![]() Finance
Possible parallel incarnation of
COHORT born six months after
born 2 months after
born 1 months before
born 4 months before
born 7 months before
close friends with
Tony Blair in 2016, age 61
U.K. Prime Minister [1997 - 2007] Member of Parliament [1983-2007] Director, Tony Blair Faith Foundation [2008-2016] Tony Blair Institute for Global Change [2016- a.k.a. Anthony Charles Lynton Blair Earth-birth Wed-06-May-1953 |
UK Prime Minister [1997 until 2007] Tony Blair 1953- birth data from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Blair tentativelyrectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya charts + graphs + tables = generated by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com - adapted by BP Lama |
Rising Nakshatra Masculine Public-Figure Examples Agneya - Riksya - Karthika - Alcyone BPL COMMENTARY For Krittika births of a masculine valence, the condition of radiant, romantic, intelligent, creative, idealistic, central, confident, gaming, self-reflexive, pitrikaraka Surya may considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the splendidly Surya-ruled paradigm of Riksya, father-figures, politicians, celebrity, royalty, entitled roles, brilliant dramatists, radiant deities, sparkling genius, glittering creativity, intelligentsia, speculators, poets, romantic lovers, gamblers, and game-players may be especially influential. Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of the Pleyades. Their purpose is confidence-raising and light-bringing in creative pursuit of values fulfillment. Radiant Certainty Agneya-born gentlemen are often found in politics, in gambling and speculation, or in creative finance. Natural dramatists, riksya-born are brightly idealistic and self-directed seekers of attention. Mesha pada 1 represents nakshatra-pati Surya's empowerment in romance and celebrity entitlements. In the rashi of Champion Mangala, sparkling Surya asserts radiant genius. Typically pada 1 are dramatists, politicians, royalty, celebrity, creative artists, and unique charismatic figures. [Vrishabha - Urisha] -pada-2-3-4 express the tension between two-party bargainer Shukra versus one-party autocratic singular nakshatra-pati Surya. Often the intelligence of pada 2-3-4 is focused into the Values-fulfilling sectors of banking and finance, natural resource conservation, music, wines and perfumes, arts, and beauty. Depending on [Yogakaraka] Shani ruler of 9+10, the Vrishabha pada of Krittika have a stronger propensity toward government positions. Themes of self-importance, individual entitlement, creativity, and confidence may contextualize Krittika's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades |
QUOTATION Kṛttikā from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 80 " A proud, dignified, and honorable person
He is very ambitious and eager for power
He has an innate sense of the importance of his destiny . He expects everything to come to him as his due
[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]
[Chandra Mahadasha] [age birth until age 4 ]
Wed-06-May-1953 Earth-birth in Edinburgh, scotland * Chandra-Budha bhukti [age 4 until age 11 ]
Feb-1961 until Jan-1964 Janma Sade-Sati Makara
[Rahu Mahadasha] [age 11 until age 29] 1972 [TB age18] year in London attempting to establish career as a rock music promoter * Rahu-Budha bhukti * Budha activates 5-entertainment but Shani-5 28-Jun-1975 [TB age 22] grieved the bio-decease of mother - Rahu-Ketu bhukti 1975 [TB age 22] earned A.B. diploma in Jurisprudence, Oxford University college * Rahu-Shukra bhukti * Shukra lagnesha 29-Mar-1980 [TB age 27] exchange marriage vows with Cherie * Rahu-Chandra bhukti * Chandra activates navamsha-7 ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Makara-Karkata [Guru Mahadasha] [age 29 until age 45]
1983 [TB age 30] elected MP for Sedgefield * Guru-Guru svabhukti * Guru activates 11-goals 1984 [TB age 31] celebrated the birth of child-1 * Guru-Guru svabhukti Mar-1990 until Mar-1993 Janma Sade-Sati Makara
02-May-1997 assumes the role of UK-PM (his age 43) * Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha * Rahu-9 politics, patronage [Somana-yuti-Rahu] -9 politics [Shani Mahadasha] [age 45 until age 64]
