
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

KetuMain Page

  1. [Ketu in classroom-1]
  2. [Ketu in classroom-2]
  3. [Ketu in classroom-3]
  4. [Ketu in classroom-4]
  5. [Ketu in classroom-5]
  6. [Ketu in classroom-6]
  7. [Ketu in classroom-7]
  8. [Ketu in classroom-8]
  9. [Ketu in classroom-9]
  10. [Ketu in classroom-10]
  11. [Ketu in classroom-11]
  12. [Ketu in classroom-12]

  1. [Ketu-Mesha]
  2. [Ketu-Urisha]
  3. [Ketu-Mithuna]
  4. [Ketu-Karkata]
  5. [Ketu-Singha]
  6. [Ketu-Kanya]
  7. [Ketu-Tula]
  8. [Ketu-Vṛścika] --- [svakshetra]
  9. [Ketu-Dhanus]
  10. [Ketu-Makara-Draco]
  11. [Ketu-Kumbha]
  12. [Ketu-Meena]


OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah

OM Ekadantaya Vidmahe Vakkratundaya Dheemahi -

Tanno Danti Prachodayat

केतु ketu

Professor Ketu

शिखिन् śikhin = comet, reaching peak knowledge

आकाश ākāśa = ether, space, vacuity

कावन्धkāvandha = appearing as a headless trunk

रुण्डक ruṇḍaka = headless body

विशिरस्क viśiraska = headless

छिद्रकारक chidra-karaka = agent of cutting-off



सिंह siṃha = lion, hero, powerful

हरि hari = sun, lion, tawny-yellow

लेय leya = Gk. λέων

हर्यक्ष hary-akṣa = yellow-eyed

आरण्यराशि āraṇya-rāśi = rashi of forest animal

South Lunar Node

cauda draconis = tail of the dragon

caesura = cut


καταβιβαζόν kata-bibazon = catabibazon

= κᾰτᾰ down +‎ βαίνω go = go down, descend = descending-node


यति yati = pause, stop, break in recitation

resides in




dispersed drama


Austin, Texas sunset

" The Kingdom of God is within you."

~~ Gospel of Luke 17:21


[Ketu in Bhava-1]

[Simha indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[disregards romantic identity conventions] [eccentric entitled movements] [incoherently theatrical appearance]

[empty physicalized individual display] [politically liberating disconnected behaviors]

[scattered game-playing personality] [passively fixated on ambitiously profitable-interlinked Rahu-Kumbha risk-rewarding partner-advisers]

  • Steppenwolf 1877-1962 anti-Nazi Hermann Hesse [rhythmic-protective Magha-4]


[Ketu in Bhava-2]

[for Karkata indriya lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-8 healers, explorers, transformers]

dispersed values


  • POTUS-12 California Statehood 1784-1850 Zachary Taylor [financial-heritage Magha-2]

[Ketu in Bhava-3]

[for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[disregards political discourse conventions] [eccentric idealistic publications] [incoherent speculative planning] [empty theatrical announcements]

[Groundless boasting instructions] [aimless self-reflexive bantering] [disconnected flamboyant windy talk]

[liberating abstract demonstrative discussions] [scattered romantic mentality]

[passively fixated on ambitiously preposterous, opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-9 indoctrinators, father-figures, preachers, public spiritual guides]

[Ketu in Bhava-4] occupies [Bhava-4]

[for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[brightly showy abandonment of homeland roots] [theatrically scattered secure foundations] [[neutral witness to flamboyant local politics]

[dramatic long journeys away from the home-folk] [follows wandering ways for splendidly entitled education] [detached creative performance of the customary display of solar-cycle worship]

[Rahu-Kumbha-10 = elite marketplace-networking executive career]

[self-referential absentee mother-caretaker]

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-10 leaders, commanders, iconic-figures, bosses, hierarchs]

  • Pucci Prints 1914-1992 fashion Emilio Pucci [optimistic-ideological Uttaraphalgunī-1]

  • Truth Be Told 1933-2021 interviewer Larry King [champion-innovator Magha-1]

  • Moral Majority 1933-2007 Rev. Jerry Falwell [financial-oratorical Magha-2] [Apah-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Magha]

[Ketu in Bhava-5]

[for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[unconcerned with speculation on election campaigns and melodrama]

[scattered political intelligence] [disengaged witness to creative games] [liberated from entitled ceremonies] [dispersed charisma]

[material relationship to children, especially but not exclusively the eldest, may theatrically dissolve. The spiritual relationship remains.]

