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Rashi Lagna


Most growth-challenging bhava = 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 11


OM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

OM sri ram dasrathaye namah

OM tatva niranjnaya tarakaramaya namaha

12 Bhava

counted from

Tulā - Vanika


Phul [fruits] = applies as well or better to Tula-Chandra lagna 12 houses from Libra ascendant

Friendship Networks

Bhava 1 - Tula - Vanika

  • Appearances, clothing Style

  • Physical Body, social Personality,

  • Metonymic , iconic-Symbolic or Photo-Image representations

Great pride in one's children and in the products of one's own unique intelligence.

Lagnesha Shukra activates a svabhava of neutral Kuja.

Bhava-1 signifies personal competition for social validation through a winning combination of physical behaviors and traits.

Tula-1 seeks to develop the physical personality identity through association with Attorneys and conflict resolution through the law courts, negotiation and brokering, making of contracts and alliances, and relationships which enhance mutual wealth and pleasure of the partners.

The social personality has an inherent affinity for balancing and arranging, architecture and design , works of fine art and musical composition, and luxurious surroundings.

Tula-1 = particularly influenced by one's partners, both personal and professional (whether favorably or not); one prefers an aesthetic response to life.

  • Thula natives are generally agreeable, design-loving, harmony-seeking, alliance-building folk who have a strong aesthetic interest in counseling and advising others.

  • They strive to maintain a competitively attractive personality and physical appearance.

Tula, Life, and Death

Shukra's co-lordship of bhava-8 Vrishabha can be problematic, at least in the public perception. Thula can, ironically, seem rather macabre in the extent of one's tolerance for the violence of the rejuvenating cycle of death and rebirth.

Thula accepts death as an aesthetically vital part of life's constant re-balancing, and Thula does not complain about the necessity of having to die in exchange for the possibility of a better new life.

  • For Tula-1, both of the svabhava of Mangala are ruled by Shukra .

  • Thus Thula possesses has a surprising and peculiarly aesthetic appreciation for the shocking beauty of traumatic disasters (8, the natural specialty of Mangala) and forced, catastrophic change of all types(8). (Particularly the Viśākha - Rādhā Shakti-folk!)

Thula natives love mysteries and secrets (8).

  • One holds a broad affection [Shukra] for matters of birth (1) and re-birth (8);

    of creation (1) and destruction (8); of appearances (1) and disappearances (8); of the beauty of the stable physical human form (1) and its sudden transformation through surgery, psychotherapy, psychic healing, emergency, tantric magic, or other catastrophic style of rebirth.

  • Thus one is a lover of both birth and death, stability and change, mass and energy, form and content.

Tula-1 may be a skilled director of stable, harmonious relationships and good design in all things . Yet, one is simultaneously quite aware of the presence of those cyclical forces which cause the death of relationships (8), and which eventually create the perfect conditions for the death of ones own self (8).

Physical Appearance

  • Balanced physical features, tendency toward a more fair or pastel type of complexion, relative to the patterns within one's genetic group. (However, astrong influence from Kuja can darken the overall coloring, and Guru casts a golden glow.)

  • Tula-1 is attractive to both men and women.

In addition to being naturally gifted with physical beauty * presuming Shukra is benevolent * Tula-1 easily accepts professional"handling" to improve their presentation, through skillful use of scents, paints and costume. Their appearance is normally impeccable.

This nativity will flourish when Shukra, shani and Chandra are strong, and Kuja/Surya/Guru do not interfere. Guru as vikrama-pati+rogesha-6 is a naturally less benevolent influence upon one. Ideally Guru should be weak.

Tula's signature capability is the power to create and sustain many layers of supportive agreements.

Thula succeeds through a combination of

  • personal attractiveness (lagnesha-1 Shukra)

  • respect for folkways customs, ancient routines, and established cultural norms (bandesha-4 Shani)

  • active crafting of agreements (yuvati-pati-7 Kuja)

  • emotional engagement in leadership roles (karmesha-10 Chandra)

The list of global power brokers, religious leaders, and celebrities at left indicates how inordinately influential are Tula nativities in the world.

QUOTATION Das / Behari WRT Tula = bhava-1

[applies as well or better to Tula-Chandra lagna]

" Libra Ascendant usually bestows a long face, an attractive appearance, tender eyes, and sparsely set teeth.

  • You are generally above average height, lean and thin.

  • Mentally, you are disorganized, emotionally unstable, and socially unbalanced.

  • You are extravagant, generous, helpful and simple at heart. You crave social contact and the assurance that other people need you.

  • You are also subject to contradictory thoughts and actions; you are fond justice and law but easily irritated .

  • Your friends and benefactors tend to be well-placed individuals, but you can also associate with dishonest people who, unfortunately, stick with you for years.

  • Physically you appear strong and healthy but you may secretly suffer from diseases relating to the loins and kidneys.

  • You should take precaution against urinary tract infections.

  • You may have a strong desire for artistic achievement but fail to actualize it.

Saturn is a very powerful planet for you. Jupiter is also very good.

Fond of helping the lowly, and so much so that you may use base acts to achieve your goals.

You respect spiritual leaders because they respect principle centered persons.

You are often too driven to stick strictly to principles yourself , but would rather see to it that the objective gets carried out ." [end quote]

Bhava 2 - Vṛścika - Thriketta - Scorpionis

[Competitive Champion Kuja]'s governance is not impeded in the svabhava of neutral Shukrar.

Conservation of Worth

historical value, shareholder value, production value, investment value

Collection + Portfolio, Hoards + Storage, acquisitions,

Treasuries of treasuries

Libraries of Knowledge

Because Kuja activates 2nd-from-lagna and 7th-from-lagna, thula natives have an ambitious and competitive approach to matters of partnership and wealth-storage. One requires forward movement within relationships, and is always bent on acquiring more knowledge, food, or cintamani * mani * money .

Kuja family knowledge-values-action

Vṛścika = penetration, invasion, infiltration, subterfuge, emergency, and forced transformation. Tula-1 may hail from a family lineage of engineers [Kuja] such as miners, drillers, machinists, surgeons, divers, excavators, detonators, dynamiters, cutters, shooters, hunters, poisoners, or similar Mangala expertise. The Vṛścika lineage also executes transmission of secrets and hidden treasures, therefore, sometimes money-handlers, bankers, keepers of repository and cache of mysterious values.

Add in more details from also [2nd-from-Chandra] . The disposition of Mangala and graha within bhava-2 will add more puzzle-pieces to the family lineage picturer.

A penetrating drive toward ancient knowledge, languages, history, stored wealth and collections of mystical art and music. Knowledge of the cycle of birth and death.

Exploratory, archeological, tantrik approach to knowledge, wealth, values, history of one's people. Appearance of face, hair etc. is slightly sharp. Periods of Kuja may time surgeries to the face and neck, teeth and jaw.

The family history suffers from secrecy, and is subject to sudden, forced changes during periods of Kuja (and other graha in bhava-2). The changes may range from slightly unsettling to massive and catastrophic, depending on graha in bhava-2. (Exempli gratia, if Rahu in bhava-2, family upheaval is much amplified.) The scale of the forced changes may be hidden from public view.

Native stores knowledge and wealth deep within the self. Memory-storage mechanism is internally deep and recycling. Able to call forth, from hidden resources, the values and knowledge needed for the task at hand.

