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![]() Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala Rahu-Ketu Main Page
mean-nodes vs. (misnomer) true-nodes Rahu samchara * transit bhava-5 Rahu occupies 5th-from-Chandra
AUM ram ravahe namah
राहु rāhu Professor Rāhu √ रभ् rabh = grab, seize, take-hold अर्करिपु arka-ripu = enemy of Arka चन्द्रारि chandra-ari = enemy of Chandra अर्कशशिशत्रु arka-śaśi-śatru = enemy (shatru) of thesun (arka) and the moon (shashi) चाण्डाल cāṇḍāla chandala =outcast, outside the boundary, pariah, worst, lowest भुजङ्गम bhujaṅgama = serpent-demon खेट khe-ṭa = air-moving, cavity, hollow, aperture resides in विद्यास्थान vidyā-sthāna = scholarly-station मन्त्रभव mantra-bhava = basis of songs of praise पुत्रभव putra-bhava = birth of children [purifiers] सन्तानदाय santāna-dāya = gift of children बुद्धिदाय buddhi-dāya = gift of intelligence Caput Draconis Head of the Dragon - North Node yati Anabibazon occupies the fifth house nati intellegentia ludum see also: Rahu occupies 5th-from-Chandra Rahu Yantra |
" As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be, you can't see how it is." ~~ Ram Dass | ||
EXAMPLES [for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently conquering, mesmerizingly dynamic, mirage of fiery energy [passion for showmanship in competitions] [craves central roles in bodily contests] plays risky athletic games] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated superiority, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [excitingly fabulous, kinetic pushing drama] [over-reaching forward-moving energy in uniquely attention-getting artistic performance] may involve innovative movement showcase roles for extraordinary children]
[for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently musical, entrancingly enriching, shimmering sensuality [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of ultimate entreasurement] [enthusiastic display of over-enrichment] [craving for exhilarating showmanship in glamorous finance] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated acquisitions, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [over-reaching luxurious ornaments may decorate the attention-getting artistic performance] [excitingly embellished storytelling in historical drama] may boast about astonishing remembered scenarios and tableaux] [may involve glittering wealth privilege showcase roles for extraordinary children]
[for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently explanatory, shimmering mirage of communicative flair [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of descriptive articulation] [enthusiastic display of over-explaining management methods] [craving for exhilarating showmanship in glamorous publications] [may boast about crafting astonishing detailed scenarios and tableaux] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated information reports, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [over-reaching scripted dialog may characterize the attention-getting artistic performance] [excitingly embellished commercial drama] [may involve privileged media-messaging showcase roles for extraordinary children] [for Meena indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently familiar, entrancingly rhythmic, exotic defense [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of sentimental caretaking] [enthusiastic display of over-protective parenting] [craving for exhilarating showmanship in glamorous householding] [may boast about astonishing domestic scenarios and tableaux] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated moral sensitivity, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [over-reaching patriotic boundary-defense may characterize the attention-getting artistic performance] [excitingly embellished familiar folk drama] [may involve privileged local seasonal rituals showcase roles for extraordinary children] [Rahu-Singha] --- [nīcha] [for Mesha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Rahu's apparently ingenious, brilliant mirage of celebrity [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of idealistic intelligence] [enthusiastic display of over-dramatic self-certainty] [craving for exhilarating showmanship in glamorous gambles] may boast about astonishing brilliant celebrity scenarios and tableaux] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated regal entitlement, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [over-reaching passion for attention may characterize the artistic performance] [excitingly embellished sparkling speculative drama] may involve privileged creative entertainment showcase roles for extraordinary children]
[for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently logical, illusion of articulate argumentation [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of logistical reasoning] [enthusiastic display of celebrated service ministry] [craving for exhilarating showmanship in glamorous servitude] [may boast about astonishing scenarios and tableaux showing aid to the disadvantaged] [over-reaching passion for cleaning may characterize the artistic performance] [excitingly embellished medical drama] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated humble laboring, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [may involve privileged analytically argumentative showcase roles for extraordinary children]
