

Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha

Beikthano_ Vishnu _Nat.jpg

  1. [Surya-Mesha] * Mithra - neighbor, companion
  2. [Surya-Urisha] * Ravaye - the noisy one, the roaring one (Ravi = firebird; Rava = howl, yell, or squawk)
  3. [Surya-Mithuna] * [Suryaya - the supreme one]
  4. [Surya-Karkata] * Bhanu - ray of light
  5. [Surya-Simha] * Khaga * Khagaya - air-moving
  6. [Surya-Kanya] * Poshanya * Pushna - the nourisher
  7. [Surya-Vanika] * [Hiranya-garbha - golden fetus]
  8. Surya-Vṛścika - Maricha - particle of light
  9. [Surya-Dhanus] * Aditya - the unsplit, undivided
  10. [Surya-Makara-Draco] * [Savitra = the stimulator]
  11. [Surya-Kumbha] * Arka - the radiator * radio
  12. [Surya-Meena] [Bhaskara - the illuminator]

OM grinih suryaya namah


Japa Kusuma Samkaasham * Kaashya-peyam Mahaa-dyutim * Tamorim Sarva-papaghnam * Pranatosmin Divakaram

Counting persons

and events


Surya Lagna

  1. [Surya in bhava-1] * bright center of the vitality-drama
  2. [Surya in bhava-2] * bright center of the treasury-drama
  3. [Surya in bhava-3] * bright center of the messaging-drama
  4. [Surya in bhava-4] * bright center of the patriotic-drama
  5. [Surya in bhava-5] [svabhava] * bright center of the creativity-drama
  6. [Surya in bhava-6] * bright center of the conflict-drama
  7. [Surya in bhava-7] * bright center of the negotiation-drama
  8. [Surya in bhava-8] * bright center of the secrecy-drama
  9. [Surya in bhava-9] * bright center of the doctrine-drama
  10. [Surya in bhava-10] * bright center of the leadership-drama
  11. [Surya in bhava-11] * bright center of the economy-drama
  12. [Surya in bhava-12] * bright center of the privacy-drama

pitrikaraka Surya lagna represents the father and one's own political aspirations, inter alia


वेशि veśī = entrance, point of entry, visa, vestibule

father's lineage values-fulfillment and father's family of origin.

father's treasuries of valuable goods and precious knowledge .

father's language usage. father's face-eyes-speech-song. father's hoards, collections, records, accounts, memories, storage.

  • POTUS-41 All the Best 1924-2018 George H.W. Bush [calculating-assisting Mriga-2] [ātmakāraka] -- [Surya-yuti-Budha] GHWB was the son of Prescott Bush, an elite capitalist financier. Shukra-4 occupies 2nd-from-Surya paternal resources, while [Shukra-4 parivartamsha with Budha-3-yuti-Surya-3] Business Banking.

  • POTUS-pair-36 Wildflowers 1912-2007 Ladybird Johnson = [Shukra-Makara-Draco] -- [Shukra-5-politics] + + [Shukra-5 parivartamsha Shani-9] in 2nd-from-Surya. LJ was the daughter of a wealthy financier. Funding from dad's treasury supported the two-person career that she shared since age 21, with her career-politician husband POTUS-36 Lyndon Baines Johnson .

Dad's bank accounts and tangible assets. Conditions of 2nd-from Surya can measure dad's ability to collect, gather, preserve, store, bank, remember, accumulate. Also, dad's story-telling and singing.


father's younger sibling. father's cohort. father's team-mates, retinue, co-workers, committee members, ensemble performers, corporate department. father's communications and business operations, commercial acumen, father's announcements and reports, father's evangelism.

  • Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie - Karkata indriya-lagna, and Karkata-Shukra in 3rd-from-Surya-11. Shukra-1 rules Surya-11. Her father, ahandsome, well-known cinema dramatist, enjoyed a successful and profitable career in cinematic (3) production.