Stored wealth may be increased by inheritance, lotteries, insurance settlements, and hidden sources.

Tula-1 may experience intense hunger, driving one to eat furiously.

Hoarded wealth commodities and volume depend on condition of Kuja. Values are self-reflective, mystical, tantrik, and focused on psychic power. Less interest in accumulating knowledge or goods which do not facilitate deeper understandings.

Appreciates the dark side of human nature and the instructional value of pain. Controls an appreciable amount of treasuries increasing throughout the lifetime, punctuated with severe losses due to the catastrophic cycle of Vṛścika. Secretive about their acquisitions.

In bhava-2, Rahu + [Yogakaraka] Shani suffers a variety of competitive avarice for values-based knowledge along with expressions of highly educated (4 + 5) taste:"classic"art, music, furniture, and styles of dress. For Tula indriya-lagna, Ketu afflicts bhava-2 = treasuries, speech and song, knowledge of languages, and historical values especially collections of treasuries.

Tula-1 is raised with an active [Kuja] even Aggressive but also mystically Ambivalent approach to asserting one's wealth-building behaviors .

  • On the one hand, the family lineage values-fulfillment financial well-being acquisition

  • on the other hand, there is a psychic or mystical undertow [Ketu] which suggests that higher and more"portable" (cross-incarnational) values should be the goal.

The family history may become distant [Ketu] or aggressive [Kuja]; Tula-1 typically feels a considerable ambivalence toward the historic values of one's own family, and often breaks away from the lineage values-fulfillment .

Graha in Bhava-2


prize * price * appreciation * preciousness

changes to the appreciativeness of the family (2) toward the native.

The type of appreciation is determined by the character of the grahar.

[Surya in bhava-2] * the family is charismatic, political, and theatrical. The family's style of showing appreciation to the native depends upon the type of treasury that one brings into the family coffers. The father is primarily concerned with maintaining the financial well being of the lineage. Father may be involved in banking, archives, storage, collections, conservation, value, traditional knowledge, genetic breeding, historical records. Patriarchal figures are prone toward self-righteousness and usually the father is the solar center of the lineage.

DHANAYOGA = * ruler of 11 resides in 2

Surya occupies Vṛścika

[Chandra in bhava-2] * the family is sensitive and routinized in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . Mother may be primarily concerned with maintaining the financial well being of the lineage. She can be involved with banking, archives, storage, collections, environmental conservation, value, genetic breeding, lineage knowledge, historical records. Mother is often at the center of the lineage. This line features a gentle moonglow facial radiance.

Suggests a family lineage that is deeply identified with the Old Ways (Soma) but feeling a need to mask and mystify the values of the traditional folkways.

Chandra-Vṛścika [nīcha] comforted by mystery * sensitive to trauma-healing * needs healing discovery * ruler of 10 resides in 2

[Mangala in bhava-2] * the family is competitive and outspoken in their style of showing appreciation to the native. Brothers are dominating and vigorous. Often an athletic or warrior lineage. Mangala-2 and His brethren are concerned with financial well-being, which is typically present at birth and energetically pursued by the native. Karaka for two marriages since yuvati pathi Mangala occupies 2.

The family may be dynamically successful in their pursuit of material treasures, particularly conserving wealth derived from Mangala acts such as military invasion, forceful explorations, weaponry, engineering, surgical tools, driving, diving, drilling, plumbing, plowing, hunting, excavating, explosives.

Mangala-Vṛścika [svakshetra] ruler of 2-7 resides in 2

[Budha in bhava-2] * the family is communicative and gesturing in their style of showing appreciation to the native. Younger siblings of either gender may be managers of the financial well being of the lineage. Siblings and cohort-members can be involved with banking, archives, storage, collections, conservation, value, animal breeding, lineage knowledge, historical records. Siblings are often active in the center of the lineage.

[Budha in Vṛścika] * ruler of 9-12 resides in 2

[Guru in bhava-2] * the family is expansive and inclusive in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . In a wifely nativity, her husband (dhava-karaka Guru) = a curator of the marriage finances. In a husbandly nativity, the finances are influence by the paradigm of belief. One's own knowledge of values and history is expanded by the presence of teacher-preachers in the family lineage. Sacred doctrine may play a central role in the family tradition.

* ruler of 3-6 resides in 2

[Shukra in bhava-2] * the family is balanced, aesthetic, and aligned to financial well-being in their style of showing appreciation to the native.

For a husbandly nativity, shukra indicates the wifely companion. For either husband or wife, shukra indicates sister, sisters-in-law, aunts, and feminine associatesare lovers of luxury and they are beautiful in a mysterious way. One often has a seductively attractive voice. The sisterly-ones are concerned with financial well-being, which is typically present at birth and improved by the contractual, agreement-making abilities of the women and the native. Lagnesha-in-2 suggests that one is significantly identified with the treasury and facial appearance of the family lineage.

[Shukra-Vṛścika] * ruler of 1-8 resides in 2

[Shani in bhava-2] * the family is delayed or stalled in their style of showing appreciation to the native. Yet, in time the necessary healing transformations will arrive. Despite Shani's yogakaraka status, he is uncomfortable in Vṛścika. Anti-movement, anti-change Shani deeply challenged by Kuja-driven Vṛścika's mandate to constant rebirth. Periods of sudden remarkable wealth may be succeeded by periods of destitution, followed again by rebirth into a new type of holdings.

For Shani-Vṛścika-2, " The Keep" of bhava-2 is better suited to acquisition of mysterious knowledge and other valuable treasures which benefit from changing form. This Learning Pathway is not designed to sustain fixed material containment but it may provide a rich setting for libraries of hidden historical knowledge.

Professor Shani casts drishti into 4-8-11 cramping the childhood home, imposing strictures in the foundational education, limiting the inheritance, and reducing economic gains. The family carries a weight of perceptual limitation due to materialism, preventing it from appreciating its own lineage. Often the eyes are affected in this lineage. Agents of the government, officers of the social order, the elderly, hierarchs, and other Shani-figures may limit and restrain the family's acquisitions. Shani produces heavy restraint and social obligations upon the lineage, constraining but not denying wealth acquired via

[Shani in Vṛścika] * yogakaraka ruler of 4-5 resides in 2

Rahu in bhava-2 * the family is ambitious and seeking social mobility in their style of showing appreciation to the native. . Often the lineage is irregular in some fashion; most Typically, an imposter from another line is claiming legitimacy in the family line (usually a case of disguised parentage. Rahu's angle from Chandra will reveal this impostor.). Rahu-2 indicates a craving to expediently obtain the privileges accorded to the class of bankers, hoarders, treasurers, and preservers.

May an obsessive collector of mysterious things. Vṛścika favors sudden attacks; the family's response to the native is often volatile and unpredictable. If the family finds it expedient to promote and appreciate the native, this may occur. If the family finds it expedient to disgrace and scapegoat the native, this may also occur. Find Rahu's ruler, and evaluate other graha in 2, to determine which path is most instrumental for roguish Rahu.

Lineage features individual or family over-reaching [Rahu] via hidden assets, captivating secrets, sudden unexpected changes, transformation of identity, undisclosed knowledge.


