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Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Rahu-Ketu Main Page

Gochara Rahu Transits 1900-2099 CE

  1. [Rahu in bhava-1]
  2. [Rahu in bhava-2]
  3. [Rahu in bhava-3]
  4. [Rahu in bhava-4]
  5. [Rahu in bhava-5]
  6. [Rahu in bhava-6]
  7. [Rahu in bhava-7]
  8. [Rahu in bhava-8]
  9. [Rahu in bhava-9]
  10. [Rahu in bhava-10]
  11. [Rahu in bhava-11]
  12. [Rahu in bhava-12]

  1. [Rahu-Mesha-Aja]
  2. [Rahu-Urisha] [uchcha]
  3. [Rahu-Mithuna]
  4. [Rahu-Karkata]
  5. [Rahu-Singha] [nīcha]
  6. [Rahu-Parthya]
  7. [Rahu-Tula]
  8. [Rahu-Vṛścika]
  9. [Rahu-Dhanus]
  10. [Rahu-Makara-Draco]
  11. [Rahu-Kumbha] [svakshetra]
  12. [Rahu-Meena]


AUM ram ravahe namah


राहु rāhu

Professor Rahu

dhatu √ रभ् rabh = grab, seize, take-hold

अर्करिपु arka-ripu = enemy of Arka

चन्द्रारि chandra-ari = enemy of Chandra

चाण्डाल cāṇḍāla chandala = outcast, outside the boundary, pariah, worst, lowest

भुजङ्गम bhujaṅgama = serpent-demon

खेट khe-ṭa = air-moving, cavity, hollow, aperture

अर्कशशिशत्रु arka-śaśi-śatru = enemy (shatru) of the sun (arka) and the moon (shashi)




dhatu √ धन्व् dhanv = go

= arc, part of a circle, bow-and-arrow

तौक्षिक taukshika Τοξότης = archer

शरसन śarasana = shooting arrow

चाप cāpa chapa = arc, bow, rainbow

कार्मुक kārmuka = geometrical arc, bow, rainbow, bamboo

हय [हि] haya = female horse

Caput Draconis

Head of the Dragon

North Node


resides in




Thrilling surge of humanistic wisdom

passion for doctrine, dharma, dogma, divinity


Christo de Rio de Janiero, brasil


Tea Room, ritz Hotel in London


[Rahu in bhava-1]

[for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-1 casts passionately unique individualizing drishti into 5-7-9]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[entrancing cult of wisdom-preaching personality] [identified with prestige of righteous beliefs] [vital embodiment of fascinating divine inspiration] [appears as a uniquely special doctrinal guide]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated omniscience, in matters of physicality, embodiment, innovation, style of movement, athletic prowess, vitality, unique identity, personality integrity, or conditions of birth]


[Rahu in bhava-2]

[for Vṛścika indriya- lagna]

[Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[passion for risky acquisition of globalized treasuries] [over-reaching use of theoretical knowledge] [unorthodox beliefs shape financial worldview]

[exciting righteous speech-and-song expands ideological narratives] [opportunistic ambition for principled growth of asset hoard] [expediently optimistic use of donated money]

[exhilarating, uplifting patrongage of musical, artistic, historical values] [unusually mesmerizing, inspirational music-and-song] [fascinating appearance of face-voice-eyes-mouth may confer preaching privileges] [mirage of culturall

  • POTUS-pair-38 Addiction Recovery 1918-2011 Betty Bloomer Ford [champion-challenger Mūla-1]


[Rahu in bhava-3]

[for Tulā indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-3 casts passionately publishing mercantile drishti into 7-9-11]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[desire to communicate about principled beliefs] [craving for exhilarating inspirational conversations on life philosophy] [opportunistic messaging on humanistic global theory]

[exciting writer-publisher on matters of ideology and faith] [thrilling discussions on higher worldview] [over-reaching mixed-culture commercial transactions]

[passion for writing-editing a correspondence corpus] [ambitious cohort may evangelize on doctrine]


  • Easy Rider 1936-2010 artist Dennis Hopper [defensive-customary Mūla-4]

