3rd-from- Budha perpetual narrative upon which topics does the mentality dwell? mental health explanatory descriptive diagrammatic instruction communication styles narratives and themes writing-publication All Thought Is Prayer |
Crop Circle in Oxfordshire Field, England 2009. Length 600ft. |
" Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny." apocryphally attributed to ~~Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi |
QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso. Answers: Discussions with Western Buddhists by the Dalai Lama . (2001). José Ignacio Cabezón (Ed.) "What is the role that consciousness plays in the process of reincarnation?" " In general, there are different levels of consciousness. The more rough, or gross, levels of consciousness are very heavily dependent upon the physical, or material, sphere. Since one's own physical aggregate (the body) changes from birth to birth, so too do these gross levels of consciousness. The more subtle the level of consciousness, however, the more independent of the physical sphere , And hence the more likely that it will remain from one life to the next. But in general, whether more subtle or more gross, all levels of consciousness are of the same nature." |
Mental Targei
When Budha and the graha in 3rd from Budha enjoy parivartamsha yoga, beneficial mental results are expected. 3rd-from-Budha is a less benevolent location for matters of mental health. Any planet in 3rd-from-Budha will show that upon which the thoughts "land" , upon which the thoughts hover and linger. 3rd-from Budha * mental traffic 3rd-from-Budha * Stress zones * may include: " 3rd"angle = controlled by Mangala, and Mangala has a permanently adversarial relationship with Budha. Any graha in 3rd-from Budha can produce mental over-exertion . Too much thinking - even excessive positive thinking - can lead to mental exhaustion from the endless chatter, restlessness, Anxiety , frayed nerves. of all the seven graha which can occupy this place -- Chandra, mangala, Guru, shukra, shani, rahu, or Ketu -- Shani in 3rd-from-Budha poses the most serious challenge to the enjoyment of life. Shani in 3rd-from-Budha = negative thinking, scarcity thinking, mental oppression by the rule of law, unduly hard mental work, bitterness, undue concern with heavy consequences, and significant psycho-mental depression. Graha in 3rd-from-Budha may indicate a repeating loop narrative which interrupts in the reasoning process.
Graha in 3rd-from-Budha may give excellent results in other departments of life, but those graha which occupy 3rd-from-Budha will cause some disruption of the free-moving, openly associative, naeutral thinking process. It is easier for the mental process to function when it is unencumbered by strong feelings or opinions. 3rd-from-Budha represents a content area of the thought-world which is somewhat"stuck"and upon which the mentality tends to fixate. 3rd-from-Budha contains mentalized material which is incompletely resolved from parallel life or early childhood experience. If graha occupy 3rd-from-Budha, the karaka and lordship significations of those graha gain special importance (for ease or for difficulty). Strong feelings and opinions, compulsive or habitual loops, and other draining or distracting concerns will be generated by the graha(s) in 3rd-from-Budha. Even a very capable and aware thinker will recognize the"brain drain" effect of the graha 3rd-from-Budha in their mental life. |
Vimshottari Dasha effects The strongest effect of this mental-drain phenomenon occurs during the mahadasha of Budha, during the bhukti of the graha(s) which occupy 3rd-from-Budha.
