Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala Ruled by regal, dramatic, center-seeking Surya emotional patterning delivered into the Earth consciousness grid conferred by the races of denebola * denebalezeth
White Fruit of the wavy-leafed fig
sacred to Uttara-phalguni
OM hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah AUM som somaya namah
ProfessorChandra चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere ठ tha = disk of moon ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator Moon - Mens Nanna Sin - Selene - Serena - Luna Aah - Iah resides in Aryaman needs to be in the sparkling center of attention comforted by dramatic, radiant centrality protectors of brilliant entitlement
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Chandra located in a Nakshatra Trine of Surya Often features a need [Chandra] to be recognized [Surya] for qualities of personal genius, divine intelligence, creative performance, center of attention, royal glory, all praise see also |
Each of the Surya-ruled nakshatra of Chandra is emotionally compatible with other
creative genius,
surya-ruled celebrators:
Simha portion = politics entitlement charisma [optimistic-dogmatic Uttaraphalgunī-1] [navamsha Chandra-Dhanus] intuitively inspirational, sensitively guiding, culturally patronizing
[regulatory-ordering Uttaraphalgunī-2] [navamsha Chandra in Makara] intuitively sensitive class-conscious social-policy governance
[marketplace-populist Uttaraphalgunī-3] [navamsha Chandra in Kumbha] intuitively sensitive community-connection networking
[visionary-charitable Uttaraphalgunī-4] [navamsha Chandra-Meena intuitively sensitive charitable abstract visionary imagination
[1, exemplifying personality, kinetic embodiment, vitality] Realm of Light 1874-1947 painter Nicholas Roerich [visionary-charitable Aryaman-4] + [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Surya-Chitra] [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Guru-Hasta] 1,embodiment, vitality, singular personality] Turtle Island 1930- poet environmentalist Gary Snyder [visionary-charitable Uttaraphalgunī-4] [1, exemplifying personality, kinetic embodiment, vitality] [legacy values, finance, preservation, collection] France-Pres-pair 1967-singer Carla Bruni Sarkozy [hierarchical-governing Uttaraphalgunī-2] [2, heritage-music] [announcements, publication, explanation] El Castilo Interior 1515-1582 St. Teresa de Avila [visionary-charitable Aryaman-4] [3, writing, instructions, publicizing] Syria-Pres-pair 1975- banker AsmaAl-Assad [optimistic-doctrinal Uttaraphalgunī-1] [ātmakāraka]+ [Yoni-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Magha] ++ [Aryaman-Chandra-parivartamsha-Surya-Aslesha] [4, household, ethnicity, tribe] [politics, romance, intelligence, games, gambling, children] POTUS-pair-01 tobacco 1731-1802 Martha Custis Washington [visionary-charitable Aryaman-4] [5, politics, financial speculation, drama] [6, grievance, conflict, mistreatment, ltigation] POTUS-07 Indian Removal 1767-1845 Andrew Jackson [marketplace-populist Uttaraphalgunī-3] [6, grievance, conflict, mistreatment] Israel-PM 1898-1978 Our Strength Golda Meir [visionary-charitable Aryaman-4] [Aryaman-Guru-yuti-Chandra-Aryaman] [6, social justice, war, aid ministry] UK-Duchess 1981- Meghan Markle [visionary-guiding Uttaraphalgunī-4] + [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Guru-Hasta] [Hasta-Somana-yuti-Shani-Hasta] ++ [Budha-Pushya-4 parivartamsha Chandra-Aryaman-6] [6, aid, ministry] Super Brain 1946- renewal Deepak Chopra [marketplace-populist Uttaraphalgunī-3] [8, transformation, initiation, secrets, mystery] [9, ideological convictions, worldview, priesthood] POTUS-10 Annex Texas 1790-1862 John Tyler [optimistic-dogmatic Uttaraphalgunī-1] [ātmakāraka]+ [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Guru-Magha] [9, ideological convictions, worldview, priesthood] Harry Potter 1965- magical-fiction J.K. Rowling [regulatory-ordering Uttaraphalgunī-2] + [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Chitra] 9, weltanschauung, philosophical understanding, ideology] [10, commanding position, leadership] Principia Mathematica 1872-1970 philosopher Bertrand Russell [regulatory-governing Uttaraphalgunī-2] [10, leadership, public icon] Japan-Emperor1901-1989 Showa Hirohito [optimistic-doctrinal Uttaraphalgunī-1] + [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Magha] [10, commanding position] Sound and Fury 1897-1962 novelist William Faulkner [optimistic-dogmatic Uttaraphalgunī-1] [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Shukra-Magha] [12, imagination, private feelings] Janma-Chandra in Uttaraphalguni = " Higher Fruits " (Surya-Surya, surya-Budha)
The three of the Nakshatra of Surya = Krittika * Uttaraphalguni * Uttarāṣāḍha . All three of Surya's nakshatra must span two rashi . Usually, only pada-1 is truly flamboyant. In the Simha pada-1, chandra-Uttaraphalguni is ruled by lagnesha radiant Surya. In the Kanya pada 2-3-4, chandra-Uttaraphalguni is ruled by invisible, enclosed radiant Surya = ruler-of-12 -from-Chandra Thus the behavioral outcomes for the flamboyant and self-referential pada-1 are distinctively different from the results of the more contemplative, inward-looking, and imaginative pada 2-3-4. Surya-Surya The first pada of Uttaraphalguni Chandra = double Surya due to Surya ruling both Uttaraphalguni and Simha. This pair is less conversational and more double-Surya political, theatrical, and charismatic. Uttaraphalguni Pada-1 in Surya has a group of overlords who are highly compatible with Surya which suggests an ongoing emotional state of association with people and environments that are self-centric, regal, fashionable, brilliant, politicized, celebrated.
Uttaraphalguni Pada 2-3-4 produces conditions related to Surya-yuti-Budha. Both Surya and Budha influence the emotional characteristics of the nativity. Budha provides an ongoing emotional identification with people and environments that are detail-focused specialists, users of specific technical vocabulary, and service-oriented. The Kanya pada 2-3-4 tend to be wordsmiths but they are also frequently involved in the Surya worlds of drama, politics, and celebrity. In general, surya-ruled Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman suggests exploitive conditions which can evoke an argumentative political or theatrical response. Much hand-waving and declaiming. Kanya Chandra ruler of 11th-from-Kanya may contribute a familiar-face public recognition, an increased accusatory logic and a capacity to work with large groups.
Due to Budha power to wield His communicative, argumentative influence from the seat of His [uchcha] rashi Kanya - Parthya, many writers of lasting significance are born with Chandra in the Kanya portion of Aryaman. Chandra in the Simha - Leya portion of Uttaraphalguni benefits from the unified energies of Surya = Nakshatra lord + Surya = rashi lord. It is highly dramatized. Simha portion of Uttaraphalguni = extraordinary talent in fashion, politics, performance art, and usually they enjoy some variety of royal, celebrity, or political privilege . All 4 pada = General Emotional need to be in the center of attention, in center stage [Surya].
political campaigns
In the Kanya-pada 2-3-4, siblings -cousins are very important in the early psychological life due to Budha's communicative, teamwork focus. Marriage behaviors may resemble sibling-group behaviors, with the Uttaraphalguni native generally expecting to get central attention from the spouse the same flexible, friendly way it was obtained from the sibling group. The first pada in Simha is less conversational, less team oriented, and more double-Surya royal-celebrity-political-theatrical, and more fashionable, more game-playing, and more charismatic.
In the quarters of Virgo = a high-speed "bullet-train" thinker, whose thoughts run in a rather narrow but highly advanced channel. The native may prefer only the company of those who think in rather precisely the same way as oneself, and ideally with facility and speed. [Chandra-Kanya] * comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help = Uttaraphalguni pada 2-3-4 = combines the energies of brilliant theatrical-performer Surya = Nakshatra lord + articulate Budha = rashipati. Kanya portion of Uttaraphalguni = intellectually inclined, brilliant with details, very capable diagrammers, instructors explainers and describers
Self-promoting, gifted for literature, and often excellent salespeople. One needs to be engaged in messaging, writing, or conversation [Budha] usually on topics related to divinity or truth. Uttaraphalgunī-Chandra can teach well but not in institutional classrooms [Shani] which too much conform and constrain the charismatic radiance of Surya.
Purva-phalguni Chandra and Uttara-phalguni Chandra denotes many famous writers. Uttara-phalguni Chandra particularly denotes writers who are able to dramatize the intellectual empowerments [Surya] acquired via independent thought that often generates a"break-away" paradigm shift from the existing conventional [Shani] assumptions and rules. celebrity [Surya] literary figures
The Uttaraphalguni native is a sincere and intelligent person who seeks to express the brilliance of Surya through politics, literature, and performance arts. Quick, confident, logical decision s [Budha] + self-centered authority of a stage performer. Excellent position for executive leadership of an organization of which one is the charismatic center
Singing or speaking [Budha] on the theatrical or political stage [Surya]is a state of natural happiness for Uttaraphalguni. The native typically espouses a political or social cause which is very important to their self-definition. One may seem to be more married to their espoused cause than to their material spouse. Core Need
Fear Factor
Spiritual director of this section of the Learning Pathway
Navamsha Moon in Uttaraphalguni psychic mirroring function o f intimate relationships Simha
Although one may not experience the need for creative performance as a primary pattern of comforting behavior, the center-stage position of navamsha Chandra-Uttaraphalguni is a soothing location. Literary genius, dramatic display, fine-arts and brilliant design, along with political flamboyance. Unless there are strong Simha graha which would propel one into center-stage dramatic-political enactments, navamsha Chandra-Uttaraphalguni often signifies a performer in a secondary role. One may remain engaged in theatrical settings, but perhaps located in the background relative to the more radiantly charismatic characters. In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Uttaraphalguni behavior.
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