

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Nakshatra of Surya


Shiva and Parvati with Their Children Ganesha and Kārtikeya (Skanda)

ca. 1830, collection of the Smithsonian Institutions www.asia.si.edu


Air Desert, by Titouan Lamazou


Traditionally, flamboyant and confident Surya-ruled Kṛttikā - Pleiades may be represented by the teal-colored extravagance of the pea-cock.





OM grinih suryaya namah

OM hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah

bankajavaasini baabavimochani kruththikaathevi sahaayakrube

Kṛttikā - Kritti

√ कृत् krüt [kr̩t] = cut

कृत्तिका kṛt-tikā krüttika = cutters

also written as कृत्ति krütti

= six stars within the Pleyades constellation, on the rashi boundary between Mesha and Urisha

symbolized by cutters = razor, knife, or flame

कार्तिकेय kārtikeya

=name of the deity who was raised by the six star-mothers of the Pleyades = the shad- kṛttika

He is also called Skanda

kattika- karthigai - kārttika- karthika - kārttikai -

krithigai - krithika - krittikash

kruttikaa - kruthike - kethi

Riksha = Ṛkṣa

dhātu √ ऋष् rish [ṛṣ] = shine, praise, be proud

ऋक्ष ṛkṣa rüksha = the seven stars, the Pleiades, the seven Ṛiṣi

= used as a general name for all nakshatra


√ हु hu = sacrifice, eat, please

++भुज् bhuj = protect

हौतभुज hauta-bhuja

= Agni-hotra, the protective sacrifice

= name for The Pleyades


dhātu √ बाह् bah / वाह् vah = carry, endeavor

बहुलिका bahulikā = those who are firmly resolved, diligently endeavoring

bahulā = those from Pleyades, endeavoring to help Earth


आग्नेय āgni-ya = belonging to Agni = agneyī

अग्निदेव agni-deva

= having Agni as its divine patron

अग्निनक्षत्र agni-nakṣatra

kṛt-tikā riksha = protected by Agni


√ अन् an = breathe

अनल anala = the vasu of fire

Dahankṣa = Dahanarkṣa

दहन्क्ष dahana-rkṣa

dhātu √ दह् dah = burn, scorch

= दहन dahana = burned, scorched, destroyed

++ ऋक्ष ṛkṣa = place of Rishi guides = nakshatra

contributions coming to Earth

from the star-civilizations of

Plejades - Alkyone -Vergillae

the Strong Helpers


Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades

Descriptions of the Pada

classroom of Professor Sparkling Surya

curriculum of intelligent creativity and political drama



Illustration of Sheep from a Medieval Bestiary,

preserved in the vast Bodleian Library collection at Oxford

the Third Nakshatra (new system)

  • 26:40 Mesha-Arya until 09:59 Vrishabha-Urisha (Aries-Taurus)

  • pada 9, 10, 11, 12 of total 108

Krittika Nakshatra Celestial Location ~~ The Circle of Stars

  • Alcyone, Celaeno, Electra, taygete, maia, and Asterope

  • (Pleyades) Eta, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21 Tauri

Regional Names for Krittika Nakshatra

Agneya = agni-nakshatra

  • anala - fire; the god of fire Agni, digestive power, gastric juice; bile (3rd nakshatra)
  • AyuSmat * possessed of vital power, healthy, long-lived; alive, living (3rd nakshatra = 8th-from-8th)
  • bahula * bAhuleya * bahulikA * thick, dense, broad, wide, spacious, ample, large, abundant, numerous , many, much; born under the Pleiades; the month Karttika when the moon is near the Pleiades
  • duzcikya
  • Hauta-bhuja


  • Karthigai * Karthika * kArttika * kArttikeya * Krittika * Kruttika * Kruthike * Kruththikaa

RkSa - the seven rishi (seven stars of Pleiades)

  • Visma


  • Tishtrya = Sirius

Parthian - Pahlavi


  • tishtar * tascheter


  • Thurayya


  • Seven Sisters

Nine Progenitors of the School of Earth

According to ante-diluvial histories, missionaries from the Pleiades genetically seeded the present iteration of human civilization upon our beloved School of Earth.

This lore was remembered by some ancient Greek philosophers. They identified the "Seven Sisters" as the abode of the seeding god Atlas [Atlantis] and his wife Pleione, along with their seven daughters.

There are a total of nine stars in Kṛttikā-Pleyades, indicating their family-of-nine.

according to Vedic index of names and subjects Macdonnell and Keith (1912)

as found in Taittirīya Brahmana,Taittirīya Samhita, and Kāṭhaka Saṃhitā,the seven stars of Kṛttikā are named as

  1. Amba
  2. Dula
  3. Nitatnī
  4. Abhrayantī
  5. Meghayantī
  6. Varṣayantī
  7. Cupuṇīkā

from the Persian-Egyptian viewpoint

  • Tishtar * Tascheter is one of the four Chieftains.
  • Within the Pleiades, the star Tishtrya (Sirius) is called the Watcher of the Eastern sky.

ref: Davis, G. A. (1945). The so-called royal stars of Persia. Popular Astronomy, Vol. 53, p. 149. archived in https://adsabs.harvard.edu

According to Davis, there is no textual justification for including Aldebaran within the scope of "the watcher of the southern sky". Rather, he concludes that Sirius alone is the Eastern Quadrant Watcher.


NASA composite photo of Pleiades

assembled from data via Hubble Telescope


NASA QUOTE "The Pleiades, an open cluster consisting of approximately 3,000 stars at a distance of 400 light-years (120 parsecs) from Earth in the constellation of Taurus. It is also known as "The Seven Sisters ", or the astronomical designations NGC 1432/35 and M45."

