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COHORT born six months after
born six months before
born 10 months before
lifepartner with
POTUS-16-partner [1861-1865] socialite fund-raiser a.k.a. Mary Ann Todd Earth-birth 13-Dec-1818 dematerialization 16-Jul-1882 [age 63] |
POTUS-16-partner [1861 until 1865] political fundraiser 1818-1882 birth data from wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Todd_Lincoln tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya charts + graphs + tables = produced by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com - adapted by BP Lama |
Rising Nakshatra Feminine Public-Figure Examples Jyeṣṭha - Varta - Thrikketta BPL COMMENTARY For Jyeṣṭhā births of a feminine valence, the condition of conversational, discursive, explanatory, instructional, argumentative, commercializing, evangelical Kumara may considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the Budha-ruled paradigm of Varta, siblings, cousins, schoolmates, bandmates, team-mates, castmates, classmates, entourage, ensemble, neighbors, managers, cohort, coterie, collaborative group, publishers, messengers, merchants, commercial agents, reporters, writers, scripts, plans, schedules, instructions, radio-television-internet, news-media, conferences, committees, discussions, travel itineraries, and texts may be especially influential. Instructional guidance is provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Antares. Their purpose is to communicate a forceful, dynamic, healing regeneration via sexual energy transfer and discovery of secrets. Penetrating Communications Budha-ruled Jyeṣṭhā gentlewomen are typically outspoken, incisive and decisive, competitive, descriptive, and energetic communicators. Thrikketta-born maintain a deep sense of mental seniority often leading to impatience with those less quick-witted . Articulate and pro-active in their messaging style, these women are natural political activists. ज्येष्ठा are often accomplished writers in literary genre ranging from autobiography to committee reports. Kita-born ladies find a ready audience on topics of a hidden, eruptive, undisclosed, or forbidden nature. Jyeṣṭhā women are also natural trauma healers, investigative journalists, forensic scientists, and detectives. Ketta-born ladies wield a penetrating ability to explain complex human sexual and psychological narratives. They are often found in powerful messaging roles, where secret information is revealed by a skillful shifting of the interpretive lens. Due to nakshatra-pati Bantering Budha, the skills of śakradaivata include all of the commercial fields plus psychotherapy and recovery work, self-help writing, and training of healers. Thriketta-born feminines may also be found in the verbal realms of transformative criticism and promotion of mystical renewal. Themes of verbal contest, sexual energy transfer, and healing discovery may contextualize Jyeṣṭhā's terrestrial experience. Also applicable to Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares |
QUOTATION Jyeṣṭha Shil-Ponde. Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra .p 98 " ...independent self-sufficient , capable, dignified, proud.
In such case, her family will be dependent on her and she will be recognized as the head of the family .
Being proud, she has a tendency to dramatize herself
She will, at some time in her life,
[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]
Mary Todd Lincoln, age 30, in 1848
Mary Ann Todd Lincoln was said to have had an eccentric fashion sense, developed in coordination with her personal seamstress |
Biographical Details matched to the Vimshottari Dasha Calendar
[Rahu Mahadasha] [age birth until age 15.2 [Rahu-Mesha-Aja] -- [Rahu in bhava-6] Sun-13-Dec-1818 Earth-birth in Lexington, Kentucky, USA * Rahu-Guru bhukti Jul-1825 [MTL age 7] grieved the bio-decease of mother - Rahu-Budha bhukti [Guru-yuti-Budha] Matrimaraka Guru rules 7th-from-Chandra 01-Nov-1826 [MTL age 8] father remarries. Stepmother is cruel, and MT is sent away to boarding school * Rahu-Ketu bhukti Ketu abandoning ++ gochara R-K opp. [Guru Mahadasha] [age 15.2 until age 31.2]
01-Jan-1841 [MTL age 23] AL age 32] following a New Year argument, the affianced couple break their engagement. AL doubted that he could meet MTL's expectations for a luxury lifestyle. Having been betrayed by her own father, MTL feared the idea of granting control to a husband. * Guru-Budha bhukti * randhresha Budha sudden identity change 04-Nov-1842 [MTL age 24] Abraham Lincoln age 33] impulsively, following a separation of nearly two years, the couple avowed marriage-1-of-1 in the local Episcopal Church * Guru-Shukra bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Makara-Karkata contact Makara svamsha 01-Aug-1843 [MTL age 25] celebrated the birth of child-1 * Guru-Shukra bhukti * Shukra rules 5th-from-Chandra 01-Feb-1850 [MTL age 31] decease of MTL's second son, Eddie, from a wasting disease [retrospectively assessed as thyroid cancer] * Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha * Rahu-6 disease occupies 12th-from-7 = dematerialization of second child
