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विम्शोत्तरि दशा Dasa Vichaar Bhukti dvadasan bhavan Bhukti effects per the periods of the lords of the 12 houses |
![]() Image from the ESO La Silla Observatory in Chile: Spiral Galaxy NGC1232 |
During the bhukti of the lord of
Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-1 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in atmasthāna-1. |
periods of the lord of bhava-1 indicate increased vitality and emphasis on the enrichment of the flesh-identified appearance of the social personality and personality integrity. Competitive, motion-seeking. For masculine nativities (and sometimes Feminine Nativities too) = a likely period for birth of the eldest child. |
During the bhukti of the lord of
Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-2 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in dhana-bhava-2. |
Marana-Karaka (Maraka) Being ruler of the 7th as counted from bhava-7, the kalpa-pati can function as a marana-karaka for the spouse-partner. In a husbandly nativity, shukra = wife
In a wifely nativity, Guru = husband.
The dhana-pati = also a personal marana-karaka. When the time is right, the graha who serves the role of maraka activates-2 can signify that one has reached saturation of all collectable pleasures-and-treasures. The bank-or-tank is FULL. No more can be collected at this point of expiration. Period of Ruler-of-2 may indicate that one has obtained permission to cut the silver cord which binds the corporeal Earthen-body into the center of the spiritual vehicle. The spirit can then lift up and away free of the weight of its earthly partner the corporeal flesh-entity. |
During the bhukti of the lord of
Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-3 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in bhratru-bhava-3. |
periods of the lord of bhava-3 are generally concerned with the affairs of mundane business, such as writing and advertising, sales, marketing, announcements, reports, instruction, explanation, description, and every possible species of communications media management. Often a period of especially favorable fortune for the spouse, since bhava-3 = 9th from 7th. The affairs of the siblings and the cohort may require attention, and mentality is affected according to the character of the ruler of bhava-3. For writers, signatories, and signal-makers, periods of the lord of bhava-3 indicate productive output, publications, and teamworkr. Maraka functions Being maraka rules-7 from pitribhava-9, the sahaja-pati bhratru-pati-3 is also a marana-karaka for the father. However, if Surya is stronger than the bhratru-pati-3 then the maraka period for Father is Typically, rules 7th-from-Surya . |
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-4 Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-4 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in sukha-bhava-4. |
periods of the lord of bhava-4 are typically home-bound, with special attention upon the parents (particularly the mother) the household, the homeland, rhythmic habits of the ethnic culture, patriotism, the place of settlement, the folk customs and cultural norms of one's people including food and dress, kinship and religion, farming and festivals. Vehicles, transport methods, roadways and railways, ships and ports, schools and diploma are featured. Periods of bandesha-4 or Budha are likely times to pass examination, obtain license or diploma, buy a house or a car, begin farming, or put down roots in some fashion. Matters of shipping, transport, and every species of protective sheltering are enhanced. For parents, schoolteachers, boundary-guards, police, and agents of housing or transport, period of bandesha-4 is Typically, astable and rhythmic time of life which supports the repetition of familiar calendar routines. The strongest grounding of the home-roots is produced by periods of Chandra-4 Karkata, which occurs only for the Mesha indriya-lagna or Mesha-Chandra-lagna. Maraka functions Being maraka activates-2 from bhava-3, the bandhu-pati may indicate the shell-death of a sibling, cousin, neighbor, or cohort, entourage, ensemble performers, or teammate. However, if Mangala is stronger than the bandesha-4 then the maraka period for brother-or-male-cousin is typically maraka activates-2 from Mangala. A sister-or-feminine-cousin may be indicated by either Budha or Shukra, so that if either Budha or Shukra are stronger than the bandesha-4 then the maraka period for brother is typically maraka activates-2 from either Budha or Shukra. |
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-5 Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-5 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in vidya-bhava-5.
For parents, periods of the lord of
bhava-5 are likely times for birth of the eldest child.
Childbirth equally
likely in the period of the lord of
For politicians, speculators, celebrities and royal figures, dramatists, performance artists, gamblers, and game-players, period of the lord of bhava-5 is a * bhagya * period of confidence, brilliant performance, prize-winning, and celebration. Crimes may become invisible during period of a radiant ruler-of-12 th-from-6. The bright light of bhava-5 shines in the eyes of all who gaze upon the native. Crimes may be committed if conditions in bhava-6 do tend toward unbalanced actions. However, one will likely"get away with it" no matter the nature of the untrustworthy actions. The end of the period of the lord of bhava-5 may signal the suddenly non-blinding visibility of the crime. Native might be forewarned that, except for periods of 8th-from-6th (lagna, kalpa) or periods of 12th-from-6th (invisibility of matters of 6) illicit, exploitive, mistreating, polluting, accusatory, or uncontractual activities may be easily perceived. However, if conditions in bhava-5 are extremely bright, entitled, alaw unto oneself in the regal style of vidyabhava-5, then indeed crimes may go unrecognized for the duration of a lifetimer. Maraka functions Being maraka activates-2 from bhava-4, the mantra-pati is also a marana-karaka for the mother. However, if Chandra is stronger than the vidya-pati-5 then the maraka period for Mother is Typically, ruler of [2nd-from-Chandra] . |
During the bhukti of the ruler of bhava-6 Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-6 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in roga-bhava-6.
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-6 almost inevitably there is some experience of bodily illness or injury, social conflict or war, accusations of wrongdoing, betrayal or cheating, servitude or slavery, victimization [being eaten] , exploitation, addiction, pollution, criminalization / crime, poverty, or financial indebtedness. It may seem as if conflicted events are happening from the outside, but rest assured that whatever circumstances are seeming to generate an experience of illness, animosity, enslavement, betrayal, or debt, this is indeed a pre-programmed blossoming of inner seeds. The lesson-Gift scheduled for the period of the roga-pati may be successfully learned by paying attention to the presence of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy in the mental and emotional levels that is producing a consequent imbalance-seeking-a-remedy in the financial, social, and physical levels. Injuries and accidents are not uncommon during periods of rogesha-6 . As always the external material occurrence of an injury typically expresses an imbalance-seeking-a-remedy internal condition such as being dogged by enemies or financial problems toxicity either chemical or social or the * stress * of enslavement or exploitation. Vimshottari dasha periods of the satkona-pati usually signals an experience of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy . The characteristics of the attempted remediation depends upon the disposition of the satkona-pati and graha residing in bhava-6. The main effects are animosity * especially in marriage alliance * illness (inner animosity within the body) and debt. If there is a severe financial conflict or criminal proceeding, it is usually brought on by Rahu who encourages "ends justify the means " type of unbalanced cintamani * mani * money -spending, such as taking on exorbitant student loans or paying vast sums for uninsured medical treatments. Rahu pretends to have legitimate expenses but the method will be found to be irregular. It is usually not that bad, frustrating but manageable However, it often reveals some problem-sets in the imbalance-seeking-a-remedy relationship to the mother, often exploitation by the mother or parents [Chandra] , and this old historic pattern with the childhood caretakers is what is really repeating. It is an interesting experience to try to sort out, if you like problem-solving (6). Appreciate that the spiritual level is the origin and whatever is not dealt with on the spiritual will percolate down to the mental, if not dealt with on the causal-mental plane will percolate down to the emotional-astral, and finally if not dealt with on the emotional level everything that needs pre-incarnationally planned attention will manifest on social and material form level. That means relationship problem-sets and flesh-nerve pain.
