Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala Ketu in 7th-from-Chandra
AUM kem ketave namah OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah केतु ketu Professor Ketu शिखिन् śikhin = comet, reaching peak knowledge आकाश ākāśa = ether, space, vacuity कावन्धkāvandha = appearing as a headless trunk रुण्डक ruṇḍaka = headless body विशिरस्क viśiraska = headless छिद्रकारक chidra-karaka = agent of cutting-off resides in जाया jāyā = woman, wife कलत्र kalatra = status of being a wife, consort स्मर smara = erotic love, sexual union, amorous memory अस्त asta = death, cessation, setting sun, vanish, perish South Lunar Node cauda draconis = tail of the dragon caesura = cut
यति yati = pause, stop, break in recitation ----- καταβιβαζόν kata-bibazon = catabibazon = κᾰτᾰ = down + βαίνω = go = go down, descend = descending-node occupies the seventh house relationship deficit marital dissociations pointless pledges unclear disjointed partnership objective collapsed covenants dissolved unsustainable promises disregards contracts surrender of outdated oaths contempt of court |
The Four Noble Truths QUOTATION from Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism by Chögyam Trungpa, p. 152-153 "Having become acutely aware of our dissatisfaction, we begin to search for a reason for it. By examining our thoughts and actions, we discover that we are continually struggling to maintain and enhance ourselves. We realize that this struggle is the root of suffering. So we seek an understanding of the process of struggle. This is the Second Noble Truth taught by the Buddha, the truth of the origin of suffering." [end quote] |
EXAMPLES [for Tulā indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Ketu's ambivalently forward-pushing, disintegrating inventiveness [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly bargained competitive relationships] [dispersed engagement with innovative partnership] [dissolution of wartime advocacies] [incoherent lawcourt duels] [surrenders pioneering contracts] [ignores broken fresh-start promises] [apatheticly forgives the trespasses of dominating advisors] [abandons unsustainable physical arrangements] [unconventional athletic pairings] [absent from empty blood alliances] [disregards primitive marriage conventions] [eccentric kinetic energy in the marital union] [provisional contest agreements] [passively fixated on ambitiously diplomatic-partnering Rahu-Tula-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[energizing-identifying lagnesha co-ruler for Vṛścika indriya- lagna ] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Ketu's vacuously sweet, ambivalently evaluating, arbitrarily enriching sensuality [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly bargained, traditional relationships] [dissociated from heritage partnership] [dissolution of treasured advocacies] [surrenders useless financial banking contracts] [dispassionately forgives the trespass of hoarding advisers] [incoherently capitalized promises] [abandons unsustainable historical arrangements] [absent from empty heritage alliances] [provisional enrichment deals] [disregards knowledge sharing conventions] [eccentric exchange of legacy communications] [passively fixated on ambitiously secretive-emerging Rahu-Vṛścika-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Ketu's spacey sentences, vague instructions, disinterested discourse [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, process-managing relationships] [dispersed engagement with business partnership] [dissolution of commercial advocacies] [surrenders useless publishing contracts] [dispassionately forgives the trespass of disoriented chattering companions] [abandons unsustainable detailed deals] [absent from empty information-exchange alliances] [provisional administrative arrangements] [disregards explanatory discourse conventions] [eccentric clerical-secretarial communications] [passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic inspirational-dogmatic Rahu-Dhanus-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Ketu's ephemerally calming, vaguely ancestral rhythms [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, caretaking relationships] [dispersed engagement with protective partnership] [dissolution of environmentalist advocacies] [surrenders routinized alliances] [forgives broken emotional promises] [abandons unsustainable customary deal-making] [disregards undulating pre-verbal rhythms] [eccentric shared ethnic routines] [provisional parenting arrangements] [passively fixated on ambitious regulatory Rahu-Makara-Draco-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[for Kumbha indriya-lagna] check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, melodramatic display relationships] [dispersed engagement with creative partnership] [dissolution of idealistic advocacies] [apathy toward diplomatic pageantry] [ignores the allure of celebrity alliances] [forgives broken romantic promises] [abandons unsustainable speculative match-making] [steps away from brightly showy arrangements] [passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Ketu's dispassionate analysis, witnessing logic, distanced criticism [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, human-services relationships] [dispersed engagement with enslaving partnership] [dissolution of medical advocacies] [surrenders useless argumentative advice] [apatheticly forgives the trespass of disoriented ministers] [abandons unsustainable aggrieved arrangements] [walks away from empty toxic alliances] [disregards unbalanced matches] [eccentric helpers ignore terms of contract] [passively fixated on ambitiously imaginative-symbolic Rahu-Meena- fabulous physical embodiment]
