Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
Rudra Dieu des tempêtes et des morts Portrait of a Noblewoman
AUM ram ravahe namah AUM som somaya namah
Professor Chandra चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere ठ tha = disk of moon ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator resides in ORION Aridra - Ardra - Aruda Atigandha Kalin Raudra - Ridya - Rudhira Thiruvaathira - Tiruvaatira - Thiruvaadhirai - Tiruvaatirai त्रिनेत्र trinetra = three-eyed = shiva Shivadaiva emotional patterning delivered into the Earth consciousness grid conferred by the races of comforted by exciting signals * protectors of stormy wildness * sensitive to animal instincts protectors of stormy wildness Craves Edgy Information |
[humanistic-principled Arudra-1] [navamsha Chandra-Dhanus] intuitively sensitive inspirational-guiding
[hierarchical-ordering Arudra-2] [navamsha Chandra-Makara-Draco] intuitively sensitive class-conscious status ranking
[networking-friendly Arudra-3] [navamsha Chandra in Kumbha] intuitively sensitive associative-populist - comfortable with the-masses-and-the-classes
[imaginative-charitable Arudra-4] [navamsha Chandra-Meena] intuitively sensitive imaginatively visionary contemplative
The Fox by Franz Marc, 1913 |
Chandra resides in a Nakshatra Trine of Rahu
Emotional risk, fascinations, obsessions Chandra's ethnocentric, roots-dwelling, naurturing protectiveness, emotional reactivity, and parental response patterns tend to crave a Great Leap Forward via breaking social barriers + taking risks See also: Chandra in a nakshatra of Rahu Each of the Rahu-ruled nakshatra of Chandra is emotionally compatible with other exciting, entrancing, fascinating, ambitious Rahu-ruled Mix-Masters
Snake Charmers Arudra Chandra = swollen and bulging with water Janma-Chandra in Arudra = Wild, fresh, Living instinctual, sensual, carnal pleasure-and-pain A profoundly physical type, craves the stimulation of the carnal Earthen-body senses Deep emotional need to feel hormonal, wild, instinctive.
may risk all, in order to feel truly alive splendid placement for warriors, animal-handlers, sexual agents some danger of erotic excess
May risk one's social dignity in order to obtain a more intensely vital sensual experience.
Dangerous excitements.
Rahu + Budha + Chandra = talk to the animals (and plants)
Impulsive emotions Born lower, Leaps to the Top Rahu-ruled graha characteristically aspire to obtain privileges which are normally assigned to a higher social register or a higher rank or status, which is above one's at-birth station in life. In general the Arudha Chandra native is born at a perceived lower station due to "outsider" [Rahu] financial or behavioral limitations of the family history. Thus one is positioned to begin the Great Leap toward the destination elevation . Perception of high-low station is subjective and reactive [Chandra]
Arudra-Chandra method of Leaping Higher is generally emotional. One gains a fierce emotional control of the environment, and it is not an overstatement to state that one will use any emotional technique at one's disposal in order to maintain that level of control. Rahu-ruled Arudra = the Storm Rahu-ruled Arudra is stormy in character; prone to temper-tantrums; verbally and manually brilliant but often able to unleash a destructive force of the flesh. Needs to find wildness, freshness, original animus or primal energy + enter into detailed conversation with that wild force
Arudra = wild-animal trainer, uses both nourishment (rain) and punishment (wind) as methods of control Arudra's emotional nature often seeks a sexual (Mithuna) expression but not always; the goal is to establish a conversational (Mithuna) bond [Chandra] via methods of Rahu (risky, barrier-bending, taboo-twisting , exotic, foreign, self-elevating, bizarre)
Arudra emotional narrative
Rahu + Hands
is Usually, very crafty both manually in the use of pens, paintbrushes, and every type of building tool
The target rank for Rahu-Mithuna = self-elevation and recognition into the class of word-smiths, hand-crafters, communicators, instructors and trainers. |
Careers Arudra-Chandra profoundly needs to protect and secure [Chandra] wild or dangerous [Rahu, stormy] information [Budha]. Arudra wants to shelter and communicate with that which is wild . Arudra's natural inclination to feel validated by the performance of Rahu + Budha + Chandra activities contributes a solid emotional basis for careers such as
data on matters that have a quality of being wildly out of control, such as storms and disasters, revolutions and uprisings (wildness of the people), any type of criminal [Rahu] activity including data on poisonings (environmental pollution) murders rapes and other violent, unregulated (stormy) behaviors corporate data managers or technology managers, confidential records management, public relations "spin doctors ", corporate press managers, those who police good for skills trainers of any variety, but especially successful when the recipients of Arudra's skills training have qualities of adolescence or primitiveness, wildness, darkness, outsider-status, strong passions, disregard for the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms and common-laws, self-seeking, reactive, fraudulent, magical, oily, smoky, hungry does well as a schoolteacher in very basic or survival environments with students who are in the more sinister applications, arudra's emotionally grounded behaviors can be an asset for those employed as thought police, government information censors, publications control agents such as church imprimatur. may be attracted to working with wild adolescents, street kids, emotionally disturbed, kids who need strict control Intensive purification practices and vows of celibacy Religiously, ardra is attracted to extreme self-control and they may embrace the most fierce austerities in pursuit of spiritual purification .
