Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
Uttarabhadrapad - Kolkata, circa 1890 Victoria and Albert Museum Vata
uroboros |
OM sham shanaishcharaye namah Sankapathuma nithisahaaya ratshaka uththirattaathithevi sahaayakrube Uttarabhadrapada उत्तरभाद्रपदा uttara-bhādra-padā = the latter portion of the square [भाद्र = vriddhi form of भद्र = used in samasa] [भाद्र could be a corruption of भुज = the side of a mathematical figure] uttara-atadhi - uttarataadhi uttṛṭṭāti - uttiraṭṭādi - uthratadhi uttraputupa - fasbadhuruva uttara vadrapada - uttarbabhadra part-2 of the भाद्रपद pair Dvaya Proshthapada = the square of Pegasus
Uttaraproṣṭhapada उत्तरप्रोष्ठपदा uttara-proṣṭha-padā = latter or higher portion of the proṣṭha
[ प्रोष्ठपद proṣṭha-pada प्रौष्ठपद prauṣṭha-pada = portion shaped like a couch, bench proṣṭhe-śaya = sleeping on a couch Ahirbudhnya अहिर्बुध्न्य Āhi-[r]-budhnya = अहि = pervading, like a serpent or a cloud + बुध्न्य being in the depths [बुध्न bottom, root, lowest part] अहिर्बुध्न्यदेवत्य ahi-r-budhnya-devatya = having Ahirbudhnya as its divine patron ahirbradhna - bradhna - ohibridna
Andromeda Galaxy_M31 by Rogelio Bernal Andreo |
Kedarnath |
Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda contributions coming to Earth from the star-civilizations of intuitive guidance systems Description of the Four Pada = charan = quarters of Uttarabhadrapada remain and retain - understands the jewels classroom of Professor Systematic Shani curriculum of visionary maturity and orderly generosity |
Andromeda M31 Galaxy, captured by Herschel via European Space Agency, 2018 |
1913 Reveries, painted by Maxfield Parrish |
The Twenty-Sixth Nakshatra
Uttarabhadra Nakshatra citation from ~~ The Circle of Stars Greek
Regional Names for Uttara-bhadra-pada
Andromeda - Uttarabhadrapada - Ahirabudhnaya old order of subterranean wisdoam
Ahira-Budhnaya is also called Ohi-bridna or Uro-boros ++ many other variations and other distinctive names. He is the one who is aware [Budha] of the treasures stored in the inner recesses below the surface of Earth. Often depicted as a serpent steadily defending a hoard of precious treasure at the bottom of the ocean, ahira (diamond) is certainly a collector and preserver of treasuries. However, the location of His activities is rarely recognized. Beneath the surface of Telluris (Ear = Ur = Earth) lies a global network of crystallized rock that is capable of electro-magnetic transmission. It is somewhat similar to, but dramatically more sophisticated than, anetwork of radio transmission repeater stations. When it was connected eons ago, it became the signal send-receive mechanism for the guides and supporters of Earth to communicate with their scouts and engineers who had been deployed to prepare the Earth to support human civilizations. This network of channels and tunnels contains vortices of spiral-up energy and spiral-down energy that function similarly to faucets and drains. Spiral-up uses a frequency of anti-gravity pulling away from Earth (drain, going out) and spiral-down uses a frequency of gravity pulling toward Earth (faucet, pouring in). Is not dissimilar to the modern digital internet conceptualization of tunneling to create unseen channels for signal exchange such as Virtual Private Networks. The signal frequencies have mathematical signatures which are not dissimilar to modern digital encrypting methods. It is a busy system. Within the network of tunnels and caves lie various stashes and caches of precious cargo, mainly in the form of crystalline stones and highly conductive metals. Humans would recognize much of this engineering material as jewels, silver and gold. Because this precious inventory of signal-transmission components is essential to the welfare of the intergalactic network into which Earth is and has been connected since its inception, these cave-like warehouses of precious crystals and metals are guarded by Naga figures who have been protecting Earth since the beginning. Ancient lore refers to Dragon Lairs in the deep, protected by terrifying serpents. This is the environment of Uttara-bhadra-pada. Humans would recognize these cache-management figures as hailing from reptilian species. Their body-covering consists of scales rather than skin or fur, and they may take the form of a dragon or a serpent. Thus, ahira-budhnaya = He who is aware of the jewel-stash = Supervises these massive and precious assets of inter-galactic civilization which allows Telluris = Earth to remain connected to the sustaining wealth of the galaxy and beyond. Were these treasures pillaged, loss of the supply of conductors would cripple Earth's etheric support system, and terrestrial life would quickly expire. Proportional to their level of consciousness, those born into the nakshatra of Uttara-bhadra are participating in the massive scope of wealth reserves which exists within Earth. Uttara-bhadrapada's inborn assets consist of both monetary wealth and treasure-chests of knowledge. Those born into the precious portion of Uttara-bhadra-pada are often distinguished by extraordinary wealth of knowledge or their astounding material assets along with their Guru-characteristic charity in sharing this largesse. |
A Distant View of Dordrecht, with a Milkmaid and Four Cows by Aelbert Cuyp, c. 1650 Animal symbol of Uttara-bhadra-pada = Cow |
Ruler of Uttara-bhadra Nakshatra
Professor Chandra seeks emotional stability and security via socially approved institutional rules and regulations [Shani] member of Shani's lawful, orderly, safety-first, structured, conformist, survivalist navamsha trine
Nakshatra Vana Sacred tree for Uttarabhadrapada see nakshatra gardens at:
Uttarabhadra Nakshatra Sacred Plant Mango tree = sacred to Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra |
Uttara-bhadra Attributes Uttarabhadra Nakshatra Meanings
Uttarabhadra Nakshatra Body Part
Uttarabhadra = Rulers of the four pada
Uttarabhadra Nakshatra Bija = Seed Syllables for the 4 pada
BPHS Uttarabhadra Nakshatra Auspicious undertakings
Uttarabhadra Nakshatra Gana = Group = Caste
Uttarabhadra Nakshatra Tibetan Tradition
Uttarabhadra Nakshatra protective Deity bhapa = bhesha
Psycho-socially compatible with Uttarabhadrapada = Andromeda Nakshatra of Shani materialistic, structuring, status-oriented, rule of law. Shani people are systems people. These pairs are often found in structuring, law-imposing, bureaucratic governance roles. Nakshatra of Shukra materialistic, accumulating, sensual Shukra makes an elegant, status-acquisitive, architectural pair with hierarchical, structural Shani. Nakshatra of Budha mercantile, conversational, collaborative, shopkeeper Budha is friendly with economic-systems regulator Shani. Budha may indicate the junior partner, the salesperson, the explainer while the Shani partner is more concerned with longevity and continuity of the operation. Psycho-socially neutral with Uttarabhadrapada = Andromeda Nakshatra of Brihaspati Guru and Shani are mutually neutral. Brihaspati welcomes every experience into the full totality of awareness, and Shani provides the structure which grants a lawful coherence to the unfolding of that tapestry of experience. Psycho-socially uneasy with Uttarabhadrapada = Andromeda Nakshatra of Chandra caretaking Chandra's parenting, nourishing style that recognizes only the family unit conflicts with Shani's style of organizing that recognizes only the community-society unit Nakshatra of Mangala Shani is intimidated by Kuja's direct aggressions, competitiveness, and warlike powers. Kuja's pioneering, innovative style conflicts with Shani's insistence on unchanging, lawful structures. Nakshatra of Rahu or Ketu whether highly exciting [Rahu] or deeply observing [Ketu] the fascinating yet disruptive nodal styles conflict with Shani's requirement for a fixed social order constructed from unchanging socially regulated relationships. Most catalytic (challenging) nakshatra for Uttarabhadrapada = Andromeda Nakshatra of Surya center-stage, sparklingly exceptional, brightly self-reflexive Surya-style violently conflicts with Shani's uniform, zero-exceptions, dark, cold, rigidly orderly style. Surya and Shani see each other as ati-shatru = maximum enemy. |
Shakti of the Uttarabhadra Nakshatra QUOTATION from Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra, by Pdt. David Frawley, "Ahir budhnaya desired, "May I find a foundation ." One who makes the appropriate offering to Ahir budhnaya, to Uttara Bhadra,
Uttara Bhadra grants a firm foundation in life,
QUOTATION from Dennis Harness , The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology "26. Uttara Bhadrapada: The Warrior Star (Pisces 03 20 to 16 40) The symbols for Uttara Bhadrapada are the last two legs of a funeral cot, or twins. Bhradrapada translates as
A woman born with Uttara Bhadrapada as her birth star is considered blessed by the goddess Lakshmi, and is considered the gem of her family . The animal symbol is the sacred female cow of India. The deity is Ahir budhnaya, the Serpent of the Deep Sea, and part of Lord Shiva's army which reflects the warrior nature of this lunar mansion. Uttara Bhadrapada has a human, or manushya temperament with a primary motivation of kama, or healthy pleasures. The ruling planet, Saturn , provides great depth and spiritual discipline. The shakti is the bringing of the cosmic rain ." [end quote] |
QUOTATION from Valerie Roebuck, The Circle of Stars , p. 101 " The two Bhadrapada mansions together form the rectangle of stars known in the West as the Square of Pegasus :
The two Bhadrapadas may also be symbolized as a two-headed man,
The word Prostha 'stool' sounds very much like the word Prosta 'burnt'
[end quote] |
QUOTATION - Vocabulary for Uttara-bhadra-pada nakshatra
Uttara upper, higher, superior northern (because the northern part of India is high) left (as opposed to dakshina" southern" or "right" )
later, following, followed by, subsequent, latter, concluding, posterior, future time;
subsequent result, future consequence, in future years
Bhadra blessed, auspicious, fortunate, prosperous, happy; prosperity, happiness, health, welfare, fortune
good, gracious, friendly, kind;
Rising Nakshatra Feminine Public-Figure Examples Ohibridna - A hirabudhnya - Uttara-Proshtha-padas BPL COMMENTARY For Uttarabhadrapada births of a feminine valence, the influence of rigid, chronological, lawful, enduring strictly structural sober serious systematic elderly durokaraka Shani can considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the Shani-ruled paradigm of Uthratadhi, elder persons, old rules, rigid structures, age and time, resistance to change, status hierarchies, social class barriers, large organizations, public opinion, bureaucracies, regulatory requirements, legal systems, and corporate or institutional officials may be especially influential. Instructional guidance is provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Andromeda. Their purpose is multi-dimensional structural integrity and species resilience. [Meena - Antya] pada 1-2-3-4 represents Shani's rulership of 11-systems ++ 12- distant worlds, imaginative vision. Guru and Shani are mutually neutral, suggesting that personality distortions are uncommon with Andromeda-born. Pada 1-2-3-4 have an extraordinary capacity to carry responsibility for others. They are often found in economic, ecological, community linkage, and networking roles which structurally engage invisible understandings, distant realms, interior visionary comprehension, and enduring patience. Themes of maintaining continuity between system s, containment of inner understanding over time, and sustaining of proven profitable patterns may characterize Ahirbudhnaya's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda |
QUOTATION Uttarabhadra from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 101. " ... affectionate to her husband. She is generous and is a good helper in bad circumstances.
She is careful in any work she undertakes.
and will always answer straight to the point." [end quote]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples Andromeda indriya-lagna
see also
[Ahirabudhnya-pada-1] [Simha] [demonstrating, displaying, creative, artistic, glittering, showy, ceremonial, brightly intelligent, confident, narcissistic, splendidly dramatic, gaming, romantic, political, entitled.] [Urisha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = treasures, pleasures, wines, music, visual arts, beauty, luxury, face-eyes-mouth, finance, capitalization, evaluation, assessment, pricing, hoarding, genetics, breeding, cattle, memory, knowledge, speech-song, tradition, ornaments, storage, food.] [Ahirabudhnya-pada-2] [Kanya] [Pushkara pada] [Logistical, analytical, strategic, calculating, ministering, helpful, tactical, assisting, medicating, arguing, complaining, litigious, human services, seva, scandal.] [Mithuna 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = mercantile, process-product manufacturing, sales, scripted, administrative, project-managing, media-messaging, announcing, writing-publishing, information delivery, radio, television, cinema, internet, advertising, data processing, ensemble production, manual skills, teamwork] [Ahirabudhnya-pada-3] [Tula] [negotiating, brokering, adjusting, equity, attorney, advocacy, accommodating, graciously arranging, pleasant, diplomatic, deal-making, trust-building, dithering, compromising, contractual, balancing, fair-deals, trade.] [Karkata 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = tribal, ethno-national, agricultural, customary, fluctuating, border-defense, wall-builder, farmer, sustains a way-of-life, marine, protective, caretaking, ritualized. rhythmic/algorithmic, stays in the ancient ruts, building, property-owning, transport ] [Ahirabudhnya-pada-4] [Vrischika] [transformative, identity-changing, mysterious, eruptive, shocking, penetrating, recycling, secret-keeping, revolutionary, healing, disguising, discovering, hidden-power.] [Simha10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = political, theatrical, entitled, ceremonial, creative, idealistic, flamboyant, games, genius, romance, artistic performance, fashion-style, solar-energy, central attention-getter, glittering radiance, demonstrating, bright display] |
Feminine public-figure examples
Ahirabudhnya Svamsha
Rising Nakshatra Masculine Public-Figure Examples Ohibridna - Ahirabudhnya - Uttara-Proshtha-padas BPL COMMENTARY To whom much is given, from whom much is expected. For Uttarabhadrapada births of a masculine valence, the influence of rigid, chronological, lawful, enduring strictly structural sober serious systematic elderly durokaraka Shani can considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the Shani-ruled paradigm of Uthratadhi, elder persons, old rules, rigid structures, age and time, resistance to change, status hierarchies, social class barriers, large organizations, public opinion, bureaucracies, regulatory requirements, legal systems, and corporate or institutional officials may be especially influential. Instructional guidance is provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Andromeda. Their purpose is multi-dimensional structural integrity and species resilience. Responsible Charity [Meena - Antya] pada 1-2-3-4 represents Shani's rulership of 11-systems ++ 12- distant worlds, imaginative vision. Guru and Shani are mutually neutral, suggesting that personality distortions are uncommon with Andromeda-born. Pada 1-2-3-4 have an extraordinary capacity to carry responsibility for others. Uttara-bhadra born are often found in economic, ecological, community linkage, and networking roles which structurally engage invisible understandings, distant realms, interior visionary comprehension, and enduring patience. Themes of maintaining continuity between system s, containment of inner understanding over time, and sustaining of proven profitable patterns may characterize Ahirbudhnaya's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Uttarabhadra |
QUOTATION Uttarabhadra - Andromeda from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 85 " ...most fortunate... usually indicates a man of means ,
A man who owns property and has the ability to earn money
Being a passive type, his well-being may be inherited or bequeathed to him
He is very intelligent
and generous to those less fortunate than himself." [end quote] |
Masculine Public-Figure Examples
[Ahirabudhnya-pada-1] [Simha] [demonstrating, displaying, creative, artistic, glittering, showy, ceremonial, brightly intelligent, confident, narcissistic, splendidly dramatic, gaming, romantic, political, entitled.] [Urisha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = treasures, pleasures, wines, music, visual arts, beauty, luxury, face-eyes-mouth, finance, capitalization, evaluation, assessment, pricing, hoarding, genetics, breeding, cattle, memory, knowledge, speech-song, tradition, ornaments, storage, food.]
