

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Shani occupies 5th-from-Chandra

Shani Main Page

  1. [Shani in classroom-1]
  2. [Shani in classroom-2]
  3. [Shani in classroom-3]
  4. [Shani in classroom-4]
  5. [Shani in classroom-5]
  6. [Shani in classroom-6]
  7. [Shani in classroom-7] -- [dikbala]
  8. [Shani in classroom-8]
  9. [Shani in classroom-9]
  10. [Shani in classroom-10] [svabhava]
  11. [Shani in classroom-11] [svabhava]
  12. [Shani in classroom-12]

  1. [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha]
  2. [Shani-Urisha]
  3. [Shani-Mithuna]
  4. [Shani-Karkata]
  5. [Shani-Simha]
  6. [Shani-Kanya]
  7. [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]
  8. [Shani-Vṛścika]
  9. [Shani-Dhanus]
  10. [Shani-Makara-Draco] [svakshetra]
  11. [Shani-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra] [mulatrikona if within 0-20 deg]
  12. [Shani-Meena]


OM sham shanaishcharaye namah

शनि śani

Professor Shani

Sauri - Sauron

Shanicarya - Sanisvaraya

Shanaideva Bhagavan

अर्कपुत्र arka-putra = son of Sun

नीलवसन nīla-vasana = dark-blue visage

काल kāla = time

resides in


विद्यास्थान vidyā-sthāna = scholarly-station

मन्त्रभव mantra-bhava = basis of songs of praise

पुत्रभव putra-bhava = birth of children

सन्तानदाय santāna-dāya = gift of children

बुद्धिदाय buddhi-dāya = gift of intelligence

Saturan - Sauran - Sætern - Saturnus

the seventh one

Satu = Saturday

kevan - kaiwan - kiyyun - kaiamanu - khima

kρονος - kronos

Ninurta - Anu - El - Eli -

"The Old Sun // the best Sun"


the fifth house




" Yet when I hoped for good, evil came;

when I looked for light, then came darkness."

The Book of Job = Iyyov : 30:26


Villandry Jardins

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5

Tightly Ordered Creativity

Professor Shani classroom-5 narrative

Obligation to maintain the "longtime lover" romance, perhaps due to birth of children creating heightened responsibility

Agents of vidyasthāna enact a fearful, life-threatening [Shani] script of punishment and restriction.

Agents of bhava-5 = the children, the romantic lovers, poets, entertainers, celebrities, dramatists, politicians, creative genii, literati, royalty, artistic performers, the intelligentsia, speculators, gamesmen, charismatic and charming personalities. The bhava-5 agents say:

You follow the rules, or else we (the children, the lovers, the artists) will eject you from the center stage of our attention, and freeze your access to our entertainments, brilliance in games, and romantic delights.

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5

  • limitations regarding children - typically delay rather than denial
  • socializing/normalizing of the offspring demands already-scarce time
  • frustration with immature, self-centered personalities
  • weighty duties to structure the conduct of politics, drama, games, speculation
  • although they are beloved, children create heavy responsibility [especially the first child]
  • intellectual boredom
  • repressed genius
  • creative scarcity, not enough time to express the creative art
  • paucity of romance
  • the price is too high / the entitlement is too low / to permit idealism, poetic love
  • heart/spine constriction

is further embroidered with contributing voices from Shani's rashi, incoming drishti to bhava-5, shani's angle from Chandra, shani's placement in navamsha, planetary tenants in those bhava ruled by Shani,

Of key importance: location of vidya-sthāna relative to Chandra-lagna.

For example, England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor

Henry endured great pressure to produce a male heir (5). Henry's Shani in 11th-from-Chandra is gainful - he did eventually get a short-lived male heir, and two of his daughters became queens also.

But the Shani-5 struggle was real.

  • socially conservative Śrāvaṇa-Shani-5 located in 11th-from-Revatī-Chandra.
  • Kanya-indriya-lagna therefore Shani = also rogesha.
  • Henry endured a legendary pressure [Shani] to obtain a male heir [5 offspring] .
  • His council demanded an heir in order to ensure the legitimacy [Shani] of his dynasty [5, solar lineage, entitled race, kings]
  • Henry's most exhausting task in life was to meet the social requirement that would ensure his legacy [Śrāvaṇa, public sentiment].
  • Many of his ex-wives failed to produce this male child (Shani scarcity, shani drishti into 7).

Shani is nevertheless gainful in 11th-from-Chandra.

  • Two of his daughters became dynastic queens
  • Bloody Mary ruled for five years
  • then Elizabeth-1-Tudor ruled England for 44 years
  • however neither Mary Tudor nor Elizabeth Tudor had offspring, so that Henry's royal lineage - which he pillaged and murdered to protect -- expired anyway [Shani].

Shani-5 Parashari drishti to domains: 7 + 11 + 2

Shani Parashari drishti cast upon yuvati, vriddhi, and dhana

  • retards the financial accumulations (2, 11)

  • brings a highly responsible, social-duty orientation into the marriage behaviors (7).


  • Shani-5 casts drishti into both 2 and 7 [marana-bhava]
  • Shani-5 can suggest slowly hardening fatal heart [5] conditions provoked by stress-pressuring hypertension.


See: dealing with the negative expectations of Shani in bhava-5

All forecasts improve with planetary support from natural regulator of bhava-5 = Surya.

Better if Shani occupies a rashi of Shani, shukra, or Budha. Better with any type of support from Shukra

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 the Taskmaster functions best in Makara-Draco, Kumbha, and Tula, where He provides regulated politics and mannerly children


[Shani-Mesha] --- [nīcha]

[acquisitive-evaluative dhanesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [collaborative-communicative sahaja-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja drishti to source Shani's pushy rigidity, instinctive survivalism, primitive laws

[rigid politics of restrained pioneering movement] [tight restrictions on innovative genius] [responsible for legitimating acts of invasive force]

[must aggressively maintain order among children and students] [harsh obligation to prevent the new birth of bright entitlements] [must apply rank-and-class to individualized intelligence]

[heavy burden of warriorship may cause cardiac fatigue] [repressed competitive thrust may ossify heart-and-spine]

[must regulate announcements sahaja-pati about knowledge dhanesha of primitive physicality]



[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [collecting-preserving dhanesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Shani's entreasuring discipline, evaluating strictures, traditional rules

politics of music, speech, face, and values-fulfillment - enduring figures in creative arts, games, speculation, politics, entertainment


[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [contemplative-[researching-sojourning vyaya-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-bhukti to source Shani's conversational formality, commercial regulation, administrative governance

[rigid politics of institutional communications] [tight restrictions on media-messaging genius] [responsible for legitimating formalized announcements]

[must instruct and explain to maintain order among children and students] [harsh obligation to prevent commercial entitlements] [must apply rank-and-class to mentalized procedural intelligence]

[heavy burden of business administration may cause cardiac fatigue] [repressed conversations may ossify heart-and-spine]

[must regulate identifying information lagnesha and research data vyaya-pati to reduce dramatic publication]

  • Yogaville 1914-2002 Swami Satchidananda [masked-undisclosing Mriga-4]

  • Oracle Database 1944- Larry Ellison [systematic-connected Arudra-3]


[gainful-friendly labha-pati for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] [contemplative-visionary vyaya-pati for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti for Shani's comfortably unyielding, unmovingly established, protective rule-based ordering

politics of patriotism, defense of the land, the Old Ways


[dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Shani's dramatized discipline, displayed restrictions, showcase conventionalism

[rigidly ceremonial creativity] [maintains the formal celebratory displays] [limited procreative entitlements]

[must play speculative power games] [slow lawful gains via choice-making elections ] [must impose order upon autocratic politicians]

[elders require sparkling pageantry parades to maintain public order] [profit from shouldering heightened political responsibilities]

  • POTUS-34 Interstate Highways 1890-1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower [bargaining-contractual Pūrvaphalgunī-3] [navamsha-Shani-Tula-uchcha]

  • Franc-Pres 1977- financier Emmanuel Macron [talkative-teamworking Magha-3]



[Yogakaraka believing-philosophical dharmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Yogakaraka dutiful-executive karmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[rigid politics of institutional health services] [tight restrictions on medical genius] [responsible for legitimating formalized clinical treatments]

