
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Shani occupies 11th-from-Chandra

Shani Main Page

  1. [Shani in classroom-1]
  2. [Shani in classroom-2]
  3. [Shani in classroom-3]
  4. [Shani in classroom-4]
  5. [Shani in classroom-5]
  6. [Shani in classroom-6]
  7. [Shani in classroom-7] -- [dikbala]
  8. [Shani in classroom-8]
  9. [Shani in classroom-9]
  10. [Shani in classroom-10] [svabhava]
  11. [Shani in classroom-11] [svabhava]
  12. [Shani in classroom-12]

  1. [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha]
  2. [Shani-Urisha]
  3. [Shani-Mithuna]
  4. [Shani-Karkata]
  5. [Shani-Simha]
  6. [Shani-Kanya]
  7. [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]
  8. [Shani-Vṛścika]
  9. [Shani-Dhanus]
  10. [Shani-Makara-Draco] --- [svakshetra]
  11. [Shani-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra] [mulatrikona if within 0-20 deg]
  12. [Shani-Meena]


OM sham shanaishcharaye namah

शनि śani

Professor Shani

Sauri - Sauron - Shanaicara - Sanisvaraya

Bhagavan Shanideva

अर्कपुत्र arka-putra = son of Sun

नीलवसन nīla-vasana = dark-blue visage

काल kāla = time

resides in


लाभ lābha = gain, profit, obtainment, advantage

आय āya = revenue, profit, income, gain

प्राप्ति prāpti = act of getting, receipt

वृद्धि vṛddhi = aggregate, interest, increase, increment

Saturan - Sauran - Sætern - Saturnus

the seventh one

Satu = Saturday

kevan - kaiwan - kiyyun - kaiamanu - khima

kρονος - kronos

Ninurta - Anu - El - Eli -

"The Old Sun // the best Sun"


the eleventh house

Old economies, old networks, old fanclubs. Sigh

see also

  • Shani in 11th navamsha

  • Shani in the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, profit-regulated, friendly, participatory, goal-oriented, socially-networked 11th-from-Chandra


Nerve Networks of Connected Kumbha

Electricity Seeking Earth via La Tour Eiffel, Paris


[Shani-Mesha] [nīcha] -- [svabhava]

[mysterious-revealing randresha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [theoretical-principled dharmesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

[dhanayoga Shani-11 rules 11-from-11]

[Shani-Urisha] --- [svabhava]

[bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Karkata indriya-lagna] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Shani's entreasuring discipline, evaluating strictures, traditional rules

[soberly regular financial earnings] [evaluation asthetics of mininal sufficient revenues]

[Shani-Mithuna] -- [svabhava]

[inimical-accusing rogesha for Simha indriya-lagna] [balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-bhukti to source Shani's conversational formality, commercial regulation, administrative governance


[Shani-Karkata] --- [svabhava]

[witty-creative vidya-pati for Parthya indriya-lagna] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Parthya indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti for Shani's comfortably unyielding, unmovingly established, protective rule-based ordering

[must maintain ancestral ritual systems]

economic gain from intelligent governance, endurance

inequity, conflict via system-society in social-economic networks. Friends have status-rank problems


[Shani-Simha] --- [svabhava]

[Shani for Tula nativity]

[Yogakaraka homebound-securing bandesha for Tulā indriya-lagna] [Yogakaraka speculative-creativr vidya-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Shani's dramatized discipline, displayed restrictions, showcase conventionalism

[rigidly ceremonial friendships] [maintains the formal mass-participation displays] [limited political rights in the assembly] [resistance to special entitlements]

economic gain from intelligent governance, endurance


  • Archbishop of Canterbury 1950- poet Rowan Williams [arranging-promising Pūrvaphalgunī-3] [navamsha-Shani-Tula-uchcha]

[Shani-Kanya] --- [svabhava]

[busy-managing vikrama-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[Shani-Tula ] -- [svabhava] [uchcha]

[acquisitive-preserving dhanesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [communicative-managing sahaja-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Shani's rigidly harmonizing, fairly adjudicating, reciprocally orderly systems

