

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Budha Main Page

Budha occupies 8th-from-Chandra

  1. [Budha in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]
  2. [Budha in bhava-2]
  3. [Budha in bhava-3] --- [svabhava]
  4. [Budha in bhava-4]
  5. [Budha in bhava-5]
  6. [Budha in bhava-6] -- [svabhava]
  7. [Budha in bhava-7]
  8. [Budha in bhava-8]
  9. [Budha in bhava-9]
  10. [Budha in bhava-10]
  11. [Budha in bhava-11]
  12. [Budha in bhava-12]

  1. [Budha-Mesha]
  2. [Budha-Urisha]
  3. [Budha-Mithuna] --- [svakshetra]
  4. [Budha-Karkata]
  5. [Budha-Simha]
  6. [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra] -- mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg]
  7. [Budha-Tula]
  8. [Budha-Vṛścika}
  9. [Budha-Dhanus]
  10. [Budha-Makara]
  11. [Budha-Kumbha]
  12. [Budha-Meena] [nīcha if within 16-20 deg]


OM hrim krom aim grhanathaya budhaya svaha

बुध budha

Professor Budha

Parya - Parthya - Pana - Paranaya

विद् vid

= declare, inquire, announce, report, explain [wit]

बोधन bodhana

= instructing, informing; causing to awake, arousing

ज्ञ jña = thinker [said also of Mangala]

कुमार kumāra = boy, youth, groom, prince

प्रहर्षुल pra-harṣula = arousing, enrapturing

सोमपुत्र soma-putra = child of Chandra

नक्षत्रपति nakṣatra-pati = nakshatra master

resides in


रन्ध्र randhra = aperture, sphincter, hollow, cave, opening

मृत्यु mṛtyu = death, dying, fatality

आयु āyu = life, lifespan, mobility

निर्यत् niryat = going forth, exiting, coming out, set free

Mercury the Merchant

Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος = Hermes Trimegistus


Mercurius ter Maximus

Merx - Mark - Merch - sMargara - sMarjali - Marketa - Margareta

Enki - Nabu - Neba - Sabgu - Borsippa

Odin Woden = Wednesday


the eighth house

mors = renatus




[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Kanya indriya-lagna] [dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Kanya indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Budha's competitive announcements, conquesting management style, pioneering interpretations

[innovative narrative of mysteries] [articulated description of unexpected force] [transformative handcraft such as surgery]

[Budha-Urisha] [Vimala Yoga]

[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Tulā indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Budha's sensual discourse, enriching information, musical instructions

[traditional narrative of heritage mysteries] [articulated description of unexpected assessments] [transformative explanations of historical values]

[Budha-Mithuna] --- [svakshetra]

[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [friendly-economic vriddhi-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna]

[publication of detailed secret conversations]

process narrative of transformative self-reinvention]

instructions for sudden initiation]

[specialized training for emergency response] [detailed planning for hidden intervention]

explains the stepwise path of identity change]

[manager of discretely hidden information] [may faciliate discovery of undisclosed documents]

administrative calculation of masked assets]



[balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [dutiful-commanding karmesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra drishti to source Budha's parental discourse, patriotic dialog, boundary-defending plans

[Budha-Simha] -- [Harsha Yoga]

[inimical-accusing rogesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [believing-principled dharmesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

see Surya + Surya-drishti to source Budha's willful dialogs, solipsistic interpretations, center-stage discourse

hidden, mental-logical doctrines-beliefs

[Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra]

[mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg = Hasta-3]

[creative-displaying vidya-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [mysterious-transformative randhresha for Kumbha indriya-lagna]


[bargaining-balancing jaya-pati for Meena indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandhesha for Meena indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Budha's sweetly smoothing conversation, adjustable calculations, mercantile brokerage

[Budha in Vṛścika] -- [Harsha Yoga]

[busy-collaborative sahaja-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna] [inimical-distrusting rogesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Budha's penetrating analysis, rejuvenating discourse, narrative of shocking discovery

[secret inquisition] [narrative of transformative mystery]

instructions for forceful initiation]

[emergency training]

description of sudden unexpected force]


[collecting-evaluating dhanesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[wity-creative vidya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Budha's inspirational dialog, inclusive vocabulary, dogmatic discussions, humanistic chat


[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Budha's cautiously communication, formally explanation, orderly instruction

[mystically intoned proletarian speech-style] [detailed transformations of property, nationality, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, describer of eruptions or invasions of homeland, buildings, transport, schools

[Budha-Kumbha] -- [Vimala Yoga]

[busy-messaging bhratru-pati for Karkata indriya lagna]

[retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Karkata indriya lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Budha's interlinking discourse, associative conversations, systematic explanations

[publication of secret marketplace conversations]

community process narrative of transformative self-reinvention]

friendly instructions for sudden initiation]

[specialized training for mass-participation emergency response] ] detailed planning for hidden networked intervention]

explains the stepwise path of collective identity change]

[manager of discretely hidden economic information]

may faciliate discovery of undisclosed revenue documents]

administrative calculation of masked profitable assets]


[Budha-Meena ]


[potentially nīcha-bhanga if yuti uchcha-Shukra]

[historical-evaluating dhanesha for Simha indriya-lagna] [profitable-friendly labha-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Budha's abstract conversation, dreamy discourse, imaginative descriptions

[dhanayoga = Budha rules of 2+11 + Budha occupies masked-8]

intuitive narrative of mysteries, unexpected force, sudden change, undisclosed revenue

  • Out on a Limb 1934- drama-esoterica Shirley MacLaine [corporate-organizational Revatī-2] [nīcha-Budha-8 parivartamsha + mutual exchange Guru-2]


articulation of mysterious hidden forces


hands-on management of the energies of regeneration

administration of revelatory prophecy - may be secretary or assistant to such a prophet

peddler of secret information

confidential messages of camouflaged realities

describes shocking discoveries or emergencies

occult prophecy

details the terms of non-disclosure

narrative of transformative upheaval

delineates, diagrams, explains, graphs, process of identity-change

may conduct confidential, therapeutic interviews

writer in the mystery genre

analysis of sudden eruptions of unexpected force

may handle hidden, covered, or classified information [8] [announces evolutionary or revolutionary change events

defines the rejuvenating, rebirthing process of initiation

From His svabhava, bubbly Budha-8

occupies 3rd-from-6 and 6th-from 3

The Learning Pathway requires discussing the undiscussable, explaining the frightful (8) and often exposing the carefully hidden.

Budha-8 represents students, pupils, apprentices, disciples [Budha] mastering the Narrative of Identity Transformation, Hidden Treasures, and Mysteries

Randhrasthāna is the svabhava of invasive, penetrating Mangala, and Kuja is an enemy of Budha.

Therefore quick-witted, chatty, conversational Budha is generally uncomfortable in randhrasthana's intensively transformative, non-disclosing, secretively covered, camouflaged, cauldron of identity-change

However, budha-8 is a splendid placement for anyone who needs to communicate under camouflage, deliver secret information, or manipulate a discussion. May be found in the partners of political figures as an invaluable skill of transmitting confidential details under the guise of mundane conversation.

Talks about regeneration, rediscovery, rebirth


Annunciazione 1452-1519 Renaissance light Leonardo daVinci [profitable-friendly Revatī-3]

  • LdV created a compelling visual narrative of the re-emergence of Mediterranean civilization after the longest, darkest centuries of Kali Yuga. His magnificent renderings of beauty of daily life were mixed with drawings of future machines. More than 500 years later, LdV oeuvre is still considered to be a peak representation of re-awakening Renaissance Europe.

May be a genius of crisis management. (Crisis 8, Budha management).

The common combination of confident, entitled Surya-yuti-Budha is often found information-intensive roles within undisclosed, classified, or camouflaged organizations. Administration for disaster control.

Masters of Secret Information

Professor Budha's specialties = talking, gesturing, reporting, writing, painting, tool-using, technology-applying, arguing, criticizing, explaining, instructing, training, short-term, near -goal travel and constantly interacting with others, measuring

When stationed in classroom-8, Induja follows the instructional curriculum of randhrasthāna. He is assigned to the task of delivering the objectified narratedexperience and ongoing discussion of

  • undisclosed information

  • mysteries, occult agency

  • hidden data, hidden assets, hidden treasures

  • confidential knowledge

  • secret relationships, obscured liaisons, secret alliances

  • sudden identity changes; sudden change of circumstance

  • eruptions of hidden information into the mentality

  • revolutionary explanations, interpretations, descriptions, and instructions

  • cycles of self-destruction and rebirth

  • descriptive announcement of catastrophe, disaster, unexpected upheaval, emergencies

  • instructions for profoundly transformative healing

  • detailed training to manage shocks and forceful change environments

Instruction offered by graha who are operating in the classroom of RandhraBhava-8 pertains to matters of

  • sudden and unexpected change,
  • new identities created by shocking transformations,
  • confidential information
  • secret terrain,
  • therapeutic healing,
  • surgery, i
  • nvasive manual repairs,
  • in-laws,
  • joint assets of partnership,
  • tantrik practices

Budha delivers Transactions of Bhava-8 via articulatory instruments of:

Therapeutic healing , detective work, psychiatry, surgery, forensics, assets of the spouse or partner, tantrik arts and artisans, maps of hidden worlds and secret spaces, management of forbidden or dangerous transformative information.

