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![]() Rashi - Graha - Bhava - Gochara see also [4th-from-Chandra] = defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning |
AUM som somaya namah AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah OM shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah BANDESHA Planetary Regulator of Bandhu-sthāna Sukha-daya in the Twelve Bhava role of the bandhu-pati basis of life, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, vehicles, roadways, the lay of the land, the farmlands, the folks. comfortable habits
Nascita di Venere by Botticelli, c1486 |
" The relinquishing of the present happiness and the pursuit of a future one is never the policy of intelligent people." ~~ Mahabharata, shanti Parva , 140.36 |
QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso, The Dalai Lama's Little Book of Inner Peace: The Essential Life and Teachings "...I try to stay joyful. If we want to work effectively for freedom and justice, it is better to do so without anger or deviousness. If we ourselves feel calm, and if we act with a sincere motivation, we can accomplish many things in the 30 or 50 active years of our life. And if some positive results have already been seen from this approach, ithink I can say that this is in part because of my commitment to the pacifist cause, acommitment which is motivated by a genuine belief in the brotherhood of mankind. We are not a very large or powerful nation , but our way of life, our culture, and our spiritual tradition have helped us follow the way of peace even at times of tremendous difficulty and hardship, and have given us courage in our wish to develop love and compassion. When the time comes, the Tibetan people longs with all its heart to take responsibility for the high plateau, which is our homeland , and to transform it into a sanctuary of peace where mankind will live side by side with nature, in harmony." [end quote] |
Domain occupied by the Planetary Ruler of the Fourth Bhava
Guardianship Everyone is a guardian of some aspect of human life and culture. The commitment to stewardship is an ancient promise to protect and nurture the portion of civilization for which one feels the deepest affection. Bhava-4 has an extensive terrain including cultural stability through habituated rhythms and routines, seasonal festivals, protection of the vulnerable, caretaking, owned-stewarded property , the rights of native peoples, parenting, schoolteaching, transportation and vehicles. Bandhu-bhava nurtures the roots and soothes the mind via maintaining the ebb-and-flow of a predictable Way of Life. Protecting the Flow of Habitual Life identified with parenting, school-teaching, folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of the people, shelters Ethic * Ethnic The bhava containing bandh-pati-4 expresses a rooted attachment to all things nourishing, soothing, local and familiar
bandesha-4 shows the security based in socialization via schooling , and is benefic. Along with bhava-4, the bandhu-pati shows foundational material and psychological conditions of the childhood home.
Emotional conditions prevailing in childhood home, see also lord of [4th-from-Chandra] (but this is more accurately the Mother's childhood home, which Mom then recreates as a familiar culture, when raising her child .) If bandesha-4 happens to be Mangala (for Simha indriya-lagna and Makara indriya-lagna ) some of the stability benefits of bandesha-4 = lost because Mangala is so energetic Nevertheless Kuja the karaka for movement, engines, drilling is motivated to pursue landed property holdings, fleets of vehicles (boats, cars, airplanes). Although Kuja can be impatient with the rhythmic repetitions (Chandra natural bandesha-4 ) of schoolwork, mangala as bandesha-4 if well-placed can assist obtainment of educational diploma. Such a student may need to be very active physically in order to successfully complete a sit-down course of study. |
QUOTATION Das commentary says to expect favorable results from bandhu-pati in regard to schooling, houses, fields, and conveyances, if " The lord of the 4 is in a kendra
AND the lord of the 4 is considered Strong in Shad Bala." " Happiness, education, conveyances, lands, agriculture, etc., will thrive well.
EXAMPLES bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-1] bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-1]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-1]
[Mangala-Makara-Draco] -- [uchcha]
bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-1] [dikbala] [Budha-Mithuna] -- [Bhadra Yoga] [Budha-Meena ] [nīcha] bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]
[Guru-Dhanus] -- [Hamsha Yoga]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-1]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-1]
bandesha-4 in Bhava 1 - Patriotism, Home and Country, ethno-centrisam The ruler of bhava-4 Guardians and Stewards of the Place of Settlement has entered bhava-1 identity-appearance: one's choice of external vehicle (fleshbody, boat, car) signifies the identity and often one flaunts it one nearly always serves as an agent of shelter, protection, rhythm, routine, security; if not a parent, then as a defender or a teacher of fundamental education one protects the land, its areas of settlement, its roadways and shipping routes, its farmlands and fisheries, its homes and schools identified with the patriotic defense of the land and its ethnic peoples; protection of boundaries, fences, membranes and crossings between cultural areas bandhu-pati-4 residing = indriya-lagna, (or yuti Chandra) brings into the personality (1) matters of bhava-4 guardianship, stewardship, protectionism, sheltering, safeguard of culture-roots and ethnicity. bandesha-4 in 10th-from-svakshetra = The Patriot Native is socially identified with
Culturally rooted in the habitual ways of a people grounded in their historic lands. Deeply patriotic.
Others may look to one as a source of stability, defense, security, and belongingness. Home-identified, home-based, local style Personality-identified with parenting, house-holding, school-teaching, protection, deep roots and foundations of life .
Bandesha-4 in 10th-from-foundational bandesha-4 . May serve as a parental leader (10) of the flocks who quest for shelter and protection.
