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![]() Rashi - Samchara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga Rahu-Ketu Main Page BPHS Vimshottari MahaDasha of Rahu BP Lama commentary Rahu Mahadasha Traditional Jyotishavidya Sacred Jewels Ratna for Rahu Risk-rewarding Rahu reaches maturity = age 48 mean-nodes vs. (misnomer) true-nodes Rahu samchara * transit bhava-6 Rahu occupies 6th-from-Chandra
" As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be, you can't see how it is."~~Ram Dass |
AUM ram ravahe namah
राहु rāhu Professor Rāhu √ रभ् rabh = grab, seize, take-hold अर्करिपु arka-ripu = enemy of Arka चन्द्रारि chandra-ari = enemy of Chandra अर्कशशिशत्रु arka-śaśi-śatru = enemy (shatru) of thesun (arka) and themoon (shashi) चाण्डाल cāṇḍāla chandala = outcast, outside the boundary, pariah, worst, lowest भुजङ्गम bhujaṅgama = serpent-demon खेट khe-ṭa = air-moving, cavity, hollow, aperture resides in शत्रु śatru = enemy, rival रिपु ripu = cheat, deceiver, rogue, foe क्षत kṣata = wound, hurt, injury रोग roga = sickness, disease अरि ari = enemy, envious, hostile, number-six Rahu's most empowered bhava Caput Draconis Head of the Dragon - North Node yati Anabibazon occupies the sixth house valetudo " when she was good she was very very good; but when she was bad, she was horrid"
Ravana Kidnaps Sita |
![]() Saint Catherine of Siena with Demons, c. 1500 (anonymous) |
EXAMPLE [Rahu-Mesha-Aja] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [Rahu casts passionate drishti into 10-12-2] check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Rahu's apparently combative, shimmering mirage of nobility [mobilizes passionately amplified blood crusade during times of distress] [ambitious craving for mixed-caste physical conflict] [seeks prestigious opportunity via domination of military or medical problems] [shrewdly weaponized challenges to racial prejudice] [successful taboo-breaking activated uprise of oppressed classes]
[Rahu-Urisha] -- [uchcha] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently musical, entrancingly enriching, shimmering sensuality [passionately amplified peace-seeking in times of war] [ambitious craving for service-class pleasures] [seeks prestigious opportunity via partnerships within military or medicine] [shrewd negotiation of financial conflicts] [richly rewarded for taboo-breaking service in war, disease-discomfort, impoverishment, victimization]
[Rahu-Mithuna] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently explanatory, shimmering mirage of communicative flair [instrumentally illicit imitation documents] [heretical psuedepigraphy] [unauthorized replica texts] [chatters cleverly in hostile environments] [ambitious instructions for helping those in mental distress] [seeks prestige via handling conflicted information] [over-reaching desire to gain importance via scripted process] [astonishing passion for publication of prejudiced conversations] [unorthodox writing-editing serves victimized audiences] [shrewd management of upsetting news] [seeks opportunity via pretentious interaction with military or medicine] [risky taboo-challenging talk about disease, war and injustice] [fascinating dialogs of insinuation and implication]
[Rahu-Karkata] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently familiar, entrancingly rhythmic, exotic defense craving for security and defense
[Rahu-Singha] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Meena indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2] check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Rahu's apparently ingenious, brilliant mirage of celebrity politics of victim, animals, exploitation, pollution, conflict, war
[Rahu-Parthya] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Mesha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately arguing, accusing, medicating drishti into 10-12-2] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently logical, illusion of articulate argumentation [complaining, corrective passion for war logistics] [opportunity via usury] [social mobility via aid to impoverishing indebtedness] [over-reaching ambition in ministries of service] [fascinating remedies help the victimized] [pretentiously exaggerated accusations]
[Rahu-Tula] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity
[Rahu-Vṛścika] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2] [Rahu-Vṛścika-6 = litigation, vaccinations] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force undisclosed assets, mysterious powers, healing
[Rahu in Dhanavana] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [Karkata indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently generous, mirage of philosophical conviction [passion for doctrinal conflict] [seeks opportunity via theological-ideological argumentation] [craves inspirational accusations] fabulous principled understanding of dehumanization] [astonishing ability to mimic priestly adversaries] [unorthodox philosophy of social injustice] gains importance via international medical or military worldview]
[Rahu-Makara-Draco] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha]
[for Simha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently lawful, mirage of regulatory ordering [passionate conventional ministry amplifies unorthodox social-class mixing] [ambitious craving to assist underclass legitimation] [seeks helping opportunity in lawful litigious complaint] [hungers for important roles in approvaed regulation of accusatory disputes] [thrilling legislative challenges to those ranked as marginalized] [fascinated by formalized engagement with poverty, disease, mistreatment] [socially-stigmatized persons may seek exhilarating normalization] [appearance of elevated dignity may mask exploitation of animals and servants] [hungers for respected position via taboo-breaking service to polluted persons]