[Rahu in bhava-4]

[for Kanya indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

passion for doctrinal property, routine, roots

[Rahu in bhava-5]

[for Simha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-5 casts passionately dramatic speculative drishti into 9-11-1]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[compelling desire to demonstrate acts of inspired preaching] [enthusiastic display of principled understanding] [craving for exhilarating doctrinal politics] [glamourized celebration of theological-ideological worldview]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated wisdom, in matters of politics, drama, celebrity, romance, creative performance, game-playing and gambling, financial speculation, and children]

[over-reaching humanistic generosity in uniquely attention-getting artistic performance] [excitingly, astoundingly faith-centered, philosophical drama] [may involve globalist believers showcase roles for extraordinary children]


[Rahu in bhava-6]

[Karkata indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[passion for doctrinal conflict] [seeks opportunity via theological-ideological argumentation] [craves inspirational accusations] [fabulous principled understanding of dehumanization]

[astonishing ability to mimic priestly adversaries] [unorthodox philosophy of social injustice] [gains importance via international medical or military worldview]

[Rahu in bhava-7]

[for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-7 casts passionately bargaining Other-identified drishti into 11-1-3]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

passion for doctrinal partnership

  • "Balls of Fire" rockabilly pianist Jerry Lee Lewis

[Rahu in bhava-8]

[for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-8 casts passionately secretive revelatory drishti into 12-2-4]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[transformative beliefs in times of revolutionary change] [prestige doctrinal initiations] [desire to transform the beliefs]

craves secret philosophy, taboo-challenging hidden understanding

  • Psycho 1899-1980 film noir Alfred Hitchcock [financial-evaluating Mūla-2] [navamsha Rahu-Urisha-uchcha]


  • POTUS-pair-01 tobacco 1731-1802 Martha Custis Washington [calculating-logistical Pūrvāṣāḍhā-2]

  • POTUS-27-pair Cherry Trees 1861-1943 Nellie Herron Taft [exploring-disguising Pūrvāṣāḍhā-4]

[Rahu in bhava-9]

[for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[righteous desire to expound dogmaticly principled belief] [craving for exhilarating inspirational teaching on sacred philosophy]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated scale of wisdom, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings]

[excitingly enthusiastic ideologue] [sacerdotal worldview expanded by over-reaching mixed-culture faith] [pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in preaching or indoctrination]

[Rahu in bhava-10]


[Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[regulatory authority based in mixed-culture paradigms of belief] [fascinating icon of ideological conviction] [elite captain of exciting global philosophies] [amazing public guidance]

[astonishing social rise of preachers, professors, patriarchs, high-priests, father-figures, indoctrinators, theorists] [reputed for fabulous principled sermons]

[Rahu in bhava-11] [svabhava]

[for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-11 casts passionately profitable networked drishti into 3-5-7]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[optimistic passion for expansive revenues] [over-reaching growth profits] [ambitiously philosophical high-achieving friends] [desire to indoctrinate economic communities] [exhilarating belief-based social networking] [extraordinary ideological fundraising]

[hunger for inspirational earnings] [principled preaching on marketplace connectivity] [seeks importance in dogmatic assemblies]

[Rahu in bhava-12]

[for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti for defining source of Rahu's apparently generous, philosophical convictions

[Rahu-12 casts passionately private secluding drishti into 4-6-8]

[wants to be a prestigious preacher, yet obsessed with privacy] [passion for principled teaching in seclusion] [opportunistic wisely guiding apparitions] [desires thrilling imaginative understanding] [craves theoretical access to research enclosures]

[hungry for patriarchal wisdom from other-worlds] [unorthodox beliefs conferred via meditative indoctrination] [inspirational insights via interior counsel] [seeks importance via dogmatic clairsentience] [ambitiously over-reaching for patronage in the dreamworld]




the chalakaraka is motivated by a great Ambition to Philosophize.

  • philosophical guidance
  • patriarchal priesthood
  • preaching and punditry
  • public piety
  • religious liturgy
  • sacred belief
  • doctrinal development

Quest for High Doctrine. Often slightly preposterous in the attempt, yet if Rahu is well-placed may be an effective agent of exotic religious or philosophical mission.

Risk-loving Rahu in Dhanusrash i = fascinated by esoteric, experimental, boundary-pushing "teacher-preacher" roles.

In Dhanus rashi, rahu the Rogue seeks to self-elevate to higher privilege via doctrinal, ideological and philosophical relationships.

Great leap forward into Philosophical, ceremonial Religious Privilege

Find lord Brihaspati and know Guru's effects in the radix and navamsha. Rahu will amplify Guru's effects, and also the effects of any other graha occupying Dhanus rashi.

If Guru is well placed, auspice of Rahu in Dhanus may be excellent. One hears the clarion call to achieve recognition in the fields of philosophical guidance, humanitarian doctrines, world travel, and patriarchal priesthood.

[Rahu in bhava-1] passion for physicalized teaching-preaching

  • Navamani Malai 1879-1950 Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi of Arunachala [mysterious-revealing Pūrvāṣāḍhā-4] [Surya-yuti-Rahu] RM gave countless hands-on exercise lessons on the taboo but fascinating [Rahu] process of physical death and rebirth

Wisdom and expansion entitlement

  • Rahu magnifies optimism and humanistic faith in empowerment through individualized education.

  • Can be an obsessive coach that believes passionately in their athletes, or a bootstrapping teacher who transforms wayward youth.

  • Can be obsessed with religious faith, to the point of fanaticism

  • a compulsive gambler betting on the dark horse.

Persuasiveness, complexity, and variety of the Sacred Thrill = determined via Rahu's Ruler ++ very importantly via any graha yuti Rahu

Most dramatic examples = three-or-more high-vitality graha yuti Rahu

Rahu-Dhanus yuti [Mūla] Surya = extraordinary charisma delivers persuasive [Mūla] religious power


Rahu-Mūla Nirriti

Passion for liberation, annihilation, dissolution of boundaries, evacuation, total-risk


Rahu-Pūrvāṣāḍhā Apah

Passion for music, women, relationships, finance, diplomacy, values, pleasure

Rahu is always seeking social mobility

When the Slippery-One occupies the nakshatra of Pūrvāṣāḍhā, the Chandala may be a pleasant yet ambitious agent - gracious, financially astute, and doctrinally focused.


Rahu-Uttarāṣāḍha Vaishva

Passion for politics, higher teaching, doctrine, ideology, paradigm of belief

  • Israel-PM 1898-1978 Our Strength Golda Meir [optimistic-believing Uttarāṣāḍha-1] [vargottamsha] [6, war, injustice, argumentation, labor]

  • Lipstick 1954-1996 drama-model Margaux Hemingway [doctrinal-preaching Uttarāṣāḍha-1] [environmentalist preacher]

  • [1, physical appearance, tangible personality]


  • Knowledge of Higher Worlds 1861-1925 Rudolf Steiner [believing-principled Uttarāṣāḍha-1] (12 imagination)

  • TM 1917-2008 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi [doctrinal-believing Uttarāṣāḍha-1] [vargottamsha] + [atmakaraka-Uttarāṣāḍha -Surya-yuti-Rahu-Uttarāṣāḍha] [yogakaraka-Mūla-Shukra-yuti-Rahu-Uttarāṣāḍha] (12, meditation business)

  • 4th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso [optimistic-preaching Uttarāṣāḍha-1] = 5 celebrity, divine intelligence, creativity, fun

Maintains a positive vision through pretension [Rahu] to orthodox belief [Dhanus]

  • Aquero 1844-1879 St. Bernadette of Lourdes [originating-inventive Mūla-1] [Surya-yuti-Rahu] had an extraordinary Rahu-zero-[Mūla] 5. She received exotic spiritual guidance from Aquero - a vision which no-one else could see.

  • Telepathy 1880-1949 esoterica Alice Bailey [dramatizing-entitled Pūrvāṣāḍhā-1] Rahu in bhava-3 publications

.... although in truth Irregular Rahu may have no orthodox beliefs at all

Rahu-Dhanavana = desire-inflaming passions to acquire the pretend appearance of a Guru-like teacher-preacher. The reporting, announcing, and media-messaging behavior needed to carry out the indoctrination however depends on any graha in Mithuna.

  • Telepathy 1880-1949 esoterica Alice Bailey [dramatizing-entitled Pūrvāṣāḍhā-1] Rahu in bhava-3 writing, publication, correspondence. Her adult life began at 18 as a Christian evangelical (3) preacher and Bible course instructor (3). She maintained a strictly conventional theological perspective throughout her young adulthood and during her first marriage to an Episcopal priest. However, after being contacted by a meta-realm spirit guide, aAB's dogma evolved to the Theosophical level. Yet, the evangelistic outreach practices = Surya-Budha-Ketu-Mithuna-9 + Rahu in bhava-3 = continued until her death via correspondence courses, lectures, and books.

  • Aquero 1844-1879 St. Bernadette of Lourdes [originating-inventive Mūla-1] [Surya-yuti-Rahu] [12] humble mouthpiece of Marian Doctrine

  • Miraculous Medal 1806-1876 St. Catherine Laboure [managing-explaining Mūla-3] [Guru-yuti-Rahu] convinced millions of Roman-Rite adherent s that a stamped oval-shaped piece of pot-metal hung from the neck, combined with sincere prayer, would grant healing powers

One may be filled with a passionate desire to break cultural and social barriers in order to improve humanistic conditions in one's home, one's neighborhood, one's place of business, or throughout the world.

Rahu amplifies Guru's two bhava, by intensity and by days

  • Rahu in Dhanus or Meena effectively doubles the length of all Guru bhukti in the Vimshottari Dasha calendar.

  • In the total picture, the two bhava which are ruled by Guru are very much amplified and expanded by Rahu residing in a rashi of Guru.

Because Rahu periods immediately precede Guru bhukti, the potency of experience of the Guru-ruled bhava = increased.

  • Increase = not only in terms of psychological and material intensity of experience.

  • Increase = also by tripling the amount of time normally allocated to functions of Guru (functions of bhava-activating rulership, karaka expressions, effects of winner of planetary war.)

Mahadasha of Rahu for Rahu-in- Dhanus
  • General trends, environments, experiences of the Rahu mahadasha

Trajectory via Humanistic Philosophy and World Travel

Depending on Rahu's angle to the mahadasha pati, mahadasha of Rahu-in-Dhanus and most bhukti of Rahu will exhibit the script qualities of Dhanus. The typical starting scene is a university or temple.

The over-reaching, stimulating, importance-building Rahu-Taukshika experience begins with some variety of world travel for learning or international experience (according to the bhava) which philosophizes one either physically, psychologically, or spiritually.

An enunciation of the higher wisdom traditions is required. The environment supports university culture and professional levels of education, and the important actors typically hold rank of professor, doctor, etc.

Priesthood from inside, priesthood from outside

Rahu-Dhanus might engage in ritualistic behavior driven by a sudden, obsessive attraction * akarshana * to unusual new sources of wisdom.

The expansion of the scope of the personality integrity or the body might start (or seem to start) from completely external circumstances, such as a graduate educational program or theological seminary. One might start the cycle with a desire to know more by traveling especially to religious shrines, taking teachings, hearing sermons, or reading religious scripture.

The longer the Rahu period, the more opportunity for dramatic development. After the philosophically expansive event, there is continuous development of the wisdom interests.

If Rahu-Dhanus is associated with a Maraka graha, the expansion of higher knowledge may be punctuated by deaths or severe loss such as divorce. The death or profound separation can be self-inflicted due to risk-seeking Rahu's restless discontent.

Rahu brings important new actors into the life scene, and these actors are typically from a different cultural background. The native is educated into the culture of the new actor, and may be asked to take a vow , such as a vow of marriage or holy orders.

Rahu-Dhanus needs to acquire or remember religious elements of this new actor's worldview in order for the native to make the leap into one's next life phase.


Longshan Temple interior in Taipei, taiwan


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Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth

The information on , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!