[must apply logical argument to maintain order among children and students] [harsh obligation to prevent labor entitlements] [must rationally classify intelligence by rank-and-status]

[heavy burden of helping the underserved may cause cardiac fatigue] [repressed accusations may ossify heart-and-spine]

[must regulate philosophical convictions dharmesha and professional duties karmesha to reduce calculated creative display]

[Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]

[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [believing-philosophical dharmesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Shani's rigidly harmonizing, fairly adjudicating, reciprocally orderly systems

[rigid politics of institutional social justice] [tight restrictions on bargaining genius] [responsible for legitimating formalized brokerage]

[must negotiate to maintain order among children and students] [harsh obligation to prevent contractual entitlements] [must apply rank-and-class to mediating intelligence]

[heavy burden of legal equality may cause cardiac fatigue] [repressed advising counsel may ossify heart-and-spine]

[must regulate hidden arrangements randhresha and beliefs about fairness dharmesha to reduce partner speculation]


[Shani in Vṛścika]

[bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Karkata indriya-lagna] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Shani's forward-driving discipline, penetrating restriction, regulated rejuvenation

[rigid politics of secret empowerments] [tight restrictions on hidden genius] [responsible for disguising the occurrence of transformative initiations]

[must control dangerous threats to children and students] [obligation to maintain long-term camouflaged romance] [burdensome social workload to normalize the identity-changing offspring]

[undisclosed danger of cardiac fatigue] [repressed rejuvenating sexual-reproductive thrust may ossify heart-and-spine]

[must regulate undisclosed intelligence randhresha and emergency policy bargains yuvati-pati to reduce disasterous speculation]

  • El Castilo Interior 1515-1582 St. Teresa de Avila [inspirational-dogmatic Jyeṣṭha-1]



[inimical-medicating rogesha for Simha indriya-lagna] [bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Shani's principled legalism, doctrinal strictures, theoretical systems

[orthodox beliefs oppress inspirational ideals] [lawful duty toward global children] [weighty politics of ceremonial-priestly entitlement]

[staunch adherence to religious romance restrictions] [catchetical legitimacy of conventional intelligence] [theologically principled limitations]

[obligatory doctrinal preaching upon maintenance of gaming rules] [must organize ideological displays] [proletarian worldview curtails divine creativity]

[drying of the enthusiastic fires in heart-spine region] [lawfully required to sermonize to students] [must continue desiccated old sacred kingship]

[must regulate heretical games rogesha and emergency policy bargains yuvati-pati to reduce theoretical speculation]




[witty-creative vidya-pati for Kanya indriya-lagna] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Kanya indriya-lagna]

[imposes lawful order upon creative arts performance] [heavy responsibilities for regulating creative entitlements] [strict social rules impose limitations on children and entertainment]

[speculative politics of conventional government hierarchy] [normalizing restrictions on romantic games]


  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor [collaborative-mercantile Śrāvaṇa-3]

  • Twilight of the Idols 1844-1900 Ubermensch Friedrich Nietzsche [visionary-guiding Uttarāṣāḍha-4]

  • Realm of Light 1874-1947 painter Nicholas Roerich [heritage-capitalized Śrāvaṇa-2]

[Shani-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra]

[mūlatrikoṇa if within 0-20 deg]

[Yogakaraka homebound-securing bandesha for Tulā indriya-lagna] [Yogakaraka speculative-creative vidya-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna]

[orthodox systems oppress creative intelligence] [lawful duty toward vast assemblies of children] [weighty politics of economic entitlement]

[staunch adherence to marketplace restrictions on gambling] [displays proletarian fashion] [political limitations on distribution networks]

[obligatory populist preaching upon maintenance of gaming rules] [must organize mass participation ceremonies] [commonplace entertainments restrain l creative genius]

[desiccated electrical connections in heart-spine region] [lawfully required to maintain student associations] [must continue to focus upon old community necessities]

[must regulate speculative earnings vidya-pati and gridworked local infrastructure bandesha via friendly policy]


[collaborative-communicative sahaja-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Shani's visionary legalism, dreamlike strictures, vaguely-conceptual systems

conventionalized creativity

drudgery of raising children

performance perfectionism

the long game

Old drama. Sigh.

must hold the center of attention

maintaining the entitlements is effortful

socially-approved dutiful use of celebrity, intelligence, ideals

Shani in Bhava-5] is a compromised position, no matter how artistically or intellectually gifted one may be.

In Surya's svabhava, matters of romance, gambling, children, and creative genius must be proletarian, commonly understood, organized, lawful, and socially approved

Shani in Vidya bhava-5 = Obligations of Fame

Capability for ordering the political environment (5), systematizing the children (5), and applying rules to the diva-type personalities (5) who are attracted to environments of celebrity and entitlement (5).

Shani-5 in any rashi faces a peculiar restriction-obligation vortex: one must (Shani must) hold the center of attention (5, center) * Yet, it is not permitted to be special or unique (cold, dark Shani = anti-Simha)

Sober, serious, strict Shani is deeply uncomfortable in the svabhava of radiant, self-focused, glamorous, utterly unique Professor Surya.

The creativity which may be produced by other graha will be structured by Shani-5. A reliable functionary in the intellectual-or-political craft of one's choice. Often prefers work to romance. Or, one may approach romance as a task.

Entertainers distinguished by work-ethic and timeclock discipline

Oppressed by the Glitterati

Here is seen the necessity [Shani] to maintain the social order under pressure [Shani] of diva-type, sparkling, political and creative personalities. Often one has chosen to deal systematically [Shani] with governing agencies and leaders [Shani] in the realms of gaming, creative arts, performance arts, children, romantic idealism, politics, drama, fashion, speculative finance, and other radiantly self-focused fields of endeavor.


Realm of Light 1874-1947 painter Nicholas Roerich

  • NR spearheaded the " Roerich Pact" by working with governmental bodies to legally designate sites and objects as protected by law. Roerich was obliged to attempt to preserve international treasuries of legacy art, much of it in wood and stone [Shani].

  • Much of this treasury = highly vulnerable to destruction via increasingly violent world wars (Mangala enemy of Shani, and Shani also activates 6-war). The majority of the duties and the majority of his legislative success (and grief) occurred during a mature Shani mahadasha in his fifth and sixth decades.

In any rashi,- Shani-5 resists and resents the entitlements of royalty, celebrity, or creative genius. Shani-5 requires scholarship if Shukra is strong, but Shani-5 default is disciplining and usually involves separations from one's children due to work responsibilities.

The phrase herding cats is apt for describing this task, since bhava-5 = the homebase of Panthera, Leo, felix, the cat-realm. It is often a thankless task and often signifies the birth of children who generate a special emphasis of responsibility, duty, and austerity.

As always, much depends upon Shani's rashi, ruler, incoming drishti, location relative to Chandra-lagna, and disposition within the navamsha-varga.

Many famous performers in the creative arts are working through their Shani's Akashic memory patterning via disciplined, seemingly relentless effort to perfect the performance.

Karma of celebrity, creativity, children, politics, royalty, entitlement, genius, romantic idealism, entertainment, amusement, gambling, games, gambits, speculation.

  • Imposes the Rules of courtly performance for center-stage roles in creative arts, politics, drama, fashion

  • Insists upon Repetition and rehearsal of formal structures in literature, art, dance, and drama

  • Regulation of expressions of creative genius

  • Responsibility for creating lawful processes in the royal court, the theatrical stage, the political platform

  • Restraint of romantic delights

  • Resistance to egocentricity

  • Realism and sobriety in apprehension of celebrity, charisma, and charm

  • Repression of enjoyment from entertainments, amusements, speculation, and gambling

  • Rejection of individualized intellectual creativity

  • Reduction of personal empowerment, reduction of solipsism

  • Routines imposed upon children and students,

  • Regularity and structure in the intelligence

Planned misalignments requiring realignment attention , restrictions, social Criticism via Politics


The creativity and offspring (although delayed) are typically well-disciplined. Delays in the production of children or potentially a separation from the eldest child. Much depends on graha-yuti-Shani within putrasthāna-5.

Stoic Professor Shani's dictates may bring conflict in marriage due to Shani's rigid drishti into bhava-7.

