



Commerce and Material Economy




preceded by

succeeded by

lifepartner with

  • [1] Martha Skelton Jefferson

  • [2] Sally Hemmings

Nemesis of

One of the rare Left-Handed POTUS


  1. POTUS-03 Declaration of Independence 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson [ambidextrous]

  2. POTUS-20 Universal Education 1831-1881 James Garfield * assassinated

  3. POTUS-28 The State 1856-1924 Woodrow Wilson [ambidextrous]

  4. POTUS-31 Challenge to Liberty 1874-1964 Herbert Hoover

  5. POTUS-33 Trial and Hope 1884-1972 Harry Truman

  6. POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford

  7. POTUS-40 American Life 1911-2004 Ronald Reagan

  8. POTUS-41 All the Best 1924-2018 George H.W. Bush

  9. POTUS-42 My Life 1946- Bill Clinton

  10. POTUS-44 Audacity of Hope 1961- Barack H. Obama


" When governments fear people, there is liberty.

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."


Thomas Jefferson painted by Rembrandt Peale in 1805


POTUS-03 [1801-1809]

VPOTUS with John Adams [1797-1801]

USA Secretary of State [1789-1794]

USA Minister to France [1785-1789]

Governor of Virginia


slave-plantation owner

Founding Father

Thomas Jefferson

Earth-birth Wednesday-13-Apr-1743

dematerialization 04-Jul-1826 [age 83]

Members of the Founding Fathers Group

Way to Wealth 1706-1790 printer ambassador Benjamin Franklin

POTUS-01 American Revolution 1732-1799 George Washington

POTUS-02 Thoughts on Government 1735-1826 John Adams

POTUS-03 Declaration of Independence 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson

Federalist Papers 1755-1804 Alexander Hamilton

POTUS-04 USA-Constitution 1751-1836 James Madison

POTUS-05 Monroe Doctrine 1758-1831 James Monroe

POTUS-06 American System 1767-1868 John Quincy Adams


USA Sec'y State

founder of University of Virginia

POTUS-03 [1801 until 1809]

Thomas Jefferson


birth data from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Jefferson

tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya

charts + graphs + tables = produced by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com

- adapted by BP Lama

Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Aśleṣa - Naga

Aśleṣās - Uraga - Azreshasha - Hydra - Aayilyam - Bhujamaghabha


For Aśleṣa births of a masculine valence, the condition of conversational, discursive, explanatory, instructional, argumentative, commercializing, evangelical Kumara may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the Budha-ruled paradigm of Uraga, siblings, cousins, schoolmates, bandmates, team-mates, castmates, classmates, entourage, ensemble, neighbors, managers, cohort, coterie, collaborative group, publishers, messengers, merchants, commercial agents, reporters, writers, scripts, plans, schedules, instructions, radio-television-internet, news-media, conferences, committees, discussions, travel itineraries, and texts may be especially influential.

Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Hydra. Their purpose is to hold securely, twist, and control.

Call to Roots

[Busy Bantering Budha] -ruled Aśleṣās are typically storytellers. They are protective, parentally concerned, emotionally responsive communicators .

Intensely patriotic and often xenophobic, naaga-born harken to the old ways, the familiar rhythms, the folk stories which bind an ethno-cultural people to their roots. Aśleṣā have a particular genius for evoking ancestral guilt, ethnic narratives, and ancient resentments.

Aśleṣā have a particular genius for evoking ethnic narratives and ancient resentments.

Emotionally engaged and gesturing [Budha] in their messaging style, Hydra-born are often accomplished writers in literary genre ranging from political speech-scripters to parenting advice to folktale raconteurs. They specialize in tropes of root-culture, customs and habits, protection of the genetic stock, stabilization of the place of settlement, and defenseof a way of life.

Bhujamaghabha speak the stories of a people in their land. It is the tale of a beginning in the watery mists, travel by ship, the struggle to farm and build, the cry for protection of a parental god, and finally the rooted possession of their place. Hydra-born are natural environmentalists who prefer conversations about parenthood, ritual worship and holidays, food and farms, schools, roads and housing, with an emphasis on ensuring continuity of culture. Depending upon the condition of parental Chandra, aśleṣa fathers may bind their children closely.

In leadership roles, the Naga-born may communicate in a swaying, hypnotic jargon, talking in the familiar folk style, appealing to the base layers of the society, recalling an ancient past. Their sentimental audience is rapt with feeling. Their rhetoric is soothing, repetitive, simple, and homey, like a parental lullaby, soothing the baby's cries.

Once lulled, the Naga's quarry may be bound and captured, lashed to the safe place. It is a bondage ritual, repeated to ensure that nourishment can continue and ethnic customs can repeat in an unbroken, rhythmic flow.