[empowered Dhanayoga Shani-11 rules 2]

[slowly, lawfully acquired, institutionally regulated treasury]


[Shani in Vṛścika ] --- [svabhava]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [conserving-acquiring dhana-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Shani's forward-driving discipline, penetrating restriction, regulated rejuvenation

[Dhanayoga Shani-11 rules 2]

[lawfully acquired treasury] [must regulate secret earnings]

identified with goal-achievement and earnings via lawful government networks

[Shani-Dhanus] --- [svabhava]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Shani's principled legalism, doctrinal strictures, theoretical systems


[svabhava] --- [svakshetra]

[friendly-gainful labha-pati for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] [contemplative-envisioning vyaya-pati for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna]

earnings from socially networked duties, system-maintenance responsibilities


[Shani-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra] -- [svabhava]

[mūlatrikoṇa if within 0-20 deg]

[dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[must maintain social-economic systems]


  • General Electric 1935-2020 CEO Jack Welch [governing-regulatory Varuna-2] [mulatrikona]

  • Syria-Pres 1965- ophthalmologist Bashar al-Assad [champion-challenger Pūrvābhādra-1] [navamsha Shani-Mesha-nīcha ]

[Shani-Meena] --- [svabhava]

[Yogakaraka philosophical-guiding dharmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Yogakaraka dutiful-governing karmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Shani's visionary legalism, dreamlike strictures, vaguely-conceptual systems

[dhanayoga Shani-11 rules 11-from-11]

  • POTUS-pair-01 tobacco 1731-1802 Martha Custis Washington [bargaining-contractual Uttarabhādra-3] [navamsha-Shani-Tula-uchcha]

QUOTATION from~ 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B. V. Raman,

A Catechism of Astrology . (1992, 4th ed.). Part I, p. 101

" Q. 123 : Saturn in the 11th house is said to be good for wealth and longevity .

  • Is it also good for health ?

Ans: Saturn in 11 is good for wealth and longevity .

  • But it is bad for health according to Parasara Hora ."

Fleur_Crocus_prpl.JPGProfessor Shani's classroom in Labha Bhava-11

[akashic memory patterning] of Limitations upon one's Future: constraints upon Goals and Networks

Parashari drishti to domains: 1, 5, and 8.

See: dealing with the negative expectations of Shani in bhava-11

All forecasts improve with planetary support from Shani.

Bhava-11 ruled by Shani-yuti-Rahu

Rahu bhukti may create a Great Rise and Swift Fall

Improved results if Structural Shani occupies Tula, makara, or Kumbha.

Stubborn, persistent, conservative, slow = expectations regarding

  • earnings
  • revenues
  • income
  • profits
  • gainfulness
  • economic systems
  • ecologies
  • setting and accomplishing social-material goals
  • community
  • networking
  • friendship
  • distributive-and-associative connectivity linkage
  • conceptual science
  • father's younger siblings

Friendships Connect to Social-Economic Systems

Aborted Future after reaching High Goals

Rahu craves self-elevation via networks of association. Social ascendance may seem to be going forward legitimately and well in a step-wise fashion [Shani] then suddenly a self-promoting agent of social change activism (11)"from out of nowhere" [Rahu] causes a swift fall into social obloquy.

Achievement Anxiety. Fear and worry regarding gain of income and attainment of goals.

  • Must work to earn validation of social-material accomplishments.

  • Works to be fully approved, in compliance, and judged perfect under the rule of statutory law .

  • Yet survival fears based in [akashic memory] enforce the mandate to perform this work over and over again, until the ignorance is transformed into wisdom.

/Not well-connected enough/ anxiety syndromer.

Professor Shani's classroom features a reducedcapability to move vigorously in massive, complex, tightly regulated networks .

  • Few friends; and whatever friends may exist = work-related.

  • Strictures upon the family (2) the children (5) and marital in-laws (8).

  • Tight focus upon marketplace earnings

  • Obligation to work in distribution systems

Habits of systematic marketplace interconnection may be resistant to progressive movement.

Shani-11 wishes to slow the effort to move energetically along the path of scientific, social-philosophical, economic systems. Social-change projects require long-term dedication. Profits and revenues may be substantially enriching owing to other factors, but Shani's role in 11 is to resist early achievements. Matters of fundraising and collective action tend to be slow-going and demanding much time.

  • POTUS-pair-01 tobacco 1731-1802 Martha Custis Washington In addition to being a businesswoman engaged in the daily marketplace for her tobacco and other slave-plantation produce, mCW was also a primary funding agent for the American Revolutionary armies. Cautiously but steadily [Shani] MCW obtained large loans to fund the military goals of her husband George Washington . MCW was able to operate somewhat undetected, since few men of the era would believe that a woman could have such an extensive financial network.

In Professor Shani's classroom, try as one might to change the package of attributes, one's ability to achieve rapid progress in the marketplace of goods and ideas is may be much delayed until the underlying matching fear is located and released.

Professor Shani's classroom provides long-term beneficial effect upon earnings in marketplace economies:

Shani-11 is concerned with lawful structures in community networks and economies. Shani's drishti upon bhava-8 may delay transformative processes

Naturally, shani in svabhava may give better-than-average results in matters which improve with the passage of time. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 suggests numerous setbacks initially, However, with persistence the results are respectable.

for Meena indriya-lagna , mesha indriya-lagna, and Dhanus indriya-lagna , wherefrom Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 will occupy a rashi of Professor Shani or His uttama rashi Tula, professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 is born to order and regulate the marketplace of objects and the systematic relationships between those objects.

One may be conservative, hard-working and diligent in matters of social and financial economies, and often a capable leader of social-economic participation movements.

For any lagna except Mithuna (for which Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 will be [nīcha] Mesha), stoic Shani brings heavy responsibilities for guiding large social groups toward a more orderly future, in an orderly fashion.

Shani emphasizes the optimal distribution of material resources among all members of the network. Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 in any rashi = a karaka for populist socializing.

Professor Shani's classroom restrains athletic energies, reduces vitality, and imposes social conformity upon the self-image (1). Hard worker. Imposes conditions of physical constraint by timeclock, stages-and-ages of calendrical structures.

Professor Shani's classroom reduces the contribution of spouse/partners toward the pool of shared marital assets (8). Limits the number of children, imposes responsibilities toward children, may delay the birth of children. Constrains the natural charisma and disciplines the creative intelligence (5).

Shani's svabhava, bhava-10 and bhava-11, are minimally problematic locations for Shanaicharya's hard-working and determined behaviors.

Much depends on the rashi and location of the ruling graha, but generally speaking, the tasks of Professor Shani's classroom = somewhat easier to complete in karma-bhava and Labha Bhava.

Much discipline imposed on the natural intelligence, which results in restraint of natural creativity. Shani imposes a significant duty roster in bhava-10 and bhava-11, but Shani also usually also provides a large organization within which one is tasked to accomplish the karmic work.

Due to drishti emitting from Professor Shani's classroom,; the expected experience of catastrophic change which is a required element of the randhra bhava classroom is slowed and delayed. This is beneficial for maintenance of material stability, but not as helpful for sincerely desired transformations such as healing through therapeutic touch, psychological counseling on hidden matters, or surgical medicine.

If Shani is strong, the personality and intelligence are disciplined and patient with regard to learning secret information. One may be well suited to be a student of esoteric or secret healing structures.

All desired results from Professor Shani's classroom must wait for the fullness of time, but graha drishti of malefic to dushthamsha bhava-8 is generally beneficial.

LEARNING PATHWAY of systems-master Shani-11 may involve necessary dealings with

  • must maintain the commonwealth

  • intimidated by difficult economic decision

  • Professor Shani's classroom in bhava-11 features the experience of matching fear of the economy, fear of; gainfulness, fear of achievement,

  • fear of having friends, fear of the commoners, fear of the masses,

  • Wage-earner's fatigue..

  • Support for socially-approved, rigidly dutiful roles as economist, community organizer, salary-worker, paymaster.