[for Mesha indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Ketu's sweet ambivalence, empty bargains, unsustainable agreements [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, brokered relationships] [unconcerned with interpersonal justice] [dispersed engagement with equal partnerships] [dissolution of equity-seeking advocacies] [surrenders uninteresting fair bargains] [forgives broken diplomatic promises] [abandons unsustainable marriage arrangements] [absent from empty bargained alliances] [disregards voided negotiated agreements] [eccentric disinterest in exchange deals] [passively fixated on ambitiously competitive-challenging Rahu-Mesha-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[Ketu-Vṛścika] -- [uchcha] [Urisha indriya-lagna] check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Ketu's emergency evacuation, suddenly-changing abandonments, recycling disintegration [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, transformative relationships] [unconcerned with catastrophicly sudden disengagement] [dispersed trust in undisclosed penetrating partnerships] [dissolution of exploratory advocacies] [surrenders emergency covenants] [ignores disastrously dangerous incoherent promises] [apatheticly forgives the trespasses of disguised transformative advisors] [abandons unsustainable camouflaged arrangements] [absent from empty forbidden alliances] [disregards evolving agreements] [eccentric rejuvenating deals] [ambivalent secretly empowered spouse] [passively fixated on ambitiously sensual-entreasuring Rahu-Urisha-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Ketu's optimistic wandering, believing surrender, faith in emptiness [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, patronizing relationships] [unconcerned with lack of belief in equity] [dispersed engagement with preachy partnerships] [dissolution of doctrinal advocacies] [surrenders faith-based bargains] [forgives broken sacred promises] [abandons unsustainable sermonizing arrangements] [absent from empty ideological alliances] [disregards theoretical agreements] [eccentric principled deals] [passively fixated on ambitiously messaging-commercial Rahu-Mithuna-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[for Karkata indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Ketu's orderly wandering, socially approved emptiness, legitimate surrender [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, hierarchical relationships] [dispersed engagement with class-conscious partnership] [dissolution of regulatory advocacies] [surrenders useless formallly negotiated alliances] [ignores incoherent legal promises] [dispassionately forgives the trespass of government counselors] [abandons unsustainable obligatory arrangements] [disregards status-ranked exchanges] [eccentric socially-approved deals] [passively fixated on ambitiously protective-defensive Rahu-Karkata-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[for Simha indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Ketu's marketplace evacuations, friendly vagueness, profitable abandonments [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, social-economic relationships] [dispersed engagement with profitable marketplace partnership] [dissolution of proletarian advocacies] [surrenders useless friendly alliances] [ignores incoherent promises of gainful fellowship] [dispassionately forgives the trespass of economic association] [abandons unsustainable revenue arrangements] [disregards goal-oriented agreements] [eccentric brokerage within flimsy networks ] [systematic shifts disperse advising counselors] [passively fixated on ambitiously speculative-political Rahu in Singha-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
[for Kanya indriya-lagna] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Ketu's broadly floating, cheerfully ghostly, contemplatively dreamlike imagery [absence, disappointment, disorientation within fairly-bargained, fantasizing relationships] [dispersed engagement with contemplative partnership] [dissolution of quietly visionary advocacies] [surrenders dreamlike alliances] [forgives broken conceptual promises] [abandons unsustainable private guidance arrangements] [disregards bedroom deal-making] [eccentric imaginative exchanges] [passively fixated on ambitiously ministering-assisting Rahu in Partha-1 fabulous physical embodiment]
QUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 280: " If Ketu be in the seventh house at birth, the partner will die during [Ketu] period or be separated from the native . He will suffer from urinary complains and some disease of the generative organs. He will encounter many obstacles to his career and will lose money because of the rivalry and competition of enemies." [end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939] |
[absence, disappointment, disorientation within contractual, agreed relationships] [provisional agreements] Ketu's Ruler As always with the upa-graha, all outcomes depend very significantly upon the placement and qualities of the graha ruler.' For example, if Shukra is Ketu's ruler then the couple may persist in a state of social harmony despite the partner's disinterest or disengagement. Yet Shukra-6 can indicate that the partner is self-medicating, or sick. Marriages can be long or short, depending upon Ketu's ruler and incoming drishti. Contracts may be durable or fleeting, depending upon Ketu's ruler and incoming drishti.
Trust may become fractured and expectations of equity can be dispersed, particularly during bhukti of Ketu and Ketu's ruler. Lingers at the edges of treaties, betrothals, and avowed agreements with scattered focus Disengaged from reliable, sustainable experience of mutuality, reciprocity, equity. Peer relationships tend to be unsupportive and empty, even when the social facade remains intact. May wander through wedded status, business partnership, employment agreement, or financial promisory with a fuzzy sense of purpose, unclear on the location of the balance point of mutual benefit. Unless the ruler is well-supported, alliances tend toward dissolution. Despair over lack of fair resolution, and tentative deals are prone to collapse. Although Ketu typically produces His karaka dissociative results, Graha-yuti-Ketu [7] may permit Ketu Periods of the Vimshottari Dasha calendar to produce the results of His co-tenant.