QUOTATION The mind exists in a state of not enough and so is always greedy for more. When you are identified with the mind you get bored and restless very easily. ~~ A New Earth 1948- spiritual explainer Eckhart Tolle |
Surya in 3rd-from-Budha ? Surya cannot occupy 3rd-from-Budha. |
Chandra occupies 3rd-from-Budha
Sensitive, responsive, absorptive Chandra in communicative 3rd from Budha emotionally originating talkativeness, diagramming, doodling comforted by writing poems, lyrics, messages Not truly problematic, but a noticeably sensitive mental type. Mental fluctuations like the ocean tides, one's feelings determine the rhythm of the reasoning process. Presuming that Chandra is well-disposed, can be an asset in integrated mental-emotional process, so long as the native can register but does not dwell on the feelings. Native may not be able to effectively discriminate between rational conclusions and intuitive perceptions. (These are both valid ways of thinking but they are different and should be consciously distinguished for clarity and appropriateness of judgment.) Plus side: highly effective psycho-emotional communications with the fundamental emotional realities of humanity. |
Mangala in 3rd-from-Budha
competitive, innovative Kuja in communicative 3rd from Budha Literary, reporting, announcing, messaging, and communication themes of championship, warrior, action, movement, armed struggle, vigorous challenge, physical-sexual pursuit
Typically outspoken and content of the speech may focus on articles of combat or pursuit, such as human sexuality, athletic competition, warfare, weaponry
Repetitive narrative of anger, dwelling on electro-magnetic initiating thoughts of domination and winning. If Kuja is ill-disposed, winning = revenge. Otherwise, winning via vigorous competition. Tends toward repetition of the adolescent thought process oriented to activities of simple physical sport and Animal-instinct sexual pursuii May generate the "sore loser" complex; thoughts promote intolerance of weakness and exaggerated heroism; "Napoleon complex" POTUS-33 Trial and Hope 1884-1972 Harry Truman famously said: "[The American President] has to take all sorts of abuse from liars and demagogues.… The people can never understand why the President does not use his supposedly great power to make 'em behave. Well, all the President is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway." |
Guru occupies 3rd-from-Budha
Generous, guiding Guru in communicative 3rd from Budha Literary, reporting, announcing, messaging, and communication on broad and inclusive themes of philosophy, sacred teachings, scientific theory, political ideology, divinity, broad-scope, conceptual discourse, dogma, preaching, professorship, global humanism
The communicative style reflects the adversarial relationship between Guru and Budha. Budha is neutral toward Guru but wide-worldview Brihaspati intensely dislikes small-details Induja . The reason for their inimical stance = these two graha compete for the same audience. Guru wants to preach about religion and higher law (Dharma) whereas Budha wants to chat about superficial daily thoughts. They both try to use the same mental apparatus. A general outcome of Guru in 3rd from Budha = the person may talk mercurially about philosophy of life and higher truths, the delivery vehicle is too chatty [Budha]. Also the communicative motive is too much mundanely instrumental, depriving The message of religious profundity, except in rare cases. Guru generates a repeating narrative of hope and expansion whether there is a foundation to support that expansion or not.
Topics of global travel, world culture, education, university, philosophy and doctrinal narrative
Minding other people's business, trying to save the world, tends toward repetition of the compassionate and global worldview, mind frequently returning to the big picture . Tends toward repetition of the quest for broad, simple solutions to complex questions, Pollyanna complex, positive and cheerful . May seem like an ideologue. Guru the Multiplier expands and extends the scope of everything in His territory. 3rd-from-Budha often indicates writing including songwriting.
relaxation of restrictions = permission
Shukra in 3rd-from-Budha
Diplomatic, harmony-seeking Shukra in communicative 3rd from Budha Literary, reporting, announcing, messaging, and communication on themes of relationship, sensual pleasure, balanced arrangements, marriage, alliances, trust, bargaining, contracts and promises, material well-being, acquisition, fine arts and music, luxuries, women
Repeating narrative of sensual pleasures, concern with superficial attractiveness and petty social manners, worries about being liked. Distracted focus due to sense-pleasure data too much interrupting the reasoning process. Mind frequently returning to alliances, relationships, treasury, sense delights, one's ability to receive validation for one's own beauty and attractiveness, arts and music. Bhava indicates the mental target: [Shukra in 1] = the mind often dwells on concern with personality, maintaining a gracious appearance
the mind often dwells on values, treasuries of value, collections of beautiful items, knowledge of history and languages
the mind often dwells on search for harmony in the immediate team- cohort , attractiveness of hand-craft, writing, conversations, siblings, workgroup the mind often dwells on beauty of the home, arts/music in the home, the homeland, landscaping, gardens, and natural environment
the mind often dwells on politics, games, drama, divine intelligence, center-stage performance, politically charismatic artistic expressions of beauty and balance
[Shukra in 6] = the mind often dwells on imbalance within relationships * especially with womenfolk * addictions * attractiveness of sweet substances, alcohol, pleasures, pain-numbing drugs
[Shukra in 7] = the mind often dwells on attractiveness of the spouse, harmony, alliances, contracts - seeking balance in all things, making yoga , diplomacy, making arrangements
[Shukra in 8] = the mind often dwells on secrets, catastropic scenarios, hidden wealth, hidden power to balance and harmonize [Shukra in 9] = the mind often dwells on ideology, theory, first principles, philosophy, doctrine
