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हर्ष - सरल - विमल Viparita Raja Yoga Harsha Yoga |
[हर्ष - excitement, arousal]
[सरल - straight, direct, easy]
[विमल - stainless, nothing -wrong]
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RULER OF 6 resides in either 8 or 12 [हर्ष - excitement, arousal] prevents crushing harm from criminal or polluted exploitations, instead reinterpreing the mistreatment into harmless useful service. |
PUBLIC FIGURE EXAMPLES rogesha-6 [Surya in bhava-8] [Surya-Vanika] [nīcha] rogesha-6 [Chandra in bhava-8]
rogesha-6 [Mangala in bhava-8]
[Mangala-Makara-Draco] -- [uchcha]
rogesha-6 [Budha in bhava-8] -- [Harsha Yoga] rogesha-6 [Guru in bhava-8] -- [Harsha Yoga]
rogesha-6 [Shukra in bhava-8] -- [Harsha Yoga]
rogesha-6 [Shani in bhava-8] -- [Harsha Yoga] [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha]
Ruler of 6-conflict occupies 12-invisibility Harsha-Yoga invisibly screens [12] the unsavory facts of medical, criminal, military conflicts behind a barrier of sleeplike fog Prevents undue harm from those agents and environments which produce sickness, enemies, indebtedness, accusations, war, enslavement, or pollution. Harsha Yoga protects from excessive harm in matters of jail, accusation, divorce. There may be experience of these miseries, but one will emerge nearly unscathed, in normally distressing or injurious circumstances such as divorce, disease-discomfort, drug addiction, criminal accusation, or disputes, treachery, broken promises, one may be inconvenienced rather than injured. Naturally if there are graha yuti the graha that provides the beneficial Harsha Yoga, that yuti graha may influence the outcome. Harsha Yoga creates protection for those engaged in service , by preventing the harshest consequences of those highly unbalanced environments wherein the native has dedicated a ministry of service. Probably the most super-powered of the 12 possible Harsha Yoga combinations is Mangala-Makara-Draco [uchcha] * in bhava-8. This yoga is so supercharged that one might endure very severe accidental injury or profound illness and Yet, be able to retain most of the external social entitlements. Found often in the nativities of medical professionals, those who handle the implements of war, those involved with dangerous drugs, those who assist criminals, who help slaves or who engage in adversarial activities such as litigation which are potentially personally harmful Yet, in motivation are intended to help. One is largely protected from the usually dire consequences of involvement with exploitation, prostitution, pollution, criminals, drugs, disease-discomfort, war, or poverty. Harmful events first negatively affect others, then a special door may open for the native. One blessed by this yoga can profit from the sudden occurrence of a vacuum.
When misfortune [6] befalls others and the native is well-prepared, asudden vacancy may occur in a desirable position. one may be able and indeed welcomed to step across the threshold, into a surprisingly [8] available opportunity. Another and highly significant benefit of Harsha Yoga = almost guaranteed to escape legal conviction for crimes. The rogesha-6 [crimes] is plunged into the mysterious 8th bhava. Even when detailed accusations have been levied against the native, prosecutors are generally unable to discover [8] adequate evidence to seal a conviction. Harsha Yoga can avoid the most harmful effects of Divorce EXAMPLE - Succès de scandale My Fair Lady 1908-1990 drama-song Rex Harrison [Shani in dramatizing-ceremonial Andromeda-1] [Shani-8 rules 6]
EXAMPLE Dittoheads 1951-2021 radio polemic Rush Limbaugh [logistical-calculating Dhaniṣṭha-2] [ātmakāraka] -- [Shukra-yuti-Mangala-uchcha]
EXAMPLE POTUS-45 Play to Win Donald Trump married Ivana Zelnickova Trump and they produced three children.
Most of the negative implications of Ripu bhava-6 are associated with mental disturbance from animosity, accusation, poverty, conflict, debt, or disease. The beauty of Harsha Yoga = the bitterness of disagreement [6] is weakened when the rogesha-6 enters bhava-8 of sudden shocks [8] or bhava-12 of retreat into the imagination. rogesha-6 in 8 or rogesha-6 in 12 will either force [8] or guide [12] most conflicts into a neutral, non-harmful outcome. Does Harsha Yoga produce gainfulness, especially after a calamity? Harsha Yoga protects from the extreme potential outcomes of ari-bhava-6, such as attacks by enemies. Generally, things like violent crimes, sentenced to jail, outright hatred, and the worst types of pollution are factored out of the current lifeplan when Harsha Yoga exists. Any sort of gains that may be seen in the nativity, whether of a social achievement or a financial profit, must be the result of some sort of 11th amsha. The Harsha yoga which occurs as the result of 6th lord in 12 would not be forming an 11th amsha. However, the Harsha yoga which forms as a result of ripu-pati located in randhrasthana does form an 11th amsha. Therefore, the type of gains that are affiliated with the occupying graha can be expected when ruler-of-6 occupies 8. EXAMPLE rogesha-6 [Shukra in bhava-8] -- [Harsha Yoga]
rogesha-6 occupies bhava- 8 rogesha-6 in 3rd-from-svakshetra = commercial success via illicit but tax-camouflaged hidden monies A super-malefic combination which can produce financially successful results via communications media + handcraft such as writing and painting.