Transportation, vehicles, roadways, waterways, shipping Surya-Vrishabha located in bhava-1 Bandesha-4 in 1 = Surya in 10th from svabhava = a radiant placement for treasuries of value accrued from real-estate, building ownership, construction, shipping, agriculture, schooling, borders, walls, local infrastructure, policing, local politics, pathways of transportation, and vehicles. However, professor Surya is rather uncomfortable in Rishabha-rashi which is the rashi of His enemy Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu. Surya prefers to apply His own beliefs and judgments without feeling restrained by Shukra's diplomatic concern for the interests of others Generally successful Learning Pathway experience nevertheless involve some some frustration. One's own convictions, especially in regard to treasuries of wealth and knowledge, are not always shared by partners in business or marriager. if bandesha-4 = Surya, Guru, or Mangala, one's own visage may come to symbolize the wisdom [Guru] or aristocracy [Mangala] or glory and grandeur [Surya] of the home culture
bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-1] = one symbolizes the home culture's parental behavior toward other cultures; paternalism; patronizing care. bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-1] = one symbolizes the "message" of the homeland cultural roots bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-1] one represents the national root-culture's self-defense against cultural invaders and military conquest of challengers May be called vocationally to active territorial-guardian roles such as military defense, police-work or fence-building
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-1] -- [dikbala] one may represent the most inclusive, expansive optimistic image of the home culture; home and property ownership-stewardship . A person with whom many [Guru] can identify, who represents the cultural model for abundance, wisdom and growth
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-1] one provides an iconic representation of home, shelter, citadel-protection, parenting, and protection in a gracious, aesthetic, agreeable way; associated with a beautiful home or luxury properties; well-balanced roadways and shipping. Shukra-1 may represents the core values of the home culture when conducting negotiations. Balances the rights of all parties with special attention to the concerns of native populations. May prefer luxurious or beautifully designed homes, graciously appointed vehicles, smooth roadways, and be personally representative of attractive or valuable lands and properties
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-1] can be either [Shani-Tula] or [Shani-Vṛścika] A politician or an educator, or both. Represents the home culture's material practicality and survival skills; one represents the security of basic food, clothing, shelter and social dignity; one symbolizes the home culture's attempt to create a normalizing, orderly situation for the common people.
if bandesha-4 = yuti Rahu , guardianship of the home culture with elements of exotic influence A natural foundational-customary teacher. Identified with schooling. Icon of lawful rhythms and routines. The bandhesha represents the land, its people, and their ethnic roots, their ; particular type of schooling or upbringing, proficiency in practice of a set of culturally embedded manners and folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms. Like the ocean tides (4) cultural norms are not fixed in place. They exist in a predictable rhythmically oscillating range. Symbol of protection from threats, sought by the weak and appreciated by the strong. Must have physical vitality and competitive energy in order to feel protected and secure. If bandhupathi-4 is comfortably placed, schooling and social foundations is proportionally fortunate. " I am my folk roots, my vehicles and shelters, my ability to protect and care for the homeland, and my schooling in customary ways." The foundation : mother, parent, home, cultural capital, social and emotional security, extraordinary and passionate patriotism. The social identity is infused with the qualities of socializing levels of education, indoctrination, licensing and diplomas, cultural validation, landed property, buildings, furniture, schools, shelter, citadel-protection, caring, naurturing, clothing, vehicles, early childhood education, basic socialization by the mother and grandmother, cultural agreement, roots. |
EXAMPLES bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-2]
bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-2] [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-2]
bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-2] bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-2]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-2]
[Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-2]
bandesha-4 in Bhava 2 Ruler of 4 occupies gainful 11th-from-4 national and local security obtained via Sustenance * values * food * acquisitions * collected wealth * treasuries of knowledge * Skandha profits from transportation, housing, schooling, land-ownership, farms-fishery
musical, rhythmic, pulses, beats; a singer, acantor, and who earns from musical pulse, or from the ethnic rhythms such as schoolteaching or settlements, or from the pulse of the vehicle wheels turning, because ruler of 4 occupies 11th-from-4th May have expertise in matters of provenance = histories (2) of ownership (4) foundational families * family history Financial skills (2) stabilize (4) and educate (4) an ethnic (4) community (11)
profitable lands = 2 = 11th-from-4 EXAMPLE POTUS-pair-01 tobacco 1731-1802 Martha Custis Washington [deal-making Mriga-3 [navamsha Surya-Tula-nīcha ] + [Mriga-Surya-yuti-Kuja-Mriga] [Mriga-Surya-yuti-Budha-Arudra] [Mriga-Surya-yuti-Ketu-Arudra]
Treasuries of storage: history, stories, restorations, restaurants affluence and historical knowledge, eyes, voice, face, and song Properties sustained by profits from Music and Song Properties sustained by profits from Speech and Face
bandesha-4 in 11th from svabhava = dhana-sthāna = indicates gainfulness and friendship in the assembly of historians, bankers, animal breeders, and those who "keep" the knowledge of the past. Profitability through making connections with curators, collectors, storytellers, lineage-bearers. Gain through matters of bhava-4: educational diploma, via examinations, via deeds and titles, via owned-stewarded properties
Ruler of Matribhava = Mother Gain based in the ethnic roots and folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms; rhythmic, customary social and comfortable habits of the mother's family. Earnings from real estate and vehicle holdings. A remarkably energetic example of ruler-of-4 + 9 education parivartamsha-exchange with ruler-of-2 + 11 values EXAMPLE POTUS-02 Thoughts on Government 1735-1826 John Adams [political-entitled Chitra-1] [Mangala-yuti-Rahu-2] [Kuja-2 parivartamsha Budha-4]
Gain from laying foundations Income from the land, and from what lies below the land (oil, minerals, underground water). Gains from promoting the folkways traditions of one's people Gifted teacher (4) of languages (2) when Budha or Guru is involved. Knows the historical lineage traditions (2) of one's own people. Must have valuable goods and conserved knowledge in order to feel protected and secure.
bandhesha in 11th-from-svakshetra does promote parenthood and protective actions. However, much depends on the characteristics of the bandesha-4
QUOTATION from Das "The lord of the 4 is in 2, and the lord of the 4 has at least one beneficial placement attribute." " You may get property from your uncle.
EXAMPLE bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-3]
bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-3]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-3]
bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-3]
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-3]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-3]
[Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-3]
bandesha-4 in mercantile, messaging Bhava 3 siblings / teamwork / Local group / mental process bandesha-4 in imaginative, invisible 12th-from-svakshetra is generally not auspicious. When the ruler of any bhava occupies the 12th bhava from svakshetra, the matters of that sthāna are spiritualized (pulled back into their astral form) rather than materialized (pushed forward into their physical form). The expected dissolving of roots and erosion of proofs of belonging -- such as deeds of title, licenses to practice a trade, or diploma from school completion. Drains the life-force energy away from the stability and predictable tides of the family home, and causes a retreat into the imagination or into distant lands.
Ruler of 4 = interpretation, discussions, mentality, instructions about matters of 4, such as farming, property ownership-stewardship, vehicles, pathways of transportation, customs of the local settlement, ethno-nationalism, roots in the place occupies 12th-from-4 = imaginative, non-factual, dreamlike, visionary, wishing, magical thinking in matters of ancestral common-law [4] and statutory property law [4] Draining effects of 12th-from-svakshetra impacts the karaka May benefit writers, presenters, announcers
Education, schooling, stability of the cultural foundations If other maternal factors are present, may indicate premature loss of the Mother.