[for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of ultimate justice] [enthusiastic display of over-promising] [craving for exhilarating political negotiations] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated advocacy, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [over-reaching equity-lens appeal in uniquely attention-getting artistic performance] [excitingly diplomatic drama] may involve gracious, creative roles showcase roles for extraordinary children]
[for Karkata indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of sudden, eruptive energy] [enthusiastic display of revealed secrets] [craving for exhilarating political transformations] glamourized celebration of shocking changes] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated intrigue, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [over-reaching invasive control in uniquely attention-getting artistic performance] [excitingly fabulous, dangerous drama] may involve camouflaged showcase roles for extraordinary children]
[for Simha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently generous, mirage of philosophical conviction [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of inspired preaching] [enthusiastic display of principled understanding] [craving for exhilarating doctrinal politics] glamourized celebration of theological-ideological worldview] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated wisdom, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [over-reaching humanistic generosity in uniquely attention-getting artistic performance] [excitingly, astoundingly faith-centered, philosophical drama] may involve globalist believers showcase roles for extraordinary children]
[for Kanya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently lawful, mirage of regulatory ordering [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of normalized speculation] [enthusiastic display of social-status markers] [craving for exhilarating political legislation] glamourized celebration of conventional entertainments] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated legitimacy, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [excitingly fabulous, goverment drama] [over-reaching public conformism in uniquely attention-getting artistic performance] may involve uniform-wearing showcase roles for extraordinary children]
[Rahu-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra] [for Tulā indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] [passion for showmanship in mass assemblies] [craves central roles in networked systems] plays risky marketplace games] [desire to demonstrate social-participation goals] [enthusiastic display of material achievements] [craving for exhilarating politicized legislation] glamourized celebration of proletarian entertainments] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated collectivism, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [excitingly fabulous, marketplace drama] [over-reaching earnings in uniquely attention-getting artistic performance] may involve futuristic showcase roles for extraordinary children]
[for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently systematic, shimmeringly gainful, mimicking connectivity [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] [passion for showmanship in prayerful places] [craves central roles in sanctuary zones] plays risky fantasy games] [desire to demonstrate imaginative play] [enthusiastic display of wholistic understanding] [craving for exhilarating politicized retreat] glamourized celebration of contemplative entertainments] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated inner guidance, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [excitingly fabulous, distant-lands drama] [over-reaching quietude in uniquely attention-getting artistic performance] may involve visionary showcase roles for extraordinary children]
Rahu-5 seeks privilege via - glamorous entertainments, political campaigns, prestigious events, pageantry, fashion and performance arts, literary poetics, romances, and children
chalakaraka Rahu in bhava 5
EXAMPLES POTUS-04 USA-Constitution 1751-1836 James Madison [systematic-connected Jyeṣṭha-3] [Jyeṣṭha-Rahu-yuti-Shani-Jyeṣṭha] JM's only descendant was his stepson, the child of Dolley Payne Madison's previous marriage. Sound and Fury 1897-1962 novelist William Faulkner [competitive-champion Śrāvaṇa-1] [Amrita-Padama KSY] WF adopted two stepsons from his wife's previous marriage, then added a biological daughter. Material Girl 1958- dance song cinema Madonna [brokering-balancing Chitra-3] [vargottamsha] + [Chitra-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Chitra] Assemblage = via two fathers, then via adoption from Africa. Rahu adores ethnic mixing. POTUS-44 Audacity of Hope 1961- Barack H. Obama [heritage-assets Magha-2] [navamsha Rahu-Urisha-uchcha] [Magha-Rahu-yuti-Mangala-Aryaman] = both daughters born via IVF Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie [ministering-logistical Anuradha-2] Three children via foreign adoption added to three children via conventional births. *** chidrakaraka Ketu in bhava 11
Glamor, entertainment, charisma, entitlement, celebrity, glitterati EXAMPLE POTUS-35 Profiles in Courage 1917-1963 John F. Kennedy [strategic-complaining Pūrvāṣāḍhā-2] had the exceptionally charming Rahu-Dhanus-5 in Shukra-ruled luzury-loving Pūrvāṣāḍhā.
Amplification of the importance of charisma, politics, individual creativity, and children (5), often at the expense of the practical awareness of the larger social community (11). " Knows " that one is destined for greatness as a member of the elevated class that has been specially chosen to promote one's children, one's creative performance, one's romantic literature, political power , or gambling genius.
Rahu in Bhava 5
urgent ambition to obtain political intelligence. Oily, smoky things in the position of center-stage glamour and attention. Fuels, gasses, explosives. hungers to be recognized as a brilliant speculator or gamesman election-loving, fascinating politician
theatrical performers * a passion for center-stage
or literati,
wishes to be perceived as "naturally" possessed of a charismatic glamourwhich admits to membership in the genius class
camouflaged participant in celebrity-activism desire to join the company of those blessed with divinely good luck Elevation via Fascination Rahu utilizes the theatrical stage of Bhava-5 creativity Often a dramatic rise from the station of birth via extraordinary or exotic politics, romantic idealism, theatrics, celebrity and charisma. Unusual or exotic circumstances regarding children idealistic personality; Craving for applause; passion for holding the center of political attention Rahu-5 may opportunistically self-elevate into elite company assisted in marriage alliance by the often-dispersing Ketu-11. Always hungry for, but never satisfied with
Rahu in 8th from 10th Knows how to exploit the legal loopholes using secrets of orderly hierarchies and governments. Extremely strong political-theatrical instincts toward self-elevation through risk. However, the full scope of effects depends upon which graha occupy bhava 9, 11, and 1. Rahu in bhava-5 = craves the privilege of creative self-expression via performance arts, politics, or children. May involve a barrier-bending, taboo-twisting fertility quest or foreign adoption. Reckless Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 may signal a risqué pregnancy; or romance. The first child may be socially illicit in some way, as 5 = 8th from 10th, but this is rarely harmful. Generally, if Rahu enjoys the mutual drishti or yuti Guru, ambitions to self-promote via children are fulfilled and many lives are benefitted. Otherwise, expedient Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 can deprive one of self-produced children even while generating dozens or even millions of students
CHILDREN Exotic or highly unusual situations regarding the children
The situation may mix unusual children with remarkable students
Idealistic, political and romantic . Political election, romantic idealism, or children provides a platform for personal ascendance. Rahu craves elevation to a higher social station via politics, theatre, children, or creative performance. Hunger for royal entitlements. Fabulous.
May tackle the most unsurmountable challenges with an attitude of Rahu-opportunism. Ambition to do the un-doable, using trickery if needed. |
When vidyapati is energized, rahu-5 may display a great desire to express personal genius , although one has not yet earned the wisdom to understand the source of that creativity. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 may be driven by a passionate desire to be the radiant center of political attention, as a figure that is regal, sparkling brilliant confident entitled .
Desire to be seen at center stage in both politics and theatre: celebrity-activists
Rahu uses the creative intelligence or the children as a platform from which to launch the Great Leap, but does not remain consistent with the political or creative agenda that one was elected or nominated to carry out.
Via Rahu's characteristic over-promotion, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 often gets into misguided child-raising or illicit politicking that is "over their head" .
By means of divine intelligence, showmanship , and speculative gaming, one wishes to obtain the privileges of royalty. Rahu favors the use of deception and His style usually involves sneaking into forbidden places under culturally false pretenses. Great Leap Forward via Personal Genius: Politics, theatre, romantic Amusements, and Games Rahu's Great Leap Forward in bhava-5 creates a sudden advance to a higher level of social privilege via a shape-shifting change in
During the mahadasha of Rahu and bhukti of Rahu, one may re-invent the political self to facilitate a move to center-stage which more effectively matches the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of a royal or celebrity echelon. Examples: In Shukra/Rahu period, the actress and child welfare advocate Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie adopted a child (Rahu/5 = adopted children) and changed her legal name to her stage name = "Angelina Jolie" (" pretty" ) .
Desire for Exotic Creativity
Rahu the Rakshasa feeds upon chaotic and manipulative circumstances within the realms of children, politics, creativity, literature, performance arts, theatre, speculation, and games. Rahu the Intruder disregards the approved steps for generating children, upsets the schedule of theatrical performance art, and makes one privy to disturbing and possibly dangerous threats to national security.
Rahu Mahadasha - Rahu bhukti = Rahu pratyantardasha During periods of Rahu, asurreptitious intruder or poseur enters the realm of shelter and foundations and caretaking interactions.
One's passion for connecting to this enticing exotic agent is disruptive but exciting and each iteration breaks some limit upon how many and which types of roots one is allowed to growr. Restless Dissatisfaction with Children, intelligence, politics, celebrity
Quest for superior privilege via intelligence, speculation, gambling, politics, and offspring . Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 is overinvested in children, politics, entertainment, celebrity, charisma, center-stage entitlements.
As an adversary of Shani, professor Rahuva wants what He socially legitimately cannot have (Shani legitimation). As an adversary of Chandra, rahuva also craves what He morally should not have (Chandra, morality, the walls surrounding the settlement, local environment produces morality.) It is the desire of Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 to receive the privileges accorded to:
Whatever distinction He obtains in the hungry question for recognition, hungry Rahu will never be satisfied. Immediately upon obtaining the object of desire, rahu again yearns for more, better, different privileges given to the class of beings who show political empowerment, charismatic centrality, and poetic, romantic brilliance. Every day begins with renewed lust for this ephemeral prize. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 = amplified political-creative impetus toward self-elevation through rule-evading risk. The full scope of effects depends upon which graha occupy bhava 9 + 11 + 1 A Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 parent may convert the process of raising children into a self-focused dramatic performance. It is not really about the children. |
Elevation through Celebration splendid placement for a theatrical performer, literary artist, or charismatic politician The privilege-seeking ambitions of entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 express via creative intelligence. Although outwardly a somewhat friendless and socially disconnected personality due to Ketu in bhava-11, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 invests great energy in pursuit of demonstrations of political acumen which promise to advance His social entitlements. Camouflaging, disguising Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 wants to appear as a legitimate, credible holder of status-rank in the class of beings
Rahu-5 seeks glory in exotic drama, through romance, through poetry, through adoration and admiration, through gambling and games, through children, through unusual environments, through self-attention. |
craves privileged access to speculative opportunities illusion of entitlement passion for games thrilled by gambling cross-cultural romance entitled excitements craving for creativity insinuates into the center of politics and drama ambitious trajectories of important creativities social mobility achieved via important-and-exotic children unusual expressions of individual intelligence gambling-and-games boundary-breaching creativity outsider wins in politics irregular elections mesmerizing artistic performance fascinating fashion non-customary drama exhilarating charisma-charam mixed-culture ceremonial displays celebrity children avant-garde royalty exceptional individual entitlements smoky impression of radiant glory
Professor Rahu drishti to 9, 11, 1 amplifies the ideological-patronage (9) and network-participation (11) and physical-appearance (1) attributes. seeks extraordinary privilege [Rahu] within the realms of personal genius, entertaining, political, charismatic, creative, procreative, performing-arts, fashionable, glittering, center-stage, gambling and gaming environments (5) Passion for Political Privilege seeks to be recognized as special and important in center-stage roles Urgent ambition to create self-reflexive drama passion for politics,
celebrity, literary genius, games
urgently ambitious
disguised as a brilliant game-player, shining celebrity, or a royal figure Pitri Dosha: casts a dramatic shadow over the father, father-figures, kings, celebrities, politicians, dramatists, creative artists, and games-players. These characters suffer from amplified, exaggerated, and expedient but falsified displays of autocracy and self-righteousness. The king's throne or the political power-center may be occupied by an impostor. In cultures where male ancestors are worshipped, pitri dosha suggests irregular ceremonial respect to the male ancestors (shraddha). Tends to disturb the relationship between one's father and one's children. For this reason among others, rahu-5 is favorable for adoption or acquisition of children. prestige sought via children, creativity, literature, intelligence fashion, politics, royalty, celebrity Rahu-5 located in 6th-from = bhava-12 , might feel compelled toward illicit behaviors by a conflict with distant lands, fantasies, enclosures, the mother's religion desire to be recognized as a centrally important, radiant light fascinating heart, spine Rahu's Passageway toward Privilege
Politics Rahu the Rogue provides an extreme desire to obtain political celebrity and to receive applause for brilliant performance. Les agents provocateurs represented by Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 = not necessarily an immoral influence. The agent desires to obtain privileged experiences by leapfrog without having followed the conventional proving steps toward social approval of creativity"(5, intelligence, genius, children). Rahu-5 may growth-challenge fthe existing orderly limits regarding
5 = 11th from 7th
Rahu craves to enter into association with those whose gains, profits and goal-achievement are typically obtained from activities of the 7th portion. Rahu aims to gain a fraudulent or as-yet-unearned qualification into this class of persons. This class of entitlement obtains material increase (11) from the basis of bhava-7 contractual agreement. Rahu desires those Fruits and profits arising
bahu-putra yoga
Rahu in putra bhava = bahuputra yoga results = If Rahu occupies 5 and Rahu does NOT occupy either Makara - Draco navamsha or Kumbha - Ghata navamsha then a possibility opens of having a rather large number of Children. However, there should be other factors which support broad expansion of the child-count, such as incoming drishti from abundant Jupiter.
Children might live with outcasts or foreigners. children = one may enjoy parenting children from diverse origins, including
conditions of the birth or adoption of the first child are likely to cross cultural barriers in some fashion, for example a single-parent adoption or a child born out of wedlock
Child before wedlock The birth of children becomes politicized Rahu-5 may become a voice in the politics of children's welfare
One tends to disregard conventional limitations regarding production, acquisition, and raising of children Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 may appropriate the children of another Children especially the eldest are unusual, perhaps adopted
or born under unusual circumstances The Rahu child is desirable, ambitious, and attractive, but may be a channeler of alternative personalities per Rahu-1. (depends on Rahu's ruler ) Rahu's pride generates a great desire t o exercise the creative intelligence. One seeks to achieve self-elevation through acquisition of children. May feel entitled (5) to the social validation granted to those who raise society's children, yet often the offspring do not arrive on the conventional schedule. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 feels a passion for children despite not quite having earned the entitlement in parallel lives . Confidence in one's reproductive powers is low but recognition [Rahu] entitlement (5) = high. Children are exotic or 'marked' (remarkable) in some fashion; often a foreign adoption, or one accepts the children of another. Children are indeed a means to an end, the end being self-glorification [Rahu] rather than a natural continuation of a divine spark of intelligence (normal reproduction). Too much desire and not enough faith somewhat perverts the natural fertility process. Thus, devious means of producing or acquiring children must be resorted to. If Guru casts drishti upon 1, 5 or 9 or Guru casts drishti upon Chandra; if Chandra occupies 1, 5 or 9;, naone of the above devious machinations [Rahu] will overly complicate the biological process. At least one child arrives biologically when Guru's fertile eye glances at cool, moist Soma or the fortunate basal trine.
As a general rule of Rahu-5, while Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 may overly promote one's child in order to bring glorious justification to oneself (e.g., a'stage mother') nevertheless offspring arrive into one's life in an abundant, natural way and there is little need for misgiving.
With Rahu in 5, success in obtainment of children depends on the bhava-lord but inevitably Rahu the co-lord of Shani's rashi Kumbha will cause some egoic-mind conflict and sorrow in matters of social justification (Surya vs Shani) in the process of reproduction and child-raising. Rahu in 5 in a barren rashi (Kanya, mithuna, makara, Kumbha) generally signifies lack of children. If Budha or Shani are well positioned, e.g. in a trine and supported by child-positive companion graha, children may be obtained albeit by complex and possibly expensive means. In other rashi, the circumstances of the children may reflect the character of the lord of putra bhava. Not a reactionary but a risk-taker in creative endeavors. A gambler who loves games of chance. For a good life, avoid low-class gambling scenarios such as casinos. May give exceptionally interesting, volatile, and/or spectacularly profitable results in stock-market speculation, especially if Surya is also in this bhava. |
Agents of approval, admiration, applause = risk-takers and cultural-boundary challengers. |
Passion and desire are the primary means of gaining egoic-mind validation, attention and approval. |
Smoky, oily things |
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 may be involved in the politics of pollution both socially in terms of managing ostracized darker [Rahu] out-groups and materially, in terms of regulating toxic pollution of the natural environment |
The Chosen |
Rahu-5 may wish to feel specially "chosen" for a privileged role: permission to join the class of Kings, the spectacularly rich , elite politicians, creative performers, and literary genii, in a celebrity place at the center of attention.Politicians Literary and performance art
raising children and expressing individual creativity. As the great taboo-breaker, rahu upsets customary moral boundaries and induces risky behavior
Rahu disrupts the customary methods of raising children and expressing individual creativity. Can be an indication of celebrity, if Rahu's dispositor is favorable. Underclass, exotic, or taboo attributes of the children . Polarizing catalysis Stomach trouble for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 .
Only the bhava lord can determine whether Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 can raise these unusual children, or whether the kids will be raised by others (servants, ex-spouses, etc.) Expansive but unstable desire for children, which may be thwarted due to psychic fluctuations and inconsistency of purpose. Fascination with celebrity and political power. Excited applause received from the audience in response to Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 's expressions of individual genius. Otherwise, peculiar circumstances surrounding the conception and development of children. Depending on the rashi, the child may become famous or distinguished in its own culture. Always something unusual in the circumstances of conceiving the first child . Frequently an indicator of foreign adoption. Can signify adopting or raising one's grandchildren because one's own children have an irregular lifestyle. |
Career + public status difficulties " Damned if you do; damned if you don't." When Rahu = 5, naturally Ketu = 11. bhava-10 = public dignity + profession = enters a bad-angle position = a feeling of entrapment in career
QUOTATION from Das / Bepin Behari WRT Rahu-Dhanus " Your creativity has a strange or foreign aura; not bad, but deep and unusual .
You are deeply interested in liberation from material entanglement.
During the periods ruled by Rahu, you will experience gains and success.
Watch out for your own difficulties with the heart and lungs.
During Rahu ruled periods, watch for indigestion and excess bile.
6th-from-Rahu + 12th-from-Ketu = 6/12 agency = bhava-10
6th-from-Rahu + 12th-from-Ketu Fame and acclaim, rank and recognition: Rahu wants it - but can Rahu get it? The bhava which = 6th-from-Rahu + 12th-from-Ketu = karma-bhava = most conflicted, adversarial, toxic, frustrating, every-way-but-loose environment of the nativity
By knowing the axis of radix Rahu-Ketu, it will be possible to predict which department of life may cause consistently the most persistently volatile and recurring yet seemingly uncontrollable polarizing catalysis for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 r. Compared to 6th-from-Shani 6th-from-Shani-related disagreement and conflict improves with age, neutral ity, and patience.
6th-from-Rahu 6th-from-Rahu = the disagreements, disappointments, broken contracts, accusation, arguments, and adversarial relationships which originate in Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 's attempt to self-elevate via quick, unconventional and generally unearned increase in social rank and privilege. 6th-from-Rahu shows the adversarial relationships, illness, and financial imbalance-seeking-a-remedy such as debt leading to poverty or servitude, which are triggered by Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 's instinctive desire [Rahu] to challenge boundaries and leap-frog over customary stepwise earnings. The negative consequences of 6th-from angles are pre-incarnationally planned in origin. Persons whom one may have inadvertently harmed in parallel lives may suddenly appear as exploiters, enemies, or disease agents during periods of Rahu or lord of 6th-from-Rahu. They enforce servitude, start conflicts, and cause or treat disease during this period.
= |
12th-from-Ketu 12th-from-Ketu = loss of vitality, dissolution of enthusiasm, drained energies, erosion of conviction, disengagement, and general ennui regarding persons, topics, and relationships which are already weakened due to Ketu's residence in the bhava.
Exacerbation Naturally, if weak or undignified graha should occupy or own the bhava which is 6th-from-Rahu + 12th-from-Ketu, the negative results can be intensified. Particularly the personal graha - Surya, chandra, Budha - are afflicted when they occupy the adversarial 6th-from-Rahu + 12th-from-Ketu. |
Animosity and Conflict via Rahu-resides-5 = 6th-from mantrasthāna = bhava-10 During Rahu bhukti if rogesha-6 from Rahu is strong, one may be forced into servitude, conflict, sickness, or crime by imposed obligation to adhere to public moral standards, need to maintain a top organizational position, professional career responsibilities and substantial leadership duties |
effects of Rahu mahadasha 18 years
effects of Rahu bhukti effects of Rahu pratyantardasha Most salient effects of Rahu in bhava-5 - passion for politics, celebrity, games occur during Rahu mahadasha. Maximum outcome during svabhukti of Rahu-Rahu and also during the bhukti of Rahu's rashi-pati. Also strong results of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 should be expected during each of the nine bhukti of Rahu which occur within the 120 year Vimshottari Dasha.
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 generates urgent ambition to obtain greater social-material privileges via display of creative intelligence, political charisma, extraordinary children, or celebrity fame.
Methods of expedient self-elevation for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 include"appropriation" of the instruments of bhava-5 such as promotion to more central political positions, creative distinction in literary or dramatic performance, hub-of-the wheel roles, scholarly brilliance, king-figure behavior, and flaunting of bhagya good-luck via financial speculation and gambling. Although Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 has not yet * earned* the entitlements of authentic creativity which are normally accorded to royalty, children, and genius performers, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5 is motivated by a hungry desire to grasp these entitlements in a"fast-track" fashion. His ambition is boundless.
Via Rahu's characteristic ambition for recognition, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-5's upward trajectory may involve fraudulent or irregular methods of financial speculation, gambling and games, political empowerment, creation, or procreation that are over one's head. Final results depend on the disposition of the ruler of Rahu's rashi. |
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