[Rahu-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Kanya indriya-lagna] [Rahu casts passionate drishti into 10-12-2] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently systematic, shimmeringly gainful, mimicking connectivity [passionate populist ministry in unorthodox medical science] [ambitious craving for underclass friendship linkage] [seeks revenue opportunity in systematic litigious complaint] [hungers for important roles in mass-participation accusatory disputes] [thrilling challenges to rigidly criminalized communities] [fascinated by the social economics of mass conflict and war] [exhilarating villainized misdeeds seeking distributive redress for injustice] [marketplace profits from scientifically exploiting animals and servants ] top earnings from taboo-breaking service to victim assemblies ]
[Rahu-Meena] --- [advantageous location for Rahu = papa-graha in maha-dusthamsha] [for Tulā indriya-lagna] [Rahu casts passionate drishti into 10-12-2] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently dreamy, mirage of imaginative intuition [passionate unorthodox visionary service ministry] [ambitious craving for conceptual understanding of ill-and-impoverished underclass] [ambition to rectify injustice via entrancing dreamlike worldview] [hungers for important roles in theoretical accusatory disputes] wants to inspire thrilling challenges to unconscious enslaving beliefs ] [fascinated by the demonic phantoms of suffering and war] [exhilarating illusions of spiritually guided humanitarian service may mask extraordinary privilege] clairsentient perceptions amplify taboo-breaking charitable labors] contemplative awareness of unfair conditions opens influential opportunities]
American Tornado |
Aristhana = Rahu's most empowered bhava Rahu in bhava-6 is the single most effective place for Rahu! He does His most beneficial work here, in bhava-6, with conflicted situations, toxicity social and chemical, accusations true and false. Rahu-6 loves injustice, disease, and a fight. Rahu thrives by appearing to be a helper; offering amazing, astonishing, awesome levels of assistance and service. Life's great opportunities may arrive in the guise of exploitation, pollution, grievance, gross unfairness, betrayal, misery, slavery, criminalization / crime, and war. toxic, exploitive, unfair Bhava-6 is a beneficial placement for Risk-Rewarding Rahu Rahu-6 may seek to gain privilege via amplified complaining
He wields a passion for disagreement, betrayal, expedient remedies
craves privileged access to criminal, conflicted, or ministry-of-service Rahu finds fertile fields in realms of shame-and-blame profitable treachery opportunistic antagonism excited to gain prestige through accusatory rhetoric [esp Rahu+Budha] seeks important roles within the weaponsindustry Rahu Risk-taking as a calculated response to conflict Not authentically about the solution or the remedy, but rather Rahu-ambitiously about the grievance , the resentment, and the complaint.
shadowy service
passion for litigious complaint medical risk mixsters-tricksters enter the conflicted realms of medicine, military, ministries of service (often a very successful location for Rahu) see also: Rahu in 6th-from-Chandra ambitious trajectories of important conflicts Rāhudrishti to 10, 12, 2 amplifies the institutional-governance (10) clandestine-sanctuary (12) and treasury-acquisition (2) attributes. seeks extraordinary [Rahu] privilege within culture-clash, disagreeable, ailing, accusatory, toxic, litigious, aggrieved, divorcing, adversarial, and service-ministry environments (6) seeks to be recognized as special and important in conflicted, imbalanced roles disguised as a helping, assisting, ministerial figure seeks privilege via appearance of offering ministries of service desire to be recognized as a tactical strategist of logical argument prestige sought via crime, war, exploitation, illness, conflict, betrayal, drugs, addiction, pollution, toxicity, slavery, servitude, accusations, battles fought in litigation fascinating digestive parts passion for prostitution and pollution Rahu in 8th-from-11th = "liar loans " (falsification of qualifying income to achieve a larger loan) Rahu-ratna may be supportive during Rahu bhukti [Bhava 6] or [6th-from-Chandra] Destruction of the Adversary
Satkona is absolutely the best place for Rahu. Rahu-6 finds opportunity in weapons, pollution, poverty, medical suffering, and expressions of conflict. Loans
Weapons and War
Physicians, pharmacists, medical professionals dealing with Taboo Topics
Rahu-Mesha-Aja] yuti [Surya-Mesha-uchcha] yuti [Shukra-yuti-Rahu]
Injury, disease
Animals wild and domesticated
Ambitious service-ministry instincts
In Mesha-Bharani, rahu-6 loves the ministry of service, the blood, and the money. Just as easily, rahu-6 may become involved with military or criminal excess
Rahu-6 uses conflict to advantage. Rahu-6 laughs at fear
ambitious Risk-taking behaviors exhibited by karaka figures of 6
loan-makers and poverty services, such as check-cashing storefronts (USA) and unlicensed loan-sharks In Kanya, with Budha well-placed, while one would be constantly criticized, aRahu-6 outreach to the extremely ostracized could be stunningly successful. One would However, be frequently accused of abridgng the social protocol for master-slave behavior.