Check incoming drishti into Ketu-7 Check 7th-from-Chandra for emotionally comfortable ways of bargaining, adjudicating, and correlating which may compensate the evacuating patterns of equity-abandoning Ketu-7. Apathetic Akasha-11 tends to unravel the loyalty oaths and covenants. Trusthworthiness and troths may flame up, then die-in-the-sky, like a comet [Ketu]. Yet, the passionate, opposite force of Rahu in bhava-1 tends to infuse the unique, individual personality with deep craving for overreachingly energized identity. Physical embodiment and independent action may be intense. KETU IN Bhava- 7 Similar to the non-confrontational, placidly observing effect of Ketu in 7th from Chandra Collapsing Ketu adds an element spiritual detachment to social expectations regarding marriage and enduring partnerships. Yet Ketu-7 offers a precious spiritual option to surrender, step away, and offer witness to the practice of abandoning unsustainable relationships (7). Constitutional apathy toward most forms of partnership, whether personal or professional. Parties to any contract may have a tendency to default on the negotiated reciprocal duties.
Rahu-1 ensures that one generally follows the slogan, "if you want something done right, do it yourself." power-vacuum in the social areas of harmonizing Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu
collapse, surrender, disorientation in matters of legal contracts, marriage alliance, terms of agreement, peer relationships. Weak psychic boundaries create difficulty to achieve, obtain, maintain, or retain connection to
check Mangala to identify the type of energetic physical drive that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, kineticly muscular relationships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively sexual companions
check Shukra to identify the type of agreeable, harmonizing sensuality that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, knowledgeable relationships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively pleasuring companions check Budha to identify the type of managing business mentality that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, conversational relationships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively managing companions check Chandra to identify the type of soothing, parental protectiveness that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, familiar, protective, sheltering relationships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively security-seeking companions check Surya to identify the type of brilliant ceremonial display that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, creatively confident relationships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively entitled companions Iran-Shahani 1932-2001 Soraya Esfandiari Bakhtiari [optimistic-dogmatic Aryaman-1]
Yogaville 1914-2002 Swami Satchidananda [Ketu in publishing-explaining Magha-3]
check Budha to identify the type of precisely analytical, logical mentality that motivates dissociative Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, assistive partnerships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively helping but complaining companions
check Shukra to identify the type of harmonizing, negotiating brokerage that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, equal partnerships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively bargaining companions
check Mangala to identify the type of energy and drive that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, catalytic transformative partnerships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively rejuvenating companions
check Brihaspati to identify the type of inspirational conviction that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, optimistic, righteously believing relationships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively patronizing companions
check Shani to identify the type of lawful realism that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, official socially-approved relationships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively formalized companions
check Shani to identify the type of lawful realism that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, materially goal-oriented relationships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively friendly companions
check Brihaspati to identify the type of inspirational belief that motivates dissociatve Ketu to attract [7] then dissolve-or-ignore, dreamlike fantasy relationships with disoriented, disinterested, disengaged, passively imaginative companions
Ketu diffuses, scatters, nebulizes matters of His bhava-of-residence. From primary caretakers perspective [4] toward their home-making sheltering action. Ketu located in 4th-from-4 could show the mother-figure' s [4] ritualized disorientation while performing routine homecare. Mom can have fragmented or disconnected or peculiar approach toward household tasks which either create exhaustion due to energy-depleting methods [fragmented Ketu] or are simply abandoned. Outcome depends on Ketu's ruler. To produce a truly incoherent household management style, Ketu yuti a nīcha-graha. For example, Ketu-yuti-nīcha -Budha can signal mental disorientation to manual tasks, leading to OCD over-management of simple tasks or unnecessarily high repetition of handwork. Ketu-7 Could affect schoolteachers too, producing inconsistent classroom environment. Patterns of frequent substitute teachers due to regular instructors abandoning the classroom, or teachers leaving the windows open at night, or incoherent teacher behavior. Similarly can affect police who should be patroling the perimeter of the settlement for safety, yet their behavior may be incoherent or scattered, often absent [Ketu] from post, or inconsistent interactions with citizens. Professor Ketu teaches on the topics of liberation from fixed form, freedom from conventional limitations, dispersal of burdens, and spiritual wandering. Effects of Ketu include wandering in cloud-form (nebula) and unsettled, liberated behavior in the bhava. Ketu grants the passive benefits of freedom-from, not the active benefits of freedom-to disequilibrium = scattered balance
Ketu located in [7th-from-Chandra = Chandra-yuti-Rahu] Emotionally charged ambition for importance. One may find the first alliance to be unsustainably dissociated, unsupportive, or uninterested. Generally, free of concern regarding balance, trust, or agreement with others. Disregards fair contracts. Ketu tends to give results of His ruler. Attachment-Detachment within relationships [Ketu in classroom-7] suggests that lifepartner-1 may practice emotional distancing to the point of abandonment. Attraction-Repulsion Depending on the character of Ketu's ruler, r-K relationships may be dominantly physical, based mainly on upholding illusory agreements and posturing [Rahu] in social roles. Rahu-1 may deploy the partner to manage the property contract 7th = 4th from 4th); However, the contract is more focused on materializing of higher status and less on interpersonal affinity. Ungrounded understanding of trusts, treaties, troth, and unclear expectations of the marriage alliance. Equity, parity, justice, fair contracts may evade one.