Sacred tree for Krittika Nakshatra

see nakshatra gardens at:


  • western botanical name = Ficus Racemosa = Ficus Glomerata

  • Sanskrita namah: udumbara

  • Common name = Fig, Cluster Fig, Gular Fig


Ficus Racemosa (fig tree, gular) = sacred to Krittika Nakshatra

Krittika: Lion-tailed macaque eating Ficus racemosa

Lion-tailed macaque feasting on fruits of Ficus Racemosa

photo by T. R. Shankar Raman

Sanskrit Vocabulary for Krittika Nakshatra

  • ~~ Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • belonging or relating or consecrated to fire or its deity Agni

  • belonging or consecrated to Agnayi (wife of Agni)

  • of Agastya;

  • blood; ghee; gold

  • An insect which flies into the fire (also a thief who breaks into a room and extinguishes the lamp)

  • south-eastern; the south-east quarter (of which Agni is the regent)

  • The Nakshatra Krittika


  • {huta-bhuj} relating or belonging to or presided over by Agni

  • The Nakshatra Krittika


Krittika Nakshatra rulers

Krittika * Rulers of the four pada

  1. Guru
  2. Shani
  3. Shani
  4. Guru

Krittika Nakshatra Bija Syllables:

  • pada-1 = Ah [as in father]

  • pada-2 = Ee [as in easy]

  • pada-3 = U [as in Ooh]

  • pada-4 = Eh [as in eight]

Krittika Nakshatra Body Part

  • Head of the nakshatrapurusha - Kala-purusha

Krittika Nakshatra Meanings

" ...fame, brightness, war, battle, and the war-leader or general..." ~~ The Circle of Stars, p. 103

  • Rash Movements and Direct Action,

  • Hot, fierce Competition

  • Cooking Fires

Krittika Nakshatra Symbol

  • scissors, razor

  • arrow

  • a flame

Krittika Nakshatra gana * group

  • Demonic * Rakshasa

BPHS auspicious activities Krittika Nakshatra

  • Rash actions
  • accepting fire (Brahmin ritual)
  • competing
  • hot discussions (debates)
  • working with metals

Krittika Nakshatra

[Tibetan] Tradition

  • Min-Druk - God Madrukpa"
  • Mindruk = He who has six mothers" = youngest son of Mahadeva

In Tibetan tradition, agni = "loka-pala" or "place guardian"

  • Agni guards the south-east of any venue.

Agni is also in charge of all fire rituals, which should be conducted in the SE corner of the building or field.


  • Applies to nakshatra of indriya-lagna AND nakshatra of Chandra. For emotional relationships, nakshatra of Chandra is more influential on compatibility and ease of interaction.

Psycho-socially compatible with Krittika * Pleyades

Nakshatra of Surya * center-stage, sparklingly exceptional, brightly self-reflexive. These splendorous pairs bask in the glowing center of attention. They are often found in political, entertainment, gambling, creative, and celebrity environments.

Nakshatra of Chandra

matrikaraka caretaking Chandra's rhythmic, parenting, routinized style provides a companionable balance to pitrikaraka visionary Surya's confident, outgoing energy.

These pairs can thrive as parents following a traditional division of labor. As a couple, the Chandra personality takes the homefront while the Surya mate manages their public affairs.

Nakshatra of Brihaspati

Guru and Surya are mutual mitra-graha = best friends joined in a quest to enlighten the cosmos. Brihaspati expands the humanistic worldview and Surya brightens the intellect.

Nakshatra of Mangala

Kuja and Surya are mutual mitra-graha = best friends joined in a quest to energize the cosmos. Mangala leads the conquest of new worlds and Surya shines the bright light of divinity.

Psycho-socially neutral with Krittika * Pleyades

Nakshatra of Budha * mercantile, conversational, collaborative. Budha likes Surya more than Surya likes Budha, but this pair is generally neutral and there is no serious impedance to their interactions. Within relationships, surya takes a more decisive role whereas Budha acts more like a interpreter, teammate, or sibling.

Psycho-socially uneasy with Krittika * Pleyades

Nakshatra of Rāhu or Ketu * whether highly exciting [Rahu] or deeply observing [Ketu] the fascinating yet disruptive nodal styles are generally antithetical to Surya's radiating mission. The nodal shadows block Surya's ability to emanate individuality and willpower. These pairings follow incommensurable agendas.

Most catalytic (challenging) nakshatra for Krittika =

Nakshatra of Shukra = materialistic, accumulating, sensual Shukra is all about partnership, pairing, two-ness, cooperation, contract, sharing. Surya is all about oneness, naonpareil, incomparability, individuality, undivided attention. These agendas are deeply contradictory and often mutually resentful.

Nakshatra of Shani * materialistic, structuring, socially conformist Shani is in perpetual animosity with brilliantly creative, individualistic, regal divine Surya. From Ravi's perspective, dark and punitive Shani is a deeply adversarial mutual arch-enemy * ati-shatru-graha.

QUOTATION from Dennis Harness, The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology

" The primordial flame is the primary symbol of this nakshatra, representing purification by the sacred fire (yagna).

  • The ruling planet is the Sun with Agni, the God of Fire, as the residing deity.

  • The shakti of this lunar mansion is 'the power to burn away the negativity to get to the truth' .

  • According to the Atharva Veda, Krittika is the first nakshatra reflecting the stars rising at the spring vernal equinox during the height of the Indus Valley civilization (2720-1760 BCE.)

  • Interestingly, the Moon is exalted in this powerful nakshatra.

  • It has a rakshasa, or demon nature, with a primary motivation of kama or desire.

The other symbol for this asterism is a razor, reflecting the cutting activity of this nakshatra, which can heal or destroy."

Krittika Nakshatra

commentary of David Frawley, Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra

" Agni desired, "May I be the eater of food for the Gods."

One who offers to Agni and Krittika the appropriate offering becomes an eater of food for mortals.

  • Agni as fire both cooks and digests food.

Krittika provides nourishment and the power to digest it as well.

Those born under it like to provide for others in this way."

Krittika Nakshatra


Ravi-ruled Kṛttikā-born = may be highly successful in public life, but moody in private life.

  • Like day and night.