Aśleṣās-born may be found in socially powerful messaging roles. They come to prominence when a tribe is weakened at the root and feeling vulnerable. An ancient racial narrative is invoked. This storyline may beseech a people to strap themselves to the land and waters which give sustenance. Its clarion call rallies the fyrd, the farmers' army, the simple folk's defense of their habits, their sustenance. To this place they are bound by hunger, by vulnerability, by a need for protection.

Themes of tight bindings, holding to roots, emotional restraint, and defense of ancient folkways may contextualize Naga's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga.


from: Shil-Ponde.[1939] . Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 82.

" Outstanding characteristic of these people

  • is their rather unpleasant and unsociable disposition.

They are awkward and gauche in their manners

  • and are not quick to profit by their mistakes

  • because of their inability to adapt themselves to their surroundings

  • and their apparent reluctance to be gracious or kind to others.

This attitude militates against success in life

  • and is a barrier to progress.

These people should live less introspectively

  • and learn to appreciate the good in other people.

They should cultivate the habit of doing things for others. "

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]


Thomas Jefferson [age 48] in 1791


Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington-DC


Biographical events matched to the Vimshottari Dasha calendar

[Chandra Mahadasha]

13-Apr-1743 Earth-birth in Shadwell, colony of Virginia, British America * Chandra-Rahu bhukti

[Mangala Mahadasha]

[Rahu Mahadasha]

Aug-1757 [TJ age 14] grieved the bio-decease of father - Rahu-Rahu svabhukti [Rahu-yuti-Surya ]

1761 [TJ age 19] received substantial inheritance * Rahu-Guru bhukti * Guru activates 9-fortunes

01-Jan-1772 [TJ age 30] exchanged marriage vows with the widow Martha Skelton * Rahu-Shukra bhukti

27-Sept 1772 [TJ age 30] celebrated the birth of child-1, daughter Martha * Rahu-Surya bhukti [Rahu-yuti-Surya] -- [Rahu-yuti-Shukra] surya enables Shukra activates -5 from Chandra

1774 [TJ age 31] TJ receives second very large inheritance from estate of wife's father. TJ retires from law practice to concentrate on politics * Rahu-Mangala bhukti * Kuja-1 activates 5-bhagya, delightful fortunes

[Guru Mahadasha]

1775-76 [TJ age 33] Principal author of USA Declaration of Independence * Guru-Guru svabhukti * Guru dharmesha rules Budha-9 philosophical documents * Guru mutual-drishti Rahu


31-Mar-1776 [TJ age 33] grieved the bio-decease of mother - Rahu-Mangala bhukti * chidra-dasha * Mangala activates 2nd-from-matribhava-4

1779 [TJ age 36] elected Virginia Governor [served 1779-1781] * Guru-Shani bhukti * Shani activates-7 advising, counsel, negotiation

06-Sep-1782 [TJ age 39] grieved the bio-decease of wife-1, martha Skelton * Guru-Ketu bhukti

1789 [TJ age 46] begins common-law marriage with Martha Skelton's younger sister, quadroon Sally Hemmings * Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha * Rahu culture barrier-bending

1789 [TJ age 46] begins service as Secretary of State in the brand-new USA foreign service [served 1789-1793] * Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha * Rahu culture mixing * Rahu in bhava-10 [Rahu-yuti-Surya] -- [Rahu-yuti-Shukra] ++ Rahu-mutual-drishti-Guru

[Shani Mahadasha]

Feb-1797 [TJ age 54] elected VPOTUS under George Washington . Served 1797-1801. * Shani-Budha bhukti * Budha activates 3 administration, correspondence, project management

17-Feb-1801 [TJ age 58] gets elected POTUS-03. [served 1801-1809] * Shani-Shukra bhukti [Shukra-10] activates 11-goals [Shukra-yuti-Surya] -- [Shukra-yuti-Rahu]

[Budha Mahadasha]

1819 [TJ age 76] founded University of Virginia * Budha-Mangala bhukti * yogakaraka Kuja activates 5-scholarship + 10-public institutions

04-Jul-1826 [TJ age 83] blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Budha-Shani bhukti * Shani activates-7

Distinctive Features of the Nativity

[Sparkling Splendid Surya]

pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light]

-- [dikbala] -- [uchcha]

[conserving-acquisitive dhanesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Surya's forward-pushing certainty, noble entitlements, competitive displays

[charismatic bright center of elite competition and conquest]

[forward-pushing innovative institutional governance]

[dominant focus of pioneering leadership]

[brilliantly knowledgeable storytelling autocratic command]

[public reputation for political championship]

[aggressively self-confident use of legislative language]

[proudly aristocratic speech dhanesha ]


[publishing-discussing Aśvini-3] [navamsha Surya-Mithuna] intuitively innovative explaining communicative certainty



  • [Surya-Mesha] [Suryaya - the supreme one] * brightly charismatic confidence of Center-stage Surya radiates through the vital competitive dominating rashi of Mangala