Implications for educational diploma because Ketu occupies 4th-from-4th May have vague expectations of marriage-1. Additional marriages should be judged via bhava-2 and karaka-2. Ketu-1 tends toward untethered, incomplete or incoherentlyarticulated expectations of marriage partner-1.
May expect unconditional love (which a parent lavishes upon a child) with the properly conditional love of a socially contracted union such as marriage union or business partnership.
The charismatic personality of Rahu-1 is often in the spotlight. Rahu-1 tends to attract a Ketu-mate-1 who is somewhat peculiar, disconnected, apathetic, disoriented, or attention-scattered. An ambitious, larger-than-life Rahu-1 personality may have a tendency to discount, devalue, or disregard the spouse.
Any graha yuti Ketu or casting drishti upon Ketu will alter the marital profile. The Ketu-7 partner knows what one needs . Rahu-1 needs a partner who can promote Rahu-1's urgent ascendance to privilege without competing for the attention which is used by Rahu-1 as fuel to energize His trajectory. Ketu-7 never steals Rahu-1's opportunistic thunder. Rather, this pair is well suited for the two-person career in which Ketu-7, although psycho-emotionally disengaged, fulfills the place-holder role and meets social pairing expectations. The prospect of a sustainable alliance is a mirage [Ketu] yet often successfully enjoyed for a period of time. Typically, rahu-1 dissolves marriages during the lifetime due to the scattering force of Ketu-7 prognosis changes if there are any graha in 7. E.g. Shani-7 [dikbala] is materially loyal and rarely divorces. When Rahu-1 looks into the mirror of the spouse for confirmation and validation of one's own social value, the reflection is nebulous, fragmented, or incoherent many separations from partners; may have a repeating pattern of discarding several spouses in pursuit of some ineffable more flattering mirror Desire-Apathy perpetual underlying psychic grief for some ineffable lost connection to Other. Relationships
Constant and repeating separations
Many high-achieving men and women have Rahu in lagna, and their marriage movement patterns usually involve frequent and extensive absences, with the Rahu person's achievement environment often located in a prestige location while the partner remains in a distant [Ketu] setting. The Ketu spouse appears only sporadically for showcase functions.
When Rahu-1 is joined by another graha (or more) Shri Rahu may create an iconic personality, dazzling in the spotlight of exceptional importance and noble attributes. Nevertheless, the marriage connection is dismal. |
Ketu in 7 = whether masculine-identified or feminine-identified, or somewhere in-between, the ambitious, achieving Rahu -1 is often constrained by marriage-union to a dispersed, emotionally scatteredKetutype.
[Ketu in Bhava-7] = busts-up, scatters shared connection with the partner; disperses the terms of agreement; eliminates conventional social restrictions on the number and type of sexual alliances (7)
The Ketu-ish partner-mate-Other of the Rahu-1 nativity may appear disinterested and dissatisfied toward even the most socially grand and spectacular mate. Ketu-7 indicates that the partner will generally not attempt to"steal the scene" from the native but is nevertheless a very importan prop (property) in Rahu-1's campaign toward grandeur. Exception: if Surya-yuti-Ketu in 7, the partner may manifest passive-aggressive methods for scene-stealing because the partner needs considerable center-stage attention too. The first spouse is often from a different social class or different cultural-religious background. The dissociated first spouse serves as a launching platform for the self-elevating (even self-catapulting) and notably ambitious Rahu-1 personality. Just as Rahu the demi-god wanted desperately to sneak into the ranks of the immortal gods, and He would adopt any disguise to do so, rahu in the nativity represents the desire to attain membership in an ultimate, exalted, pinnacle elite. Rahu the Jyotisha Graha represents one who aims to"pass "as a member of an exotic collectivity or association (11) and thus to gain (11) privileges granted to this elite target groupr. The self [Rahu] wants to take risks, have grand adventures, and shoot for high goals. Rahu is passionate about life and quick-uncoiling when stimulated. The Other-partner [Ketu] = apathetic about Rahu's goals and desires. Ketu is statically ambivalent toward movement. If Ketu moves at all, He is scattered and diffuse. Exception:
The self [Rahu] = expedient, materialistic, and Goal-Oriented. (Rahu = co-lord of Kumbha-11 = goals and achievements) The self [Rahu] = desires to charm, pander, poach and seduce one's way into a higher social station through appearance of physical vigor (1) and elite attributes of championship; the partner-Other [Ketu] = disinterested in Rahu's struggle for recognition -- but will passively accept any assets put at their disposal. If the Rahu-self is powerful and successful then the Ketu-spouse will accept that without further involvement; if the Rahu spouse is a failure and convicted of criminal wrongdoing in his struggle to reach the top then the Ketu spouse will accept that too, without further involvement.