Due to Ketu-12, insomnia or some scattering of the sleep time. May have more service-work hours available as a result. Knows how to exploit the legal loopholes [Rahu] in order to utilize secret opportunities of the marketplace (8th from 11th). Self-elevation via risk in medicine, criminal and divorce law, war, problematics, social conflict. Full scope of effects depends upon which graha occupy bhava 10, 12, and 2. Professor Rahu in bhava-6 = craves a privileged servant or esoteric problematizing capability. A great desire to serve those in conflict, although one has not yet earned the discrimination skills. Via Professor Rahu's characteristic over-promotion, Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 often gets into rapidly escalating conflicts that are over their head .
Can signal tremendous illness, self-contempt, or self-harm in the process of spiritualization through excruciating service. Rahu is highly empowered in bhava-6. After much animosity and many trials, often hidden from others and quite severe, there is success through service. By means of medicine, drugs, argumentation, conflict, and divorce, one wishes to obtain the privileges of servitude. Great Leap Forward via Argumentation
Positive potential for extraordinary disruption-intervention in environments of profound illness, exploitation, servitude, poverty, pollution, toxicity, and war Rahu's ruler is all-important. If a strong, anchored ruler, rahu-6 can sustain power and position within a criminalized or villainized, unfair, toxic, or unbalanced environment.
Empowerment and opportunity from environments of crime, poverty, debt, pollution, and servitude
Even more than Ketu the chidrakaraka, Rahu the Rogue may provide surprisingly positive material results in Ari Bhava.
Although the outcome is often favorable, nevertheless, the environment which launches the Great Leap forward = often contentious, exploitive, and socially disharmonious Professor Rahu in bhava-6 may feel Himself victimized while also exploiting others. entrancing Professor Rahu's Great Leap Forward in bhava-6 creates a sudden advance to a higher level of social privilege via a shape-shifting change related to victimization [being eaten], marginalized people, and inability to locate a balance point in life: illness and medical treatments - potentially, professor Rahu in bhava-6 = a great minister of serviceon behalf of the distrusted, diseased, and dispossessed drugs, alcohol instinct to self-elevate to a higher social station via dealing in toxic self-medication such as alcohol and illicit drugs loans and debt Professor Rahu in 6 may self-elevate to a high social station via high-interest loans, credit-card debt, or bankruptcy Thrillling Adventures, war, weapons, animals, crime EXAMPLE POTUS at PLAY - loved by the hoi-polloi, resented by legislators
POTUS-26 National Parks 1858-1919 Theodore Roosevelt [systematic-collectivist Varuna-3] While POTUS 1905-1909, tR was frequently away from Washington on highly publicized Exciting Adventures
[Rahu-Kumbha likes populism not entitlements] Hypocrisy, defamation, animosity, and Litigious over-reach
Shady Deals and Irregular Business Schemes 6 = 8th-from-11th hidden profitability poverty, especially repeating narratives of victimization [being eaten] and generational poverty Professor Rahu in divorce-empowered bhava-6 = self-elevation via broken trust, dishonored contracts, bankruptcy, divorce = via one's own initiative or the treasonous actions of others social disagreement (including war) : instinct to self-elevate via incitement to war, or managing non-native persons such as mercenaries who fight to defend a place which is not their homeland
During the mahadasha of Rahu and bhukti of entrancing Professor Rahu, one may re-invent one's own medical, policing, usurious, and litigious behaviors to match the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of a higher social echelon. In marriage, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 keeps too much of the power to oneself, resulting in chronic marital inequity. This may not be intentional; it is often the result of an unusually large partner gap of age, seniority, social importance, political power, or wealth. Professor Rahu in bhava-6 gives instructions which are potentially predatory or exploitive in one's method of conducting alliances, but this negative potential may be removed by the influence of wiser graha upon Professor Rahu . The potential for extraordinary, unorthodox, or exotic scope of humanitarian service is also present in the placement of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6. Rahu is said to give best results in bhava 3, 6, and 11. Desire to Engage in Argument * particularly in accusations, litigation, criminal matters Leapfrog over the conventional path to privilege via dissolution of alliances (divorce, break contracts) chronic conflict, legal argumentation (litigation) or clever use of loans (indebtedness), particularly via medicine-drugs, police and military, or underclass association Desire to challenge conventional methods of social conflict management = takes risks in management of public medicine, poverty, exploitation, servitude, divorce, and crime War * expedient actions and honor of thieves Hunger to Possess drugs and medicines, servants and animals, imbalance-seeking-a-remedy and adversarial relationships. Compulsively attracted to underclass and outcast persons; animals; lower life forms. One may appropriate the debts or medicines of others master of rationalization = expert in sophistic debate One can leapfrog to higher service statusin realms of conflict, blaming, poverty, medicine, exploitation; often by litigation or accusations. Disruptive, exciting, sensually hungry drishti to
Rahu the Rakshasa feeds upon chaotic and manipulative circumstances within the world of servitude, exploitation, poverty, the vast global underclass, animosity, chronic illness, social conflict, altercation, disputes, treachery, broken promises, medicine and litigation. Professor Rahu the Intruder disrupts the customary habits of dealing with animals, employees and servants, upsets the schedule of medical treatment, and makes one privy to disturbing and possibly dangerous disagreements, especially divorcer. The Chosen One wishes to feel specially chosen for a privileged role: permission to join elite problematizers, elite money-lenders, and elite circles of marital discontent or addiction. Exotic, unorthodox, permissive approach to marital inequity or physical discomfort, and this approach is the catapult. Rahu Mahadasha - Rahu bhukti = Rahu pratyantardasha During periods of Professor Rahu, asurreptitious intruder or poseur enters the realm of conflicts and disagreements and exploitive interactions.
One's passion for connecting to this enticing exotic agent is disruptive but exciting and each iteration breaks some limit upon how many and which types of service or servitude one is allowed to performr. Professor Rahu the Rogue provides an extreme desire to engage in conflict and to blame others for inability to reach agreement, along with the urge to satisfy that desire at nearly any cost. Les agents provocateurs represented by Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 = not necessarily an immoral influence. The agent desires to obtain privileged experiences by "leapfrog" without having followed the conventional proving steps toward social approval of inequity(6, servitude, ministry of service). Thus Rahu in 6 disturbs the existing orderly limits regarding: unlimited engagement with conflict and exploitation. A CONSCIOUS AND WELL-PREPARED person may undertake significant confrontation with the forces of poverty and disease constant and compulsive interior argument with amplified blaming behaviors Although one will in all likelihood triumph over all of them and being a natural blame-maker one may not feel in the least intimidated; still, there is no limit on the quantity and fierceness of one's enemies in this life no limit on exotic servants and animal pets; one may have a private zoo, ahorse farm teeming with critters, or a large number of servants and employees from many lands prosperity to the uncles and aunts, especially on the mother's side fascination with argumentative discourse, the culture of suffering and exploitation; exotic servitude compulsive desire to experience disappointment and disagreement on terms of contracts; multiple expedient divorces if Rahu-yuti-Shani, potential for betrayal. Rahu favors the use of deception and His style usually involves sneaking into forbidden places under culturally false pretenses. As the great taboo-breaker, rahu destroys customary moral boundaries and behavioral consistency in the workplace and among employees; in the practice of medicine and ministries of service; in the mother's relatives. Rahu disrupts the customary methods of performing one's service and managing conflict.
Rahu in bhava-6 gives a"mixed bag" of benefits and liabilities among employees and in one's material workplace.
If Rahu's ruler is benevolent, one may enjoy a profit from dealing with these otherwise undesirable effects. For example, pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 may work in criminal justice, loan finance, or import-export of exotic and desirable items. Expect some criminal undertone to the dealing but Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 may be clever enough to manipulate through it. No matter how successfully this situation is managed, entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 must learn to manipulate the manipulators . |
Cyanide Factory Toxic Gas Cloud Explosion in Tianjin, china 2015 |
Passion for the victim narrative [story of being eaten]
Ambition to trick the adversaries
Bhava-6 is often the most effective location for Rahu * ministry of service to the very ill, the very poor, and the exploited classes * including prostitutes, drug addicts, slaves and animals. Rahu-ratna may be supportive during Vimshottari periods of Rahu. In the classroom of bhava-6, professor Rahu lectures upon topics of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy and injustice. Students in this classroom are granted the ability to ambitiously and expediently utilize rule-breaking and various expressions of the act of 'mixing'. empowerment via the unbalanced or unfair narratives of toxicity, exploitation, cheating and betrayal Although Professor Shani will fiercely resist Rahu's attempts to challenge social categories and ethnic boundaries, professor Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 can serve as a positive catalyst for social change. Some areas of civilization in which Rahu may successfully initiate barrier-bending, taboo-twisting changes in the social order and its rule-system include
As a strategy for gaining advantage in His quest for empowerment and privilege, professor Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 likes to" play both sides "of any argument (6). Rahu the Sophistis very clever in a svabhava of"words-are-birds "articulator Budha. The physical pollution argument
The social pollution argument
The criminal defense argument
The victim-class argument
Animosity and Conflict via Rahu-resides-6 = 6th-from ripusthāna = bhava-11 = During Rahu bhukti if rogesha-6 from Rahu is strong , one may be forced into servitude, conflict, sickness, or crime by the elder sibling, father's younger brother, mentors, friendships, the source of earnings, unreachable material goals and adversarial social networks ![]() Privilege attained via polluted methods Presuming the absence of oppressive drishti, bhava-6 is generally a favorable albeitcontroversial location for Rahu the Rogue . Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 does not indicate an inherently an immoral or amoral personality. Rāhuthe Opportunistfinds maximum expedient advantage in the environment of His placement in bhava-6. The satkona provides Rahu with His most visibly successful setting. Professor Rahu works instrumentally within the space of taboo mixing, conflict, accusations, and pollution as the content of His trajectory for obtainment of worldly privilege. Mesmerizing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 shrewdly use these otherwise unbalanced experiences as the subject of His remarkable social, material, and professional success. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 = often the mark of fascinating military figures in times of war; use of criminal methods to attain praiseworthy goals (such as civil disobedience to fight environmental pollution); and barrier-bending, taboo-twisting ministry to the terrible suffering of the underclass - including animals.
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 also marks 'successful' criminals who have attained higher social privilege via the evil methods of human trafficking, exploitive labor, cheating, blaming, and drugs. Elevation through Argumentation Rahu in Bhava-6 disproportion = privileges gained via medicine, military, legal defense, and ministries of service. Often involves service to polluters, exploiters, or criminals. Excellent placement for criminal attorney, military professional, physician, hazardous materials handlers - especially those who are willing to deal with extreme situations or devious methods. Extreme situations might include, for example, massive environmental pollution, epidemic disease, or hideous war crimes. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 can handle the unthinkable, engage with the unacceptable, and discuss the horrible. Often a dramatic rise from the station of birth via extraordinary or exotic servitude, exploitation, or theft.
Crime? Corruption? Prostitution? Drug Addiction? Pollution? Exploitation? Disease? Violent conflict? Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 says "bring it on!" The stronger is Rahu, the more daunting one's capability to deal with the worst miseries of human lifer. Rahu occupies His strongest placement -- the satkona -- indicating ambition to break taboo, consort with the unbalanced populations such as criminals, prostitutes, servants, drug addicts, the socially polluted, the victim-class -- and succeed materially by doing so. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 may become a great philanthropist and social servant. Philanthropy and Humanitarian Service Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 Total Surrender 1910-1997 Mother Teresa of Kolkata
Rahu in bhava-6 is a very strong and potentially very positive placement especially for philanthropy to the disenfranchised classes . However, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 in any rashi requires conscious management . Rahu is a clever servant but a destructive master. One may use Rahula or Rahula can use one for His own purpose. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 provides a particular inclination to personal injury followed by extraordinary Service (6) Ambitious, self-elevating Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 craves engagement with persons and environments of the satkona shad-ashtaka 6-8 angle
Rahu won't stop pushing one in this relentless behavior of work-work-work, think-think-think, staving off animosity, avoiding debt, managing the threat of disease. One can however override Rahu's default Budha-crazed narrative, distinguished by Budha's inner-argument worrying about small Budha or 6 things (germs, hands) and becoming increasingly neurotic until the egoic-mind membrane collapses in mental exhaustion. Diverting the prestige-crazed Rahu into various types of Seva can provide a constructive outlet to the compulsively camouflaging poseur. The personal health-worrying discourse of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 will normally fade to nil when a more glamorous disease, crime or medical environment is entered. Best way for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 to gain mental health is to work in service to those with physical ailment. Although His ambitious methods are often unscrupulous, rahu in the satkona generally succeeds in His quest for material entitlements. Rahu utilizes the unbalanced activities, accusations, conflict and exploitation which accompany the breakdown of trust within relationships (12th from 7th) . Crime, illness, jealousy, toxicity, and victimization [being eaten] become the launching platform for His trajectory to Higher Privilege. Illicit activities of all kinds are handled with deft and crafty argumentative skill. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 is a master rationalizer.professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 attempts to acquire a Higher Station via litigious efforts to defeat an Enemy (6) -- even if that enemy is fabricated. According to Behari,"This Rahu denotes destruction of the adversary." The disproportion , disease-discomfort, and distress of bhava-6 - including conditions of crime and war - can serve as instrumentalmeans to further Rahu's ambition for empowerment. In particular, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 provides advantage via accusation and litigation
Quest for higher entitlements via argument, medical treatments, drugs, poverty, pollution, prostitution, usury, accusations, conflict, exploitation, illness, divorce, and distrust Entitlement sought = Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 wants to appear as a, entitled, legitimate, credibleholder of elite status-rank in the class of beings = Physicians, pharmacists, medical workers, medical patients, the sick, addicts, employees, servants, the underclass, the impoverished, outcast, outsiders, prostitutes, drug addicts, the exploited, the unbalanced, the untrustworthy , the unmarried usurers, loan-sharks, predators, exploiters, enemies, promise-breakers, alliance-dissolvers, war-mongers, instigators criminals, thieves, the argumentative, litigators, accusers, complainers, criminal attorneys , jail-keepers, merchants who buy-sell-trade in vehicles, boats, lands, buildings; the mother's relatives, If Budha or rogesha-6 = strong , rahu may take whatever risks are necessary to achieve membership in this class of beings. Rahu the Rogue is especially beneficial in the satkona which is naturally a rather roguish place full of thieves and victims. While others are arguing and complaining, fearless Rahu in 6 is busy taking a profit. He is a master of expediency; very skillful at exploiting the treachery and jealousy of 6 toward His own self-elevating purpose. When the supporting graha are noble, ruthless Rahu may be willing to go where angels fear to tread: into even the most hideously exploitive injustices (6) of the world, such as massive disease, war and crime
Pain, illness, accusations, animosity, jealousy, and poverty become Rahu's platform for self-elevating risk:
Rahu's passageway Bhava-6 provides the snake-hole aperture through which the ambitious Naga King slithers, slides, and springs upward. Professor Rahu's expedient means and methods include:
chalakaraka Rahu in bhava 6
chidrakaraka Ketu in bhava 12
Rahu Risk-taking as a response to conflict Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 = 6th-from = bhava-1 , might feel compelled toward illicit behaviors by a conflict with The earthen body or the sibling's goals | ||
As the dictum goes, "A challenging planet in a challenging house gives good results." Papa-graha can prosper in dusthamsha. In 6, Rahu the Rogue disregards established expectations of victimhood, servitude, and oppression. Rahu can be a great liberator under favorable circumstances. Rahu introduces a fascination with the lives of the underclass . Rahu the Law-Breaker generates a willingness to challenge the conventional class-barriers, thwarting the fixed customs of exploitation, and perhaps breaking or at least undermining institutionalized class servitude and slavery . When Rahu operates within the house of exploitation, disease-discomfort, and victims, His propensity for illicit, desire-driven action can break the stranglehold of legalized oppression and challenge the historic, long-argued negative expectations of the victim classes.
Initially in life, one may feel victimized or wronged by outsiders and foreigners, by shamans, magicians and fakirs; sellers of illegal drugs and poisons; by sudden and unpredictable outbursts of sexual instinct, by taboo attractions and repulsions by the underclass and its unfettered desire-nature. May misappropriate the property of foreigners, military officers, jailers, criminals, enemies, usurers, physicians, and socially outcast persons. Potential for association with thieves. |
Smoky, oily Smoky, oily qualities in the workplace. Toxic working conditions. Servitude in a poisonous environment; yet one triumphs in the end by using this negative place as a launching pad for personal ambitions. Servants are outsiders of a darker, oilier complexion. Polarizing catalysis through hazy, smoky behaviors. Illicit undertakings; illegitimate association with the criminal classes, behind a smokescreen which obscures the real goings on. Illness from toxic chemicals in smoke, especially petroleum or other oil-related. Foreign medical practitioners and going to war in a foreign land. The oily smoke of battle (6, war). |
Illness and Medical Treatment Considerable illness from toxicity , often psycho-mental in origin, and danger posed by expedient-minded physicians using unfair contracts. Ambitious medical treatments may intend to exploit the ailing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 in ways that could enhance the researcher's power For example, using the patient as a guinea pig to test experimental drugs or therapies; requiring unjustified (6) medical tests and examinations; use of toxic chemicals as "medicine" when a non-toxic (but often less profitable) alternative is available. Fraudulent diagnosis, expediently prescribed drugs and unbalanced treatments . Ambitious, self-promoting physicians cause iatrogenic disease. In case of severe illness, entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 may find remarkable cures from alternative treatments, or fascinating exotic medications available in a foreign land. |
QUOTATION from Das-Behari = Rahu-Tula in 6 " There is intense materialism with much sensitivity at the physical level. Your health suffers from a large number of non-descript ailments. It is useful to take prophylactic measures against any likely disease." |
QUOTATION Das / Bepin Behari WRT Rahu in bhava-6 " ... produces great sustaining power ... Every physical impediment is mysteriously removed, success in temporal endeavors is assured , and diplomatic skill is developed to a considerable extent.
This Rahu denotes destruction of the adversary.
You may be a hero , handsome, intelligent, respected, well-known.
Radical, affluent, with conveyance.
You may be infirm, imbecile, absence of enemies, friendly, full of riches.
You are patient, tolerant, prosperous." [wnd quote] |
Hotel Splendide Royal in Roma, Italia |
Rahu mahadasha 18 years
The most salient effects of Rahu in bhava-6 - passion for conflict, accusations, remedies occur during Rahu mahadasha . Maximum outcome during svabhukti of Rahu-Rahu and also during the bhukti of Rahu's rashi-pati. Also strong results of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 should be expected during each of the nine bhukti of Rahu which occur within the 120 year Vimshottari Dasha .
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 generates urgent ambition to obtain greater social-material privileges via display of problematizing capability in criminal or illicit undertakings; or in medicine, military, legal defense, or human service ministry. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 pretends to be very discriminating in His dealings with the underclass (6) but underneath His disguise He is generally of a more accusing or 'criminating' nature. Toward the end of His dasha period He is often hoist by His own petard. Instruments of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 include irregular or illicit trade in drugs, human trafficking, dealing in slaves, abuse of animals, or illegal handling of weapons. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 is obliged to use the social underclass as His launching pad to higher privilege. Whether He arrives at the putative 'top' via authentically helping the impoverished, ill, criminal, and conflicted or whether He simply appears to be helping the neediest (6) in order to facilitate His own ascension - this distinction will depend upon the qualities of Rahu's ruler. The methods of expedient self-elevation for entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 include"appropriation" of the instruments of bhava-6 such as promotion to higher medical or military rank, fulfillment of servant-employee roles, involvement in accusations, lies, and broken contracts; dealing in powerful weapons or illicit medication. Although Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 has not yet * earned* the higher entitlements which are normally accorded to physicians, conflict-managers, litigation attorneys, and professionals working with environmental pollution (the ministers of 6), still Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 is motivated by a hungry desire to grasp these entitlements in a"fast-track" fashion. His ambition is boundless.
during Vimshottari periods of Rahu, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-6 may become involved in fraudulent or irregular engagement with medicine, military, legal defense, lawsuits, pollution, and organized crime that are"over one's head" . Final results depend on the ruler of Rahu's rashi .
Firebombing, Beirut |
Syria 2016 |
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