  • [Surya in bhava-10] bright center of hierarchy * creatively confident chieftain * legislative intelligence * focus on social order * regulatory entitlements * political authority * brilliant career * eye on elite positions * radiant reputation * sparkling star of public leadership drama * dignified father may be lawful ruler, governor, executive director, supervisor, boss

  • [Surya-yuti-Shukra] confidently harmonious * brightly creative bargainer * uniquely intelligent feminine-figures * entitled to pleasures * aesthetic expressions align with the spiritual rays of the Sun * financial politics * graciously creative * dramatic promises* radiantly diplomatic * self-reflexively attractive * father may be artist-broker-arranger

  • [Surya-yuti-Rahu] confidently opportunistic * bright mesmerizer * passion for creative culture-mixing * boundary-breaching entitlements * craves important center-stage roles * ambitious father-figure * adventurously aligned with the spiritual rays of the Sun * radiantly risk-rewarding


self-reflexively commanding, brightly law-imposing, charmingly authoritative, regal style of maintaining social order, hierarchically focused, radiantly responsible politically elite, splendidly regulating, center-stage chief executive [Surya in bhava-10] rules

  • 2-acquisition, family legacy, tradition, language-lexicon, preserved memory, banking, collections, entreasurement, herd-hoard, treasury containment, financial capital, accrued amounts, asset evaluation, knowledge of history, speech-song, heritage values, color-sound, arts-and-music, face-voice-eyes-teeth-mouth-hair, genetics, stored resources, health of the father


[uchcha] Surya-Aśvini ++ Shukra-Kṛttikā ++ Rahu-Kṛttikā = occupy Mangala's rashiin governance-kendra-10.

[Surya in bhava-10] -- [dikbala + [uchcha-Surya - Mesha]

exposing one's life to the public eye; in Aśvini, surya represents an inventor, apromoter of new ideas

[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra]

matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Chandra's orderly feelings, structured rhythms, class-conscious sensibilities

[identified lagnesha with respectable caretaker-mother]

[comforted by rigid protocols of stable diplomacy]

[soothed by socially normalizing brokerage]

[culturally sensitive to official fixed class-status]

[needs regulated pulse of lawful ritual ordering]

[protector of the reliable hierarchical folkways agreements]

[environmentalist feelings attuned to local stones-and-bones mineral deva]

[conventional mother may be orthodox schoolteacher, judgmental householder, diligent gardener, sober parental property-holder]


[acquiring-historical Śrāvaṇa-2] [navamsha Chandra-Urisha-uchcha] intuitively sensitive lineage values enrichment, color tones-and-sounds, storytelling

[Pushkara Navamsha]

  • [Chandra-Makara-Draco] comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

  • [Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Hari] soothed by careful listening * protectors of undulating shamanic sound * needs customary lawfulness

  • [Chandra in classroom-7] comfortable with arrangements * familiar with sensitive arbitration * needs ancestral harmony * soothed by match-making * feels the pulse of trading exchange * allied to the advisor-mother * accustomed to ritual adjudication * habitual negotiator * calmed by customary counseling * needs cycles of rhythmic emotional rebalancing * seeks contractual equity * sheltered by a parenting partner * nourished by undulating agreements * brokering mother may be an intuitive go-between, diplomat, attorney, mediator, meddler


sensitively adjusting, protectively harmonious, routinely bargaining, parentally equalizing, rhythmically arranging, customary middleman, predictably meddling, culturally agreeable, emotionally adjudicating, needs to hold mediating positions [Chandra in classroom-7] rules

  • 1- distinctive attributes of personality, dense material incorporation, individual personification, earthen embodiment, physical integrity, kinetic energy, dance, style of movement, athletic prowess, muscular mobility, unique character, kinetic vitality, circumstances of birth, tangible appearance, coherent social identity


  • [folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = land-ownership, patriotism, ethnicity, familiar rhythms, cultural foundations, defense of a way-of-life, in the tradiing, balancing, deal-making, arranging style of Tulā-4]



MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations

[7th-from-Chandra-7] lifepartnership 1-of-2

  • bhava-1 embodiment identity appearance muscularity
  • Karkata = patriotism, home-and-hearth
  • First life partner Martha Skelton was a highly visible person,

Generally, chandra-7 forecasts a devoted marriage partner who is deeply identified with the marital alliance and emotionally invested into the native

  • Martha was a domestic-decorating home entertainer who supported TJ's career
  • Martha managed their gracious planation home [Chandra] with many slaves in the house and fields [Old Pathways Karkata].

8th-from- [7th-from-Chandra-7] lifepartnership 2-of-2

  • bhava-8 secrecy, non-disclosure, camouflage
  • second lifepartner Sally Hemmings

After Martha died, tJ began an enduring but socially undisclosed relationship with Martha's half-sister Sally.