Dissolution of owned-stewarded properties and property claims Ruler 4 occupies 12th-from-4. loss of schooling or incomplete course of study, diploma not received
owned-stewarded properties may lose their original value and are sold at a discount during periods of vikrama-pati-3 When bandesha-4 occupies 12th-from-svakshetra there is some loss of roots, loss of property, loss of basic socializing education.
one may have received basic skills education without a deeper connection to traditions grounded in the land of his people. One may be a capable skills-trainer of others, with a practical, manual or mental task orientation. Clever but grounded in the use of words and helps to establish new talent, especially writers if one is oneself a writer, may write upon topic such as what lies under the ground (4) or comment upon the foundations of folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms
May own much property but does not have a chance to dwell deeply on any of it (bandesha-4 in 12th-from-svakshetra) due to travel or business activity.
Must have conversation and frequent short-term travel in order to feel protected and secure. |
EXAMPLES bandesha-4 = [Surya in bhava-4] bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-4] -- [dikbala]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-4] [Ruchaka Yoga]
[Yogakaraka] -- [Ruchaka Yoga] bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-4] -- [Bhadra Yoga] [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha]
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-4] -- [Hamsha Yoga]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-4] [Malavya Yoga] -- [dikbala]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-4] -- [Śaśaka Yoga]
bandesha-4 in Bhava 4= svakshetra Folkways - home / foundations / education / security National Defense bandesha-4 svakshetra = auspicious for patriotism and loyalty to the ethnic culture of one's parents, especially the customary practices (folk religion, dress, language, manners) of the mother's people. bandesha-4 in 4 = benefits from stable, naurturing parents, school-teachers or caretakers. Excellent stabilizer for vehicles, schools, and real estate If a papagraha, the parents may be conservative and limiting; nevertheless Chandra the natural regulator of 4 has no enemies all styles of parenting are beneficial to the child if those styles are secure, protective, and internally consistent . Positive attribute of bandesha-4 in 4 guarantees the consistency. Mother and mother's cultural roots = unshakable positive influence in one 's life, presuming an auspicious graha. Even svakshetra Shani in 4 grants a steady lawful mother and a conventionally reliable education. TRANSPORTATION by Land-Sea-Air ++ PATHWAYS of the settlement bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-4] [Hamsa Yoga] much property, many transport vehicles
Natural teacher of adults and children who loves and promotes the traditions of their upbringing. Teaches the subject matter consistent with the graha and rashi, in a practical style geared to producing socially validated citizens. Patriotic. Tremendous need for physical and psychic protection, which one obtains via the most secure and well-defended physical property . Must have a well-defended home in order to feel protected and secure. Defense of settlements [Mangala]
True to the Roots Conditions of the parents overall, childhood home, foundational schooling, personal security, and a place of belonging. |
Elk grazing in Oregon old forest |
EXAMPLES bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-5] ***
bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-5]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-5]
bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-5]
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-5]
[Guru-Makara] [nīcha]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-5]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-5]
bandesha-4 in Bhava 5 Rooted, rhythmic habitual behaviors ground and stabilize the children, romantic idealism, literary genius, willfulness, speculative ventures, Games, intelligence, celebration, charisma, fame. The native is distinctively intelligent yet generally not reckless, except perhaps in romance. Naturally other graha in bhava-5 must be considered. bandesha-4 in 2nd-from-svakshetra, and in a trine house = auspicious for property ownership-stewardship and education. Children have a strong sense of their cultural roots, through the food and stories transmitted via the mother's family. Strong attachment to the mother's family, strong matrilineal influence back several generations. Speculative profits from dealings in land and homes. May start schools, own profitable schools, or win contests in schools. Typically, acreative and intelligent student, independent minded, less prone to drills and repetition, while more brightly charismatic, unless the graha delays. May be a gifted teacher who brings a clever performance to teaching the core traditions, particularly subjects related to the nation of birth. Childhood home influenced by wealth and fortune through speculative ventures. Needs political or romantic intrigue in order to feel protected and secure (5).
splendid placement for homeland politicians and political activists on local, domestic, agricultural issues
ruler of 12th-from-5th (4) resides in bhava-5
The rules of foundational support (4) is comfortable in the family-oriented 2nd-from-4 Kendra-pati residing in a trikona generally produces beneficial effects. However, there is a certain 12-from undertow caused by bandesha-4 ruler of 12th-from-5th signifying Dissolutions of Center-Stage Roles while the bandhesha is occupying 5 = Center-Stage Roles
The children (5) may have a home in a distant land (12) EXAMPLE Zorro 1969- drama-commerce Catherine Zeta Jones [ensemble-managing Hasta-3] [vargottamsha] + [Hasta-Surya-yuti-Budha-Hasta-super-uchcha]
The children are generally well educated and the mother's cultural roots are exceptionally influential in the children's character and upbringing. Emphasis on educational discipline and the rule of customary behaviors in the mother's society or national culture may overwhelm the children's creative, personalized intelligence. However, when the bandhesha coordinates well with the resident graha in 4, the childhood foundations are secure. Romance is grounded in the home culture. one seeks emotional stability through the notoriously unstable, brilliant, theatrical experience of love and romance. Disappointment in romance on this account. In response one places one's core hope of stability into the process of birthing and raising childrenr. Concern with security (bhava-4), holding on to lands and properties (bhava-4), and other instinctive protective and defending actions pushes through into bhava-5 creativity. bandhesha-4 in putrabhava-5 signifies stability (4) and a predictable, secure lifestyle Generally, including children (5). Not so comfortable for avant garde creativity, unique intelligence, or large gains from speculation since a regular, rhythmic routine is more important than dramatic displays. Yet one may be gifted with large properties and have a very creative, inspired way of managing one's lands. Clever, creative methods of sustaining the national folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms despite the undertow of conservative cultural forces (bhava-4) who never want anything to change. May be a superb trainer and socializing educator. This native should not stray far from the world of children, whether as a parent or a teacher. One's emotional stability is tied to children and the development of their intelligence. |
EXAMPLES bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-6] [Surya-Vanika] [nīcha]
bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-6]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-6]
[Mangala-Maraka-Draco] -- [uchcha]
bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-6]
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-6]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-6]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-6] [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha]
bandesha-4 in Bhava 6 Loss of balance / enemies / disease / Poverty / Crime; argumentation, analysis, mentalization; medicine, ministry to sick and needy - ill mother Culture War Disrupted home life. The childhood is often unhappy with numerous events of moving-house. Exploitive difficulties for the parents, particularly the mother.