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-11 friends, socialites, earners, awards, revenues, economists, distributors, associates, community-links]

[Ketu in Bhava-6]

beneficial placement for Meena indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[unconcerned with quarrels about artistic creativity] [disinterested in unbalanced political arguments] [scatters the romantic conflicts] [abandons vacuous melodrama]

[disengaged witness to unfair entitlements] [liberated from disagreements with celebrity theatrics] [disregard toward the complaints of intellectual speculators]

[adversaries may accuse one of empty ceremonial game-playing] [dismisses the discomfort of heart-and-spine ailments] [apathetic toward displays of bright light]

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-12 phantoms, dream-images, intuitive imaginings, symbolic teaching, ancestral guidance, private understanding]

  • Genesis 1951- songwriter drummer Phil Collins [optimistic-dogmatic Uttaraphalgunī-1]

[Ketu in Bhava-7]

for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, melodramatic display relationships]

[dispersed engagement with creative partnership] [dissolution of idealistic advocacies] [apathy toward diplomatic pageantry]

[ignores the allure of celebrity alliances] [forgives broken romantic promises] [abandons unsustainable speculative match-making]

[steps away from brightly showy arrangements]

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-1 fabulous physical embodiment]


[Ketu in Bhava-8]

[for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]

dissociated discoveries, surrenders unnecessary secrets, forgiveness of outdated threats


  • Flowers of Evil 1821-1867 symbolist poet Charles Baudelaire [bargaining-adjustable Pūrvaphalgunī-3]

  • Earth Changes 1877-1945 Edgar Cayce [ministering-complaining Pūrvaphalgunī-2]

  • 52nd Dai, dawoodi Bohra 1915-2014 Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin [innovative-competitive Magha-1]

[Ketu in Bhava-9]

[for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-3 sibling-cousins, secretaries, team-mates, castmates, classmates, co-workers, neighbors]

dispersed doctrine [no principled doctrinal barriers limit the freedom of political brilliance ] [patron of incoherent entitled beliefs] [absentee father may distance himself from ideologies]

[Ketu in Bhava-10]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha co-ruler for Vṛścika indriya- lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[dispersed engagement with entitled leadership] [dissolution of regally commanding positions] [restlessly anarchic toward high-ranking theatrical roles] [may abdicate a top dramatizing position]

[surrenders useless celebrated authority] [apatheticly forgives the trespass of executive speculators] [abandons unsustainable elite game-playing] [absent from empty state-regulated displays]

[disregards respected pageantry conventions] [eccentric entertainments may symbolize brilliant mirage of the regime ] [reputation for erratic displays of genius] [has the creativity and the status, but walks away from public empowerments]

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-4 parents, householders, property-owners, gardeners, stewards of Earth]

  • La Pucelle d'Orléans 1412-1431 St. Jeanne d'Arc [bargaining-adjustable Pūrvaphalgunī-3] + [Pūrvaphalgunī-Mangala-yuti-Ketu-Pūrvaphalgunī]

[Ketu in Bhava-11]

[for Tulā indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[dispersed engagement with creative marketplace earnings] [dissolution of political networks]

[surrenders celebrity friendships] [ambivalent toward profitable romantic games] [dissociates from theatrical connections]

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-5 children, celebrities, idealists, creative artists, politicians, speculators]

[Ketu in Bhava-12]

[beneficial placement for Kanya indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[disengaged from invisible dramatic roles] [few/no boundaries within romantic private spaces] [no barriers to speculative movement between foreign lands]

[potentially unfettered awareness in cloistered mountaintop settings] [release from political imprisonment] [unencumbered meditation upon dematerialized essence of inner intelligence]

[unlimited demonstrative fantasy worlds] [unafraid of imagined gambling annihilation] [may perceive non-verbal intuitive idealistic guidance]

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-6 enemies, animals, assistants, servants]

Ketu-Simha romance-drift, heartbreak, display [Simha] of liberation, withdrawal, disconnection.