However, what Rahu gives, Ketu takes away.
Hair-trigger response Arudra Chandra may bes a beneficial placement in any business which requires hair-trigger reaction, such as emergency first-response, computer security response, or electronic trading transactions. Also any environment where strict control and instant punishment for losing control are in force, such as operating large mission-critical computer systems or military operations or high-security prisons. Marriage and Parenting Arudra may emotionally need to be a strict manager of
Like the other nakshatra in Mithuna, including Mriga-zirasa and Punarvasu, the hand-crafting Arudha needs to form and shape the emotional behavior of others. can develop a physically and psychologically manipulative behaviors labeled often as the classic work-and-family "control freak" . Fueled by ambitious Rahu, the native of Arudra may become predatory in that pursuit.
Rudra is one of the original Storm Gods .
Poured into their work
Ardra-Chandra's capacity for extreme self-control can seem to extinguish even the basic animal needs to eat and sleep. To maintain control over their work environment, Chandra in Arudra - Orion * makes itself indispensible, being the sole holder of passwords or sole approver of promotions or sole signatory for release of funds. As a result, one is often on 24/7 call, with work responsibilities that require literally walking away in the middle of a meal or abandoning a family gatherings in order to pursue a higher duty with more control value.
Chandra-Arudra excels at super-long military campaigns, forced marches and bitterly cold night-watch assignments. Once they send the 'control on' signal to their own self-management system, ardra's courage and tenacity are unmatched.
With Ardra Chandra, there is a persistent pattern of self-contempt and even (under extreme conditions) self-hatred, caused by the amplified [Rahu] duality of spiritual purity vs. animal filth. Ardra Chandra may be a brilliant exemplar of spiritual power and control for extended periods of time; However, in the end Ardra Chandra may be unable to suppress the animal instincts which lie at the core of their being.
Control Arudha strives to gain; and keep a tight control over all the wild urges of their life. The Arudha anxiety over losing control may be palpable or it may be well-hidden depending on other social factors in the nativity. Natives may develop the nervous muscular diseases associated with sensually personalities , Arudra is emotionally attracted to all things wild, strange or disturbing. Affinity for emotionally charged situations where brute dominance is perceived to be the best or the only viable management technique. Whether at home or at work, this native is very determined to get control and even more anxiously motivated to retain it. Rahu's method = "leap frog" which by-passes the lawful steps toward acquisition of privileged experiences and results in a sudden attainment of the desired experience .
Pleasure and Pain The influence of Pashu-pati Shiva penetrates one's deepest emotional life, propelling a lifelong hunger for empowerment and possession of the objects of desire. It may seem necessary to destroy what one loves in order to possess it, or to r educe human relations to their basic animal-sexual nature in order to empower one's own feelings of desire and control. One's animal body instincts =close to the surface; he Arudra native is known for lighting quick reaction and sudden attack .
Craves the primitive. Needs a dose of strange, wild, and disturbing feelings in their psycho-emotional lifer. Ardra's feedback loop signals either pleasure or pain with very little 'grey area'. Instant reactive decisions that are lacking in reflective consideration can make Ardra destructive and violent, controlling and punishing .
Ardra can - and do - live with intense, chronic body pain ; although of course this pain makes them even more reactive. Instinct, wildness, passion * Emotional engagement with the most primitive forces of nature Ardra = emotionally motivated by fast-acting and targeted Rahu. Rahu's urgency to ascend can produce intolerance for any sort of rules or protocol, and can result in emotionally reactive decisions that can seem insensitive, tyrannical and harsh. Deep sympathy for the animal kingdom. Special genius for working with wild animals and behaviorally wild children who need rigorous non-ambivalent feedback routine and structure. Emotional need for passionate, instinctive behaviors in intimate environments. Strict and unyielding behavior management, may strongly benefit work with opposition-defiant or other authority-resistant socially dysfunctional children or adults. Skinnerian stimulus-response feedback. Remarkable skills in renovation and rehabilitation through firm and relentless pursuit of the changed condition. Arudra parents may punish harshly but nevertheless extremely loyal and protective of their kids. Favors working that directly engages animals or other instinct-driven creatures, military and police work, restoration of damaged properties, behavior correction, any instinctive stimulus-response. Ailments of swollen, bulging waters associated with Ardra Chandra
Spiritual director of this section of the Learning Pathway
Fears (cured by Love)
Navamsha Moon in Arudra - Betelgeuse psychic mirroring function o f intimate relationships pulsingly rhythmic dancers, hunters, exoticly seductive pursuit
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Arudra behavior. Rahu ruler of Arudra = passion. Often prefers a lusty partner, who is close to the state of animal wildness, unimpeded by social conventions. Likes an earthy, sexualized, musty-smelling, elemental Other. |
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