If other indicators point to a step-father (8th from Surya) the step-father can become an agent of harm toward the child, in Mangala-related ways, such as verbal violence or physical abuse (depending on drishti and rashi of Kuja). The parents of a nativity displaying bandesha-4 in satkona may be victims of some type of addiction, social conflict, war, thievery, poverty, or they have been pressed into servitude by betrayal or broken contracts. EXAMPLE = nicha-Shani-6 Imagine 1940-1980 Beatle John Lennon [arranging-contractual Bharani-3] [navamsha-Shani-Tula-uchcha]+ [nīcha-Bharani-Shani-yuti-Guru-Bharani]
If bandesha-4 = Mangala in 6, much physical upheaval including circumstances of domestic violence and social war. There may be criminal mis-doings [6] in regard to real-estate and vehicles (4) but few consequences may arise due to the profitable and businesslike 3-11 angle between bhava-4 and its ruler.
....They subsequently ran a gamut of disease, poverty, and despair. Their survival was barely financed by loans (6) from hostile relatives (6) . His unstable childhood home collapsed as his mother descended into schizophrenia (6, mentality of the mother 3rd-from-4th). His schooling (4) in Germany was broken by the Nazi threat. Ketu-4 = absent or distracted parents.
bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-6]
bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-6] the anchoring, stabilizing bandhesha moves into ari-sthāna-6 unfairness, exploitation, conflict. Chandra care-takes, nourishes, protects, soothes, parents within unbalanced conditions of the homeland, the food sources, the land ownership, the cultural practices Psycho-emotional ailments for the native and servitude or debts for one's mother. EXAMPLE POTUS-07 Indian Removal 1767-1845 Andrew Jackson [marketplace-minded-econonic Uttaraphalgunī-3]
bandesha-4 + lagnesha [Budha in bhava-6] --- [svabhava] the anchoring, stabilizing bandhesha moves into ari-sthāna-6 unfairness, exploitation, conflict. Budha announces, reports, converses, argues about these unbalanced conditions of the homeland, the food sources, the land ownership, the cultural practices
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-6]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-6] the anchoring, stabilizing, ethno-cultural bandhesha moves into ari-sthāna-6 unfairness, exploitation, conflict. Shukra pleasures, enjoys, balances, remedies, meditates unbalanced conditions of the homeland, the food sources, the land ownership, the cultural practices, the home and hearth. Native or native's mother may be prone to alcoholism or other sweet-sensual addictions, as a self-medicating method to numb some experience of childhood suffering.
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-6]
bandesha-4 in 3rd-from-svakshetra is generally less benevolent for matters of the early childhood home, the stability of the lives of the parents, and one's early foundational education. One is constantly working, especially if Shani the Taskmaster rules here. Yet, the pay is low or no. Servitude, even when the material conditions are pleasant.. bandesha-4 in bhava-6 indicates that the mother's relatives have a good deal of control over the behavior or life-style options of the mother, and that one may live with the maternal relatives at some time during the childhood years. Harms the health of the parents.
Conflict, poverty, or medical imbalance for the mother's family, perhaps conflict going back several generations. Prostitution, illness, or deep servitude of mother, perhaps caused by psychological exploitation or physical captivity of war. The mother's cultural roots (4) are distrusted or the physical structure of the home is untrustworthy, corrupt.
Positive outcomes
One may be a gifted educator (4) of financial skills for those who have foundered in home management, ateacher of debt management, operate a school which educates students in clinical use of medicine/drugs; or teach family conflict resolution, real estate skills training, farming and land management practices to those who have become unbalanced in their initial approach to matters of bhava-4.
Service and servants help to feel protected and securer. Bodes poorly for emotional balance in one 's early childhood home. Sick, victimized, or abusive mother. If a malefic + bandesha-4 in 3rd-from -svakshetra harms the education. Raised in an insulated, isolated home environment. Conflict in school due to willfulness and mental instability. Conflict in the family home, adversarial relationship between the parents. A conservative and suspicious thinker with limited cultural knowledge; insecure because the family base is damaged. Malefic influences however improve with time for upachaya effects, e.g. 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th angles. Criticism
If benefic, gives property ownership-stewardship but polarizing catalysis related tofinancial activities through suspicious communications; attracts storm damage to properties, poor crops, and difficult tenants. Mother's identity is bonded to her siblings, who are greedy and unpleasant. False family mythologies mask the conflict of their youth. Unable to tell the truth about their fighting parents or conflicted home life, which makes it hard to get help. Remains self-indulgent, self-defensive, and unhappyr. If bandesha-4 is dignified, can give a good career in educational finance, mortgage lending, vehicle sales, or visiting nurse. |
EXAMPLES bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-7]
bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-7]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-7] occupies 4th-from-4th roots [Mangala-Karkata] -- [nīcha]
[Mangala-Kumbha] -- [Yogakaraka]
bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-7] [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] -- [Bhadra Yoga]
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-7] alliances, contracts, vehicles, housing
[Guru-Meena] -- [Hamsha Yoga]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-7]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-7] -- [dikbala]
bandesha-4 in Bhava 7 Balance / marriage / contracts / agreements; alliances, equality, partnership Ruler of 4 located in 4th-from-4th = extremely strong position for matters of legal advocacy and advising, particularly in matters of ethnic custom and property ownership-stewardship foundational schooling, pathways of transportation, building patterns, ruts-and-routines, cultural roots, boundary defense, or policing. One is often a vigorous nationalist or promoter of ethnic customs.
bandesha-4 in the sheltering, schooling, grounding, rhythmic, customary 4th-from-svakshetra = auspicious for matters of balance, agreement, partnership, schools, homes, real-estate contracts. The mother's mother is often a grounding, protective figure. Even when other elements of the nativity are unstable, and even when conditions in bhava-4 are uncomfortable, ruler of 4 residing in 4th-from-4th grants adequate nourishment and shelter to sustain the lifetime. The strongest protective benefits accrue when bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-7] . However, this placement also implies that one seeks in the spouse-partner a caretaking parent-figure rather than an equal adult partner. What ever stressors may be activated, the Foundational education is manually engaging and hands-on
Nichha Shani ruling 4 might not be so nice
Highly supportive and comfortable placement for basic teaching roles.
4th and 4th-from-4th are both related to property ownership-stewardship and real estate dealings. Excellent placement for educators, particularly those who teach adults or who teach in matters of law and contracts. 4th-from-4th also signifies the maternal grandmother, one's own mother's property holdings which may be controlled by the maternal grandmother. (Although 4th from Chandra is a better indicator of the emotional environment created by the agent = mother's mother.) Spouse hails from a similar cultural background to one's own mother's family, and spouse may be a roots relative of that clan. Spouse = natural parent, patriotic, caretaker/steward of the land, and loves the home. If bandesha-4 is comfortably configured, the life-partner is possessed of considerable landed properties, and the partner very likely has a good education. * especially true when Budha or Guru = bandesha-4 /yuvati-pati-7 such as for Mithuna and Kanya lagna. bandesha-4 in yuvati-bhava = suited to roles such as educational adviser or maker of partnership agreements with educators, home-builders, property-owners, parents, and other sheltering protectors. Excellent position for land use attorney, property or vehicle adjudicator, assessor or evaluator (Tula, 7) of deeds and titles to property. Benefits professional engagement in contract making; also counselors on matters of schooling, examinations, property acquisition, and professional licensure. Ruler of 10th-from-7 occupies 7 One's sense of cultural rootedness, being anchored in a fixed place, property ownership-stewardship , or environmental stewardship = represented by and expressed through the marriage partnerr. Must have partnership and contractual agreement in order to feel protected and secure. Vehicles and Landed Properties * ruler of 4 in 4th-from-4th
QUOTATION from Das "The lord of the 4 is in 7, and the lord of the 4 has at least one beneficial placement attribute." " You will be very lucky, and lead a happy life.
EXAMPLE bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-8] bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-8]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-8]
bandesha-4 = [Budha in bhava-8]
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-8]
[Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-8] [Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-8]
bandesha-4 in Bhava 8 Masks
Any graha which is born into randhra bhava becomes subject to the fast spinning of the cycle (8) of self-destruction and rebirth (8). The speed of change-of-form is often terrifying. Shocking changes to ancient routines usually does not thrive in fixed school or home environments. needs crisis, upheaval, or catastrophe to feel grounded.
bandhesha-4occupies bhava-8, suggesting home-roots often dislodged by the ongoing cycles of identity-change (8). Mysterious mother A hidden house Matters of the bhava which are ruled by graha in 8 are controlled by this fast-turning, re-cycling , identity-destroying and regenerating hidden life force. Effects of graha in 8 are frightening, secretive, occult, mysterious, apocryphal, hidden, shocking magical, rejuvenating and changing-changing-changing. Matters of real-estate, dwellings, roadways, schools, vehicles may be shrouded in secrecy May endure frequent house-shift (4) but usually each time is an upgrade since 8 is 5th-from-4. Bandesha amplified by Rahu [Rahu-Mithuna] -- [Rahu in bhava-8] -- [Shani in Bhava-8] [Puna-Shani-yuti-Rahu-Mriga]
bandesha-4 in 5th-from-svakshetra is benevolent for intelligent gambling and charismatic politics usually due to creative skills for managing sudden and shocking changes in the lives of the parents and caretakers. One or both of the parents may have unstable identities, and the childhood home may be often transformed or reborn in sudden, unexpected ways. Caretakers may be masked agents or impostors. Yet 8 = 5th-from-4th, suggesting scholarship and celebrity if the graha in 8 are radiant. The young person often adapts to instability in the home with creative intelligence. Someone else on the list of dramatis personae for the present incarnation steps in to take over the parenting role in a better upgraded version (usually better) due to the bandesha-4 being subject to trans-form-ation. Several iterations of regeneration of the parent-figures. This pattern is usually materially successful due to the auspicious 5th angle. The childhood home and mother's cultural roots are plunged into a mystical, transformative world of sudden, magical changes . It is performance genius which draws from solid ethnic roots. bandesha-4 occupies 5th-from-svakshetra; this placement can be beneficial if properly understood . Native may need to endure may transformations of the parental home, the school-house or school-teaching culture, or even cataclysms of the nation-state
Despite a reasonable schooling in the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of owns own people, this angle may catapult one into an understanding that the nation or culture of birth (4) is a foundation for evolution (8) and not the fixed root of personal identity. One may have Learning Pathway experience of the fortune (bhagya) which arises from intelligence (5th-from) in matters of property boundaries, homes and vehicles, and cultural foundations (5th-from-4th). One indeed knows the folk and their folkways. One may "game" (5) the cultural roots via charismatic performance, entertainments and speculations. One does not cling to the simple life based on property ownership-stewardship and practice of inherited routines. If schoolteaching is undertaken, it may be disturbing to the core stabilit of the body. The cultural roots are not damaged and ethnicity remains meaningful, but there is another perspective, asecret one, which shows one how to transform the cultural inheritance into something quite ingenious and new. May be an educator of medical or psychic healers, the operator of a tantric school, or one who creates a home for poisoned or traumatized persons. Educated in the mysteries; trained to be a facilitator of secrets. of course, having been educated, one realizes the knowledge is rather an 'open secret' Excellent for midwives and surgeons, those who take the foundational materials and make some intelligent change to it. Gain of stability and social security through the spouse's assets. One will move house often, and frequently one chooses not to own property at all. Esp. If bandesha-4 is benevolent, one has all the use of properties, vehicles, schools etc. but does not need the effort of ownership). If bandesha-4 is less benevolent, the energy field around one's home is always shape-shifting. One may be betrayed or harmed in one's home, or by one's countrymen. Must have privileged or magical knowledge in order to feel protected and secure. |
![]() Christian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral in Iași (Jassy) Romania |
EXAMPLES bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-9]
bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-9]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-9]
bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-9]
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-9] = advisor patronage
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-9]
[Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha] [Dhanayoga]
bandesha-4 [Shani in Bhava-9]
bandesha-4 in Bhava 9= folk beliefs kinder-kuche-kirke roots emerge via father - doctrine - divinity - human discourse regarding the paradigm of belief (9) Generally some conflict (6/8) between the localized view (4) and high theoretical wisdom (9) unless other graha accompany the bandesha-4 within dharmasthāna. Tendency for bandesha-4 to transfer the folk beliefs of 4 into the university theories of 9. One may have a particular genius for carrying the property-ownership matters of 4 such as housing, land use, water use, deeds of title, environmental site-management etc. into the theoretical, principled discussions of the temple-9.