  • POTUS-42 My Life 1946- Bill Clinton was (said to be) the son of a traveling salesman. Guru in bhava-2 in 3rd-from-Surya indicates father's talk about finance, family, food.


father's childhood home. father's foundational education. father's overall stability and security levels during his lifetime. father's owned-stewarded properties such as houses and vehicles. father's patriotism and policing activities.

  • Pucci Prints 1914-1992 fashion Emilio Pucci * Rahu-Kumbha-10 = 4th-from-Surya. Pucci's father was a titled aristocrat who owned a large agricultural estate. 4 = schooling. EP received his college education in the USA, among foreigners [Rahu]. Pucci was profoundly identified with his aristocratic land-owning privilege in a post-war Italy that still remembered its medieval foundations (4).

  • Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore 4th-from-Surya-uchcha = [Guru-Karkata-uchcha-12 = parivartamsha yoga with Chandra-Meena-8, which confers both Vimala Yoga and Sarala yoga ]. Tagore's father was a highly capitalized, titled aristocrat. Dad owned a vast array of fertile agricultural estates [Guru-Karkata ancestral land ownership] in a broad marine estuary [Karkata, waterways]. Dad was also a patron of local folk arts, ancient customary worship, and established cultural norms of patriarchal protection [Karkata] . Dad built shrines for local deities. The family's treasury came from customary [Karkata] rents paid by subsistence farmers [Karkata]. The rents from dad's deeds-of-title [4] funded RT's education and his many projects. RT did not need to live from his Nobel Prize money, therefore he used the prize to found a school.

4th-from-Surya also indicates the father's activities in regard to schools, housing, pathways of transportation, and locality.

  • POTUS-45-47 Play to Win 1946- Beauty Pageants Donald Trump= empowered Mangala-Simha-2 in the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra, showing the politicized conquesting competitive thrust by which his father built a valuable portfolio of real estate ownership.


Indicates the father's involvement in politics, romantic idealism, gambling and games, speculative finance, adventure , entertainment, creative arts, drama.

Look to the ruler of 5th-from-Surya for more details.

  • Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 entertainer Judy Garland * 5th-from-Surya contains [ Shani-Kanya yuti Rahu-Parthya yuti Guru-Kanya] [10, high visibility public roles] Surya receives the Guru+Rahu double-drishti. JG's father was a former burlesque stage performer who owned a theatre featuring live dramatic performances such as singing. Dad's theatre work kept him in contact with numerous gender-flexible artistic performers. Dad maintained his romantically promiscuous homosexual lifestyle behind the shimmering illusion [Rahu] of a hard-working [Shani] father of three [Guru]. Rahu the mix-master; border-crasher.

  • USA Civil Rights 1929-1968 Rev. Martin Luther King [uchcha- Rahu-yuti-Mangala] in 5th-from-Surya. MLK's father was a charismatic Baptist preacher who conducted dramatic worship services that featured fine costumes, singing, and celebration (5th-from-Surya = 11 community).


Challenges and animosities for the Father

father's debts, criminalization / crime, enemies, accusations, litigation, pollutions, conflicts, diseases, servitudes, slaveries, addiction.

Look to the ruler of 6th-from-Surya for more details.

  • Germany Bundeskanzlerin 1954- Angela Merkel * AKM's empowered Mangala-yuti-Rahu-3- Dhanus = 6th-from-Surya-Karkata-10. This pattern suggests that her father [Surya], although he was philosophically a humanist * Dhanus * was also likely an opportunist [Rahu]. Her dad is said to have served the East German government (Surya-10) as a Stasi informant and propaganda agent by delivering instructions (3) in a pastor's guise. Although dad may have experienced conflict in this imbalanced duty, rahu-Mangala

    [Mūla] is Typically, asuccessful pairing that triumphs over any adversary, particularly ideological [Dhanus] enemies.

Typically when Shani occupies 6th-from-Surya, the father-figure has chronic health issues.

On the other hand, rahu in 6th-from-Surya is beneficial due to Rahu's bravado and ambition for risk.