  • J

[Ketu in Bhava-2]* the family is dispersed and disregarding in their style of showing appreciation to the native. Professor Ketu is often surprisingly helpful for providing the benefits of non-interference in Vṛścika, where He is co-ruler. Second lifepartnership often unsustainable. The family's lineage wealth remains unmolested, but the emotional protectiveness and persistence of the bonds between family members may dissolve. One's own treasuries may follow a pattern of disappearance, restoration, and disappearance on a cycle determined by the Vimshottari Dasha. Find Ketu's ruler, and evaluate other graha in 2, to determine which outcomes are likeliest.

[Ketu-Vṛścika ]

  • Bello Gallico 100-44 BCE Julius Caesar * a famed playboy in youth, young Julius wasted a considerable inheritance and was bereft of funds. His family essentially disowned him as a wastrel. Military conquests brought Senate contributions to his campaigns, but he overspent in lavish entertainments to gain political favors. His armies looted and plundered, bringing huge wealth to Rome; Yet, he personally kept little of it. Again his fortunes turned, gaining the dictatorship; with this empowerment, the treasure of tribute poured in. The final donation was a cowardly knife into his back, age 57. His second marriage (of 3) was short-lived and ended swiftly on a groundless accusation of suspicion [Vṛścika] of possibility of vulnerability to infidelity (Ketu, insubstantial).

  • POTUS-pair-42 + USA Secy State 1947- Hillary Clinton + Guru-yuti-Ketu

Sahaja Bhava- 3 - Dhanus - Haya = Sagittarius

  • The company one keeps- small group interactive relationships.

  • Mental Process, repetitive Tasks, manual Skill

[Generous Growing Guru] 's governance is strongly impeded in the svabhava of enemy Budha.

Expansive and humanistic Guru activates a bhava of mentalized Budha.

The daily thoughts are infused with religious awareness, but Attention to administrative detail may be distracted by higher concepts. Liberal (book-study) minded; enjoys the company of teachers.

Guru = lord of 3rd-from-lagna and 6th-from- lagna.

  • an expansive and tolerant approach toward group communications (3)

  • also expresses tolerance toward the perpetual human conflict (6) that causes animosity, debt, or disease (6).

One accepts the repetitive daily communications as a positive social experience and there is even a degree of embrace for the internal argumentativeness which causes external conflict.

In Guru's view, it's all good: nothing is rejected. Thus health imbalance-seeking-a-remedy and communication dysfunctions may be tolerated for a long timer.

Mental machinery of speech, writing, and gesture are broad and expansive. Courageous and optimistic mental viewpoint..

If Brihaspati is well placed, the thinking process itself is inclusive, comprehensive, and humanistic.

If Guru is ill-disposed, communicative style may tend toward unsupportably optimistic generalizations, pious platitudes, and truisms.

Native has a large toolkit of communicative devices, and can"get out the message" on a large scale.

Conflict between Brihaspati's wisdom-teaching agenda and Budha's data-detail orientation leads to a frustration with most administrative roles. Co-workers and teammates may find Tula-1 to be ponderous and overly concerned with the big picture, when the job calls for detail management.

Tula-1 's enthusiasm is indeed dulled by repetitive tasks which do not facilitate wisdom-learning (Guru's only goal) and as a consequence, one may be unable to tolerate modern office jobs, unless they have a teaching dimension.

An natural teacher-trainer in many subjects. . Seeks the"teaching opportunity" to conferences, meetings and repetitive social engagements. Friendly, positive and non-confrontational. Enjoys building contacts and participating in teams. Great for politics and corporate success.

Supports favorable relationships with siblings if the third bhava from Chandra is favorable. Likes to coach, guide, train, and facilitate in the local (department, town, regional) setting.

QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT Dhanavana = bhava-3

" You gain courage by self-discipline,

  • and find brethren who lead you to situations of transformation.

You are active and like law and order.

Your spouse has a good influence on you." [end quote]

Bhava 4 - Makara - Draco = Capricorn

Home, family, security, education, indoctrination, cultural acceptance, the early childhood home, effect of mother's culture

  • regulator of security

  • involved with social ethics, old rules, ancient ethnic folkways, routines, customs, and established cultural norms

  • needs a conventional, lawful, unpretentious home property

  • property may be clay-colored, wooden, brick, stone or bone, bland in character, naormative appearance

Stoic Shani ruler of 4

4 is the svabhava of Chandra

Harshly Realistic Shani sees Soothing Chandra as a functional enemy. Lawful Shani has minimal patience for Chandra's unconditional protective love. Shani's regime is definitively conditional.

Rules, rules, rules - and a rhythmic routine built from those rules.

For the Tula-born, work-master Yogakaraka Shani - ruling 4 + 5 - legislates the foundational realms which naturally belong to sheltering, sensitive, and comfort-seeking Chandra.As a result, the childhood home and adult safety are less personally comfortable and more attuned to the architectonic of the social order.

Whether identified as a masculine-figure or a feminine-figure, one must fulfill a disciplined law-giver role at home-and-school.

Although graha-in-4 are important influences in the childhood home, and the relationship of bhava-4 to the Chandra-lagna also adds vital characteristics, the primary theme of Makara is orderliness.

Hierarchical, regulated Makara controls the foundational environments of home and parents, school and schoolteachers, worship, policing, pathways of transportation, and local infrastructure.

To determine the scenario of the childhood home and adult foundational habitual security, find Shani 's bhava-rashi-drishti and His relationship to Chandra.

Shani ( Enemy of Chandra) rules bhava-4, therefore expect some complications along the path to achieving the deepest physical and emotional security in life, due to one's own rigidity and resistance to unconditional flowr.

lagnesha Shukra = great friend of Shani and Therefore, the early childhood situation is stable, safe, and not unduly contentious. (unless Mangala or Rahu disturbs the house)

Homeland Defense

Drive to achieve education and emphasize the common structure underlying all systems of folk customs and established cultural norms. Shani is the fixed enemy of special genius Surya. Tula-1 may not be too sentimental [Chandra] about defense of the homeland. One tends to normalize (4) human society into an aggregate structure, denying any claims about cultural superiority [Surya] of one's own cultural roots, or other royalist assertions.

Parents and early childhood education = Rules, rules, rules

Shani gives a shrewd practical survival approach and ongoing resistance to the conditions in place within one's childhood home.

Scarcity [Shani] and respect for rules [Makara] are key elements of the upbringing.

Others may cherish their parents, viewing these dedicated caretakers uncritically or even worshipfully; yet Thula natives are not sentimental. If there are criticisms of the parents, thula will assess those objectively. Thula shows respect to parents but not always affection and certainly not uncritical affection; that is how these natives were raised.

The parents = "hierophants " dedicated to the promotion and maintenance of large pyramid-shaped social institutions from which they derive their primary identity. Parents are sensitive and respectful to all matters of class, rank, and social station. The family home is bound by numerous strict rules of order, and the childhood education follows the mainstream public conventions of the time.

If Shani = a problematic graha due to its role in the overall nativity, the upbringing can repeat the narrative of deprivation, constriction, enforced conformism, and bondage to Time.

  • A poorly placed Shani may indicate childhood resistance to hierarchical structures, rankings, stages and steps, dogma, government, and every variety of letter-of-the-law bureaucracy.

If Shani is well-disposed, tula-1 may enjoy a certain level of material privilege.

  • Yet even when Shani is good, this privileged will be outweighed by a deep responsibility toward social order inculcated early by one's parents, caretakers, and school-teachers.

  • The Thula child may find it easier to cooperate with (or pander to) authority figures and may indeed appear to be a"parent-pleaser" obsequiously cow-towing to school or church authorities.