[Ahirabudhnya-pada-2] [Kanya] [Pushkara pada] [Logistical, analytical, strategic, calculating, ministering, helpful, tactical, assisting, medicating, arguing, complaining, litigious, human services, seva, scandal.] [Mithuna 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = mercantile, process-product manufacturing, sales, scripted, administrative, project-managing, media-messaging, announcing, writing-publishing, information delivery, radio, television, cinema, internet, advertising, data processing, ensemble production, manual skills, teamwork]
[Ahirabudhnya-pada-3] [Tula] [negotiating, brokering, adjusting, equity, attorney, advocacy, accommodating, graciously arranging, pleasant, diplomatic, deal-making, trust-building, dithering, compromising, contractual, balancing, fair-deals, trade.] [Karkata 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = tribal, ethno-national, agricultural, customary, fluctuating, border-defense, wall-builder, farmer, sustains a way-of-life, marine, protective, caretaking, ritualized. rhythmic/algorithmic, stays in the ancient ruts, building, property-owning, transport ] [Ahirabudhnya-pada-4] [Vrischika] [transformative, identity-changing, mysterious, eruptive, shocking, penetrating, recycling, secret-keeping, revolutionary, healing, disguising, discovering, hidden-power.] [Simha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = political, theatrical, entitled, ceremonial, creative, idealistic, flamboyant, games, genius, romance, artistic performance, fashion-style, solar-energy, central attention-getter, glittering radiance, demonstrating, bright display]
Masculine Public-figure Examples Ahirabudhnya - Uttarabhadrapada - Andromeda Svamsha
Mount Hood and the Sandy River Valley from Jonsrud Viewpoint in Sandy, Oregon at sunset photo by Pat Rose Photography in Portland Oregon |
General Description of Uttarabhadrapada characteristics QUOTATION from Das - Behari " You are a most attractive and innocent looking person.
You keep equal relationship with high and low people
You have a spot-less heart. You do not like to give troubles to others.
You have wisdom, knowledge and personality. You are expert in delivering attractive speeches.
You are sexually inclined always and desirous of being in the company of the other sex. You can attain mastery over several subjects at the same time .
In the work field, you can shine well due to your extraordinary capacity and capability.
If you are employed you will reach the top. In most of the cases it has been noticed that you are employed initially in the lower or middle level positions,
It has been noticed that your stability in life
You start your livelihood at a very young age say 18 or 19 years of age. You will have important changes in the professional field at 19th, 21st, 28th 30th, 35th and 42nd years. While you keep praising your father on the one side
you lead a neglected childhood.
Your married life will be full of happiness.
Your children also will be an asset, most obedient, understanding and respecting children.
Your health will be very good .
[end quote] |
Description of the Pada (quarters) of Uttarabhadra - Andromeda [Ahirabudhnya-pada-1] Simha Svamsha BPL COMMENTARY Uttarabhadra pada-1 Leadership [Vrishabha - Urisha] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Shukra-profiled careers in valuation, finance and banking, storage and containment, conservation of natural values, capitalization, contracts, equity, partnership, peerage, artistic beauty, music, voice-face-hair, speech-song, story-telling, history, genetics, animal breeders, physicians of the eyes, jaw, mouth, teeth, tongue, throat, dentistry, luxurygoods, delicacies and sweets, fine foods, wines and liqueurs, flowers and perfumes, fine textiles, beautiful decorations, ornaments, and pleasures. Partnership [Kumbha - Ghata] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of pragmatic nature, maturity, seniority. Affinity for massive systems, social participation, economic distribution, community networks. Heightened awareness of dimensional time, work ethic, and scientific perspective. D-1 Shani can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shani in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Andromeda] Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Andromeda]
[Ahirabudhnya-pada-1] [QUOTATION from Das / Behari
[Ahirabudhnya-pada-1] [QUOTATION Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 108 . "A ruddy complexion, of medium height, tendency to early baldness.
Has a flexible mind
Likes music and singing; likes the strong, the mysterious, the queer. Fond of art and perfumes. Is very learned and religious. Can get much happiness through children. In the latter part of life, he will suffer from impurities in the blood ."[end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Ahirabudhnya-pada-1] Nakshatra Divisions of Simha Svamsha [Magha svamsha] [00:00 until 13:21] Affinity for ceremonial roles, auric splendor, gold, and fire. May be surrounded by political people, and offer bright entertainments, yet prefers to withdraw from the fray. May appear haughty, high-priestly, or above-it-all. Ghostly, inchoate, observer. Attention disperses then re-appears. A fixed meditative practice can ground Ketu's nebulous emptiness into radiant spiritual witness. May subtly glow with intelligent humor, or radiate a quiet ephemeral sparkle. Urisha career regal, liturgical spectator within the public realms of banking, sensual pleasures, delicious foods, political expression of traditional values, fine textiles, music, cosmetics and beautification, ornaments, scents, oils, wines. Finance, jewels and precious objects, storage, valuation, historical knowledge, speech-and-song. May acquire luxurious treasuries. Check graha in Urisha 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali ++ Ketu in kundali, along with Ketu's ruler. [Pūrvaphalgunī svamsha] [13:21 until 26:39] [DOUBLE-SHUKRA] for career = Brighu rules 10th-navamsha + nakshatra-pati Affinity for splendid designs, pleasures, and treasures. Creative use of political monies. Attracted to the bright sparkle of gracious display. May be immensely talented in dance-music, creative arts, theatrical show. Enjoys costume, adornments, and most of all romantic relationships. Must have luxury and fame. Charming, lovely, adored - yet often affixed to the mirror. Urisha career = entitled, idealistic, attractive entertainer within the public realms of banking, finance, sensual pleasures, delicious foods, ppolitical expression of traditional values, fine textiles, music, cosmetics and beautification, ornaments, scents, oils, wines. Collector of jewels and precious objects, storage, valuation, historical knowledge, speech-and-song. May acquire luxurious treasuries. Check graha in Urisha 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali. [Uttaraphalguni svamsha] [26:39 until 29:59 ] [DOUBLE SURYA] Affinity for brightly creative, regally entitled, glittering diva-style. Commanding center-stage roles in politics, brilliant ceremony, flamboyant drama. Intelligent, independent, autocratic, entitled, charismatic, decisive. Confidently, magnificently outshines all others. May be blinded by one's own light. Celebrated entertainer, auric deity, or divinely appointed monarch. Urisha career = radiant center of power and attention within the public realms of banking, finance, sensual pleasures, delicious foods, political expression of traditional values, fine textiles, music, cosmetics and beautification, ornaments, scents, oils, wines. Collector of jewels and precious objects, storage, valuation, historical knowledge, speech-and-song. May acquire luxurious treasuries. Check graha in Urisha 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.