Kṛttikā-pada-1 [Mesha] draws its dynamic, confident, forward-pushing energy from the Surya-Mangala planetary friendship

  • Nakshatra-pati Surya and rashi-pati Mangala are best-friends

Kṛttikā-pada-2-3-4 [Vrishabha] = often found in politics due to Surya. Within the political or entertainment worlds, Kṛttikā-2-3-4 often specialize in finance due to Shukra. Yet, their decisions [Surya] may seem contradictory due to Surya-Shukra mutual-enemies relationship.

  • Nakshatra-pati Surya radiant single-focus and rashi-pati Shukra balancing dual-focus do not like each other.

Krittika Nakshatra = masculine-identified nativity

Surya-ruled Krittika is considered an auspicious placement for those identified as menfolk.

Their instinct for public attention thrives in the self-assertive, potentially boastful, center-stage masculine auspice of Lord Ravi.

  • Politics, royal perquisites, radiance, glamour, throne-room center stage.

  • These men have large auras. They speak in soliloquy. They demand attention.

  • Often much admired by other menfolk, considered a "man's man" due to exhibition of entitlement. Tends to be a charismatic personality, although other features of the nativity must be evaluated before reaching a final conclusion.

  • both indriya-lagna or Chandra-lagna, Kṛttikā-Pleyades = a splendid basis for success in politics, celebrity, entertainment, creative arts.

Krittika Nakshatra = feminine-identified nativity

lect-lig-lege-league = CHOOSE

  • inter LIG ence * intelligence
  • ex LIG ible * eligible
  • co LEAGUE * colleague
  • co LEGE * college
  • inter LECT ual * intellectual
  • ex LECT ion * election
  • se LECT ion * selection
  • co LECT ion * collection

Krittika endows one with Electional empowerment.

She makes her own choices [Surya].

Surya-ruled Krittika woman-identified person = independent and decisive.

Kṛttikā-pada-1 [Mesha] may provide a more challenging Learning Curriculum environment for feminine nativities. Social expectations may collide with personal truth.

Shukra's calm cool harmony-seeking, adjusting, accommodating preferences tend to be dried and burnt in the blazing light of self-assertive, intellectual, electional terrain of Professor Surya.

Due to the potential collision of expectations, may experience a tendency to self-interrupt. The balance-seeking harmonious relationship orientation of Shukra may seem to be interrupted by brilliant flashes of individual intelligence, independent opinion, celebrity, fashion, and idealized romance.

Krittika women = often strikingly intellectual [Surya] and rather prone to outbursts of incisively critical thinking. They thrive in the politico-theatrical realms.

  • As the famed Hollywood dramatist Katherine Hepburn (never married, much romanced) publically announced, " If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married."

When in the script of wifely-companion, Krittika = charmingly bright - potentially, brighter than their husbands. Many a Krittika woman, socially blocked from her own public career, has shaped the career of the political men [Surya] in her life.

Krittika women typically admire and resemble their fathers.

Career for independent and queenly Krittika

All are expressions of Krittika have affinity for bright lights and the brilliant personal aura.

Leadership roles vary , depending upon the patron of the [10th navamsha] .

Kṛttikā-pada-1 = Kanya 10th-navamsha, patron = Budha. Respected works are framed as laboring service ministries - often in ideological, guidance, teaching-preaching realms. Check Budha in kundali for further detail.

Kṛttikā-pada-2 = Tula 10th-navamsha, patron = Shukra. Respected works are framed as diplomatic, alliance-crafting, brokerage - often in corporate, institutional, or goverment realms . Check Shukra in kundali for further detail.

Kṛttikā-pada-3 = Vrischika 10th-navamsha, patron =Mangala. Respected works are framed as transformative, rejuvenative, disguised, potentially violent - often in economic, social-network, or community-connection realms. Check Mangala in kundali for further detail.

  • Example =

Kṛttikā-pada-4 = Dhanus 10th-navamsha, patron = Guru. Respected works are framed as dogmatic, believing, ideological, philosophical - often in musical, animal-whisperer, intuitive sound-meaning realms. Check Guru in kundali for further detail.

  • How Will I Know 1963-2012 singer-cinema-fashion Whitney Houston [Revati svamsha = singer]

    Shukra-Dhanus 10th-navamsha = inspirational singer]


Glitterati = Courtly Fashions = Celebrity Roles

Kṛttikā-born tend to thrive in the glow of public attention.

Royal Surya favors the top courtly fashions no matter rank or salary. Even the lowest paid Krittika hair-stylist may be driving an expensive celebrity-style car. Even the senior-citizen Krittika may be wearing the latest elegant fashion. If thin is in, she is thin. When voluptuous is the courtly standard, she strives for curves.

Not usually satisfied simply by wifely roles due to their brilliantly solipsistic, independent point of view. Typically, a self-determined person who is seeking dramatic self-expression. If her personal intelligence is suppressed by political managers, her face develops a glassy-eyed stare. Like Uttaraphalguni and Uttarāṣāḍha ladies, the Krittika woman typical requires some type of center-stage recognition.

Kṛttikā Nakshatra

  • Politics

  • Theatre

  • Intelligence, brilliance, charisma, genius

  • Center-stage roles, demonstration, display,

  • Gambling, Gamesmanship, showmanship

  • Speculative finance, venture capitalism, political campaigns

  • Courtly Admirers, delights, Entitlements

Like its Surya-ruled sisters Nakshatra = Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman and Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva, Krittika= vigorously active, creative, charismatic, wants a center-stage role, likes heat, likes brilliance, and applause-seeking.

Excellent placement for a career politician.

Political personalities from the Krittika + Uttara-phalguni + Uttarāṣāḍha trine include:

Krittika * Pleiades

Navamsha Krittika lagna


Self-centered, self-important, radiant, effusive. May be ruthless and self-righteous

Independent, self-important, masculine graha Surya owns Krittika Nakshatra . Professor Surya is a natural friend of masculine, competition-seeking Mangala but a natural enemy of feminine, harmony-loving Shukra.