Ketu-Simha provides the ease of No Resistance to center-stage entitlements. One may become famous or infamous, naotable or notorious. Ketu does not discriminate between positive and negative attention, between curses or applause.

Ketu-Simha suggests a weak, dispersed or abstract type of fame [Simha] may be experienced rather incoherently. Even when the native achieves widely perceived fame or notoriety, Ketu-Simha often does not care about such fame. If there is any response to fame at all, the response is to disregard it or disperse it.

Ketu-Simha idealizes the agent according to bhava. For instance, Ketu-9 represents Father.

Children - and Child abandonment

When the indicators of detachment from children are compelling, Ketu-Simha may be part of a pattern of disconnection from the ultimate form of creavity = children. Results can resemble Ketu-5 if the ruler is empowered.

EXAMPLE = 5th-from-Chandra = Ketu's ruler Surya-4 housing, dwelling. Surya rogesha, surya pitrikaraka - HKH re-enacts his father's self-concern.

Steppenwolf 1877-1962 anti-Nazi Hermann Hesse [rhythmic-protective Magha-4]

  • During Ketu-Ketu svabhukti, following years of protracted absences [Ketu] from his home-and-family while he pursued personal travel, HKH finished a contentious divorced and moved to a distant town, alone.
  • His overwhelmed wife suffered a nervous breakdown, but HKH narcissistic response was to stop parenting entirely and focus on himself - and his writing.
  • His three young sons were evacuated into the homes of relatives.
  • HKH recounted that the next kid-free year was the most liberating and productive time of his life

Romantic abandonment

  • Genesis 1951- songwriter drummer Phil Collins [idealistic Uttaraphalgunī-1] developed a materially and artistically successful career in the music industry based primarily on musical performance, singing and writing about romantic [Singha] break-up narrative [Ketu] following emptiness themes such as distancing, distrust, disappointment, and divorce. Ketu-Simha romance-drift, heartbreak, display [Simha] of liberation, withdrawal, disconnection, surrender.

Bright lights of Simha are present but not focused; rather one' aura (light-body) is scattered often by the incursion of powerful, regal, authoritative psycho-spiritual influences. Ketu-Simha may seem to produce enormous self-confidences

Ketu represents surrender, Islam. Ketu surrenders to whatever experience is provided. In Simha, Ketu surrenders to the flow of romance, celebrity, genius, gambling, dramatic, and center-stage behaviors.

Ketu-Simha love life may produce peculiar and dispersed experiences.

Brilliant but inconsistent or proscribed romance requires complete surrender or one may descend into mental ailment.

  • Flowers of Evil 1821-1867 symbolist poet Charles Baudelaire - poetically idealized [Simha] the dreamlike romantic love he felt with the prostitutes he adored [Simha] along with the drugs and tragic diseases of sexploitation

  • Zorro 1969- drama-commerce Catherine Zeta Jones [optimistic-doctrinal Uttaraphalgunī-1] [Magha-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Aryaman] [12, imagination, seclusion, hospitalization]

Inconsistent, peculiar, or fragmented political behaviors [Simha]

Collapsing Ketu permits no barriers therefore highest political powers can be obtained - yet Ketu-Simha may prefer the observer role, or altogether lose interest. Although it may sometimes flare with brilliant illumination, Ketu-Simha bright light flickers.


POTUS-pair-11 Polk Place 1803-1891 Sarah Childress Polk [champion-challenging Magha-1] + [Magha-Ketu-yuti-Surya-Purvaphalguni] [Magha-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Magha]

  • In a two-person career with her husband POTUS-11 James K Polk, SCP successfully managed the political career of her rustic, workaholic husband . He was dedicated to legislative duty, but disliked "time-wasting" social life. She politicked strategically, detailing her husband's position on the key issues, under camouflage of social entertainments [Simha].

