
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Budha Main Page

Budha occupies 4th-from-Chandra

  1. [Budha in bhava-1] dikbala]
  2. [Budha in bhava-2]
  3. [Budha in bhava-3] --- [svabhava]
  4. [Budha in bhava-4]
  5. [Budha in bhava-5]
  6. [Budha in bhava-6] [svabhava]
  7. [Budha in bhava-7]
  8. [Budha in bhava-8]
  9. [Budha in bhava-9]
  10. [Budha in bhava-10]
  11. [Budha in bhava-11]
  12. [Budha in bhava-12]

  1. [Budha-Mesha]
  2. [Budha-Urisha]
  3. [Budha-Mithuna] [svakshetra]
  4. [Budha-Karkata]
  5. [Budha-Simha]
  6. [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg]
  7. [Budha-Tula]
  8. [Budha-Vṛścika}
  9. [Budha-Dhanus]
  10. [Budha-Makara]
  11. [Budha-Kumbha]
  12. [Budha-Meena] [nīcha if within 16-20 deg]



OM hrim krom aim grhanathaya budhaya svaha

बुध budha

Professor Budha

Parya - Parthya - Pana - Paranaya


= instructing, informing; causing to awake, arousing


= declare, inquire, announce, report, explain [wit]

ज्ञjña = thinker [said also of Mangala]

कुमारkumāra = boy, youth, groom, prince

प्रहर्षुलpra-harṣula = arousing, enrapturing

सोमपुत्रsoma-putra = child of Chandra

नक्षत्रपतिnakṣatra-pati = nakshatra master

resides in


बन्धुस्थान bandhu-sthāna = place of belonging, staying bound

सुखदाय su-kha-dāya = easy, comfortable area

रसातल rasā-tala = earth, ground, subterranean lower realms

गृहस्थान griha-sthāna = grave, house-of-earth, burial, lower-world

Mercury the Merchant

Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος = Hermes Trimegistus


Mercurius ter Maximus

Merx - Mark - Merch - sMargara - sMarjali - Marketa - Margareta

Enki - Nabu - Neba - Sabgu - Borsippa

Odin Woden = Wednesday


the fourth house






[inimical-medicating rogesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [believing-principled dharmesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Budha's competitive announcements, conquesting management style, pioneering interpretations

[heroic narrative of aggressive parochialism describes unfairness and faith] [talks vigorously about security and defense] [sensitive discussions about ancestral movement]

[detailed description of energetic domestic routines] [forcefully explains the active protection of life-basis] [delivers vitalizing patriotic education which fiercely defends the established culture]

[curious to innovatively analyze agricultural problems] [pioneering talks about local worship routines] [verbally starts new household rhythms]

[rousing announcements about fire-and-metal components of transport infrastructure] [communicates in a principled discourse about competitive land-use, waters, dwellings, real-estate]

[childhood home influenced by bloodline believing nationalistic parents] [inventive mother may be a smithing tool-maker, noble midwife, dynamic schoolteacher]


[political-theatrical vidya-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Budha's sensual discourse, enriching information, musical instructions

[Budha-Mithuna] -- [Bhadra Yoga]

[bargaining-balancing jaya-pati for Meena indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandhesha for Meena indriya-lagna]


[busy-messaging sahaja-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna ] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Mesha indriya-lagna ]

check Chandra + Chandra drishti to source Budha's parental discourse, patriotic dialog, boundary-defending plans

[ethno-cultural narrative of commerce and accusation] [talks soothingly about security and defense] [sensitive discussions on the place of belonging]

[detailed businesslike domestic routines]

[explains the ancestral basis of life] [delivers patriotic educational information about the established Ways of Life] [curious to analyze agricultural problems]

[talks about household rhythms] [announcements about local infrastructure] [communicates about stabilization of land-use, waters, dwellings, real-estate]

[childhood home influenced by chatty nationalistic parents] [patriotic mother may be an instructor, householder, caretaking businesswoman, policewoman, farm manager]



[collecting-preserving dhanesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [creative-witty vidya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

see Surya + Surya-drishti to source Budha's willful dialogs, solipsistic interpretations, center-stage discourse

gainful articulation of foundational cultural values


[Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra]

[mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg]

[Bhadra Yoga]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

identified with the articulation of the cultural foundations


[busy-messaging vikrama-pati for Karkata indriya lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Karkata indriya lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Budha's sweetly smoothing conversation, adjustable calculations, mercantile brokerage