27-Jun-2007 [TB age 54] resigned from office of PM. Begin new career in diplomacy * Shani-Shukra bhukti * Shukra activates 6-broken contract, disagreement* Shukra diplomacy 27-Jun-2007 [TB age 54] begin new job as Middle East envoy for the United Nations, European Union, United States, and Russia * Shani-Shukra bhukti * Shukra lagnesha identity Dec-2007 [TB age 54] doctrinal conversion from Anglican confession to Roman-Rite adherent catechism. * Shani-Shukra bhukti * Shukra activates 6-lagnesha identity* Shukra parivartamsha Guru = multiple doctrines Jan-2008 [TB age 55] join investment bank Morgan Chase as senior advisor * Shani-Shukra bhukti [uchcha] Shukra-11 economics, treasury Jul-2009 [TB age 56] launches Faith and Globalisation Initiative with several US universities * Shani-Chandra bhukti * Chandra-Rahu in 9-doctrine, universities, internationalization 16-Nov-2012 [TB age 59] grieved decease of father - Shani-Rahu bhukti [ Budha Mahadasha] [age 64 until age 81 ]
May 2015 [TB age 62] after eight years of service, resigned as United Nations Envoy * Budha-Guru bhukti * Guru activates 8-transformation of identity Jan-2020 until Jan-2023 Janma Sade-Sati Makara
[ Ketu Mahadasha] [age 81 until age 88 ]
Mar-2049 until Feb-2052 Janma Sade-Sati Makara
[Sparkling Splendid Surya] pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light] [uchcha] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Surya's forward-pushing certainty, noble entitlements, competitive displays [brilliant center of innovative imagination] [champion of personal privacy] [patriotic political action behind-the-scenes] [pioneering genius of creative sanctuary] [fantasizing warrior father may be dynamic builder, inventive schoolteacher, shrouded patriotic nobility] ... [diplomatic-arranging Bharani-3] [navamsha Surya-Tula-nīcha ] intuitively confident diplomacy brokerage adjusting toward compromise [uchcha-Bharani-Surya-yuti-Budha-Aśvini]
OUTCOMES - MAGNIFICENT MARTANDA imaginative, interior, privately guided, conceptual [Surya in bhava-12] rules
CAREER - SPARKLING SURYA [Surya in bhava-12] = a common placement for world leaders. Intelligence for invisible, under-the-table, workings with the leaders of other nations 12 = foreign sovereignties. [uchcha]= private engagement with championship of dominant, conquesting masculine personalities, such as would be the daily fare in the world of international diplomacy. FATHER Dad = Leo Blair. Barrister and university law professor. Surya-12 research rules 4-schoolteacher. Initially Leo Blair was a passionate Young Communist. By the time his son Tony was ten years old., dad had flipped to super-conservative High Tory politics. Surya-Mesha - Bharani sees most political actions as being essential financial actions. The midlife political conservatism would have represented a change in understanding of capital finance. Ruler of 4 in 12 suggests that while Dad had a very strong personality [uchcha- Surya-yuti-Budha], nevertheless, the father's full persona remained somewhat invisible to the son. [Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village] [busy-communicative vikrama-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Chandra's orderly feelings, structured rhythms, class-conscious sensibilities [class-conscious mother = normalizing, devotional figure] [Pious, morally guiding Mom may be the lifetime Muse] ... [collaborative-announcing Śrāvaṇa-3] [navamsha Chandra in Mithuna] intuitively sensitive administrative management [Śrāvaṇa-Somana-yuti-Rahu-Śrāvaṇa]
OUTCOMES - ANCESTRAL SOMA sensitively theorizing, protectively guiding, routinely preaching, parentally philosophizing, rhythmically indoctrinating, customary beliefs, predictably dogmatic, culturally ethnoreligious, emotionally patronizing, needs to be righteous [Chandra in classroom-9] rules
MOTHER Mom = Hazel Corscadden, an Irish citizen. Rahu (exotic) + Chandra (mother). Mom's comfortably exotic qualities would have been quietly acceptable Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Hari and indeed culturally praiseworthy (9, highest beliefs) in goidelic Scotland. Yet, there is enough distinctiveness to grant her the opportunities and boundary-breaching advantages allowed to an outsider. [Rahu] Dharmasthāna Somana-yuti-Rahu * Conversion of catechisam Dec-2007 doctrinal conversion from Anglican confession to Roman-Rite adherent catechism. * Shani-Shukra bhukti * Shukra activates 6 + lagnesha identity* Shukra parivartamsha Guru = multiple doctrines MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations bhava-3 containing Ketu Spouse is distant due to Ketu. Partnership focused on matters of bhava-3 such as planning, scheduling, schematics, commercial business, communications media messaging, evangelism, short-term travel itinerary, meetings, cohort-collaboration. Chandra-9 rules 7th-from-Chandra which increases the emotional content in what would otherwise be an Observer experiencer. [Competitive Champion Kuja] bhratru-karaka (brother) * virya-karaka (virile) [svabhava] [balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] [contemplative-imagining vyaya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Kuja Dosha for alliance-1] [identified with precious hoarding energy] [personally promotes dynamic financial bargaining] [actively pushes into resourcel conservation] [individual pursuit of valuable contracts] [moves vigorously into private evaluations] [embodiment of independent asset acquisition] ... [champion-dominating Rohiṇī-1] [navamsha Mangala-Mesha] intuitively competitive forward-pushing energetic dominating winner [Rohiṇī-Kuja-yuti-Guru-Kṛttikā]
OUTCOMES - MOVING MANGALA dynamically competitive, vigorously self-promoting, forward-pushing conquestor, naturally dominating, kinetically pioneering, energetically innovative, champion of direct action Mangala in bhava-1 rules
CAREER - COMPETITIVE KUJA Guru-yuti-Mangala-1 occupies the creative, dramatic, romantics, speculative, gaining, political 5th from Chandra [Busy Bantering Budha] jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student] [collecting-preserving dhanesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [witty-creative vidya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] [imaginative pioneering narrative of competitive innovation] [inventive dialog with distant lands] ... [innovative-conquesting Aśvini-1] [navamsha Budha-Mesha] [vargottamsha] [Aśvini-Budha-yuti-Surya-Bharani-uchcha]
OUTCOMES - BANTERING BUDHA abstractly conceptual announcements, backchannel communication, private discussions, talks about intuitive meanings, clandestine projects, enclosed messages, dissolved information, specifically fantasizing, imaginative dialogs, invisible transactions, questioning research, interior translating Budha in bhava-12] rules [dhanayoga]
CAREER - BUSY BUDHA Budha-12 rules Arudha lagna = Kanya-5 politics As ruler of 2+5, bantering Budha = treasury manager for the Vrishabha nativity. Budha-12 directs much of the capital assets into distant lands and invisible locations. Following decades of UK public service, mr. Blair became a HNWI after professionally consulting for several foreign banks (Vrishabha). 2018 net worth was broadly estimated at USD_75million. [Generous Growing Guru] dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety] [dikbala] [mysterious-initiatory randhresha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Brihaspati's pleasant generosity, evaluating expansion, cherished beliefs [multiple generous self-enriching personality attributes] [embodiment of historical assessment philosophy] [identified with aesthetic credenda] [iconic personification of guiding financial worldview] [personality exemplifies capitalizing ideology] [paragon of pleasurable cheerfulness] [preacher-and-teacher may symbolize the wisdom of accumulative storage] [expansive traditional faith encompasses gainful evolutionary change] [personalized understanding of heritage marketplace systems] [often a community benefactor to bankers and collectors] ... [economic-interlinked Kṛttikā-3] [navamsha Guru-Kumbha] [Guru-1 parivartamsha Shukra-11] [Kṛttikā-Guru-yuti-Mangala-Rohiṇī]
OUTCOMES - GENEROUS GURU expansively active, abundantly energized, jovial competitor, multiple identities, numerous offspring, optimistic innovator, generous grower of children-partnerships-worldview, broad-scope of embodied inspiration [Guru in bhava-1] rules
CAREER - BENEVOLENT BRIHASPATI Guru and Rahu cast drishti upon [Shan-5 politic] mutual drishti between Guru-1 and Rahu-9 Guru-yuti-Mangala-1 occupies the political 5th from Chandra [Sweetly Suave Shukra] svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion] [energizing-identifying lagnesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [beautiful friends + unbalanced enemies] [conflicted luxury-loving community] [identified with sweetly profitable exploitation] ... [strategic-calculating Uttarabhādra-2] [navamsha Shukra-Kanya-nīcha ] [Shukra-11 parivartamsha Guru-1]
OUTCOMES - SWEETENING SHUKRA sweetly gainful, fairly negotiated fundraising, arranges the balanced gain-of-goals, financially distributive, enjoys social-participation assemblies, prefers feminine friends, graciously socially connected, advocates for associative interlinkage, equably rewarded, architecturally gridworked, represents the collectivity, smooths community relationships [Shukra-11] rules
CAREER - BRIGHT BHRIGUTANAYA lagnesha Shukra in reciprocal aspect to [Yogakaraka] Shani activates 9-beliefs + 10 governance Shukra activates the career-determining 10th navamsha Successful diplomat due to yuvati-pati (diplomacy, negotiations) being organic to the personality (1)
[Sober Structural Shani] duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years] [Yogakaraka believing-philosophical dharmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Yogakaraka dutiful-executive karmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic [rigid politics of institutional health services] [tight restrictions on medical genius] [responsible for legitimating formalized clinical treatments] [must apply logical argument to maintain order among children and students] [harsh obligation to prevent labor entitlements] [must rationally classify intelligence by rank-and-status ] [heavy burden of helping the underserved may cause cardiac fatigue] [repressed accusations may ossify heart-and-spine] [must regulate philosophical convictions dharmesha and professional duties karmesha to reduce calculated creative display ] ... [ministering-strategic Chitra-2] ] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Shani-Kanya] intuitively ordering class-conscious slow hierarchical lawful service [ātmakāraka governance, institutions, class-consciousness, hierarchies, endurance, maturity, timeliness]
OUTCOMES - STRUCTURAL SHANI formally disciplined showmanship, chronic political pressures, fear of unruly children, rigidly legalistic demonstration, constricted romance, enduring obligations for ceremonial performance, regulated creativity, orthodox approach to gambling and games, conventional intelligence, responsible for maintaining order in dramatic scenarios, systematically speculative, imposing structure upon artistic performance, lawfully entitled to hold central roles, seriously legitimating political ideas [Shani in Bhava-5] rules
CAREER - SOBER SHANI + + [Yogakaraka] + + ] vargottamsha Shani-5]
Shani occupies the doctrinal, ideological, elder-respecting, old-faith, strict philosophies, punitive, scarcity-preaching 9th-from-Chandra
From [Chandra-Makara-Draco] lagna, the mature voice of sober serious structured hierarchical Professor Shani rules
Shani activates Chandra-Makara-Draco-yuti-Rahu-9 + Shani occupies 5 extraordinary fortune in international governance sober-charisma politics lagnesha Shukra in reciprocal aspect to [Yogakaraka] Shani activates 9+10 [Risk-rewarding Rāhu] rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery] [for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently lawful, mirage of regulatory ordering [passion for conventional catechisms] [seeks prestigious high-ranked patronage] [ideology of socially approved opportunity] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated public decorum, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly uniformity] [maintains the appearance of the standard confession of belief] [craves privilege of preaching on adherence to social norms] [pretentiously conformist ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in patriarchal duty] ... [financial-evaluating Śrāvaṇa-2] [navamsha Rahu-Urisha-uchcha] [Śrāvaṇa-Rahu-yuti-Soma-Śrāvaṇa]
CAREER ; - RISK-REWARDING RAHU during Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha, tony Blair became the youngest person ever to assume the role of UK-Pam Rahu casts drishti upon 1-3-5 Rahu-Makara = takes risks in governance rules [Collapsing unshackling Ketu] kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum] [for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Ketu's ephemerally calming, vaguely ancestral rhythms [disregards customary protective ; discourse conventions] [eccentric rhythms of administrative routines] ;[emotionally incoherent settlement infrastructure planning] [empty sentimentally patriotic announcements] ;[liberating abstract security discussions] [scattered defensive mentality] [passively fixated upon ambitious regulatory Rahu-Makara-Draco-9 indoctrinators, father-figures, preachers, patriarchs, public spiritual guides ... [transformative-evolutionary Pushya-4] [navamsha Ketu-Vṛścika-uchcha] intuitively plunges into dangerous conversations
OUTCOMES - EVACUATING KETU Collapsing Ketu -3 would suggest that Blair had no significant concern with matters of reports, announcements, and messaging. Indeed Ketu in 7th-from-Chandra suggests a vacancy of partnership connection. However, uttama lagnesha Shukra-11 parivartamsha Guru-1 occupies the emotionally talkative, communicative cohort evangelical instructional team-working administrative managerial announcing publishing reporting explanatory conversational lyrical messaging 3rd-from-Chandra |
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" And now my friends, all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |