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![]() Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala Rahu-Ketu Main Page
Gochara Rahu Transits 1900-2099 CE
Horned Viper |
AUM ram ravahe namah
राहु rāhu Professor Rāhu √ रभ् rabh = grab, seize, take-hold अर्करिपु arka-ripu = enemy of Arka चन्द्रारि chandra-ari = enemy of Chandra अर्कशशिशत्रु arka-śaśi-śatru = enemy (shatru) of the sun (arka) and the moon (shashi) चाण्डाल cāṇḍāla chandala = outcast, outside the boundary, pariah, worst, lowest भुजङ्गम bhujaṅgama = serpent-demon खेट khe-ṭa = air-moving, cavity, hollow, aperture occupies वृश्चिक वृश्चन vṛścana = scorpion वस्कराटिका vaskarāṭikā = scorpion कालक kālaka = scorpion आलि āli = scorpion, bee, swarm नक्र nakra = swarm of bees or wasps कीट kīṭa = insect, stinger Caput Draconis Head of the Dragon - North Node yati Anabibazon resides in Scorpionis 'arkav = al-'aqrab = akrep |
QUOTATION from Matthew 10:16 [New Century Version = NCV] "Listen, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. So be as clever as snakes and as innocent as doves." |
![]() Turkmenistan burning gas pit |
EXAMPLES [for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [Rahu-1 casts passionately unique individualizing drishti into 5-7-9] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [identified with taboo-breaking excitements] [passion for mysterious rebirth of the emerging personality] [urgent evolution of material appearance] [desires transformative physical change] [craves secret access to competitive vitality] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated mystification, in matters of physicality, embodiment, innovation, style of movement, athletic prowess, vitality, unique identity, personality integrity, or conditions of birth] [hungry for initiations into embodiment recycling] [personal healing known via intervention surgeries] [rejuvenating insights via fleshly movement]
[for Tulā indriya-lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force passion for historically evaluated knowledge, craving for transformational treasuries
[for Kanya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-3 casts passionately publishing mercantile drishti into 7-9-11] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [ambition to deliver penetrating instruction] [seeks privilege via administrative procedures for revolutionary change] [exhilarating communication about mysterious rebirth] [announcement of rejuvenating discoveries] [exceptionally invasive management style] [exaggerated secrecy within cohort ensemble] [opportunistically enterprising non-disclosing sibling-cousins] [discusses over-reaching use of masked initiations] [compulsiverepetition of emergency planning process] [boundary-challenging conversations about dangerous threats]
[for Simha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] [passion to mimic the glamorous appearance of camouflaged ancestry] [pretentiously over-reachin mystification of cultural foundations] [expediently obtained licenses and undisclosed diplomas] [guardian-protectors may supply hidden opportunities] [ambitiously secretive parents may fraudulently or fabulously exaggerate their real-estate or vehicles] wants identity-transforming prestigious mixed-culture educational environments] [craves taboo-challenging lifestyle with privileged housing] [thrilled by dangerous threats to habitual patriotism] revolutionary initiatives in schoolteaching and border protection] may make exciting sudden changes of citizenship or dwellings] [for Karkata indriya-lagna] [Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [compelling desire to demonstrate acts of sudden, eruptive energy] [enthusiastic display of revealed secrets] [craving for exhilarating political transformations] glamourized celebration of shocking changes] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated intrigue, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children] [over-reaching invasive control in uniquely attention-getting artistic performance] [excitingly fabulous, dangerous drama] may involve undisclosed roles for extraordinary outsider children]
[for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force passion for transformational conflict, remedies
[for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-7 casts passionately bargaining Other-identified drishti into 11-1-3] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force passion for transformational partnership
[for Mesha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-8 casts passionately secretive revelatory drishti into 12-2-4] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [ambitious discoveries in times of revolutionary change] [seeks healing empowerment via prestige initiations] [desire to transform the core identity] [craves unexpected explosions, fascinating hidden poisons, desire to conspire