द्यून dyūna = 7th from Surya

father's contracts, agreements, trusts and treaties, vows; his level of equity and fairness in life

Look to the ruler of 7th-from-Surya for more details.

Strength in 7th-from-Surya indicates the father's negotiating behaviors.

  • USA-Sen-Mass 1932-2009 Teddy Kennedy [Chandra-Simha] [5] ; Chandra in 7th-from-Surya indicates that TK's kingmaker, financier-father [Surya-11] had an essential avowed relationship with TK's mother Rose Kennedy [Chandra]. Whatever dad's legendary indiscretions may have been [not unexpected for Surya-Kumbha] the parents' core partnership was power-balanced between two complementary-but-utterly-opposite personalities.


father's hidden assets, father's secret liaisons, father's involvement in catastrophic or disastrous situations, father's relationship to his wife's family members (in-laws)

Look to the ruler of 8th-from-Surya for more details.

  • POTUS-35 Profiles in Courage 1917-1963 John F. Kennedy's father served as USA ambassador to UK. Dad maintained financial ties to Vatican Treasuries, and JFK's mom was granted the title of Papal Countess. Dad was deeply involved in secret activities and confidential information, as indicated by JFK's powerful Rahu-Dhanus -5 located in 8th-from-Surya-10

Father and Stepfather = Dad-1 and Dad-2


POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford was born asLeslie Lynch King in Omaha, naebraska.

  • When he was 16 days old, mom (age 20) left the abusive dad [Mangala-Mesha-Kṛttikā-9]. Dad was characterized as a wealthy playboy who suffered from alcoholism, lied, reacted aggressively, and lacked maturity [Kuja-9]. In modern parlance, dad-1 might be classified as a malignant narcissist.

  • In 1917, mom remarried. Although dad-2 did not legally adopt him, mom referred to little Leslie as Gerald Ford Jr. Dad-2 was a prominent businessman.

  • 8th-from-9th contains Chandra-4, suggesting that dad-2 was a stable parent, emotionally matched to the Mother (Chandra). Vṛścika-4 mutual drishti with Shukra-yuti-Shani-10-Urisha suggests a childhood (4) defined by publicly visible wealth and hierarchical position.

  • 8th-from-Surya = Makara-6 conflict, still ruled by staunchly respectable Shani-10. Dad-2 had financial setbacks, but carried on.

  • According to GRF's post-presidential memoire, the different narratives of the two fathers helped to shape his legislative thinking about fatherhood and social policy for families.

Moral Majority 1933-2007 Rev. Jerry Falwell

6th-from-Surya showing troubles for the father

matches the bhava-8 of the pious son, while 8th-from-Surya in JLF's nativity [camouflaged assets, secret monies]

8th-from-Surya contains ambitious, risk-rewarding [Dhaniṣṭha] Rahu-Kumbha

  • In addition to operating a bordello and selling illegal liquor during Prohibition, dad was also a severe alcoholic and a fratricidal murderer
  • Dad was drunk when dad shot and killed his own brother (JLF's uncle).
  • Unlike his institutionally devout son, dad was an agnostic alcoholic who died of liver cancer.

Yet Dad was never jailed or cited for any legal infractions.

  • Risk-rewarding Rahu is beneficial in any 6/8 angle

[Dhaniṣṭha] Rahu-Kumbha occupies the prominent 10th-bhava in JLF's nativity, suggesting that JLF also understood how to manage profitable risks



Usually the step-father or next-father is also the mother's second (or subsequent) husband, but there can be other arrangements.

The "next" father is indicated by several profile elements, including:

  • 8th-from-Surya. Check this graha's role in both radix and navamsha.

  • 8th-from-9th, bhava-4

  • Mother's divorce and mother's second marriage = 2nd-from-Chandra

  • ruler of 8th-from-Surya in Dwadashamamsha -10 provides confirmation of stepfather relationship in one's life

If 8th-from-Surya = strong or receiving strong drishti, the step-father will have a strong personality.

  • Maybe too strong, involvement of Kuja or a dushthamsha lord can be overbearing or combative.

