of old routes and watery pathways] [instinctively secure in culturally-attuned parental roles] [personal sympathy for farmers and fisherpeople]

[moves through familiar defensive routines of boundary patrolling] [uses vital emotional energy to realize safety in the settled lands] [soothed by gardening and feeding cycles]

[sensitive to care of the vulnerable] [needs to actively live by habits of environmental stewardship ]

[usually has a career in engineering, pioneering conquest, forceful action, new inventions, midwifery] [needy mother may be sensitive householder, protective schoolteacher or local police]


[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] [pada-4] soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-2] --- [svakshetra] comfort in collections * familiar with history * needs to tell stories

[conserving-acquiring dhana-pati for Mithuna indriya- lagna]

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted in the pioneering warlike championship style of Mesha-11 style. Known for dynamic, innovative, profitable community-linkage]

[comfort by protecting collections] [familiar with historical property ownership] [needs values-based patriotism] [settled into rhythmic use of ancestral language] [needs to defend heritage-preserving treasuries] [familiar voice of deeply-felt ethnic traditions]

[sense of belonging to a wealthy family] [profound need for property-owning financial security] [mother may be the sheltering center of the family]


[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] pada-4 * soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-3] --- [svakshetra]

[busy-communicative bhratru-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties are conducted in via Mesha-12. Known for pioneering , conquesting, dominant, warriorlike style of interiority, privacy imagination, research, meditation, enclosure]

[culturally comfortable with cohort] [familiar with emotionally sensitive messaging] [needs to communicate about ancestral feelings] [soothed by folkways ensemble collaboration] [profoundly fluctuating moody mentality] [mother may caretaking domestic instructor-saleswoman-manager]

[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] [pada-4] soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-4]

[svabhava] [dikbala]

[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public responsibilities are conducted in the energetic, physically kinetic, competitive, moving, innovative, invasive, championship style of Mesha-1 personality]

[karako bhavo nashto for patriots, parents, property owners]

[comforted by stable habitual ethnicities] [culturally sensitive to familiar rhythms of the settlement] [needs to sense the ancient pulse of seasonal flow] [protector of the ancestral agricultural folkways]

[emotionally aligned to nourishment routines] [environmentalist feelings attuned to soothing watery deva] [anchoring mother may be an empathic schoolteacher, householder, local caretaker]


[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] [pada-4] soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-5] --- [svakshetra]

[witty-creative vidya-pati for Meena indriya-lagna]

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra collecting, preserving, enriching, storytelling, linguistic, musical, heritage, knowledgeable, fin

ancial invasive warlike champion Mesha-2]

[comfortable with protectionist politics] [feels dramatic pulse of seasonal cycles] [needs to display land-vehicle-dwellings]

[theatrically sensitive to customary celebrations] [soothed by habitual local expression of ancient routines] [sense of belonging to a property-owning intelligentsia while following the folkways ethno-rhythms]

[may present an educational show of patriotic parental defensiveness] [celebrity intellect flows naturally in marine or agricultural roles] [nourishing mother may brightly demonstrate her need to caretake]


[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] [pada-4] soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-6] --- [svakshetra]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted via Mesha-3. Known for pro-active messaging, dynamic management, championship scripts, competitive teamwork]

[needs rhythmically undulating habitual labor] [feels parentally overworked, then sick]

[culturally disposed toward defensive argumentation] [sensitive to marginalized victims of environmental pollution]

[comfortable with soothing rituals of servitude] [feels aggrieved by maternal mistreatment] [champion of security for the vulnerable] [may distrust the birth mother's relatives]

[Mother may offer a ministry of sheltering aid to the harmed. Or, ill mother may be distressed by ancient guilt conflicts.] [in scapegoat 6, one may be chastized, blamed, or accused for defensive lawsuits against familiar enemies ]


[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] pada-4 * soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-7] comfortable with arrangements * familiar with sensitive arbitration * needs harmony


[balancing-bargaining jaya-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = land-ownership, patriotism, ethnicity, familiar rhythms, cultural foundations, defense of a way-of-life, in the competitive, innovative, primitive style of Mesha-4]

[comforted by mutual caretaking relationships] [sensitive to parenting contracts] [needs to protect the ancestrally stabilizing arrangements]

[soothed by defensive negotiations] [lifepartner may be culturally-sensitive match-making advocate] [rhythmically routinized mother may be sheltering adviser, meddler, mediator]