  • Professor Shani's classroom in bhava-11 features the experience of matching fear of the father's siblings (3rd from 9th)

  • fear of the mate of the eldest child (7th-from-5th)

  • fear of step-children (8th-from-5th)

Professor Shani's instruction = "stop matching that which is not lawful to you" (stop matching the fears of others) and proceed with care.

Shani narrative expressed via Labha Bhava-11

pre-incarnationally planned duty imposes effort to maintain network links, prove achievement, obtain economic gains

sober, lawful, regulated networks

rigidly structured lawful sources of revenue

resistance to friendly association; obligation to regulate earnings; obligation to connect with low-entitlement communities

duty to maintain participative democracy

Masses and classes have access to marketplace networks

difficult social decisions

incremental earnings

stiff skin, nerve seizure, hollowness

fear of dissociation and economic disconnection. Society benefits from the results of Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11, but the Akashic memory patterning pressure on the native remains an oppressive experience. Agents of vriddhisthāna enact a fearful, life-threatening [Shani] script of punishment and restriction.

Agents of bhava-11 = the friends and voluntary networks of association, network s financial and scientific, electronic links and connections, the collective and the community; mass movements particularly those targeting economic participation. The bhava-11 agents say:

You follow the rules, or else we (the friends, the economy) will eject you from the economic participation linkage, and freeze your access to the gainfulness of our associative networks.

Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 narrative of the threat of dissociation and economic disconnection is further embroidered with contributing voices from Shani's rashi, incoming drishti to bhava-11, shani's angle from Chandra, shani's placement in navamsha, planetary tenants in those bhava ruled by Shani, etc.

Economic pinch restrictions judgment limits

Associative and Distributive Networks
  • a svabhava of Shani Lord of Systems

resistance to friendly association

obligation to regulate profits and earnings

Generally, extremely hard workers who must build, restructure, or repair an economy or a community network

Hard-working, but not expansive socially.

Social network consists of few old-time reliable friends; not inclined to explore new social connections.

Prefers a regular paycheck. Not a speculative investor generally (unless strong graha in 5).

Labhasthāna = Professor Shani's svabhava. Shani prospers in bhava-11 in His own style: slowly, steadily, with regularity, over long periods of time .

Conventional, lawful, predictable network of old friends and associates.

if Shani in rashi of Shukra, shani, chandra, or Budha, then Professor Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 maintains a solid social reputation .

Salary is modest but the income is legal, socially approved, and regular.

Professor Shani restricts movement.

  • Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 imposes pressure upon the natural vitality (drishti to lagna); upon the children and procreativity (drishti to 5); and upon the inheritance, the marital monies, and other hidden assets (drishti to 8)

  • Therefore, shani bhukti and significant Shani transits suggest a combination of incremental, measurable material achievement along with lower power of physical movement.

For Dhanau lagna and Makara indriya-lagna, profitability along conventional lines of slow build-up of investments and business relationships. Likes tried-and-true methods of marketplace buildup.

For Dhanau lagna, spectacular wealth through marketplace income, after a long, disciplined period of financial austerity and building important supportive relationships.

British Royal Family

A pattern among members of the British royal family = many have been born with Professor Shani's classroom located in bhava-11. Their commonwealth duties are extensive indeed their obligation to constantly promote the participatory and distributive linkages of various charity organizations and other extenders of economic opportunity is legendary.

The result of their heavy duty roster is However, socially respected and financially gainful. Most of these persons are endowed by their government [Shani] with a substantial funding (11) for their obligatory social extension activities. However, the ir funding is often obtained at the cost of a burdensome time schedule.

As prominent personalities, these figures exemplify the economic role of Professor Shani in bhava-11. vriddhi-pati Shani imposes a substantial duty to maintain the linkages which compose the commonwealth marketplace while at the same time successful performance of this duty However, relentless will normally produce measureable gains of income.

  • UK-Prince 1984- Harry [uchcha]

Conservative, rule-driven viewpoint in organizational management. Tends to pitch to the lowest common denominator. Excellent position for the regulation of large institutional networks, such as government school systems, military procurement, and public health care.