BPL COMMENTARY [Ahirabudhnya-pada-1]
political, dramatic, creative, entertaining Personality shows many of the typical Leya traits of glittering intelligence, enjoyment of center-stage roles, interest in showmanship and drama, and natural self-centered authority. [Ahirabudhnya-pada-1] can be found in politics and entertainment. Urisha familiar reputation 10th-navamsha Vrishabha-10 may be professionally engaged with banking and finance, treasury, acquisition and collection, historical knowledge, visual arts, illustration, women's ornamentation and fashion, eyes-hair-face, mouth-teeth, beautification, flowers, perfumes and aromatic oils, sensual pleasures, song and music, facial beauty, eyesight, sweets and liquors, dairy foods and cattle. Any graha located in
Vrishabha - Urisha 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio.
The public career may be subject to revaluation and
reassessment because Professor
Bright Beautiful Bhrigu indicates historical,
aesthetic values.
Surya-Shani form a contradictory pair.
There may be constant tension between the instinct to claim royal entitlements [Surya] versus the mandate to serve the social order [Shani]. Particularly there is tension and resistance between the self-focused Surya patterns and the social-approval-requiring Shani patterns in reference to the style of promulgating Guru's agenda which is the spread of inclusiveness, generosity, and wisdom. Hypocrisy is a constant threat. Depending upon the placements of Surya-Shani one may experience ongoing animosity due to the inconsistencies, hypocrisies, and misalignments between personal glory [Surya] versus social duty [Shani]. Feminine Nativities Typically, Uttarabhadrapada ladies are loving and compassionate with a natural concern for others. Due to Surya-Shani conflict, they must leave the place of birth in order to achieve their professional success. Marriage is rarely easy due to the egocentricity of Surya, and the mate may find evidence of Uttarabhādra-1 hypocrisy between the political or charismatic entitlements [Surya] versus social principles and duties [Shani]. Generally, children are raised to be well-mannered, self-disciplined, and respectful of others. SHUKRA located in [political-ceremonial Uttarabhādra-1] [navamsha Shukra-Simha] intuitively harmonizing celebrated political flamboyant diplomatic bargaining relationships |
[Andromeda-pada-2] [Pushkara Navamsha] = Kanya Svamsha BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Mithuna - Dvamdva] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Budha-profiled careers in business administration, shopkeeping, tasks, meetings, correspondence, instructional delivery, handcraft, manual arts and tool use, conversation, committee-work, team-building, communication, event management, song-writing, commerce, painting, writing, documentation, description, illustration, publishing, evangelism, announcements, messaging, cinema, scripting, programming codes, information technology, signaling, gesture, matching, mating, coupling, doubling, duplication, doppelganger, polarities, mirroring, twinning Partnership [Meena - Antya] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of philosophical nature, propensity to teach-and-preach, affinity for distant worlds + private enclosure, concern with inner-vision + imagination, ability to receive interior guidance + preference for contemplative living. D-1 Guru can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Brihaspatii in D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Andromeda]
Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Andromeda] |
[Andromeda-pada-2] QUOTATION from Das / Behari
[Andromeda-pada-2] QUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 108 Same as pada-1 "A ruddy complexion, of medium height, tendency to early baldness.
Has a flexible mind
Likes music and singing; likes the strong, the mysterious, the queer.
Is very learned and religious.
In the latter part of life, he will suffer from impurities in the blood ." [end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Andromeda-pada-2] Nakshatra Divisions of Kanya Svamsha [ Uttaraphalguni svamsha] [00:00 until 09:59] Affinity for political portfolio within aggrieved or unbalanced environments. Empowered ministerial roles in war, military, medicine, crime, poverty, litigation, toxicity, mistreatments, abuse. Helper, aide, assistant. Mentalized, tactical, argumentative, analytical. Although prefering second-in-command, lieutenant, prime-minister, power-behind-the-throne, Aryaman can indeed assume visible authority -- yet remains in service to a higher command. May be blinded by one's own light. Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation confident, entitled, logical strategist within the public realms of mercantile management, sales-and-marketing, touring itinerary, communications, publicity, information delivery, media-messaging [radio, cinema, television, internet] manufacturing, transaction, documentation, writing-publication, announcements. Check graha in Mithuna 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Surya in kundali.
[ Hasta svamsha] [10:00 until 23:20] Affinity for paced, comfortable, predictable, householder roles. Parent, safety officer, schoolteacher, caretaker, gardener, environmentalist. Guards the customary boundaries on land and waters. Feeds and shelters. Stewards the old Way-of-Life. Local police. Emotionally supportive, delivers nourishing aid. Calming ministries of service. Concerned with security, cultural foundations, ancestral habits, safety of the settlement. Although usually placid and content, Hasta gets defensive when routine is disturbed. Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation ethno-rhythmic, sensitive helper within the public realms of mercantile management, sales-and-marketing, touring itinerary, communications, publicity, information delivery, media-messaging [radio, cinema, television, internet] manufacturing, transaction, documentation, writing-publication, announcements. Check graha in Mithuna 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Chandra in kundali [ Chitra svamsha] [23:20 until 29:59] Affinity for fashioning, tool-crafting, design arts, couture, surgery, draftsmanship, drawing-and-painting, sculpture, architecture, musical instruments, mechanical design, sexual pursuit, helpful repairs, calculated movement. Incisively critical, physically proactive, weaponizing. Skilled use of sharp invasive implements such as lasers, guns, drills, scissors, knives, needles, scalpel, writing-stylus, sword. Physically, verbally, and psychically penetrating energy. Mithuna 10th-navamsha Career Reputation kinetic, forward-pushing, logical engineer within the public realms of mercantile management, sales-and-marketing, touring itinerary, communications, publicity, information delivery, media-messaging [radio, cinema, television, internet] manufacturing, transaction, documentation, writing-publication, announcements. . Check graha in Mithuna 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali. |
BPL COMMENTARY [Andromeda-pada-2] [Kanya]
Denizens of pada-2 Uttarabhadra are generally businesspeople at heart. Typically, they manage influential commercial operations which fund their philanthropy. Also may be accomplished writers. The wealth levels = usually substantial, but so are the reporting, documenting, or administrative responsibilities. Uttara-bhadra-pada-2 demonstrates Kanya - Parthya service-ministry, orientation to health care, military, unbalanced arrangements, exploitive environments, and mitigation of pollution (cleaning). Often experiences ill health or argument. Argument may be either the logical academic form of disciplinary argumentation or the interpersonal form of mutual complaint. [Mithuna - Dvamdva] familiar reputation 10th-navamsha One is often professional engaged with matters of communicative Mithuna - Dvamdva such as writing and editing, publications, conversation, announcements, declarations, documentation, media-messaging, evangelism, cinema, radio-television-internet, books-magazines-journals-blogs, travel itineraries, scheduling, schematics, planning, meetings, business administration, project management, conferences, seminars, presentations, instructional delivery, description, explanation, diagrams, photography, drawings, hand-craft, tool-use, apprenticeship. Any graha located in Mithuna 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The definition of the public career may be subject to re-describing and re-explaining because Professor Budha indicates chattering. TENSION Guru-vs-Budha, belief vs. fact In Uttara-bhadra-pada-2 there is always an element of psychological tension between the adversarial attitude of lagnesha Charitable Guru toward Blustering Budha who rules the both the 10th-navamsha and Svamsha . Professor Budha wants to argue the details while Professor Guru the Great Teacher wants to philosophize upon grand celestial concepts. This tension often exacerbates the digestive ailments associated with Kanyar. BPL: Pushkara Navamsha= Kanya - Parthya navamsha pada-2 Uttarabhadrapada Busy Budha activates the pada, while Shani activates the nakshatra and Guru activates the rashi. Budha-Shani form an orthodox, instructional pair. Budha favors bachelorhood or a lifelong inclination to student-ness. All matters of Budha such as writing, evangelism, younger siblings, naarrative, hand-craft, and signaling behaviors can be expected to flourish moderately. Although mental success is assured, material success is limited slightly by the adversarial relationship between Budha and Guru. Nevertheless, the chain of command in [Kanya - Parthya] navamsha pada-2 Uttarabhadrapada being mediated via Shani, the prognosis for Budha-related activities remains very positive. Masculine Nativities Masculine personality in 2nd pada of Uttarabhadrapada = a regular fellow (Budha, fellowship), respectful of others [Shani], and thus considered supportive company. It is a Pushkara Navamsha, thus personal behavior = exemplary, distinguished by cordiality and sincere interest in social harmony accomplished through the enlightened rule of law. Nice manners and fortune in life, although perhaps too much concentrated upon building one's Great Works and as a result less inclined to accept the responsibilities of raising a family. May choose a social bachelorhood [Budha] or prefer to enter the ranks of the celibate religious (Merton) but the reason for not marrying is to free up time for the Visionary Work (Guru-Shani). Both masculine and feminine personalities may prefer the company of civilized, reflective partners. For feminine nativities, this Learning Pathway may support devotional lifestyles such as celibate nuns in the women's monasteries (convents) of the women's religious orders Feminine Public-Figure Examples Feminine-figures are also blessed but in a magnificently different way. She tends more toward management of a respectful and welcoming home where all family members treat each other with dignity. The children are well prepared for adulthood, and they bring honor to their parents. In maturity she enters the service of humanity, often by developing a Great Work of some sort. |
[Ahirabudhnya-pada-3] Tula Svamsha BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Karkata - Kadaga] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Chandra-profiled careers in homemaking, parenting, caretaking, nursing, school-teaching, naurturing arts, farming and gardening, home-construction, property management, real-estate, interior decor, pathways of transportation, policing and border patrol, defensive skills, protection of ethnic root rhythms, customary rituals, fishing, shipping, oceanography, marine professions. Partnership [Mesha - Aja] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting spousal characteristics of competitive nature, athletic tendencies, pursuit of dominance, quest for championship, physical vigor, pioneering attitude, innovative skills, preference for direct action , and heroic perspective. D-1 Mangala can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Kuja-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Andromeda] Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Andromeda] |
[Ahirabudhnya-pada-3] QUOTATION from Das / Behari
[Ahirabudhnya-pada-3] QUOTATION Shil-Ponde.(1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 108 Same as pada-1.