[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] pada-4 * soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga]soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-8] --- [svakshetra]

[mysterious-initiatory randhresha for Dhanus indriya-lagna]

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = heroic politics, warlike drama, conquest entitlements, championship gambling Mesha-5]

[securely comfortable with cultural crisis] [familiar with routine changes of identity]

[at some juncture in the lifespan, previous ethnic pulse utterly dies, catalyzing an emotional rebirth into new healing rhythms]

[needs to feel the pulse of sudden intuitive rebirth] [deep rhythmic cycles of trauma-and-recovery] [if stability is threatened, shelters the ancient ways]

[householding mother may be emotionally unpredictable, volatile protectress, nourishing healer, sensitive midwife]


[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] pada-4 * soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

  • Four Seasons 1678-1741 Baroque sacred music Antonio Vivaldi [theatrical-displaying Pushya-1] [8, secrecy]

  • India-PM 1889-1964 Toward Freedom Jawaharlal Nehru [diplomatic-brokering Pushya-3] [8, revolutionary change, rebirth]

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-9] [svakshetra]

[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Kita-born]

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = service ministry, aid to suffering, warlike champion Mesha-6]

comfortable with doctrine * familiar with philosophy * needs understanding

[devout Mother provides principled moral guidance] [intuitive ancestral philosophical understanding] [customary ethno-cultural patronage] [defense of localism within a global perspective]

[sensitive to rhythms of patriarchal priesthood] [needs undulating habitual worldview] [comfortable with soothing rituals of ancient religion] [familiar face to the needy believers]

[feels inspired by breadth of maternal wisdom] [ideology of national security] [mother's father may be politician, dramatist, or creative artist] [mother's mother seeks private contemplation]

[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] pada-4

soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-10] --- [svakshetra]

[dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Tulā-born]

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = diplomacy, arrangements, representation, consultancy, advising, peerage, brokerage, contractual bargains in the dominating, innovative, chamionship style of Mesha-7]

[comfortable with ritual hierarchical protocol] [familiar with habitual regulatory order] [needs customary social authority]

[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] pada-4 * soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-11] [svakshetra]

[friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Parthya indriya-lagna]

[10th-from-Chandra transformative revelatory shocking rejuventating exploratory discoveries = in the invasive warlike champion style of Mesha -8]

[comforted by familiar local friendships] [culturally sensitive to ritual aims within economic linkage] [needs to feel ethno-tribal pulse in mass-participation assemblies] [habitually earns from customary connections]

[protector of the gainful ancestral group bonds] [community membership confers a feeling of rhythmic routine] [parental householder mom usually the center of social life]

[emotionally attached to parochial goal achievement] [environmentalist sensibilities attuned to fluid environments] [caretaking nourishing mother may be a socialite, fundraiser, community activist ]


[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] pada-4 * soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra in classroom-12] comforted by maternal soothing * settled into tidal rhythms * needs to protect

[svakshetra] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = believing, philosophical, guiding, devout invasive warlike champion Mesha-9]

[imagines deeply anchored stability] [needs isolated protection] [feels secure within meditative states of interior guidance]

parental, sheltering, cultural-roots patriotic emotional sensitivity expressed through the largely invisible role of a sanctuary-enclosed, other-worldly spiritual guidance protector

comfortable with contemplation * familiar with inner vision * needs privacy

[Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya] pada-4 * soothed by restoration of abundance * protectors of sensitive wise instruction * needs descriptive explanation

[Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] soothed by lawful customs * protectors of the ethno-social structure * needs dignified orderly habits

[Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] soothed by restraining embrace * guards the ethno-cultural environment * needs familiar folk narratives

[Chandra-Karkata] * comforted by maternal soothing * settled into tidal rhythms * needs to protect * 1st-from-svakshetra

The comfortable, familiar, deeply-rooted rhythms of the mother's lullabye, the parents, the caregivers, the sheltering protectors, sing a soothing nourishing song of soothing, nourishment, safety.

  • Our people are gardeners.
  • We care for the earth, we care for the household.
  • We are parents, caretakers, wall-builders, makers of dwellings, naturally protective.
  • We are a folk of patriotism, locality, familiar pathways, ocean tides, flowing with the rhythms of nature, feeling the need for water.

Karkata-Chandra does not question this most basic feeling of feeding, naesting, and rootedness in place.