Surprising self-made financial well-being [3)
one is able to craft a message [3) which explains
On a high spiritual level, one may be empowered to use the occasion of physical disease for the purpose of explaining the reality of eternal lifer. rogesha-6 occupies bhava- 12 = sleeping [12] with the enemy [6] rogesha-6 resides in 7th-from-svakshetra = Surprising equity [7) on the basis of conflict, accusations, lawsuits, disagreements, divorce, illnesses, pollution, impoverishment, war [6] one is able to form alliances [7) which bridge adversarial interests in: private bedroom life, meditation and prayer, dissolution of Earthen-body identity, imprisonment, hospitalization, or long sojourn in distant lands [12' rogesha-6 -in-12 reduces loss from enemies or broken contracts via the establishment of equitable private contractual agreements [often marriages) with persons who would normally be classified as an enemy. " Get Out of Jail Free" card rogesha-6 [confident Surya occupies bhava-12]
EXAMPLE rogesha Budha-Meena-12 + Guru-3 parivartamsha Budha-12
rogesha-6 residing in bhava-12 brings the narrative of social conflict [6] in to the realms of research, magination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, interiority, hallucination, spiritual guidance + private prayer [12] EXAMPLE rogesha [Chandra-Makara-Draco] -- [Chandra-Vaishva] -- [Chandra-12] As rogesha, Kuja-12 Protestant Reformation 1483-1549 hymns Martin Luther may experience criticism and exploitation, toxic relationships and bullying . Yet, one may generally emerge unscathed from the battle due to the power of bhava-12 to dematerialize its contents into the astral + etheric realms. Guru occupies bhava-12 invokes humanistic philosophy and international worldview
rogesha-6 carries a script of accusation and disagreement wherever the rogesha-6 goes. Matters of randhra bhava = rather quickly
destroyed and reborn.
If the rogesha-6 occupies randhrasthana,
then disagreement may be quickly transformed into some new form which preserves the
vitality-essence but changes the container.
one may be a skilled and speedy re-crafter of relationships which have become inimical rogesha-6 in 8 is able to quick-change
the social identity and appearance of the disagreement,
transforming it into something of continuing vitality.
One may be able to transform the worst experiences of 6 = jealousy,
drug addiction,
criminalization / crime,
war, environmental and social toxicity and pollution,
social conflict of every variety
After transformation,
the conflict of 6 turns into fuel for the engines of transformation,
and rebirthr.
The agents of imbalance,
including one's accusers, enemies and their arguments = temporarily destroyed
or dissipated and dissolved
drains the life force).
rogesha-6 in 8 dissolves debt
and reduces the public visibility of illness,
pollution [6]
Therefore+ rogesha-6 in 8 indicates wealth and health. These natives almost never suffer usurious loans for home mortgage, university diploma or automobile purchase
they are rarely sick in the Earthen-body
minimal marital conflict -- unless some other factor evokes the animosity of Ari bhava.
The pious cover-up One is fond of saying that one has virtuously saved the
cintamani * mani * money so that no loan was needed for essential but expensive items like homes, educations,
or medical treatment.
on closer inspection it is Generally,
the case that a hidden source of funds such as
mani * money from parents
[inheritance) or a corporate no-repayment loan has protected the native from assumption of debt.
Personal virtue is rarely a motivating cause in matters of rogesha-6 POTUS-35 Profiles in Courage 1917-1963
John F.
Kennedy * Shani-12 activates 6-broken trust.
JFK notoriously conducted behind-the-scenes sexual affairs in Whitehouse rooms.
the trusting public was completely unaware of this marriage-betrayal behavior EXAMPLE Graha which are plunged into obscurity of Vyaya bhava do not lose their karaka functionality
but the occupants of their ruled bhava = drained of power.
Thus rogesha-6 in 12 dissolves the power of rogesha-6 the debt lord.
Harsha Yoga partly or completely dissolves poverty due to indebtedness.
Harsha Yoga destroys disagreements therefore,
in the period of the rogesha-6 which occupies 8 or 12,
aspecial window of opportunity may open during which one may obtain access to a desired person,
or experiencer.
rogesha-6 residing in bhava-12 is less extreme and less immediately effective,
although ultimately its benefits produce a numbing,
dissolving loss of acutely imbalanced conditions
[often through some type of self-medication) and eradication of animosity.
