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![]() Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
Surya occupies 8th-from-Chandra
Mystical initiators, agents of revolutionary transformation, shocking discovery, and secret-keeping disguise
OM grinih suryaya mamah OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah सूर्य sūrya Professor Surya मार्तण्ड mārtaṇḍa = arising from a motionless source सवितृ savitṛ = generator, stimulator अर्यमन् aryaman = best friend अम्बरमणि ambara-maṇi = sky-jewel भानु bhānu = bright one पूषन् pūṣan = radiant flower ख kha = khaga = sky-going, air-moving दिनकर dinakara = day-maker मित्र mitra = neighbor, companion resides in
रन्ध्र randhra = aperture, sphincter, hollow, cave, opening मृत्यु mṛtyu = death, dying, fatality आयु āyu = life, lifespan, mobility निर्यत् niryat = going forth, exiting, coming out, set free Soule - Saul - So-Ra
Apollo - Paul - Baal Sirius - Osiris Utu - Ata - Aitha - Aten - Aton - OM - On = Amon-Ra - Aurya occupies the eighth house mors renatus camouflaged bright center of the secrecy-drama splendid placement for the politics of mysteries, emergencies secret sources of power hidden wealth, insurance confidential information, identity-change disaster-response taxes Revival - Rejuvenation Recycling - Renovation - Rebirth |
![]() Durga Maa |
EXAMPLES [Surya-Mesha] -- [uchcha] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Kanya indriya-lagna] check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Surya's forward-pushing certainty, noble entitlements, competitive displays [camouflaged center of brilliantly self-assured perception] [hidden healing intelligence for brain-blood] [focused into demonstrations of mysterious physical initiation] [dynamically active, kinetic presence in crisis intervention environments] [may express certainty on matters of esoteric transformation] [self-referential father may be secretive and dominating] [father or self, may radiate other-worldly entitlements]
[friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Surya's sensual radiance, sweet charisma, financial entitlements [camouflaged center of treasury revenues] [intelligence for discovery of richly rejuvenating transformations] [hidden healing entitlements trigger new vitality via neck-throat-eyes-mouth-tongue-teeth] [focused into luxurious demonstrations of mysterious pleasurable initiations] sensually enriching presence in crisis intervention environments] [political vriddhi-pati connections linked to undisclosed heritage investments ] [community-focused father may express revolutionary political values] [father or self, may make catastrophic financial decisions, yet recover] [secretive suddenly-changing father-figure may be beautifying surgeon, undercover storytelling missionary, tax evaluator, asset-insurer, or forensic banker]
[dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Surya's transactional dramatizing, instructional entitlement , collaborative demonstration [center of hidden-signal communications] [secrethealing intelligence for hands-arms-shoulders-lungs] [focused into explanatory demonstrations of mysterious empowerments] [radiant core of dangerous media-messaging attention] significant profit from untaxed commercial assets] [conversational, gesturing presence in crisis intervention environments] scripted catastrophic events for dutiful conductors of karmesha dignified public roles] [mercantile father-figure may be process-managing executive decision-maker in undisclosed organization] descriptive father is often a talkative yet unavailable figure]
[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Dhanus-born] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Surya's rhythmic certainty, sensitive radiance, soothingly confident display [camouflaged glowing center of entrancing rhythms] [secretnourishing healing intelligence for sacral-plexus, pelvis] [creative awareness of hidden ancient light] [parentally protective presence in crisis intervention environments] [focus of folkways mysteries] [sensitive star of the old-ways rejuvenation] [ritualized father-figure may be obscured by flowing waters] [believing father holds undisclosed defensive roles] [father or self, may be spiritual conduit for shocking ancestral discoveries]
[Surya-Simha] - --- [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if within 1-10 deg] [shocking-transformative randhresha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [undisclosed center of dangerous political games] [secrethealing intelligence for heart-and-spine] [focused into flamboyant drama of mysterious initiations] [regally radiant presence in crisis intervention environments] [self-certain entitlement to confidential hidden empowerments] [may be brilliantly transformative yet camouflaged from public view] [charming father-figure may be amusingly chaotic, cause sudden creative shocks, or surgeon of eye-heart-spine]
[contractual-bargaining jaya-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Surya's logical intelligence, analytical certainty, fatherly assistance [camouflaged center of urgent service ministry] [secret healing intelligence for digestive-intestinal system] [focused into the logical reasoning behind mysterious initiations] [self-certain assistive presence in medical crisis intervention environments] [political judicial jaya-pati roles require undisclosed legal argumentation] [[brightly confident father may have hidden military portfolio] [helping father or self, may be crisis-intervention diplomat jaya-pati , aiding litigation-attorney, assistive camouflaged advocate-advisor] [Surya-Vanika] --- [nīcha] -- [Harsha Yoga] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Surya's deftly arranging intelligence, meddlesome dramatics, deal-brokering showmanship [camouflaged center of secretive negotiations] [healing intelligence for kidney-adrenal-pancreas medical rogesha imbalance] [focused into mysterious initiation for alignment of sexual-reproductive health] [justly accommodating dramatics in crisis intervention environments] [agreement-seeking helpers may represent criminals, yet protected by Harsha Yoga] [meddling father may have undisclosed diplomatic portfolio] [celebrated vidya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Surya's penetrating authenticity, mysterious intelligence, transformative decisions [camouflaged center of explosive transformative energy] [healing intelligence for sexual-reproductive system] [focused into mysterious initiation empowerment] [invasive, therapeutic presence in crisis intervention environments] spouse independent, enabled, mobile, intensely catalytic] [brightly confident father may have penetrating roles in politics or entertainment] [father-figure may be miner-driller-surgeon, or insurance for hotly threatening dangers]