Needs (somana needs) to energize the bond between the emotional body and The earthen body .

Intensely focused upon the emotional reaction to the fleshly appearance and may be deeply engaged in the birth experience.

Generally maintains a physically active (1) relationship toward parents [Chandra] and often has an affectionate relationship to the self.

Conscientious of the physical fitness.

Dhanus indriya-agna with Chandra-Karkata-8 may produce a superb midwife or trauma-healer.

As planetary patron of the kinetically energized and vitally moving 1st-from-svakshetra = inherently auspicious for matters of The earthen body appearance, iconic projection of the social personality, and physical vitality.

  • Needs nurturing, caretaking, protection and defense

  • tend to retain water leading to puffy swelling oedemic conditions in the Earthen-body

Chandra-Karkata needs to parent and protect .When Chandra-Karkata looks in the mirror, one sees a parent, a custodial figure, a giver of sheltered territory, aheart-centered, culture-rooted caretaker.

[Chandra-Karkata] * comforted by maternal soothing * settled into tidal rhythms * needs to protect = fundamental drive = to create safe secure nests where fledglings can habitually sustain life until adulthood.

Career [10th-from-Chandra] = Mesha

[Chandra-Karkata] = emotionally predisposed toward Mangala-style penetrating, incisive, investigating, drilling, confidentiality roles.

There is an intuitive readiness to undertake surgical, therapeutic, mining, explosive types of adult work, especially involving championship and war for a just cause.

Look also to the conditions of Mangala, to the karmesha, to the ruler of 10th navamsha, to the ruler of D-10 dashamamsha , and other career profile elements for confirmation of [10th-from-Chandra] basic leadership attunements.

  • China-Dictator 1893-1976 Mao Zedong 10th-from-Chandra contains Mesha-Kṛttikā-Guru ["great father great wiseman great all-knowing fire"] Ruler = Mangala-Vṛścika-2 yuti announcer-Budha in 8th-from-Guru. Bombastic revolutionary speeches, pithy powerful sayings.

  • God's Dream 1931-1921 Anglican Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu [optimistic-dogmatic Aśleṣa-1] [Somana-yuti-Guru-uchcha] social justice champion

  • UK-Duke-Edinburgh 1921-2021 Philip Mountbatten [regulatory-orderly Aśleṣa-2] military officer during WW-2

  • POTUS-pair-06 Adams Family 1775-1852 Louisa Johnson Adams = Mesha-Guru-8. Her career was fused with the jobs and personality of her husband [Guru]. LJA married the combustible diplomat, jurisprudential writer, and governance executive POTUS-06 American System 1767-1868 John Quincy Adams (his Chandra-Makara+Rahu-3). LJA was tasked with social networking duties (11), but her primary concern was caring for her immediate family. Due to 10th-from-Chandra = 8, she generally preferred to act in a hidden style.

Chandra-Karkata generally prefers the natural and customary rhythms of the home culture

  • our Seasons 1678-1741 Baroque sacred music Antonio Vivaldi [sensitive Soma occupies theatrical Pushya-1] [8, secrecy] AV spent most of his adult life teaching music in a state-sponsored orphanage (Karkata caretaking) in his birthplace of Venezia. The nativity is complicated by the presence of [4-graha in bhava-3 = 8th-from-Chandra -8] which propelled him outward in production of writing and publication. However, aV was most productive and secure when repeating the customary rhythms of his home cultural environment.

  • Experience 1942-1970 guitarist Jimi Hendrix [calculating-serving Pushya-2] [Somana-yuti-Guru]

Karkata's parental needs may find expression in the traditional home environment.

Yet, the caretaking and protective behaviors may just as easily and successfully express in custodial roles within business and government, when Karka-Somana helps younger colleagues shape their career; binds co-workers into a caring family.

This parental drive rises to a leadership role through the love and loyalty one has created in the workplace. Karkata-Chandra grants a tremendously patriotic feeling, which marks the lives those who love their countries and stand willing to sacrifice in order to better their nation's future.

Their homes may become well-guarded fortresses if there is some present threat to security (such as media prying for celebrities). Dedicated to providing well-defended shelter for kith and kin.

Actual success (or not) in expressing deep parenting, caretaking instincts in the home, professional, and community environments, depends on the Chandra-sthāna and aspects to Somana.

Somana is exceptionally impressionable and absorptive. Outside influences upon Chandra in svakshetra = exceptionally potent.

  • If Mars = uchcha (where He triumphs in commerce and industry) Kuja would cast the 7th drishti directly onto Karkata-Somana, propelling much of Somana's parenting energy into the corporate setting.

  • If Mars = fallen in Karkata, there is some wealth/energy benefit from Chandra-Mangala yoga, but emotional excess will implode in the home/mother.

Have a Karkata-Somana person in your life? Be sure to honor and respect their parenting, caretaking, stewardship contribution to the safety and security of the local environment.

Chandra-Karkata = so psychologically reflexive regarding their ownership-protective-defensive behaviors that they are often silent about their emotional needs. In fact their need for nesting, closeness, and safety cannot be completely self-satisfied.

Chandra-Karkata perceives a constant need to strengthen the defenses, circle the wagons, and bring more fledgling creatures into their secure territory.

Chandra- Karkata needs validation from appreciative spouses, co-workers, and children. And, sometimes, they need a gentle reminder that Mother Earth does quite a good job caring for all creatures - there may not be a genuine need for one individual human to parent quite so many creatures, or quite so much!

Chandra- Karkata needs to shelter and protect. One needs to feed in order to strengthen the fledglings: with food, with approval, with resources for adult success.

Allow Chandra- Karkata to care for you. Show how much you appreciate their nurturing emotional energy. It may be necessary occasionally to gently advise, when too protection has been enforced. Too much sheltering can develop into patronizing over control * especially Aśleṣa. Fearful over-protection can shackle and bind.

A small act of gratitude is usually all Chandra-Karkata needs in order to assuage their guilt that they haven't done enough!

If Chandra occupies bhava-6 in Karkata rashi

= special talent for intuitive healing powers, often gifted with knowledge of the emotional basis [Old Pathways Karkata] of chronic illnesses. Good for import-export business, esp. domestic items for the home and fishing gear. Favors service offerings in temples of the Mother Goddess, medical ministries, medicinary work, service to mothers and children.

Auspice for a protective uncle or aunt.

  • Oracle Database 1944- Larry Ellison [hierarchical-regulatory Aśleṣa-2] [Chandra-yuti-Rahu] (6- lawsuits, argumentation) After his young bio-mother became unable to care for the infant LE, he was adopted by his maternal great-aunt.

QUOTATION * Behari commentary WRT Chandra in bhava-10 -Karkata

" With the Moon in this sign, peace descends on you.

  • There is no tension, and whoever comes in contact with you feels specially charmed. You do not command, but you are so pious and sympathetic that your wish becomes more compelling than any direct order could be.

  • Your associates are of high intelligence, moral conduct, and purity of intention. Those who are of shady character fall out with you.

  • Professionally, you go through changes; your output is variable ; you travel extensively. You may write beautiful poetry blending mysticism and romance."

[Chandra in bhava-11] in Karkata may indicate a deeply rooted family community that is grounded via shared folk customs and established cultural norms, ancient religious ruts and routines, old marriage and kinship rules, and other ethnic features


Parenting = Chandra-Karkata

Chandra-Karkata parents wants above all to have well-protected, emotionally and physically secure, well-schooled and patriotic children. Children may be encouraged to garden, to participate in family meals, and maintain safe vehicles with the family.

5th-from-Karkata = Vṛścika

  • Investigative skills, discoveries, and competitive advantage = important.

  • Child = inquisitive , penetrating, secret relationships, poison, controlling personality + a strong bond with brothers.

  • Detectives, psychiatrists, disaster-responders + mani-money-changers = beneficial for this child.


Sade-Sati is a distinctively polarizing cataly tic emotional experience.

During this challenging era of 7 years, one feels deprived, delayed, derailed, disregarded, disrespected, distanced, desperate and often disabled in matters of security, protection, and emotional sustenance.

The white-hot core = middle 2.3 years of Shani's actual transit via the rashi of the Earthen-Moon.

As the lagnesha, chandra controls the visible social identity as well as the emotional perceptions.

Reactive Chandra = especially vulnerable to the fear [Shani] of identity invalidation caused by social punishing judgment [Shani]

Sade Saati typically imposes an emotional nutrient shortage caused by physical separations, and temporary lack of belongingness [Chandra] under Professor Shani 's unsympathetic lawful regime.

In the life-game, primary Challenge Angles

  • 12th-from Karkata-Chandra = Mithuna

  • 6th-from Karkata-Chandra = Dhanus

during Vimshottari periods of Chandra, Mithuna - Dvamdva -related matters create a nutrient drain (12th-from) upon the emotional vitality


= emotional losses and erosion of identity + vital life-force power

6th-from Karkata-Chandra == disagreement-distrust- dispute-divorce = Dhanus - Haya

  • Karkata-Chandra = emotional conflict with temple discourses and religious orthodoxy. They distrust professors, preachers, priests, and patriarchs.

Since Chandra and Guru are mutually friendly graha, this shad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle is more tolerant and less acutely inimical

Guru Dhanus

Karkata-Chandra suffers built-in emotional conflict with temple discourses and religious orthodoxy. They distrust preachers and priests.

temple religion and university culture of ethical philosophy and wisdom discussions [Dhanus] = somewhat inimical to one 's healthy emotional identity

Adversaries = agents of Dhanus

  • for a wifely nativity, animosity from husbands and religious dogma

  • belief systems and their promoters, guru, priest, professor, preacher, teacher, religious figure,

  • rabbi, imam, lama, pujari, temple discourses and ritual performance, sacred doctrine and its promulgators


Chairman Mao's mother was a devout Buddhist, and in his youth Mao venerated Buddha icons. As an adult, he suffered deep emotional conflicts arising from an empowered Dhanus-Surya (ideology, catechesis) in the [6th-from-Chandra]= rogasthāna social conflict.

Exposing the shad-ashtaka 6/8 conflict between his mother (Soothing Somana-2 historic values) versus his father (Surya-7) Mriga-Mao developed a hatred (6/8) of temples, priests, and sacred teachings that manifested in the criminal theft and destruction of thousands of sacred collections, libraries, and places of worship.

Following the dictum of Das Kapital 1818-1883 economics Karl Marx that religion is the opiate of the people, mriga-Mao launched a violent overthrow of his adversaries the priestly religions, cults of archaic ritual, all temples of all varieties of worship, and all of the patriarchal [Surya] privileges claimed by those associated with the glorified [Surya] cults of the emperors (Ravi).

In their place Mao asserted one great Fatherland (Rahu-10, surya-7) of which Chairman Mao himself became the personalized symbol.

Karkata Chandra

problematic [6th-from-Chandra] = rashi of Dhanus

Graha in Dhanus represent emotional adversaries

rogesha-6 +Dharmesha-9 Guru = Karkata implicitly feels conditions of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy. May feel annoyed and upset with agents of Dhanus

  • indoctrinators, globalists, preachers, professors, wisdom-teachers, guru, father, universalist philosophical and ideological dogma in general, temples and universities, sanctimonious and pious people; However, this is not so difficult because Guru = Dharmesha-9 ; one tends to accept the human foibles of patriarchal and patronizing religious figures, and practice a sort of ritual respect while grumbling all the while about flaws and problems.

  • Karkata is am ethnic localist who favors indigenous routines, rites, rituals, rhythms, folk customs and established cultural norms of the people in their place of settlement. Due to the 6/8 angle, Karkata is perpetually out-of-balance regarding matters of global humanism, university discourse, broad-scope perspectives, and non-localized doctrines emitting from Dhanus. Chandra is accepting of cosmic-scope Guru, but Professor Guru dislikes parochial, roots-deep-in-place Chandra.

  • The Karkata-Chandra lifetime is easier if Dhanus rashi has no tenant graha.

Method of enacting emotional animosity toward one is characteristic of Dhanus

  • cheerful or pollyanna-ish, open-minded or inaccurate, tolerant or indiscriminate, world traveler or irresponsible parasite, lives off the charity of donors or a great teacher, loves the gods or loves the donations to the temple, devoted to the great philosophy or delighting in the great festival foods, compassionate or con-manr.

E.g., for a Mithuna Chandra with Urisha kundali indriya-lagna , Vṛścika becomes bhava-7, and one experiences discomfort and imbalance-seeking-a-remedy in the marriage union. If Mangala is strong and poorly placed, no matter how good other conditions might be in radix bhava-7, the fact that this house = [6th-from-Chandra] makes it difficult to sustain a committed alliance.

Predisposition to Injury and Accident

  • Karkata Chandra is somewhat prone to injury from horses, zebra, wildebeest, donkey, and other quadrupeds

counting from Chandra-lagna, the randhresha-8 = Shani

Chandra feels neutral toward randhresha-8 Shani, but randhresha-8 Shani feels animosity toward Chandra

The emotional core of Karkata-Chandra is deeply attached to folkways and one feels roots clinging deep into the land . Shani bhukti signal significant upheaval due to a sudden imposition of government rules and regulations that seem new and wrong. However, after Shani's onslaught, the native will recover and reground.

19-year long Vimshottari periods of Shani = sudden change induced by law and lawfulness, conformity to public opinion, reputation, social position

  • Details of the circumstances of the catastrophic change are indicated by the rashi and bhava of Shani

To see more periods of catastrophic emotional identity destruction and rebirth, Look also for malefic transits through the badhakha 22nd drekkamsha from Chandra .

Examples of transformative-trigger transits through 8th-from zones

  • transit of malefic Shani activates-7 / randhresha-8 from Chandra across the 22nd drekkamsha from Chandra

  • transit of the Kharesha = ruler of 22nd drekkamsha = transiting through radical lagna, through 22nd drekkamsha, across nakshatra of radical Chandra, via the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra

  • transit of randhresha-8 from the Earthen-body birthing indriya-lagna via the 22nd drekkamsha from lagna.

Badhaka = 11th from Karkata = Vrishabha Badhaka -sthāna = harming-houses

Shukra = badhesha

12 pairs

Kumbha indriya-lagna = Aquarius

[Chandra-Karkata] = rogesha-6 in 6 = svakshetra

Prone to formation of waste-cell accumulations, can't-let-go, and diseases of clinging to the past [Chandra]. Stress zone = stomach, lymph system, endocrine system.Chandra in bhava-1 - Chandra-Karkata-1 * parental, sheltering, cultural-roots patriotic emotional sensitivity expressed via the unique personality, embodiment of kinetic energy, pioneering attitude, competitive style, and aristocratic entitlements of the first-arrived.8

Marriage + Qualities of the Life-Partner

Makara - Draco hierarchy

Contractual Partnerships and Trusts

Naturally, the outcomes for partnership depend significantly upon the bhava of 7th-from-Chandra and also any graha located in Makara, as well as drishti incoming into Makara

ShuMang_lotus.jpg7th from Karkata-Chandra = Makara - Draco.

Partner qualities = "governor, regulator, imposer of law + order" .

The spousal personality favors sober, mature, and highly visible public leadership roles of significant corporate or institutional responsibility.

If not a high-visibility position-holder, the spouse is nevertheless a capable and pragmatic materialist with capable business sense, and often the leading earner or decision-maker in the family.

Public demeanor is generally dignified.

  • Calif-Gov-pair 1955- broadcast journalist Maria O. Shriver unoccupied Makara-4 ruled by [uchcha] Shani-1 suggesting an exceptionally responsible personality. Her husband Makara-4 operates a major Hollywood film production company. He served as Governor of California 2003-2011 on the strength of his fame and her (Kennedy) tradition of social leadership (Shani-Tula ). A post-governorship love-child shaming-scandal was exposed in a dignified manner, only after his term of office ended. After marital separation, the alienated couple were seen mutually attending school events in support of their children (Karkata family life), and otherwise publicly behaving in Makara-style a sober and dignified manner.

Life-partner of one with Karkata-Chandra is often able to accept social-ordering or governance roles.

  • Calif-Gov-pair 1955- broadcast journalist Maria O. Shriver married Calif-Gov 1947- Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger. His profile matured into Governor of California [Makara]. " The Governator" maintained a cautious, republican policy stance [Makara] and despite a 2011 shaming-scandal they maintained public dignity. He served in the elite regulatory role [Makara] = Governor of California 2004-2011. AS = 8 years her senior

Often the mate is chronologically elder to the native. Shani activates Time.

  • Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi married Kasturbai Kapadia. Her public character was sober and mature in nature. KK she accepted leadership duties within the organization. She was aged one year elder to her husband

  • POTUS-31 Challenge to Liberty 1874-1964 Herbert Hoover [political-displaying Pushya-1] [Pushya-Somana-yuti-Surya-Aśleṣa] [Pushya-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Pushya] [Pushya-Somana-yuti-Budha-Pushya] [1, tangible personality, energized vital embodiment] HH married Lou Henry Hoover. She was an accomplished businesswoman and institutional leader of several family corporations. She was a national director of the Girl Scouts organization. Her leadership roles were very distinctive socially for a woman in the early 1900's. Mrs. Hoover was born 6 months elder to HH. Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya adds Shani social-duty.


  • drama-commerce 1978- Katie Holmes [profitable Aśleṣa-3] [Chandra-yuti-Guru-uchcha] On 18-Nov-2006 [KH age 28] [TC age 44] KH made a media-frenzy marriage to the Hollywood top-billing actor-producer who was 14 years elder to her, Top Gun 1962- cinema Tom Cruise .



Masculine Nativities

Chandra in Karkata Rashi

  • QUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 182

"Tender-hearted but selfish, these people are possessive and expect gratitude and love in return from those on whom they lavish their affections.

Theirs is a possessive regard and as friends, they are jealous because of their wish to absorb the entire time and affection of those whom they befriend. They are receptive to and pleased by flattery, and are easily hurt and upset by slights from those from whom they expect friendship.

They are proud of family and ancestors , and like to relate their family history and lineage. They are also very patriotic to the country of their birth or adoption and are offended if it is criticized. They love domestic life and make good husbands and fathers.

They are inclined also to be social climbers and it is important to them to be respected and looked up to in the community in which they live. They are thrifty and most careful and scrupulous in financial matters. They love to live near the water , and to take sea voyages or travel in foreign lands.

They are successful in businesses having to do with exports or imports, particularly of food commodities, but in any merchandise which can be quickly turned over. They usually possess some property or real estate , but their incomes are not steady. They are sometimes successful at gardening or truck farming .

Many musicians are born with the Moon in Cancer. These people are rather robust in their morals and language and are apt to be lacking in refinement. They are quite courageous and accept calamity or disaster philosophically and placidly. They are fond of the theatre and life is incomplete to them without the make-believe of the stage.

These people are rather serious in their affairs of the heart, but because of their possessive love, the marriage partner is apt to chafe under it and as a result, more than one marriage is common in the lives of Moon in Cancer people.

They can be recognized usually by a heavy, rather rolling walk, which consists of small fast steps. They have thick short fleshy necks and chests, and large front teeth. They have large hands with short fat fingers and large feet. They are of moderate height with round faces and fair complexions. They are inclined to worry and should avoid a tendency to drown their worries in drink.

Their fortunate gem is Pearl, preferably of a pink or bluish color and their favorable day is Monday."

Rising Nakshatra Feminine Nativities

Chandra in Karkata Rashi

  • QUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 196

"These women are of moderate height, round faces. inclined to puffiness (unless Mars be conjunct the Moon, which renders the face sharp and thin). Bodies inclined to stoutness and as age increases, even to obesity.

They are essentially family women , being greatly attached to home and husband and children, almost to the exclusion of all other interests. They are possessive and sensitive to fancied slights from people from whom they expect love and kindness. They are s ocial climbers and love to talk of what they possess,of me and mine, particularly with reference to home, family and friends.

These women are kind and sympathetic to the point of being fussy, and in their attitude towards their children they are just like fussy mother hens. Outside of the home, they make good hotel managers, real estate supervisors or restaurant hostesses or owners. They are very thrifty.

They do not have strong constitutions, but suffer from heat and stomach troubles. As they grow older they become rheumatic with many pains and aches in consequence; they also become heavy on their feet. Throughout their lives, they seem to worry much over fancied diseases and take many patent medicines."

Chandra Mahadasha

for Chandra occupies Karkata Rashi

  • QUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 234

"If the Moon be in Cancer at birth, the main period of the Moon will be marked by a tendency toward domesticity .

The individual will live in a place which is either very rocky or is surrounded by mountains, or high ground and trees.

He will have domestic animals around him according to his means and he will spend more money on animals than he will at any other time in his life.

There is some danger during this period of contracting a secret disease and every care should be taken to avoid contagion."

[end quote]

QUOTATION Bhrigu Sutram

  • Sarga-4 Shloka-4 8-56

" The female born will murder her husband if

  • the rising Trimshamsha or the Trimshamsha occupied by the Moon be that of Saturn ,

  • while the Ascendant or the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth is Karkata."

[end quote]



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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" And now my friends,

all that is true, all that is noble,

all that is just and pure,

all that is loveable and gracious,

whatever is excellent and admirable -

fill all your thoughts with these things."

~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8