The elder sibling is steady and reliable, perhaps much older, or there may be no elder sibling. The native receives limited help from older mentors and advisers.

Maintains membership in traditional ist groups such as church, temple, old-folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms cultural association, or conservative political parties. The old way is the good way. If Shani is healthy, will work steadily but anonymously to support these groups.

Deficiency of connectivity

core areas of initial lack of understanding + required repetition =

  • 11 = friendship networks, elder sibling
  • 1 = personal appearance, body
  • 5 = genius, self-expression
  • 8 = sudden changes

Repeating Homework Assignments

  • drill and practice WRT regulation of systems of network development.

Professor Shani's classroom located in bhava-11 = a marketplace functionary who works the system of interlocking communities and large, complex networks .

Double-Shani. Akashic memory patterning of social isolation due to excessive materialism within the friendship networks. Always falls short of achieving goals.

Students working in Professor Shani's classroom may be rejected from prestigious assemblies e.g."high society" networks due to perceived vulgarity of social intent.

Ironically Professor Shani's classroom in bhava-11 usually contains socially and professionally well-connected persons. Yet, there may be minimal [Shani] happiness or a shortfall in personal validation provided by the network of social relationships - no matter how large or elite the network may be.

Laboring under the expectation that all social relationships must"cash out" to some form of material profit, the native tends to form instrumental or utilitarian friendships .

One insists upon investing much more effort into developing a friendship than one extracts from it. Over-responsible and rather formal even rigid in friend-making behaviors. Feels obliged to become"friends " with professional [Shani] and institutional associates.

It is difficult for the native to remain in a friendship unless one is "working for it" thus non-intimate social relationships = un-relaxed, effortful and strained.

Engagement in large-group assemblies such as political parties and charitable fundraising on pretext of principled idealism is seen to be materially motivated [Shani]

Relationship with the elder sibling if any is duty-bound, burdensome, and often strained. If Surya in 11, no elder sib. However, look to the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, profit-regulated, friendly, participatory, goal-oriented, socially-networked 11th-from-Chandra for accurate emotional assessment of this sibling bond.

Children = delayed; Shani graha-drishti to 5.

Shani in 11 = good for spirituality because Shani resists marketplace materialism.

Akashic memory patterning of ill-gotten gain if Rahu complicates Shani's role in 11.

Learning Curve

the native is challenged to repeat many" practice" iterations while learning the art of lawful earnings and distribution of profits in the marketplace. Also there is a lesson of entering the marketplace of goods and ideas with non-instrumental motives, and learning not to allow material concerns like social rank or financial standing to overly influence one's choice of friends.

The lifetime is devoted to the slow and patient correction of the at-birth deficiency regarding friendships, earnings, social-material goals, and the meaning and purpose of human social networks.

Core Practice Environments which require repetitive drill and careful study :

  • 11 = duty-driven networks; pragmatic, materialistic or performance-based friendships; rarely relaxed around friends

  • 1 = judgment upon the appearance, workload affects the vitality, body = beast of burden

  • 5 = genius, self-expression

  • 8 = sudden changes

Learning Curve

Professor Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 = challenged to repeat many practice iterations while learning the art of lawful earnings and distribution of profits in the marketplace. Also there is a lesson of entering the marketplace of goods and ideas with non-instrumental motives, and learning not to allow material concerns like social rank or financial standing to overly influence one's choice of friends.

The lifetime is devoted to the slow and patient correction of the at-birth deficiency regarding friendships, earnings, social-material goals, and the meaning and purpose of human social networks.

Core Practice Environments which require repetitive drill and careful study :

  • 11 = duty-driven networks; pragmatic, materialistic or performance-based friendships; rarely relaxed around friends
  • 1 = judgment upon the appearance, workload affects the vitality, body = beast of burden
  • 5 = genius, self-expression
  • 8 = sudden changes


11, 1, 5, 8

When Professor Shani in bhava-11 brings wealth: for Dhanus and Makara - Draco lagna, shani becomes lord of dhana bhava. For Dhanus and Makara, shani creates a Dhana yoga = dhanapati-2 in labha bhava.