The self [Rahu] wants to experience a sudden, exhilarating trajectory from the station of one's birth to a measurably"more valuable" position. The partner-Other [Ketu] seeks no weight, no value, no validation.Ketudoes not care about station, location, position, valuation, or recognition. The self [Rahu] can be boastful and possibly deceitful. Rahu is an expedient agent in contractual agreements and often His true motives are cleverly disguised. Partner-Ketu may be uncaring and negligent in relationship, often reluctant to undertake the targeted Movement that would support Rahu's quest for social visibility, promotion, and elevation. The self-Rahu may complains of feeling unsupported by distracted, diffused, or dysfunctional Ketu partner. Ketu-7 = often but not always a de-sexualizing, anti-lust, anti-desire influence upon the spouse. Partner's attention to other-worldly views or simply other partners. The Rahu-1 native becomes increasingly lustful and desirous as Ketu-partner withdraws either psycho-mentally or physically or both. Sexual congress may become rather primitive or mechanical especially if Shani drishti to 7.
Potential for damage to the external sexual-reproductive mechanism (external genitalia including testes) often at time of birth via accident or injury when Ketu the Undefended receives malefic drishti which signals a ghostly attackr. Native is urgently focused, driven, ambitious determined. Spouse feels unsettled, unsupported, out of context, rootless; spouse looks fine but inside = Weakened vitality. |
Abandonment and Affaires-du-Coeur The spouse may harbor a deep and usually unconscious psychological expectation of inevitable abandonment and rejection by Rahu-1. Oddly can this unexamined expectation may motivate chidrakaraka Ketu -- who lacks a firm sense of time -- to act as if such a rejection has already occurred -- although it hasn't yet. Acting on the unconscious programme, Ketu spouse can undertake a compensatory Affaires du Coeur before there is any factual, material evidence of rejection. Ketu is unimpressed with material forms, and unconvinced of their authenticity. Rather, Ketu finds His natural condition in a floating state of disengaged awareness that is buffeted by the perceived impulses of Others. Partner-Ketu may be Dissatisfied with one's appearance Loss of psycho-physical grounding in the natural body. Partner-Ketu may appear to lack Egoic-Mind coherence , but this one gains psychic sensitivity of the egoic-mind detached, has a great awareness of others' needs. Partner-Ketu = Purges one dissatisfying attachment after the next. Partner-Ketu = ability to reflect the aspirations and psychic projections of the public. The native = a black screen upon which the public projects its desires. Partner-Ketu = Overall positive public impression based entirely on projected qualities from the collective unconscious, * not* on achievement or facts . |
One's connection to the source of partnership and lasting agreement = severed. = detachment from the concerns of others If Ketu's ruler is strong, expect marriage and privilege of sexually intimate partnership and marriage.
Ketu in 7 = Long-term material success is inhibited by doubt WRT one's Ability to connect with Other bhava-7= spousal and advising partnerships, sexual intimacy, balance, contracts and agreements Similar effects may be felt when Ketu the Releaser occupies 7th-from-Chandra perpetual underlying psychic grief for some ineffable lost connection to one's matching Other Half Apathetic or detached from the spouse, commitments of the marriage partnership, business partnership, mutual interests , law courts, legal judgments, states of balance, mutual alignment, legal and customary contracts, political alliances, diplomatic agreements, promises, negotiations, arbitration, mediation/arbitration, advisers, peer relationships of all kinds.
Dissatisfaction, ambivalence and uncertainty regarding the privilege to express balanced and agreeable partnership. Depending on Ketu's lord, one may have relationship management skills or ability to marry and have a spouse -- but one feels detached from their value.
Peculiarities of the"paired organs " (7, pairs) = kidneys, adrenal glands, ears, testicles, tonsils, and other paired organs throughout the body . Must take care to protect the paired organs from psychic incursion of grief, due to an effable sense of loss . Resistance to validation through performance art, divine intelligence, or genius celebrity; the children seem distant and unconnected to one's essential self. |
chidrakarakaKetu in 7
************ sees the weaknesses in the spouse-partner, in the contract, in the trust-troth-betrothal, in the terms of agreement, in the alliance lacks accountability toward the negotiators, the attorneys, the deal-makers, the marriage-matchers
tends to display apathy toward the terms of
agreement (in marriage,
see Ketu in
disconnected from partnership
abandons the negotiations
scatters the balance
apathy toward promise,
splits the
cuts the yoke,
severs the vow
indecisively unable to make
up the mind in matters of marriage,
trust When located in a 7th-angle , professor Ketu's classroom features an inability or reluctance to form enduring contracts. Ketu's ambivalence vacuum is cause by Rahu's ambition . Rahu-1 indicates intense desire to gain privilege via the personal appearance and competitive skills. Ketu-7 indicates the vacuum left behind after Rahu has appropriated the life energies into a desire-focused quest for importance of the Earthen-body and"being first". Considerable disregard for the importance of the partner and partnerships. In dramatically extreme cases, the chidrakaraka in bhava-7 may actually dismember (behead) the spouse; but usually the guillotine is metaphorical. Disengagement in marriage-union, while Rahu-1 increases urgent emphasis upon the individual personality and iconic personal appearance. Ketu-7 = behavior of discarding, disregard, disjunction regarding partnership and partner, alliance and ally. metaphorically Socially beheaded spouses lose their privileges Normally, Ketu-7 indicates discard in g, disregard or disconnection from the partnership Rahu-1 = a highly recognizable personality accompanied by Ketu-7 infidelity to exclusive agreements. Multiple liaisons Other graha in 7 can reduce or prevent the alliance-scattering effects of Ketu
Regardless of how one is really handling the world of mating-coupling-pairing, the native can passively reflect the ideal-marriage image of the psychic projections of The collective unconscious.