Shani-5 located in 12th-from-6 reduces the viciousness of pernicious lawsuits. Shani-related blockage with poor circulation or seizure patterns can signal health issues in any bhava. Within bhava-5, the classic outcome is cardiac blockage. Those born with Shani-5 would be wise to receive regular [Shani] cardiological assessment and practice intentional stress-reduction.

Romance (5) may also be a source of Shani's typical pressure, frustration, and resistance to change. in the draining 12th-from-5, shani can slowly erode the financial strain from loan debt, so that regular [Shani] payments while burdensome are also not impoverishing.

Children's upbringing tends to require a mature approach based in duty and responsibility, rather than a more idealistic or fun celebration of creativity. Serious Shani generally does not tolerate frivolity. Shani-5 is typically a materialistic, frugal, time-conscious parent who accepts the burden of child-raising as a social obligation.

Acceptance of Social Responsibility

Shani casts a strict and sober cloud of lawful conformity upon the normally bright light [Surya] of individual genius.

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 will be obliged to rehearse, repeat, and refine the formal structures that frame expression of creative genius.

Delays in the production of children, and much responsibility through them. Shani in 5 casting drishti upon 9 = Limited permission for amusement (5) and travel-adventure (9) which have limited social purpose but are purely expressions of the brilliantly curious Self.

Politicians with Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 may be oppressed and constrained by corporate or institutional interests

Performing artists with Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 are almost constantly engaged in rehearsal

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 may suffer the consequences of excessive formalism or perfectionism resulting in exhaustion from overwork in an expression of human genius that is, for most other people, an expression of individual brilliance and delight.

Speculative finance, gambling/games, politics, entertainment

Work-tasks may bring Shani-5 into gaming, speculative, politicized or theatrical environments/ Shani-5 may be required to shoulder responsibilities for the orderly governance of speculators [gamblers] entertainers or electioneers .

Even Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 who (due to other graha) becomes the main center of attention will be tasked with a heavy burden of responsibilities for regulating the entire on-stage production.

Politicians born with Shani-5 must maintain a tough, law-and-order approach to [what management specialists call] "herding cats" [5, felix] .

In the fickle field of political elections and charisma contests, the politician with Shani-5 may last longer in elected office. Their no-nonsense method is tiring, but it often succeeds in organizing the votes for that parade of narcissists vying for attention.


The more complex and long-running the show, the more material effort required in constant ordering and governing duties.

Dramatists born with Shani-5 must be disciplined. Their performance may be superb, but the splendid [5] outcome is due to antecedent diligent practice.

Performance anxiety. Creativity-celebrity perfectionism of Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5


Seven Year Itch 1926-1962 Marilyn Monroe [ātmakāraka] [bargaining-brokering Chitra-3] [navamsha-Shani-Tula-uchcha] [uchcha-Shani-5] = [randhresha-8 + dharmesha-9] . \

  • MM suffered extreme performance anxiety. Despite top-dollar box-office fame at the peak of her career, MM anxiety became so rigid [Shani] that MM developed a pattern of extreme tardiness [Shani] .

  • She began to arrive hours-late to the theatrical set. The creativity-celebrity perfectionism of Professor Shani-5 had taken His toll. Near the end of her life, despite her box-office success, MM was fired from several productions.

Enduring Catalyst from celebrity status, children, romantic idealism, shani in 3rd-from-3rd indicates photography, publications, writings, instructions.

Effort due to Lack of political, dramatic or creative credibility (anti-Surya)

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 represents resistance to change which necessitates the effort that is required to achieve a consistent and credible role as a creative, unique, radiant personality. Materialism and the obligation to impose discipline may darken the flame of divine intelligencer.

If Shani activates a kendra or 11, [lagna = Mesha, Vrishabha, Karkata, simha, tula, Vṛścika, Makara-Draco, Kumbha, meena] the burden may be highly professionalized yet socially isolating.

  • Otherwise, unrelenting labor in a circle of students, aband of entertainers, acrowd of politicians, agaggle of literati.

In childhood, shani in 5 may impose strict expectations of social conformity upon the self-promoting intelligence of the immature personality.

To the growing child it seems to be in one's pragmatic self-interest to display (5) qualities of non-centrality, lawfulness, conformity, and conventionality in the expression of personal intelligence and charm. Only the most highly structured and supervised forms of creative play are allowed. Romance is acceptable only as a brief and innocent precursor to marriage, and romantic love that damages the sober public reputation may be punished by social censure.

[Shani-Mesha] : punished by brutal force.

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 must accept responsibility in place of romance; diligence in place of drama; and sobriety in place of self-expression. Children become the justification for marriage, and social responsibility is the ultimate justification for children. Unless Surya is very bright and auspicious, there may be very little pure delight in this life.

As a result, the adult is Typically, a plain person who eschews the glamour and the trappings of celebrity. (Adjust if other graha in 5.) The adult may seem to lack natural charisma almost entirely, unless Rahu or Surya influences mantrasthāna. Little interest in getting praise for creative efforts, and may experience one's own progeny as mainly a social responsibility rather than a joy.

Nevertheless, if Surya or the vidya-pati-5 is well placed, one may function as a key ordering-structuring personality in political campaigns, entertainment productions, speculative or creative projects wherein lawful Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 can play the role of regulator, restrictor, legal watchdog, or senior official.

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 does not prevent getting rich. Shani and Shukra are the very closest of friends. Any influence between them will generate wealth, artistic talent, and social grace. However, with duteous Shani in divinely intelligence and authentically joyful 5, regardless of the external luxury, there is little real joy in life.

One typically has little patience for political creativity or acts of political genius. Resistance to change of entitlements and does not enjoy political elections, nor any of the gaming and gambling behavior of bhava-5.

bhava-5 = dysfunctional shad-ashtaka 6-8 from vyaya-bhava 12

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 can indicate distinctive mental health issues related to the interior egoic-mind image. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 may hold an imaginatively embroidered self-concept (12). One envisions oneself as a person who is viewed by the public as having a special, subtle charisma.

  • The charisma is envisioned to arise from one's clandestine relationships (12), affiliation with distant lands (12), bedroom permissions (12), prayerfulness (12), or access to special spiritual guidance (12).

  • In one's own mind, professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 knows something remarkable, and this uniqueness supposedly proves their remarkable personal intelligence or validates their role as a conduit for divine intelligence.

  • The purported entitlements from this specialness may cause jealousy or animosity (6) toward others' intellectual brilliance. One may feel obliged to criticize (6) and suppress [Shani] the creative output of others, even while access to intellectual creativity is secretly (8) coveted.

  • The situation becomes acute for Kanya indriya-lagna, from which the natural rashi of 5 Simha becomes the rashi of vyaya bhava and Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 = Makara - Draco. One may have an unaccountably regal and autocratic self-concept which does not at all match (6/8) the regularized lifestyle and mundane social status.

Obligation to Regulate Creative Performance and Centralize Governing Authority

One experiences a powerful sense of duty to order and regulate the functions of theatrical performance, political empowerment, and central, regal iconic personality roles such as

stage-actor, product-brand representative

Stamina, Endurance, delay

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is possessed of stamina and endurance in matters of bureaucratic political process, showing a remarkable capacity to endure long meetings with creative directors or fellow performers (5); endless conferences with attorneys and advisers (7), and drawn out legal proceedings (7, 9) including decisions made in family council (2).

Due to Shani's drishti upon 7 (law courts) resolution of lawsuits is inherently delayed (not denied). Delays in global travel combined with resistance to religious education (9) plus delayed accumulation of stored values (cintamani * mani * money , food, knowledge) = 2.

Remarkable persistence through political difficulties. The above assessment must be altered if there are significant graha in Simha, which would increase the self-centeredness and enhance one's entitlement to fun and adventure.

Personal change = resistance

Wherever Shani goes He is essentially reactive not proactive.

  • Total Surrender 1910-1997 Mother Teresa of Kolkata [dramatizing-displaying Bharani-1] [Bharani-Somana-yuti-Shani-Bharani-nīcha ]

  • = mission to address only the immediate needs of the outcast and dying - with no political or theoretical excess

Typically Shani's rashi will indicate the area of life toward which Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is full of social duty but resistant to the suggestion that one may accept a deeper personal responsibility for regulating one's own thoughts and emotions.