  • Martha and Sally shared the same slave-owning white father
  • Sally-and-TJ's union produced six children.
  • Life partner-2 Sally Hemmings was almost completely camouflaged behind a veil of social restrictions [Shani] due to her African slave mother.
  • Bhava-8 accepts drishti of oppressive Shani, expansive Guru, and physicalized, controlling [nīcha] Kuja.

Sally and TJ could not marry legally due to miscegenation laws, and Sally served no public roles.

  • Adding insult to injury, tJ could have followed the planter's custom, such as practiced by George Washington , to emancipate his slaves via his Last Will and Testament.
  • He could have freed Sally after his death.

  • Aśleṣa TJ did not -- perhaps emotionally could not -- let Sally go. He did free six specific individuals, who were identified 200 years later as his six children by Sally. She died a slave.


Localism, agrarianism, defending a way-of-life

Staunch defender of a rural, agrarian lifestyle Aśleṣa that he believed to be the only natural foundation for a just society, tJ was a slavery advocate. He understood slaves to be an essential utility of large-scale cash-crop farming [Tobacco] . For TJ, this mixture [Rahu] handily combined the romantic ideal of land-rooted civilization with the enormous marketplace profits [Rahu] of the colonial super-planters.

TJ vigorously opposed the concept of a Federal Bank.

Although a central bank could, as USA-Treasury 1755-1804 Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton proposed, facilitate the growth of commerce in the fledgling nation, TJ said it was incompatible with the simple, decentralized farmers' way-of-life.

The fact that the planter-class regularly took loans from each other and from British banks did not soften TJ's opposition.

Chandra-Śrāvaṇa the listener in bhava-7 suggests expert diplomacy [7] due to emotional [Chandra] attunement to opinions of other asset-holders.

Chandra gains extraordinary strength. for diplomacy and bargained relationships

  • Chandra-Śrāvaṇa ruled by patriotic, ethnic, old-ways Chandra * soothed by careful listening * protectors of undulating shamanic sound * needs customary lawfulness
  • Chandra-7 exchanges mutual drishti with [Yogakaraka] -- [nīcha-bhanga] Mangala-1

Whitehouse Hostess

= POTUS-pair-04 hostess 1768-1849 Dolley Payne Madison

  • From 1801 until 1809, POTUS-05 Jefferson had substantial career need for gracious social entertainments to reinforce loyalties and repay favors.
  • His lifepartner-2, the half-sister of TJ's wife-1 Martha, was Sally Hemmings. As a quadroon, Sally was a hidden, taboo person. Sally's formal attendance at Southern white planter parties would have been profoundly offensive to TJ's ethno-centric peers.

Therefore Dolley Payne Madison , the wife of POTUS-04 James Madison, stepped in. Famed Hostess Dolley performed numerous required ceremonial entertaining roles for Jefferson 1801-1809.


D-1 and D-9 * barrier-bending alliances

Martha Skelton Jefferson was a widow when she married TJ. Widowhood was a common situation in the 1700's. It was considered to have mixed [Rahu] benefits. While a widow might bring extra children into her next marriage, she might also bring her deceased husband's assets - in lands and capital monies.

The more vivid taboo-bender woman [Shukra] would be Martha's half-sister, Sally Hemmings. Due to her one-quarter "quadroon" African ancestry = despite being an educated woman and a member of the household -- Sally was still a slave.

TJ's bhava-2 contains both yuvati-pati-7 + randhresha Shani in bhava-2 - Shani-Simha * resistance to royalty, repression of brilliance and hidden qualities to the second life union

rogesha servitude exploitation + Dharmesha-9 global humanism = Guru-Simha * expansion of intelligence, inclusive generosity of political will yet servitude and unbalanced contracts


Recently the old rumors have gained more credibility via genetic testing of the Hemmings lineage and forensic historical research. After 250 years of suppression, there is now more than anecdotal evidence that enslaved Sally Hemmings was Jefferson's long-suffering common law wife.

The half-sister of lifepartner-1, martha Skelton, sally Hemmings was 25 years younger than Martha Skelton. Sally was the same age as Jefferson's elder daughter, martha Jefferson.

Sally accompanied the widowed TJ and his daughter to France during TJ's long diplomatic missions there. It is asserted that Sally and TJ's sexual relationship began in France and continued stateside. Hemmings eventually bore six children from her union with Jefferson.

It was customary for slave-owners to free their household slaves via their final legal Last Will And Testament.

Dying indebted, tJ did not grant freedom to his many slaves, who were expected to be sold in order to pay his debts. However, asingle exception to this financial decision was that TJ did grant manumission to six individuals, understood to have been his six children .

Aśleṣa TJ never granted manumission to Sally. Sally died a slave.

[Competitive Champion Kuja]

bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility]

- [nīcha] -- [svabhava]

[Kuja Dosha for alliance-1]

[can be nīcha-bhanga if yuti-Guru]

[Yogakaraka political vidya-pati for Karkata indriya lagna]

[Yogakaraka dutiful karmesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra drishti to source Kuja's emotionally-driven, energeticly defending, ritualized thrust

[identified with patriotic political energy]

[personally promotes rhythmic cycles of dynamic competition for elite position karmesha ]

[actively pushes into defensive governance roles]

[emotional engineering of ritualized nationalistic responses]

[habitually pursues individual creativity vidya-pati ]

[embodiment of vigorous protectionism]

[culturally provocative but celebrated Yogakaraka in leadership roles]

[folk warrior for farmers, fishers, and drivers]

[forward-moving propulsion to nourish and shelter the vulnerable]

[if in Aslesha, extortionist qualities]


[visionary-conceptual Aśleṣa-4] [navamsha Kuja-Meena]

[ātmakāraka direct action, competition, contest, domination, championship, progress, winning]

  • [Mangala-Karkata] active pursuit of security * proactive nourishment * drive toward rooting + settling * vigorous defensive movement * police protector * fence-builder * push toward land ownership * promotes construction of settlements * innovative farming + fishing * energetically ethnic * champion of local cultures

  • [Mangala in bhava-1] forward fighter * muscular champion * competitive winner * drive toward performance vitality * embodied action * primal sexuality * pursuit of progress * direct movement * physical engineering * thrusting vigor * dominating personality * pushy * dynamic innovator * energized conquests * athletic body


dynamically competitive, vigorously self-promoting, forward-pushing conquestor, naturally dominating, kinetically pioneering, energetically innovative, champion of direct action Mangala in bhava-1 rules
  • 5- Politics, center-stage roles, theatre, demonstration, display, charming brilliance, genius, poetry, choice-making, showmanship, gambling and gamesmanship, romantic idealism, creativity, fashion-shows, flamboyance, celebrity entitlements, confidence, artistic performance, drama, children, financial speculation, intelligence, entertainments, fun

  • 10-career, profession, dignity, regulatory roles, governance duties, social authority, symbolic recognition, iconic visibility, leadership responsibility, top status, reputation, commanding positions, honor, high regard, public respect, executive power, elite rank, lawful imposition, organizational director


championship aggressor pioneer Mangala in bhava-1 rules

  • 5-intelligence, creativity, celebrity, children, gambling, financial speculation, center-of-attention roles
  • 10 social visibility, respect, reputation, elite positions, iconic stature, leadership, public-authority-roles

TJ's powerful yogakaraka Mangala-1

  • military weaponry
  • political vitality
  • vigorous, vital patriotism
  • new [Kuja] nation's independence,
  • metal implements in his surveying profession
  • frequent journeys by sea

TJ would have needed physical, muscular, sexual, and combative movements to accomplish all that history attests.

Vidyapthi-5+karmesha-10 ātmakāraka Kuja

Mangala in bhava-1 produces characteristics of physical courage [1] , political, literary, charismatic, and dramatic energy [5] and dynamic institutional leadership [10] .

Yogakaraka activates 5 + rules-10 Mangala-Karkata -

TJ = a very active man He was a combative agent for change with a philosophical, humanistic orientation. The social identity which marks his life's work is directly adversarial and enormously capable of risk [Rahu in rashi of Kuja] especially involving travel by sea.

Aśleṣa character is often toxic and extortionist in nature. When Aśleṣa-Mangala occupies the lagna, both the extraordinary virtues of yogakaraka Kuja AND the unsavory tendencies of Aśleṣa-the-Squeezer = amplified.

Mixed Outcomes = [nīcha] yogakaraka Mangala-1

Among the political, legal, and financial leadership of his era, mangala-driven young Jefferson was considered a bit of a loose cannon.

TJ's enthusiasm and vision were welcomed, but his combative personality was often a liability.

POTUS-04 USA-Constitution 1751-1836 James Madison noted TJs propensity to tell " large stories" -- especially those which served to promote TJ's self-image as a superman polymath genius.

  • TJ's flaws would seem to reckon about equal to his virtues.

TJ was a hero writer of the extremely innovative and bold USA Constitution. He was a friend to the Euro-American Enlightenment philosophical cohort.

A notable polymath of his era, tJ was spectacularly talented political philosopher, architect, writer, and statesman, inter alia.

Brilliant but Aggressive in his political and sexual behaviors.

TJ was a nasty adversary and incriminating gossiper. He was an exploiter of his slavery-bound Maroon second wife. He was a vicious enemy to those he targeted.

TJ's relentless attacks on key members of the Founding Fathers group - specifically, Adams and Hamilton -- may have significantly harmed the fledgling nation.

[Busy Bantering Budha]

jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student]


[busy-messaging vikrama-pati for Karkata indriya lagna]

[retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Karkata indriya lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Budha's abstract conversation, dreamy discourse, imaginative descriptions

[narrative of deeply intuitive perception]

[hazy dreamlike instructions received via private prayer]

[abstractly symbolic confessional testimony]

[clairsentient explanations delivered in shrouded sanctuary]

[contemplative father may speak about visions with detailed devotion]


[negotiating-arranging Andromeda-3] [navamsha Budha-Tula]

  • [Budha-Meena] intuitive communications * articulation of private spiritual guidance * imaginative pronouncements * explains the astral patterns * abstract conversations * symbolic information * foggy thinking * psychic instructions * meditative messages * describes visionary procedures * fuzzy logic * hands-arms-shoulders send dreamlike gestures

  • [Budha in bhava-9] narrative of father-figure * witty guru * broad-scope communicator * repeats the catechism * ideological reasoning * reiterates the doctrine * skillful grandchildren * discusses patronage * detailed articulation of worldview * explains the paradigm of belief * talks about sacred texts * examines the dharma * interprets theoretical claims * delivers quick sermons * logical investigations into philosophical truths * chatty priests * religious dialogues


mercurially philosophical, paternally communicative, mercantile worldview, businesslike father-figure, naarrative of higher understanding, inspirational publishing, globally descriptive, broad-scope conversations [Budha in bhava-9] rules

  • 3-communications, messaging, sermons, scripts, radio-television, media-products, Writing and Publishing, letters of correspondence, announcements, planning, schedules, sales, marketing, documentation, reporting, cohort, entourage, committee-work, iterative stepwise process, manufacturing, commercial business, instruction, explanation, discussion, diagrams, labeling, event management, signage, training, itinerary, tours

  • 12 enclosures, the bed, fantasies, privacy, interior spiritual guidance, clandestine undertakings, intuitive awareness, non-linear conceptual undertanding, concealment, seclusion, invisibility, dissolved identity, meditation, contemplation, dreamworlds, astral plane, imaginary scenarios, sanctuary sleep, distant lands, health of the avowed partner


[Budha in bhava-9] occupies Meena-9 kārakāmsha = global philosophy and priesthood of enlightened world culture

Budha-Meena-9 signals TJ's lifelong engagement with higher education. Founder of the University of Virginia.

[Generous Growing Guru]

dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Guru's sparklingly philosophical, brightly wise, charmingly optimistic diversity


[entertaining-gambling Pūrvaphalgunī-1] [navamsha Guru-Simha]

Rahu-10 mutual-drishti Guru-2


  • [Guru-Simha ] many lights * big political displays * much drama * doctrine of divine right * expands the scope of unique personality * great splendor * multiple games * diverse theatrical performances * multiple celebrations * romantic permissiveness * abundant creativity * believes in special entitlements

  • [Guru in bhava-2] much hoard * many songs * many stories * extensive history * generous reserves * several genetic lines * many accumulated goods * numerous languages * expansive oratory * large eyes * many voices * many valuations * extensive accounts * grows the family lineage * optimistic heritage * believes in historic conservation * patron of speech-and-song * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a keeper, curator, collector, preserver

  • [Guru-yuti-Shani] atta-karaka * multiple elder-figures * permission to hold respected positions * abundant structure * numerous law-makers * expansive hierarchies * tolerance for diverse systems * optimistic philosophy of social regulation * large-scale responsibilities

  • Rahu-mutual-drishti-Guru


expansively enriching, abundantly knowledgeable, multiple family lineages, numerous traditions, optimistic accumulator, jovial speaking-and-singing, broad-scope of historical understanding [Guru in bhava-2] rules

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization

  • 9-ideology , paradigm of belief, profession of faith, principled convictions, higher understanding, father-figures, priestly patronage, preaching, patriarchal entitlements, philosophical convictions, theory, public spiritual guidance, celebrated doctrines, sangha, sacred teachings, credenda, globalism, dharma, worldview, weltanschauung, mother's health


Guru-Simha rules Dhanus ideology beliefs [10th navamsha] = contains Shukra + Rahu

[Guru-Simha rules kārakāmsha Meena-bhava-9 ideology]

[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion]

[homebound-habitual bandesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

[profitable-networking labha-pati for Karkata indriya-lagna]

[diplomatic champion commander of elite dominators]

[public bargaining roles in financial competition]

[bloodline leader graciously fights for lands and revenues]

[attractive icon of governance by force ]

[womenfolk may have first-arriver seniority]


[ideological=optimistic Kṛttikā-1] [navamsha Shukra-Dhanus] intuitively harmonizing diplomatic inspiration



  • [Shukra-Mesha] appreciation of direct movement * primal relationships * likes innovation * aesthetic of physicality * attracted to champions * pleasures of conquest * kinetic sensuality * prefers a lithely sporting partner * sweetly competitive * aristocratic agreements

