COHORT born one week before
born 5 months before
born 6 months before
born 8 months before
born 11 months before
inspirational leader for injury-and-disease awareness dramatic actorequestrian competitor a.k.a. Christopher D'Olier Reeve Earth-birth Thursday-25-Sep-1952 dematerialization 10-Oct-2004 [age 52] |
// Superman // dramatist ++ cinema director equestrian - sportsman 1952-2004 Christopher Reeve birth information from
rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya
charts + graphs + tables
= generated by - adapted by BP Lama born on Saptami Shukla Paksha |
Rising Nakshatra Masculine Public-Figure Examples BPL COMMENTARY For Rohini births of a masculine valence, the condition of reflective, sheltering, undulating, rhythmic, habitual, culturally rooted, boundary-defending, security-seeking, nourishing, parental, matrikaraka Chandra may considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the paradigm of Soma-ruled Suravi, mother-figures, protectors, guardians, elemental spirits, natural environments, waters, roots, eggs, gardeners, farmers, fisher-folk, caretakers, foundation-builders, police, schoolteachers, parents, providers of nourishment , and defenders of the root culture, may be especially influential. Throughout life, whatever their travels for safety or financial need, Rohiṇī-born remain profoundly patriotic toward their homeland and anchored in familiar domestic routines. Guidance for the Rohiṇī-born is provided by instructors from the civilizations of Al-debaran. Their purpose is to sweetly protect , defend, and shelter all the creatures and environments which come under their care. Praujapatya-born gentlemen are often found in the building arts, in caretaking and protective roles, or in specialties of real-estate and property valuation. Their focus is sustainability. Typically masculine births in Rohini indicate a comfortable, grounded focus into the Shukra-realms of finance, music, luxury goods, and family treasuries. All four Rohini pada occur within Vrishabha rashi. Surabhi-born thus express a tension between the materialistic, partnership-driven duality of Shukra versus the emotionally based, need-driven behaviors of Chandra. One needs to be soothed in a sensual fashion. Rohini marriages and financial partnerships are subject an undulating pattern. They feel affectionate appreciation followed by an urge to careful re-evaluation, like the cycle of high tide and low tide. Known for their intuitive negotiation and equity-seeking skills, rohini fellows are found in the worlds of environmental science, real-estate, finance, food, investment, evaluation, collections, and treasuries, with special emphasis on sustainability of nutrient and shelter. Themes of luxury accommodation, sensual nourishment, family affluence, and personal beauty may contextualize Rohini's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran |
QUOTATION Rohiṇī from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 80. " ...a thin person, decidedly underweight,
His critical attitude toward everything and everybody develops, unless checked,
He is inordinately fond of the opposite sex
a time will come eventually when his fault-finding propensities will exert themselves in this direction." [end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]
Biographical data matched to
Vimshottari Dasha
[Budha Mahadasha] [age birth until age 2-months]
Thu-25-Sep-1952 Earth-birth in Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA * Budha-Shani chidradasha * Shani-5 [Ketu Mahadasha] [age2-months until age 7.2]
1956 [CR age 4] parents' divorce * Ketu-Rahu bhukti [Shukra Mahadasha] [age 7.2 until age 27.2]
1974 [CR age 22] via one year credit from Julliard, earned BA diploma from Cornell University * Shukra-Shani bhukti * [Hasta-Shani-yuti-Budha-Hasta] Budha diploma 1977 [CR age 25] begins decade-long relationship with modeling executive Gae Exton, who will become the mother of his first two children * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules Mithuna svamsha 1978 [CR age 26] begins 15-year period of starring in the Superman cinematic series, and many other praised roles, including audio script spoken-only * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 5-creative performance, theatre