prefers women to men. Has a flexible mind
Likes music and singing;
In the latter part of life, he will suffer from impurities in the blood ."[end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Ahirabudhnya-pada-3] Nakshatra Divisions of Tula Svamsha Chitra svamsha] [00:00 until 06:40] Affinity for fashion modeling, fine-arts painting, garment design, architecture, structural engineering, energy design, metal-sculpture. Gracious sexual pursuit, animating relationships, color-balancing instruments, competitive brokered relationships, vigorous contract negotiations.. Suave yet sharp movement, expert dancer or musician. Landscaping, shapes farms-gardens with waterworks, precise application of sharp cutting tools for aesthetic result, beautification surgery. Karkata career = competitively arranging middleman within the public realms of real-estate, schooling, agriculture, water-channels, flow, ancient ways-of-life, boundary protection, defense. caretaking, parenting, policing, security, shipping, vehicles-transport, environmental protection. Seasonal rituals, tribal rhythms, customary routines, folkways, houses of worship. Also hormonal pulse of dance music, esp if entrancing Rahu-Karkata.. Check graha in Karkata 10th-navamsha ++ Chandra in kundali ++ Mangala in kundali. [ Svati svamsha] [06:40 until 19:59] Affinity for unorthodox equity-establishment via race-class mixing, unprecedented social justice, unusually fair treatment of outsiders, taboo-challenging match-making, over-reaching brokerage. May expediently cross ethno-cultural barriers. Fabulous deal-maker, arranger of risky alliances, exciting financial contracts. Extravagant liaisons. Karkata career = ambitiously balancing diplomat within the public realms of real-estate, schooling, agriculture, water-channels, flow, ancient ways-of-life, boundary protection, defense. caretaking, parenting, policing, security, shipping, vehicles-transport, environmental protection. Seasonal rituals, tribal rhythms, customary routines, folkways, houses of worship. Also hormonal pulse of dance music, esp if entrancing Rahu-Karkata. Check graha in Karkata 10th-navamsha ++ Chandra in kundali ++ Rāhu in kundali. [Viśākha svamsha] [20:00 until 29:59] Affinity for growth and expansion, with some impolite shocks. Favors negotiated, large-scale improvement. Spreads philosophically principled understanding. Visionary and charitable. Believes in social justice, but long-term worldview may tolerate short-term injustice. Can be a military-defense officer, or a parental guiden.
Karkata career = broad-overview multiple-treaty arranger within the public realms of real-estate, schooling, agriculture, water-channels, flow, ancient ways-of-life, boundary protection, defense. caretaking, parenting, policing, security, shipping, vehicles-transport, environmental protection. Seasonal rituals, tribal rhythms, customary routines, folkways, houses of worship. Also hormonal pulse of dance music, esp if entrancing Rahu-Karkata. Check graha in Karkata 10th-navamsha ++ Chandra in kundali ++ Guru in kundali. |
BPL COMMENTARY [Ahirabudhnya-pada-3]
The Uttara-bhadra-pada-3 nativity is typically professional engaged with matters of Karkata such as rhythms and routines of a settled people, folk customs, local environments, protective and nurturing behaviors, caretaking, parenting, guardianship, stewardship, nourishment, stabilization , groundskeeping, home-keeping, gardening, farming, fishing, ocean tides, estuaries, cultivation, protection of land and property, patriotism , safety, policing, homemaking, naursing, early childhood teaching, sheltering, defending, temple rituals, seasonal festivals, comforts. real-estate, building, pathways of transportation, infrastructural security of the settlement. Any graha located in patriotic Karkata - Kadaga 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The definition of the public career may fluctuate because Professor Chandra indicates Ebb and Flow. BPL: Tula-Vanika navamsha pada-3 Uttarabhadra Sensual Shukra activates the pada, while strict Shani activates the nakshatra and generous Guru activates the rashi. Shukra-Shani form a gracious, architecturally balanced pair. Relationships with women, both personal and professional, are dignified [Shani] and satisfying [Shukra]. All things Shukra-proportion, such as design arts, music, sensual pleasures, matters of the face and mouth, women, sisters, alliances, negotiations, and financial well-being, can be expected to flourishr. |
[Uttarabhadrapada-pada-4] = [Andromeda-pada-4] = [Ahirabudhnya-pada-4] BPL COMMENTARY Leadership [Simha - Leya] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Surya-profiled careers in politics, creative performance, entitled roles, drama, entertainments and amusements, gambling and games, speculative finance, adventure, center-of-attention, royalty, fashion and glamour, theatre, glitter and sparkle, sun-worship, bright displays, artistic genius, individuality, poetry, romantic idealism, celebrity, fame. Partnership Vrishabha-Stauri = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Shukra-profiled spousal characteristics of acquisitiveness, harmonizing nature, sweets-seeking tendencies, luxury lifestyle, gracious arrangements, adjustability, collecting skills, partnership orientation, and diplomatic perspective. D-1 Bhrigu can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Shukra-D-1 can contribute more detailed behaviors. Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Andromeda] Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Andromeda] |
[Andromeda-pada-4] QUOTATION Das / Behari "You will be rich, endowed with all comforts, good and devoted spouse,
Moves in the eastern direction when you are 24 years old in connection with employment." [end quote] |
[Andromeda-pada-4] QUOTATION Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 108 -- Same as pada-1. "A ruddy complexion, of medium height, tendency to early baldness.
prefers women to men. Has a flexible mind
Likes music and singing;
In the latter part of life, he will suffer from impurities in the blood ."[end quote] |
SUB-SECTIONS of [Ahirabudhnya-pada-3] Nakshatra Divisions of Vṛścika svamsha [Viśākha svamsha] [00:00 until 03:19] Affinity for active root-splitting guided growth. Optimistic expansionvia shakti/shock. Can be a military general, or philosophical guidance figure. Generous but forward-pushing to the point of invasiveness. Permission to produce large-scale change both personally and socially. Not afraid to destroy lives or livelihoods. Believes spiritual emergence through trauma.
