

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Guru Main Page

Brihaspati occupies 5th-from-Chandra

  1. [Guru-Mesha]
  2. [Guru-Urisha]
  3. [Guru-Mithuna]
  4. [Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]
  5. [Guru-Simha]
  6. [Guru-Kanya]
  7. [Guru-Tula]
  8. [Guru-Vṛścika]
  9. [Guru-Dhanus] --- [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if within 0-13 deg]
  10. [Guru-Makara] [nīcha]
  11. [Guru-Kumbha]
  12. [Guru-Meena] --- [svakshetra]

  1. [Guru in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]
  2. [Guru in bhava-2]
  3. [Guru in bhava-3]
  4. [Guru in bhava-4]
  5. [Guru in bhava-5]
  6. [Guru in bhava-6]
  7. [Guru in bhava-7]
  8. [Guru in bhava-8]
  9. [Guru in bhava-9] --- [svabhava]
  10. [Guru in bhava-10]
  11. [Guru in bhava-11]
  12. [Guru in bhava-12] --- [svabhava]


OM graam greem graum sah gurve namah

गुरु guru = the grower

Professor Guru

गौर gaura - guruva - guraja

देवगुरु deva-guru

देवपति deva-pati

द्वादशांशु dvādaśāṃśu = twelve rays

बृहतीपति bṛhatī-pati / बृहस्पति bṛhas-pati = lord of prayers

वाचस्पति vācas-pati = lord of speech-language

resides in


विद्यास्थान vidyā-sthāna = scholarly-station

मन्त्रभव mantra-bhava = basis of songs of praise

पुत्रभव putra-bhava = birth of children

सन्तानदाय santāna-dāya = gift of children

बुद्धिदाय buddhi-dāya = gift of intelligence

Ju-piter - Iuppiter - Jove

Dyaus-Pitr = Dio-petous - Dies Pater - De-us

Ze-us - Xenios - Enlil - Marduk


Thor = Thursday


the fifth house





Offering of prayers at Mazu Temple during the Lunar New Year celebration

Yokohama, Japan, 2011



[energized-identifying lagnesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandhesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Guru's noble understanding, conquesting expansion, warrior's worldview

[multiple boldly inspirational intelligences] [broad confidence in pioneering creative performance] [numerous innovative philosophical students]

[forward-pushing globalist political understanding] [champion of invigorating theatrical drama] [believes in entitlements of nobility of birth]



[busy-managing vikrama-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Brihaspati's pleasant generosity, evaluating expansion, cherished beliefs

expansion of historic, valuable, conserved, tonal creativity


[collecting-preserving dhanesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful labha-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Brihaspati's windy preaching, detailed theories, scheduled charity

[Dhanayoga = Guru-5 rules 2 + 11]

[charitably explaining globalist intellectual] [conversationally expansive gaming showmanship] [detailed administrative philosophy of profitable financial speculation]

[broadly tolerant toward adolescent self-referential discussions] [abundantly descriptive displays of intelligent mentality] [benevolent announcing celebrity on the center stage]

[preaches informatively about expansion of interpretative entitlements] [cheerfully welcomes diversity of communicative processes]

[Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] [dutiful-commanding karmesha for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna]

expansion of protective, anchored, customary creativity

  • Raag Khamaj 1920-2012 sitarist Ravi Shankar [mysterious-undisclosing Pushya-4]


[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Guru's sparklingly philosophical, brightly wise, charmingly optimistic diversity

[radiantly confident globalist intellectual] [splendidly expansive gaming showmanship] [creatively flamboyant financial speculation]

[broadly tolerant toward show-off theatrics] [brightly entertaining ideological displays] [benevolent thespian on political stage]

[preaches informatively about expansion of entitlements]



[mysterious-initiatory randhresha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Brihaspati's broadly logical, extensively aggrieved, cheerfully analytical complaint

[multiple service intelligences] [laborers grievance politics] [many ministries to celebrity-royal players] [expansion of argumentative, logical, service-oriented creativity]

earnings from entertainment, children, politics, games


  • Truth Be Told 1933-2021 interviewer Larry King [patriotic-habitual Hasta-4]

  • Moral Majority 1933-2007 Rev. Jerry Falwell [regulatory-governance Uttaraphalgunī-2] + [Uttaraphalgunī-Guru-yuti-Mangala-Chitra]