Also discourse of identity change, the rhetoric of political revolution and disaster management, upheavals in the conduct the in-laws, and sudden outbursts of previously unseen verbal forces.

Budha-8 can be more tame and less incendiary when combined with other more adjustable graha.

  • Archbishop of Canterbury 1950- poet Rowan Williams [community-systems Kṛttikā-3] [uchcha-Rohiṇī-Somana-yuti-Surya-Mriga] [uchcha-Rohiṇī-Somana-yuti-Budha-Kṛttikā] Narrative of principled change, driven by a foundational understanding of Christian inclusivity and spiritual equity. His initiatives [8] were sadly rejected due to a harsh 10th-drishti incoming from a fearful Shani terrifed of change.

This is a complex angle socially but favorable in esoteric applications because Budha plans, meets, and argues rather well on a 3- 6 basis.

Generally prone to divorce, disagreement within relationships personal and professional, and some variety of illness (usually mental illness ); However, budha-8 is blessed with writing skillsand may become an exponent of secret teachings.

Naturally, the Kumara's communicative and hand-craft skills seek to manage things of hidden or esoteric nature. Supports literacy in the tantrik textual traditions, and publications that promote mysterious, secretive, or emergency-oriented content.

(Note: apocalyptic or end-of-the-world fantasies are more associated with bhava-12 = dreams, imagination)

Forensic analysis; secret codes; confidential information

Combinations of 8th-from+ randhresha-8 , and Budha can produce a splendid detective mentality with special articulatory, analytical, and reporting skills in regard to hidden knowledge, mysteries ancient and modern (including criminal deeds).

Tantrik mentality; can transmit knowledge and assets from confidential or hidden sources.

A natural mentality for exploratory investigations and expository writings. Seeks to mine, drill, delve into unknown reaches of lands, knowledge, and discover hidden treasures.

In Watery rashi, does the planning and analysis for undersea explorations.

However, must have the muscular support of Mangala to do the actual physical diving, drilling, or discovery. Grants neither a long life nor a short one. Longevity depends on Budha's lord.

Thoughts tend to dwell on matters of social rank and position, duty and responsibility to the public. Leadership conferred without government title.

(Note: Magical powers are more associated with Budha + bhava-12 = legerdemain, imagination)

Explaining-instruction-description, esp. via writing of surgical, tantrik, emergency, and magical skills; all verbal and written expressions of occult knowledge; and transformative healing through evocation of articulated past-life memory.

death from illness, in the presence of companions , often the spouse is present. The funeral is a social event, budha-8 's life is reviewed appreciatively . Cheerful send-off. Native continues to chat from the beyond.

Those whose nativity features Budha in bhava-8 can pick up his astral signal.

Where the Thoughts do Linger

The bhava which is 3rd-from-Budha also creates a"landing pad" upon which the thoughts tend to dwell and linger.

Naturally, if graha occupy this "focus " bhava, the nature of the repeating narrative engagement with those electro-magnetic initiating thoughts will adjust according to the character of the tenant grahar.

thoughts focus upon third-from-Budha = [karma-bhava-10] [social leadership, duty, public dignity, social authority, hierarchical rank, / pecking order /

  • institutional decision-making

  • bureaucracy, government, responsibilities,

  • conventional rules

  • law and order

  • ways to get recognition and respect

QUOTATION Das /Behari commentary

WRT Budha-8

" Mercury has the special characteristic of retrieving from past influences things which strengthen the mind,

  • as a result of which you are able to cultivate relationships which are conducive to material prosperity, eminent status , and considerable wealth.

Under this impulse, you are able to explore mystical, virgin areas of nature which open up exceptional opportunities in life.

  • On the physical plane, however, you beget very few children

  • and suffer from stomach and thigh ailments.

Gainful; gives longevity, prosperity, land and property.

  • Several children; high status in the 25th year.

Government favor. Annihilation of the enemy. Glorious. Enjoys long life.

Renowned in own and foreign land .

Cheerful; gains through business.

  • Enjoys the pleasure and confidence of the opposite sex.

You are blessed with longevity, reputation and wealth; debauch but famous for your qualities, glorious; hostile but philanthropic, ungrateful, vicious, sexy, liar and ailing.

You get wealth from the government, proud; antagonist of the people; disrupting and devastating, magistrate; supporter of your family and a distinguished personality, truth loving, honors the guests.

End is peaceful."

[end quote]


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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!