[Shukra in 10] = the mind often dwells on hierarchical position, social rank, one's attractiveness via favorable reputation [Shukra in 11] = the mind often dwells on gain of social-material goals, wealth and pleasure from earning income [Shukra in 12] = the mind often dwells on imagery providing spiritual guidance from the ancestors; on dreams of beautiful figures; on invisible designs, and distant lands
Shani in 3rd-from-Budha
Systematic, structural, survivalist Shani resides in communicative 3rd from Budha Literary, reporting, announcing, messaging, and communication on broad and inclusive themes of social structures, hierarchy, class-caste, systems, network s, rules, legislation, consequences and punishments, time, 3rd-diminsional physics, endurance, discipline, austerity, elegance, minimalism, common folk, populism, the masses and the classes
Shani in 3rd-from-Budha suggests a conventional, often ponderous, way of thinking. One may to think in heavily weighted or pessimistic terms presuming the structures of law as inevitable; may be a worst-case thinker, or the mental narrative is laden with expectations of scarcity and responsibility to society. Repeating narrative of scarcity and restraint
Repeating narrative of public judgment ,
Often in a punitive or individuality-constraining context
Chronic lack of survival resources, material poverty, fears of social punishment, social obloquy, absent support from social infrastructure, heavy duties and obligation, self-isolation, insecurity. Native perceives deep pressure from Time, a lack of ease, and a often a crushing workload. Chronic depression or mature sobriety during Shani bhuktir. If Shani occupies 3rd-from- Budha characteristic mental sobriety throughout the incarnation. This position indicates an agency of younger siblings and team-mates who suffer from excess fear. Their conservative and safety-seeking actions may create obstacles for positive expansion of one's own life. One may experience a light but pervasive mental depression throughout the 17 years of Budha Mahadasha (even if the native is a child at the time, the depression may be felt for 17 years) The bhukti of Budha-Shani may induce a severe or extended depression, which lifts only at the tail end of the Budha Mahadasha drishti from the gochara Shani affecting either Budha or Shani will deepen the existing depression Should Budha occupy the kundali indriya-lagna or Chandra's bhava, so that Shani occupies not only 3rd-from-Budha but also 3rd-from-lagna or in the emotionally talkative, communicative cohort evangelical instructional team-working administrative managerial announcing publishing reporting explanatory conversational lyrical messaging 3rd-from-Chandra, the depression may be quite crippling. Much relief can be felt when other graha cast a positive drishti upon natal Shanaischarya. Luckily, the Budha/Shani bhukti occurs only once during the lifetime. |
Rahu in 3rd-from-Budha
Risk-positive, self-important, ambitious Rahu resides in 3rd from Budha Rahu seeks privilege due to His presumed importance in role of Literary, reporting, announcing, messaging, and communication on themes of ethno-cultural mixing, camouflaged access to privilege, social mobility, challenge to conventions, self-promotion, high risk
Repeating narrative of ambitious self-elevation to higher levels of privilege via photographic imagery, cinema, writing, messaging, communicating to deliver an irregular, arrhythmic, barrier-bending, taboo-twisting or unsettling announcements composing reports containing exotic information the information may destabilize conventions or upset normal patterns desire to rise above one's station of birth, desire to enter elite social environments, obsession with promotion and obtainment, disregard for established protocol, promotion of adventure and risk, compulsive self-promotion thought loops, intense social-ranking ideation, socially disruptive and fascinating desires. Mesmerized [Rahu] by mental hunger to possess that which is socially forbidden, unusual, exotic. shaming-scandal, yes. Cruel pursuit of high office, whatever it takes, yes. But Rahu is transformative and able to successfully instrumentalize the energy of catastrophic attack when in classroom-8. His opponent in the second-term election was very weak and Rahu's scheme worked . Rahu in 3rd-from- Budha = risk-positive thinking, adventurous or barrier-bending, taboo-twisting ideas
Disruptive, adventurous, ambitious, occasionally fraudulent agency of younger siblings and team-mates who suffer from excess desire to obtain privileges not yet earned. Their disruptive and risky actions may create interruptions in stable progress of one's own life. It is difficult to control the immediate younger sibling in particular, when this agent acts in ways that disregard protocol and challenge the law. During the mahadasha of Budha, if Rahu occupies 3rd-from-Budha, one may feel that one's thoughts have taken on an obsessive-compulsive quality. It becomes difficult to control electro-magnetic initiating thoughts focused on the desire to possess a person, apower, or an experience. one may be unable to endure limits of any kind upon one's behavior. One feels antagonistic toward authority and disrespectful of statutory law . Positive outcome can include the benefits of breaking with tradition in art, literature, sport, or other humanistic venues where innovation and risk are praised. Naturally if Rahu occupies a conservative rashi (of Shani or Shukra) or if Rahu occupies a house which craves stability (4 or 7), the prognosis is less happy. However, an adventurous mentality can always produce something interesting even if the native must wait until after the Budha/Rahu period to receive proper validation for the ground-breaking or record-breaking production. During Budha/Rahu period one is more likely to feel censured for being disruptive, but indeed there may be praise forthcoming later, after Budha Mahadasha is complete. |
Ketu in 3rd-from-Budha
Ambivalent, dissociating, impermanent Ketu resides in 3rd from Budha Literary,
and communication on themes of spiritual detachment, emotional
separation from attachment to formality,
freedom of formlessness,
dispersal, ghosts
Rahu in 9th from Budha
Programmatic planning seems to dissipate and becomes materially ineffective.