One reacts with dignified stasis to the pressures of fast-changing children and personalities with solipsistic egoic-mind membrane by imposing the rule of common sense and the law of precedent. If a new idea has not been tried before, it will not be attempted now.

There is little willingness (Surya, enemy of Shani) to consciously change the heavy circumstances via empowered re-structuring of the thoughts. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 tends to accept the psychic limitations upon children, creative power, and romantic amusements.

One tolerates very little authentic (Ravi) personality changer.

No Fun Allowed (or very little)

Putra bhava = svabhava of Shani's enemy Surya = a significant learning challenge

Life's delights from entertainment and amusement may feel largely squeezed out by social duty. Even romance quickly turns into a social rank-and-position performance charade.

Shani's dark stony cold in 5 is the very antidote to Surya's brilliant and unrestricted, autocratic, confident, creative intelligence. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 does not feel free to choose one's own performance style but rather will conform to the expectations of social-institutional authorities.

As a result of constrained individual self-expression, shani in a favorable rashi in 5 = conservative conformist politically-neutralstyle = Success in large corporations and government bureaucracies.

When Shani occupies the svabhava of games and entertainments, one general has very little amusement in life. Theatre, politics, and creative literature lose their pleasure quotient and instead become responsibilities of the working professional life.

One rarely experiences true autocracy; one rarely gets to do precisely what one wants to do. Social safety, and the interests of large corporations, institutions and governments must dominate the experience of creative performance.

Much as one may love one's children, the child-raising style is tightly structured, children's activities create burdensome time schedules, and raising them to adulthood is a heavy responsibility.

Performance Anxiety. Fear and worry regarding the Theatrical or political stage.

Must work to earn validation of the individual genius. Works to be fully approved, in compliance, and judged perfect under the rule of statutory law . Yet survival fears based in [akashic memory] enforce the mandate to perform this work over and over again, until the ignorance is transformed into wisdom.

" Not brilliant enough" syndromer.

  • Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 's lifetime creativity may be heavily routinized or tightly contained.

Habits of creating from personal genius, giving birth to brilliant little human beings, and general entitlement to be in the bright center of things are resistant to change. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 who wishes to change one's style of romance and literary intelligence, will find such a project to be slow-going and demanding much time.

Try as one might to change the package of attributes, one's heavily regulated schedule will continue to deny adventure.

comfortable results

hands, arms, and shoulders tend to change very little over time. One may have a surprisingly youthful appearance in these body parts as a result. These parts look old or world-weary [Shani] in the first part of life, but because Shani resists change, they may look surprisingly timeless in elder years.


Children are delayed but not necessarily disallowed.

Typically, in rashi that are hospitable to Shani, children do materialize. Particularly, check Shani-5's location counted from Chandra-lagna to determine the emotional impact of Shani's limitations.

When they exist, children can create conditions of scarcity and time-demand. Usually, one is not deprived of children but rather oppressed or burdened by material responsibilities toward them.

Shani-5 may experience resentment regarding the limitations upon enjoyments that are imposed by one's social obligations [Shani] toward the children.

  • Again, check Chandra, because resentment is emotional. Shani Himself is neutral on topics of burden and duty. For Shani, it is what it is with no drama. However, chandra feels everything.


Romantic love can seem unreachable, and marriage settles into a dutiful work program. Children are raised normally according to the strictures of the social-culture

Children generally turn out to be respectable citizens, effective workers, structured and reliable personalities

Yet Shani as Lord of Limitation offers little sincere happiness in the task of child-raising.

Chandra (parenting) could eliminate much of the perceived burden embedded into a Shani-5 duty pattern. Chandra in 11, exchanging drishti with workhorse Shani-5, can relief much of the laborious, scarcity-effect of childraising. As usual, many factors must be considered before arriving at a final judgment.

If a procreative delayis experienced for purpose of focused experience placed along a learning pathway, children can arrive later than socially expected. Shani-5 often creates distress due to perception of not meeting social expectations.

Guru bhukti are fertile and expansion. No matter the limitations of Shani-5, if children are sincerely desired, the offspring can arrive in the chidra-dasha.

Mature parenting style. If Shani is uttama may have tremendous compassion and deep sense of duty toward all children.

  • .

When born, children may be materially demanding. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 may be required to maintain much personal discipline in order to complete the socially mandated process of raising the children into adulthood. p


Shani-5 being a perfectionist in creative endeavors may promote high standards in creative skills . One may be concerned to meet expectations of flawlessness or conformity to an ideal (5 ideals).

If Shani is not well-disposed, or Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is immature emotionally, children may be perceived as a burden rather than a gift. Depending on role of Budha, one may encounter obstacles to successful communicative relationships with children. The intelligence is somewhat blunted by material survival concerns, either for oneself or for those toward whom one bears responsibility.

If in government service, heavy service duties toward children and"government [Shani] intelligence (5)" .

Agents of approval, admiration, applause =government, state authority, hierarchical leaders.

Rank, leadership responsibilities, and social visibility are the primary means of gaining egoic-mind validation, attention and approval.

Perfectionism in Creative Performance

Shani brings psychological perfectionism wherever He goes, and when He goes into the realm of performance arts (including child-raising) He brings a pre-incarnationally planned emphasis on accomplishment and completion to that house.

Perfectionism and very high standards toward children, romantic idealism, creativity, genius, performance arts, politics, gambling, games and amusements.

May result in severe performance anxiety even when Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is sincerely gifted.

The particular type of resisted amusement will be indicated by the rashi and any companion graha.

" Resistance to amusement" results in the need to limit whatever"fun" is available in life to games, children, and genius expressed mainly in the context of work.

  • The creative behaviors, such as they are, become highly structured. (Great for architects and design engineers.)

Speculative developments in finance and investment, creative expressions in literature, theatre and politics, relationship to children, and emergence of knowledge of divine intelligence is fundamentally stubborn, responsible, conservative and slow .

Ironically, professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is so busy working and carrying public responsibilities that there is no time to enjoy the entertainments and celebrations of life. Not a fun person to be around. Extremely conservative and responsible toward children.

Children become a significant material responsibility. (If Shani is ill-disposed, children become a genuine burden.) Delay in producing children due to worry [Shani] about lack of TIMe [Shani] to raise them. LoveRomance, when it occurs, is Oppressed by heavy material responsibilities and social obligations.

Creativity may be expressed only in tightly controlled, socially validated channels.

supportive position for an architect, arts administrator, stage manager, theatrical planner and organizer. Benefits those who must carefully manage expressions of theatre, art, politics and children's creativity, in order to maintain conservative control over the forward path of human genius

Shani-5 often works as an intelligence functionar y.

Strictly orderly Professor Shani may work within the socially approved system for regulating individual creative expression and speculative ventures.

Shani-5 must apply restraining effort with limited resource access [Shani]. Experiences of amusement, enjoyment, game-playing, artistic performance, and poetic creativity may become burdensome responsibilities which produce minimal joy.

It is Shani's duty to resist change. His duty-roster includes items of maintenanceof the existing conditions while He blocks innovation.

Shani does not like any sort of advance. His message is to stay-in-place. In particular, the Heavy One must curtail the literary, artistic, theatrical, political, philosophical and other speculative genius that can spearhead the advance of civilization.

For example, shani-5 might work [Shani work] as an Intelligence Officer who maintains legal conduct among politicians [5]. Shani would take His orders from the bureaucracy, yet on a day-to-day basis His typical environment-5 would be full of entitled, flamboyant, showy, bright, fun, entertaining people.

Much preparation and applications of research toward profitable actions in the marketplace (11).

Great effort expended in the task of educating oneself about world history. Work on cultural histories and ancient legacies of value (financial, philosophical, linguistic, musical, aesthetic), and the lineage record-keeping of one's people (2).


Better results from a late or delayed marriage (due to Shani drishti on bhava-7) ideally after age 31 = after completing the first Saturn Return.

The spouse is a hard worker. Socially, the marriage relationship emphasizes lawfulness and regularity of habit while reducing romance, fashion, entertainments and amusement.

Some planned misalignments requiring realignment attention will be overcome by persistent effort [Shani].