Distrust and suspicion of the marketplace rules, dislike of the salaried lifestyle, polarizing catalysis related to finding a profitable means of operating in the marketplace of goods and ideas.

Network of Friends and elder sibling in particular are conservative to the point of oppression. Nevertheless, shani gives reasonably comfortable and pleasing results in the house of earnings and achievements, since Professor Shani is the agent of Hard Work and Hard Work is a considerable asset in the pursuit of Earnings! The network of friendship is stable but of limited utility in advancing the native 's gainfulness.

The student of Professor Professor Shani teaching in classroom-11 must do the majority of one's own work with rather less than"a little help from one's friends ". One may not grasp the concept of /work smarter not harder/ . Tends to be rather stubborn and traditional in one's approach toward earning income.

  • supportive position for government workers and those in control of regulatory bureaucratic agencies , especially those engaged in the regulation of economic and distribution behaviors.

Native = a marketplace functionary who works the socially approved system of interlocking communities and commercial networking.

In order to successfully complete the lesson imposed by the classroom of Professor Shani in bhava-11, the student must apply sustained effort with limited resources (Shani the worker) toward the maintenance of large gatherings and assemblies, fraternal organizations, and technology for connectivity at all levels of reality.

Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining a good relationship with one's in-laws (8). Initially they are absent or unhelpful. The spouse brings less value to the joint assets of marriage.

Limited access to secrets or confidential information, including healing knowledge. Disciplined labor of The earthen body . One has less physical vitality, range of motion or range of personality is restricted. Children if present are more of a burden. This is a hard-working person who gains only modestly. Limited fortunes. Although he works very hard to develop"connections " his charisma is weak (5).

Q: I'm getting ready to enter the Mahadasha of Shani in bhava-11 .

What should I expect?

A: As you're probably aware, shanicarya = auspicious in His svabhava-11 .

Professor Shani's regular habits and steady work ethic = a favorable influence upon the task of extracting earnings from the marketplace economy.

Professor Shani is not a flamboyant or boastful earner;

Professor He is modest and satisfied with small profits; Nevertheless, he is systematic, orderly, lawful, steady and reliable in His personal habits from the basis of a diligent work ethic, the native will earn at least modestly well during Shani's periods.

Professor Shani when His classroom occupies bhava-11 does however impose pressure upon the bodily vitality (drishti to lagna) because He restricts movement.

  • Therefore, shani bhukti and significant Shani transits suggest a combination of measurable material achievement along with lower power of physical movement.

When Shani occupies labha bhava, the house of economies, grids, and power-distribution networks, shani imposes Resistance Energy rooted in Fear, against the practice of forming network connections with maximum sources of earnings. Shani is conservative and fearful in the economies of material and social connections, and this restraint causes lower potential earnings.

  • Professor Shani simply does not like to take chances, unless Shani-yuti-Rahu .

In bhava-11, Shani Resists Change to one's earnings behaviors and He does not invite new members into His social circle.

  • However, he works well with traditional networks of association such as the ethnic group, the village members, in a government job or performing tasks which apply lawful order to an unruly situation (such as farming and animal herding)

  • Shani in 11 prospers when responsible for Shani-related marketplace (11) commodities such as rock, stone, salt, sand, paper, bones, wood, powders, and ashes.

With Professor Shani's classroom occupies bhava-11, the curriculum requires one to become an excellent bureaucrat who favors an unchanging duty roster, fixed order of supervision in the hierarchy, longevity and regularity of salary "salt payment" over short-term gains, naovelty, mobility, intellectual interest, or other excitement, unless Shani-yuti-Rahu .

Seed and fruit

Professor Shani in bhava-11 contains the belief that the"seed" of knowledge of the lawful behavior of distributive networks is unobtainable due to one's social rank or class position at the time of birth.

  • therefore, in one's total thinking about marketplace earnings (11), social identity (1) and personal creativity and wealth through speculation (5), as well as knowledge of secrets is constrained by these negative expectations which limit one's faith in success .