Should the graha which is rules bhava-4 be socially dignified, one may demonstrate expertise in legal theory of property, philosophy of environmental law, development of constitutional principles of education, and similar bandhu-bhava-4 local inputproducing dharmabhava-9 global output. Always problematic 6-8 angle, even when the exponent is socially successful The awkward ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle between 4 and 9 brings out the genius of 4-9 only in conflicted settings, when the old local cult or the old property rights or the old local schooling (4) are in conflict with some type of globalizing influence (9). Thus bandesha-4 in 9 = generally a good angle for professional who are trained to manage local-global conflicts that occur in the process of social-class change, such as attorneys and religious counselors. Home-ownership, cultural boundaries, parenting and Schoolteaching (4) are prone to conflict due to the draw of higher knowledge (9) but ultimately the results are favorable.
Faith of our Fathers Even when bandesha-4 remains steadfastly parochial in its outlook, one may become a familiar representative of the fundamental and customary faith of an ethnic people. Articulator preserver or exponent of folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms, rhythms, roots, routines Ethical Philosophy and Ethno-beliefs Customary, routine-seeking bandesha-4 occupies adversarial 6th-from-svakshetra. Foundational schooling (4) and folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms can pervade higher discourse of philosophical principles (9) placing habitual folk beliefs of a settled people (4) in conflict with authentic philosophical or theological discussions (9). Parochialism, fundamentalism, folk heritage tend to enter the philosophical apprehension of higher dharma Nature, environment, roots, Homeland rhythms (4) = expressed in Philosophical or sacred teaching (9) A gifted preacher who can transmit high ritual while maintaining an emotional interest in the emotional well being of the audience. Patriotism and ethnic roots expressed via the inspirational pulpit. A seeker of religious and philosophical truth, but rarely at rest in a single set of beliefs. Routine transportation (Commute)
Troubles in the home (6th-from-4th) -- yet often, help from high-priests or philosophers bandesha-4 in 6th-from-svakshetra indicates a next-step development of principled understanding which is motivated by conflict (6) with the ritual routines and rhythms of one's birth-culture. May quarrel with customary acts of piety, rhythmic folkways, ancient patterns, and established cultural norms or explore alternative doctrinal paradigms in a somewhat adversarial quest for higher meaning. Tendency to need to break free of the roots culture in pursuit of the next step in one's development, and that next step is often a new paradigm of belief that is not well matched to the parents' cultural grounding. Mother's cultural roots are deep in a solid moral philosophy. Mother's lineage may include priests or guru-type religious teachers, who have strong opinions on moral and aesthetic matters. However, one will not be satisfied with that into which one was born. One may become a professor or scholar-administrator with explicit critical consciousness of which educational values are being transmitted to the student generation, and why. May be acutely aware of the conflict between society's need for stability via cultural indoctrination, vs. The need of the higher mind to seek a non-traditional path. Must have ecclesiastical doctrine , sacred teachings, or life-philosophy in order to feel protected and secure. However, most varieties of dogma are in conflict with the cultural roots and owned lands, due to bandhesha in unbalanced 6th-from-4th
Religious (9) properties (4), although these are disputed, conflicted, and problematic due to the 6th-from angle Father Is likely to be a well-educated person with solid grounding in his own cultural foundations, yet perhaps tending a bit toward unbalanced judgments or indebtedness in his handling of property matters. At least he may be not much in agreement with the prevailing pedagogy of the day - due to bandesha-4 in argumentative 6/8-from-4th . Father may be an educator, grantor of titles of licenses, vehicles manager, or property manager.
Cathedral St Cecile Albi Tarn, France |
EXAMPLES [bandhesha] -- [Surya in bhava-10] -- [dikbala]
[bandhesha] -- [Chandra in bhava-10]
[bandhesha] -- [Mangala in bhava-10] -- [dikbala]
[bandhesha] -- [Budha in bhava-10]
[Budha-Meena] -- [nīcha]
[bandhesha] -- [Guru in bhava-10]
[bandhesha] -- [Shukra in bhava-10]
[bandhesha] -- [Shani in bhava-10] throne yoga]
High visibility, Familiar to Folks known for being a person of place, national character, parochial loyalty bandesha-4 folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of a settled people enters karma-sthāna-10 profession, Leadership, prestige, visibility, dignity bandesha-4 in 7th-from-svakshetra = generally quite auspicious. Serves the public through basic education, enhancing national and regional security, supporting the defense of lands and roots culture. Brings parental, conservative, land-owning, property cultivating instincts to the leadership role. A patriotic and localized viewpoint, not global insight. May be much more popular with the regional base than with the national base. Tribal attributes, local folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms, us-against-them boundary distinctions, overall popular and trusted.
[Chandra in bhava-10] -- [Chandra-Makara-Draco]
[Mangala in bhava-10] -- [dikbala]
EXAMPLe [Shani in bhava-10] -- [Shani-Simha] Shani owns-and-aspects 4-schooling + 3-management, talking bandesha-4 in the equitable and just 7th-from-svakshetra = auspicious. Sincerely patriotic leadership from a land-ownership, foundational, ethnic-roots perspective. Lawfully upholds and represents the ethnic folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of the people who are settled on the land. Patriotic, parochial, comfort from the past, naostalgic, downward looking and backward looking (wistfully). If Mangala's natural instincts for sporting competition = over-amplified or Kuja otherwise becomes combative, there may be dominance issues with matters of 4 such as lack of tranquility in the childhood home, parental fighting, aggressive car-driving. Extreme case of Mangala activates -4 + drishti into 4 + Kuja amplified by Chandra-yuti-Rahu + incoming drishti from Shani-8 May govern (10) under a patriarchal (9th) facade honoring the customary (4) beliefs of a settled people.