Nature of the difficulties is determined by whether and how much Shani's drishti into yuvati bhava is welcomed. Shani's drishti into 7 is neutral in most cases but it is an oppressive experience for the Vrishabha and Tula indriya-lagna where Mangala Maturation required before obtaining agreement in marriage (7), community/ fruit-attainment (11), and the family history (2).


One is born with a deep and strict program of responsibility for children.

Children although socially well-mannered may impose a heavy burden financially, socially, or in terms of the work schedule. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 struggles to receive validation for personal literary and artistic expression. One may receive a degree of social justification from completing the task of child-rearing but the process contains relatively little pure joy.

Child-raising, performance arts, and creative endeavor are comprehended as work.

Shani is intimidated in bhava-5, and His presence here often indicates a significant learning challenge posed by a decision which must be accepted regarding children or regarding the expression of the individual unique intelligence. Often when Shani is compromised by rashi (Simha, mesha, Vṛścika) there may occur a deeply sorrowful event regarding the conception or birth of the first child that is both social obligatory or has a quality of irreversible finality in term of the laws of time and space. Thus the experience is often related to harsh circumstances surrounding the conception or birth of a child. However, it is not wise to predict the devastating effects unless 5th-from-Chandra does reflect and confirm this scenario .

  • Shani-Mesha-5 the harsh and unyielding realities may include a limitation or insufficiency related to muscles, blood and brain
  • Shani-Vṛścika the harsh and unyielding realities may include a limitation or malfunction of the reproductive system (for example, afailed placenta)
  • Shani-Simha-5 the harsh and unyielding realities may be related to excess heat or pitta conditions

Whenever Shani is involved with putra bhava -- in 5, 8, 11, or 3 -- the Ruler of Akashic memory patterning overwhelms the delight [Surya] of having children.

One loves one's children of course. Yet, the pre-incarnationally planned response to shaping and supporting their social-material lives results in a heavy sense of responsibility and routine + a corresponding reduction in speculative games and amusements.

When Shani occupies 5 one sees the children as adults-in-the-making rather than pure brilliant containers of Divine Light. It feels utterly necessary to provide them with proper structure, routine, and drill toward the ultimate goal of their adult social acceptance.

polarizing catalysis related to the Children

In the most difficult cases one may inherit a troubled child from a previous marriage and accept the burden of providing structure and routine for this being. A late-acquired [Shani] child = naturally resistant to a second and often more strict [Shani] set of performance rules.

Responsibilities for the children can become so weighty that opportunities for romance, creative self-expression, political empowerment, and just having fun are simply extinguished like a fire snuffed by a load of ashes.

Managing Shani's thought projections - a legacy of Negative expectations

LEARNING PATHWAY of Shani-5 may involve necessary dealings with

  • rigidly structured lawful creativity

  • orderly children

  • obligation to perform ceremonial duties

  • pre-incarnationally planned conformity restricts individual genius

  • duroshya-karaka imposes constant disciplined practice in matters of romance, children, celebrity, royalty, theatre, politics, literary art, performance art, and creative genius

  • difficult political decisions; drudgery;

  • hard-hearted, rigid heart, heart-health concerns, cardiac seizure

  • fear of childlessness and boredom

  • blunts the decision-making intelligence (5)

dramatically disciplined, structured artistic performance, displaying proletarian intelligence, politically pragmatic, time-regulated theatrical rehearsing, socially responsible speculation, restricted amusements, dutiful toward children [Shani in Bhava-5] rules

Shani in Bhava-5 imposes strict rules that limit the permitted scope of romance, entertainment, creativity, children.

hardness of the heart, closing one's heart [5] blocked heart, especially a closed-heart toward one's children.

The eldest child may be hard-working and responsible, and creative in a highly structured style.

Romance often delayed, usually not denied. However, one may place heavy limitations upon the eldest child.

materialism in matters of idealistic love, disciplined children, burdensome child-raising, dry pragmatic creativity, practical sober intelligence, class-conscious romance.

Often also, professionalization in fields that overlap with politics, romantic idealism, drama, creativity, and in which one must act to curtail the splendid entitlements of the charmed classes.

Professor Shani's classroom in bhava-5 features the experience of matching the fear of the king, the drama, fear of romance, fear of the children , fear of heartbeat, fear of confidence, fear of The mother's family (2nd-from-matribhava-4), fear of the father's father (9th-from-9th).

Shani's instruction = "stop matching that which is not lawful to you" (stop matching the fears of others) and proceed with care.

Matters of kendra bhava-5 = frustrating and improve with neutrality

Shani is frustrating in a trinal house

Self-expression, speculation, creativity, procreativity, and politics cause anxiety

Better results when Shani = uchcha, svakshetra, or in a rashi of Shukra

Resistance to Romance , entertainment and amusement

Celebrity and Fame

Required Routine

Occupations benefiting from this position

Resistance to change in expressions of individuality and personal will

Benefits from Shani: comfortable results from Maturity, discipline, practice

Impact of Parashari drishti

Conforming to the lowest common denominator

supports socially-approved, rigidly dutiful roles as gambling regulator, scholar, constrained speculator, royally, celebrity figure.

Shani can endure heightened responsibility for masses of persons who are locked into a depressive, overworked expectation in the realms of creative performance, children, politics, drama, games, romance

Shani in bhava-5 = deficiency of confidence and creativity

core areas of initial lack of understanding + required repetition =

  • 5 = children, creative performance, genius

  • 7 = marriage, unions, contractual agreements

  • 11 = gainfulness, income, social and scientific networks

  • 2 = family of origin, treasuries, wealth, knowledge acquisition, languages

Repeating homework assignments =

  • Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 regulation of systems of creative genius.

Preincarnationally planned pressure

  • One is judged according to one's originality and creative + procreative reproductive skills.

  • Karma of dealing with people who are conformists, too sober, anti-individualistic, with no sense of fun.

  • Shortage of center-stage attention, not enough fashion and glamour; short of romantic attention (often a too-pragmatic spouse).

  • One feature of the classic Shani exercise in limitations upon romance and self-confidence may = the experience of being rejected by one's children or by a lover. It may happen repeatedly.

Shani bitter enemy of Surya = in 5 = good for birth control because Shani resists procreativity .

Four areas of special difficulty caused by pre-incarnationally planned necessity to correct a deficiency of speculative intelligence. Shani converts romantic delights (5) into responsibilities and lawful routine [Shani]. One never quite enjoys life.

Core Practice Environments which require repetitive drill and careful study :

  • no help from one's own children; limitations upon the delights of creative self-expression; much invalidation from romantic lovers; suppression of individual intelligence (5)

    • in return, some benefits from government and corporations associated with government

    • social approval in child-raising as the children are gifted and well-mannered; However, the ir concerns are material not emotional, and the parents may feel unloved by their offspring

    the spouse + those who make contractual agreements (7) = strict compliance with rules of marriage; no more, no less

  • marketplace conditions, friends, nature of one's goals (11)

  • one's own family history, the spouse's family (in-law's), spouse's wealth, one's native language (2)


When Shani/5 brings fortune : for Vrishabha and Mithuna lagna, shani becomes lord of dharma bhava. For Vrishabha and Mithuna, shani/5 creates a Dhana yoga that is generally auspicious not only for money but other varieties of treasury as well = Dharmesha-9 in putra bhava.

Generally distrust of spontaneity in children and free expression of creative intelligence. Imposes strict routines and detailed calendars upon the children's environment.

Negative expectations regarding the outcome of the child-conception, child-birth, and child-raising processes. Difficulty in conceiving children, or heavy expenses in their upbringing. Much physical and moral work involved in raising children, focused inordinately on discipline, inculcation of responsibility and reinforcement of routine. A sober and suspicious view of creativity in general, expressing an aesthetic preference for strict lines, austere forms, and cold space. Imposes the law of the majority upon the tastes of the minority. May be a gifted engineer or clean-up agent in environments where amusement, frivolity, or personal uniqueness have become overgrown.

Bodes poorly for life's social relationships. Shani casts His harshest 3rd and 10th aspects upon marriage/agreements (7) and networks of friendships (11), plus the lesser but still polarizingly catalytic 7th aspect upon speech, wealth, samskara (2). The common ground in most relationships is duty and work. (Naturally if there are beneficial graha in 2, 7, or 11 the situation may be relaxed.)