Passive spiritual awareness of the inherent transient emptiness of all human-to-human relationships (7). The marriage partner = Ketu-ish, peculiar, detached, eccentric, odd. Marriage seems like an illusion. Frequently confusesmarriage equity partnership with other non-equal relationships such as: student-teacher, king/queen-courtier, politician-supporter, actor-fan, master-servant, or boss-employee. Unable to egoic-mind attach in marriage and contractual partnership. Sees the partnership as rather expedient for meeting social expectations, strengthening a profitable network association, or other instrumental purposes outside of the core relationship. Forms and breaks relationships with ease. May conduct multiple simultaneous partnerships or be content with no partnership at all. The formation of pairs is an arbitrary practice from the viewpoint of Professor Ketu .
Apathetic toward the needs and interests of the partner . Disconnected from the concerns of others generally. Partnership becomes the instrumental means to some goal; and that goal is determined by the lord of Ketu. Capable of cruelty due to extreme detachment from the humanity of the partner. Due to Rahu-1 (if not counteracted by other graha in 1 or incoming drishti to 1) the native becomes inordinately focused on the Self-desire (Rahu in 1) to 'leapfrog' into higher levels of social privilege . The spouse and other partners are merely accessories who assist the native 's reptilian trajectory into a seductively captivating [Rahu] unique and vitally energized (1) but ultimately narcissistic personality. Karaka for multiple marriages. The external facade of one's internally disconnected marriage is a blank screen which can reflect the collective unconscious. The inherent lack of mutual engagement within the union will be known to very few observers. Folks may attribute great happiness and success therefore to a union which is essentially hollow . Due to Ketu's apathy it may be easy for the native to dehumanize others. Divorce in Ketu period. Regardless of what one is really doing in partnerships, the native can passively reflect the mutually supportive and equalized image of the psychic projections of the collective unconscious. Despite inherent marital problems, the public sees its own projected image. (Similar results from Shukra-yuti-Ketu in any house.) " No barriers " Ketu connects the native to the experiences of His house through direct intuition. No analysis, no cultural filters. In bhava-7, the experience is human sexual mating, contracts, and alliances. The partner is unresponsive and the native is negligent. Karaka for losses through enemies. Both partners will be concerned with their own pursuits, independent minded, and rather careless of each other's welfare. Instrumental or expedient marriages, with long and convenient separations. Also tends toward sacrificial intent in founding a partnership, such as providing a needy person with medical care or a beneficial passport: a one-time benefit rather than an ongoing exchange. Abandons hope for a more compatible partner(" I give up" ). Acquiescing to marriage may be an act of surrender, or resignation to social pressure. Native can be faithful when Shani owns or aspects bhava-7, but the sexual-sensual mind does wanderr. The Rahu-1 native's own marital behavior is often extravagantly sensual with Ketu in the svabhava of Shukra. A profound sense of abandon in the company of the spouse, and no sincere expectation of pleasures more refined than mating, money, food, or drink. Ketu in 7 can be rather crude, although the aspiring Rahu-1 native does not think so and will not recognize crudeness or lewdness in one's own elite-striving self-image. Ketu in 7 makes the partner rather distant and emotionallywithholding, as well as quite shrewd. The agency of distance can be cultural difference, sexual constitution, or barriers of mental or physical illness. yuvati-pati-7 will show the nature of the inaccessibility. Unsatisfying social conversation with partner; however, sexual pleasures of mating = fully entitled so long as Shukra is well disposed (largely the benefit of detachment from other pressures). Without conformist pressure of Shani, over time the native is likely to leave the first marriage in discontent. Ketu-7 = karaka for multiple relationships. Although most married partners have a sense that they 'belong to' each other in some possessive way, with Ketu in bhava-7 it is difficult to feel or invest in a deeply interpersonal connection. Similar effects when Ketu the Releaser occupies the 7th navamsha. Marginalized by the legal and judicial establishment. Ketu in 7: sexual relationship including marriage is not prevented. However, the spouse is inherently disconnected. The spouse will not satisfy one's craving for attachment to an object of sexual attraction * akarshana *. No matter how hard the (narcissistic) native tries, this spouse can not approvethe value of the native 's contribution to the marital partnership. One is therefore "unhappy" and forced to seek deeper satisfaction from partnership "elsewhere" . The less evolved native will - perhaps after some long time - seek extramarital bonding, but this solution is also generally unsatisfactory. The core marital relationship is " disturbed" and the native can experience humiliation if the Rahu-self vindictively exposes Ketu's negligence. However Ketu-Other will not normally upset the glass-smooth mirroring waters upon which collective unconscious projects its image of the ideal marriage. Only Rahu-self, in a classic Rahuvian fit of pique, would do such a thing. Rahu-Ketu marriages usually collapse - if at all -- in the Rahu-1's native's Vimshottari periods of Ketu when ironically the Rahu-self surrenders and "too much Ketu" blows the cover-up. However, if the native can redirect one's search for partnership validation away from the material partnership and toward the deeper spiritual level of partnership with the divine, one's character is enormously "unburdened" , social rules remain intact, and one may become profoundly "respected" for dignified behavior under obviously trying circumstances of an invalidating or even mentally deranged spouse. The failure of marriage may create success in spiritual life. |
A normal polarity in bhava-7 = two partners with matching interests or backgrounds.