Houses of Life + Houses of Worship + Schoolhouses + Stations of All Kinds Governs with support from and toward the folk- schooling and customary licensing practices. Reputed for transportation, roadways, waterways, airways, and vehicles In leadership roles, enjoys a profound familiarity with the foundational strata of the culture. Usually represents and promotes the interests of schooling and land-ownership.
Parents are generally dignified. Promotes social security and continuation of the presence of a people in their place. Iconic, broadly visible representation (10) of property-ownership, parenting and schooling.
May provide iconic leadership in curriculum with a strong characteristic of ethnic purity and consistency, roots values, and return to basics. Prefers a rhythmic, habitual lifestyle, and wishes to ensure the methods of transmission of cultural manners from one generation to the next. bandesha-4 in 10 = iconic leadership the agricultural, territorial, land-owning instinctsof one's folk Solid and reliable, emotionally steady, unchanging public personality. One's mother has a leadership role and one takes one's direction from her.
staunch advocate of lawful property ownership-stewardship and traditional methods of stewardship of the land. Must have a governing or executive role in order to feel protected and secure. |
![]() Oregon Pacific Coast - Sam Boardman State Park |
EXAMPLES bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-11] bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-11]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-11]
bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-11]
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-11] [Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-11]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-11] [Shani-Simha] -- [Yogakaraka]
bandesha-4 in Bhava 11 bandesha-4 = folkways, patriotism, parents especially Mother bhava-11 = marketplace gains, material goals and achievements; social participation movements and economic participation economic income (11) sourced from matters of bhava-4 including vehicles of transportation, shelters, roots, things underground, real-estate, agricultural lands, fishing, marine lifestyles, homewares, nourishment, schooling, and local rhythms
bandesha-4 [Surya in bhava-11] bandesha-4 [Chandra in bhava-11]
bandesha-4 [Mangala in bhava-11] Many high-energy relocations [8] building renovations [8] resettlements [8] EXAMPLE POTUS-pair-26 Whitehouse Restoration 1861-1948 Edith Carow Roosevelt [ordering-hierarchical Aśleṣa-2] Somana-yuti-Surya] -- [Kuja-yuti-Budha] Kuja bandesha
bandesha-4 [Budha in bhava-11] occupies revolutionary, fast-changing 8th-from-svakshetra
bandesha-4 [Guru in bhava-11]
bandesha-4 [Shukra in bhava-11] bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-11]
With bandhesha in 8th-from-svakshetra, one may be more comfortable in a next-step country than in one's own homeland. Depending on the graha in 4 and in 11, one may be a traveler who frequently moves away from the home base. There may be a forced transformative even disastrous rift between customs of the childhood home and the rhythms of folk life, as the foundations of life demand movement into the rebirthed identity of a shift in patriotic allegiance, or homeland passport, or loyalty to the mother-motherland and her people (mother may include both parents as a protective unit). One tends to rift-and-shift away from the birth roots in a bid to be rejuvenated and reborn. bandesha-4 in 8th-from-svakshetra = less benevolent for mother's well-being, but gives inheritance of landed property rights and hidden assets. Mother is somewhat instable because she is prone to quick cycles of identity transformation; however, she is gainful and her child benefits from mother's social connectivity. Mother: gainful remarriage and new identity
bandesha-4 in 8th-from-svakshetra is only slightly auspicious for matters of schooling, vehicles, or property ownership-stewardship All these undertakings will be profitable, but one may feel that one does not have much control over the trajectory from one's foundations (such as the college major field) into the actual method of earnings. Parents will provide a legacy of some variety. Bandesha in 8th-from-4 = 6/8 unsettled tension re: schools, transportation
Pne is essentially a teacher (4) who promotes a particular learning pathway or science via large assemblies (11). One is generally able to be financially gainful (11) while doing so in fact educating others can be a main source of income. (Other income is often from other items within the portfolio of bandhu bhava-4 such as rents upon landed properties and buildings.) Auspicious for business in sale of instructional materials or turn-key educational systems. Any relationship between 4 and 11 shows profit from educational activities. Education industry is a majority employer in USA. www.bls.gov Direct and indirect profits from the schools and diploma-holders The people and place where one had received one's upbringing, manners, and schooling form a strong constituency within the social network and provide a basis for gainfulness.
Even coming from humble beginnings, one may attend a prestigious academy, college or professional school which forms the springboard of "who you know" . Gains from one's formal education and teaching dharma in the marketplace. May be a business educator; a scientist; or an educator in the fields of technical, social or professional networking. Gainful capabilities, esp. income from educational products, land/property products or transactions. Promotes a patriotic, conservative persona but may be more of a freethinker than s/he reveals. Profit from the home culture, roots, foundations, old ways, ancient boundaries, places of settlement, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, schooling (4) * but because 11 occupies 8th-from-4th, there must be some sudden force of unexpected change which also invigorates a new identity May handle innovative products or digital technology which transform conventional primary educational settings. one profits from stimulating professional networking, and providing other connectivity functions which expand the scope of basic socialization. (4th lord in transformative/destructive 8th-from-svakshetra, profits from changing its base). Must have engagement with a large conceptual systemin order to feel protected and secure. Earnings from landed property: |
EXAMPLES [bandheshan] -- [Surya in bhava-12] [Surya-Mesha-uchcha]
[bandhesha] -- [Chandra in bhava-12]
[bandhesha] -- [Mangala in bhava-12] [Mangala-Karkata] -- [nīcha]
[bandhesha] -- [Budha in bhava-12]
[bandhesha] -- [Guru in bhava-12]
[bandhesha] -- [Shukra in bhava-12]
bandesha-4 [Shani in bhava-12]
[Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]
bandesha-4 in distant realms Bhava 12 overall a supportive 5/9 angle between bhava-4 caretakers, security, shelter -- and its ruler as always the characteristics of the ruler define the 4th-amsha experiences dreams / meditation / sanctuary /subconscious / private worlds bandesha-4 in 9th-from-svakshetra= auspicious. confessional topics bring spiritual healing and wisdom. bandesha-4 in 12 may own land (4) in a distant country or a country far away from one's homeland (12)
Otherwise, deepest connections to land and the traditions of the mother's family are plunged into the realm of the subconscious imagination. The home customs, routine and regular habits of a people, roots and rhythms, may be trapped in a world of ignorance or or dreamy uncertainty; the basis of life shifts as if in a dream. Home (4) tends to be influenced by the imagination (12) May possibly have a crumbling or insubstantial quality if Ketu-12. Foreign guests from distant lands come visiting in the home May teach in an enclosure such as an ashram, monastery, hospital, prison, or spa. Little social recognition for teaching, parenting, or caretaking behaviors. Limited identity as a parent or custodian; yet one loves the land patriotically because bandesha-4 has found the 9th from svabhava in a moksha trine of sincere understanding. Works quietly on matters of environmental preservation and care. May be a traveling educator, teach to the international tourist industry, or be a chaplain in hospital or retreat/reserve camp. Although the 9th angle indicates spiritual balance, one or both of the parents may be unavailable due to distance, isolation, hospitalization, meditative retreat, or imprisonment.