[Surya Mahadasha] [age 27.2 until age 33.2]
20-Dec-1979 [CR age 27] celebrated the birth of child-1 * Surya-Surya svabhukti * [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Budha-Hasta-uchcha] = Budha putra-pati + R-K gochara via Simha-Kumbha contact navamsha R-K 25-Nov-1983 [CR age 31] celebrated the birth of child-2 * Shukra-Budha bhukti = Budha putra-pati [Chandra Mahadasha] [age 33.2 until age 43.2]
Dec-1984 until Dec-1987 Janma Sade-Sati Vṛścika
Feb-1987 [CR age 36] amicable split and joint-custody with life-partner-1, the mother of child-1-2 Gae Exton. The children remain in London with their mother, visiting Reeve only on holidays * Chandra-Mangala bhukti * Mangala-7 rules 12 = 6th-from-7 ++ Rahu-Return ++ janma Sade-Sati Jun-1987 [CR age 36] forms new relationship with the dramatist, Dana Morosini * Chandra-Rahu bhukti 11-Apr-1992 [CR age 40] following intensive psychological counseling for marriage-resistant CR, and preparing for the birth of their child, consecration of marriage-2-of-2 with little-known singer-dramatist, Dana Morosini * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha rules Mithuna svamsha ++ R-K gochara via Dhanus-Mithuna contact Mithuna svamsha Jun-1992 [CR age 40] celebrated the birth of child-3, a son * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha putra-pati 27-May-1995 [CR age 43] spine severed from skull in catastrophic equestrian injury. The resulting tetraplegic paralysis founded CR's later, celebrated career as a spinal-injury champion-advocate * Chandra-Shukra bhukti * Shukra lagnesha-rogesha physical injury [Mangala Mahadasha] [age 43.2 until age 50.2]
Dec-1996 [CR age 44] following 18-mos hospitalization and a variety of therapies, paralyzed CR returns to his family home, attended by a daily team of ten nurses-and-assistants * Mangala-Rahu bhukti Apr-1998 [CR age 46] publication of celebrated autobiography Still Me = best-seller, substantial royalties * Mangala-Shani bhukti * [Hasta-Budha-yuti-Shani-Hasta] Shani rules 5- Autobiography 2000 [CR age 48] Second major trauma. While undergoing a routine physical-therapy session, his fragile leg broke, necessitating many surgeries and repeat hospitalizations. * Mangala-Ketu bhukti * Ketu breakage, dissolution [Rahu Mahadasha] [age 50.2 until decease age 52]
10-Oct-2004 [CR age 52] following nine years of continuous medical treatment for injuries and painful tetraplegic paralysis, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via heart-failure due to adverse drug-reaction * Rahu-Rahu svabhukti ++ R-K gochara via Vrishabha-Vrischika contact Vrischika-Chandra [posthumous] 06-Mar-2006, 18 mos following CR's demagnetization, decease of beloved mate-2 Dana Morosini * Mangala-Shani bhukti * Shani rules 2nd-from-2nd-from-Chandra, decease of second lifepartner |
Distinctive features of the nativity
[Sparkling Splendid Surya] pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light] [svabhava] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Surya's logical intelligence, analytical certainty, fatherly assistance [applauded center of service ministry] [celebrated for offering assistance] [ confident political analysis] [intelligent display of ailments and imbalanced conditions] [genius for portrayal of victimized homeland characters] [if with uchcha-Budha, fortune from accurately calculated speculative finance] ... [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4] [navamsha Surya-Meena] intuitively confident contemplative clairsentient envisioning [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Budha-Hasta-uchcha] [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Shani-Hasta]
OUTCOMES - MAGNIFICENT MARTANDA self-reflexively ceremonial, brightly intelligent, charmingly creative, regal style of celebration, scholarly focus, radiantly demonstrative, politically speculating, splendidly romantic [Surya in bhava-5] rules
+ + [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Budha-Hasta-uchcha] + + [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Shani-Hasta] = Combined rulers of 2 + 4 + 5 + 9 + 10
EARNINGS-11 CR's is theatrical career had been profitable, with many leading roles in cinema and stagecraft. Yet, it was while positioned under the brilliant lights and speaking through his computerized voice-modulator about his life as an immobilized, always-in-pain tetraplegic, that Reeve's income far outreached his previous achievements. Ruler of 11 in 12 suggests profit from sanctuary, enclosure, loss of mobility [12th-from-1] Peak revenues It was in particular the Kanya-12 story [injury, medical service, unfair conditions + hospitalization, isolation, invisibility] and in particular the Budha-navamsha-Aśvini story [medical innovation, championship] which brought his marketplace gains to their highest point. DAD + BONUS-DAD Dad = Franklin d'Olier Reeve, university professor of Russian language-and-literature. A poet and editor-publisher of scholarly works in academic poetry, dad had served as a linguistic translator for US-Russia academic exchange-visits. Bio-dad often attended CR's dramatic performances in the New York City theatres. CR complained that dad's affections were conditionally tied to CR's success in evoking public applause. [narcissism] Guru in 8th-from-Surya offers potential for more than one father-figure CR was four years old when his parents divorced. Following mom's remarriage, CR also enjoyed the support of a generous, advising [7] stepfather represented by Mesha-Kṛttikā-Guru-7 in 8th-from-Surya. Bonus-dad = stockbroker [7 brokerage, trades, exchanges] Yet, despite the philanthropic appearanceof Guru-6, Brihaspati remains as rogesha located in the emotionally conflicted 6th-from-Chandra. The bonus-dad's influence would have been a mixed experience - beneficial in matters of 7, but always with an undertow of emotional resentment. [Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village] [nīcha] [busy-communicative vikrama-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [comforted by undisclosed business relationships] [aligned with penetrating partners] [sensitive to balanced trauma-healing] [needs emotional polarity for secret discovery] [feels bonded into hidden bargains] [emotionally intrusive mother may be secretive meddler, disguising attorney, occulted arranger] ... [fantasizing-charitable Jyeṣṭha-4] [navamsha Chandra-Meena] [Gandanta location] intuitively sensitive contemplative phantom envisioning [Jyeṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Jyeṣṭha ] intensely emotionalized competition, [ātmakāraka feelings, sensitivity, caretaking, shelter, nourishment, mother, household, vehicles, home]
OUTCOMES - ANCESTRAL SOMA sensitively adjusting, protectively harmonious, routinely bargaining, parentally equalizing, rhythmically arranging, customary middleman, predictably meddling, culturally agreeable, emotionally adjudicating, needs to hold mediating positions [Chandra in classroom-7] rules
Combined rulers of 2+7+10 = storytelling + contracts + respected roles nīcha-Chandra-2 eventually propelled Reeve into the most powerful public role of his life = spokesman and educator to the world regarding the effects of tetraplegia [loss of nerve control of all four limbs] caused by traumatic spine injury. Catastrophic injury [Vrischika-Chandra]
CR = penetrating storyteller [2] [Jyeṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Jyeṣṭha ] empowered by aspect of the ruler communicator-uchcha-Budha-Kanya Ruler of [Jyeṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Jyeṣṭha ] , Budha-uchcha in navamsha Asvini tells a medical tale
More importantly according to his own stated values [2] CR's intensive spinal-injury advocacy raised the public profile of this excruciating medical condition [Chandra karmesha] to a historically unprecedented level of awareness. [Chandra Mahadasha] [age 41 until age 51]
MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations [7th-from-Chandra-7] lifepartnership 1-of-2 Urisha values bhava-8 secrecy, non-disclosure,
After their split, lifepartner-1 continued to raise their children in London, which required a trans-Atlantic commute for CR. [Rahu-4, unusual transport patterns]
8th-from- [7th-from-Chandra-7] = [ 2nd-from-Chandra ] lifepartnership 2-of-2 Dhanus optimism, life-principles, worldview bhava-3 management, teamwork, schedules
In response to the devastating reality of CR's tetraplegia , Lifepartner-2 became CR's care manager [3] speaking-tour supervisor [3] and book-publishing editor [3].