[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Surya's theoretical intelligence, dogmatic assertions, optimistic self-confidence [camouflaged center of faith-based customary beliefs] [healing intelligence for sacral plexus-pelvic system] [focused into understanding via mysterious initiation] [philosophically principled presence in crisis intervention environments] [brightly confident father may be an interventionist believer, doctrinally guided healer, keeper of righteous secrets ] [preaching father may be builder, driver, farmer, defender] [managing-collaborative sahaja-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Surya's status-conscious solipsism, conventional politics, socially regulated self-confidence [bright focus on secret communications sahaja-pati within class-based hierarchies] [confidently displays conventional camouflage] [center-stage place in undisclosed governance emergencies] [announcer sahaja-pati during institutional crisis intervention ] [may be disaster-response bureaucrat or first-response official] [dramatized explanatory descriptions of shocking change] [class-conscious father may be conformist businessman, normalizing manager, uniform explainer]
[conserving-acquiring dhana-pati for Karkata indriya lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Surya's scientific decision-making, economic intelligence, community-connection focus [friendly camouflaged center of financial transformation dhana-pati [healing intelligence for skin and nervous system] [family heritage focused in mysterious initiation networks] [orderly scientific presence in crisis intervention environments] [may express collective disregard for customary values] [glittering star of hidden profitable associations] [brightly confident father may have dangerous marketplace roles] [acquisitive goal-oriented father has gainful economic linkage] [paternal inheritance includes undislosed distributed assets]
[energized-identifying lagnesha for Simha indriya-lagna] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Surya's imaginative intelligence, symbolic authenticity, visionary self-confidence [camouflaged center of contemplative identity transformation] [healing intelligence for feet and lymph-system] [individual embodiment lagnesha = focused into mysterious initiation imagery] [intuitive presence in crisis intervention environments] [symbolic understanding of physical rejuvenation] [ potentially a narrative of widowhood or continuous astral rebirth] [physical body undergoes intensive wholistic reproductive changes] [brightly dreamlike obscured father may have masked lifestyle]
Seeks a central position within masked, occluded environments. Radiates charismatic light from the brilliant center of mystery. Admired hub personality within occult practice societies, secret knowledge holders, those who control confidential information, disaster-managers, financiers protecting hidden treasure, participants in covert relationships , managers of tax-shelters, medecins who perform surgeries, military strategists who conduct invasions, monitors of eruptions, deployers of poisons and purgatives; acts of brilliant but unexpected force. Professor Surya in svabhava of Surya's close friend Mangala radiates moving, hot-blooded [Kuja] personal charisma[Surya] into mystical, transformative activities such as:
Surya's brilliant light permits one to see into the unknown, the secret, the mysterious, the esoteric, the masked, cloudy, reclusive, occluded and occult FATHER Dad is often a masked figure, perhaps appearing in one guise while acting in another guise.
One may exist in the dramatic center of occult environments Surya-8 shines a bright light into the realms of mystery, secrecy, sudden changes, covert operations, occult knowledge, confidential information, hidden money, inheritances and legacies, conditions of death, emergencies and disasters, eruptions and emergence, secret pleasures, healing transformations. The partner's family (8) may contain flamboyant personalities such as dramatists, gamers, speculators, show-people, fashionista, politicians, or celebrities. The partner's family may express their entitlement to receive attention due to their sparkling charm. Whether more specialized toward money, knowledge, or pleasure depends upon rashi, drishti, and co-tenants of bhava-8. However, the luminaries (Surya, chandra) born into bhava-8 may tend toward a shortened lifespan until there are lengthening effects from other graha-drishti into 8. Longevity factors: Shani drishti into 8 *or* Shani in 8 yuti luminaries or Rahu-8 or Mangala-8 Surya is surprisingly happy in Kuja's svabhava (presuming the rashi is supportive) - yet Naturally, this placement is not good for the father, . Matters of Surya's temporal bhava may be destroyed One finds a central position in the drama of shock-based behaviors , matters of catastrophic change, emergence of the hidden, disaster, destruction-and-rebirth, surgery, healing transformation, revelation, rebirth, and trauma. Splendid position for those handling secret information which may have catastrophic consequences either for individuals or for the world
Although the personal life is not easy, one may emerge into the world theatre as an agent of forced social transformation.