Depending on graha yuti the bandesha there may be house-shifts driven by the imaginative need to relocate, but these new shelters are likely all fairly close to the homeland roots.
Mother may have been unavailable in the home due to illness perhaps, or an outside social life, or mother was an exceptionally quiet person with little outer life.
Alternatively, the foundational education (4) may be established in boarding schools; one may live in a dormitory (12) rather than live at home Self or mother may have been primarily educated in a protected enclosure such as a boarding school or refugee camp. Quality of the education is high or low depending on the graha. Must have quiet and solitude, often the sanctuary of private prayer, in order to feel protected and secure. May signal the dissolution or loss of a foundational, protective structure such as a home or a school.
Although the parents may be noble people, bandesha in 12 tends to dissolve the fixture of the home. Graha-in-12 confer empowerment to appear indistinctly, off the public radar. Internationalizes the education. EXAMPLE
Yet with bandesha-4 in 12, the walls of enclosure both psychic and physical which create a feeling of protection and shelter may dissolve or be eroded by the intensity of one's dreams. There may be goings-on within the home (4) that are not clearly seen (12) due to the curtained, invisible, enclosed nature of 12. Character of the bandupathi may reveal.
STAY ON THE BRINK QUOTATION from Pema Chödrön, Buddha's Daughters, pages 56–57 "When things fall apart and we're on the verge of we know not what, the test for each of us is to stay on that brink and not concretize. The spiritual journey is not about heaven and finally getting to a place that's really swell. In fact, that way of looking at things is what keeps us miserable. Thinking that we can find some lasting pleasure and avoid pain is what in Buddhism is called samsara, ahopeless cycle that goes round and round endlessly and causes us to suffer greatly. The very first noble truth of the Buddha points out that suffering is inevitable for human beings as long as we believe that things last—that they don't disintegrate, that they can be counted on to satisfy our hunger for security. From this point of view, the only time we ever know what's really going on is when the rug's been pulled out and we can't find anywhere to land . We use these situations either to wake ourselves up or to put ourselves to sleep. Right now—in the very instant of groundlessness is the seed of taking care of those who need our care and of discovering our goodness." |
Q: You said during the reading that I had the potential to
change countries numerous times. You said that is because the ruler of the
bhave for homes is in the bhave that is 8th from home-base. I have Ketua in
bhavae-4 and ny Chandra is in Chumbha rasashi You said I am restlessly
looking for higher income.
that is very true.
I moved from
Malaysia to Brunei,
and fro Brunei to Taipei,
and from Taipei to Paris
and from Paris to the Rotterdam. I am in the Netherlands now and
working with my shipping company.
My lifemate (like you say) is boring here
in the Rotterdam and we have been talking very much about it it time to go
to a new place.
We have two beautiful small kids and their education is very
important for us.
My company has many offices in the world.
This is
my question what I don't understand (yet). According to Jyotis,
my dear
lifepartner has a plan,
and my two kids also have their own plan. So what
happens if their plan says don't move but my plan would like to move to new
country? All members of family have to move together and all plans will
A: Namaste, Regarding the next country-move, your Jyotishavidya nativity may show a shift of household to a next country regardless of anyone else's move. Usually if the whole family together is going to shift to a next-step homeland, the Jyotishavidya nativities of all the family members would show coordinated patterns involving the transformative, forward-moving 8th-amsha.
Also the wistful, dissolving 12th-amsha can show a sense of loss, such as leaving behind an identity, aplace, things
Ketu indicated severance and liberation from bondage
However, the primary determiner of your move is your own Vimshottari Dasha period timetable. If you do a next-country move, it was preincarnationally planned eons ago and it is necessary for your spiritual development. The nativities of your near and dear ones may be aligned or the might not be aligned with your next-country move. If that coordination does not occur, it suggests that you would move only with those who were preincarnationally planned to go with you. Common examples of a family not moving all together would include situations where children remain in one country for schooling while their parent (or both parents) travel for work. It is normal for children go to a different country to live with relatives. There are various arrangements that are safe and beneficial for everyone, but nevertheless do involve splitting the family locations. Using the divinatory reasoning of Jyotishashastra, it is necessary to set aside materialistic, positivistic, social propaganda about cause-and-effect relationships. Set aside cultural customs and fixed expectations. The Plan was arranged from a higher viewpoint. The causation mechanism in Jyotishavidya begins with spiritual programming. Spiritual instructions tend not to be recognized, so usually the spiritual mandate percolates down to mental level of thoughts. From causative thoughts, the script gravitates down to emotions, and from emotions the urgos (energy) finally slides down to the social-physical level. Material circumstances never cause anything. Material circumstances are only a temporary result of their antecedent thoughts and feelings and beliefs. It is entirely possible for one family member to disorient [Ketu, 8, 12] from the group, for a period of time and for coherent reasons - regardless of one's moral principles or social convictions. Wishing you and your family every happiness, healing from sorrow, guidance by inner light, and success in all of life's endeavors, Sincerely, Barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya |
![]() Centers of the folk culture in the place of settlement. " Borgund Stave Church is a stave church located in the village of Borgund in the municipality of Lćrdal in Sogn og Fjordane county, nor way. It is classified as a triple nave stave church of the so-called Sogn-type." |
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![]() file update = 15-Feb-2025 [Copyright © 1994-2024 by Barbara Pijan Lama] -- [Contact] -- [How to Request a Jyotishavidya Reading] Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |
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