Even if, from the outside, tula-1 's childhood home appears comfortable or privileged, that is never the whole story.

i nner strictness of parental rules and the deeper anxiety about potential instability of the social order as a whole marks all Thula natives.

The rules of the home will ensure that the childhood is experienced as a time of significant workload, duty, and lawful responsibility.

Often scarcity of parental affection (Shani overriding Chandra) and a culture of constraint in the childhood home.

  • Even when childhood conditions are difficult, oppressive, or emotionally deprived, shani = yogakaraka bandesha-4 +vidya-pati-5 gives favorable longer-term results in the adult years.

  • Thula natives often become leaders in their fields due at least partly to their serious attitude toward study and the early anti-genius, anti-entertainment discipline. (Shani = enemy of genius-Surya)

Known for their disciplined and austere approach toward the task of completing examinations, Thula natives regularly succeed in obtaining difficult diplomas, licenses, and certifications (4).

These natives are known for self-denial and their power to postpone pleasures in favor of longer term goals. A non-indulgent childhood actually prepares Thula to face most adult situations with sobriety and a time-management plan. Thula natives train their intelligence (5) and finish their homework (4).

Emotional needs for security and comfort must be suppressed in order to achieve security and comfort!

The childhood home emphasized public conformity, and relationship to parents is more a duty than a desire. Parental negligence. Cultural indoctrination levels of education carry forward ethnno-cultural values of emotional discipline and austerity.

Education is interrupted or delayed at several points. Tula-1 may have to go back to school repeatedly. Shani in bhava-4 gives discipline and successful suppression of emotional needs in order to complete the education. Tula-1 does well in school. Shani in bhava-2 makes the education gainful. Shani in bhava-3 may dissolve educational opportunities during Shani bhukti.

  • Tula-1 feels stable and secure in life when one can have a modest roof over one's head and a regular schedule.

  • Shani does not like the natural emotional fluctuations of Chandra. Volatility in the home is intolerable; and if volatility persists, tula-1 will simply leave.

  • Can tolerate and may indeed prefer long separations from the home for purposes of work or structured study. Seeks to establish law and order culture in the home.

  • Prefers a home made of wood and stone, sand, paper, or even bones.

Conservative, conventionalized relationship to parents, who are not emotionally demonstrative and who emphasize performance of duty rather than affectionate bonds. Respect for ethnic custom and tradition. Understands the rules of vehicle operation and land management, but personal property ownership-stewardship is much delayed.

During Shani bhukti, one may live in collective housing. Appearance of the home and vehicle is modest and unimposing, very uniform, and likely one of a large number of identical properties.

Requires and imposes orderly process in basic education; prefers practical, skill-based training on a fixed schedule with rule-driven outcomes.

If Shani is benevolent, makes a fine school teacher, home-builder, vehicle engineer, or town manager.

EXAMPLES of Makara graha in 4

  • svakshetra-Shani or uchcha-Mangala in 4 tend to produce competitive, disciplined, future success in real-estate, vehicles, or guardianship of the land, and protective professions such as military or policing careers

  • Makara-Surya + Surya in bhava-4 tends to produce parents who are self-righteously conventional. They are mainly concerned with their earnings and with obtaining public approval. Dad may be a primary parent. The childhood environment is often patriotic and church-going or involved with community associations in order to gain social security.

QUOTATION from Das - Behari WRT Makara = bhava-4

" ... Makes you inwardly rebellious and full of desires that you probably don't show to the outside world.

You are really driven , but you may show calm outwardly." [end quote]

Bhava 5 - [Kumbha - Ghata] = Aquarius

[Shani] = [Yogakaraka]

Romance, creativity, children, performance Art, authorship, Genius

  • theatre of massive, rule-driven systems

  • performance art of marketplace networks of association, electro-magnetic device networks, progressive social movements

Shani's governance is strongly impeded in the svabhava of enemy Surya.

Because Shani activates 4th-from-lagna and 5th-from-lagna, tula natives have a disciplined and austere approach toward matters of cultural education and expressions of creative genius. These natives are known for skillful problem-solving. They are well-prepared to face most situations because Thula natives train their intelligence and do their homeworkr.

Shani is yoga-karaka for Tula indriya-lagna. Results of Shani as ruler of enemy Surya's bhava are surprisingly favorable as a rule. Controlled self-expression prevents going overboard, gives a steady upward climb in large organizational hierarchies.

Depending on the condition of Shani , the Self may express in a reserved or eccentric way. Native is considered interesting and philosophical, even visionary -- but still conservative and group-oriented. Their vision is socially egalitarian and inclusive.

Children can be problematic. Most common issue is physical and emotional distancing, due to the parent's public duties. Tula-1 may hold an idealized view of childhood and of one's own children, which prevents intimacy and acceptance.

If Shani is benevolent Tula-1 may be an exemplary educator, inspiring students to reach high standards. Children may also receive benefits of parents' social position. Children may compensate for lack of direct parenting by forming valuable relationships with the parents' friends. Community child-raising is favored.

For Tula indriya-lagna, Rahu afflicts fifth house of children, theatre, politics, creativity, and Divine intelligence.

Conditions for producing and raising children, and one's ability to receive praise for acts of creative genius (5) will occur in the context of a certain scientific rigidity [Shani] combined with sudden attacks of upheaval due to passionate behavior of the children (especially the eldest child).

Tula-1's children (5) are subject to mixed signals

  • On the one hand, shani as ruler of Kumbha gives visionary scientific and conceptual thought - which mentality, overlaid upon the house of Genius, can produce some extraordinary research intelligence.

  • On the other hand, rahu contributes a barrier-bending, taboo-twisting enthusiasm toward children and celebration of one's own genius which results in a higher enthusiasm for risky adventure in the acts of self-expression and receiving applause. The children will be scientific-minded and culturally unusual.


Children can be produced or acquired in periods of lagnesha-1 Shukra+ vidya-pati-5 Shani, dharmesha-9 Budha as well as periods of putrakaraka Guru.

Because Guru the karaka for children is also vikrama-pati+rogesha-6 for Tula indriya-lagna, childbirth is not easy, often accompanied by illness or injury, and child-raising tends to induce dissolution of the home (3) and dissolution of marriage bond (6).

Children are a stress source for Thula even while Tula-1 loves the children very much. Number of children is typically limited because vidya-pati-5 Shani is a karaka for scarcity, limitation, reduction of available resources - particularly Time.

The Thula female often has a maternal instinct for governance due to Chandra as karmesha-10 , therefore much of the parenting instinct may be parlayed into taking care of entire societies and not focused on one's own family.

Stoic Shani activates a bhava of Surya = incompatible influences; hot bright stream and cold dark stream mixing in the same channel.

QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT Kumbha = bhava-5

" ... influences you in very important ways.

Only after great effort will you succeed in begetting children,

  • but your life in other spheres of activity will make you much renowned .

Your scrupulous adherence to an ethical way of life will often put you to serious trials , but you will be able to withstand the ordeals of principled living .

You will be interested in making life useful

  • and will study those subjects which can help society .

You will be prepared to be a martyr for the sake of attaining the goal in life.

Your ideas, however well-meaning, will create problems for you and your parents." [end quote]

Bhava 6= 6th from Tula indriya-lagna = 6 th from Tula-Chandra = 6th from Tula - Vanika navamsha

[Generous Growing Guru] 's governance is strongly impeded in the svabhava of enemy Budhar.