[Competitive Champion Kuja] bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility] -- [svakshetra] [balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] [contemplative-imagining vyaya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] [actively camouflaged partnerships yuvati-pati] [masked pursuit of contractual equity] [often away from spousal habitat either mentally or physically vyaya-pati] [transformative energies may erupt into brokered alliances] [forward-pushing initiation via hidden arrangements] [advisors may recommend use of non-disclosure agreements] [attracted to dangerous sexual pairings] [cataclysmic threats to inner balance may result in sudden rebirth] [veiled partner has shockingly invasive, brotherly qualities] [partner may be surgeon, driller, diver, explorer, explosives expert] ... [profitable-systematic Jyeṣṭha-3] [navamsha Mangala-Kumbha] intuitively guiding [9] forward-pushing marketplace security-seeking [4] connecting competition [Jyeṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Jyeṣṭha ]
OUTCOMES - MOVING MANGALA competitive bargaining, self-promoting negotiator, pursues agreements, aggressive match-making, dynamic adjustment, fights for justice, forward-pushing diplomacy, conquering warrior in relationships, dominating advocacy, pro-active work in lawcourts, energetically innovative arrangements, champion of pioneering new harmonies [Mangala in bhava-7] rules
CAREER - COMPETITIVE KUJA 12-imagination, hospitals, sanctuary, isolation, private spiritual guidance bhava-12 including sanctuary studies, distant lands [long residence in UK for a USA-born] most prominentlylife-defining hospitalizations. Mangala-and-Chandra occupy Jyeṣṭha while Kuja = influenced by emotionally impulsive and anger-prone [nīcha-Chandra] [Jyeṣṭha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Jyeṣṭha ] emotionally overwrought and enriching, activates matters of family, finance, food, speech, face, history, and treasuries Reeve was born into heritage wealth and maintained his treasuries via a highly successful cinema career. However, his greatest revenues flowed from the writing and speaking career which developed after his catastropic emergency event [Vrischika] KUJA DOSHA into 7th-from-Chandra ++ Shukra = rogesha-6 [
[Busy Bantering Budha] jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student] [uchcha] --- [svakshetra] Putra-sukha yoga [collecting-evaluating dhanesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [witty-creative vidya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] ... [competitive-champion Hasta-1] [navamsha Budha-Mesha] [Hasta-Budha-yuti-Surya-Aryaman] = [ashtangata-harana] [Hasta-Budha-yuti-Shani-Hasta]
OUTCOMES - BANTERING BUDHA conversationally entertaining, articulately political, collaboratively romantic, mentally creative, analytically speculative, cleverly dramatic, instructionally idealistic [Budha in bhava-5] rules
CAREER - BUSY BUDHA competitive-champion Hasta-1] [navamsha Budha-Mesha] + + [Hasta-Budha-yuti-Surya-Aryaman] = [ashtangata-harana] + + [Hasta-Budha-yuti-Shani-Hasta] = Combined rulers of 2 + 4 + 5 + 9 + 10
Budha rules 8th-from-Chandra - shocks, trauma, catastrophic change after Reeve had already been tragically injured and rendered tetraplegic, he was following exercise instructions when his brittle [Shani] leg was broken, requiring another calendar of hospitalizations.
[Generous Growing Guru] dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety] [svabhava] [mysterious-transformative randhresha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Guru's noble understanding, conquesting expansion, warrior's worldview [multiple foreign sources of competitive earnings] [expansive private understanding of dominating conquest] [numerous cloistered enclosures for development of secret inventions] [many pioneering healing research pursuits] [wide scope knightly virtue in interior activity] [generous yet invisible champion of economic profits] [believes in restful yet physically invigorating seclusion] [guiding ancestor spirits promote contest-winner's optimism] [may have a priestly role in shrouded primitive sanctuaries] ... [originating-competitive Kṛttikā-1] [navamsha Guru-Dhanus]
OUTCOMES - GENEROUS GURU privately philosophical, expansively imaginative, broadly visionary, cheerfully insightful, contemplatively secluded, tolerantly prayerful, invisibly guided [Guru in bhava-12] rules
CAREER - BENEVOLENT BRIHASPATI Shri Guru activates Meena-10th navamsha] suggesting a career in visionary imagination, conceptual understanding, meditative or contemplative awareness, private intuitive guidance Guru in 7th navamsha contributes to Reeve's height = 6-feet 4-inch tall ++ his three children Guru drishti to 4-6-8 Multiple Contractual Alliances Guru -7 represents marriage, contractual relationship, and maintaining balance. In the emotionally conflicted 6th-from-Chandra, a disruption of emotional balance regarding a relationship likely parlayed into destabilizing imbalance on horseback, during a fast-moving competitive action [Mesha]. Tragic equestrian injury. [Sweetly Suave Shukra] svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion] --- [svakshetra] [svakshetra] [energizing-identifying lagnesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [potential for self-medication] ... [transformative-mysterious Dhaniṣṭha-4] [mūlatrikoṇa = within 0-10 deg] [navamsha Shukra-Vrischika]