If 8th-from-Surya = a dushthamsha, the stepfather will be a problematic agent for the native .

  • Even if 8th-from-Surya = a dushthamsha, benefics in 8th-from-Surya may = benefits coming to native through agency of the stepfather

Look to the ruler of 8th-from-Surya for more details.


Paternal grandfather

father's doctrinal beliefs, father's guru-guide figures, father's father, father's professors, father's involvement with global humanisam

Look to the ruler of 9th-from-Surya for more details.

  • USA-Gov-FL 1953- offshore finance Jeb Bush = 9th-from-Surya = Simha-5 politics and financial speculation, suggesting that JEB takes after his paternal grandfather

  • Furthermore, Surya-yuti-Rahu-10 indicates amplified entitlements, governance roles

Paternal grandfather Prescott Bush was the father of JB's father, George H.W. Bush.

Grand-dad was a legendary USA Senator, elite financier, and political king-maker who powerfully influenced a generation of USA legislators to favor a sa small elite group of financial speculators.

BPHS, sarga-7, shloka-39-43

Dharma Bhava and the ninth from Surya deal with one's father

father_of_Nikola_Milutin_Tesla.jpg 10th-from-Surya

father's public reputation, father's career and profession, father's public responsibilities and leadership roles

  • My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla - Rahu-yuti-Guru-Meena-12 occupies Tesla's 10th-from-Surya-3. Tesla's father was a respected (10) Serbian Orthodox priest [Guru].

  • India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi dad = world-famous political leader, Jawaharlal Nehru . Her powerful Mangala-Simha in 10th-from-Surya++ Kuja-parivartamsha-Surya = her father's political leadership role.

Collapsing Ketu in 10th-from-Surya may indicate that the father's public duties, reputation, or career is dissociated from the social order, fragmented, incoherent, or insubstantial.

  • Pucci Prints 1914-1992 fashion Emilio Pucci - Ketu-4 in 10th-from-Surya. Pucci's father was a titled aristocrat who owned a large agricultural estate (4). Dad never worked professionally [Ketu]. According to EP, he was the first member of his Pucci family to have worked in 1000 years.

  • Swing Time 1911-1995 dance theatre Ginger Rogers [Kuja-yuti-Rahu] -- [Shani-yuti-Rahu] [Mesha-2] occupies 10th-from-Surya . Known as a relentlessly hard worker [Shani] innovator [Mangala] and taboo-bender [Rahu, GR dominated the Hollywood musical-cinema world. She was renown in this specialty for her extraordinary athletic power and vitality [Mesha-Kuja], precision movements [Shani-Mangala] and iconic status modeling the new working girl identity [Rahu].

Look to the ruler of 10th-from-Surya for more details.

FATHER 's career in politics and wealth-containment

  • Berkshire Hathaway 1930- mutual funds Warren Buffett

  • Dad = Howard Buffet = eight years US Congressional Representative from Nebraska, Surya-Simha

  • Before and after dad's terms of service in the USA Congress, dad operated a successful stock-brokerage firm. 10th-from-Surya = Urisha banking, treasury

  • Dad remained active in political committees + campaign finance

  • 10th-from-Surya = Urisha-9 political finance, ideology shapes use of assets


father's economic gainfulness, father's ability to meet his social-material goals father's elder sibling, father's friends

Look to the ruler of 11th-from-Surya for more details.


father's imagination, father's relationship to distant worlds (both imaginative-meditative and material-consensus), father's private activities, father's sanctuary

  • UK Duke 1982- William is the son of UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles of Wales. The prominence of Shukra-yuti-Budha in 12th-from-Surya in William's nativity indicates his father's propensity for private bedchamber relationships, as well as his father's quiet nearly invisible international diplomacy (Shukra-12) and his father's advocacy for cattle farmers (Vrishabha).

Look to the ruler of 12th-from-Surya for more details.


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In all your designs you will succeed, and light will shine on your path .

~~ The Book of Job = Iyyov, 22:28