  • Dissolution of contracts and agreements. Quarrels, arguments, war.

  • " Social work" , servants, servitude, ministries of service.

  • Medicine, physicians, illness, conflicts,

  • Poverty, exploitation, mani-money loans, usurious practices,

  • prostitution, hotels and restaurants, traveler's aid,

  • Criminal attorneys, litigation,

  • jail (not prison), criminals and crimes.

Tolerant Meena - Antya governs the ministries of service, dissolution of mutually supportive agreements, and capacity for logical argument.

  • Compassion for servants, animals, the exploited and the dispossessed

  • Multiple, diverse quarrels

  • Tolerance for problematicity

  • Broad awareness of human suffering

  • One serves, ironically, via arguing the cause of wisdom


  • Compassionate Guru the non-discriminating wise sage who accepts all phenomena = dharma

  • governs the svabhava of mentalized Budha the detailed, super-discriminating Lord of Logical Categories.

There is a great openness and kindly acceptance toward all sorts of people who suffer from crippling poverty (6) toxic jealousy (6) bitter animosity (6) exploitative behaviors (6) extreme narrowness of viewpoint (6) and chronic argumentativeness (6).

The problem-solving mind is positively bulging with an abundance of humanistic philosophical conflicts

Caution = Psychic overextension

Due to their well-meaning openness toward all beings, thula must consciously enforce their psychic boundaries .

Thula natives and to a nearly equal extent also Karkata - Kadaga natives (for whom Guru also activates 6) may suffer disease originating in toxic environments which are ultimately caused by the blaming, accusative, toxic argumentation of 6

proliferation and abundance of a great amount of conflict in Tula-1 's social, physical, emotional, financial, mental, even spiritual environments.

Both Thula and Karkata may overexpand physically with some tendency toward fleshly obesity in a misguided attempt to"include"all these many problems in one's personal"space"

It should be understood that the originators of the conflicts are largely"others "and the problems rightfully"belong" to persons who belong to a class below the class of Tula-1

the psychic principle applies: one who insists on solving the problems of others will be suitably punished

Excellent placement for

  • physicians, criminal - divorce attorneys, ministers of charitable service, social workers,

  • professorial teachers [Guru] to all of these service professionals

Special affinity to handle conflicts (6) regarding social policy and social governance(10).

  • Brihaspati = lord of 3rd-from-lagna and 6th-from-lagna

Thula natives have an expansive and tolerant approach toward those expressions of social conflict which results from an internal narrative of blaming and accusation (6).

In Guru's non-discriminatory view, it's all good. nothing in the many realms of material-spiritual manifestation is ever rejected.

Health imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, blaming behaviors, poverty, and conditions of war may be tolerated for a long time.

  • Thula can tolerate considerable petty conflict.

Health can be compromised by excess and abundance. Extensive public duties may lead to much grazing at social events, and excess unmonitored intake of food and drink may lead to portliness or indigestion. However, in general if Guru is even reasonably well positioned, tula-1 may enjoy vitality and supportive company.

Depending on condition of Guru , tends to have few real enemies. Many people may feel obliged to follow one's instructions or commands despite feeling exploited by one's higher knowledge. Guru is a priest and one is a pries to the unbalanced and unfortunate, those unable to locate a point of agreement in their own lives.

Tula-1 = a beacon of wisdom-light and yet many may disagree with the wisdom. Tula-born beliefs may not be well liked or trusted. Yet Tula = respected. Commands are heeded no matter the volume of complaint. Often, depending on conditions in 6, the complaining may be significant.

Tula-1 may be unpopular at times, but Guru as ruler of the unbalanced satkona assures that Tula-lagna's balanced, attractive, relationship-valuing assets are stronger than the potential animosity deficit which attends Ari bhava in any nativity.

Thula is challenged during periods of rogesha-6 just like everyone else. Yet, virtues tend to balance faults, and friends outnumber their enemies. Generally, when they err or irritate it maybe perceived by their colleagues that they received bad advice.

This person makes their fair share of mistakes. But they value relationships, and they are quick to repair the damage. Rarely suffers long-lasting ill will.

Expansive Guru activates a bhava of argumentative Budha = complaining

QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT Meena bhava-6

" Out of fear or respect, many people obey you .

  • You wield some power which is society-directed.

  • To follow your goals, you have to sacrifice .

  • You get into quarrels with powerful forces in order to pursue your work or objectives." [end quote]

Das / Behari comment on // karmesha-10 Chandra-Meena occupees bhava-6 //

  • " The Moon fails to protect and makes you vulnerable to severe hostile onslaughts .

  • In public office , the situation may deteriorate to such an extent that you may face suspension or demotion.

  • Physically you may be afflicted with pleurisy or indigestion.

  • Expenditures will much exceed your income and you will be in debt.

  • Allegations of moral turpitude may be leveled against you." [end quote]

Bhava 7 - Mesha

= 7th from Tula indriya-lagna

= 7th from Tula-Chandra

= 7th from Tula - Vanika navamsha

Kuja's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of neutral Shukrar.

Mesha governs the character of shared-equity alliances + one's capacity to keep promises and maintain trust.
  • Kuja = lord of 2nd-from-lagna and 7th-from-lagna,

Mating Behaviors

Characteristics of bhava-7 define the spousal behaviors, which behaviors are the result of Tula-1's own subconscious expectations.

Generally Tula-1 expects (whether consciously or not) to mate with a person (male or female) of hot, vital, irascible, innovative, sporting,"alpha" , and muscularly active personality.

The partner requires vigorous movement and has primitive, aggressive, animal tendencies which can aid success in competitive business but also harm the prospects for long-term harmony within relationships.

A conundrum for Thula marriage

  • self-propelled, crusading Mangala goes out to Act, move, challenge and Conquer.

  • At times of Mangala-driven peak energetic movement,

  • Fundamentally, tula's Martian partners may be constitutionally unable to consider anyone else's concerns, as Kuja's focus is entirely contained within the individual birth-body

  • a fact of working marriage practice for Tula = Tula's own stake-holder equity interest in the partnership is relatively less important to Tula's partners than it is to Thula.

  • Luckily, thula is possessed of Shukra-based negotiating and re-adjustment skills that can - depending on the strength of Shukra - accommodate the primitive selfishness of the partner and maintain the public alliance

Mangala is impatient therefore longer term marriages for Thula may require considerable accommodation of the restless, impulsive, and sometimes angry expressions of the more simplistic nature of the spouse.

Tula-1 has a more complex and balanced character in contrast to the spouses that the Thula expects to acquire who are in comparison more simple and direct. Tula-1 applies their harmonious, willing-to-negotiate, and balanced perspective to matters of marriage.

Yet, if Mangala is ill-disposed no matter the intent of Tula's diplomacy, the primitive animal urgency of Mangala may force the spouse to seek outlets for the sexual, muscular, impulsive life-force energies of the flesh.

Such a mate generally behaves in a competitive and dominating style toward members of their own gender while they focus a sexually ambitious and conquesting energy upon members of the gender with whom they prefer to partnerr.

Thula natives have an ambitious and competitive approach to matters of partnership and wealth-storage. One requires forward movement within relationships, and is always bent on acquiring more knowledge, food, or cintamani * mani * money .

Marriage relations can be predominantly physical, with early attraction inspired by competitive success. Depends as always on the condition of Kuja.