12 is dissolving and often invisible
8 is explosively and often catastrophically destructive.
12th = 7th-from-6th,
it is a private world,
where the agreements of one's enemies are crafted.
If rogesha-6 resides in 12,
the agency of the enemies is somewhat dissolved into one's imagination.
The power of disease,
which is at root
the power of one's own mind to argue oneself into a state of molecular disorder,
is dissolved into the astral world.
rogesha-6 in 12 disturbs the dreams
and upsets the meditation
but it also eats away at the materialization potential of the enemies.
and disease exist
but these evils remain imprisoned in the imagination. there can be mental health issues
but the material debt is largely gone and one's enemies are only in the head.
During periods of rogesha-6 , enemies,
and arguments do arise from their subconsciously managed script
these phantoms manifest only in the private and off-shore realms:
in the bedroom,
in the imagination,
in the meditation center,
in foreign lands.
The day-to-day,
public life is not harmed and is indeed helped through remarkable events.
Enemies are suddenly re-assigned to a foreign post [12]
Enemies in the workplace
such as the manager who was blocking one's promotion
suddenly retires
Debts are suddenly re-negotiated
[7th-from-6th) or the loan is acquired by an agency
which is forced to give the debtor more favorable repayment terms and the agent takes a loss.
Perhaps there is a new law,
or simply a bank manager's oversight. The end result = the contract
[7th-from) effectively dissolves the debt.
Disease which originates in the electro-magnetic initiating thoughts,
but which had by the time of the period of the rogesha-6 percolated down
through the astral-emotional plane and successfully manifested in The earthen body ,
rather suddenly retreats back into the astral plane.
Recovery from disease under circumstances of Harsha Yoga is often the result of making agreements
with disembodied spirits [12]
while in a state of prayer [12]
rogesha-6 occupies bhava-12 [6-dispute, imbalance, mistreatment, disappointment, betrayal, enslavement] + + [12, dissolution of tangible identity] Clandestine activities [12] with persons of marginalized status [6] are often degrading but these same socially disproportionate [6] relationships can surprisingly aid the meditation skills by showing a path to egoic-mind dissolution via imagination and fantasies private conflict behind the scenes, foreign lands, clandestine actions rogesha-6 [Surya occupies bhava-12]
rogesha-6 [Chandra occupies bhava-12] rogesha-6 [Mangala occupies bhava-12]
[Mangala-Tula] -- [Harsha Yoga]
rogesha-6 [Budha occupies bhava-12]
[Budha-Meena] [nīcha]
rogesha-6 [Guru occupies bhava-12] many meditations, much sanctuary, multiple enclosures
rogesha-6 [Shukra occupies bhava-12] perceived as fair-and-just despite the crimes of war
rogesha-6 = [Shani occupies bhava-12] perceived as dignified and socially responsible despite the crimes of war, infidelities, or the decay of illness-addiction. Bitter conflict and accusations may arise with impunity.
Public-Figure Examples rogesha-6 in 12 - or - rogesha-6 in 8 |
POTUS-32 Fireside Chats 1882-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Shani-8 activates Kumbha -6 + [nīcha-Shani-yuti-Guru] 8] During Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha [FDR age 23] AER age 20] married his cousin, the beloved social-welfare activist and diplomat Eleanor Roosevelt . The young couple produced five living children in rapid succession. After the birth of their youngest child, fDR fell in love with Eleanor's private secretary, Lucy Mercer . Eleanor suffered emotionally from the terrible discovery, and Lucy was dismissed from service. Yet, for reasons of public reputation and family finance, fDR and Eleanor did not pursue divorce. Eleanor offered a divorce and FDR refused, mainly because his controlling mother threatened to disinherit him if he created a shaming-scandal [8] FDR's [nīcha-Shani-yuti-Guru] 8] prevents scandal, and Shani-8-ruling-6 is also a resistance factor which forestalls divorce. Benefiting from the powerful harsh-yoga, the alienated marital couple re-purposed their destroyed [8] relationship. After physical separation, each pursued additional secret [8] lovers but scandal [6] was allayed.
Eleanor Roosevelt is represented by Guru ruler of 7th-from-Chandra Dhanus in FDR's Shani-yuti-Guru pair. Although it was unreported to the public [8, camouflage] she was empowered to function as his proxy in international defense meetings [Dhanus-4] . During FDR's nearly 12 years of POTUS-32, he became increasingly sick [6] and could barely travel even locally. Their hostile relationship [6] morphed into a vitally empowered secret operation [8] . It was said that AER never forgave FDR's betrayal. Their individual animosities were bitter. Nevertheless, in a time of world crisis [8] this couple harnessed their work ethic [Shani] . The world-changing result benefitted not only their immediate era but indeed many forthcoming generations. |
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"and now my friends,
all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |
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