[for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5] check Mangala for defining source of Rahu's apparently transformative, eruptive energy [righteous desire to expound mystically principled belief] [craving for exhilarating initiations on secret empowerments] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated emergency intervention, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings] [excitingly disguised ideologue] [transformative worldview expanded by over-reaching mixed-culture healing] [pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in secretive initiation] [Rahu in bhava-10] --- [svabhava] [for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture hidden empowerments] [fascinating icon of disguised transformation] [elite captain of exciting explosions] amazing identity changes] [astonishing social rise of penetrators, recyclers, healers, rejuvenators, surgeons] reputed for fabulous revolutionary rebirth]
[Rahu in bhava-11] --- [svabhava] [for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [Rahu-11 casts passionately profitable networked drishti into 3-5-7] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [passion for undisclosed revenues] [exciting secret profits] [ambitiously mysterious high-achieving friends] [desire to transform community systems] [exhilarating initiatory social networking] {extraordinary emergency fundraising] [hunger for hidden earnings] shocking discovery of marketplace connections] [seeks importance in disguised assemblies]
[for Dhanus indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [Rahu casts passionately private secluding drishti into 4-6-8] [wants to be a prestigious healer, yet obsessed with privacy] [ambition for mysterious rebirth in invisible rooms] [fascinated by catastrophic apparitions] [desires transformative imaginative understanding] [craves access to camouflaged research enclosures] [hungry for secret guiding initiations into other-worlds] [exciting psychic invasions occur in dreamworld] rejuvenating insights via interior counsel] [seeks importance via clandestine tantric empowerment] [passion for revolutionary change via clairsentient discoveries]
Vrischika mysterious forces, sudden eruption of hidden energy, conditions of death The chosen game-plan of a Rahu-Vṛścika script may include:
Rahu produces superior results in 3, 6, 10, and 11 Rahu-Vṛścika = chalakaraka is motivated by a great Ambition to Penetrate the Mysteries.
seeks rejuvenation, reconstitution, rebirth, reassignment, repurposing, recycling empowers ambitious acquisition privileged empowerments via secretive or masked means Risk-loving Rahu-Vṛścika rashi = fascinated by poisons, captivating secrets, sudden changes, and emergency roles. Rahu's desire for higher privilege on fast track may involve the native within relationships that are hidden, forbidden, and exotic. Writers, especially writers in entertainment and politics
Great leap forward into Transformative, destruction-and-Rebirth Privilege Find Professor Kuja and know His effects in the radix and navamsha. Rahu will amplify Kuja's effects, and also the effects of any other graha occupying Vṛścika.
Snake-like Naga gets fascinated by the goal of privileged entitlement to the prize of Total Control . When quite near to the goal and nearly assured of success, naaga then gets ejected via pretentious transformation.
Rahu magnifies manipulative and secretive behaviors. Rahu-Vṛścika takes a Great Leap Forward by re-inventing oneself. There is often a tragic period of near-annihilation followed by a rebirth into considerable empowerment. Wants substantial but largely hidden power via subterfuge. Gives desire to assume and maintain control, occultism, fascination with the cycle of birth and death, potentially deep healing powers based on familiarity with Conditions of dematerialization and survivor's realism.
Can become extremely focused on the revelatory events, discovery or recovery process.
In Vṛścika, rahu's desire-inflaming passions acquire Mangala-like exploratory and transformative characteristics. Seeks hidden, obscured, or forbidden experiences
Rahu amplifies Mangala's two bhava, by intensity and by days
Rahu intakes drishti of Mangala Passion for recycling, rebirth, try-again, never surrender
In 12-Jyeṣṭha Rāhu-Jyeṣṭha - ruled by sexual Mangala and chattering Budha. = talkative and passionate and thrilling . Rahu-12 connotes the excitement of distant, exotic lands and fascinating mysterious cultures. Rahu-12 rules the bedroom, the meditation hall, the imagination, private prayer, interior spiritual guidance, the sleep-state. Rahu-Vrischika desires the dangerous, the threatening, and the forbidden [Vrischika] . In 12, He is clairsentient and surging with occult empowerments. Because He is in Jyestha, He announces His opinions with seniority.