Contracts, agreements, legal discussions, all types of advising are actively pursued and negotiated. Due to Shani's strength in Tula nativities, divorce is less common, but marital unhappiness may increase with time. Despite a tolerance or even enjoyment of protracted negotiations in small-group and public settings, tula-1 may need to feel a quick 'win' in intimate relationships. Combative, aggressive streak in marriage is noted.

Career-wise, this argumentative or actively negotiating character can be beneficial in law, politics, and higher levels corporate management.

Spouse is generally athletic or professionally competitive. If Shani is benevolent, the spouse's career is complementary to Tula-1 . If Kuja is benevolent, the spouse is vital and embraces challenge. If Kuja is less benevolent, marriage is conflicted and the career will not develop to full potential, so important is yuvati bhava to the total career success.

~~ Bhrigu Sutram Sarga-34 Shloka-11

" If Aries, scorpionis be descending, or Mars' Navamsha be descending,

the woman will get a husband, angry but devoted to her."

~~ BPHS Sarga-80, Shloka-2 2-25

" If at woman's birth, the 7th bhava or the setting Navamsha be that of Mars,

the husband will be fond of other women and will be of an irascible temper."

QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT // Mesha bhava-7 //

" relationships you are an explorer , aggressive, and unafraid.

  • This sign will increase the sex driv e, not decrease it.

  • You may see marriage more as a release than as a duty,

  • but on the other hand, you may be very competitive with the spouse as well."

Bhava 8 - Vrishabha

8th from Tula indriya-lagna = 8th from Tula-Chandra = 8th from Thula navamsha

Shukra 's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of neutral Mangala.

  • Sudden, forced changes; catastrophic upheavals

  • Joint assets of marriage, secret matters,

  • therapeutics, healing, taboos, taxes, tantra; in-laws; speech and values of the spouse

Nativities developed from a baseline of Tula indriya-lagna (similar to nativities developed from a baseline of Mesha indriya-lagna ) must accommodate the psycho-physical reality that one's social identity is subject to regular upheavals. This phenomenon is due to the fact that lagnesha Shukra activates both the fleshly-form, social-attribute-package baseline of the Tula indriya-lagna, as well as the sudden-change-of-form, disruption-of-development 8th bhava.

Thus, Vimshottari periods of Shukra function as a double-edged sword, creating experiences which radically redefine the social-material identity , often via some challenge or alteration to the integrity of the physical appearance.

If there are exacerbating contributors such as malefic graha in either bhava-1 or bhava-8 * especially in 8 * or Shukra has a relationship to the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra , there can be truly catastrophic upheavals in the material-social identity during Shukra bhukti.

The total outcome is often positive in a life-defining spiritual way.

Shukra bhukti cause Tula-1 to hold as firmly as possible to the material identity (lagnesha function) while simultaneously the function of the randhresha-8 is explicitly a breaking apart, un-sticking, in-coherence in Tula-1 's psycho-physical self-recognition.

One is forced to assume a higher viewpoint of the greater cycles of life and in the process one becomes open to absorption of transformative tantrik knowledge (8).

Urisha governs the experience of sudden, forced changes as the life-force moves from one form into the next.

Outcome of rapid-change events such as emergencies, disasters, sudden death-and-rebirth = very much altered by occupants of the house and condition of lagnesha Shukra.

Guru or Shukra in 8 indicates significant treasury of the spouse.

  • Shukra in svakshetra Vrishabha is very fortunate for the spouse's treasury.

  • Even the planned misalignments requiring realignment attention of ruler of-3 -rogesha-6 Guru in 8 are well compensated by Viparita Raja Yoga = rogesha-6 in 8. Therefore Guru in 8 for Tula indriya-lagna usually brings prosperity via the spousal treasury even while the spouse may be unfaithful to the marriage contract and relationship with the in-laws is contentious.

while occupation by Rahu the impostor or Ketu the abandoner or drishti of or occupation by Shani the reducer can show poverty of the spousal treasury.

Rahu-8, although purportedly exalted in Vrishabha, spins the cycle of destruction-and-rebirth too quickly. The minute one has some sort of treasury , one destroys it, due to seeking a higher value .

  • By contrast [uchcha-Rahu in 11] can bring extraordinary gains of income from taboo or foreign sources, such as the middle eastern oil wealth of POTUS-43 GW Bush.]

Shukra lagnesha =lord of 8th-from-lagna. Thula natives have lifelong relationship [Shukra] to mysteries and secrets (8).

In the preliminary negotiations which occur in the astral plane before Tula-1 is allowed to take birth, one is possessed of harmony-seeking, diplomatic behaviors in the process of defining and stabilizing all of the highly complex agreements which are required to be in place before manifestation of the forthcoming fleshly development (1) and vitalizing a physical human form (1).

One becomes a natural negotiator of the continuing albeit often awkward (6/8) cycles of birth and death, stability and change, mass and energy, form and content.

Spouse's Family

Dealings with in-laws are eased from the natural adversarial [Competitive Champion Kuja] -driven situation into more pleasurable and balanced relation Speech and values of the spouse are pleasure-oriented, sensual and sweet. Adversarial conversations between the partners are extremely rare.

Spouse's Wealth, 1st marriage:

The joint assets of marriage will accumulate on a balanced program, with each spouse contributing their fair share. Spouse's family affluence originates from cattle and historic family lands .

Sensual fruits of the land including wines and liqueurs, perfumes, fine foods, lovely oils, and dairy products of the cattle are often the source of spousal family affluence. Urisha rules the mouth, teeth, and throat. If Shukra occupies 8, wealth from speeches, music or musical instruments including the voice.

Hidden, confidential information and secret relationships are pleasurable and well-balanced. Extramarital affairs are easy to conduct and do not disturb the fabric of married life. Surgeries if needed will enhance bodily alignments and provide cosmetic benefits.

QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT Vrishabha = bhava-8

" Your spouse may be unsympathetic ,

  • and may use the marriage for advancing themselves,

  • though at the same time they also advance your goals.

You respect the energy of nature perhaps more than the idea of the creator of nature." [end quote]

Bhava 9= Mithuna - Dvamdva

9th from Tula indriya-lagna = 9th-from-Chandra-Tula - comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade = 9th from Thula navamsha

Budha activates a svabhava of neutral Guru.

Budha's governance is not impeded by Gurur.

Principles of Philosophical understanding;

the Temple;

High-Priesthood; pontiff, proselyte

Guru; Professor; University;

Wisdom Wit Knowings;

Father-figure; Pitri, patrons, patronage;

doctrinal instruction and paradigm of belief

human perception of Divine Law

  • Temples of wisdom,

  • preachers, pontiffs, and professors,

  • father-figures, dogma and doctrine,

  • children and grandchildren

  • mountaintop celebration of Divine Light

[Mithuna-Dvamdva] governs the teacher-preacher knowledge delivery roles and capacity for wisdom via world travel

  • dharma-pati Budha activates 9th-from-lagna and 12th-from-lagna.

Thula natives especially like to communicate (Mithuna) about ceremonial religions (9) and wisdom teachings especially sacred texts. They favor a priestly or professorial style (9) of making reports and announcements (Mithuna) .

