Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
Brihaspati occupies 3rd-from-Chandra
OM graam greem graum sah gurve namah गुरु guru = the grower Professor Guru गौर gaura - guruva - guraja देवगुरु deva-guru देवपति deva-pati द्वादशांशु dvādaśāṃśu = twelve rays बृहतीपति bṛhatī-pati / बृहस्पति bṛhas-pati = lord of prayers वाचस्पति vācas-pati = lord of speech-language resides in भ्रातृ bhratru = brothers, brethren, fraternizing सहज sahaja sahotta = born with, co-borns, cohort क्रम krama = sequence, footstep, step-by-step पराक्रम para-krama = enterprise, marching forward विक्रम vikrama = step, walk, way, course Ju-piter - Iuppiter - Jove Dyaus-Pitr - Dio-petous - Dies Pater - De-us Ze-us - Xenios - Enlil Marduk - Her-wepes-tawy Thor = Thursday occupies the third house fratres
SRF Golden Lotus Tower Encinitas, California provided by students of Swami Yogananda |
EXAMPLE [collecting-preserving dhanesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful labha-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Guru's noble understanding, conquesting expansion, warrior's worldview income from self-owned business that is optimistic, philosophical publications, doctrinal commerce, making announcements [Guru-Urisha] -- [Hamsha Yoga] [energizing-identifying lagnesha for Meena - Antya] [dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Meena - Antya] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Brihaspati's pleasant generosity, evaluating expansion, cherished beliefs
[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Brihaspati's windy preaching, detailed theories, scheduled charity optimistically announces doctrine bhagya yoga
[Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha] [mysterious-initiatory randhresha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity expansive, philosophical capacity for re-invention, rebirth via communications
[bargaining-adjusting jaya-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [dutiful-commanding karmesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Guru's sparklingly philosophical, brightly wise, charmingly optimistic diversity \ [bright display of many projects] [splendidly philosophical commercial drama] [political expansion of discussions and debates]
[inimical-medicating rogesha for Karkata indriya-lagna] [philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Karkata indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Brihaspati's broadly logical, extensively aggrieved, cheerfully analytical complaint [multiple wide-scale commercial exploitations] [numerous helpful siblings-cousins-teammates] [believes in using office employees for expansion of business] [many contentious discussions rogesha about unfair labor contracts] [global scope view dharmesha of service workers] [abundant complaining announcements about healthcare and international affairs] [may victimize the humble ensemble teamworkers] [frequent argumentative meetings about management process] [may generate rhetoric of patronizing beneficence dharmesha yet typically litigious rogesha in business] [wifely nativities may have rotund, aggrieved, preachy-instructional husband]
[witty-creative vidya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Simha indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti for Guru's expansively diplomatic, compromising adjustability [multiple wide-scale commercial diplomacies] [numerous agreeable sibling-cousins and workmates ] [believes n communicative harmonious ensemble teamwork] [pleasantly balanced discussions about creative performance vidya-pati and political secrets randhresha ] [global scope view of design manufacturing] [many graciously informative announcements] [frequent meetings facilitate alliance-crafting] [generous equable business arrangements] [wifely nativities may have deal-making business manager husband]
[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Kanya indriya-lagna] [bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Kanya indriya-lagna] check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Guru's expansively regenerating, wisely evolving, generously initiating philanthropies
[Guru-Dhanus] --- [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if between 0-13 deg = Mula 1-2-3-4] [busy-communicative vikrama-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna] [inimical-argumentative rogesha for Tulā indriya-lagna] multiple businesses * many announcements [multitudinous detailed publications]
[Guru-Makara-Draco] ---- [nīcha] -- [potentially nīcha-bhanga if yuti-uchcha-Kuja + in kendra from indriya-lagna or from Chandra-lagna] [collecting-preserving dhanesha for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [witty-creative vidya-pati for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Brihaspati's realistic generosity, materialistic philosophy, pragmaticly limited wisdom [merchant's faith in caste-class hierarchy and material status] [misplaced belief in following social instructions ] [official dogma fills governance announcements] [talks of compassion but constrained by status barriers] [misguidance by media-handlers, ensemble, administrators, scribes] [benevolent communications may be widely misunderstood ] [financial documents may be misinterpreted by the bankers] [indoctrinated mentality of public cheerfulness] [overconfidence in humanistic scripted presentations ] [descriptive conversational detail replaced by patronizing sermons] [philosophy of interactive commercial pragmatism] [many daily discussions describe faith in class-caste hierarchy] [much public bluster about principled collaboration] [gains from theatrical displays for the common folk] [family capital may fund media publications] [cautiously optimistic toward conventional politics] [in a wifely nativity, husband may be a dogmatic administrator-manager, class-conscious merchant, or optimisticly misguided publisher-announcer]