One does not expect"lucky breaks ", easy winnings, or happiness in romance. Negative expectations in these areas are generally met.

Restricts access to supportive marriage partner, community, and birth family. This person does not expect to flower easily. They expect to carry the burden in marriage, community and family. Low permission levels "Fun"and easy fortune charismatic self-expression, including children and creative works.

Can prevent children entirely, but just as often will make children a major burden due to no help with child-raising from spouse (7), friends/community (11), or one's own birth family (2).

Shani = frustrating in a trinal house

Zanaizcara is most comfortable in the svabhava of :

  • His friend Budha (3,6),

  • His friend Shukra (2, 7), and in

  • svakshetra (10, 11).

Results are not ideal in the trinal houses ruled by Shani's enemies Kuja (1), surya (5), and Guru (9)

Self-expression and creativity (also procreativity) anxiety

Self-expression, speculation, creativity, procreativity, and politics cause anxiety

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 applies a conventionalistic constraint upon acts of unique self-expression such as performance arts, independent scholarship, and other expressions that focus Light upon the individual.

Professor Shani's curriculum emphasizes the rules which govern the collective uniformity; Therefore, shani takes a Dim View of actions and environments which Highlight individuals in preference to the conformity and uniformity of The Social Order. Shani prefers environments that are cold, dry, and windy. Those adjectives may characterize the experience of individuality when Shani-5 restricts the Light of the Divine in order to emphasize the regulated systems which radiate from that light core.

There may be delays [Shani] producing children coterminous with social pressure to fulfill social expectations regarding the production of children, or pressure of scare resources while raising them. In any case with Shani-5 children and the circumstances of raising them tend to be rigid and characterized by pressures, responsibilities, and shortage of resources.

Usually Shani reduces the desire for children before He restricts the delivery of children, so that the native feels pre-aligned with a childless or reduced state and instead accepts responsibilities [Shani] for socializing children and adolescents such as schoolteaching, adolescent sports coaching, drama coaching, and other structured methods of dealing with kids.

Children and creative projects such as literary works are often much delayed when Professor Shani teaches His lessons about Lawful System Linkage. However delay is usually not complete denial. Usually it is only delay albeit Shani can impose lengthy delays in conditions of intense scarcity.

Shani insinuates qualities of ignorance, resistance and resentment into the character of speculative activities such as gambling, stock investing, political contests, theatre, entertainments, and romance.

Scarce types of people

Professor Shani in classroom-5 may restrict or reduce the influence of creative activity, unique expressions of personal intelligence, politicians, entertainers, celebrities, romantic lovers and children.

Good results from uchcha, svakshetra, or a rashi of Shukra


Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 = uttama Tulā , svakshetra Makara , Kumbha - Ghata , or in a rashi of great friend Shukra Vrishabha , .

The situation is much alleviated by strong discipline and structure in literary, political, speculative, and procreative effects, with emphasis on hard work and rule of law in the areas of children and other expressions of divine intelligencer.

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is not lacking in intelligence or structured creative output. However, social interactions with children and very close students may be somewhat straitened. There is not much"fun"in the normally bright and charming activities of bhava-5 due to Shani's chronic fear of"wasting time" .

One tends to constrain the independent originality within a regime of responsibility and rules. The child or lover may become a task-master who demands much structured effort from Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 .

Personal faith, confidence in divine guidance, and romantic love (esp. The love of children) are shaped by responsibility karma that imposes a steady work schedule, self-discipline and delayed gratification.

Limits on entertainment and amusements

In bhava-5 and even more so in rashi of Surya, Kuja, and Guru ,

  • Shani limits the natural confidenceof this "bhagya" house.

Shani may impose a condition of servitude or poverty in matters of gambling,

  • creating losses in the casino or or s]apeculative financing ventures.

Shani in bhava-5 applies a rigid, principled, rule-driven code of behavior regarding children.

As a child, one experienced constraint of one's romantic and creative nature. Young romance and expressions of willfulness in youth may have been bitterly suppressed.

Shani in bhava-5 provides a general Akashic memory patterning of distrust toward one's natural capacity to channel divine intelligence - , adistrust of natural faith. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 may be deeply skeptical of the intentions of others.

Celebrity and Fame

  • Publicity and public relations campaign should be managed with economy and attention to legal detail. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 may forego the quick egoic-mind boost of personal flattery from fame and publicity efforts, choosing to maintain a more proletarian image.

  • Or the egoic-mind membrane attachment to fame may express through the proletarian hero type. * especially in Mesha

  • If born into royalty, or other inherited celebrity status, aconcerted attempt to reduce media exposure.

Managing negative thought projections - a growth-challenge created by Shani in bhava-5.

Most of us are unconscious victims of the tremendous Traffic of thoughts which parades through the human mind minute-by-minute and hour-by-hour.

The average life is, unfortunately, quite wasted in the effort to follow one's electro-magnetic initiating thoughts. Many incarnations are spent completely, in a frenzy of urgent desire, without any moment of"awakening" into enquiry. It is indeed a blessing to even begin to wonder about the suspicious origins of these urgent"mandates "and"directions " emitting from the Mind.

One often hears of bitterness and regret expressed at the moment of death,"I wish I had spent less time chasing my thoughts, and more time appreciating my children and the genius of human creativity and noticing God."

Alienation or discipline toward children, spouse, friends, and family

That sounds terrible, doesn't it? It sounds like Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 has no support in life. But at a profound psychological level, it's true. Shani in bhava-5 oppresses children, and casts drishti upon spouse (7), friends (11) and family (2). One feels that they must achieve whatever they are capable of in this life, pretty much alone.

  • If Shani = yuti Ketu in a rashi hostile to Shani , children are denied. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 may feel alienated from the spouse, but strong duty toward the institution of marriage. One cannot feel connected to romance, entertainments and amusements.

    Excellent planetary yoga for the celibate religious.

Resistance toward individuality and personal will

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 experiences lifelong resistance to independent, individual faith in the divine will operating through each person. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 requires confirmation of one's own intuitive trust in the divine by socially authorized validators: a publicly recognized guru, pastor, rabbi, imam, or other external authority. There is limited to no permission for personal, unmediated apprehension of divine will.

Naturally Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is more comfortable in conservative and hierarchical religious settings where institutional discipline of the will is a featured expression of moral behavior. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 prefers to conform the expression of one's own intelligence to the rule of law within the group. Excellent position for life in monastic communities.

  • Favorable positions of Shani augur mature acceptance of a degree of human willfulness within a culture of communal discipline. Sainthood may be indicated; austerity is certainly a keynote of the incarnation.

Shani in a favorable rashi in bhava-5 = success in through stamina in advancing civilization through bringing arts to the people. If Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is involved somehow in politics, entertainment, or literary publication, one brings a high level of craft expertise to the production, and a persistent focus on the lowest common denominator in the audience. Truly an author for the people.

Success of publications arrives later in life, if at all.

All of the above situations can be alleviated somewhat for lagna that are friendly to Shani, such as

Matters of bhava-5 are constrained by scarce resources and improve with neutral acceptance of limits

  • Shani is happier in the svabhava of Shani's friends : Budha and Shukra.

    • Therefore, shani's negative expectations A re slightly easier to handle in domains 2, 3, 6, and 7.

    All things connected to Shani in favorable rashi will improve slowly, with maturity and commitment to the cultural education process. Early results are delayed, but later results are favored.

  • [Shani-Mesha] , Simha - Leya, and Vṛścika - Thriketta is gripped by survival fear and extremely defensive. hese positions might not improve unless other graha are very supportive.

Benefits from Shani: Good results from Discipline and Practice

In a favorable rashi, shani-drive repetition and practice in the basic disciplined expression of literary and oratorical style will produce excellent results in bhava-5. (

When Shani occupies bhava-5, there is little room for fond sentiment in matters of children, personal intelligence, entertainments, romantic idealism, or speculation. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 has a very pragmatic and often humorless approach toward self-expression.

It is not easy to be an individual because the charismatic heart is oppressed by social duty, chores, work schedule, and excessive structure is imposed upon expressions of creativity.

However, asupportive placement for architecture, structural engineering, analytical philosophy, and other disciplines wherein the structure of creativity is a measure of its utility to students and clients.