That sort of downward spiral into grief and depression, caused mainly by feeling exploited and way off center not treading the middle way of the spiritual path but having gotten sucked up a bit too much in material concerns, the whole business of entering into partnership with anyone including the divine looks like a scam. There can be resentment and anger but usually it is a victim feeling of 'why me'? |
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-7 Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-7 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in jaya-bhava-7. |
periods of the lord of bhava-7 emphasize contractual relationship, primarily at the financial, material, and sexual levels of expression. However, architectural balance and social arrangement of all forms are both featured, and a professional in fields such as diplomacy, legal advocacy, bargaining, facilitation, arbitration, or meditation can experience strong success in achieving harmony and balance in their chosen field. Interpersonally, the spouse-mate and their concerns may dominate the native and one's own concerns the focus is on the relationship and whatever adjustments, accommodation, or recrafting may be necessary to maintain the covenant. Maraka functions The yuvati pathi is also a marana-karaka for the native. When the time is right, the period of the Graha which serves as maraka rules-7 can signify that one has reached "saturation" of all earthly contracts. maraka rules-7 period may indicate that one has obtained permission to cut the silver cord which binds the corporeal Earthen-body into the center of the spiritual vehicle. The spirit can then lift up and away free of the weight of its earthly partner the corporeal flesh-entity. |
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-8 Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-8 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in randhra-bhava-8. |
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-8,
one may re-invent oneself.
Depending on the
awareness levels of the native, the conditions of self-reinvention may be
experienced as some type of forceful sudden changes.
Depending on the length of time required for the bhukti, and the possible other-bhava ruled by the randhresha-8 , this period can involve multiple re-engineerings on physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, sexual, social, financial, medical levels. Those possessed of a lower awareness may perceive one or a series of eruption of force from previously hidden outside source. Those possessed of a higher awareness may be able to detect that this eruption of demand for change indeed emits from inside sources as a spiritual mandate for identity change. Long-established relationships may suddenly end. The presenting cause of the break-away is often the emergence of unexpected evidence from the mate's family of origin (in-laws, 2nd family from 7th mate). This evidence of urgent need to move [Mangala] decisively from the previous contract may be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, sexual, social, financial, medical etc. depending on the nature of the graha. For example, if randhresha-8 = Shukra the forcing issue is likely * values * of some variety, whether financial, moral, aesthetic, historical etc. It may seem as if catastrophic events are happening from the outside, but rest assured that whatever circumstances are seeming to"force" one to rebirth the personality-identity (while the physical shell is retained) this is indeed a pre-programmed eruption of inner seeds. This change, while sudden, is all for the good. Especially intense for Mesha indriya-lagna and Tula indriya-lagna, because the lagnesha is also the randhra-pati. Note the rashi of bhava-8, any graha residing in bhava-8. Note also gochara Shani's location Shani tends to act as "brake" upon the dynamic eruptions of force within bhava-8. When estimating the effects of the periods of the randhra-pati, shani's natal placement and His gochara location during the bhukti period should be considered force-reducing and speed-slowing attributes. The changes when afflicted by Shani are just as profound, but they can take longer and extra endurance is required. Periods of the randhrapathi-8 do NOT produce flesh-dematerialization unless the lord of 8 is also the lord of 7. This possibility exists only for Karkata indriya-lagna. The lesson-gift scheduled for this period may be successfully learned by paying attention to the unsustainable conditions which have produced a new social-sexual-psychological identity, anew environment, or a new set of expectations about lifer. Maraka functions Being maraka activates-2 from bhava-7, the jaya-pati is also a marana-karaka for the spouse-partner. However, if Shukra (in the life of a husband, shukra = wife) is stronger than the randhresha-8 then the maraka period for wife is typically maraka activates-2 from kalatra-karaka Shukra. Alternatively if Guru (in the life of a wife, dhava-karaka Guru = husband) is stronger than the randhresha-8 then the maraka period for husband is typically maraka activates-2 from Brihaspati. |
During the bhukti of a graha that is LOCATED in bhava-8 |
6th-from Adversarial,
accusatory, blaming, conflicted, dissatisfied or worried attitude toward matters
of bhava-1 physical fleshbody, annamayakosha, competition, independent movement,
innovation, new birth
8th-from May experience a drive toward transformation of matters of bhava-3 writing, announcements, publication, media-messaging, evangelism, ensemble, entourage, sibling-cousin, cohort, collaboration, management, administration, commerce, meetings, reports, handcraft |
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-9 Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-9 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in dharma-bhava-9. |
For parents, periods of the lord of bhava-9 are possible times for birth of the eldest child. Childbirth equally likely in the period of the ruler of 9th-from-Chandra. For grandparents, periods of the lord of bhava-9 are a highly likely time for the birth of the eldest grandchild, but grandchildren are indeed equally likely in the period of the lord of 9th-from-Chandra. For careerists and professionals, periods of bhava-9 may surprisingly produce an erosion of public visibility and retreat into more scholarly or philosophical interests. One may for example travel abroad in a professional capacity but as a consequence despite this being a prestigious appointment nevertheless one goes "off the radar" of the headquarters and may while away be passed over for a hierarchical promotion. Emphasis upon doctrine, indoctrination, dogma and the teaching of sacred beliefs, professorship, paternalism, and prognostication. Preachers are benefitted by the enthusiasm of their sermons world travel is enhanced, and philosophy may provide considerable satisfaction. Maraka functions Being maraka rules-7 from bhava-3, the dharma-pati may indicate the shell-death of a sibling, cousin, neighbor, or cohort, entourage, ensemble performers, or teammate. However, if Mangala is stronger than the dharmesha -9 then the maraka period for brother-or-male-cousin is typically maraka rules-7 from Mangala. A sister-or-feminine-cousin may be indicated by either Budha or Shukra, so that if either Budha or Shukra are stronger than the Dharmesha-9 then the maraka period for brother is typically maraka rules-7 from either Budha or Shukra. |
During the bhukti of a graha that is LOCATED in bhava-9 |
6th-from Adversarial,
accusatory, blaming, conflicted, dissatisfied or worried attitude toward matters
of bhava-2 treasury containment, family lineage, heritage values, languages and
knowledge of history
8th-from May experience a drive toward transformation of matters of bhava-4, which include the house and homeland, owned-stewarded property , parenting, policing, schoolteaching, security in all forms, boundaries, patriotism |
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-10 Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-10 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in karma-bhava-10. |
Typically, aperiod of public respect and recognition of one's professional, regulatory, bureaucratic, leadership capabilities. Particularly when the period of the lord of bhava-10 occurs in middle age and later, when Shani the natural ruler of karma-bhava gives His best results, one may experience the benefits of steady and reliable employment in positions of socially structured authority. It is quite common to be employed by a government agency or a very large bureaucratic corporate entity during periods of karmesha -10 . Look to the ruler of the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra to determine if this type of public duty enacted by the karma-pati is emotionally suitable to the native. Ideally these two rulers -- karma-pati along with 10th-from-Chandra -- should be compatible for the native to enjoy a dignified and emotionally satisfying career. Periods of karmesha -10 are not usually beneficial financially, beyond the benefits of reliable contracts for governance duties. karmesha -10 being 12th-from-11th tends to drain (12th) the vitality from bhava-11. In practice, the regulatory, governance, and statutory duty roster is often rather onerous and one must apply the majority of life-force energy to fulfillment of public duty (10) in preference to pursuit of profit (11). The exception is Mesha indriya-lagna from whence Professor Shani during His bhukti combines professional excellence with robust economic gains. Maraka functions Being maraka activates-2 from pitribhava-9, the karma-pati is also a marana-karaka for the father. However, if Surya is stronger than the karmesha -10 then the maraka period for Father is Typically, rules 2nd-from-Surya . Being maraka rules-7 from bhava-4, the karma-pati is also a marana-karaka for the mother. However, if Chandra is stronger than the karmesha -10 then the maraka period for Mother is Typically, ruler of 7th-from-Chandra. |
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-11 Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-11 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in vriddhi-bhava-11. |
Achievement of material and social goals.
Friendship, community, interlinkage. Economic participation, marketplace
connections, work within systems and extension of participation in social
networks via lawful,
regulated methods. Social progress projects may
be gainful if properly regulated according to the statutory law. Scientific
advancements, electronic networks, knitting, knots, nets.