FATHER Father holds a hidden position (8) Dad may be largely unknown to his society despite the possibility that father is performing important roles. Whether father's reputation is positive or negative depends upon the randhresha, and upon the randhresha's angle to Surya-in-8. Dad might perform hidden roles such as surgeon, confidential information manager, occult teacher, supervisor of hidden wealth, taxation expert, or various forms of secret or terrifying operations. He could be a professional dealing with terrorism, disaster, catastrophe, or emergency response. Surya, and thus the father, is powerful when well disposed in 8. However, unlike the case of Professor Surya-9 where the father's beliefs and behaviors are brightly shown in the public domain, with Surya-8 the general public is likely unaware of the details of the father's activities. His public profile is mainly seen via lord of 8, the arudha of Surya lagna, and other measurements from Surya rather than directly seeing Surya-8. Surya in dusthamsha (6, 8, 12) could indicates a relatively brief lifetime for the father, but further evidence is needed before declaring. Surya-8 may point to circumstances of shell-death involving insurance or inheritance or hidden operations; perhaps a revolutionary or agent of catastrophe The father may lack self-confidence to act honestly and visibly, resorting to intimidation or bullying rather than straightforward role-modeling. Particularly a father-figure can be weak if there is an additional draining of Surya's light such as randhresha-8 in the 12th from 8.
To have Ravi's portfolio radically, even catastrophically, destroyed during the lifetime is indeed potentially beneficial for Meena indriya-lagna where Surya is rogesha-6 and for Kanya indriya-lagna where Surya activates bhava-12. For Meena indriya-lagna and Kanya indriya-lagna, surya in randhra-sthāna provides a boost up . This advantage is especially useful for Kanya nativities, wherein the major obstacles from Ari-sthāna, such as enemies, debts, and disease, are neatly destroyed. For other lagna except Meena and Kanya, results = mixed. Prevents the karaka traits of Professor Surya from manifesting; exempli gratia, destroys fame, dampens self-confidence, reduces leadership power and harms the self-image. Does not disturb wealth, favors legacy and inheritance. Helps professions in healing arts and secret traditions, helps attorneys managing the affairs of the dead, and all involved in occult or tantra. One seeks praise and recognition as a Revealer. Surya-8 = secret knowledge of mysteries and shamanic tools of death-and-rebirth cycles of destruction. One may become most famous [Surya] for matters connected to the Conditions of death . |
Conditions of Dematerialization
The flesh body is killed by agency of the rashi governing bhava-8, drishti to bhava-8, and by karaka Surya:
by brightness, dryness, warmth by afflictions of overheating to the eyes, heart, or spine |
Surya-8 = professionally concerned with hidden or confidential matters; surgeries and emergencies; mysterious, occult, or clandestine environments in which secret assets are collected (including valuable secret knowledge). Professor Surya teaching in classroom-8 generally knows a great deal more than might appear at the surface. egoic-mind identity in public life = reduced, or becomes problematic, as Surya the Bright Light of Truth must shine out from the house of hidden forces and catastrophic change. As the native hides oneself from public view. Depending on the bhava that is owned by Professor Surya, the native could be powerful socially, but one's involvement in powerful activities is largely veiled. Surya-8 does not wish to be egoic-mind identified with the confidential or occult materials that one is indeed handling. Ethical conflict caused by secrecy or egoic-mind association with mysterious knowledge may result in moral crisis. Matters of Surya's house are obscured.
Atma-karaka in bhava-8 = similar to Surya in bhava-08 Ravi is at home n Kuja's Bhava-8, despite the less favorable prognosis for the father or patron-guru. Surya in bhava-08 indicates a high calling in one of the healing arts, surgery, midwifery, disaster response, investigating detective, or secret finance. However, the native 's activities may never reach public visibility. Even the portion of their dealings which is known to the public may be small like the tip of an iceberg. One may be working in the service of shrouded interests, able to reveal only a little of what one knows. One is called to bring secret information, tantric arts buried in the dust of ages, and above all healing energies to the surface of human conscious through philosophical reasoning. Excellent therapists are found with this position, as well as investigators into negative levels of secrecy such as criminal corruption. Surya-8 may bear sole responsibility for making high-impact judgments and decisions using their own intelligence. Their choice may affect the life of individuals, or the future of nations.
QUOTATION from Das / Behari commentary upon Surya occupies bhava- 8 " In general, the Sun in this house makes you lean and thin, mentally obtuse, disliked and abandoned by relations. But if the zodiacal sign is supportive, the solar influence here may lead to much interest in spirituality or the process of initiation . The Sun of the 8th house is mostly malefic, as it is posited in a bad house. This house denotes wills, legacies, chronic diseases, loss of wealth, extravagance, suits and quarrels, death, co-workers and occult matters.
You are a crafty impostor and lewd. Life is hard and difficult. Travels widely and associates with low class persons, eats unscrupulously, squanders away wealth and by thefts.
You are handsome, but indolent, prodigal, spend-thrift, suffer from piles; adulterous; travels wide and is quarrelsome. Absence of offspring [BPL: not true if Guru drishti Moon] weak sight, wealthy but violent, sick and hard working. You are neither rich nor happy. Early death; and more so, at the loss of some dear one. Generally you are less wise, short-tempered and of poor mental and physical health. These are the disqualifications for a successful and happy life. You are fickle-minded but generous
Note: With the Sun in the 8th house,
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