[diplomatic narrative of commerce and accusation] [talks harmoniously about security and local defense] [agreeable discussions on nationalism]

[detailed businesslike marital routines]

[graciously explains the ancestral foundations] [delivers educational information about protective alliances] [curious to analyze domestic arrangements]

[talks pleasantly about seasonal rhythms] [modulated announcements about local infrastructure] [bargaining communicates about ethno-national stability]

[childhood home influenced by chatty brokering parents] [partnering mother may be a design instructor, balancing householder, trading businesswoman, equable policewoman, nice farm manager]

[Budha in Vṛścika]

[collecting-conserving dhana-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] [earning-gainful labha-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Budha's penetrating analysis, rejuvenating discourse, narrative of shocking discovery

[Dhana-yoga Budha-4 real-estate, vehicles rules 2 + 11]

[school curriculum may include apocryphal texts]


[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Kanya indriya-lagna] [dutiful-executive karmesha for Kanya indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Budha's inspirational dialog, inclusive vocabulary, dogmatic discussions, humanistic chat

[doctrinal narrative of identity and reputation] [talks inspirationally about security and defense] [sensitive discussions about ancestral beliefs] [detailed public description of paternalistic domestic routines]

[righteously explains the faith in nationalistic basis of life] [delivers patriotic educational guidance about the established cultural convictions] [curious to theoretically analyze agricultural problems]

[uplifting talks about household rhythms] [announcements about patronage of local infrastructure] [communicates in a principled discourse about stabilization of land-use, waters, dwellings, real-estate]

[childhood home influenced by prominent, ideologically nationalistic parents] [patriotic mother may be a catechist, pious householder, respected local teacher]

  • POTUS-pair-18 Civil War 1826-1902 Julia Dent Grant [bargaining-contractual Pūrvāṣāḍhā-3]



[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Tulā indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Budha's cautiously communication, formally explanation, orderly instruction


[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [friendly-economic vriddhi-pati for Vṛścika indriya- lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Budha's interlinking discourse, associative conversations, systematic explanations

[talks about economics of household routines] [announcements about marketplace infrastructure] [discusses earnings via commercial real-estate]

[systematically explains the interconnected basis of life] [delivers detailed earth-science information] [communicates customary patriotism in a proletarian style]


  • POTUS-22-24 Interstate Commerce 1837-1908 Grover Cleveland [marketplace-systems Varuna-3] [vargottamsha] [Varuna-[Budha-yuti-Shukra-Pegasus]

  • Egypt-Sudan King 1920-1965 Faruq al-Awwal [bargaining-contractual Dhaniṣṭha-3]

  • USA-Sen-Tenn VPOTUS Climate Change 1948- Al Gore [historical-oratorical Pūrvābhādra-2]

  • France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy [bargaining-contractual Dhaniṣṭha-3]

[Budha-Meena ] --- [nīcha]

[balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [dutiful-commanding karmesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Budha's abstract conversation, dreamy discourse, imaginative descriptions

can become nīcha-bhanga if yuti-Shukra


articulation of foundations

  • parochial

  • stabilizing

  • domestic

  • customary

  • conversational

  • manager-of-the-place-of-settlement

talks with and talks about

  • householders, citizens, parishioners

  • parents, protectors, custodians

  • home-builders, pathway-travelers, local buyers-and-sellers

security narrative of mother, homeland, boundaries, roots, routine

  • talks, chats, reports,

  • announces, discusses, explains,

  • instructs, describes, analyzes,

  • details, rephrases, signals, gestures, a

  • examines matters of the basis (4): roots - routes - ruts - routines (4)

conversation, explanation, siblings, discourse in the habitat (4)

peddler of real property

Budha-4 occupies svabhava of soothing, protective Chandra

Budha occupies 2nd and 11th from His svabhava 3+6, indicating financial advantages from real estate, vehicles, and foundational schooling.