06-Nov-1860 [MTL age 42] Abraham Lincoln elected POTUS-16 * Shani-Surya bhukti * Surya -1 karmesha Jan-1862 [MTL age 44] grieved the sudden decease of her fourth son Willie * Shani-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 12th-from-10 decease of 4th-child 08-Nov-1864 [MTL age 46] in landslide win, Abraham Lincoln re-elected POTUS-16 * Shani-Rahu bhukti 15-Apr-1865 [MTL age 47] Abraham Lincoln assassination * Shani-Rahu bhukti [Budha Mahadasha] [age 50.2 until decease age 63]
1868-1870 [MTL age 50-52] Mary and her teenage son Tad reside in Frankfurt, Germany * Budha-Budha svabhukti * Budha rules 8-identity change Jul-1871 [MTL age 53] grieved the bio-decease of her third son Tad * Budha-Ketu bhukti 1875 [MTL age 57] MTL's eldest son Robert Lincoln files a lawsuit to incarcerate MTL on grounds of insanity. Robert controlled her substantial financial estate, and MTL had a wildly dysregulated spending habit. * Budha-Shukra bhukti * Shukra rules 12-imprisonment + Shukra rules 5th-from-Chandra = child-1 Robert 1876 [MTL age 58] well-placed friends spring MTL from the asylum and send her to Europe. A judge rules MTL to be of sound mind, and her right to control her own assets is restored. MTL remains permanently estranged from her only surviving son, robert. * Budha-Surya bhukti * Surya -1 intelligence rules 10-public reputation 1881 [MTL age 62] returns to homeland to stay with sister Eliz in Springfield, iL. * Budha-Guru bhukti * Guru-yuti-Shukra Sister * Guru rules 4th-from-4th-from-Chandra, homeland relationships 16-Jul-1882 [MTL age 63] blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via cerebral hemorrhage [stroke] * Budha-Guru bhukti * maraka Guru rules 2 |
Distinctive features of the Nativity
[Sparkling Splendid Surya] pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light] [dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Surya's penetrating authenticity, mysterious intelligence, transformative decisions [bright center of governance secrets] [identified with hidden regulatory empowerments] [intelligence for institutional rejuvenation] [embodies undislosed authority] [radiates disguised leadership] [father-figure may be transformative leader, masked speculator, undercover boss] ... [guiding-conceptual Jyeṣṭha -4] [navamsha Surya-Meena] intuitively confident imaginative dreamlike display [ātmakāraka politics, father, speculation, games, entertainments, intelligence] [Jyeṣṭha-Surya-yuti-Kuja-Jyeṣṭha]
OUTCOMES - MAGNIFICENT MARTANDA self-reflexively confident, bright Earthen-body aura, regal style of movement, embodied intelligence, radiantly kinetic, politically competitive, splendidly innovative [Surya in bhava-1] rules
CAREER - SPARKLING SURYA FATHER Robert Smith Todd. Dad was a prominent citizen and local political kingmaker . lawyer financier, influencer of regional politics and government [Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village] [philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [at some juncture in the lifespan, previous mental process utterly dies, catalyzing and emotional rebirth into new mentality] ... [humanistic-principled Arudra-1] [navamsha Chandra-Dhanus] intuitively sensitive inspirational-guiding
OUTCOMES - ANCESTRAL SOMA sentimentally undisclosing, emotionally secretive, caretaker in dangerous situations, needs chaotic feelings, securely grounded through disastrous upheaval, anchored into sudden emergency response, sensitive to disguised dependencies, protected by camouflaged assets, sense of having hidden empowerments [Chandra in classroom-8] rules
MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations rulers of [2 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 11 + 12] occupy Dhanus [7th-from-Chandra-8]
Mary and Abraham's eldest son, Robert Todd Lincoln. Ketu-12 occupies 5th-from-Chandra. Robert became adversarial toward his mother due to her extreme behaviors, especially her legendary, lavish spending sprees. He famously convinced a judge to sentence his widowed, apparently hallucinating, wildly over-spending mother to an insane asylum. And she famously convinced some of her well-placed friends to arrange her release. Their mother-son relationship never completely stopped, mainly because Robert was legally the signatory for their family money.