Simha career = energetic principled growth-pusher within the public realms of Politics, human drama, celebrity entitlement, creativity, gambling. May be autocratic, showman/conman, ceremonial, displays of paternalistic confidence. Check graha in Simha 10th-navamsha ++ Surya in kundali ++ Guru in kundali [ Anuradha svamsha] [03:20 until 16:39] Affinity for maintenance of social order in times of danger, disaster, or threat. Responsible for regulation of perilous environments. Disguised as normal, yet - when required - may rise to action using lawful force. Often in military, paramilitary brotherhood, insurance underwriting, risk management, explosives control, poison control, ordnance, weapons, firefighter, emergency medical response. Public safety protocol officer. Compliance officer. Battlefield triage. Simha career = secretive crisis regulators within the public realms of politics, human drama, celebrity entitlement, creativity, gambling. May be autocratic, showman/conman, ceremonial, displays of paternalistic confidence. Check graha in Simha 10th-navamsha ++ Surya in kundali ++ Shani in kundali [Jyeṣṭha svamsha] [16:40 until 29:59] Affinity for provocative, dangerous, or camouflaged communications. Verbosity with instigation to urgent action. May weaponize information. Writing-publishing, announcements, investigative journalism, mercantile-marketing, cinema scripts, conversations, interviews, commercial management. Shrewdly exposes propaganda, reveals camouflaged threat, opinionated, and sharply logical within their bias. Simha career =energetic bright confident messaging within the public realms of Politics, human drama, celebrity entitlement, creativity, gambling. May be autocratic, showman/conman, ceremonial, displays of paternalistic confidence.Check graha in Simha 10th-navamsha ++ Surya in kundali ++ Budha in kundali |
[Uttarabhadrapada-pada-4] = [Andromeda-pada-4] = [Ahirabudhnya-pada-4] [Vrischika]
Uttara-bhadra-pada-4 = shows many of the typical Vṛścika - Thriketta traits of pursuit of hidden empowerments, sharp focus on the mysterious and confidential, drive to control, manipulative or intrusive nature, explosions and implosions, and energetic penetration of secrets. [Simha - Leya] = 10th-navamsha Uttara-bhadra-pada-4 = typically professional engaged with matters of Simha such as politics and political elections, theatre, literary creativity, performance arts, celebrity, royal entitlements, pageantry, poetry, ceremony, entertainments, ceremonial dance, children, romantic idealism, courtly love, games, gambling, expressions of genius, applause, brilliant confidence, solar power, bright lights, divine Intelligence, self-knowledge, ego, individuality, independence, non-conformity, exceptionalism, uniqueness, center of attention, brilliant red things. Any graha located in glittering Simha - Leya 10th-navamsha can be definitive for professional portfolio and public service. The public career may be brightly visible because Professor Ravi indicates self-referential radiance. There is potential for the development of a splendid healer and brilliant symbol of intelligent transformation. But there is an equal potential for the development of an doctrinally motivated political dictatorr. BPL COMMENTARY WRT CHANDRA in Vṛścika - Thriketta navamsha = pada-4 Uttarabhadrapada Sudden, secretive, energized, eruptive, transformative dynamic of Mangala is trying to express itself = to emerge, to be effective = within Shani's regulated, structured world. It is similar to the [uchcha] Mangala -Makara producing great success in business in conquesting pursuit of innovation and inventiveness . However pada-4-Uttarabhādra is also capable of producing such vigorously energized identity change (8, Vṛścika) that catastrophic loss may ensue. Albeit, after each (often violently) enforced identity change, arebirth with new ideas and new resources does occur. Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda = PADA-4 VRISCHIKa
= = =
indriya-lagna Uttarabhādra-4 As always, the parameters of external success will be set by the character of (1) Mangala (2) Shani and (3) Guru within the radical nativity. If Guru is especially strong, charitable instincts of pada-4-Uttarabhādra can be profoundly effective. Note that even if there is no external evidence of changing-power because the energy has moved [Kuja] into spiritual and [philosophical pursuits rather than into actions of business or government [Shani] -- still this person is a significant agent of transformative change. Whether the nature of the change is constructive or destructive depends entirely upon the interrelationship of Kuja + Shani + Guru. Rockefeller never abandoned his regal entitlements. Rather, with Mangala lord of dharmasthāna-9 residing in the dissolving 12th, he turned to large-scale philanthropy [Guru]. His first but not exclusive aim was to endow several great universities = for the benefit of the common man = [Shani]. He underwrote similar "wisdom for the masses " projects worldwide [Guru] including the restoration of war-damaged cathedrals in Europe. Potential for considerable capital treasury achieved through personal industriousness and optimistic beliefs, due to the combination of Shani and Guru . Blood may move too slowly due to Shani's pressure upon Mangala. Possibility of high blood pressure due to compression. Marriage to a mate who also has Shani-ruled nakshatra produces a valuable working partnership, although the early years are effortful. Children [Guru] are not too many [Shani] as one appreciates the value of concentrating [Shani] the assets into fewer portions. The spirit of a water serpent or rodent may bite you near the age of five but if a body part is cut or bitten it will regenerate. A fever near the age of eight due to internal anger; this irritation results in flaming bowels. Family structure may change at the Rahu-Ketu opposition age nine, bringing a complex of both a new relationship and new responsibilities, which is often a heavy burden for a small child. Near the age of 24, there is a need to move in an east-southeast direction, in order to find work. |
Wyvern eating its own tail Lucas Jennis' engraving published on an alchemical emblem-book entitled De Lapide Philisophico (1625) |
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