[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandhesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Brihaspati's systematic expansion, distributive inclusiveness, community-connected abundance [multiple broadly-connected businesses] [many community-linked doctrinal announcements] [numerous marketplace publications] [many announcements about property ownership-stewardship ] [much patriotic bluster] [imaginative interpretation of ancestral customs]
[Guru-Meena] --- [svakshetra] [busy-managing vikrama-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] preaches-teaches about imagination, seclusion, distant worlds, research, clairsentience, private prayer inspirational communications
many publications gargantuan management tasks huge projects propagation of information many varieties of ideological propaganda many publications much advertising tendency toward pedantry within meetings and conferences multiple entrepreneurial endeavors global business portfolio many scripts numerous principled announcements may be assigned to handle multiple scriptures or holy writings [canonical or non-canonical] inspirational approach to many drawings, plans, itineraries, conversations, explanations, descriptions, instructions, announcements, cohorts, entourages growth and expansion of the communicative signaling devices crafting of many liturgies much detailed explanation of process-and-procedure priestcraft expansively describing, abundantly publishing, multiple teamworks, numerous projects, optimistic manager, many itineraries, broad-scope of collaborative interaction [Guru in bhava-3] Guru as a tenant in svabhava of Brihaspati's enemy Budha = faith-vs-details conflict between this daily-business tenant and His philosopher-preacher landlord. Cosmic wise Guru, in the svabhava of practical administrator Budha, grows the team and expands its contribution to the larger organization. Optimistic communication styler. Preachy Conversation Brihaspati conducts information-sharing on a one-to-many model. He is possessed of all wisdom, and He delivers that wisdom in the pontifical, professorial style. Guru's daily chat may sound like a lecture, asermon, or a noble provision of higher view from the high-one to the low-one. Guru needs the audience to focus upon His message without adding its own information. He often gives a one-way talk. The conversational style may contain wisdom, but it can also sound patronizing, preachy, or condescending in tone.
Large Entourage Expansive effect in commercial environments. Often has a large and diverse cohort.
Optimistic for team success. Attributes credit to the team . Guru-3's endeavors produce benefit in all aspects of general business administration - sales, marketing, advertising, public relations, et-cetera. Expands the range and method of media-communications . Broad skills in group collaborative activity such as meetings, short-term business travel, conference planning, and any type of writing .
Much instruction Many Publications
Many Philosophical Writings
Many Meetings + Many Announcements
Extensive publications, including literary correspondence
Multiplicity of communications events Much Advertising, many photographs, much cinema, much radio-television
Many manual skills A natural teacher and trainer, particularly in commercial subjects. Excellent placement for group managers , especially when they are positioned at the top of large hierarchies. Optimistic faith in their team EXAMPLE Shambala 1939-1987 Tulku Chogyam Trungpa [champion-challenger Pegasus-1] + [Pūrvābhādra-Guru-yuti-Surya-Varuna] [Pūrvābhādra-Guru-yuti-Budha-Pūrvābhādra] + + [Guru-3 parivartamsha Shani-4]
natural tendency to express appreciation for member contributions creates a "trickle-down" of organizational confidence. Good for educational travel, tour guide, service learning, small-group facilitator, in-service professional training, corporate training, sales conferences, and neighborhood meetings. Buoyant mental health, powerful optimism which raises the positive expectations of the group. Cheerful neighbor and willing friend. Often too many siblings or the work team is too large, but Guru-3 = pleasant and philosophical despite competition for attention within the groupr. HUSBAND - In a wifely nativity = Guru = dhava-karaka Often, the wifely-companion meets her husbandly-companion [Guru] in a collaborative small-group setting, often involving siblings, work-teams, neighbors, or collaborative members of an ensemble. Guru-3 may indicate many sibling-cousins or collaborators. The husband's way of being may resemble the familiar conversational behavior of a younger sibling. The partner's expertise in communications is important to her, and the partner's ability to maintain a cheerful mentality may form the basis of the union. First marriage for feminine-nativity may be characterized by much commercial activity, involvement in business, short-term travel for business and holidays, agreat deal of planning, calendaring, communicating, and gathering in small groups for team conversation. Notable interactions with the husband's siblings. The husband is often some type of business manager and the feminine lifepartner is (paid or unpaid) part of his team. Husband may be a cousin, or have sibling-type characteristics.