Theological studies are favored and publications on philosophical topics will succeed if Budha is well placed. Tula-1 may sound like (Mithuna) a know-it-all "brainiac" due to a tendency to reverse the proper forms:

Discourse styles "flipped"

  • big ideas in the small-talk,

  • small details from the big pulpit

Thula often will substitute a common, everyday talk style (Mithuna) into their professorial discourse (9) which can give the impression of trivializing the deeply held convictions of faith and religious practice.

Thula also suffers the reverse problem of bringing an expansive philosophical discourse style (Dhanus) into their daily life chat with workmates and neighbors (3) which can make them sound ponderous and egg-heady.

However, if properly handled, the"flipped" communications situation benefits publication (3) of philosophical (9) writings (3) and professorship (9) in topical areas of mundane media communications (3), scholarly studies (9) in sociolinguistics and discourse analysis (3), and university studies (9) on individual words e.g. etymology (3) and grammatical forms (3) of written and spoken texts (3)

Can be a bit of chameleon, adopting various belief systems for pragmatic purposes, then moving on to a new set of beliefs when expedient.

Can mirror the dominant ideology toward the public very successfully, presuming that Professor Budha is competent.

QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT // Mithuna = bhava-9 //

" You gain polarization mental empowerment to and discriminate about spiritual matters."

QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT // Gemini is in 9, and Venus is in 9. //

" You are concerned, in a worldly sense, with the comfort of others.

You have money for affluent living.

But your involvement with social services is to gratify your own senses and to glorify yourself.

You will travel widely." [end quote]

Bhava 10-

10th from Tula indriya-lagna * 10th from Tula-Chandra * 10th from Tula navamsha

Chandra activates a svabhava of neutral Shanir.

Leadership responsibilities; public reputation and recognition;

  • Ability to determine social law and make decisions that influence those below one in the social hierarchy.

  • Executive capabilities.

  • Regulatory and law-enforcing powers.

Sympathetic, nourishing, sheltering Chandra activates bhava-10; therefore, tula = fundamentally profession-oriented and loyal to the institutional culture.

Dedicated to the rhythms of the social order . Shelters and supports the leaders, the policies, the laws, the regulations, the hierarchies, the step-wise ascension process, the privilege order, the social ranks.

May defend and protect [Chandra] any lawfully principled institutionalized process, even a harmful one. If Chandra is afflicted, emotionally based privilege-obtainment issues may ariser.

Karkata - Kadaga governs the public reputation + one's capacity to accept and fulfill social leadership responsibilities

Career, profession, civic duty, and Regulatory Roles

Naturally, whichever bhava is ruled by Chandra the Lord of tides and flows will have an estuarial character = sometimes dry and sometimes flooded.

  • For Tula, the dignity of career (10) will inevitably fluctuate .

Tula-1 will hold numerous positions, titles, responsibilities, and organizational affiliations throughout life.

Tula-1 should never fear if a job or rank is lost; another surge of responsibility will indeed follow any lost position, similar to the ocean tides.

Career recognition for one's capacity to govern (to regulate social environments) is strongest during periods of Chandra.

Because Chandra activates 10th-from-lagna, thula natives apply their deepest nurturing feelings to their social leadership position. One brings a caring and parental approach to organization governance and positions of social responsibility.


Tula indriya-lagna natives are often born to professionally recognized, working mothers.

  • The mother's social-leadership or professional responsibilities make a deep impression on the child in one's early years.

  • One is raised by such a mother to expect that one will also serve society in a compassionate, professional, decision-making capacity, whenever the time (Chandra bhukti ) should arrive.

Tula indriya-lagna is known as a"maker of leaders ". It is reputedly the most successful kundali indriya-lagna for recognition in public life.

For the Balance lagna, shani the Worker becomes [Yogakaraka] , while Guru the Lord of Abundance rules mental (3) and physical (6) health. Tula-1 is rewarded for effort [Shani]; and punished for excess [Guru]. If karmesha-10 Chandra is well-disposed, there is an emotionally instinctive [Chandra] inclination to invest effort in leadership roles.

In maturity, tula-1eschews the "easy way" [Guru] knowing from hard experience that only Shani's methods - delayed gratification, personal discipline , attention to detail - is the only assured path to success.

The highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra provides direct, psycho- emotionally intuitive leadership.

Much depends on Chandra's Nakshatra, rashi, bhava, and drishti. Also the angle of Shani-Chandra and Guru-Chandra will significantly shape the leadership potential.

Bhava-10 is about public trust. A parental sense of responsibility in their leadership style. Tula indriya-lagna is famous for creating strong government, corporate, and military careers.

Not only is Shani the [Yogakaraka] for Tula indriya-lagna but also Chandra the 'parenting planet' rules the bhava of public trust.

Tula indriya-lagna's public presentation has a strongly emotional appeal . Style is authoritative, parental, and asserting seniority; also be patronizing, domineering, or even tyrannical - depending on highly impressionable Chandra, aspects to bhava-10, and 10th-from-10th yuvati bhava. It is essential to track Soma's behavior in D-9 and D-10 to know the career path.

Chandra is reflective and absorptive. Public can project their needs for parenting, security, and authoritative guidance upon Tula-1in a leadership role. May evoke fanatic trust and support when they lead in emotionally troubled times.

Professional Success depends on Chandra

Ideally, chandra holds a kendra and He receives friendly drishti. But even a less-well-supported Chandra may contribute intuition and a gentle, parental, naurturing attitude in leadership roles.

Professional reputation flourishes in specialties of caretaking and schooling . Thula enjoys business administration when they have an adequate scope (Dhanus, 3) to express their humanistic views via world travel and teaching.

Shani being yogakaraka bandesha-4 +Vidyapthi-5, matters related to foundational education in literacy and numeracy, as well as structured expressions of individual intelligence such as writing, will constitute their heaviest professional burden. Thula are typically great advocates of education for children.

Management roles

Thula enjoys managing transactions (3) that contain humanistic, philosophical teachings (Dhanus) and collaborating with people who possess wisdom (Dhanus, 3).

of course, much depends upon the ruler of the 10th navamsha as well as any graha occupying Bhava-10 or 10th-from-10th = Bhava-7.

QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT Karkata = bhava-10

" You generate profound ideas in approaching life's everyday problems.

Deep insight and adaptability enable you to function smoothly on many levels.

You are capable.

You will probably specialize in something that helps society.

An efficient administrator, poet, ruler, or a great saint,

  • but a great debauch may also be born under this influence.

Your stage of soul-development is key.

If your attachment to carnal passions is not yet over,

  • you will become immersed in a situation where an over-abundance of sensual gratification makes you realize its futility.

If you are already spiritually advanced,

  • you may be assigned an important task to perform in the interest of humanity.

Otherwise, an evolved soul under this influence will be immersed in universal consciousness, enjoying the bliss of spirituality.

This sign in the 10th house makes you a little special, and an interesting person to meet or know." [end quote]

Bhava 11= Simha - Leya

11th from Tula indriya-lagna = 11th from Tula-Chandra= 11th from Thula navamsha

Surya's governance is impeded in the svabhava of Ravi's enemy Shanir.

  • Goals and achievements

  • social participation movements

  • distributive and associative networks of connection between people, ideas, electrical signals, atoms, planets, civilizations, generations,

  • and anything that can be connected to anything else.

[Simha - Leya] governs the social networks + one's capacity to set lawful goals and achieve objectives in a regulated fashion

Because Surya activates 11th-from-lagna, thula natives have self-focused view of the global marketplace, apoliticized understanding of scientific conceptual systems, and in large assemblies they tend to assume directive roles.

Goals and achievements for Thula must reflect the presence of Divine intelligence, increase personal creativity, call attention to the Self, and open the heart.

Creative intelligence [Surya] = focused on gainful relationships in the marketplace. Thula natives are egoic-mind membrane identified with large networks of associations and independent goal achievement. they develop strong friendship networks early in life.

Something about one strikes people as " goal-assisting" or a" positive connection" . Surya should be well disposed for the connectedness and profitability of this lordship to give full fruit.

However, even a strongly placed Surya may have to do lifetime battle with the influence of [Shani] over His svabhava. Tula-1 's style of goal-achievement may be at loggerheads with conservative social practice, and one's method of earning income will certainly be distinctively independent.

A good deal of effort is expended in developing connective community relationships, which facilitate greater individual opportunity for material and spiritual achievement. This work tends to earn a low salary. Indeed, one often serves on a volunteer basis in order to advance one's vision of a better, more intelligent world for all..

When Surya is empowered, tula-1 must earn through independent means such as consulting, self-owned business, literary authorship, or manufacturing one's own product.

Generally a Thula native will be well-known and respected, as well as successful in building very large connection networks. Tula-1 holds leadership position in several networks, particularly the networks which one has developed around one's own intelligence.

Seeks the company (11) of royals [Simha], theatricals, politicians, those with a celebrity lifestyle or some form of personal brilliance. Thula finds one's friends mainly among the ranks of the very bright and talented (depending of course on Ravi's character in the nativity). If Surya occupies 11, one may hold the prestigious center position within a large network of talented, self-focused, large-aura persons who hold various creative entitlements in the society.

The friends are not necessarily all leaders or holders of socially recognized high title. Rather, members of the network are distinguished by their remarkable intelligence in performance art (including certain inspired forms of teaching), in politics, theatre, games, and amusements; by their self-entitlement.

One may become genuinely friendly with one's children, sharing with the offspring a regal sense of self-entitlement and its concurrent (for Thula) engagement in social change.

One becomes an iconic symbol for a social participation movement; promoting one's individual genius and personal power in order to channel the force of divine inspiration that drives creative social changer.

International diplomacy

A king-maker in the best sense of shining the light of genius upon each person and commodity in the social and economic network .

Found often in the company (11) of kings [Simha] Thula networks in elite political settings and is especially suited to the top ranks of international diplomacy.

egoic-mind Centrality Entitlement

The ideal community networking style = Shani = neutral, regulated, orderly, procedural, impersonal, austere, all are equal participants under the law.

  • If Surya the brilliant and confident vidya-karaka should become compromised by unfortunate association, tula-1 may develop a self-righteous (Ravi) style of association that is solipsistic, opportunistic, intolerant, and politicized rather than participatory and distributive.

  • If such a disability develops, it may manifest in a friendship culture of exaggerated entitlement, in which the only acceptable behavior of friends, acquaintances, and the elder siblings = which directs praise and applause upon the center-stage native. Marketplace associations may be stifled by an attention-hungry participant who wishes the public to see one as a Central Connection.

General Effect on Friendship Networks
Tula indriya-lagna has very few close friends and a wide circle of admirers .
  • If Surya is strong, one may enjoy a tremendous scope of social community influence .

  • Usually there are only a few candidates of suitable caliber who could qualify as a genuinely close friend.
  • Most likely, the functional friends are royals, politicians, and celebrities, and other entitled persons.
  • If Surya is poorly disposed, then arrogance and self-importance may damage the network of associations/ The self-reflexivity of Surya can radiate to such an extent that one may be shunned as a pretentious snob [although generally to reach this extreme, rahu's pretense would need to afflict Surya by drishti or yuti].

  • Presence of rogesha-6 Guru in 11 can convert even a super-positive Surya into one easily annoyed by the peccadillos of friends.

if rogesha-6 in 11:

Generous Professor Guru cannot make irreparable trouble. Yet, brihaspati as rogesha-6 may encourage the presence of philosophers of crime - such as those who promote lying and promise-breaking as proper methods of expressing social discontent.

Although those whose religious beliefs protect covert practices of oppression, slavery, exploitation, and harm can be found within Tula's network if rogesha-6 Guru is also there.

QUOTATION from Das / Behari

// Simha = bhava-11 //

(possible only for Tulā indriya-lagna)

" you are born to do some special work for society .

You are strongly motivated to contribute significantly to your people.

You are not selfish, though you may not necessarily be soft and kind, either.

You are a strict disciplinarian;

you can subject yourself to austere religious observances or wage cruel wars,

  • but at the base of all these enterprises will be your primary motivation of social change.

You want to make the world a better place to live, amore unified social organization,

  • so that human beings may have greater opportunities for self-expression." [end-quote]

QUOTATION from Das / Behari

// The Sun is in 11, and the Sun is in Leo //

" When the Sun occupies this sign the missionary spirit is greatly heightened.

You can forge strong bonds of friendship with a few persons, but you are generally reserved, with a very exclusive sense of individuality.

You become interested in life sciences;

your fascination with occultism will also be deep and genuine.

As an executive officer, political missionary, or eminent philosopher , you can make an imprint wherever you go.

Your personal life, however, is full of deprivations.

You are unhappy with your children, and often suffer from serious strain on your nerves ." [end quote]

QUOTATION from Das / Behari // The Sun is in Leo, and Libra is in 1. //

" This placement gives fortune and a full span of life." [end quote]

Bhava 12= Kanya - Parthya

12th from Tula indriya-lagna = 12th from Tula-Chandra = 12th from Tula - Vanika navamsha

  • [Busy Bantering Budha] 's governance is not impeded in the svabhava of neutral Guru.

[Kanya - Parthya] governs the character of reflective, imaginative knowledge + one's capacity to travel the bridge between worlds of material and spiritual life

Because Budha = dharmesha-9 +ruler-of-12 from-lagna, thula natives especially like to communicate about religious liturgy and moral teachings (9) and to articulate matters of psycho-intuitive knowledge, the imagination, dream-worlds, and the subconscious terrain (12).

  • Enemies of the marriage, always indicated by the ruler-of-12 and graha within vyaya bhava, tend to be gender-neutral conversationalists and writers with articulate, analytical, mentally hyperactive or very categorical personalities.

A quick study

swift and accurate psychological profiling of personalities; can almost "hear" the interior mental narrative of others

Budha grants a mentalized and conversational approach to the cosmic matters of private imagination, foreign sojourns, and meditation.

Easy travels. One may not need as much sleep as peers.

  • As a downside, there is little rest in this life.

  • Tula-1 is busy in the mental, naarrative function and may struggle to claim access to deep sanctuary of non-verbal reflection and prayer.

A capable instructor and explainer of the phenomena of subconscious life, although the mentality is highly activated : majority of the attention is focused on surface consciousness.

  • As a benefit, one is not bogged down by much intrigue or covert dealings; being able to quickly, mercurially move around subconscious blockage.

For this reason: an excellent position for negotiators and diplomats , who are able to speedily, verbally, assure and assuage the unacknowledged psychological resistance which people often bring into controversial or adversarial situations.

QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT Kanya = bhava-12

" You feel a sense of responsibility which affects your everyday life.

  • You would rather act than talk about virtues.

  • You would like to spread goodwill amongst all."

[end quote]


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