OUTCOMES - SWEETENING SHUKRA sensually conflicted, appreciative of assistance, harmoniously laboring, aesthetically complaining, financially exploitive, musical-artistic narrative of servitude, unbalanced relationships, advocates for workers, sweetly argumentative, aggrieved negotiator [Shukra-6] rules
CAREER - BRIGHT BHRIGUTANAYA Rogesha Shukra rules 6 accidents injuries ailments conflict imbalance medication toxicity litigation lagnesha = intentionally developed an aesthetically attractive athletic physique designed to look handsomely muscular for cinematic roles [Sober Structural Shani] duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years] [Yogakaraka believing-philosophical dharmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Yogakaraka dutiful-executive karmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic [rigid politics of institutional health services] [tight restrictions on medical genius] [responsible for legitimating formalized clinical treatments] [must apply logical argument to maintain order among children and students] [harsh obligation to prevent labor entitlements] [must rationally classify intelligence by rank-and-status] [heavy burden of helping the underserved may cause cardiac fatigue] [repressed accusations may ossify heart-and-spine] [must regulate philosophical convictions dharmesha and professional duties karmesha to reduce calculated creative display] ...... [parental-rhythmic Hasta-4] [navamsha Shani-Karkata] [Hasta-Shani-yuti-Surya-Aryaman] [Hasta-Shani-yuti-Budha-Hasta]
OUTCOMES - STRUCTURAL SHANI formally disciplined showmanship, chronic political pressures, fear of unruly children, rigidly legalistic demonstration, constricted romance, enduring obligations for ceremonial performance, regulated creativity, orthodox approach to gambling and games, conventional intelligence, responsible for maintaining order in dramatic scenarios, systematically speculative, imposing structure upon artistic performance, lawfully entitled to hold central roles, seriously legitimating political ideas [Shani in Bhava-5] rules
CAREER - SOBER SHANI [parental-rhythmic Hasta-4] [navamsha Shani-Karkata] + + [Hasta-Shani-yuti-Surya-Aryaman] + + [Hasta-Shani-yuti-Budha-Hasta] = Combined rulers of 2 + 4 + 5 + 9 + 10 Yogakaraka Excellence After many surgeries and in continuous pain, CR became a beloved symbol of a profoundly injured and nearly immobile man who summoned his courage to reframe his personal agony into a mission of public [Shani] service [Kanya]. [Risk-rewarding Rāhu] rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery] [for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently lawful, mirage of regulatory ordering [passion for conventional catechisms] [seeks prestigious high-ranked patronage] [ideology of socially approved opportunity] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated public decorum, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings] [maintains the pretension of the standard confession of beliefs] [craves privilege of preaching on adherence to social norms] [pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in patriarchal duty] ... [political-demonstrating Dhaniṣṭha-1] [navamsha Rahu-Simha] intuitively over-reaching romantic-political-dramatic displays
OUTCOMES - RISK-REWARDING RAHU Rahu-4 casts drishti into His ruler yogakaraka Shani-Kanya-12 Events during assorted Rahu Bhukti
FABULOUS [RAHU] TRANSPORTATION - VEHICLES [4] Chandra-Rahu bhukti * Rahu-4 transportation, vehicles [horse] Ruled by yogakaraka ruler of 4-5, ruler of 3-4 from Chandra, Shani-Kanya-12 hospitalizations Rahu-4 drishti into 8-10-12
4= transportation, homes, environmentalism, cultural roots, parents and parenting
vigorous movement in vehicles, properties, and schooling
[also Rahu-ruled Arudra svamsha]
[Collapsing unshackling Ketu] kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum] [for Tulā indriya-lagna] [dispersed engagement with habitual leadership] [dissolution of customary commanding positions] [restlessly anarchic toward high-ranking patriotic roles] [may abdicate a top folk-cultural iconic position] [surrenders useless property-owning authority] [apatheticly forgives the trespass of executive protectors] [abandons unsustainable elite caretakers] [absent from empty state-regulated liturgical worship] [disregards respected parenting conventions] [eccentric ethnicity may symbolize instability of the regime ] [reputation for erratic household] [has the sensitivity and the status, but walks away from public empowerments] [passively fixated on ambitious regulatory Rahu-Makara-Draco-4 parents, householders, property-owners, gardeners, stewards of Earth] ... [profitable-distributive Aśleṣa-3] [navamsha Ketu-Kumbha] intuitively scattering coherent social-economic nervous systems
OUTCOMES - EVACUATING KETU Aśleṣa-Ketu-10 in Arudha Lagna Karkata Respected [10] public icon of severance, disjunction, surrendeer holding on tenuously = Aśleṣa = to embodied presence Ketu's ruler = nīcha-Chandra = emotionally sensitive speaking about tragedies after his skull was separated from his spinal cord during a tragic sports-competition injury, CR became renowned [10] as a spokesman and articulate explainer of medical research related to his tetraplegic situation |
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