  • [Shukra-10] seeks pleasure via regulated order * enjoys regulatory authority * socially prominent contractual agreements * reputation for gracious balancing * institutional finance * respects feminine-figures * harmonious governance * aesthetic of beautiful structures * appreciation of order * in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may hold an elite social position

  • [Shukra-yuti-Surya] balanced roles in drama * appreciation for political display * pleasantly charming * self-focused diplomacy * radiant bright beauty * self-reflexive bargaining * sweet entitlements * negotiating father-figure * self-directed arrangements * focus on trade exchange * solipsistic romance * idealistic contracts * enjoys the game of deal-making * prefers self-confident partners

  • [Shukra-yuti-Rahu] sweetened adventure * gracious ambition * appreciation for opportunities * thrilling negotiations * passionate sensuality * over-reaching agreements * exceptional beauty * enjoys cultural mixing * barrier-bending relationships * unorthodox arrangements * diplomatic equity balances exhilarating chance * risk-rewarding contracts * Typically, an unconventionally attractive, pleasantly mesmerizing appearance * prefers exciting partners


recognized for pleasantly sensual qualities, enjoys elite social position, harmoniously hierarchical, aesthetic of institutional decision-making, public finance, prefers a luxurious profession, musical-artistic leadership roles, appreciates having a respected rank [Shukra-10] rules

  • 4 cultural foundations, property boundaries, way of Life, protection, defense , homeland, household, routines, rituals, mother, parents, customary rhythms, caretakers, socialization schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, environmentalism, citizenship, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling

  • 11-fruitful revenues, interconnected income, profits, material achievement, social networking, friendships, community linkage, fan-clubs, mass participation gatherings, collectivism, marketplace gridworks, distribution, association, populism, economic systems, fundraising, gains-and-goals, awards for work accomplished, health of the enemies


bandesha-4 patriotism + vriddhi-pati-11 economic networks in leadership roles = Shukra-10 - Shukra-Mesha -Kṛttikā

[Sober Structural Shani]

duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years]

[bargaining-partnering jaya-pati for Karkata indriya-lagna]

[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Shani's dramatized discipline, displayed restrictions, showcase conventionalism

[rigidly formal ceremonial speech]

[maintains the traditional power displays]

[burdensome family entitlements]

[obligatory continuation of bright pageantry]


[talkative-teamworking Magha-3] [navamsha Shani-Mithuna]


  • [Shani-Simbha]

    challenging placement] heavy old legacy drama * must accept center-stage pressures * structural compression upon heart-spine * conventional limits upon creative self-expression * tightly governed speculation * disciplined genius * orderly games * regulated drama * resistance to romance * proletarian entertainments * restricted intelligence * slow, elderly politicians * restrained entitlement * obligatory ceremonies * scarcity of amusements * maintainer of old sovereignties

  • [Shani in bhava-2] steady time-structured values-fulfillment * scarcity of precious resources * must preserve historic traditions * must gather * must catalog * obstructionist family-of-origin * must remember * cautious use of words * boney face * tense eyes * class-conscious speech * speakers' fatigue * chronic financial insufficiency * undernourished eye-teeth * must use old libraries * cold dried food hoard * limited sight * ossified heritage * language regulator * appreciates ignorance * maintains treasuries of proven knowledge * hierarchies impose know-nothing rules * elders hold center of family

  • [Shani-yuti-Guru] resistance against expansion * slow elder teachers * pragmatic philosophy * limited scope of understanding * doctrinal discipline * constrained growth * conventionally regulated beliefs * faith in the rule of law * class-structured ideology


obliged to family heritage, cautious speech, naarratives of duty, financial responsibility, has to conserve natural resources, oppressed by old vows, mature evaluation, collects valuable old artifacts, limited food, must preserve secret treasuries, must regulate the lineage assets, structured style of singing, slowed [but not prevented] acquisition of enduring pleasure, burdensome historical precedent, family-of-origin may impose heavy restraints [Shani in bhava-2] rules

  • 7-covenant, promise, trust, contractual relationships, social justice, advocacy, legal judgments, lawcourts, appeals, representation, equity, diplomacy, partners, justice, marriage, legal and formal partnerships, negotiation, alliance-crafting, match-making, fair arrangements, even deals, advocacy, trading, bargaining, brokerage, haggling, go-between, middleman, meddler

  • 8-unexpected eruptions of regenerating force, occult initiation, mystical revelation, shocking intervention, opaque empowerments, invasive surgery, intensive healing, evolution, violent explosion, sudden identity change, rejuvenation, recycling, rebirth, hidden assets, upheaval, undisclosed secrets, transformative events, discovery, in-laws of first marriage, health of younger sibling-cousin


yuvati-pati-7 career advising counseling+ randhresha-8 revolution hidden forces, new identities [Shani in bhava-2] resistance to privileged lineages * Shani-Simha = resistance to royalty,

[Risk-rewarding Rāhu]

rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery]


[for Karkata indriya-lagna] -- [svabhava]

[Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently conquering, mesmerizingly dynamic, mirage of fiery energy

[achieves regulatory positions based in mixed-culture dynamic innovation]

[fascinating icon of competitive championship]

[exciting commander of weaponry fire-and-metals]

[shimmering illusion of fascinating fiery authority]

leadership decisions may over-ride conventional governance doctrine]

[astonishing social rise of warriors, drillers, miners, and those born into dominator bloodlines]

[reputed for fabulous originality]


[originating-competitive Kṛttikā-1] [navamsha Rahu-Dhanus] intuitively boundary-breaking believing inspiration



Rahu-10 mutual-drishti Guru-2

  • [Rahu-Mesha-Aja] shimmering illusion of championship * craving for superiority * exotic use of dominating force * mask of competitive action * mirage of first-arrival pioneer * over-reaching urgency * extraordinary birth * extravagant muscularity * mesmerizing forward movement * unusual athleticism * fascinating conquests * marvelous warriorship * seeks special importance via apparent [but perhaps not authentic] attributes of heroic action * seeks privilege via innovator-roles

  • [Rahu in bhava-10] passion for prestige positions * in svabhava of Sober Shani, the Shadowy Specter seeks glamorous leadership roles * thrilled by iconic status * craves symbolic importance * hungers for outstanding recognition * outsider who cleverly insinuates into respected hierarchies * authoritatively challenges official rules * mesmerizing ascent to elevated status * entranced by one's own social privilege * may pose as a boss * shimmering smoky illusion of legitimate command * trespasses cultural limits of rigid old order * boundary-breaching public reputation - ambition for elite rank * desire for eminence * opportunistic climb to top of the corporate pyramid * prominent cultural-mixing figurehead * ambition of the father's family

  • [Rahu-yuti-Surya] amplified ambition for center-stage roles * magnified confidence * passion for exotic display * trickster with dramatic flair * opportunistic father * creative pursuit of social mobility * fascinating [but perhaps illusory] appearance of exceptional intelligence * thrilling political genius * hypnotic charm * seeks privilege via bright celebrity * sparkling center of cross-cultural mixing

  • [Rahu-yuti-Shukra] amplified attractions * magnified beauty * exotic taste * tricky partners * opportunistic feminine-figures * fascinating [but perhaps illusory] appearance of luxurious pleasure * Strange-and-wonderful designs * thrilling relationships * barrier-bending brokerage * unusual contracts * hypnotic arrangements * gracious balance of cross-cultural mixing * entrancing music


Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha

1789 [TJ age 46] begins service as Secretary of State in the brand-new USA foreign service * Served 1789-1793 * Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha * Rahu culture mixing * Rahu in bhava-10 [Rahu-yuti-Surya] -- [Rahu-yuti-Shukra] ++ Rahu-mutual-drishti-Guru

[Rahu in bhava-10] = dramatic rise to leadership roles, under barrier-bending, taboo-twisting , law-bending, illicit, or culturally irregular [Rahu] circumstances.

[Rahu in bhava-10] is often a glass-ceiling crasher, able to break gender-race-age barriers in conservative professional roles. May challenge conventional standards in the style of ascendancy to the high ranking institutional governance positions.

[Collapsing unshackling Ketu]

kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum]

[for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Ketu's ambivalently agreeable, unsustainable promises

[diplomaticly dispersed homeland roots]

[smoothly scattered secure foundations]

[pleasantly gracious absentee mother-caretaker]

[neutral witness to local arrangements]

[passively fixated upon ambitiously competitive-challenging Rahu-Mesha-10 leaders, commanders, iconic-figures, bosses, hierarchs who surround ones elite innovator executive career]


[agricultural-patriotic Viśākha-4] [navamsha Ketu-Karkata]

  • [Ketu-Tula] justly dissociates from negotiation * wanders away from compromise * eccentric alliances * martyr's diplomacy * abandons agreements * apathetic trades * surrenders trust * ignores restriction on match-making * releases a pale pastel cloud of fair deals into the misty abyss

  • [Ketu in classroom-4] ambivalent toward the cultural foundations * absentee mother-figure * disregards local customs * dissolved property boundaries * wanders from the ancestral home * often away * ignores conventional schooling * irrelevance of habitual folkways * surrenders nationality * dismisses the parents * abandons the established routines * may prefer to live free from fixed roots


[Ketu in Bhava-4] = one is rarely at home due to Rahu-10-related ambitions for high visibility social privilege. For extended periods of time in mid-life, TJ was gone from home for years without relief, due to his diplomatic and governance assignments.


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"And now my friends,

all that is true, all that is noble,

all that is just and pure,

all that is loveable and gracious,

whatever is excellent and admirable -

fill all your thoughts with these things."

~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8