Children are delayed and separated from Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5, usually due to one's work duties, but they are not denied. Raising of difficult children is made easier by Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 's imposition of a tightly predictable, reliable activity structure which can help those children who need extra routine indeed feel more secure.

  • If Shani-yuti-Ketu, the normal home routine in child-raising can be nearly paramilitary in its strictness yet during bhukti of Ketuva the entire lawful system collapses, and the family goes on a wander with no fixed bedtimes, no regular meals etc.

Need for Routine

Native with Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is typically somewhat alienated from the romantic, literary, self-glorifying attitude that is so widely celebrated in modern culture.

One may be seen as lacking creative enthusiasm, personal inspiration and perhaps unloving . The self-narrative is rather conformist.

The personality is not damaged, but individualized creative trajectory is replaced by group survival concerns such as equitable distribution of resources, group protection, etc. As a result, professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is more of a communal supporter and less motivated to seek fame or praise for personal behaviors. However, one may be very skillful in obtaining praise for the group.

Typically children are not part of the lifestyle, but if they are, the children will also be disciplined into the Austere routines preferred by Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 . Due to blockage on attachment to individuality, the children will be presented with behavioral standards which may not be ignored.

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is Typically, an excellent worker in the creative or performance arts, in some modest service capacity. Their need for routine coordinates very effectively with the employer's need for regular attendance and reliable performance.

In particular one derives security from large hierarchical organizations which specifically dictate the behavioral protocols for its members. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 does not wish to experiment or dramatize.

Occupations benefiting from this position

If Professor Shani's rashi is comfortable and supportive for Him, professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 's dignity and comportment in public life will conform perfectly to the elegant, modest social standard of Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 's culture. Order and appropriateness are valued; innovation and individual deviation are not approved.

  • Excellent for professional, skilled workers in large, routine-driven organizations, corporations, institutions concerned with the fine and performance arts, with political campaigns, with children and the development of personal creativity.

  • Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 gives structured, high-craft support to the group initiative toward expressions of divine intelligence, but Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 's actions are conformed to the group will. If Shani has a favorable relationship to Shukra, especially strong contribution to organizations concerned with the design arts, social justice, and the rule of law.

  • Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 gives structured, high-craft support to the group initiative toward expressions of divine intelligence, but Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 's actions are conformed to the group will. If Shani has a favorable relationship to Shukra, especially strong contribution to organizations concerned with the design arts, social justice, and the rule of law.

Shani's job is to inculcate personal responsibility (without guilt) and neutral acceptance of the karmic process.

  • Domains occupied or aspected by Shani become the primary agents of Taskmaster Shani's mission: to convert ignorant error into calm wisdom .

  • Shani will do"whatever it takes " to command Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 's attention . Shani will recall Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 over and over to a central difficulty, arepeating failure, or an insurmountable obstacle. Matters of the houses owned or aspected by Shani will mechanically - from the unconscious mind - produce, unfair, disappointing, and deprived results.

  • Shani's impact on life experience is painful and frustrating but, in the end, extremely beneficial. The pain can be reduced dramatically through neutral awareness and acceptance of the role one plays in creating one's own destiny.

The conscious human has less control over the flow of events, and more control over how one reacts to those events. Once Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 has established a pattern of calm and non-judgmental reaction to the flow of events, Shani's job is done - and the pain stops! (The events continue but they just roll past...)

The faster one can achieve neutral awareness of one's own negative expectations, the faster one can eliminate the pain.

Unfortunately for the slow learner, shani will give all the"time" necessary to repeat the lesson . For those of us who live a bit behind the curve of total wisdom, it is valuable to be aware of the most acute effects of Shani.

With forewarning , one can address these"scheduled" negativities, as they arise, with consciousness. One can meet each well-timed disappointment with a deeper commitment to forgiveness, acknowledgement and release.

Impact of Parashari drishti

Shani's negative, pessimistic, fearful, scarcity-oriented, survival-driven, and faith-lacking impact from bhava-5 gives Parashari drishti upon bhava 7, 11, 2.

This drishti pattern gives negative expectations which produce restriction, interruption, And delay in matters of

  • bhava-7 = ability to access the equality, empathy, mutual welfare, agreement, balance, and authentic participatory democracy between mates

  • bhava-11 = ability to engage in marketplace operations, making connections between diverse individuals, creating networks of association and community development, fund-raising, and large gatherings such as melas and fayres

  • bhava-2 = ability to enjoy family history, money, lineage values-fulfillment including visual art and music, collections and hoards, keeping of records, history, and the voice

  • bhava-5 = ability to immerse oneself in the enjoyment of children, literary and oratorical arts, publishing, entertainment, speculation, and romance.

o increase the chances of happiness in this life, one born with Shani in bhava-54 must remain particularly *vigilant* against the onslaught of Shani's legacy of negative expectations upon the realms of personal uniqueness and creative interaction with the social environment.

However, shani's pressure toward conformity with"lowest common denominator" standards is beneficial for sustaining one's public dignity in matters of child-raising, creative arts expression, marital conduct, marketplace connections, and original family identity..

Strong, favorable graha in these domains will significantly override the prognosis for frustration and interruption in domains 5, 7, 11 and 2. Yet, the presence of Shani's drishti will be subtly noticeable. E.g., total blockage may turn to delay, or material handicap may manifest as psychological resistance - but Shani's pre-incarnationally planned drishti will never be completely erased.

Shani-drishti caused Delay in production of"Fruits " may be attributed to problems in the root, but the root is usually OK

When Shani occupies bhava-5, professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 must be alert to the extended relationship between

  • the domains aspected by Shani


  • the domains which give their"results " in the bhava that receive Shani's glance:, 7-marriage, 11-friends, and 2-family-line.

In other words, the"seed" houses will appear to be running more slowly because the"fruits " houses are impacted.

bhava-2 receives the delaying glance of Shani-in-5

11th-from-4th = the fruits of 4 = bhava-2

therefore, matters of 4"feel" slowed down or retarded. It is only a presumption because the roots of 2 are not themselves impacted. Yet, because the fruits of 4 = dhana bhava = slowed, professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 also feels that 4-things are not developing. Jyotiṣika may hear a complaint that one's education (4) or home life (4) are constrained and wonder what is the source of that complaint when Shani resides in 5. Well, it is a mixing of effects of the roots + the fruits of a situation, between which many people cannot discriminate.

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 may be perceived to slow the progress of establishing a home (4), completing exams (4) license or diploma (4)property titles (4) fencing and defense of properties (4)one's parents (4) socializing education, property ownership-stewardship , and full social security (4) . Financial profit (11) from investment in professional education (4) is limited or occurs only later in life.

Upon deeper analysis, it can be seen that

  • The fruits of schooling (4), profits from ownership of buildings (4) and vehicles, and of investment in the local folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms = delayed by rigid, materialistic mentality = negative expectations= depression.

  • Due to Shani drishti upon 3, one may expect limited or no benefit to come of the matters of bhava-3. And so, little comes.

bhava-7 receives the delaying glance of Shani-in-5

11th-from-9th = the fruits of 9 = bhava-7

  • bhava-9 appears to get slowed down or retarded. It is harder to get fast fruits from bhava-9 when bhava-7 receives the drishti of Shani

  • the results of world travels, affiliation with international organizations, religious training, performance of priestly duties, temple pilgrimage, university professorship, and moral teachings(9) are delayed. bhava-9 projects its wishes and goals (11th-from) upon bhava-7.

  • bhava-7 contains many Oppressive, forced conformity experiencesfor Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 due to the existing Shani drishti.

  • Yuvati bhava's program to develop balanced, mutually supportive, agreement-based relationships will show the effect of reduced expectations. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 often chooses a low-risk, secure marriage path based on one's minimal expectations for success of a flamboyant or visionary approach to the core relationship.

  • bhava-7 is constrained by Shani drishti. Therefore t Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5expects the fruits of bhava-9 to be barren ,"not possible" or"going nowhere" .