EXAMPLE Rahu's shimmering illusion = amplified by a powerfully deceptive ruler Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst
1930-1938 - Falsified Narratives Promoting Fascism in USA Commercial Media Systems
During the 1930's,WRH controlled newspapers, magazines, and radio outlets in every major American city. A Nazi-supporting ideologue, WRH specialized in the use of character assassination and inflammatory rhetoric Claiming directly and indirectly that the USA social mechanism was broken and that only an authoritarian fascist regime could restore public decency, WRH's newspapers and radio programs supplied a falsified worldview which altered public opinion.
Concocted Threats Paying his writers to paint escalating, concoctedscenarios that could imply [Rahu] the presence of a secret, unseen, yet exploding criminal insurgency, [Rahu's ruler = Mangala-6] WRH frightened many readers into believing that a lawless, violent social emergency [Vrischika] was brewing. Also WRH Simha-Chandra-8 needs dramatized chaos, terror of violent eruption, disaster theatre
During Shani-Shukra bhukti, [Shukra-5 karmesha]WRH interviewed Adolf Hitler and used his media corporations [Dhanistha] to promote the orderliness and moral purity of the Nazi regime to his American readers. Rahu's big Mistake Rahu's ruler = the passionate, hormonal, stormy, provocative Arudra-Kuja-6 [Mangala-Mithuna] -- [Mangala in bhava-6] Budha-8-Mesha parivartamsha Mangala-10-Mithuna] - Shani- mutual drishti - Mangala WRH liked to fight, and he often challenged prominent leaders with Rahu-style false-but-plausible accusations. Each fabricated scandal elevated the revenues [11]
However, FDR's economic recovery programs had rescued millions of working Americans from destitution, at a time of widespread fear and despair.
The bigger Rahu gets, the harder He falls. Although the terrifying criminal insurgency was never a real social threat, repeating the presumed danger-chaosscenario [Rahu-Kita] did convince some voters and did effectively pressure the politicians that WRH targeted. However, by the onset of his Shani-Rahu bhukti 1938, financial mismanagement [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] had bankrupted the huge media conglomerate. As his credibility collapsed, WRH pro-fascist, faux-terror warnings [Vrischika] were increasingly discredited. Counter-propaganda from USA-govt leadership framed the real enemy as the sociopathic dictatorships that were using fascist terror as their control tool. Within two years, on 07-Dec-1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt led the USA into joining the Allied Forces in Europe. The fascist regimes of Hitler and Mussolini were annihilated. The end of Shani Mahadasha at his age 75 saw WRH slip into health distress both mental and physical. [Budha rogesha] His toxic personality was increasingly unwelcome at rassemblements ultra-riches despite his millions, and he lived as an arrogant pariah until decease ae 88. |
Mahadasha of Rahu
for Rahu-Vṛścika
Trajectory via Occult Knowledge, destruction and Rebirth Mahadasha of Rahu and most bhukti of Rahu (depending on Rahu's angle to the mahadasha pati) will exhibit the script qualities of Vṛścika.
An enunciation of the cycle of destruction and rebirth of the personal attributes is required. Shock from inside, shock from outside the native might engage in self-destructive behavior driven by an obsessive attraction * akarshana * , or the destruction of the personality or the body might start (or seem to start) from completely external circumstances, such as a natural disaster or the sudden death of a family member. One might start the cycle with a nearly terminal disease, have a dangerous surgery, develop a shocking obsession, or learn a terrible secret. The longer the Rahu period, the more opportunity for dramatic development. After the catastrophic event, there is recovery from the disaster . If Rahu is associated with a Maraka graha, the recovery may be punctuated by aftershocks. Rahu brings important new actors into the life scene, and these actors are typically from a different cultural background. The native is reborn by initiationin to the culture of the new actor. One needs to acquire or remember elements of this new actor's worldview in order for the native to make the leap into one's next life phase. ![]() Explosion at boundary road checkpoint, Libia 2011 |
QUOTATION Das comments WRT Rahu is in Scorpio, and Ketu is in Taurus " Revengeful,
hardly any achievement worth a name
Hidden motives and energies seldom find an expression. Fortune through a noble partner,
Honor and recognition from the government and learned people.
[end quote] |
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