

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Nakshatra of Chandra

Ruled by Chandra = patriotism, folkways, defense, habitual rhythms, grounding, rooting, stability, settlement


Aditi Mother Savitri

  1. Chandra in Aśvini - Dasra
  2. Chandra in Bharani - Yamya
  3. Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades
  4. Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran
  5. Chandra in Mrigashira - Invaka
  6. Chandra in Arudra - Orion
  7. Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya
  8. Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya
  9. Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga
  10. Chandra in Magha - Regulus
  11. Chandra in Purva-phalguni
  12. Chandra in Uttara-phalguni
  13. Chandra in Hasta - Savitra
  14. Chandra in Chitra - Spica
  15. Chandra in Svati - Arcturus
  16. Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā
  17. Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra
  18. Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares
  19. Chandra in Mūla - Vichruta
  20. Chandra in Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah
  21. Chandra in Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva
  22. Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Hari
  23. Chandra in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus
  24. Chandra in Sadachbia - Varuna
  25. Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus
  26. Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda
  27. Chandra in Revatī - Pashu

Glyph_Chandra.jpg Glyph_Chandra.jpg

AUM som somaya namah

AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah


Professor Chandra

चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner

सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice

सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere

tha = disk of moon

ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations

निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator

resides in

हस्त hasta = hand


सावित्र sā-vitra = descendant of the Sun, that which is done by the Sun

पुण्डरिकाक्ष puṇḍarikākṣa


= lotus-flower, looks like a hand

emotional patterning

delivered into the Earth consciousness grid

conferred by the races of


the Crow



Crop Circle

Nakshatra Kona of Chandra

Exceptionally emotionally sensitive, intuitive, responsive, emotionally available, absorptive, reactive = pragmatic, affectionate, attached to Mother

see also

Chandra in a nakshatra of Chandra

Each of the Chandra-ruled nakshatra of Chandra is emotionally compatible with other soothing, nourishing, chandra-ruled caretakers

Spiritual director of this section of the Learning Pathway


Savitra = Sunrise. that which is done [tra] by the Sun [Savita]

OM bhur bhuvah svah

tat-savitur varenyaam

bhargo devasya dhimahi

dhiyo yo nah pracodayat

~~Rig Veda (iii /62/10)


Chandra in Kanya

Hasta - Savitri

[10-00 until 13-19 Chandra-Kanya]

[inventive-pursuing Hasta-1]


[Chandra-Mesha] intuitively sensitive pursuing competitive champion

[13-20 until 16-39 Chandra-Kanya]

[oratorical-heritage Hasta-2]

[navamsha Chandra-Urisha intuitively sensitive lineage values preservation

[16-40 until 19-59 Chandra-Kanya]

[collaborative-commmunicating Hasta-3]

[navamsha Chandra-Mithuna] intuitively sensitive administrative management

[propaganda of security]

[habitual committee-worker]

[20-00 until 23:19 Chandra-Kanya]

[rhythmic-defensive Hasta-4]]

[navamsha Chandra-Karkata] intuitively sensitive flowing protective caretaker, moral-cultural defender

  • animator, hand-drawings Walt Disney (d'Isigny)

  • musician, composer Johannes Bach

  • first openly gay Bishop of the Episcopal Church USA Gene Richardson

  • writer, human rights champion Aung San Suu Kyi

  • the French Chef Julia Child

  • 2nd life partner of Beatle George Harrison, mrs. Olivia Arias Harrison

  • writer, poet Maya Angelou






emotional need for helping hands

touching, soothing, gardening,

nurturing, protecting,

tool-using, manufacturing,

acts of ministry

emotional engagement via Hands-Fingers-Gesture


the workshop

Food sensitivities. acute intuitive awareness of the digestive process.

Less concerned with glamour. More concerned with security, protection, conversation, craft.

Hasta-Chandra has a profound and self-defining core need for emotional security, which expresses via technical excellence [Budha] and wanting to appear as a provider of artisanal skill and craft [Budha].

  • Marvelous for any practitioner of hand-craft such as musician, surgeon, architectural drafter, massage therapist or laboratory chemist. The hands are intuitively sensitive and measurements are accurate.

Hasta-Chandra seeks emotional stability and security via drawing, diagramming, instructing, manipulating, pushes buttons and pulls levers on mechanical instruments.