Regardless of the external conditions of the union, feminine figures can retain a respect for the power of positive thinking and a belief in its importance in life. Beneficial younger sibling fortune through the generous, open-minded younger sibling. Many friends and acquaintances. Likes to arrange gatherings of friends and family; and is in turn well-liked by the ensemble, the cohort, the team, and the neighbors. Many Publications, own writings + others writings Multiple and proliferating occasions for public speaking, writing, and publishing. Expansive and confident frame of mind. Belief in the breadth of one's own convictions. Broadly certain that one's ideas are 'naturally right', compassionate, and doctrinally supported.
Much media + many sales Can be an ideologue + confusing theory with practice Guru in a svabhava of Budha does tend to substitute broad philosophical views [Guru] for the more useful and necessary practical details [Budha] in matters of commercial business. Guru-3 can sabotage practical business operations. Tends toward sloganistic scripted messages which may confuse principles with facts. Ironically Guru-3 can warp the practical judgment and damage mental health via confusion of theory [Guru] with practice [Budha]. A philosopher in the business office; daily tasks inflated to a too broad scope. One may rather dysfunctionally prefer "principle" over "product" r. Nichha overconfidence Ideas are inspiring, but execution may lack detailed plans. If Guru [nīcha], overconfidence that one"will be understood" without a detailed knowledge of the audience. Talks (3) about Faith [Guru] 3 = 9th from 7th. Beliefs (9) about marriage (7) can be particularly over-philosophical. The marriage may be treated as a religious or philosophical phenomenon rather than as a normal human partnership.
Often a successful explainer, trainer, instructor of Guru can stay focused on the measurable outcome rather than inflating the technical discourse to theory. Outreach, extension, expansion of the message Repetitive thought patterns center on wisdom matters: words and gestures; communications activities and policies, information proliferation, media outreach to young peopler.
QUOTATION -- BPHS - Sarga-33 " Guru in Sahaja Bhava or giving a drishti to Sahaja Bhava will cause death by swelling or tumors." " Consciousness will prevail at the time of death if Guru or Shukra are placed in Sahaja Bhava ." |
QUOTATION Das / Bepin Behari commentary " ... something of a coward, yielding your wealth to your brothers and philosophizing rather than taking action or engaging in definite activities.
Sometimes there are many brothers, but they suffer somehow.
Best profession is that of teachers or lecturers.
Poor, crafty and ungrateful, loss of appetite, infirm, wicked; brother reputed. Melancholy, lean, hungry and lazy.
Sincere, polite and rational in writing or dialogue.
[end quote] (BPL: 11th-from-5th) |
My Lagna Lord Jupiter is
What is the effect of this in general?
A: Retrograde vakra "crooked" direction can increase the materializing effect due to repetition. Guru = multiplicity. One may be obliged to repeat the behaviors of the planet multiple times in order to gain the predicted effect; yet when the predicted effect does materialize the results are structured, lawful, regular, and strong. Brihaspati in rashi of Shani in bhratru bhava might make it difficult at first to feel relaxed and friendly with co-workers on the job. Kumbha environment = reserved and modest in nature; Guru-Kumbha = best suited to orderly, scientific environments.
However, after one becomes comfortable in the work group and have a chance to enjoy genuine philosophical conversations (3) with your co-workers, they will come to appreciate your broad mentality (3) and will welcome your friendship.
It is necessary to listen (3) several times to explanations and instructions in order to comprehend all of the details.
However, after you have the correct understanding, you are a very capable administrator and respected in your work-group for your orderly style of management (3). |
Baptisia Sphaerocarpa |
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During a growth period, you need more amusement, more grounding, and more chocolate ." ~~ John Fulton, Asclepion Healing |