Budha-4 represents students, pupils, apprentices, disciples [Budha] mastering the Narrative of Parenting, protection, patriotism, and Place

Talking, gesturing, reporting, writing, painting, tool-using, technology-applying, arguing, criticizing, explaining, instructing, training, short-term, near -goal travel and constantly interacting with others, regarding

the objectified narrated experience of patriotism, protection of the settlement and the Land of one's people; folkways and customary practices; cycles of nature; oceans and marine environments; parents and children, the weak and vulnerable, shelters and protections, boundaries, fences, gardens, stewardship, custodianship, roots

Splendid placement for educators

also fabulous for selling real-estate or vehicles

environmental protection, gardeners, groundsmen and lands-keepers

  • UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles-3 has been a leader in sustainable agricultural practice and anti-pollution agenda worldwide, particularly in former areas of the British Empire

Fleur_Crocus_prpl.JPGClassroom Topics of Bhava- 4

Instruction offered by graha who are operating in the classroom of bandhusthāna-4 pertains to matters of cultural socialization, foundational education, schools and homes, property ownership-stewardship , environmental stewardship, cultural roots, seasons of agriculture and fishing, local religion, seasonal festivals, nationalism, bondage to the land. Mothers and women.

Professor Budha provides Transactions of bhava-4 via articulatory instruments of:

Discourse of provisioning "the basics ". Foundational security. Communications work with parochial or patriotic themes; managing landed property; instruction on building and maintaining shelter; school-teachingand guardian-police work; protocols of agriculture and fishing; explanation of transportation and routes; education in the habits and customs of the place of settlement; instructions for licensing and obtainment of diploma (Budha the duplicator, diplo-ma = folded twice).

Excellent placement for clear, articulate communications in the roles of instructional school-teacher and conversational parent. Likes to talk about parenting perhaps more than doing it, but is involved evermore in the narrative of right parenting, caring for the vulnerable, sheltering children and the elderly. An articulate care-takerr.

One's mother and oneself are intelligent and shrewd. Karaka for an educator, writer, and thinker upon basic questions. May receive a good deal of verbal input from the mother.

The mother is the first schoolteacher and may indeed be the best teacher, although a drishti of Guru is necessary for the broadest mind to develop.

Induja-4 enjoys conversations about real estate, accounting and bookkeeping, home management skills, local politics, education business, housing industry.

Spouse's career in information management.

Excellent karaka for home-based business.

Budha-4 parenting style is highly communicative.

Children become equal communication partners as soon as they can speak. This parent is chatty and likes a constant flow of information in the home.

Budha is an exceptionally impressionable graha.

In Sukha bhava, the outcome of Budha may depend almost entirely on His rashi lord and drishti upon Him, which bhava He rules, et cetera.

Budha-4 = a clever individual with a businesswoman mother.

Mom communicates in a friendly and detailed style with the native . Budha-4's thinking, talking, and relationship-building activities are well supported by their mother.

Budha-yuti- Surya, capable and smart.


Lago de Camecuaro en Mejico

QUOTATION Das /Behari commentary WRT Budha-4

"Physical comforts, alarge number of friends and relations, and a very sharp intelligence ...

Ability to understand the great range of truths of life.

  • This is a very good Mercury for "understanding".

  • Very considerate to others.

You could take to astrology should you desire to. Many great astrologers are found to have Mercury in the 4th house.

However, there will probably also be frequent change of residence, and worry or anxiety through domestic affairs.

Likely career choices:

  • Private institutions of learning, dealings with real estate, publishing, or home-based businesses.

  • You are composed, learned.

  • Gain comes from parental or authority figures.

Basically, it could be said that at heart you are like an heir to the kingdom. You serve the established order and understand it like a prince or princess would understand the kingdom.

  • An advisor of some sort.

  • You write or others take your dictation.

  • You befriend the best of the people.

  • Administrator in the court.

  • Your orders are honored even by the family members.

  • Income through hard labor.

  • Adept in music, traveling, scholar"

[end quote]


Northern Lights in Tromso, nor wege

Where the Thoughts do Linger

The bhava which is 3rd-from-Budha also creates a"landing pad" upon which the thoughts tend to dwell and linger.

Naturally, if graha occupy this "focus " bhava, the nature of the repeating narrative engagement with those thoughts will adjust according to the character of the tenant graha.

thoughts focus upon third-from-Budha = 6
  • Disagreement, marital discord, medical treatment, poverty, debts, sicknesses,
  • medicines and drugs both legal and illegal,
  • usuries,
  • addictions, slavery, servitude
  • complaints, accusations
  • dissolution of agreements, litigation , divorce, conflicts
  • " ways to argue"


Portland Oregon 1997


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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!