It is however effective in other-worldly contexts such as transcendent music, spiritual hanting, poetry, or fiction writing
Also effective in the description of the experience of spiritual surrender
As always, the final outcome much depends upon Ketu's lord. If dissociative Ketu's ruler is effective then Professor Ketu does not normally dissolve the outcome. Rather, Ketu may provide the advantage of cheerful disregard for outdated restrictions, and low/no blockage from unnecessary barriers. Still, Ketu in 3rd from Budha can dampen excitement of the communicative output and cause one to sound rather milquetoast.
repeating narrative of detachment and despair, disconnection, inability to find meaning, compulsive wandering. Potential for complete liberation if one intentionally releases the egoic-mind membrane from connection to the thought process. The narrative mind [Budha] shows a natural inclination toward non-petitionary prayer. Ketu in 3rd-from- Budha = withdrawal from commercial activity, disinterest in siblings Ketu occupies the 3rd from Budha = each small decision requires careful and circumspect review. The judgment = flawed during the entire Budha-Ketu bhukti. Tendency for the thoughts to linger in dissociating patterns, which may signal depression or disorientation
Disregard and dissolution via Agency of younger siblings and team-mates who suffer from excess detachment.
During the mahadasha of Budha, if Ketu occupies 3rd-from-Budha, the native may feel that the thought-narrative has an apathetic quality. It becomes difficult to control the thought traffic specifically the interior instructions which direct one to annihilate the outdated relationships which still bind the native to the material plane. For the spiritually advanced and properly guided personality, true egoic-mind membrane separation from material concerns may occur and a saintly detachment results. For the less spiritually aware, there is a tendency to depression and disconnection from reality which can be interpreted as mental illness, although it is usually just the first phase of a genuine enlightenment which will bloom in a later era of Ketu. Ketu chidrakaraka = "cut-off" dissolution of attachment to outdated relationships and separation from objects of desire toward which one is unable to maintain any further desire. Bhukti of wandering Ketu can signify divorce if other pointers agree, and when Ketu the Releaser occupies the mentally over-exerted and rather anxious 3rd-freom-Budha, the divorce signification gains added potency. If Ketu is born into the 3rd-from-Budha, during Vimshottari periods of Ketu one may feel mentally depressed, suffer from an apathetic mental narrative and unable to clearly express one's true intentions. One must retreat to silent sanctuary, unable to communicate successfully with others. The specific nature of the alienating, mentally obtuse inability to communicate one's thoughts successfully usually results in rejection Some wonderful alternative scenarios for the more conscious person include increased clairsentience and much liberated ability to pass through constructed barriers of time and space. Inter-dimensional travel is facilitated for those with the natural interest and training. |
Alternating Analytical Meditation and Stabilizing meditation QUOTATION from Dzong-ka-ba and Tenzing Gyatso.
" Here is how to alternate [between]analytical and stabilizing meditation:
Generation of a bliss of physical and mental pliancy, induced through the power of analysis, no longer requiring alternation between analytical and stabilizing meditation, marks the attainment of fully qualified special insight -- and thereby the attainment of the path of preparation. From this point on, you have a union of calm abiding and special insight. You now have powerful means for realizing the emptiness of inherent existence in order to overcome obstructions when it is brought to the level of direct perception. Although specific tantras, or even specific passages in tantras, emphasize either stabilizing or analytical meditation,
Therefore, it is not sufficient merely to withdraw the mind inside or even first to become mindful of the view of emptiness and then set merely in stabilizing meditation. Analysis is necessary.
Olympic National Forest, Washington State, USA |
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