  • Shani's impact on Shukra's svabhava is However, not so difficult to manage.Careful risk management o the extent of severe risk aversion give good results in marriage And core social exchange relationships. Excellent for career longevity. Supports Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 in staying with the same spouse, attorney, physician, and belief system for the duration of a lifetime.

bhava-11 receives the delaying glance of Shani-in-5

11th-from-1st = the fruits of 1 = bhava-11

  • large networks of association and networks of conceptual thought (11) are impacted by drishti of Shani from 5

  • Bhava-1 projects its wishes and goals (11th-from) upon bhava-11. bhava-11 is blocked or slowed by Shani drishti.

  • Because Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 expects the fruits of bhava-1 to be barren,"not possible" or"constrained by conformity to the group convention" , the Origination of the fruits in bhava-1 (social personality and physical appearance) is also experienced as slowed, constrained, or unproductive.

  • The physical appearance may be perceived as changing very slowly. Body image fluctuates only within the socially conventional range. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 does not expect to be recognized as a distinctive or unique entity in their setting.

  • Shani's drishti to a svabhava of Shani = not overly problematic.

  • A lifetime of slow and careful development of a network of conventional interlinking associations, through business, religion, family connections, education, etc., is a typical and non-controversial path. Profitability is steady barring other adverse conditions affecting bhava-11. Expect little evidence of flashy, short-term success. Few big wins. Few remarkable coups.

Conforming to the lowest common denominator

Oppression in literary, oratorical, and speculative arts, the theatre, children and romance [all forms of unique personal expression

  • bhava-5 = intelligence = physical, emotional, social, and mental. Includes all venues of individual performance toward an audience = theatre, politics, speculative ventures, adventure of all forms, romantic idealism, and extraordinary acts of confidence.

  • When Shri-Shani does His worst in bhava-5, there is complete annihilation of the individual intelligence, and Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is chained to lockstep conformity with the initiative of the group. All"unique" expression is attributed to the group [Shani] not the individual [Surya].

  • Shani forces interactions with children to be Orderly and to conform to the lowest common denominator .

    • If the children are perceived to be excessively willful, they will be punished - on principled expectation that such punishment is preparing them morally to accept the strictures of adult life.

    Conservative mode of self-expression. Proletarian or staunchly middle class values in the self-image projection. Dark or neutral colored clothing. Variation from the set"law and order" norm in personal costume is discouraged or punished."Good behavior" is required: no exceptions.

  • Coaches, guides, and mentors may impose a tightly rule-drive, controlled behavioral style upon Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 in childhood, and withhold their affection unless the child conforms to standards that emphasize order, quiet and self-restraint.

Seed and fruit

Shani in bhava-5 contains the belief that the"seed" of a fully realized unique expression of divine intelligence is not viable.

therefore, in one's total thinking about contractual relationships, large networks of association, and stored values (esp. cintamani * mani * money ), these negative expectations will limit one's faith in setting higher goals.

As usual a strong graha occupying bhava-2, 7, or 11 can mitigate Shani's drishti, perhaps reducing the strength of the limitations from blockage to resistance, or changing severe handicap to mere inconvenience.

In any case, Shani's 10th drishti onto bhava-2 is not so strong as Shani's 3rd drishti onto bhava-7.

  • Importantly, all matters impacted by Shani improve with maturity and self-knowledge .

Obligatory Akashic memory patterning (Shanaicharya) is completed at the moment when the ignorance of compulsive repeating reaction is transformed into the wisdom of conscious reaction management.

Once the compulsive reaction mechanism appears in the field of awareness, and the intent to manage the reaction ( responsibility without guilt ) is established, the pre-incarnationally planned cycle is effectively complete.

War on * doubt - War on "Hope"


War on * doubt*!

War on"Hope"


// doubt // = // double // = two minds

According to Sogyal Rinpoche, the single greatest threat to human peace of mind is -- not hatred, anger, or guilt. The biggest threat to mental well-being is doubt.

You have the intelligence (5) creativity (5) and the self-discipline to make a practice of becoming aware of the presence of doubt and negative expectations in the three areas which Shani influences most strongly:

The Tyranny of Hope

" Hope" is a term used to describe a 2-step process. Step-1"I don't believe it's possible to do this ". Step-2"But I'll say it any way to avoid taking responsibility for my own beliefs ".

Result"I hope my kids and I can resolve out homework-problems." "I hope I can win the lottery." "I hope my lover can be more

With age and awareness of childhood trauma, all nativities may develop a superior meditation practice based on rigorous routine and seasoned awareness of the structure of Mind.

Catching subconscious negative projections of doubt and pessimism"in the act"

It is strongly recommended to try to"catch" negative thoughts "in the act" . If habitual, fear-driven thoughts of failure, ignominy, and zero-option despair (Shani's specialties!) are caught and identified at the mental level, then they can be dealt with quickly. They might not be able to be completely extinguished because they are the result of unresolved [akashic memory]. They will have to be understood and accepted before they can be eradicated.

  • Nevertheless, if Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 is able to capture and work on negative thoughts at the level of direct mental perception, one may bespared much unhappiness.

  • If the negative electro-magnetic initiating thoughts are not recognized at the mental level, then the information will try to gain Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 's attention at the next grosser particulate level of the astral plane.

  • The astral plane contains a huge"ocean of emotion" .

  • One the astral plane, the negative thoughts will manifest in a roller-coaster of that surges from wild fantasies of total redemptive love to blackest despair of abandonment and total rejection unto death.

  • The astral plane is not governed by time, so one might experience violent fluctuations of feelings - from bright to black and pure merging love to total isolated death - in a matter of minutes.

Avoid emotional suffering by capturing the originating electro-magnetic initiating thoughts

To avoid this type of violent emotional fluctuation one need only approach the task directly on the mental plane.

  • In the worst case, the negative thought projections would not be recognized on either the mental or the emotional planes.

  • Then, the information must migrate down to the physical level. This is a painful option of physical brutality and disease.

  • Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 may get into a shocking accident or develop a serious disease.

  • Perhaps only then may Professor Shani teaching in classroom-5 recognize how one became trapped in a web of tightly interwoven electro-magnetic initiating thoughts and expectations, which proceeded without interruption, to their logical destined conclusion.

[Shani] Burning the Seeds of Preincarnationally planned Fruit

Akashic memory patterning = [apparently] obligatory action

the seeds of the action are sown on the causal plane. Those seeds give fruit On the mental, emotional, and physical levels.

  • Mental, emotional, and physical sorrow can be avoided by addressing the karma on the higher levels of awareness. This requires examining one's beliefs and expectations. As one believes, so one will manifest.

  • of course, the whole process of seed-eradicating can be eliminated in one fell swoop by simply projecting the full consciousness upon the spiritual plane - and keeping it there!

  • One who has the blessed privilege to gaze directly on the level of pure truth, and the intent to remain engaged there without experiencing the patterns of being sucked down into lower levels of painful intrigue, may be spared of the trickle-down effects.

  • Identifying and working steadily upon the root cause on the mental plane seems a much more feasible strategy.

Buddhism with an Attitude: The Tibetan Seven-Point Mind Training by B. Alan Wallace, p. 208

" Accumulating merit" can be approached from a psychological perspective that lends itself to experiential verification or from a spiritual dimension that requires some faith."Merit" can be understood as "spiritual power" that manifests in day-to-day experience. When merit, or spiritual power, is strong, there is little resistance to practicing Dharma and practice itself is empowered.

  • Tibetans explain that people who make rapid progress in Dharma, gaining one insight after another, enter practice already having a lot of merit.

  • By the same theory, it is possible to strive diligently and make little progress. Tibetans explain this problem as being due to too little merit.

  • Merit is the fuel that empowers spiritual practice.

How do you accumulate merit?

  • Engaging in virtue of any sort, with your mind, your speech, or your body results in merit.

  • Just as merit can be accumulated, it can also be dissipated by doing harm. In general, mental afflictions dissipate merit.

  • The mental affliction that is like a black hole sucking up merit, worse than all the others, is anger.

Attachment or sensual craving can get you in a lot of trouble, but it doesn't have the debilitating impact upon spiritual practice that anger does.

Remember the warrior metaphor--standing at the gateway of the mind, vigilant, spear ready.

The spear is for mental afflictions, especially anger.

Nip anger in the bud." [end quote]


Denali, alaska


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" And now my friends,

all that is true, all that is noble,

all that is just and pure,

all that is loveable and gracious,

whatever is excellent and admirable -

fill all your thoughts with these things."

~~ Philippians 4:8