[Competitive Champion Kuja] bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility] [svabhava] --- [svakshetra] [energizing-identifying lagnesha co-ruler of Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [embodied energetic pursuit of secret empowerment] [masked sexuality drives physically forward-pushing personality] [depending on yuti-graha, may express as combative, exploratory, or psychicly manipulative] [rogesha Kuja may energize cycles of illness or abuse] [shamanic instinct for revealing deeper catalyst] ... [regulatory-governing Jyeṣṭha-2] [navamsha Kuja-Makara-uchcha] intuitively competitive class-conscious pyramid-climbing championship [Jyeṣṭha-Kuja-yuti-Surya-Jyeṣṭha]
OUTCOMES - MOVING MANGALA dynamically competitive, vigorously self-promoting, forward-pushing conquestor, naturally dominating, kinetically pioneering, energetically innovative, champion of direct action Mangala in bhava-1 rules
CAREER - COMPETITIVE KUJA [Mangala in bhava-1] = rogesha, ++ Kuja-1 is located in the ailing, adversarial [6th-from-Chandra] This double-whammy fighter-servant mismatch can put a person in nearly constant conflict throughout life. Kuja often triumphs over individual enemies, but the pattern of aggressive reactivity can create a enemies both within and outside of the material-body.
[Busy Bantering Budha] jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [friendly-economic vriddhi-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [Dhanayoga Budha-2 rules 11] ... [calculating-logistical Pūrvāṣāḍhā-2] [navamsha Budha-Kanya-uchcha] intuitively analytical argumentative medical tactical financial logic [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Budha-yuti-Guru-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Budha-yuti-Shukra-Pūrvāṣāḍhā]
OUTCOMES - BANTERING BUDHA discusses finance, assets manager, articulate singer-musician, traditional communicator, knowledgeable conversation, memorable gesturing, explains legacy values [Budha in bhava-2] rules
CAREER - BUSY BUDHA [communicative Budha-2 activates opinionated Jyeṣṭha radical lagna] [Generous Growing Guru] dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety] --- [svakshetra] [collecting-preserving dhana-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [witty-creative vidya-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [many philosophically expansive humanistic statements] [growth of historical wisdom] [optimistic verbal preaching] [believes in heritage values] ... [exploring-disguising Pūrvāṣāḍhā-4] [navamsha Guru-Vrishchika] intuitively optimistic expansion discovery revelations [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Guru-yuti-Budha-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Guru-yuti-Shukra-Pūrvāṣāḍhā]
OUTCOMES - BENEVOLENT BRIHASPATI expansively enriching, abundantly knowledgeable, multiple family lineages, numerous traditions, optimistic accumulator, jovial speaking-and-singing, broad-scope of historical understanding [Guru in bhava-2] rules
CAREER - GENEROUS GURU = 3rd-from-3rd [Sweetly Suave Shukra] svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion] [svabhava] [bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [contemplative-isolating vyaya-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] ... [strategic-complaining Pūrvāṣāḍhā-2] [navamsha Shukra-Kanya-nīcha ] intuitively harmonizing compromised medicated exploitive relationships [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Shukra-yuti-Guru-Pūrvāṣāḍhā]
OUTCOMES - SWEETENING SHUKRA sensually acquisitive, appreciates artistic traditions, harmoniously speaking, historical aesthetics, finances from mother-and-father, lovely eyes, musical feminine-figures, beautiful collections, family-based relationships Shukra-2] rules