  • Therefore, Krittika placements give benefit for masculine nativity but are less naturally comfortable for Feminine Nativities. (See Shil Ponde's comment below)

The portion of Krittika Nakshatra which occupies Urisha rashi is somewhat easier for Feminine Nativities. Yet even in the Vrishabha portion, the natural animosity between Shukra and Surya creates a difficult psycho-emotional environment for most women.

Women can also be very successful in public life with Krittika placements. For example, the former mayor of San Francisco and very influential USA Senator Dianne Feinstein .

For women, it helps to acknowledge that their path may be long and difficult, demanding constant interaction with self-important men, and feeling frustrated with the deficiency of harmony-seeking energy within the predominantly male communities within which a Surya-ruled Krittika female will live and work. Senator Feinstein, as an example of this success, developed tremendous skill in dealing with self-aggrandizing male politicians, and she also enjoyed the lifelong support of Surya characters such as her father, her husband, and her son.

Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades

emotionally needs constant praise and positive attention .

Supremely Self-confident whether one is right or wrong.

Sharply Decisive whether one has enough skill to decide or not.

Take-charge personality whether one can lead or not.

Krittika affinity to cut and criticize,

in the kitchen = skillful handling of sharp blades and knives.

  • Similarly very effective in political criticism. Skilled at cutting jobs such a butchering, but not so easy in interpersonal relationships where criticism is not very helpful. (Chandra in Krittika may have a habit of butchering their intimate relationships.)

  • Good in the job, loves the attention given to a high performance career, wants to be in the limelight.

Very happy and productive when the nourishing attention and applause is provided; cranky and dissatisfied in environments wherein their bright light cannot shine.

  • Likes high heat, cooking, and theatre. Often a very sexual person, not at the animal level but in their need to call attention to their divine body.

  • Admires the father, despite the public reality that the father may have some serious flaws regarding an egoic-mind membrane disorder.


Kṛttikā - Pleyades - Agneya * Professor Surya

Kṛttikā pada-1 = 26:40 until 30:00 Mesha- Arya * = (5th, surya)

Acts with political and theatrical genius. Enormously self-confident and proud. A winner; first-arriver; a pioneer. Often a politician with military or athletic qualities. If Surya is strong, may be a brilliant entertainer with royal entitlements and sparkle. Charisma manifests according to natal characteristics of Surya.

Krittika pada-2-3-4 * 00:00 until 10:00 Vrishabha

= (4th, surya)

Krittika pada 2-3-4 = the family's financial well-being is promoted via power of both the father and the native. Confident acquisition of properties; deeply patriotic; often a local mercantilist and landowner.

Keeps and conserves the royal-celebrity entitlements of an ethno- cultural people. Often an owner of fenced properties and vehicles, acultivator, and a defender of political rights. Father often a land-owner. Empowerments = manifest according to natal characteristics of Surya.

Rising Nakshatra

Feminine Nativity

Kṛttikā - Pleyades

Agneya - Riksya - Karthika - Alcyone


For Krittika births of a feminine valence, the condition of radiant, romantic, intelligent, creative, idealistic, central, confident, gaming, self-reflexive, pitrikaraka Surya may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the splendidly Surya-ruled paradigm of Riksya, father-figures, politicians, celebrity, royalty, entitled roles, brilliant dramatists, radiant deities, sparkling genius, glittering creativity, intelligentsia, speculators, poets, romantic lovers, gamblers, and game-players may be especially influential.

Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of the Pleyades. Their purpose is confidence-raising and light-bringing in creative pursuit of values fulfillment.

Radiant Certainty

Agneya-born ladies are often found in politics, in gambling and speculation, or in creative finance.. Riksya-born are brightly idealistic + self-directed seekers of attention.

Mesha pada 1 represents nakshatra-pati Surya's empowerment in romance and celebrity entitlements. In the rashi of champion Mangala, sparkling Surya asserts radiant genius.

Typically pada 1 are dramatists, politicians, royalty, celebrity, creative artists, and uniquely charismatic figures. Feminine births in pada-1 are often distinguished by an athletic figure and personal independence

[Vrishabha - Urisha] -pada-2-3-4 express the tension between two-party bargainer Shukra versus one-party autocratic singular nakshatra-pati Surya. Often the intelligence of pada 2-3-4 is focused into the Values-fulfilling sectors of uniquely central, creative roles.

They often serve as independent evaluators within the artistic and financial worlds, in the music industry, dealing with wines + perfumes, and in all aspects of tangible beauty. Depending on [Yogakaraka] Shani ruler of 9+10, the Vrishabha pada of Krittika have a stronger propensity toward organizational leadership positions.

Themes of valuation, individual intelligence, creativity, and confidence may contextualize Krittika's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades


from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 91

" ... a thin and quite tall woman.

One with a weak constitution and rather given to chronic ailments:

  • particularly coughs, colds, and asthma.

A tendency to be morbid and depressed

  • and yet easily excited

  • as the result of a very nervous temperament .

She will no doubt live by herself away from her family,

  • as she prefers to indulge her own whims and wishes

  • and will brook no interference with her desires.

She has a very jealous disposition

and is difficult to please."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]

BPL note: Shil-Pondey's thin/tall/away-from-family profile for Krittika ladies can be altered by incoming drishti from plump/petite/parenting graha.

Also, jealousy = S-P's somewhat mysogynistic presumption that women could never develop human-services careers to positively utilize the 6th-amsha, and so they would naturally descend into interpersonal pettiness. In an older world perhaps, but no longer generally valid.

BPL adds for feminine-identified Kṛttikā

Artistic, charismatic, entertaining, political, intelligent, financially savvy. Enjoys gambling, romance, pleasure entitlements. Typically charming, positive, and smart. Center-stage authoritative roles come naturally.

Check positions of Surya ruler of Krittika. For career expression, check karmesha and 10th-from-Chandra.

Pada-1 = radiantly self-confident, authoritative, optimistic, potentially dogmatic.

Pada 2-3-4 =

  • Due to lagnesha-Shukra rules 1-6, feminine Krittika may professionalize or gain a respected reputation in human-services fields such as health-care, military officer, criminal law, human resources, social-worker, grievance management, or other assistive conflict-brokerage positions. May have a genius for asset-collection and deal-making in unfair circumstances.

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Feminine Nativities

Krittika indriya-lagna

[Mesha - Aja] pada-1

Surya 's mulatrikona Simha 5th

performing arts, theatre, charming children, literary genius, fashion, politics, celebrity , royalty, romantic idealism, charismatic glamour, intelligence, center of attention, self-confidence

[Kṛttikā-pada-1] [Dhanus]

Pushkara pada]

[ideological, dogmatic, doctrinal, righteous, convinced, globalist, pontificating, inspirational, optimistic, believing, principled, preachy, patronizing, patriarchal, sacerdotal.]

[Kanya 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

ministering, methodical, master of logical argumentation, complex calculations, assistive, accusing, complaining about poverty-crime-disease, analytical, aggrieved of unfair conditions, medicating, military, helping, laboring.]

[Vrishabha - Urisha] pada 2-3-4

Surya 's mulatrikona Simha 4th

home culture, housing, habits of a settled people, settlements, shelter, schooling, politics of ethnic security, customs, old ways, habitual rhythms, vehicles, nationalism, patriotism, defense of boundaries, policing, protection, land use, agriculture, roots, ownership, father as central parent.

Depending on [Yogakaraka-Shani] ruler of 9+10, the Vrishabha pada of Krittikamay emphasize values in ecclesiastical doctrine [9] or finance in institutional governance [10].

May be fiercely thin, possibly prone toward eating disorders.

[Kṛttikā-pada-2] = [Makara]

[class-conscious, hierarchical, ranked positioning, timeclock, pyramid, ages-and-stages, sober, architectural, governing, regulator, lawful, structural, stones-and-bones pragmatism.]

[Tula 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

brokering, contractual, alliance-building, diplomatic, equalizing, remediating , pleasant, musical, harmonizing, partnering, adjudicating, arranging, balancing, match-making, deal-making, advocacy, reciprocity, mutuality in relationships.]

[Kṛttikā-pada-3] = [Kumbha]

[systematic, gridworked, community-connecting, distributive, interlinked, socio-economic, networking, friendly, associative, profitable, goal-achieving.]

[Vrischika 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

undisclosing, dangerous, shocking, healing, penetrating, recycling, , explosive, identity-changing, mysterious, transformative, rejuvenating, evolutionary. May be called to leadership during emergencies, dangers, or threats. ]

[Kṛttikā-pada-4] [Meena] [Pushkara pada]

[visionary, fantasizing, imaginative, conceptual, contemplative, privately guiding, expansive interior worldview, theoretical, diversifying, developing, inclusive, charitable. May be clairsentient.]

[Dhanus 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

preachy, pontificating, patronizing, inspirational, globalized, optimistic, expansive exterior worldview, believing, ideological, theological, philosophical, principled, indoctrinating.

May be called to leadership in teaching of theory, sermonizing, profession of ultimate convictions, or higher understanding. ]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples

Krittika Svamsha



Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Kṛttikā - Pleyades

Agneya - Riksya - Karthika - Alcyone


For Krittika births of a masculine valence, the condition of radiant, romantic, intelligent, creative, idealistic, central, confident, gaming, self-reflexive, pitrikaraka Surya may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the splendidly Surya-ruled paradigm of Riksya, father-figures, politicians, celebrity, royalty, entitled roles, brilliant dramatists, radiant deities, sparkling genius, glittering creativity, intelligentsia, speculators, poets, romantic lovers, gamblers, and game-players may be especially influential.

Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of the Pleyades. Their purpose is confidence-raising and light-bringing in creative pursuit of values fulfillment.

Radiant Certainty

Agneya-born gentlemen are often found in politics, in gambling and speculation, or in creative finance. Natural dramatists, riksya-born are brightly idealistic and self-directed seekers of attention.

Mesha pada 1 represents nakshatra-pati Surya's empowerment in romance and celebrity entitlements. In the rashi of Champion Mangala, sparkling Surya asserts radiant genius. Typically pada 1 are dramatists, politicians, royalty, celebrity, creative artists, and unique charismatic figures.

[Vrishabha - Urisha] -pada-2-3-4 express the tension between two-party bargainer Shukra versus one-party autocratic singular nakshatra-pati Surya. Often the intelligence of pada 2-3-4 is focused into the Values-fulfilling sectors of banking and finance, natural resource conservation, music, wines and perfumes, arts, and beauty. Depending on [Yogakaraka] Shani ruler of 9+10, the Vrishabha pada of Krittika have a stronger propensity toward government positions.

Themes of self-importance, individual entitlement, creativity, and confidence may contextualize Krittika's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades



from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 80

" A proud, dignified, and honorable person

  • - an executive type.

He is very ambitious and eager for power

  • and has the ability to achieve his desires.

He has an innate sense of the importance of his destiny .

He expects everything to come to him as his due

  • and usually gets what he sets out to obtain ."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]

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Krittika Nakshatra

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

[Mesha - Aja] pada-1

Surya mulatrikona Simha = 5th counted from Mesha

  • center of attention, central roles, performing arts, charming artistic children, literary art, theatrical genius , fashion, politics, celebrity , royalty, romantic idealism, glitter, charismatic glamour

[Kṛttikā-pada-1] [Dhanus]

Pushkara pada]

[ideological, dogmatic, doctrinal, righteous, convinced, globalist, pontificating, inspirational, optimistic, believing, principled, preachy, patronizing, patriarchal, sacerdotal.]

[Kanya 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

ministering, methodical, master of logical argumentation, complex calculations, assistive, accusing, complaining about poverty-crime-disease, analytical, aggrieved of unfair conditions, medicating, military, helping, laboring.]

[Vrishabha - Urisha] portion Pada-2-3-4

4th from Urisha = Simha = Surya's mūlatrikoṇa

regal, politicized, flamboyant patriotism; defense of the land and its customs. Fatherland , entitlement to independent property ownership-stewardship , rights and roots of citizens, things beneath the land, burial,

Natural Resources, landed properties , fencing, foundations, schools and housing ocean ports, boundary protection; ethnicity; protector of the Old Ways, lifestyle customs of the people who are settled there.

Depending on [Yogakaraka-Shani] ruler of 9+10 Krittika pada 2-3-4 may emphasize values in ecclesiastical doctrine [9] or finance in institutional governance [10].



[class-conscious, hierarchical, ranked positioning, timeclock, pyramid, ages-and-stages, sober, architectural, governing, regulator, lawful, structural, stones-and-bones pragmatism.]

[Tula 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

brokering, contractual, alliance-building, diplomatic, equalizing, remediating , pleasant, musical, harmonizing, partnering, adjudicating, arranging, balancing, match-making, deal-making, advocacy, reciprocity, mutuality in relationships.]



[systematic, gridworked, community-connecting, distributive, interlinked, socio-economic, networking, friendly, associative, profitable, goal-achieving.]

[Vrischika 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

undisclosing, dangerous, shocking, healing, penetrating, recycling, explosive, identity-changing, mysterious, transformative, rejuvenating, evolutionary. May be called to leadership during emergencies, dangers, or threats. ]


Meena] [Pushkara pada]

[visionary, fantasizing, imaginative, conceptual, contemplative, privately guiding, expansive interior worldview, theoretical, diversifying, developing, inclusive, charitable. May be clairsentient.]

[Dhanus 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

preachy, pontificating, patronizing, inspirational, globalized, optimistic, expansive exterior worldview, believing, ideological, theological, philosophical, principled, indoctrinating. May be called to leadership in teaching of theory, sermonizing, profession of ultimate convictions, or higher understanding. ]

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Krittika Svamsha

Mesha pada-1

Urisha pada 2-3-4

Descriptions of the Pada (quarters) of Krittika Nakshatra

[Mesha - Aja] 26:40 to 30:00

Vrishabha - Urisha 00:00 - 10:00


[Mesha - Aja] 26:40 to 30:00

Svamsha= Dhanus navamsha

[Pushkara pada]



[Kanya - Parthya] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Budha-profiled careers in clinical medicine, treatment planning, logical argumentation, aid to the suffering, pharmacy and medications, herbalism, curadado, addictions, service ministry, military strategy, supply chain, logistics, servitude, helping professions, social work, exploitation, poverty, pollution, toxicity, social marginalization, victimhood, labor-relations, peasantry, prostitution, litigation, accusation, disagreement, criminalization / crime, criminal justice, professions that attempt to remediate conflicts and imbalances


[Mithuna - Dvamdva] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Budha-profiled spousal characteristics of conversational nature, mercurial tendencies, mental quickness, preference for administrative and management processes, instructional orientation, collaborative attitude, teamwork skills,

manual and handcraft abilities, and communicative perspective.

D-1 Kumara can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Budha in D-1 can contribute more specific behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Krittika]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-1 Krittika]


[Kṛttikā-pada-1] QUOTATION

From Das / Behari

" This position confers Mantra Shakti or wicked arts.

  • Male person faces troubles through females

  • and female person faces troubles through males ."

[end quote]

[Kṛttikā-pada-1] QUOTATION

for the Male only * by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 105

" From birth, he will have a scar on his head or face.

  • When angry, his face gets very red.

A vital temperament,

  • easily excited and easily angered.

  • A harsh speaker.

A victim of insomnia;

  • has high blood pressure

  • and suffers from bleeding at the nose."

[end quote]

Fleur_bloodLily.jpg SUB-SECTIONS of [Kṛttikā-pada-1]

Nakshatra Divisions of Dhanus Svamsha

[Mūla svamsha]

00:00 until 13:21]

Affinity for the Witness Perspective. Philosophical understanding of apathy, evacuation, annihilation within grand cycles of life.

Believes in the logic of ultimate risk. May be politically empowered to disregard racial, cultural-ethical, ideological, or economic barriers. Freedom to forgive outdated grievances. Impeded by neither pity nor regret. Spacious view.

Kanya career =

eradicating, liberating, releasing guide within the public realms of ministry to the impaired, analysis of problems, medical treatment, drugs, logical reasoning, war, crime, servitude, slavery, poverty, marginalization, mistreatment, accusation, litigation, labor disputes, animal welfare. Also reputed for narratives of accusatory lawsuits, substance-misuse, marital conflict, lying, or other misdoings.

Check graha in Kanya 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Ketu in kundali, along with Ketu's ruler.


[Pūrvāṣāḍhā svamsha] [13:21 until 26:39]

Affinity for finance, fashion, sensual luxury, ornate costumes. May be uplifting singers, dramatists, choristers, lyricists. Often ideological, religiously principled, and sweetly preachy. Favors social justice doctrine, optimistic world-traveling relationships. Believes in service.

Kanya career =

musical, theatrical, inspirational guides within the public realms of ministry to the impaired, analysis of problems, medical treatment, drugs, logical reasoning, war, crime, servitude, slavery, poverty, marginalization, mistreatment, accusation, litigation, labor disputes, animal welfare. Also reputed for narratives of accusatory lawsuits, substance-misuse, marital conflict, lying, or other misdoings.

Check graha in Kanya 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Shukra in kundali

[ Uttarāṣāḍha svamsha]

26:39 until 29:59 ]

Affinity for principled philosophical truth. May be a recognized spiritual teacher. May be a sacerdotal politician or preacher with expansive globalist worldview. Often has a theoretical teaching credenda. Brilliantly confident in the genius of their humanism. Self-assertive, delighted to stand in the spotlight.

Kanya career =

divinely certain, uniquely believing, brightly focused guide within the public realms of ministry to the impaired, analysis of problems, medical treatment, drugs, logical reasoning, war, crime, servitude, slavery, poverty, marginalization, mistreatment, accusation, litigation, labor disputes, animal welfare. Also reputed for narratives of accusatory lawsuits, substance-misuse, marital conflict, lying, or other misdoings.

Check graha in Kanya 10th-navamsha ++ Budha in kundali ++ Surya in kundali


[Vrishabha - Urisha] 00:00 - 03:20

Svamsha = Makara - Draco navamsha

  • Guru in Kṛttikā-2 attains Makara-nīcha -navamsha = limiting materialistic beliefs and punitive preaching



[Tula - Vanika] activates 10th navamsha suggesting Shukra-profiled careers in trade, diplomacy, bargaining, advocacy, peer-advising, counseling, contracts, alliances, marriage, trusts and treaties, justice, fairness, match-making, deal-making, exchange, equity, promises, covenant, legal settlement, balance, scalable measurement, arts of proportion, design arts, architectural engineering, interior design, arts of beautification, fashion modeling, musical harmony , arrangements, visual beauty, alignment, adjustment, attunement


[Karkata - Kadaga] = [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Chandra -profiled spousal characteristics of protective nature, naurturing tendencies, emotional responsiveness, preference for rhythmic routines, defensive attitude, sheltering skills, householding abilities, and culturally familiar perspective.

D-1 omana can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Chandra in D-1 can contribute more specific behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Krittika]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-2 Krittika]


Blue Poppies

[Kṛttikā-pada-2] QUOTATION

From Das / Behari

" You enjoy power

  • and your personality is very attractive.

Moves around learned persons.

Affected with excess bile complaints." [end quote]

[Kṛttikā-pada-2] QUOTATION

from Krittika for the Male only *by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 105

[Pondey uses the same description for Krittika pada 2-3-4]

" Bad teeth.

  • Suffers from ulcers and abscesses in his teeth and jaw.

  • Is quarrelsome and abusive.

  • Likes spicy and starchy foods

and loves to take cold water baths."

[end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Kṛttikā-pada-2]

Nakshatra Divisions of Makara Svamsha

[ Uttarāṣāḍha svamsha]

00:00 until 09:59]

Affinity for lawfully transformative social change. Occult awareness illuminates self-certainty. Authentic psychic intelligence. May seek legitimation within a governance order. Conductor, channel, representative, advocate, facilitator, medium, mediator, middleman, meddler. May be a politician focused on advising, diplomacy, and trade.

Tula career = soberly conventional, mystically certain, pragmatic idealist within the public realms of balancing, advocacy, counselor, deal-making, remediating, justice, equity, fairness, trust, match-making. Also arts and design, marriage brokering, harmonizer, musician, musical attunement and arrangement, singer

s, legal trusts.

Check graha in Tula 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali ++ Surya in kundali

[Śrāvaṇa svamsha] [10:00 until 23:19]

Affinity for lawful caretaking. Gardeners, householders, parents, local police officers. Custodians of the cultural routine. Known and respected as careful listeners. Shamanistic hearing. Concerned to maintain a pure reputation. Sensitive to ethnicity, ancestral habits of a people, ways-of-Life, agriculture, infrastructure, nationalism, safe borders, territorial defense.

Tula career = quietly conventional, attentively aligned, pragmatic protectors within the public realms of balancing, advocacy, counselor, deal-making, remediating, justice, equity, fairness, trust, match-making. Also arts and design, marriage brokering, harmonizer, musician, musical attunement and arrangement, singers, legal trusts.

Check graha in Tula 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali ++ Chandra in kundali

[Dhaniṣṭha svamsha ]

23:20 until 29:59 ]

Affinity for competitive action. Corporate and institutional challengers. Seeking conquest. Time structured long-term fuel use. Relentless drive to the summit. Aims for elite position. Fights lawfully to win public respect. Dominating in an orderly way, legitimately forceful, steadily ascending .

Tula career = energetically hierarchical, status motivated, pragmatic climbers within the public realms of balancing, advocacy, counselor, deal-making, remediating, justice, equity, fairness, trust, match-making. Also arts and design, marriage brokering, harmonizer, musician, musical attunement and arrangement, singers, legal trusts.

Check graha in Tula 10th-navamsha ++ Shukra in kundali ++ Shani in kundali.

POTUS-pair-35 editor 1929-1994 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis [Dhaniṣṭha svamsha]



[Vrishabha - Urisha] 03:20 - 06:40

Svamsha = Kumbha - Ghata navamsha

[mulatrikona for Chandra]



Vṛścika rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Mangala-driven careers in healing, disaster-control, forensics, surgery, rejuvenation, occult, discovery , drilling, plumbing, invasive and penetrating actions, mining, diving, explosion, eruption, surgery, covert operations, professions that handle confidential knowledge, hidden resources, camouflaged assets, undisclosed environments, identity transformation, espionage, poisons, the mysteries of death-and-rebirth, sudden unexpected changes, tantric arts


Simha - Leya= the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Martanda-profiled spousal characteristics = partner charismatic, political, creative , enjoys celebrity, cheerful, entertaining, romantic, likes games and amusements, skilled in drama.. D-1 Surya can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Surya in D-1 can contribute more specific behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Krittika]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-3 Krittika]


[Kṛttikā-pada-3] QUOTATION

from Das / Behari

  • You are tall, clever but poor [end quote]

[Kṛttikā-pada-3] QUOTATION

for the Male only

by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p. 105

[SP uses the same description for Krittika pada 2-3-4]

" Bad teeth.

  • Suffers from ulcers and abscesses in his teeth and jaw.

  • Is quarrelsome and abusive.

Likes spicy and starchy foods

  • and loves to take cold water baths." [end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Kṛttikā-pada-3]

Nakshatra Divisions of Kumbha Svamsha

[Dhaniṣṭha svamsha ]

00:00 until 06:39]

Affinity for competitive action. Corporate and institutional challengers. Seeking conquest. Time structured long-term ascent. Gridworked fundraiser. Friendly but may be intimidating. Relentless drive to the summit. Aims for hidden elite power. Fights lawfully to win economic gains.

Vṛścika career = community connected, methodically motivated, systematic climbers within the public realms of undisclosed threats, disaster control, revolutionary upheaval, invasive evolution, sudden regime change, eruptive transformation, forceful recycling. Direct interaction with dangerous persons or emergency conditions.

Check graha in Vrischika 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Shani in kundali

[Varuna svamsha]

06:40 until 19:59]

Affinity for over-reaching connectivity with vast systems. Scientific, economic, electro-magnetic, community-gridworked, futuristic, populist. Invites outsiders into mass-participation networks. Taboo-breaking cosmologies may challenge outdated norms.

Vṛścika career = ambitiously assembling, unorthodox interlinkers, risk-taking systematizers within the public realms of undisclosed threats, disaster control, revolutionary upheaval, invasive evolution, sudden regime change, eruptive transformation, forceful recycling. Direct interaction with dangerous persons or emergency conditions.

Check graha in Vrischika 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Rāhu in kundali

[Pūrvābhādra svamsha]

20:00 until 29:59]

Affinity for expansive, inclusive, growth-tolerant, abstractly regulated systems. Often teacher-preachers. May be a social philosopher with broad, futuristic worldview. Advanced understanding of subtle nervous energy. Comprehends the healing potentials of the electric power of touch. Believes in higher guidance. Charitable.

Vṛścika career = community patron, capacious interlinker, guides the masses within the public realms of undisclosed threats, disaster control, revolutionary upheaval, invasive evolution, sudden regime change, eruptive transformation, forceful recycling. Direct interaction with dangerous persons or emergency conditions.

Check graha in Vrischika 10th-navamsha ++ Mangala in kundali ++ Guru in kundali


[Vrishabha - Urisha] 06:40 - 10:00

Svamsha = Meena - Antya navamsha

[Pushkara pada]

[mulatrikona for Chandra]



[Dhanus - Haya] rules the [10th navamsha] suggesting Guru-profiled careers in inspirational wisdom-teaching, preaching, sacred scripture, religious hierarchies, philosophy, principled interpretations, worldview, dharma, convictions, catechesis, guru-roles, patriarchy,

father-figures, patronage , presbytery, punditry, proselytizing, doctrine, indoctrination, credenda, dogma, discussions of higher thinking, theory, first principles, theology, ideology, paradigms of belief


[Kanya - Parthya] = the [7th navamsha] , broadly suggesting Budha-profiled spousal characteristics of logical nature, argumentative tendencies, management of detailed information, medical and pharmacological orientation, analytical attitude, critical thinking skills, preference for evidence-based discussion, and strategic perspective.

D-1 Kumara can indicate the lifemate's social context and position. Graha residing within the 7th navamsha ++ graha-yuti-Budha in D-1 can contribute more specific behaviors.

Masculine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Kṛttikā]

Feminine Public-Figure Examples [pada-4 Kṛttikā]


[Kṛttikā-pada-4] QUOTATION

From Das / Behari

" You are much learned

  • and an expert in various religious scriptures.

Your look is frightening." [end quote]

[Kṛttikā-pada-4] QUOTATION

for the Male only * by Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 105

[SP uses the same description for Krittika pada 2-3-4]

" Bad teeth.

  • Suffers from ulcers and abscesses in his teeth and jaw.

  • Is quarrelsome and abusive.

  • Likes spicy and starchy foods

and loves to take cold water baths."

[end quote]

SUB-SECTIONS of [Kṛttikā-pada-4]

Nakshatra Divisions of Meena Svamsha

[Pūrvābhādra svamsha]

00:00 until 03:19]

DOUBLE GURU - rules svamsha + 10th-navamsha

Affinity for expansive, inclusive, growth-tolerant, wholistic understanding. Often teacher-preachers immersed in imaginative wisdom. May be a reflective social philosopher with broadly compassionate worldview. Comprehends cetacean unity. Intuitive use of sound and symbol. Believes in the divinity of the human spirit. Charitable.

Dhanus - Haya career =

humanistic patron, capacious visionary, optimistic contemplative within the public realms of ideology, indoctrination, sacred truth, philosophical principles, theology and theory, life convictions, credenda, righteousness, cherished beliefs .

Check graha in Dhanus 10th-navamsha ++ Guru in kundali

[Andromeda svamsha]

03:20 until 16:39] [Uttara-bhadra-pada has Affinity for oceanically vast structured social order. Responsible for maintaining the guidance regime of compassionate galactic hierarchy. Their mission requires substantial lawful endowments, which are typically - but sometimes invisibly - distributed via philanthropic largesse.

Visionary and pragmatic. Masculine Andromeda often socially respected large-scale abundance regulators. Feminine Andromeda tend to provide the same orderly direction via meditative imagination.

Dhanus - Haya career =

preachy, pontificating, humanistic director, capacious dignitary, institutional contemplative within the public realms of ideology, indoctrination, sacred truth, philosophical principles, theology and theory, life convictions, credenda, righteousness, cherished beliefs .

Check graha in Dhanus 10th-navamsha ++ Guru in kundali ++ Shani in kundali.

[Revatī svamsha] [16:40 until 30:00]

Affinitiy for sound frequency and interval pacing. Sensitive higher and lower range of hearing. Potentially lacking some conventional hearing in the mid-range. May intuitively understand the tones and signals of animals and spirit-guides.

Can be veterinarian. May be an imaginative poet, lyricist, musician, singer, dancer, or mimic. Can be clairsentient prophet or psychic channel, due to their wide-spectrum listening attunement.

Dhanus - Haya career =

humanistic sound interpreter, capacious shepherd, guides people and animals within the public realms of ideology, indoctrination, sacred truth, philosophical principles, theology and theory, life convictions, credenda, righteousness, cherished beliefs .

Check graha in Dhanus 10th-navamsha ++ Guru in kundali ++ Budha in kundali



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