Q: Namaste Madam,

I am student of astrology & am very confused about the role of Saturn in my life,

all the astrologers in India say dat My Saturn is extremely good & will take me to great material heights,

while many western vedic astrologers say that Saturn is extremely malefic for me & will bring me down in life

A: Namaste,

I am not sure which "all" and "many" astrologers are being quoted. It sounds like you are less a student of the samayavidya and more a devotee of worry and fear.

As one believes, so one experiences.

In any case, even a beginning student of the knowledge tradition of Jyotishavidya can appreciate that no graha can be entirely /good/ or entirely /bad/.

  • Habitual use these psychically charged, criticizing, punitive, and judgmental adjectives /good/ and /bad/ should be avoided in Jyotisha practice.

The Jyotisha profession needs to adopt a practice of specifying /good for what purpose/" or /bad for what purpose/.

Every planetary placement has a breadth of utility. Every planetary placement has a positive facilitating power in its natural environments. Every planetary placement has a negative or more growth-challenging empowerment in other environments where it must intentionally struggle to develop its potential.

Earth is a classroom. Listen to the professors as they explain their curriculum.

Professor Shani's Portfolio of Governance

As a sincere student of the vidya, reflect upon the many tasks which Shanaicarya must accomplish in your nativity, and try to see the world from Professor Shani's point of view.

Imagine that you are Professor Shani and you have been commanded to create the effects of 11, 1, 12, 2, and 3 in the life of one man.

  • How would you get the job done?

  • How would you apply the principles of law and systematic step-wise process

  • to accomplish the pre-incarnationally planned goals of the incarnation?

cintamani * mani * money , Knowledge and Values

2 = hoarded wealth and 11 = income earnings

  • dhana yoga formed by uttama dhanapati-2 in 11 will make you a financially privileged man, via Shani's characteristic method which is slow, steady, orderly, lawful, and humble.

  • 3 = self-owned business based upon the treasury collected in 2. bhratru-pati-3 in 11 predicts success in self-owned business, particularly in electronics [Kumbha]

  • yet -- several cycles of destruction and rebirth in matters of commerce, since Chandra = randhresha-8 for Dhanus indriya-lagna.

Realistic character and scientific neutrality of viewpoint

1 = identity and 12 = dissolution of tangible identity, shani provides both emotional vitality through realistic engagement with the world,

  • dissolution of worldly identity through long travels, sleep, meditation and fantasy.

  • Preincarnationally planned periods = sojourn as foreign worker, where one is busy earning wealth but at the same time not really are cognized member of the host culture = Shani's typical method of accomplishing these two seemingly contradictory goals.

  • Drishti to indriya-lagna imposes a personality that works hard and builds good structure in life

  • Drishti upon 5 makes children a serious responsibility

  • Drishti upon 8 gives an obligation to keep secrets in marriage and business.

Best wishes for your success in Jyotisha studies. May your knowledge of the vidya increase so that you may realize full empowerment, to be able to read and interpret your own nativity with deep objectivity and compassion for oneself.



H. H. Dalai Lama and Victor Chan. (2005). The Wisdom of Forgiveness: Intimate Conversations and Journeys

" The theory of interdependence allows us to develop a wider perspective.

With wider mind, there is less attachment to destructive emotions like anger, therefore more forgiveness.

In today's world, every nation is heavily interdependent, interconnected .

Under these circumstances, destroying your enemy -- your neighbor -- means destroying yourself in the long run . You need your neighbor.

  • More prosperity in your neighbor, you'll get the benefit.

Now, we're not talking about the complete removal of feelings like anger, attachment, or pride. Just reduction .

Interdependence is important because it is not a mere concept; it can actually help reduce the suffering caused by these destructive emotions.

We can say the theory of interdependence is an understanding of reality . We understand that our future depends on global well-being. Having this viewpoint reduces narrow-mindedness.

With narrow mind, one is more likely to develop attachment, hatred. I think this is the best thing about The theory of interdependence -- it is an explanation of the law of nature.

  • It affects profoundly, for example, the environment."

[end quote]


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