Lacking the normal the"ratio" pairs of crucial linked opposites, the mind becomes "unglued" incoherent. No matter what other auspicious influences apply to kalatra bhava, Ketu in the marriage domain is problematic. the native wants connection, but does not believe it is possible. The native cannot stay in the relationship; but neither can they leave. There is much indecisive agonizing, soul-searching, and self-justifying. Passive-aggressive behaviors in relationship may be expected. Karaka for multiple marriages.Ketu-7= Rahu in lagna; the virtual lagna for spouse = Ketu rising. Therefore, it is the native who decides when to leaves the marriage, rather than the spouse. Gives a long-suffering spouse who remains distrustful and suspicious of the native, but nevertheless feels bound to stay in the marriage. Multiple, usually mis-matched, partnerships throughout life, with or without divorce.
If yuvati-pati-7 is strong or bhava-7 receives auspicious drishti, the outer marriage may appear beneficial. However, an inner relationship psychology of distrust and uncertainty between the partners is always present. If external social conditions are good, Ketu/7 can create a complex, drawn-out, and sometimes miserable cohabitation. Spouse may be mentally and often physically disconnected from the relationship. Each partner stays in their own space. There may be a meditative aspect to the relationship, but there is not much attempt to connect physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually - even if yuvati-pati-7 is strong. Both parties may be religiously or philosophically inclined, but there will be an underlying theme of disappointment and despair in the partnership. When this tenuous marriage dissolves, in a spirit of deep resignation and surrender to fate, there need not be ill-will toward the partner after separation. Absent harsh drishti, there may be a peaceful neutrality in separation. In traditional cultures the marriage continues as a public facade only, with no interpersonal passion. If other Graha also occupy kalatra bhava, the relationship is more engaged. It will dissolve eventually, but with more disappointment drama. Native remains ambivalent about the value of marriage and reliability of partnerships, slipping into many temporary connections only to lose them eventually. Ketu confers resignation to loneliness . Conscious natives will conclude that the only truly reliable partner is the Divine itself. |
California Highway-1 winter storm caused road washout with evacuation near Big Sur, Jan2021 courtesy of Caltrans |
Rahu in bhava-1 + + + [Ketu in Bhava-7] Chalakaraka Rahu in bhava-1
Gifted marriage counselor who oneself has a disconnected or unsatisfying partnership. Gifted negotiator who cannot maintain agreements in one's own life. Ketu in 7: sexual relationship including marriage is not prevented. However, this relationship is rather nebulous with weak boundaries and one may feel profoundly disconnected from a union wherein there is no identifiable mutual interest.
If the native can redirect one's search for partnership validation away from the scattered, poorly understood social-material partnership and toward the deeper spiritual level of partnership with the divine, one's character is enormously unburdened , social rules remain intact, and one may become profoundly respected for dignified under obviously trying circumstances of an invalidating or even mentally deranged spouse.
Psychological expectation of abandonment and rejection by the life-partner, the allies, the attorneys and the negotiators, by the brokers and the deal-makers, the equals and the peers, the mother's mother, the father's friends, the brother's children, the boss of the boss, heads of government, the priests of the marketplace (Ketu = abandonment, chidrakaraka) Disengagement from The terms of the contract. Does not cling to the Other.