Being 7th-from-5th, period of Vriddhi-pati-11 may indicate shell-death of a child * especially the eldest living child * but Vriddhi-pati-11 periods may easily indicate marriage of the eldest living child. Parents may experience the marriage of their beloved child as a sort of death in that the child no longer holds his parents in supreme affection. However, this period may indicate substantial social-material achievement for both the marriage-market participant parents and the newly contracted child. |
During the bhukti of a graha that is LOCATED in bhava-11 |
6th-from Adversarial,
accusatory, blaming, conflicted, dissatisfied or worried attitude toward matters
of bhava-5 brilliance, confidence, intelligence, children, creativity, politics,
glamour, entitlement, celebrity, gambling and games, speculative finance,
artistic performance, romance
8th-from May experience a drive toward transformation of matters of bhava-7 relationships, contractual agreements, bargains, negotiation, arbitration, mediumship, middleman-meddler, fairness, justice, balance, trust, troth, truth, equity, parity, partnership, peerage, alliance, advocacy, attorney |
During the bhukti of the lord of bhava-12 Naturally, the period of the ruler of bhava-12 does activate the characteristic behavior of any graha residing in vyaya-bhava-12. |
Often a period of retreat from the
frenzied busy-ness of material reality. One may be aware of seeking sanctuary in
more explicitly spiritual pursuits. Increases focus upon distant lands of the
Earth as well as distant lands and planets of Terra's universe and universes
beyond. Increase in extraterrestrial activity and engagement.
Sleep, dreams, guidance of the ancestors, clairsentience, and intuition are heightened, depending of course upon the character of the bhava who is ruler-of-12 . Period of ruler of vyaya-bhava-12 increases attention upon affairs of the bedroom, the meditation hall, the corpus callosum (space between the two hemispheres of the physical brain), energy rivers of the galaxy (and beyond). Awareness of transactions upon the bridges between dimensions, for those whose ruler-of-12 is of a discriminating naturer. Naturally, the earliest planetary periods of life have a profound effect on the development of the self image. However, should the period of ruler-of-12 occur some time after birth, then one would experience a sudden change of body-orientation after perhaps a good long time of being quite comfortable in one's own skin and happy with the body's social value. For example the onset of a period of the ruler-of-12 in the teenage years, even a relatively brief bhukti, may signal a deep crisis in the teen's self image during the sensitive years of the formation of the individual identity which in western cultures is so deeply connected to the social validation of appearance. Such a teen may appear withdrawn or even delusional, unable to validate the functionality or attractiveness of The earthen body , and apparently suffering a critical loss of social identity as a result.
One who is born into the period of the 12th lord will not be able to form a strong and positive relationship with The earthen body nor with the social identity that is based on the physical appearance. The body may be tall or short, thick or thin, beautiful or plain. One may have other positive relationship. For example one's education may be progressing nicely or one's spiritual or craft-skill development may be comfortable, accruing in value, and praised. Nevertheless, the ruler-of-12 will prevent the native from receiving social validation of one's appearance, and also the native lacks a definite interest in grooming, exercising, and otherwise caring for and developing the physical form. Athleticism, physical and military competition, talent in dance, massage, modeling, and other body-based skills will not emerge during the period of ruler-of-12 unless there is a parivartamsha yoga or other unusual planetary compensation for the dissolving effects of ruler-of-12 . The period of detachment from The earthen body will endure as long as the Vimshottari period of the 12th lord endures. If the native is born into a absolute beginning of the period of ruler-of-12 = Exempli gratia, Shukra, the detachment and disorientation from the physical identity will endure for 20 years. If ruler-of-12 = Surya, the detachment will last for 6 year, and so on according to the standard length of the Vimshottari dasha of the ruler-of-12 .
However, even in this extreme situation one may recover one's ability to self-value the physical form, to cure dissolving illnesses, to overcome phantoms of the mind, and also one will lose the strong interest in retreat, meditation sanctuary, extreme privacy, foreign residence, and other vyaya behaviors, as the new mahadasha sets a new stage of development. Of course if the nativity contains a proliferation of graha in vyaya-bhava-12, there may be a long sequence of periods of interiority and foreignness. |
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