  • As a dark-horse candidate, JKP was not well known even in Washington-DC. Although an acolyte of POTUS-07 Andrew Jackson, JKP had no independent national profile. Yet, SCP's letter-writing and her veiled [8] Washington-DC social contacts propelled JKP into an opportunity vacuum [Ketu] created by the party's inability to reach a political compromise. Surprisingly to many [8 shocks] nearly-unknown [8] JKP won the POTUS-11 election of 1845.

  • "Sahara Sarah"

  • Having gained the White House, SCP then began to alienate [Ketu] almost everyone in that socially intensive milieu with her strict interpretation of Presbyterian doctrine [her Shani-9] . From her previous use of social entertainment [Simha] for political networking, SCP became an anti-amusement First Lady. Her social events = no alcohol, no dancing, no music on Sundays, and harsh reduction of entertainment spending. SCP earned the moniker "Sahara Sarah" for her dry, humorless Whitehouse style. Her beloved husband died immediately after leaving office.

If the nativity shows an otherwise strong development of the literary, artistic, fashion, theatrical or performing arts energies [Surya] one may perform at high levels of center-stage skill. However, the Ketu themes of abandonment and dissolution may be an important part of the artistic production.

Shri Ganesha ensures that one is no longer attached to the dramatic performance process, and this detachment liberates both the enemies and the supporters.

One's ability to enjoy and produce entertainments and expressions of creative intelligence = both unlimited and unimportant.

It is relatively easy to achieve the role of king, queen, or celebrity.

Yet ironically because of the absence of egoic-mind attachment one rarely clings to the validating results of winning games and getting applause.

  • Celebrity comes and celebrity goes.

There is a sense of "been there, done that" which is quite apathetic and detached even when the relative absence of obstacles has eased the process of expressing Divine brilliance and creating amusements.

In Simha, Ketu's detached witness behaviors acquire Ravi-like political, theatrical, literary and genius characteristics.

Similar to Ketu in bhava-5, but less specific detail. Depends absolutely on how Professor Surya functions in the overall nativity.

  • Pucci Prints 1914-1992 fashion Emilio Pucci wandered through many lands briefly. Ketu in Bhava-4 schooling. When EP was an international student in the USA in the 1930's, his scholarship funds were cut off [Ketu] by Italy's Fascist government. By the time he entered Chandra-Rahu bhukti age 23, EP was completely broke [Ketu] and had to wash dishes to pay for his tuition. Ketu-Singha-4 afflicts political [Simha] nationalism (4). During WW-2, EP was injured while flying a bombing mission and abandoned [Ketu] upon the goat-island of Capri. Later he was forced to escape [Ketu] from Italy after being tortured by the Gestapo. Surya-7 in 4th-from-4th = 4th-from-Ketu has an anchoring effect, which prevents Ketu from annihilating EP during the terrible war years. His flourishing garment business was later based on the island of Capri.

Ketu = "been there, done that" parallel life pull

  • One is drawn by [akashic memory]

  • into the worlds of creative arts, theater and politics,

  • where one may mingle with royalty and celebrities as one used to do in a previous life;

  • Yet, in the current life, the thrill of applause and attention is long gone.

When occupying Simha rashi, Ketu may blunt the divine intelligence of Sun, clouding the perception with ambivalence about creative egoic-mind expression in general and about assuming theatrical, regal, attention-getting roles in particular.

Consistent with Ketu's passive-aggressive style, one may be prone to criticizing the politics of others and trying to undermine claims that the Divine is working through others. The whole business of channeling Divine intelligence seems empty and suspect; yet one ironically may be thrust deep into political life; an attitude of cynicism And whiny frustration may result.

One is drawn by [akashic memory] into the worlds of theatre and politics, where one may mingle with celebrities as one used to do in a previous life; Yet, in the current life, the thrill of applause and attention is long gone.

Ketu + Surya in svakshetra may yield a creative genius who expresses unworldly sounds and color. Past-lives associated with cult of the Sun-priest; they have been sacrificed and although they love the celebrity they are Naturally, wary of abuse of power.


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Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth

The information on barbarapijan.com, including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

Epistle-2 of Timothy 1:7