Uses the hands and the emotions in synthesis. Hasta-Chandra needs to express caretaking and protective instincts via handcraft, instrument operation, soothing touch.

Hasta-Chandra exhibits a pronounced emotionally-motivated engagement of the hands nearly all of the time. Rhythmic routine movements such as housekeeping tasks [Chandra] of laundering, floor-washing, carpet-cleaning, dish-washing, all of the manual acts of kitchen management, cooking, sewing, sweeping, ironing nest-building, et-cetera are soothing and natural to Chandra-Hasta.

When Chandra-Hasta is not using the hands for domestic routine, they may paint, write, sculpt, use tools, manually locate things into piles and boxes, and engage in everything sort of household rhythmic activity. They can be fussy when the household service is not to their standards, but are quite willing to serve the servants. Even the wealthy ones may be found cleaning and nourishing, right alongside their domestic staff, who are broadly considered as part of the family in any case.

Cares for elders and infants, attends the vulnerable, sick, weakened, pregnant; protects and shelters the family.

Feels comfortable when gesturing, measuring, compounding and composing, writing, sculpture, painting; in choreography, stenography, documentation, naotation; using the hands in craftwork, touching musical instruments, massage, when engaged in emotionally grounding routines with neighbors, siblings, and work-mates.

Management , manipulation, intuitive skill of hands

Writing, typing, typesetting, calligraphy, painting, drawing, utensils, cooking tools, bar-tending, playing musical instruments, tool-using, printing press

sword fighting, banner-carrying

report writing

  • My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla wrote thousands of explanatory reports

literary crafting of short-subject pieces: brochures and pamphlets

magazine articles, advertising copy - especially instructional media

taking measurements, sizing, shaping, tailoring

compounding. May be an excellent compounding pharmacist and maker of medicaments.

mechanical designs, drafting and drawing

  • animator, hand-drawings Walt Disney (d'Isigny)

engineering especially architectural - mechanical

  • My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla made hundreds of instructional drawings to explain the workings of electricity

  • animator, hand-drawings Walt Disney made thousands of storyboard drawings to animate cinematic films

manipulation of objects, stage magic, legerdemain , drawings

therapeutic massage, midwifery, skilled nursing

if in 5, 9 or a doctrinal role or ceremonial placement

manipulation of ritual objects during sacred ceremonies

splendid for hand-craft for example technical assistants, surgical nurse, tool-manager, dentist, pipe-fitter, all types of smithy, carver and sculptor

delivery of short-length, practical, hands-on instruction, explanations, craft-teaching, apprenticeship, technical skills

Patient, sensitive, and intuitive.

Typically for the feminine vehicle, arather plump physique

Intuitive" voice" of Budha-communication runs through the palm chakra and finger chakra in The hands.

Genius of skilled manual crafts , healing and decorative arts, from blacksmithing to writing to sculpting to model-building to bhava-building to massage.

Makes an excellent secret-ary (managing secrets, especially in confidential positions)

calm and capable under normal circumstances

If doing a healing massage or crafting a fine musical instrument or repairing a boat engine, this native will hear a soft interior voice delivering a quiet narrative of instruction as to what should be done, in what sequence, for best results.

Affinity for delicate machines (including the human body)

  • specialized instruments, fine tools.

Usually an excellent writer and tool-user

  • My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla * wrote thousands of pages rapidly, by hand

  • cinematic draftsman Walt Disney - hand crafted countless numbers of cartoon animation frames, rapidly, by hand

tailor, pattern-maker, taker of measurements

Smart and clever, with notable intuitive communicatio n capabilities.

Like to talk, gesture, and measure . (Chandra-Budha).

Emotional affinity for crafty work with the hands and a workshop environment:

  • animator Walt Disney founded the Disney Studios workshops that produced his famous children's films

  • slicing-dicing-paring, mixing, tools of cooking, measurement, Chef Julia Child

Even if other factors create risk (military career, extramarital affairs, financial speculation, political resistance) one will stay close to the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of one's people [Chandra] in the behavioral style

Emotionally possessive and dislikes change of the established cyclical calendar. Needs a regular lunar cycle of ritual seasonal returns.

Emotional Grounding through the Hands

Nakshatra of Budhan

Hasta-Chandra "comfort zone" is a handy , busy, repetitive-flow activity or environment often characterized by hand-craft

  • drawing, painting, carving, crayon-coloring, filling in colors such as children's coloring-books or painting of rooms, writing, type-setting, calligraphy,

  • interior design putting together swatches and samples into a craft-plan, landscape design especially via hand-drawings,

  • typing, sewing, measuring, pacing, knitting, weaving, crafting jewelry, cooking, sizing (taille, tailor, retail, detail) shop-keeping

  • every variety of small tool and implement, gardening, hoes, spades, rakes, scythes, bhava-cleaning, bhava-keeping,"yard-work"

  • jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, the jig-saw, wood-saw, wood-craft tools

  • crafty tool-using hobbies, using hands for touch , playing (toca) musical instruments (ex: Johannes Bach) writing musical scores,

hand movements using the cyclical flow of the Moon, therapeutic massage, hands-on healing,

celebration of seasonal holidays, hand-decorating for holidays

  • My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla * mechanical designer, writer, tools of measurement

  • cinematic animator Walt Disney = instructor, planner, hand-drawing animation frames

  • musical composer, instructor Johannes Bach = practicing musician + written compositions


summer waterfall in Davis, oklahoma, USA

Dishonesty, falsification, and pretense


Verbal Facade of Normalcy

Edifice: Everything is Fine

Chandra-ruled lunar Nakshatra

These three nakshatra being ruled by protective, emotional, impressionable, absorptive, oscillating-rhythmic Chandra can display super-sensitive reactivity to imagined slights and threats to the regular cyclical flow of work-home-family.

These three nakshatra = Moon-ruled = deeply needy of constant emotional stability. They enjoy a regular cycle of emotional fluctuation but major upheavals may create a "personal tsunami"and they may react with urgent retreat into self-protection via declamation [Budha] that everything is fine.

Dealing directly with the problem is not instinctive; passive defense against the problem is more natural for these folk and they will summon the verbal-emotional resources for "defense of the homeland" when feels threatened.

They may feel the need of boundary "fencing"around the electro-magnetic emotional core.

Mounting of peripheral defense can involve reinforcement of the "facade" similar to the face of a building.

These natives when under stress may exhibit psychological defensiveness which is out of proportion to the scope factual threat.

as a result of putting up a defensive shield which they try to use as a 'decoy' to deflect predatory interests, these folk who are quite pure of heart can develop Ironically a reputation for falseness and pretense .

The honest truth may seem like an inadequate defense to Hasta, who may erect a protective facade of perfect contentment [Chandra] in order to mask the human weaknessesof one's self or one's job skills.

Weakness when manageable presents opportunities for growth.

Trauma pattern

Fear of being marginalized or devalued

Often restrained or abused in childhood, where emotional approval is provided only upon obedient performance of duty .

Throughout life, then, one craves order and routine with regular praise for performance.


Walt Disney was a physically and emotionally abused child. It is said that in times of stress, walt Disney the famous drawer and animator, washed his hands compulsively up to 30 times per hour. ~~ https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Disney,_Walt

Navamsha Chandra in Hasta - Savitra -

psychic mirroring function of intimate relationships

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Hasta behavior.

  • Cogito-Ergo-Sum 1596-1650 logic Rene Descartes attracted a Hasta-style soothing, caretaking, grounded, routine-loving partner. Unlike his rather high-strung mathematical, argumentative and intellectualized self, his partner was an uneducated woman of simple tastes. She was devoted to him, and moved whenever he moved (which was often, sometimes multiple times in a year). She was his housekeeper with whom he fathered a daughter. Descartes never mentioned her in his copious writings but others knew that she was with him for many years. When their daughter died Descartes left their partnership; However, he arranged and paid for her marriage to a local tavern-keeper, and she lived happily thereafter in the Hasta rhythmic, caretaking, serving way.

Under emotional stress within relationships, the native with navamsha Chandra in Hasta can suffer inner reactions of compulsive communications and obsessive measuring .

the native has a deep psychic need to stabilize their own emotional life through a fixed calendar of duties

Hasta likes to draw and practice rhythmic repetitions

Partner of One may be grasping and possessive, tending to repeat crafty, manipulative behaviors either mental or manual or both.

Partner is a handy person with disarmingly : ) steady habits. Budha = very clever; the partner may have figured out how to successfully live a double life . (Two hands, two lives). The trick is in the calendar.


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The information on barbarapijan.com, including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!