May fail to register the balance signal. Unsure about when enough is enough. Numb toward the feelings of satisfaction and completion
Ambivalence toward remaining in fixed partnership . If another graha grants stability (for example a Shani drishti upon Ketu) there can be a typical and faithful marriage. Otherwise, terms of the contract and social expectations about fidelity to those terms appears as a rather vague and arbitrary convention. Dissociated from The first marriage. The first spouse = rather eccentric in personality, but if Ketu's lord is well-placed, partner-1 may have many successful traits according to the dignity of the lord. Vimshottari period s of Ketu During Ketu bhukti of any mahadasha and acutely during the Ketu-Ketu svabhukti, one born with Ketu in yuvati bhava may have a hopeless feeling that one's ability to maintain contracts and agreements, behavior of the marriage partner or business partner, negotiations and bargains, one's power to match opposites and create balance in life (7) are slipping away for reasons that seem out of one's control . This feeling of being a spectator toward one's own life may be even more profound when either Chandra or the indriya-lagna occupy a Nakshatra of Ketuva = Aśvini, Magha - Regulus, or Mula - Nirṛti. Potential for damage to the external genitalia (7) or the kidney-adrenal-balancers (7) via accident or injury when Ketu the Undefended receives malefic drishtir. By far the most frustrating placement for Ketu. There is no basis for a shared perspective.
Collapsing Ketu in 7th-from-lagna shows psychological and social distancing in the 1st marriage. The spouse is emotionally disconnected, playing a role only. Tends to surrender or give away one's marital privilege
Marriage may fulfill sexual and social role needs, but emotionally and psychically, the primary alliance is alienated and unfulfilling. Ketu does not prevent the native from speaking vows of marriage, nor is there any barrier to sexual consummation. With Ketu in 7, there may be abundant and experimental sexuality. Ketu blurs boundaries, removes inhibitions and rules - which actually has a positive effect on the expression of animal-level sexual behavior. Unfortunately, however, the deeper psycho-emotional nourishment of relationship bonding remains out of reach. one may enter a large number of sexual partnerships, always in quest for the unobtainable grounded satisfaction of a lasting lover. Or, one may abandon the quest in apathy, choosing a lifestyle of sexual activity detached from emotional trust or commitment. Ketu / 7 = disenchantment in marriage. The native feels a cranky dissatisfaction with the spouse, due to a chronic inability to feel wholeness in the marriage. One lacks a deep, validating connection in any type of human peer partnership. Gives an"inappropriate" (un-own-able) spouse; mentally or culturally disconnected spouse; or"emotionally unavailable" spouse. Ketu the headless Naga, is literally inappropriated, belongs to no one, has no owner, is improper, is no one' s property. Ketu - sadly - can always "see" Rahu - but Ketu is cursed: He can never feel a sense of wholeness with His "Other Half" . The partner is withdrawn into self-interest. Rahu-1 + One may be identified with cravings for forbidden and the exciting. Spouse is "disoriented" from the marriage, and unable to detect or support the native 's interests. Causes for the separative tendency in partnershipcan range from chronic physical illness of the spouse, to advanced psycho-cultural neurosis, but the result is always the spouse's fundamental inability to connect with the native . Confusion and inability to connect; eventually separation in despair, after every option is exhausted. Partnerships in general including advising relationships like counselors, physicians, etc. have foggy boundaries and are plagued with unclear expectations. Ketu in 7 signifies spiritual readiness to move beyond attachment to human-to-human agreements. Native may instinctively respond to the partner's withdrawal ambivalence and quick aceptance of the inevitability of human separations. At birth, out of balance socially. Gain of solitude, final access to deep intuitive voice of Divine within. Must mute partner static to hear this deeper voice.
In earlier years, the marriage appears to fulfill public expectation, but this is only an appearance of Ketu the Light. The partners live in a disengaged, scattered state. When Ketu"matures "at age 45-48, the inner detachment peaks, which encourages a material separation.
As always, Ketu-induced marriage problems provide the catalyst for spiritual awakening. All is well in the end. |
Ketu in
7th from Chandra
Ketu in 7th-from-Chandra indicates a general apathy or disinterest in sustaining consecrations, avowed trusts, and arranged commitments. It is a psycho-emotional disposition that is often unrecognized by the native. In fact, one may feel that one is making a concerted effort to bond with one partner after the next, only to experience sequential disappointment and failure. The circumstances which facilitate the script of Ketu in 7th-from-Chandra can include loss of the partner via widowhood, separation, divorce, or simply wandering away in apathy. There is no malice aforethought and the native is usually sincere in the attempt to marry and support a union. However, dissociative Ketu is determined to expose the frayed insubstantiality of temporary forms and impermanent connections. The mother = matrikaraka Chandra, may display a similar pattern caused by Ketu in the 7th-from-Chandra showing the mother's avowed contractual relationships. Primarily mom's marriages but also her financial and professional contracts are prone to dissolution via effects of Impermanent Ketu. |
QUOTATION Das commentary = Ketu in bhava-7 [BPL: 7 = 10th-from-10th = government agencies] " ... adds openness to sexuality outside of the norm.
Ketu is ... greatly involved in the spiritualization process, and the 7th house primarily stands for relationships.
You can be immodest, needing lots of sleep or being lazy, feeling humiliated and thus speaking humbly.
... some trouble while traveling but you generally come back fine. Watch for losing money during bhukti of Ketuva . Watch for trouble through spouse-partners and sons. Don't give in to extravagant temptations
[end quote] |
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