[bargaining-adjusting jaya-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [dutiful-commanding karmesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Guru 's expansively diplomatic, compromising adjustability

[generously diplomatic globalist intellect] [gracefully balanced large scale public showmanship] [confidently contractual financial speculation]

[broadly tolerant brokerage of legal agreements] [harmonious displays of negotiated relationship] [benevolently equable theatrical performance of arranged roles]

[entitled, socially approved celebrity children enjoy fairly played games] [pleasant diversity of romantic alliances] [wide-scope inclusive dealings in trade and treaty]

  • War and Peace 1828-1910 Leo Tolstoy [visionary-guiding Arcturus-4]

  • Germinal 1840-1902 J'accuse Emile Zola [financial-evaluating Viśākha-2]

  • Heartbreak Hotel 1935-1977 Graceland Elvis Presley [musical-historical Viśākha-2] [ātmakāraka]



[inimical-medicating rogesha for Karkata indriya-lagna] [philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Guru's expansively regenerating, wisely evolving, generously initiating philanthropies

expansion of secretive, mysterious, penetrating creativity broad expansion of fortunate beliefs about entertainment, politics, celebrity

- narrative of inequity, disenfranchisement, debt, ailment via beliefs, doctrine of politics, drama children

[Guru-Dhanus] --- [svakshetra]

[witty-creative vidya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Simha indriya-lagna]

expansion of philosophical, believing, humanistic creativity

[Guru-Makara] --- [nīcha]

-- [potentially nīcha-bhanga if yuti-uchcha-Kuja + in kendra from indriya-lagna or from Chandra-lagna]

[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Kanya indriya-lagna ] [bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Kanya indriya-lagna ]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Brihaspati's realistic generosity, materialistic philosophy, pragmaticly limited wisdom

[gambler's faith in caste-class hierarchy] [cheerfully dramatizes belief in material status] [misguidedly permissive idealism allows unlimited socially approved gaming speculation]

[legalistic worldview corruptly expands official political campaigns] [elders may over-dramatize their common-sense materialistic theology] [pragmatic artistic principles may constrain creative genius]

[class-conscious understanding of celebrity talent] [husbandly companion may display fearfully rigid cautions during romantic procreation]

  • POTUS-20 Universal Education 1831-1881 James Garfield [political-entitled Dhaniṣṭha-1] [nīcha-Dhaniṣṭha-Guru-yuti-Ketu-Dhaniṣṭha]


[busy-communicative vikrama-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna] [inimical-argumentative rogesha for Tulā indriya-lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Brihaspati's systematic expansion, distributive inclusiveness, community-connected abundance

expansion of systematic, networking, interlinked creativity

[Guru-Meena] --- [svakshetra]

[collecting-preserving dhanesha for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [witty-creative vidya-pati for Vṛścika indriya- lagna]

expansion of visionary, dreamlike, imaginative creativity


  • Totem and Taboo 1856-1939 psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud [calculating-analyzing Andromeda-2]

much charisma * many center-stage roles * many games played

growth and expansion of celebrity

multiple creative individual intelligences

many dramatic performances

much political applause * many political elections

Shri-Guru-5 Tends to channel the creative genius into works of high civilization rather than fleshly reproduction.

Multiple Media-Messaging modalities

  • Hour of Decision 1918-2018 Rev. Billy Graham [champion-challenger Punarvasu-1] For decades, bG published not only voluminous print materials but also radio and television programming. His commercialized evangelical empire built its own publishing house. event management and communications media.


Guru in 3rd-from-3rd expands and develops the creative, unique writing activities. Literary creativity much benefitted depending on how hospitable is the rashi.

If Guru = lagnesha, expanded intelligence marks the personality. May be a polymath philosopher and wonderful teacher-scholar-genius, with the power to theatrically enact the philosophical understanding.

If Guru = svakshetra or uttama with His lord well disposed, akaraka for great wealth through intelligence, speculative winnings or royalties on publication of creative works.

Favors success in politics, speculation, amusements, entertainments, authorship, dramatically personal style of statesmanship (if karmesha-10 is also good).

Guru provides multiple celebrity dramatic performances

As 11th-from-7th, gain through spouse and partners. (Classically, gain of children through marriage partner.)

[nīcha] Guru in bhava-5 may indicate overconfidence in political settings.

Brihaspati the Generous Expander can ease life in may ways, according to His angles.

When lagnesha with other assists, Guru can enhance charitability and counterbalance even the most serious troubles.

Preaching on politics

  • Methodism 1703-1791 preacher John Wesley [secretive-eruptive Bharani-4] [ātmakāraka + [Guru-yuti-Shani-nīcha ] JW preached mainly to a disenfranchised audience. He spoke outdoors, uncovered by the magnificent roofs of the beautiful state churches built with poor people's tax monies. Unlike most clerics who curried the favor of wealthy patrons, JW railed vigorously against what he perceived as immoral politics and politicians - and especially against taxes.


Professor Guru unaccompanied in sthāna-5 may under some circumstances reduce the number of fleshly children, albeit Guru-5 is an excellent placement for student-teacher relationships and often brings in an expansive student. Generally, the drishti of Guru upon lagna and upon bhava-9 indicates at least one or two offspring.

An important indicator of prospects for children is 5th-from-Chandra. Also check 5th-from-5th as well as 5th-from-Guru before making predictions.

  • Homeopathy 1755-1843 Dr. Samuel Hahnemann [ministering-logistical Pūrvaphalgunī-2] [Surya-12 parivartamsha Guru-5] SH fathered 11 children. Guru-5 activates 5th-from-5th ++ Guru drishti into lagnesha Mangala = fertility

Children may overdevelop the Guru role, so that the child becomes one's teacher rather explicitly. Although there is nothing wrong with a teacher-child, socially [Shani] this relationship may be awkward until its wisdom-conferring role is fully understood [Guru].

In any case one's relationship with children tends to be broad and inclusive rather than narrow and parochial, thus favoring a lifestyle that can encompass many [Guru] students rather than just a few bio-children.

If Guru-5 and there is drishti from Mangala entering putrasthāna-5, it is possible to experience an early loss of the first child. If Guru [nīcha], similar weakness in the capacity of putra-putriki-bhava for sustaining an individual child, thus some prognosis for early loss of a first child -- but check ALL other factors before deciding on this point.

Karako bhavo nashto suggests that although these offspring will no doubt be light-bringers, the offspring are attention-magnets with a certain self-righteous or self-entitled quality.

Most commonly Guru-5 with no companion graha-5 indicates political success, charismatic students and artistic creativity for the native, but limited biological children.

[Guru-yuti-Rahu] = Rahu-5 = complex due to a great desire [Rahu] for children combined with simultaneous expansion [Guru] of the political or dramatic talents.

Risk-loving Rahu-5 creates a suggestion for step-children, adoptive or acquired children. Alternatively, children may be born outside of one's familiar home culture.


Material Girl 1958- dance song cinema Madonna [arranging-designing Chitra-3] [vargottamsha] [Chitra-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Chitra]

  • first child born outside marriage contract; younger children adopted from Africa

Children are born but as they compete for creative resources, others may need to raise the children. The "lion's share" (5) of one' creative resources is often directed into a political career or literary career or performing arts career.

Also if there are other graha in bhava-5 along with Brishaspati, the prediction for children changes according to the influence of those additional graha.

If [nīcha-Guru] suggestion for reproduction of differently-abled children

However Guru-5 blocking-or-reducing progeny is not a strict rule since Guru can receive drishti or have a relationship to Chandra which does produce children, sometimes abundantly. (Always check 5th-from Chandra, 5th-from-Guru, and drishti into bhava-5 to ascertain the final outcome regarding progeny.)

Also if Guru's planetary ruler is strong, offspring are likely.

Children may easily enter the life via other fulfilling channels, including adoption, step-children, and other forms of sponsorship

Shani in bhava-5 signals responsibilities, obligations, delays, and requirements regarding children.

  • Way of Zen 1915-1973 radio philosopher Alan Watts yuti Rahu - produced seven children, yet known as a negligent father

If other graha stimulate the production of children, the circumstances of child-production = "big" [Guru] suggesting a large inclusive family, and public philosophical guidance or religious beliefs affecting the larger sizing.

Internationalized expansion can include all the world's children, and even when Guru-5 blocks personal reproduction one may feel a religious vocation toward global [Guru] rights and entitlements (5) for the younger generation.

If Guru is empowered, may become entreasured through games, theatrical performance, entertainments, literary-artistic authorship, politics, amusements.

  • War and Peace 1828-1910 Leo Tolstoy [visionary-guidingArcturus-4]

  • Germinal 1840-1902 J'accuse Emile Zola [financial-evaluating Viśākha-2]

  • Jungle Book 1865-1936 Empire Rudyard Kipling [serving-calculating Pūrvāṣāḍhā-2] [Surya-yuti-Mangala + [Budha-yuti-Shukra] celebrated for his catchy, inspirational [Dhanus-5] political jingles, rK won the 1907 Nobel Prize in Literature. His fortunes escalated.

Political Elections = speculation bhava-5

Agents of approval, admiration, applause = priests and wisemen.

Wisdom-teaching and performance of ceremonial duties are the primary means of gaining egoic-mind validation, attention and approval.

partner of the wifely-companion dhava- karaka = Guru

Often, the wife-agent meets the husband-agent life partner(s) in a charismatic entertainment setting, such as a theatrical performance, celebrity event, or political party.

The partner's identification with personal performance genius as the channeling of divine intelligence is important to her, and the partner's love of their children may form the basis of the union.

  • First marriage for feminine-figure characterized by political and theatrical expansion. The marriage might not bring children, but the creative intelligence is stimulated. Literary and performance art are featured.

Regardless of the external conditions of the union, the feminine-figure may retain a respect for the power of intelligent parenting and a belief in its importance in her life.


husband #1 meeting

Material Girl 1958- dance song cinema Madonna [arranging-designing Chitra-3] [vargottamsha] [Chitra-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Chitra]

  • While filming a music video (5) she stood atop a stage-set staircase [Rahu]. she looked down and saw a handsome young actor. By her own statement, at that moment she had a clear prescient fantasythat she and this man would meet, fall in love, and get married. Also, the video was being filmed by an older feminine-figure (Guru's lord = Shukra-Karkata maternal.) Marriage in Chandra-Rahu bhutki.

The 2nd husband-to-be, a film director (5) was first introduced at lunch in a private walled garden [Karkata] by an elder female [Chandra] attended by creative-theatrical people (5) such as actors, directors, costumers, and their financial backers [Shukra]. Second marriage occurred in Rahu-Rahu swabukti: Rahu represents husband-2.


Babur Receives a Courtier by Farrukh Beg c. 1580-85.

Opaque watercolor and gold on paper, painted and mounted within borders of a Rawżat aṣ-ṣafāʾ page. Freer Sackler Gallery S1986.230


QUOTATION Behari commentary Guru-5

" You will be unhappy in many ways.

  • Your education will be obstructed

  • siblings and colleagues may entangle you in litigation.

Your own righteousness and egotism will often embroil you in a welter of confusion.

  • Your philosophy, actions, and achievements will all be full of contradictions."

QUOTATION Das / Bepin Behari comments on Guru in bhava-5

" Jupiter inspires and urges the individual to be religious, respectable, friendly and helpful.

The planet has a special affinity with this house, though its placement here is not favorable for children.

  • Its influence is on the higher levels of human existence: Jupiter will make you spiritually oriented, a follower of religious observances, inspired to study sacred writings, engaged in imparting wisdom to others, and interested in life after death.

You are well-educated

  • You have a good understanding of classical literature and the sacred sciences.

  • Your children will be well-protected and will earn renown.

Jupiter is a death significator of the maternal grandfather when it is in the 5th house.

Wealth and conveyance through many sources.

  • Sweet and polite.

  • Trouble for the maternal in-laws in the 7th year.

  • Scholarly, glorious, influential.

  • Little help or support from sons in old age.

Trouble at the time of gain, rich and leader of own community.

  • Obedient children, gain and success through the opposite sex, places of amusement, centers of cultural activities, schools; speculation, investment.

  • Sensual, loves pleasure and ease. Eloquent speaker, most imaginative, logician, impressive writer-author.

  • Son helpful.

  • Ordinary possessions.

Trouble in accomplishment.

  • You are sensuous, rational in speech, wealthy, accomplished, adored by veterans, prudent.

  • Affluent, blessed with sons, friends, scholarly, steady, wealthy and prosperous.

Minister, skilled. Fruitless. Rich, adored by friends, knowledge of several sciences, thriving, charming, wise, director.

  • You are wise, skillful and pure of mind, religious, kind, generous and polite.

  • Well-dressed, large eyes, vocal, influential, charitable, affectionate, excel in linguistics, Economics, philosophy. teachers or lecturers are more successful."

[end quote]



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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

During a growth period, you need more amusement, more grounding, and more chocolate " .

~~ John Fulton, Asclepion Healing