CAREER - BRIGHT BHRIGUTANAYA [Sober Structural Shani] duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years] --- [svakshetra] --- [Śaśaka Yoga] [collaborative-communicative sahaja-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [rigidly interconnected anchoring routines bandesha] [Maintains the conventional seasonal distribution grids] [limited property electrification] [obligation to care systematically for elderly parents] [responsible for maintaining conversational sahaja-pati continuity with older cultural communities] [structured revenue from dry agricultural economy] [must establish minimal home profitability] [orderly household resists proletarian culture] [staunch protection of local assemblies] [cautiously friendly mother may be strict mass-participation educator, home-based marketplace participant, disciplined associative guardian] ... [originating-challenger Pūrvābhādra-1] [navamsha Shani-Mesha-nīcha ] intuitively structured survival competition
OUTCOMES - STRUCTURAL SHANI strictly boundaried, regulatory stability, orderly maintenance of cultural foundations, formally imposing ethnic habits, lawfully localized, seriously customary, responsibly parenting, conventionally patriotic, stubbornly respectful of Old Ways [Shani in Bhava-4] rules
CAREER - SOBER SHANI school-home-transport regulating [Shani in Bhava-4] occupies the elder-respecting, old-faith, strict philosophies, punitive, scarcity-preaching 9th-from-Chandra [Risk-rewarding Rāhu] rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery] [for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [Rahu casts passionate drishti into 10-12-2] check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Rahu's apparently combative, shimmering mirage of nobility [mobilizes passionately amplified blood crusade during times of distress] [ambitious craving for mixed-caste physical conflict] [seeks prestigious opportunity via domination of military or medical problems] [shrewdly weaponized challenges to racial prejudice] [successful taboo-breaking activated uprise of oppressed classes] ... [financial-oratorical Aśvini-2] [navamsha Rahu-Urisha-uchcha] intuitively over-reaching passion for innovative wealth-collection
OUTCOMES - RISK-REWARDING RAHU [Rahu in bhava-6] unlike most typically modest and retiring First Ladies, outspoken and oddly costumed MTL was nearly as well-known as her high-recognition husband. Generally, the public was fascinated by MTL's apparent mental health challenges, her enthusiasm for physical conflict against her husband, and by her social-cultural mixing with African-American assistants/ From her earliest housekeeping days in Springfield, mTL had found that white servants disliked her intensely, but AA helpers appreciated that she paid fairly and listened to their advice. Risk-rewarding [Rahu in bhava-6] occupies the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, profit-regulated, friendly, participatory, goal-oriented, socially-networked 11th-from-Chandra [Collapsing unshackling Ketu] kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum] [beneficial placement for energizing-identifying lagnesha co-ruler for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Ketu's ambivalently agreeable, unsustainable promises [disengaged from isolated contractual roles] [few/no boundaries within arranged private spaces] [no barriers to diplomatic movement between foreign lands] [release from just imprisonment] [unencumbered meditation upon dematerialized essence of inner balance] [unlimited mutual fantasy worlds] [unafraid of imagined agreed-upon annihilation] [may perceive non-verbal intuitive negotiating guidance] [passively fixated upon ambitiously competitive-challenging Rahu-Mesha-6 enemies, animals, assistants, servants] ... [secretive-eruptive Chitra-4] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Ketu-Vṛścika-uchcha] Super-Ketu
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"And now my friends,
all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |