Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
Surya occupies 4th-from-Chandra
OM grinih suryaya namah सूर्य sūrya Professor Surya मार्तण्ड mārtaṇḍa = arising from a motionless source सवितृ savitṛ = generator, stimulator अर्यमन् aryaman = best friend अम्बरमणि ambara-maṇi = sky-jewel भानु bhānu = bright one पूषन् pūṣan = radiant flower ख kha = khaga = sky-going, air-moving दिनकर dinakara = day-maker मित्र mitra = neighbor, companion resides in बन्धुस्थान bandhu-sthāna = place of belonging, staying bound सुखदाय su-kha-dāya = easy, comfortable area रसातल rasā-tala = earth, ground, subterranean lower realms गृहस्थान griha-sthāna = grave, house-of-earth, burial, lower-world Soule - Saul - So-Ra
Apollo - Paul - Baal Sirius - Osiris Utu - Ata - Aitha - Aten - Aton - OM - On = Amon-Ra - Aurya occupies the fourth house genitor * domus the brilliant custodian bright center of the Old Ways patriotic-drama entitled sparkle among the householders, citizens, parishioners politics of root culture, nationalism, homeland, schooling , shelter, habits, comfort, vehicles, pathways of transportation glorious identity with roots - routes - ruts - routines (4) central roles in ethnic-tribal identity, politics of land-ownership, protective environmentalisam radiant border-defense
Archway in Tilla-Kari Madrassah Samarkand, Uzbekistan |
EXAMPLES [Surya-Mesha] -- [uchcha] [shocking-transformative randhresha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Surya's forward-pushing certainty, noble entitlements, competitive displays [bright center of local aristocracy] [intelligence for innovative agriculture] [radiantly forceful customary focus on securing ethnic folkways] [identified with new use of old dwellings] [dominating self-confident land owner] [champion of the place of belonging] [secretive guardian of mysterious ancestral inheritance] [routine parochial demonstrations of cultural superiority] [competitive father-figure may be entitled builder, driver, gardener, nationalistic warrior protector]
[contractual-bargaining jaya-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Surya's sensual radiance, sweet charisma, financial entitlements [bright center of valuable real-estate contracts] [intelligence for customary finance] [holds the focus of ancestral property pricing] [decision-making entitlements in cost evaluation of farmlands] [center-stage assessor of old dwellings] [self-confident broker of underground resource ownership-stewardship] [radiantly recognizable in the historical birthplace] [cooperates with partners whp appreciate fragrant local flowers and foods] [displays precious gardens] [knowledge preserving father may be center of the household] [musical father-figure may be land collector, conserving banker , warehouse curator, master of storage for vehicles] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Surya's transactional dramatizing, instructional entitlement , collaborative demonstration [bright center of management, commerce, information, conversation [communicative father may be center of the household] [father may be mercantile communicative center of the household] [father-figure may be pharmacist, physician, minister, talkative caretaker] inequity, disenfranchisement, debt, ailment in father-center of home, school, transport [witty-creative vidya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Surya's rhythmic certainty, sensitive radiance, soothingly confident display [bright center of real-estate displays] [intelligence for rhytms of customary agriculture] [holds the light-focus of ancestral ethnic folkways] [center-stage decision-making entitlements in farmlands and old dwellings] [political authority in matters of habitual worship] [self-assertive policing demonstrator of boundaries, fencing, defensible limits] [paternalistically self-confident property owner] [radiantly recognizable in the local birthplace] [father-figure may be transporter, shipper, builder, driver, cultivator, protector] [self-righteous father may be center of the household]
[Surya-Simha] --- [svakshetra] --- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 1-10 deg] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [glittering center of local politics] [intelligence for flamboyantly patriotic property defense] [celebrated entitlement to display land entitlements] [self-confident camera focus on ethnic cultural rhythms] [red-and-gold colors may add sparkle to the household] [theatrical presentation of ancestral fenced holdings] [charismatic father may be the center of the household] [showy father-figure may be demonstrative schoolteacher, police, farmer, transporter-driver, homebuilder] [team-working bhratru-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Surya's logical intelligence, analytical certainty, fatherly assistance [laboring center of local business] [intelligence for logically managed property defense] [celebrated entitlement to display neighborhood assistance] [self-confident camera focus on customary rhythms of workforce] [red-and-green colors may add sparkle to the household and vehicles] [theatrical presentation of helping ministries] [rationally argumentative father may be the center of the household] [precisely calculating father-figure may be litigious schoolteacher, police, farmer, transporter-driver, commercial builder]
[nīcha] [potentially nīcha-bhanga if Surya-yuti-Shani] [conserving-traditional dhanesha for Karkata indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Surya's deftly arranging intelligence, meddlesome dramatics, deal-brokering showmanship [bright equalizing center of ethno-national diplomacy] [intelligence for culturally habitual arrangements ] [local icon of balanced heritage land ownership] [self-confident camera focus on customary rhythms of financial negotiation] [red-and-blue colors may add sparkle to the household and vehicles] [theatrical presentation of gainful bargaining] [middleman meditator father may be the center of the household] [match-making father-figure may be deal-making schoolteacher, police, farmer, transporter-driver, contract builder]
[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Simha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Surya's penetrating authenticity, mysterious intelligence, transformative decisions [bright center of ethno-national disaster security] [intelligence for culturally habitual camouflage] [iconic local protector of endangered lands and waters] [identified with environmentalist politics, paternal real-estate, hidden discoveries] [self-confident camera focus on customary rhythms of emergency defense] [red-and-black colors may add sparkle to the household and vehicles] [theatrical presentation of emergency response infrastructure] [secretly initiated father may be the center of the household] [revolutionary patriot father-figure may be controlling schoolteacher, invasive police, farmer, transporter-driver, builder, master of cycles of life-and-rebirth]
[retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Kanya indriya-lagna] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Surya's theoretical intelligence, dogmatic assertions, optimistic self-confidence [bright center of ethno-national beliefs] [intelligence for teaching-preaching about established culturally habitual practices] [iconic local protector of global lands and waters] [identified with principled environmentalist understanding] [self-confident camera focus on ancestral agricultural worldview] [red-and-gold ceremonial colors may add sparkle to the household and vehicles] [theatrical presentation of research-based convictions] [may deliver doctrinal guidance in classrooms, farms, and settlements] [religiously devotional father may be the center of the household] [patriarchal sacerdotal father-figure may be inspirational schoolteacher, dogmatic police, farmer, transporter-driver, builder]
[friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Surya's status-conscious solipsism, conventional politics, socially regulated self-confidence [bright center of ethno-national social order] [intelligence for lawful establishment of culturally habitual practices] [iconic local protector of regulated lands and waters] [identified with institutional environmentalism] [self-confident camera focus on ancestral agricultural hierarchies] [red-and-dark-blue ceremonial colors may add sparkle to the household and vehicles] [theatrical presentation of profitable local rulings] [may provide official guardianship of classrooms, farms, and settlements] [class-conscious father may be the center of the household] [formal, conventional father-figure may be ordinary schoolteacher, normal police, farmer, cautious transporter-driver, builder] [dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Surya's scientific decision-making, economic intelligence, community-connection focus [bright center of ethno-national economic order] [intelligence for distributive earnings of culturally habitual practices] [respected iconic local protector of community lands and waters] [identified with systematic environmentalism] [self-confident camera focus on ancestral agricultural marketplaces] [red-and-dark-purple ceremonial colors may add sparkle to the household and vehicles] [theatrical presentation of governing associative linkage] [may provide interconnected guardianship of classrooms, farms, and settlements] [class-conscious father may be the center of the household] [friendly, socializing father-figure may be achieving schoolteacher, goal-oriented police, farmer, networked transporter-driver, builder]
[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Dhanus-born] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Surya's imaginative intelligence, symbolic authenticity, visionary self-confidence [bright center of ethno-national ancestor guidance] [intelligence for interior understanding of culturally habitual practices] [valued iconic local protector of spiritually inhabited lands and waters] [identified with contemplative environmentalism] [self-confident camera focus on ancestral agricultural dreamscapes] [red-and-golden ceremonial colors may add sparkle to the household and vehicles] [theatrical presentation of local sacred symbolism] [may provide ancient wholistic guardianship of classrooms, farms, and settlements] [visionary father may be the center of the household] [intuitive father-figure may be reflective schoolteacher, sanctuary police, farmer, imaginative transporter-driver, builder]
Center of a Settled Nation Surya in
svabhava of Surya 's mitragraha (good friend) Chandra radiates comfortable, habitual,
calm (Soma) personal charisma
[Surya] into social roles including:
creative, center-stage specialties include
Father may be the primary parent or radiant center of the household, unless Chandra also occupies 4
Central figure in the home, home-schooling, political salons, real-estate, at-home entertainments EXAMPLE POTUS-pair-02 Letters 1744-1818 Abigail Adams [diplomatic-arranging Anuradha-3] [navamsha Surya-Tula-nīcha ] [Surya-4 maha-parivartamsha Mangala-1].
POLITICS OF Localism, regionalism, environmentalism, protectionism, ethnoreligions, ethnocentricity, paternalism, parochialism, ancient kingships, agriculturalism, old ritual priesthoods,terrestrialism, terroir EXAMPLE
Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford [regenerating-discovering Pushya-4] + [Pushya-Surya-yuti-Budha-Pushya] [4, vehicles, transportation]
The universe seems to revolve around oneself when the native occupies The dramatic center of
Whether more specialized toward the sheltering and maintaining roles of parenting, schooling, or land ownership = depends upon rashi, drishti, and co-tenants of bhava-4 . Independent from the parents and roots, but egoic-mind membrane identified with those same roots. The native delivers to the public an iconic representation of the home or the homeland via a highly personalize style of effusive, radiant egoic-mind energy. Generally a popular local icon.
Resists bonding in order to go one's own way. Usually leaves the mother's shelter early in life. Wants to impose one's own style upon the home and school environment. Not much interested in bondage to the land, but does enjoy the prestige of property ownership-stewardship . Politically patriotic pragmatically self-protective. Guardian of the root culture. Frequently a caretaker or teacher in the schooling system. May be extremely self-confident in making pronouncements when Surya-yuti-Budha and Surya occupies a hospitable rashi such as Simha, Karkata, meza, Vṛścika, meena, or Dhanus. Karkata is deeply rooted into the politics of the homeland and folkways. May excel in marine sciences and business connected to the oceans. One finds a central position in the drama of folkways behaviors , matters of schooling, houses and homes, buildings and home decorating; property ownership-stewardship , patriotism, parenting, vehicles, boundaries, burials, and protection of the land. Adequately well-liked but never fully accepted by conventional family-based people, nor does one care to be. Surya-4 supports a focus on schoolwork in any subject. Surya sometimes lacks emotional sensitivity Yet, the Blazing One can be an entertaining, charismatic presence in the classroom or study center. Dad may be a caretaker, ritualist, schoolteacher, principal of a school, or other species of educator. One seeks praise and recognition for the qualities of one's property-ownership and patriotism.
Pitrau: Mother and Father Father Father may be the center of the household, unless there is strong engagement with 4 coming from Chandra
Mother Typically, the Mother has a focused, self-directed, independent character. She can (depending on the rashi) be a vigorous promoter of their offspring, or a social rationalist, or a wise and capable leader - or all of the above. Mother is normally a public person with executive capability, the leader-manager in her home. The mother wishes the child to follow in her professional footsteps. The native 's parenting style is independent and rational, with less regard for traditions and more enthusiasm for incisive critical thought. (Any influence of Shani will restrain freedom.) If yuti Budha , mother is highly intelligent and an ambitious planner. If yuti Shukra , both mother and child are attractive and talented. Exception = Simha, where Shukra goes combust, leaving the native dramatically talented but not classically attractive. Footsteps tend to lead into the performance arts, since Surya is the karaka for theatre and public performance. The mother is often involved in theatre/politics - whether her role is covert or overt. The native learns the arts of self-confidence and rational self-promotion from their motherr. A common position for professional actors/politicians whose mothers are great coaches and promoters. Strong egoic-mind membrane identification with the mother and her life. Typically favors the mother in character and appearance, with less attachment to the father even though the father is often at home or close-to-home due to Surya-4. Vigorous patriotism. Strong rational understanding of property, education, reputation and social ranking. Ego attachment to the mother's family lineager. Surya pitri-karaka in 4 = Father in 4 Father holds a near-to-the-ground position (4) and is known to his society as a farmer, fisherfolk, schoolteacher, parent, policeman, guardian, defender of the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms, shelterer, homebuilder, driver, transporter, farmer, fisherman, or other local roles in a settlement. Father is usually a patriot, landowner, and defensive agent.
Father may be strongly influenced by Mother's folk. Whether dad's reputation is positive or negative depends upon the bandesha-4 * bandhesha, and its angle to Surya-4. |
Surya in kendra
Bhava 4
Bright Guardian Produces a brightly-lit aura rooted in home and homeland. One radiates confidence and asserts the importance of local rhythms, routines, customs, practices, and habits. Comfortable and admired when playing guardian roles such as schoolteacher, police, parent, and property-vehicle owner. In bhava-4, some tendency to idealize the mother and her people as a method of calling attention to oneself. As well, surya-4 tends to romanticize the convention of property ownership-stewardship and seek praise for holding the purported entitlements regarding ownership and protection of the land. If the Surya-4 native is herself a mother, expect an assertive style of home management. (Mitigated as usual when Surya is weakened in Shani's or Shukra's sign or via drishti from Shani.) Bright, self-Assured Guardian Dramatically patriotic. In the culture wars, Surya-Simha - mūlatrikoṇa 1-10 deg or Surya-Mesha in bhava-4 may rise to protect the Old Ways (4) of doing things, including extreme defense-of-culture or fencing of property. Policing of the polis to ensure recognition of the local folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms and accepted behaviors. Political rights of the settlers and primacy of the Customary Way of Life. Local Royalty In the Center of local life with egoic-mind roots in the land. Often home-builders, schoolteachers, farmers, fisher-folk, police officers, or local political figures. Generally does not travel far from the homeland. Seeks a centrally important, parental role in sheltered environments; may feel insulted when others especially "outsiders " express a competing opinion. Emotional Stress, caused by those who do not properly recognize the righteous centrality of the native, can find its way into the heart. Therefore cardiac health should be well-managed. |
QUOTATION Das / Behari comment on Surya-4
" You view life in a regal way, with a thread of detachment - making the changes of life, or living itself, something you"view" rather than identify with.
You require people to offer significant things in exchange for your friendship -- or in other words, you want significant people as your friends . Therefore, ordinary people are not usually found to be very important to you in your own personal life.
You will earn money and power by your own efforts, and those who oppose you will find it difficult to"win"r. Your later career will tend to be better than your earlier attempts, and you will gradually attain a better situation and a strong personal character .
You will suffer deeply due to bad leaders, and may also experience weakness in the heart, or heart trouble.
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